Salting caviar at home. Recipes for dishes made from pollock caviar How to pickle pollock caviar at home

An appetizer for the royal table, which can easily be served as a treat at a regular dinner with your family at home. We're talking about caviar. And what is important here is neither the variety - black or red, nor the type of fish, it is important how to salt it! After all, the recommendations for salting caviar in your kitchen are no different from factory production, but the homemade version is much cheaper.

How to salt caviar depends on what kind of caviar we have: grain, pressed, or pressed. We most often buy caviar in grains for the holidays - these are expensive black and red ones. In the yastychny dish, the eggs are compressed with a film, making it difficult to spread on a sandwich. And pressed salt is salted under pressure, although it is taken from the same species of sturgeon, stellate sturgeon and beluga.

It is necessary to carefully remove the caviar sacs from the insides of the fish. Be sure to rinse through two layers of gauze. The caviar is tied as if in a bag so that the smallest grains are preserved. Place the gauze in a cup of water and rinse. Then let it drain.

The next step is to remove the films that contain the grain. Those who know how can try washing the caviar through a large sieve so that the individual grains separate on their own.

An alternative is to use a fork. But even here experience is necessary, otherwise the eggs will be damaged and become mushy.

It’s easier to take regular boiling water and keep the eggs in it for a little while. When heated, the films come off on their own, or much more easily.

Almost all types of caviar have a characteristic smell of water or river. Sugar and a drop of vinegar will help get rid of it.

We don't skimp on the salt. Cooks are advised to sprinkle a teaspoon per 100 grams of product. The wait is not long: a day or two.

What you need to know before salting caviar at home

No one will be surprised by the first rule - we take only fresh seafood, from fish that was recently caught. Recipes also allow frozen, but I want quality and taste.

Choose fattier fish, which means the semi-finished product for salting will be larger and tastier.

Available types of fish that are easy to catch yourself or find on the counter are inexpensive varieties: perch, pike, crucian carp and others.

Delicate work - removing the chaff from the calf. Experts advise opening the film and carefully rubbing it on a dish, for example, a colander.

We use glass, porcelain, and wood dishes. Storage with other materials is not possible.

How to salt pollock roe

There are two methods of pickling - wet and dry, choose whichever is closer to you.

Wet, of course, means preparing a brine solution. A slice of raw potato will show how strong it is. If it floats, it means there is enough salt. Boil it, let it cool, pour in the caviar. How long to infuse is up to you. Love lightly salted caviar - just a few minutes.

For the “dry” version, we take salts 10% of the weight of the caviar. Mix simply without damaging the grains. You will feel the thickness with your hand, which means it’s time to put it in the refrigerator. A drop of sunflower oil will add the desired consistency, and in just 10 minutes you can taste your culinary masterpiece.

How to salt chum salmon caviar

This is exactly the case when we “take out” the eggs from the thick film. If the workpiece is frozen, then it should thaw at a temperature no higher than 60 degrees. Once thawed, the eggs are much softer and require gentle handling.

For 100-150 grams of product, three times less salt is needed. In a bowl, make a saline solution based on heated water. We put the eggs of the chum salmon into the solution, and very soon the eggs themselves will begin to separate from the film. If you don’t see the process going on, repeat the procedure. It is important not to overcook or overcook the workpiece. Stir and chat, helping the caviar separate from the bag. If the product is already clean, you can cool it and eat it.

How to salt perch caviar

River fish is a separate category. Perch is a predator, and eating it raw is a health risk. This also applies to caviar. You can, of course, if you really want, use any of the above recipes for pickling raw offal. We recommend salting river fish caviar differently. This is how you can salt perch caviar.

  • Perch caviar
  • Liter of water
  • Salt – 2 tbsp.
  • Coriander – 1 tsp.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs
  • Peppercorns and ground

Use a spoon to remove the eggs from the bags. They are small and not so damaged.

Prepare the brine with the addition of salt and spices. The marinade is obtained a few minutes after the start of boiling. Pour our caviar directly hot. It is infused and salted for 20 minutes.

Strain and remove excess water. We place the dishes containing the semi-finished product in a steam or water bath. We bring it to readiness in this way. Stir for 20 minutes.

You can diversify the taste with lemon juice; vegetable oil will help preserve the snack longer. To prevent it from spoiling, it must be kept in a glass container, without access to air.

How to salt salmon caviar

Let's look at several salting methods. They all differ in recipe. One thing is important about them - the eggs are cleared of films.

What you will need:

  • Clean eggs
  • Bay leaf
  • Potatoes – 1 pc.

The first method is salting in a marinade. Dissolve 2 large tablespoons of salt in a liter of cold water. This includes the entire standard set of seasonings, bay leaf and pepper. When heated, the seasonings will give a pleasant color and spicy aroma. Cool the brine so as not to cook our main product. Soak the caviar for a day in a cold place.

You can also use hot brine. The ingredients for the decoction are the same. This technology allows you to get the finished dish faster. If you put the caviar mass in hot (but not boiling) water, it will be ready in half an hour. All that remains is to cool.

The third recipe is the most unusual. Boil the potatoes in salted water. As soon as it floats to the surface, remove from heat and pour in the raw semi-finished product. 3 hours and it's ready.

Even easier, without potatoes. We just make a strongly salted brine, heated in moderation. Place the caviar for just a few minutes so you can eat it right away. If you are going to store it, keep it in the solution longer.

How to salt pike perch caviar

  • Caviar – 800 g
  • Salt – 300 g (volume for solution)
  • Water – 3 l
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons


A large portion of salt, of course, is used to prepare the brine. Before salting pike perch caviar at home, it is poured several times to remove films. If everything worked out, the caviar was strained and dried, it’s time to start salting.

Take a glass jar, pour a little oil into it, put salted caviar, and again pour an oily layer on top. Cover tightly and refrigerate. After a few hours, the caviar can be spread on sandwiches. With the right actions, the caviar treat turns out to be non-crumbling, tender, and appetizingly golden in appearance.

How to salt black caviar

“Black” is the name given to the matured product of sturgeon, beluga, sterlet and stellate sturgeon. The rarest and most expensive. When removing caviar from the abdominal cavity of the fish, move the knife carefully. If you catch the film of the insides, the bile will spill and give the product bitterness. We carefully wash the eggs themselves through a sieve, or use other known cleaning methods.

“By eye”, but without overdoing it, sprinkle the seafood with dry salt. You can serve it on the table in just a few minutes, lightly salted. If you salt for a long time, for the arrival of guests, for the New Year and other holidays, store it correctly. Pack airtight in a glass jar or container. Sturgeon should be kept at temperatures below zero. Withstands freezing and -30 degrees.

How to pickle pike caviar


  • Pike caviar - 0.5 kgli>
  • Salt – 3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml

Cooking process:

Salting pike caviar at home is easier than cleaning it from the entrails and sacs where it matured. In addition to a sieve and a large-mesh grater, cooks use a mixer. When rotated, the films are wound, separating from the grains.

Don’t be surprised, but you will have to beat this grainy mixture with a regular fork, this way the salt grains will be better absorbed. Part of the oil filling goes into the caviar mixture. We put the workpiece in a cold place.

Glass baby puree jars are ideal for storage. We took out a portion and ate it. We fill each container with seafood, not all the way to the top, leaving room for an oil layer. It will better preserve the snack.

How to simply salt caviar at home (universal recipe)

First, let's take the necessary items - an enamel pan and a piece of gauze. For preparation, the set is universal - plain water, bay leaf and black peppercorns.

Bring the liquid to a boil, with a volume three times the volume of caviar. Boil with salt and seasonings. Remove from heat and add fish product, mix well. The caviar is simmered in hot water for several minutes. Dry the finished dish through cheesecloth, cool and eat. And the salted mass can be stored at home for almost a month.

If you salt trout caviar at home, add a little sugar. The pale pink seafood is marinated in brine for a short time. We use the same advice when we salt pink salmon caviar at home.

It is better to salt carp caviar with spices. Spicy pickle will add the desired taste. A universal set of spices - bay leaf, black pepper powder.

Before salting silver carp caviar, we remove the unpleasant smell of mud. Soak in a weak vinegar solution. The “dry” method is more suitable. Add some salt to our silver carp caviar and leave it for a while.

You need to salt cod roe directly in the film, soaking it in brine. Open and clean the already salted one later. If the caviar tastes lightly salted, lower it into the liquid again. Using the same scheme, it is recommended to salt flounder caviar at home. After a day you can eat it.

It is tastier to make vendace caviar using the “dry” method. All you need is the grain itself and salt. But you can eat it with thinly sliced ​​onion rings.

Bream caviar is too small to separate the grains. Simply remove the bags and beat until foamy. There are two auxiliary products - salt and oil. Asp caviar and herring caviar are salted in the same way.

Carp product loves spices, in particular cloves. You need to salt carp caviar at home in brine.

We have already discussed how to salt sterlet caviar using the example of sturgeon species.

A variety of dishes are prepared from salted burbot caviar. It is part of liver pate. Caviar sandwich paste is easy to make and always comes in handy when you need a snack. Just mix seafood with butter. A grainy spoonful will whet your appetite just by looking at it, next to mashed potatoes, salad or in custard profiteroles.

Any fish product, no matter how scarce or the cheapest, is a delicacy when salted. It will always help if you need to surprise guests. On the New Year's table, sandwiches with caviar are not only a decoration, but also a whole complex of vitamins, rare fats and valuable protein.

Pollock caviar was first eaten in the second half of the 20th century in Japan. Now Japan and Russia also remain leaders in the use of this product. Pollock caviar is one of the incredibly healthy and organically rich products. The cost of red and black caviar is much higher, however, it does not provide greater health benefits. This product, rich in vitamins and minerals, can be purchased in almost every store at a fairly reasonable price, so if you care about your health and prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle, be sure to add it to your diet.

What it is?

Pollock is a marine fish that lives in cold waters (from +2 to +9°C); it belongs to the numerous genus of cod. It is impossible not to emphasize the importance of this fish in the culinary and food industry. For example, mintai fish is one of the components of the well-known crab sticks. In addition to the flesh of the fish itself and its minced meat, pollock liver and caviar are widely used. Pollock caviar has a typical fishy smell and taste and is a small, puree-like mass with a watery consistency of light beige color.

Some may not like the slight bitterness that pollock caviar has, but this can be easily dealt with; you just need to add one teaspoon of olive or vegetable oil to it, stir thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator overnight. You will not find fresh caviar on store shelves; the caviar that is already salted and canned goes on sale.

The product in the jar has the best reviews. Such canned food is mainly produced in accordance with GOST, has an expiration date, and so on. Dried or frozen caviar is less popular.

Pollock caviar is not at the bottom of the food pyramid, although many people underestimate its incredible benefits. You need to eat it at least several times a week to saturate your body with useful microelements and proteins. It is a powerful antioxidant and contains an extremely large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, macro- and microelements.

It is especially useful for a growing or weakened body, as it contains a large amount of vitamins necessary for the body, such as almost all B vitamins, vitamin A, C, E, as well as iron, potassium, sodium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, molybdenum

The nutritional value

Pollock caviar is necessary for our body in the same way as “elite” varieties of a similar product (salmon and sturgeon). For all its benefits, it is quite low in calories. Pollock caviar contains only 132 kcal, almost 30 grams of protein, 1.8 grams of fat and 1.13 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product

What's the benefit?

As mentioned above, pollock caviar is especially useful for the growing body of children and teenagers, as well as for people during the recovery period. Due to the B vitamins it contains, it tidies up and strengthens the nervous system. Since pollock caviar is a seafood product, it can fight thyroid diseases or be used for preventive purposes, preventing their occurrence.

The proteins included in its composition strengthen bone tissue. For atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is also an indispensable assistant, as it contains polyunsaturated fats. The benefits of pollock caviar are unconditional; it plays an important role for the female body, improving the condition of the skin and hair, it improves vision and memory, improves immunity and fights anemia, including in pregnant women.


Despite the fact that this food product can solve many health problems, it also has contraindications. The main thing on the list of contraindications is individual intolerance to this product. That is, pollock caviar should be consumed with extreme caution by people prone to allergic reactions to seafood. Women during pregnancy also need to consult a doctor first. After all, a high salt content can cause swelling, and it is also possible to identify an allergy to fish products in a pregnant woman.

Abuse of salted caviar is dangerous for hypertensive patients, people with urolithiasis and gout, because it can also provoke an exacerbation of a chronic disease. Any, even the most healthy food product, must be balanced in food, and abuse can harm even a person with perfect health.

How to make the right choice when purchasing?

Few people can boast of having an excellent understanding of seafood. But what is there to hide, many people have never even seen the sea. Let's figure out what you need to know in order not to cause harm to your health by choosing a low-quality product that is dangerous for you and your family. Everyone knows, and this is a very important skill, to carefully look at the expiration date of a product. The expiration date must be clearly printed and easy to read; the opposite situation may indicate dishonesty of the distributor or seller, as well as a desire to hide the real expiration date of any product. The consistency of the caviar should be homogeneous, similar to puree.

It is better to choose a product in glass containers, because this will help you evaluate the appearance of the product or immediately detect defects.

A bad sign when choosing will be signaled by the separation of liquid or, conversely, the presence of lumps. Pollock caviar has a light beige, almost white, pleasant-looking color. Deviation from the natural color range of the product indicates its dubious composition or admixtures of dyes. Remember, pollock caviar should not be yellow, pink or any other unusual shade. According to GOST requirements, dyes, in general, should not be present in pollock caviar.

Take the time to read the ingredients of the product; ideally, the contents should be as simple as possible: caviar, salt. It is acceptable to add thickeners or vegetable oil, but it is better not to choose a product that, in addition to all of the above, contains flavor enhancers and other harmful additives of clearly unnatural origin. In any case, it is better to keep the receipt from the store in order to be able to return the defective product to the seller. The price may vary depending on the manufacturer, distributor, and seller’s markup.

What does breakdown mean?

How to save the product?

Any caviar, regardless of the method of its packaging, should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding +4°C. A big mistake is storing caviar at room temperature, even in a dark and cool place. Such storage does not at all ensure the safety of this product. After opening, it can be stored for no more than three days in the refrigerator. It is advisable to replace tin containers with glass ones.

How to cook?

You can prepare pollock caviar yourself in different ways.


So, fresh raw pollock caviar has fallen into your hands. There are several methods to pickle it. This method involves clearing the caviar from the film in which it is located, also called the caviar.

For 1 kilogram of game you will need 4 teaspoons of salt, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and one teaspoon of lemon juice. All these ingredients must be mixed in a convenient container and refrigerated overnight. And in the morning it is ready for use. This is the simplest recipe for salting pollock caviar.

Put out

In order to stew pollock caviar, you will need 1 kilogram of caviar, 2-3 heads of onions, bitterness, for example, adjika - about 5 tablespoons, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, salt and vegetable oil.

First you will need to separate it from the film. Then peel the onion and chop finely. The onion must be stewed in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. Then add caviar, adjika, soy sauce to the onion and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly. All ingredients should be mixed into a homogeneous mass, after which you can add salt to taste and simmer, stirring constantly, until it thickens. It is important here not to delay the preparation time so that the caviar remains juicy and tender. After the stewed caviar has cooled, it is ready to eat.

Dried product

In order to prepare dried pollock caviar, you will need fresh caviar in film - yastyk. The film is very thin and should not be damaged; only small defects in the joint are acceptable. The caviar must be rinsed very carefully under cold water. You need coarse salt; for 1 kilogram of caviar you will need 150 grams of coarse salt. The caviar must be transferred to a convenient glass or ceramic container and forgotten about it for at least 7-8 hours; for small-sized eggs, 3-4 hours will be enough.

Afterwards, the caviar must be removed from the dish and allowed to drain, placing it on a wire rack for 50 minutes. At this time, it not only drains, but also balances the amount of salt in the pan. For obvious reasons, the top layer of the yastyk is more salty than its inner part, so the next step is to soak it in water for 30 minutes. For 1 kilogram of caviar you will need to take 2 liters of water.

After this, you need to put the yastyki on a drying rack in the open air and forget for 25-40 days, depending on humidity. After 15-20 days you will see crystallizing salt on the surface of the jar.

To remove salt crystals, you can soak the game for 20-30 minutes in water heated to a temperature of 40-50°C.

Pollock roe is added to various sauces and salad dressings.

To learn how to pickle caviar at home, watch the video below.

How to salt pollock caviar at home? and got the best answer

Answer from Darina-miracle gift[guru]

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with similar questions and answers to your question: How to salt pollock caviar at home?

Answer from Vitya Konovalov[guru]

Answer from User deleted[guru]
When it comes to caviar, salted caviar is silently implied, because fried, boiled and other caviar are practically not in demand, the taste is not the same. It is salted immediately after catching the fish, no later than three to four hours later. Depending on the method of salting (processing), caviar is called granular, pressed, or pressed. The most valuable granular caviar is obtained by dry salting. The caviar is removed from the fish, washed, separated on a sieve from water and films (fish) and sprinkled with the required amount of fine dry salt. A few minutes - that's all. The result is a tasty, lightly salted, crumbly product. The best black granular caviar is packaged in jars. Jarred caviar is the least salty, since when salting it, no more than 5% of the salt by weight of the caviar is used. Another method of salting: the caviar is poured with a cooled, boiled salt solution - brine. Red and pink caviar is prepared only granular, kept in brine for 8 to 15 minutes. Fresh caviar of particulate fish is rubbed on a sieve and salted, adding 2-3% salt based on the weight of the caviar. Partial caviar prepared in this way is called breakdown. Pressed caviar is prepared from fresh caviar, unsuitable for grain processing. Don’t think that it is worse than granular caviar; on the contrary, black pressed caviar is tastier. To obtain pressed caviar, brine is used, heated to 40 degrees. Then the brine is drained, and the caviar is lightly pressed, as a result of which the caviar turns into a homogeneous mass. The shelf life of such caviar is 8 months. The best pressed caviar is stellate sturgeon. It has a delicate oily taste and a very delicate aroma. Rarely, but there is a third type of caviar - roe. So rare that many people don’t even know its name. It is obtained if the caviar is not ripe, or, on the contrary, is overripe, and therefore is poorly separated from the egg - the film surrounding it in the belly of the fish. Such caviar, without removing it from the film, is cut into pieces and salted. It's unsightly, but quite tasty. It should be stored for no more than a month. The ovaries of small fish are covered with dry salt (12% of the weight of the fish) or salted in strong brines. The roe of pike perch is called galagan, bream and roach are called tarama. Large mullet caviar - lobani - after salting in eggs, is dried for 2 weeks. This caviar has a special pungent taste. After salting, caviar can be stored for 2-2.5 months. To increase shelf life, caviar is pasteurized at 60 degrees. Then its shelf life increases to 8 (in glass jars), or even up to 10 months (in tin cans). An open jar of caviar can be stored for no more than a week. The best storage conditions for caviar, both open and closed, are from minus two to minus four degrees. Make sure that no water gets into the eggs. The main preservative for caviar is table salt. But since the product is lightly salted, other antiseptics are added - sorbic and boric acids and their salts, methenamine. To protect the eggs from sticking together, use vegetable oil and glycerin. There is a reserve of all this in artisanal caviar, just in case. It’s somehow uncomfortable to eat such caviar with spoons.

Answer from Evgeny Ryzhkov[guru]
so this means == first charter a seiner = and go out to Tikhay == then use an echo sounder to find the school == == then drag the trawl in a storm and get home == then flog the bellies with all the kolzoz == WELL, after all, the freshest is salted for yourself == no forget to prepare colanders, sieves and screens ==
I'll tell you about the rest later

Pollock belongs to the bottom pelagic cold-loving fish of the pollock genus. It is the most common cod fish in (northern part). Pollock is one of the main commercial fish in Russia.

Pollock caviar

Unfortunately, the caviar of this fish does not cause us much respect, because its price is cheaper than red caviar, and it looks less presentable. But is it worth thinking that red caviar is much better than pollock caviar?

In terms of its properties, it is in no way inferior to black or red caviar. Pollock fish roe contains a very large amount of vitamin E and C, which are so necessary for the human body for hematopoiesis, to improve the functioning of the nervous system, and to heal wounds.

Also, pollock fish caviar contains a lot of sodium, which is very important in order to maintain normal transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction, thereby maintaining the human nervous system in good condition.

Pollock caviar is inferior in phosphorus content to red caviar, and phosphorus is an important component of bone tissue. But pollock caviar contains seven times less fat, making it suitable for people on low-calorie diets. For example, pollock caviar has less calories than chum salmon caviar. It is known that 250 calories are contained in pollock caviar - only 131.

With the help of pollock caviar, the body recovers from alcohol abuse (vitamin B deficiency occurs). Such a failure leads to disruption of metabolic processes and the functioning of the central nervous system.

Also, when eating pollock caviar, memory improves, because it contains a lot of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), which dilates small blood vessels, improves microcirculation and memory.

When purchasing pollock caviar, remember that it should only be consumed when it is fresh. Freshness is determined by the appearance of the eggs - they should be elastic and clear, by the smell - it should be caviar, pleasant, by taste - it should be inherent in the caviar of this type of fish.

There is a huge variety of dishes with such a component as caviar, given below, which will diversify your table and delight you and your guests with its taste.

But remember, since the caviar of this fish is very salty, it is contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, hypertensive patients, and of course, people who have allergic reactions to seafood.


To prepare this dish, you will need pollock caviar - two tablespoons, half a kilogram of white bread crumbs or breadcrumbs, olive oil - 100 grams, one clove of garlic, one lemon.

Soak the bread crumb in water and squeeze thoroughly. Place caviar and garlic in a blender and blend (medium speed). Add fresh lemon juice and oil. Beat until smooth. Place into bowls or make sandwiches, garnish with fresh parsley and serve.

How to salt pollock roe

For about half a kilogram of pollock caviar, add two teaspoons of salt, one teaspoon of sugar (gives a special taste). Next, if you have caviar in eggs, pour it with warm solution, stirring with a fork; if there is a film, it should float, remove it, put it on a sieve, let it drain thoroughly, put it in a container. If the finished caviar is frozen, start salting immediately. Add salt and sugar to the container. In order for the taste to be well preserved, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and add a teaspoon of olive oil. You can also add spices: herbs, pepper. Then stir the caviar thoroughly. Everything is ready, now let it stand in the refrigerator for several hours, you can leave it overnight.