Gogolian direction in literature. Gogolian direction of Russian literature

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« Gogol direction» - literary direction, which started N.V.Gogol “Petersburg stories”, “The Inspector General” and “ Dead souls” and which was defined in the 40s as a natural school. V.G. Belinsky, who was an ardent supporter natural school, emphasized its connection with the ideological and artistic principles of Gogol’s realistic creativity, asserting the fruitful influence Gogol school on modern Russian literature. The term arose in the 50s of the 19th century in the controversy between revolutionary democratic and liberal criticism as a designation of a socially critical, satirical line in Russian literature. Democratic criticism came up with the rationale for “G.n.” V modern literature. The extensive work of N.G. Chernyshevsky “Essays” was primarily devoted to this goal Gogol period Russian literature", published in Sovremennik in 1855. The ideas developed by Chernyshevsky were opposed by A.V. Druzhinin, who published in the “Library for Reading” (1856, Nos. 11, 12) an article “Criticism of the Gogol period of Russian literature and our relationship to it,” in which he deliberately contrasted Gogol’s and Pushkin’s began in Russian literature, advocated for an “artistic” understanding of art. Idealist, liberal criticism (Druzhinin, P.V. Annenkov, S.S. Dudyshkin, N.D. Akhsharumov) and Slavophile (A.A. Grigoriev, T.I. Filippov, B.N. Almazov, E.N. Edelson) wrote about the need to overcome Gogol’s “one-sided” criticism (P.V. Annenkov, “On the meaning works of art for society", 1856) and about the victory of the "Pushkin direction", "pure artistic poetry", "healthy" attitude to life.

They tried to find confirmation of this thesis in the works of A.N. Ostrovsky, A.F. Pisemsky, I.S. Turgenev, I.A. Goncharov, one-sidedly characterizing some aspects of the work of these writers. The historical and literary comparison of A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol as artists and the comparative assessment of their social significance for a certain period of development of Russian society, characteristic of V.G. Belinsky, turned into a metaphysical opposition between them among the liberal critics of the 50s creative principles, in connection with which the terms “G.n.” and the “Pushkin direction” acquired an ahistorical character, abstracted from the specific stages of the development of realism - from Pushkin to Gogol. The “Pushkin direction” was declared by liberal criticism to be the only truly poetic expression allegedly " pure art" "G.n." interpreted as “rough” art, even base. In contrast to such a distortion of the real meaning of the evolution of Russian realism, critics of the revolutionary-democratic camp strongly emphasized public importance critical pathos is precisely “G.n.” Continuing Belinsky’s point of view, Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov rightly argued that for modern life what is needed is as much “poetry of reality” as “the idea of ​​negating” it, which constitutes the pathos of Gogol’s work. At the same time, revolutionary-democratic criticism understood that “G.n.” cannot simply repeat Gogol. Chernyshevsky in “Essays on the Gogol Period” speaks of the need for “a more complete and satisfactory development of ideas that Gogol embraced only on one side, without fully realizing their connection, their causes and consequences.” Soon he noted in “ Provincial essays"Shchedrin, Gogol lacked a clear understanding of the connection between individual “ugly facts and the whole situation of our life.” Thus, at the heart of the literary-aesthetic polemic was the question of the attitude towards Russian reality, about public role literature, its tasks and ways of development; Ultimately it was a dispute about which will go the way Russian literature - along the path of “pure” (essentially protective) art or along the path of direct, open service to the people, that is, along the path of the struggle against serfdom and autocracy. From a methodological point of view, the opposition of the “Pushkin direction” to “G.N.” (no matter how different and even opposite the goals with which this opposition was made) is associated with a certain loss in Russian criticism of that time of a holistic perception of the phenomena of art, which distinguished Belinsky’s critical statements. In general, the influence of “G.n.” on further destinies Russian literature testified to the victory of materialistic aesthetics over idealistic ones, which had a beneficial effect on the development of Russian realistic art. In modern foreign literary criticism, the views of Russian liberal criticism are often repeated in the interpretation of Russian literary process 19th century. Thus, in the “Dictionary of Russian Literature” (published in the USA in 1956), the role of revolutionary-democratic criticism is downplayed, while Pushkin is interpreted as a supporter of “pure art.” R. Poggioli, in a book of essays about Russian writers “The Phoenix and the Spider” (published in the USA, 1960), calls the theory of Belinsky and Chernyshevsky about Gogol as the father of Russian realism “dubious,” believing that “Russian classical realism was in to a greater extent denial of Gogol’s work rather than continuation of it.” Thus, foreign bourgeois criticism is trying to rely on those tendencies of Russian “aesthetic” criticism of the 60s of the 19th century, which were rejected by all subsequent development of Russian literature.

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"GOGOL DIRECTION"- lit. direction, which was started by N.V. Gogol with “Petersburg stories”, “The Inspector General” and “Dead Souls” and which was determined in the 40s. How natural school. V. G. Belinsky, an ardent supporter of the natural school, emphasized its connection with ideological and artistic. principles of Gogol's realism. creativity, affirming the fruitful influence of the Gogol school on modern times. rus. literary The term originated in the 50s. 19th century in the debate between revolutionary-democratic. and liberal criticism as a designation of social-critical, satirical. lines in Russian lit-re. Democratic criticism came up with the rationale for “G. n." in modern lit-re. The extensive work of N. G. Chernyshevsky “Essays on the Gogol period in Russian” was primarily devoted to this goal. Literature", published in Sovremennik

in 1855. A. V. Druzhinin spoke out against the ideas developed by Chernyshevsky, who published in the “Library for Reading” (1856, Nos. 11, 12) the article “Criticism of the Gogol period of Russian literature and our relationship to it,” in which , deliberately pushing Gogol’s and Pushkin’s principles into Russian. literally, advocated for an “artistic” understanding of art.

Idealist, liberal criticism (Druzhinin, P.V. Annenkov, S.S. Dudyshkin, N.D. Akhsharumov) and Slavophile (A.A. Grigoriev, T.I. Filippov, B.N. Almazov, E.N. Edelson) wrote about the need to overcome Gogol’s “one-sided” criticism (P.V. Annenkov, “On the significance of works of art for society,” 1856) and about the victory of the “Pushkin trend,” “pure artistic poetry,” and a “healthy” attitude to life. They tried to find confirmation of this thesis in the works of A. N. Ostrovsky, A. F. Pisemsky, I. S. Turgenev, I. A. Goncharov, one-sidedly characterizing certain aspects of the work of these writers.

A historical and literary comparison of A. S. Pushkin and N. V. Gogol as artists will compare. assessment of their social significance for a certain period of Russian development. the societies characteristic of V. G. Belinsky turned into liberal critics of the 50s. in metaphysical contrasting their creativity. principles, in connection with which the terms “G. n." and the “Pushkin direction” became ahistorical. a character abstracted from the specific stages of the development of realism - from Pushkin to Gogol. The “Pushkin direction” was declared by liberal criticism to be the only truly poetic expression of supposedly “pure art.” "G. n." interpreted as a “rude” claim, even base. In contrast to such distortion, it works. the meaning of Russian evolution. realism of criticism of revolutionary-democratic the camps emphasized society in every possible way. critical value pathos namely “G. n." Continuing Belinsky’s point of view, Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov rightly argued that modern life requires not so much the “poetry of reality” as the “idea of ​​negating” it, which constitutes the pathos of Gogol’s work. At the same time, the revolutionary democratic criticism understood that “G. n." cannot simply repeat Gogol. Chernyshevsky in “Essays on the Gogol Period” speaks of the need for “a more complete and satisfactory development of ideas that Gogol embraced only on one side, without fully realizing their connection, their causes and consequences.” He soon noted in Shchedrin’s “Provincial Sketches” that Gogol lacked a clear understanding of the connection between individual “ugly facts and the whole situation of our life.” Thus, the basis is literary-aesthetic. The controversy was the question of the attitude towards the Russians. reality, about society. the role of literature, its tasks and development paths; Ultimately it was a debate about which path the Russians would take. literature - along the path of “pure” (essentially protective) law or along the path of direct, open service to the people, i.e. along the path of the struggle against serfdom and autocracy.

From a methodological point of view, the opposition of the “Pushkin direction” “G. n." (no matter how different and even opposite the goals with which this opposition was made) is associated with a certain loss of Russian. criticism of that time of the holistic perception of the phenomena of art, which distinguished the critical. Belinsky's speeches. In general, the influence of “G. n." on the future fate of the Russian. literature testified to the victory of materialism. aesthetics over idealistic, which had a beneficial effect on the development of Russian. realistic. lawsuit

In modern foreign lit. - the views of Russians are often repeated. liberal criticism in the interpretation of Russian. lit. process 19th century Thus, in the “Dictionary of Russian Literature” (published in the USA in 1956) the role of revolutionary-democrats is belittled.

critics, Pushkin is interpreted as a supporter of “pure art”. R. Poggioli in a book of essays about Russian. writers “The Phoenix and the Spider” (published in the USA, 1960) calls the theory of Belinsky and Chernyshevsky about Gogol as the father of Russian “dubious”. realism, believing that "Russian classical realism was more a negation of Gogol's work than a continuation of it." Thus, foreign bourgeois. criticism is trying to rely on those trends in Russian. "aesthetic" criticism of the 60s. 19th century, which were rejected by all subsequent development of Russian. liters.

Lit.: Chernyshevsky N. G., Essays on the Gogol period in Russian. liters, Full. collection soch., vol. 3, M., 1947; Annenkov P.V., A wonderful decade. 1838-1848, in his book: Lit. memoirs, M., 1960; his, The Youth of I. S. Turgenev, ibid.; Vinogradov V., Gogol and natural school, L., 1925; Prutskov N.I., Stages of development of the Gogol direction in Russian. lit-re, “Uch. zap. Groznensky ped. institute", 1946, c. 2; his, “Aesthetic” criticism (Botkin, Druzhinin, Annenkov), in the book: History of Russian. critics, vol. 1, M. - L., 1958; Mordovchenko N., Belinsky and the beginning of the Gogol period Russian. literature, in his book: Belinsky and Rus. literature of his time, M. - L., 1950; Mashinsky S., Gogol and the revolutionary. democrats, M., 1953; Kuleshov V.I., “Notes of the Fatherland” and literature of the 40s. 19th century, M., 1958; Pokusaev E. I., N. G. Chernyshevsky, M., 1960, p. 107-22; Pospelov G.N., History of Russian. Literatures of the 19th century, vol. 2, part 1, M., 1962.

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Final test in literature

for the 10th grade course


teacher of Russian language and literature

Morozova Alla Stanislavovna

With. Pogromets


Explanatory note

Literature tests for the 10th grade course allow you to determine the level of students' knowledge of works studied in 10th grade. The work contains questions about the life and work of writers and poets, questions on knowledge of the text, on knowledge of the heroes of the studied works..

Each question has four possible answers.

The presented tests can be used on final lesson literature.

Evaluation criteria:

"5" - 90 – 100 %

"4" - 70 – 89 %of the total number of questions,

"3" — 50 – 69 %of the total number of questions,

"2" — less than 50% of the total number of questions.

Option I

1. What literary direction dominated in the literature of the second half of the 19th century V.?

a) romanticism

b) classicism

c) sentimentalism

d) realism

2. Indicate the founders of the “natural school”.

a) V. G. Belinsky and I. S. Turgenev

b) A. S. Pushkin and N. V. Gogol

c) M. Yu. Lermontov and F. I. Tyutchev

d) V. G. Belinsky and N. V. Gogol

3. Which Russian writer was called “Columbus of Zamoskvorechye”?

a) I. S. Turgeneva

b) A. N. Ostrovsky

V) JI. N. Tolstoy

d) F. M. Dostoevsky

4. Article by N. A. Dobrolyubov “When will the real day come?” dedicated to the novel by I. S. Turgenev:

a) "Fathers and Sons"

b) "The day before"

c) “Nobles’ Nest”

d) "Rudin"

5. The heroine of Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm,” Kabanikha, was called:

A) Anna Petrovna

b) Marfa Ignatievna

c) Katerina Lvovna

G) Anastasia Semenovna

6. Indicate which artistic technique uses A. A. Fet in highlighted phrases.

Again the birds are flying from afar

To the shores that break the ice,

The sun is warm walks high

AND fragrant lily of the valley waiting.

A) personification

b) inversion

c) epithet

G) allegory

7. The hero of which work was promised to God at birth, “died many times and did not die”?

a) JI. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, Prince Andrei

b) A. N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”, Katerina Kabanova

c) I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, Bazarov

G) N. S. Leskov “The Enchanted Wanderer”, Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin

8. In what work of Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century. a nihilist hero appears?

a) A. N. Ostrovsky “Forest”

b) I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

V) F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”

d) I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”

9. Name the main conflict in I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.”

A) clash of liberal-conservativeAnddemocratic ideas (Pavel Petrovich - Bazarov)

b) the conflict between the aristocrat Odintsova and the plebeian Bazarov (love conflict)

V) conflict between the older and younger generations (Bazarov’s parents - Bazarov)

G) internal conflict in the soul of the main character Bazarov (discrepancy between goals and capabilities)

10. Katerina Izmailova is a heroine:

a) essay by N. S. Leskov “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District”

b) plays by A. N. Ostrovsky “Dowry”

c) the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “The Idiot”

G) novel I.A.Goncharov "Ordinary History"

a) A. N. Ostrovsky

b) F. M. Dostoevsky

V)M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

d) L. N. Tolstoy

12. Which of the heroes of the novel “War and Peace” proposed a plan for a guerrilla war to M. Kutuzov?

A) F. Dolokhov

b) V. Denisov

V) A. Volkonsky

G) B. Drubetskoy

13. Which hero of “War and Peace” owns the statement “The chess is set. The game starts tomorrow"?

a) Prince Andrey

b) Emperor Alexander I

V) Napoleon

d) M.I. Kutuzov

14. Which hero of the novel “Crime and Punishment” does D. Razumikhin characterize with the following words: “Sullen, gloomy, arrogant and proud...”?

a) Porfiry Petrovich

b) Zosimova

V) Raskolnikova

d) Svidrigailova

And, like a premonition of descending storms,

Gusty and clear wind at times,

Damage, exhaustion, and everything

That gentle smile of fading,

What in a rational being we call

Divine modesty of suffering.

a) A.K. Tolstoy

b) A. A. Fet

V) N. A. Nekrasov

d) F. I. Tyutchev

16. Indicate the writers of the second half of the 19th century whose titles of works contain opposition (this refers to works studied in the school course).

a) A. N. Ostrovsky, I. S. Turgenev, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

b) I. S. Turgenev, F. M. Dostoevsky, JI. N. Tolstoy

c) I. A. Goncharov, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. P. Chekhov

G) JI. N. Tolstoy, N. S. Leskov, I. S. Turgenev

17. In the work of which poet was the impressionistic style of depiction first used?

a) N. A. Nekrasov

b) F. I. Tyutchev

c) A. A. Fet

d) A.K. Tolstoy

a) A. N. Ostrovsky “Mad Money”

V) JI. N. Tolstoy “The Living Corpse”

d) N. S. Leskov “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District”

19. Determine which work the following passage is taken from.

No matter how passionate, sinful, rebellious the heart may be hidden in the grave, the flowers growing on it serenely look at us with their innocent eyes: they tell us not only about eternal peace, about that great peace of “indifferent” nature; they also talk about eternal reconciliation and endless life...

a) JI. N. Tolstoy “Sevastopol Stories”

b) F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”

V) I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”

G) I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

20. Indicate the name of the critic who identified the features of psychologism

JI. N. Tolstoy as “dialectics of the soul.”

a) N. G. Chernyshevsky

b) N. A. Dobrolyubov

c) A. I. Herzen

d) N. N. Strakhov

21. What artistic technique did the author use in this work?

Blessed is the gentle poet,

In whom there is little bile, a lot of feeling:

Hello to him so sincerely

Friends of quiet art...

But fate has no mercy

To him whose noble genius

Became an accuser of the crowd,

Her passions and delusions.

A) allegory

b) antithesis

V) metaphor

G) hyperbola

22. Name the main criteria for assessing personality in the novel JI. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”.

A) pride and self-esteem

b) nobility and kindness

V) naturalness and morality

G) generosity and courage

Option II

1. Which Russian writer was sentenced to hard labor?

a) M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

b) F. M. Dostoevsky

V) A. AND. Herzen

d) N. A. Nekrasov

2. Which one literary type depicted in the image of the Wild (A. N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”)?

A) "little man" type

b) the type of “extra person”

V) petty tyrant

G) romantic hero

a) I. A. Goncharov

b) N. A. Nekrasov

V) M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

G) A. P. Chekhov

4. Which play is not written by A. N. Ostrovsky?

a) "Forest"

b) “Wolves and Sheep”

V) “Don’t sit in your own sleigh”

G)"A Month in the Country"

Am I driving down a dark street at night?

I will listen to the storm on a cloudy day, -

Friend defenseless, sick and homeless,

Suddenly your shadow flashes before me!

A)F.I. Tyutchev

b) A. A. Fet

V) N. A. Nekrasov

d) I. S. Turgenev

6. Indicate what position the author occupies in the epic novel “War and Peace”.

A) participant in ongoing events

b) a person who deeply experiences and comments on the events described

V) dispassionate observer

G) a narrator who interrupts the story to tell the reader about himself

7. Indicate the name of the regiment in which Nikolai Rostov served.

JI. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”

A) Preobrazhensky

b) Pavlogradsky

V) Izmailovsky

G) Semenovsky

8. What type of literature became dominant in the second half of the 19th century?

A) lyrics

b) drama

V) epic

G) lyro-epic

9. Indicate the reasons for the changes in the character of D. I. Startsev

(A. P. Chekhov "Ionych").

a) the influence of his fiancee

b) the influence of D. I. Startsev’s parents

V) environmental influence

G) medical profession

10. Indicate which literary movement the epic novel JI belongs to. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”.

A) romanticism

b) sentimentalism

V) classicism

G) realism

11. Indicate the work of A.P. Chekhov, which is a lyrical comedy.

A) "Man in a Case"

b) "Seagull"

V) "Bear"

G) "Lady with a dog"

12. Indicate which Russian writer owns the statement “There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.”

a) M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

b) JI. N. Tolstoy

V) F. M. Dostoevsky

d) A. P. Chekhov

13. Indicate where the main thing happens action novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”.

A) Petersburg

b) Moscow

c) city NN

d) Tula estate of I. I. Oblomov

14. The hero of which work by A. N. Ostrovsky is Neschastlivtsev?

A) "Wolves and Sheep"

b) “Don’t get into your own sleigh”

V) "Storm"

G) "Forest"

15. To whom are the following lines dedicated?

He is being pursued by blasphemers:

He catches the sounds of approval

Not in the sweet murmur of praise,

And in the wild cries of anger...

a) N. G. Chernyshevsky

b) V. G. Belinsky

V) N.V. Gogol

d) A. S. Pushkin

16. Which of the characters in the novel “Crime and Punishment” is troubled by dreams?

A) Lebezyatnikov

b) Sonya

V) Luzhin

G) Svidrigailov

17. Which character in Chekhov’s story does the following line belong to?

The Little Russian language, with its tenderness and pleasant sonority, resembles ancient Greek.

A)Belikov (“Man in a Case”)

b) Ivan Petrovich Turkin (“Ionych”)

V)warden Ochumelov (“Chameleon”)

d) Ippolit Ippolitych (“Literature Teacher”)

18. Why did A.P. Chekhov call his play “The Cherry Orchard” a comedy?

A) funny story

b) comical ending

V) farcical situations

G) the characters' claims contradict their capabilities

19. Indicate which of the Russian writers wrote the words “Russia cannot be understood with the mind, a common arshin cannot be measured...”.

A) A. K. Tolstoy

b) A. S. Pushkin

V) A. A. Fet

d) F. I. Tyutchev

20. Indicate which Russian writer is the author of the novel “On the Eve”.

A) I. S. Turgenev

b) JI. N. Tolstoy

V) F. M. Dostoevsky

d) A.K. Tolstoy

21. Indicate which of the Russian writers took part in the defense of Sevastopol.

A) F. M. Dostoevsky

b) F. I. Tyutchev

V) JI. II. Tolstoy

G) I. L. Goncharov

22. Indicate which of the Russian poets wrote the words “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen.”

A) A. A. Fet

b) N. A. Nekrasov

V) F. I. Tyutchev

d) A.K. Tolstoy


Option I

Option II

1 - g

2 - g

3 - b

4 - b

5 B

6 - in

7 - g

8 - b

9 - a

10 - a

11 - in

12 - b

13 - in

14 - in

15 - g

16 - b

17 - in

18 - b

19 - g

20 - a

21 - b

22 - in

1 - b

2 - in

3 - in

4 - g

5 - in

6 - b

7 - b

8 - in

9 - in

10 - g

11 - b

12 - b

13 - a

14 - g

15 - in

16 - g

17 - a

18 - g

19 - g

20 - a

21 - in

22 - b

List of used literature

1. Alieva L.Yu. Literature tests / L.Yu.Alieva, - M.: Iris-press, 2004

2. Zolotareva I.V., Egorova N.V. Universal lesson developments in literature: 11th grade, - Moscow "VAKO", 2009

3. Shcherbina, I.V. Tests for literature lessons, grades 10-11: Toolkit/ I.V. Shcherbinina, - M.: Bustard, 2008

“Gogolian direction” is a literary movement, which was started by N.V.Gogol “Petersburg stories”, “The Inspector General” and “Dead Souls” and which was defined in the 40s as a natural school. V.G. Belinsky, an ardent supporter of the natural school, emphasized its connection with the ideological and artistic principles of Gogol’s realistic creativity, asserting the fruitful influence of the Gogol school on modern Russian literature. The term arose in the 50s of the 19th century in the controversy between revolutionary democratic and liberal criticism as a designation of a socially critical, satirical line in Russian literature. Democratic criticism came up with the rationale for “G.n.” in modern literature. N.G. Chernyshevsky’s extensive work “Essays on the Gogol Period of Russian Literature,” published in Sovremennik in 1855, was primarily devoted to this goal. The ideas developed by Chernyshevsky were opposed by A.V. Druzhinin, who published in the “Library for Reading” (1856, Nos. 11, 12) an article “Criticism of the Gogol period of Russian literature and our relationship to it,” in which he deliberately contrasted Gogol’s and Pushkin’s began in Russian literature, advocated for an “artistic” understanding of art. Idealist, liberal criticism (Druzhinin, P.V. Annenkov, S.S. Dudyshkin, N.D. Akhsharumov) and Slavophile (A.A. Grigoriev, T.I. Filippov, B.N. Almazov, E.N. Edelson) wrote about the need to overcome Gogol’s “one-sided” criticism (P.V. Annenkov, “On the significance of works of art for society,” 1856) and about the victory of the “Pushkin trend,” “pure artistic poetry,” and a “healthy” attitude to life.

They tried to find confirmation of this thesis in the works of A.N. Ostrovsky, A.F. Pisemsky, I.S. Turgenev, I.A. Goncharov, one-sidedly characterizing some aspects of the work of these writers. The historical and literary comparison of A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol as artists and the comparative assessment of their social significance for a certain period of development of Russian society, characteristic of V.G. Belinsky, turned into a metaphysical opposition between them among the liberal critics of the 50s creative principles, in connection with which the terms “G.n.” and the “Pushkin direction” acquired an ahistorical character, abstracted from the specific stages of the development of realism - from Pushkin to Gogol. The “Pushkin direction” was declared by liberal criticism to be the only truly poetic expression of supposedly “pure art.” "G.n." interpreted as “rough” art, even base. In contrast to such a distortion of the real meaning of the evolution of Russian realism, critics of the revolutionary-democratic camp strongly emphasized the social significance of the critical pathos of “G.n.” Continuing Belinsky’s point of view, Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov rightly argued that modern life needs as much “poetry of reality” as the “idea of ​​negating” it, which constitutes the pathos of Gogol’s work. At the same time, revolutionary-democratic criticism understood that “G.n.” cannot simply repeat Gogol. Chernyshevsky in “Essays on the Gogol Period” speaks of the need for “a more complete and satisfactory development of ideas that Gogol embraced only on one side, without fully realizing their connection, their causes and consequences.” He soon noted in Shchedrin’s “Provincial Sketches” that Gogol lacked a clear understanding of the connection between individual “ugly facts and the whole situation of our life.” Thus, at the heart of the literary-aesthetic polemic was the question of the attitude to Russian reality, the social role of literature, its tasks and paths of development; Ultimately, it was a dispute about which path Russian literature would take - along the path of “pure” (essentially protective) art or along the path of direct, open service to the people, that is, along the path of the struggle against serfdom and autocracy. From a methodological point of view, the opposition of the “Pushkin direction” to “G.N.” (no matter how different and even opposite the goals with which this opposition was made) is associated with a certain loss in Russian criticism of that time of a holistic perception of the phenomena of art, which distinguished Belinsky’s critical statements. In general, the influence of “G.n.” on the future fate of Russian literature testified to the victory of materialist aesthetics over idealistic ones, which had a beneficial effect on the development of Russian realistic art. In modern foreign literary criticism, the views of Russian liberal criticism are often repeated in the interpretation of the Russian literary process of the 19th century. Thus, in the “Dictionary of Russian Literature” (published in the USA in 1956), the role of revolutionary-democratic criticism is downplayed, while Pushkin is interpreted as a supporter of “pure art.” R. Poggioli, in a book of essays about Russian writers “The Phoenix and the Spider” (published in the USA, 1960), calls Belinsky and Chernyshevsky’s theory about Gogol as the father of Russian realism “dubious,” believing that “Russian classical realism was largely a denial of Gogol’s cause than a continuation of it." Thus, foreign bourgeois criticism is trying to rely on those tendencies of Russian “aesthetic” criticism of the 60s of the 19th century, which were rejected by all subsequent development of Russian literature.