The riddles are difficult to read. Logical chain of thought

The most difficult riddle is different for each person. The one he struggled with for many hours or even days. But in the end I figured it out and found the answer on my own. He will definitely never forget the solution.

But still, among those ever invented, there are those that can confidently be classified as the most intricate. We will talk about them.

First group of riddles: for children

Don't think that any adult can handle them easily. Even not the most difficult riddle in the world can seriously puzzle you. Moreover, there will be a big embarrassment if a child can cope with it, but an adult will find it too tough.

  • Life gives this as a gift twice. You have to pay for the third set. (Teeth.)
  • A birch tree grew in the garden. There were 45 apples hanging on it. The wind blew and 9 of them fell. How many apples are left on it? (Not at all, because apples don’t grow on birch trees.) Note. Although if you come across a person with creative thinking, he can say that nowhere is it said that apples actually grew on the tree. They just hung there. And it is unknown how they were secured, that’s why they fell.

The list of tasks that can be described as “the most difficult riddle” continues.

  • During the race, the athlete overtook the one who was in second position. Where did he end up? (On the second, because he didn’t catch up with the first.)
  • The same athlete in another competition overtook the one who was last. What place did he get? (It is impossible to overtake the last one; if someone was ahead of him, then he was not the last.)
  • This thing is thrown away if it is needed. And when it turns out to be unnecessary, they raise it. What is this? (Sea anchor.)

The second group of riddles: for those who like to count

These tasks will require some math and some reasoning. And then any of the most difficult riddles in the world can be solved.

  • A specialist is invited to a well-known company for a position financial analyst. He is offered a starting salary of 10 thousand per month. It can be increased according to two schemes. The first promises an increase of 15 thousand per year. The second guarantees an increase of 5 thousand in six months. Which option will be more profitable? (Second.) Note. You will need to calculate your salary for an arbitrary number of years. Even the first two will be enough. In both cases, the annual salary is the same - 120 thousand. Increase plan for the first scenario: 120 thousand, 135 thousand and so on. The second scenario will give the following breakdown: 60 for the first six months and 65 for the second part of the year, resulting in 125 thousand for the 1st year. Second year: 70 and 75, which will give 145 thousand per year.
  • There is a heavy anchor at the bottom of the boat. She floats on the surface of the water in the pool. What will happen to the water level if the untied anchor is thrown out of the boat? (Will go down.) Note. While the anchor lies in the boat, the part of it immersed in water is much larger than the volume of the anchor itself.

  • How to collect 4 liters of water if only containers of 5 and 3 are available? (Fill 5, pour into 3, empty the second, pour the remaining 2 from the first into it, fill with 5 again, pour 1 liter from it into the three-liter.)

The third group of riddles: to reason

A creative approach is impossible without thinking carefully and moving away from the standards into which society has driven people. Therefore, the most complex logic riddles turn out to be simple after the answer is found.

  • In a large room there is a partition behind which there are three light bulbs. Moreover, they are not visible from the remote control with three switches. It is required to determine which one is from each light bulb. You can only enter the partition once. The solution requires two steps. The first is to turn on one light bulb and turn it off after a few minutes. During this time it will have time to warm up. The second action is to turn on the second light bulb. Now you can take a look. The one that is hot is the first. The other one glows - the second one. And the third is the one that was not touched at all.
  • One hotel has seven floors. The first one accommodated 4 guests. On each subsequent floor their number increases by 3. On which floor is the elevator button pressed most often? (On the first.)
  • One person only has one match left in the box. He enters a room in which there is a kerosene lamp on the fireplace and a gas stove. What will a person light first? (Match.)

And this is perhaps the most difficult logic riddle.

You need to bake 6 pies. They need to be fried on each side for 5 minutes. Only 4 pies can be placed on the frying pan at a time. How can you fry them in 15 minutes?

The solution consists of the following moves:

  • put 4 pies for 5 minutes;
  • Turn 2 over, remove the others, put two more not yet fried for another 5 minutes;
  • 2 remove (they are already ready), 2 turn over and put those that were previously removed for the remaining 5 minutes.

The fourth group of riddles: ingenuity

They require intelligence. A savvy person will easily solve all the most complex logical riddles.

  • The girl took the ring out of the coffee cup. Why didn't the ring get wet? (Coffee powder, granules or beans.)

  • One businessman bought apples for 6 rubles, and sold them for 4. How did he manage to become a millionaire? (Before this action, he was a billionaire.)
  • The steamer moored to the pier, and the 4 lower steps were in the water. Thickness and height of the steps: 5 and 30 cm. While the ship was at the pier, the tide began, and the water rose by 40 cm every hour. How many steps will be under water 3 hours after the tide starts? (Still 4, the steamer will rise with the water.)

Fifth group of riddles: with a catch

Logic and the ability to count well will not always help in solving such problems. These most difficult riddles have a catch. That is, those in which you need to look for something unusual.

  • There are three tractor drivers working on the collective farm, who have a brother, Sergei. But he has no brothers. How can this be? (They are sisters.)
  • There were 10 candles burning on the candlestick. The owner blew out 3 of them. How many candles will be left by morning? (3: those that are blown out will not burn.)
  • It's 12 o'clock at night. On the street it's raining. How confident can you be that the sun will be shining in 72 hours? (Not at all, it will be night again.)
  • In what situation is it easier for a black cat to enter the house? (When the door is open.)

And a few more mysteries

  • It is impossible to hold it for more than 5-10 minutes. But at the same time it weighs almost nothing (Breathing.)
  • There were so many apples on the plate that there were enough for all the children. How did it happen that all the guys took one, but there was only one left on the plate? (The latter took it along with the plate.)

And here is the most difficult riddle, which has two solutions.

The patient needs to leave for 30 days. The doctor gives him two medications, 30 tablets each. They cannot be distinguished by color, taste, smell, shape or size. The course of treatment cannot be interrupted. Every day you need to take one tablet of each drug. One day a person took 1 tablet out of the first package, and 2 fell out of the second. They got mixed up. How can a patient follow the doctor’s recommendations?

1. Take another tablet from the first one. Cut everything in half and put all the left halves in one direction, and the right halves in the other. It will turn out that there will be one of each type in each pile.

2. Again, take another tablet. Grind everything into powder and divide into two equal parts.

Riddles nowadays are a very popular pastime that allows you to show your wits and intelligence. They are expressions that describe something through similar objects. Some tasks are quite simple and familiar to most people since childhood. It is enough to listen or read them carefully to find the answer. But to solve the most difficult riddles, you often have to use your entire mental potential. But even this is not enough to get the correct answer.

Riddles appeared in ancient times. They were passed down orally from generation to generation, being the most valuable cultural heritage. Many riddles have been invented the greatest minds, which makes finding the answer extremely difficult and exciting. They are also often used to assess a person's intellectual level. Each reader will be interested in testing himself, trying to find answers to the most complex riddles given in the article.

Particularly popular are logical tasks, which are real “gymnastics for the mind.” Often the answer to them is easy to find by using out-of-the-box thinking. Such riddles are often included in the tests that people need to pass to get jobs in world-renowned organizations. Here are some of them:

  • The famous Nike brand opened a factory for the production of sports shoes in Africa. The management of the enterprise had to face high level theft The company has taken measures to eliminate theft. What was done?

Answer: Another plant was built and now one produced sneakers for the left foot, and the other for the right.

  • Human for a long time I couldn’t sleep, tossing and turning in bed. Then he took out his phone and called some number. After a few rings, he ended the call and fell asleep peacefully. For what reason did the dream not come to the person earlier?

Answer: Strong snoring was heard from the neighboring apartment, heard through the wall. The call woke up the neighbor, and the man received enough peace to fall asleep.

  • To entertain little patients in the hospital, they were given beautiful teddy bears. The children became so accustomed to the toys that after recovery they took them home. What measures have been taken by the hospital management to solve this problem?

Answer: Each toy was bandaged and the children were told that sick bear cubs should not leave the hospital until they recovered.

It is very interesting to look for the answer to riddles with a trick. They often seem very simple, but in fact the correct solution can be found after careful thought. Here are some examples of such tasks:

  • Four frogs were sitting on the shore of a pond. One of them decided to jump into the pond. How many frogs were still sitting on the shore?

Answer: Four frogs. One actually decided to jump into the water, but so far she was only thinking about it, staying on dry land.

  • Two houses were built nearby: the mansion of a noble rich man and the shack of a poor man. A fire broke out and both buildings were engulfed in flames. Which house will the police begin to put out when they arrive at burning buildings?

Answer: The police will not extinguish any house, since this is the job of firefighters.

  • One Parisian found the Eiffel Tower a terrible design, but preferred to dine only at the restaurant located in it. How can his actions be explained?

Answer: This the only place, from where he could not see the Eiffel Tower.

Scientists have proven that solving mathematical riddles contributes most to the development of mental abilities. Looking for clues on them is useful not only for children, but also for adults. It was experimentally found that people who often had to look for answers to complex mathematical riddles were able to find answers much faster. right decisions in difficult life situations. Here are a few examples that can be solved with skillful calculations and lateral thinking.

  • In a store, a buyer decided to purchase goods worth 10 rubles. He gave the seller a 25 ruble bill. Since there was no cash at the box office more money, the seller sent an assistant to a nearby shop to change money. He brought the following bills: 2 for 10 rubles and one for 5 rubles. The seller gave the buyer change, putting the money he earned in the cash register. Soon they came to him from a neighboring shop demanding that they return the money, since the 25 ruble bill turned out to be counterfeit. How much money did the seller lose?

Answer: 40 rubles: 15 rubles and goods worth 10 rubles gave to the buyer, which is 25 rubles, and returned 25 rubles to the store, of which 15 rubles were his money.

  • Given a series of numbers: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15. They need to be substituted for question marks so that the total is 30: ?+?+?=30. Each number can be used several times

Answer: To 7.9 you need to add 9.1 and plus 13.

  • Apples are stored in a box. At first, half of all the fruits and another half of the apple were taken from it. Then they took half of the remaining apples and another half of an apple from the box. After this, another half of the remainder and half of the apple were taken. As a result, there were 31 apples left in the box. How many fruits were in the basket?

Answer: 255

Every people living on the planet has its own riddles, the answer to which is quite difficult. But after thinking carefully, everyone can find the answer.

  • Egyptian riddle: It is better than God and worse than the Devil, the poor have it, but the rich do not know about it. Anyone who eats “this” will die. What is this?

Answer: Nothing

  • English riddle: The world famous Prime Minister of England Winston Churchill wanted to get rid of the annoying neighbor who came to him. He sent the butler, coming up with strong evidence that he was not at home. What did Churchill come up with?

Answer: Winston Churchill was always seen with a cigar in his hands. The Prime Minister instructed the butler to open the door for the guest, lighting his favorite cigar.

  • The riddle of the Gauls: The priests of Gaul had to face one problem: during mobilization before battles, the warriors did not appear at the specified point for a very long time to receive equipment. The priests found a solution, which was to sacrifice a person. Who suffered the sad fate?

Answer: The person who most recently arrived at the specified collection point.

Video riddles

Riddles are a great treasury of human thought, which contains folk wisdom and thirst for knowledge. This is very wholesome entertainment, developing attention, expanding lexicon and developing the ability to think outside the box. And sometimes even adults can’t solve them! Examples of such riddles can be seen under the cut.

The Riddle of Gestumblindi
One of the characters in Scandinavian mythology, Gestumblindi, asked the following riddle to the king:

Four hanging
four are coming,
two show the way,
two defend themselves from dogs,
one is hanging out
always dirty.

Answer: cow.

Bilbo's Riddle
In the movie "The Hobbit" An unexpected journey"Bilbo asked the following riddle:

Thirty white horses
On two red hills -
They will run away and collide
And again they will fall silent in the darkness.

Answer: teeth.

Exeter mysteries
Old English riddles are one of the minor genres of Old English poetry that are part of the Exeter Codex. One of these riddles:

I am dear to people, I meet in many places,
They bring me from the forest and from the mountain slopes,
from the valleys and from the hills.
During the day I was carried by wings through the air, delivered with care
under roof protection.
People then soaked me in a barrel.
Now I'm a binder and a flail, soon I'll quit
people on the land, every peasant...

Answer: drinking honey.
Children's riddle for Homer
According to legend, ancient Greek poet Homer himself did not know where he was born. One day he asked about it Delphic Oracle and received the answer:
“The island of Ios is your mother’s land, and she will receive you dead, but beware of the riddles that children tell.” Already an old man, Homer came to Ios and when he sat down on the shore, he saw the children of local fishermen returning from the sea. He asked what they caught. The children replied: “What we caught, we threw away, and what we didn’t catch, we have.”

Homer tried to solve the riddle and realized that his time was up. Still trying to find the answer, he slipped, hit his head and died.

Riddle about heaven and hell
You are in a room with two doors: one leads to heaven, the other to hell.
In the room, besides you, there are 2 more wise men: one always tells the truth, the other always lies. You don't know which one is which.

How to get to heaven by asking just one question to one of the sages?

Answer: Which door would another sage point to if I asked him how to get to hell? In any case, the door leading to heaven will be indicated.

Einstein's riddle
This famous logic problem According to legend, it was created by Albert Einstein during his childhood.

There are five houses on the street.
An Englishman lives in a red house.
The Spaniard has a dog.
They drink coffee in the green house.
A Ukrainian drinks tea.
The green house is located immediately to the right of the white house.
Anyone who smokes Old Gold breeds snails.
They smoke Kools in the yellow house.
IN central house drink milk.
The Norwegian lives in the first house.
The neighbor of the one who smokes Chesterfield keeps a fox.
In the house next door to the one where the horse is kept, they smoke Kools.
Anyone who smokes Lucky Strike drinks orange juice.
The Japanese smokes Parliament.
A Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
Who drinks water? Who's holding the zebra?

Finding a solution is easy if you outline the sign.

Samson's Riddle
Samson asked this riddle on his wedding day with Dilida.

From the eater comes something edible,
From the strong came the sweet?
Samson and the lion came together in battle, Samson perched on the lion's back. Lions, as you know, tear their prey with their claws, but Samson killed the lion with his bare hands! And a couple of days later Samson comes, and here is a swarm of bees in the lion’s corpse and honey.

Samson's riddle is twofold. One half of the answer is lion, the other half is honey.

The Mystery of Lewis Carroll
What do raven and desk?

As you know, this riddle of the Hatter gave rise to so much controversy that Carroll himself had to explain in the preface to one of the editions of “Alice in Wonderland” that the riddle had no answer. By the way, he himself, in the end, couldn’t stand it anyhow, but he saw the connection between the crow and the desk: “With the help of both, you can give answers, albeit flat ones; they are never put on the wrong side!”

The most difficult logic problem
This riddle was proposed by the American philosopher and logician George Boulos in Italian newspaper"la Repubblica" in 1992:

There are 3 familiar gods: A, B and C, which are the gods of truth, lies and chance in no particular order. The god of truth always tells the truth, the god of lies always deceives, the god of chance can speak both the truth and lies in any order. You need to identify the gods by asking 3 questions that can be answered “yes” or “no”. Each question is asked only to one god. The gods understand the language, but answer in their own language, in which there are 2 words “da” and “ja”, and it is unknown which word means “yes” and which “no”.

Let's ask God B: “If I ask you: “God A is the god of chance?”, will you answer “ja”?” If god B answers "ja", then either he is a god of chance (and answers randomly) or he is not a god of chance, but in fact god A is a god of chance. In any case, God C is not a god of chance. If B answers “da”, then either he is the god of chance (and answers randomly), or B is not the god of chance, which means that god A is also not the god of chance. In any case, God A is not a god of chance.
Let us ask a god who is not a god of chance (based on the results of the previous question, either A or C): “If I ask you: “Are you the god of truth?”, will you answer “ja”?” Since he is not a god of chance, the answer "ja" indicates that he is the god of truth, and the answer "da" indicates that he is the god of lies.

Let's ask the same god: “If I ask you: “God B is the god of chance?”, will you answer “ja”?” If the answer is “ja” - god B is the god of chance, if the answer is “da”, then the god who has not yet been spoken to is the god of chance.

The remaining god is determined by elimination.

There is a rich house and a poor one. They are burning. Which house will the police extinguish?

Police don't put out fires, firefighters put out fires

How can a person not sleep for 8 days?

Sleep at night

You enter a dark kitchen. It contains a candle, a kerosene lamp and a gas stove. What will you light first?

A girl is sitting, and you cannot sit in her place, even if she gets up and leaves. Where is she sitting?

She sits on your lap

You are standing in front of three switches. Behind an opaque wall are three light bulbs that are turned off. You need to manipulate the switches, go into the room and determine which light bulb each switch belongs to.

First you need to turn on two switches. After some time, turn off one of them. Enter the room. One light bulb will be hot from the switch on, the second will be warm from the switch off, the third will be cold from the untouched switch.

It is known that among the nine coins there is one counterfeit one, which weighs less than the rest of the coins. How can you identify a counterfeit coin in two weighings using a cup scale?

1st weighing: 3 and 3 coins. The counterfeit coin is in the pile that weighs less. If they are equal, then the fake is in the third pile. 2nd weighing: Any 2 coins from the pile with the lowest weight are compared. If they are equal, then the remaining coin is fake

Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. How?

They were on different banks

Two fathers, two sons found three oranges and divided them. Everyone got a whole orange. How can this be?

The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked 300 meters. How did she do it?

The rope was not tied to anything

How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking?

You need to throw the egg four meters, then it will fly the first three meters intact

The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not turned on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?

It was a bright sunny day

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse?

Five minutes

Is it possible to light a match underwater?

It is possible if you pour water into some container, for example, into a glass, and hold the match below the glass

The boat rocks on the water. A ladder was thrown from it along the side. Before high tide, the water covered only the bottom step. How long will it take for the water to cover the 3rd step from the bottom if during high tide the water rises at 20 cm per hour and the distance between the steps is 30 cm?

Never, because the boat rises with the water

How to divide five apples between five girls so that each gets an apple and at the same time one of the apples remains in the basket?

Give one girl an apple along with a basket

One and a half pike perch costs one and a half rubles. How much do 13 pike perch cost?

Traders and potters. In one city all the people were traders or potters. Merchants always told lies, but potters always told the truth. When all the people gathered in the square, each of those gathered said to the others: “You are all traders!” How many potters were there in this city?

The potter was alone because:

  1. If there were no potters, then the traders would have to tell the truth that all the other traders are traders, and this contradicts the conditions of the problem.
  2. If there were more than one potter, then each potter would have to lie that the rest were traders.

There are two coins on the table; they add up to 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What coins are these?

1 and 2 rubles

The satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the other in 100 minutes. How can it be?

100 minutes is 1 hour 40 minutes

As you know, all Russian female names end with either the letter “a” or the letter “ya”: Anna, Maria, Irina, Natalya, Olga, etc. However, there is only one thing female name, which ends with another letter. Name it.

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?

Time, temperature

If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later?

No, because in 72 hours it will be night

Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total?

One yacht goes from Nice to Sanremo, the other from Sanremo to Nice. They left the harbors at the same time. For the first hour, the yachts moved at the same speed (60 km/h), but then the first yacht increased its speed to 80 km/h. Which yacht will be closer to Nice when they meet?

At the moment of their meeting they will be at the same distance from Nice

A woman was walking towards Moscow, and three men met her. Everyone has a bag, in each bag there is a cat. How many creatures were heading to Moscow?

Only the woman went to Moscow, the rest went in the other direction

There were 10 birds sitting on a tree. A hunter came and shot one bird. How many birds are left on the tree?

Not a single one - the rest of the birds flew away

The train runs from east to west, and the wind blows from north to south. In which direction does the smoke fly from the chimney?

You are running a marathon and have passed the runner who was running second. What position do you take now?

Second. If you answered that you are now first, then this is incorrect: you overtook the second runner and took his place, so you are now in second position

You are running a marathon and have passed the last runner. What position do you take now?

If you answered that it was the penultimate one, you were wrong again :). Think about how you can overtake the last runner? If you are running after him, then he is not the last. The correct answer is - it is impossible, you cannot overtake the last runner

There were three cucumbers and four apples on the table. The child took one apple from the table. How much fruit is left on the table?

3 fruits, and cucumbers are vegetables

The product first rose in price by 10%, and then fell in price by 10%. What is its value now relative to its original value?

99%: after the price increase, 10% was added to 100% - it turned out to be 110%; 10% of 110% = 11%; then subtract 11% from 110% and get 99%

How many times does the number 4 appear in the integers from 1 to 50?

15 times: 4, 14, 24, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 - twice, 45, 46. 47, 48, 49

You have driven your car two-thirds of the way. At the beginning of the journey, the car's gas tank was full, but now it is one quarter full. Will there be enough gasoline until the end of the trip (at the same consumption)?

No, because 1/4< 1/3

Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Cheche, Chichi, Chocho. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

A deaf and mute man went into a stationery store to buy a pencil sharpener. He stuck his finger into his left ear and made a spinning motion with the fist of his other hand near his right ear. The seller immediately understood what was being asked of him. Then a blind man entered the same store. How did he explain to the salesman that he wanted to buy scissors?

I just said, he's blind, but not dumb

A rooster has flown to the border between Russia and China. I sat down exactly on the border, absolutely in the middle. Layed an egg. It fell exactly across: the border divides it in the middle. Which country does the egg belong to?

Roosters don't lay eggs!

One morning, a soldier who had previously been on night guard approached the centurion and said that that night he had seen in a dream how the barbarians would attack the fortress from the north that evening. The centurion did not really believe in this dream, but still took measures. That same evening, the barbarians actually attacked the fortress, but thanks to the measures taken, their attack was repulsed. After the battle, the centurion thanked the soldier for the warning and then ordered him to be taken into custody. Why?

Because he slept on duty

There are ten fingers on the hands. How many fingers are there on ten hands?

A plane with English tourists was flying from Holland to Spain. He crashed in France. Where should the surviving (wounded) tourists be buried?

The survivors do not need to be buried! :)

You were driving a bus with 42 passengers from Boston to Washington. At each of the six stops, 3 people got out of it, and at every second - four. What was the driver's name when the driver arrived in Washington 10 hours later?

How about you, because in the beginning it was said that You drove the bus

What can you find in minutes, seconds and days, but not in years, decades and centuries?

How many times can you subtract 3 from 25?

Once, because after the first subtraction the number "25" will change to "22"

Mrs Taylor's bungalow is all finished in pink color: It has pink lamps, pink walls, pink carpets and a pink ceiling. What color are the stairs in this bungalow?

There are no stairs in the bungalow

In the ancient castle where the prison was located, there were 4 round towers in which prisoners were imprisoned. One of the prisoners decided to escape. And then one fine day he hid in a corner, and when a guard came in, he stunned him with a blow to the head, and he ran away, changing into different clothes. Could this happen?

No, since the towers were round and there were no corners

The 12-story building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often?

Regardless of the distribution of residents by floor - button “1”

A pair of horses ran 20 kilometers. Question: How many kilometers did each horse run individually?

20 kilometers

What can stand and walk, hang and stand, walk and lie at the same time?

Is it possible to predict the score of a football match before it starts, and if so, how?

The score of any match before it starts is always 0:0

What can a person increase in diameter by 7 times in a few seconds?

Pupil. When moving from bright light towards darkness, the diameter can change from 1.1 to 8 mm; everything else either hardly increases or increases in diameter by no more than 2-3 times

A seller at the market sells a hat that costs 10 rubles. A buyer comes up and wants to buy it, but he only has 25 rubles. The seller sends the boy away with these 25 rubles. change it to a neighbor. The boy comes running and gives 10 + 10 +5 rubles. The seller gives the hat and change 15 rubles, and 10 rubles. keeps it for himself. After some time, a neighbor comes and says that 25 rubles. fake, demands to give her money. The seller returns her money. How much money was the seller defrauded of?

The seller was deceived for a counterfeit 25 rubles.

How many animals did Moses take on his ark?

It was not Moses who took the animals into the ark, but Noah.

2 people entered the entrance at the same time. One has an apartment on the 3rd floor, the other on the 9th. How many times will the first person arrive? faster than second? Note: They simultaneously pressed buttons on 2 elevators moving at the same speed.

The usual answer is 3 times. Correct answer: 4 times. Elevators usually go from the 1st floor. The first one will travel 3-1=2 floors, and the second 9-1=8 floors, i.e. 4 times more

This riddle is often offered to children. But sometimes adults can rack their brains for a long time to figure out how to solve such a problem, so you can organize a competition: invite everyone to try to solve the problem. Whoever guesses it, regardless of age, deserves a prize. Here's the task:

6589 = 4; 5893 = 3; 1236 = 1; 1234 = 0; 0000 = 4; 5794 = 1; 1111 = 0; 4444 = 0; 7268 = 3; 1679 = 2; 3697 = 2

2793 = 1; 4895 = 3

The main thing is to look at the problem like a child, then you will understand that the answer is 3 (three circles in the writing of numbers)

Two horsemen competed to see whose horse would reach the finish line last. However, things did not go well, both stood still. Then they turned to the sage for advice, and after that they both rode at full speed.

The sage advised the horsemen to exchange horses

One student tells another: “Yesterday our college basketball team won the basketball game with a score of 76:40. At the same time, not a single basketball player scored a single goal in this match.”

Women's teams played

A man walks into a store, buys sausage and asks to cut it, not across, but lengthwise. The saleswoman asks: “Are you a fireman?” - "Yes". How did she guess?

The man was in uniform

The lady did not have a driver's license with her. She did not stop at the railroad crossing, although the barrier was down, then, not paying attention to the “brick,” she moved along a one-way street against the traffic and stopped only after passing three blocks. All this happened in front of a traffic police officer, who for some reason did not consider it necessary to intervene.

The lady was walking

On one Odessa street there were three tailoring workshops. The first tailor advertised himself as follows: “The best workshop in Odessa!” The second is “The best workshop in the world!” The third “outdid” them both.

“The best workshop on this street!”

Two brothers were drinking at a bar. Suddenly, one of them began to argue with the bartender, and then pulled out a knife and, not paying attention to his brother’s attempts to stop him, hit the bartender. At his trial he was found guilty of murder. At the end of the trial, the judge said: “You have been found guilty of murder, but I have no choice but to let you go.” Why did the judge have to do this?

The culprit was one of the conjoined twins. The judge could not send a guilty person to prison without putting an innocent person there as well.

We were traveling in the same compartment: Baba Yaga, Zmey Gorynych, a stupid ensign and a smart ensign. There was a bottle of beer on the table. The train entered the tunnel and it became dark. When the train came out of the tunnel, the bottle was empty. Who drank the beer?

The stupid ensign drank the beer, since the other creatures are unreal and do not occur in life!)

What to do in free time? There are many options for passive relaxation, for example, watching another melodrama or Soccer game, but it’s much more fun to exercise your ability to think logically. Interesting riddles you can diversify your duty trip to visit friends; It will also be no less exciting to do this kind of gray cell training in private. This hobby not only helps to pass the time, but also contributes to the development of erudition and logic, and such skills are not superfluous in life. You don't have to start solving the most difficult riddles in the world. You will have to work hard to find answers for them. You can start with something basic, and the result will not be long in coming. Patience and work - and you will be known as a real erudite.

1. There were 25 apples growing on a birch tree. The gardener came and plucked 5 of them, the neighbor boys stole 7, then blew strong wind, and 9 more fell. How many apples are left hanging on the tree?

2. Imagine that you are participating in a marathon. Finally, you managed to overtake the second athlete. Where are you now? (Answer immediately, without hesitation).

3. Same race, but now you've overtaken last participant. What place do you currently occupy?

4. The driver was driving the truck. The headlights were off, neither the moon nor the stars were shining. A woman was crossing the road, she was all in black, but the driver still saw her. How could this happen?

5. A certain Mr. Smith, a resident of London, registered his marriage 36 times in one year. However, he did not divorce any of them, and did not become a polygamist. And they got married every time different women, and not the same one. Can this really happen?

Answers. 1. Apples cannot grow on a birch tree.

2. Everyone immediately says that they are on the first. But if you overtook the second one, it means you took his place, and therefore run second, not first.

3. In principle, it is impossible to overtake the last runner, because if someone runs after him, then he cannot be last.

4. It's simple: it was during the day.

5. Easy. Mr Smith works in the registry office. The condition does not say that he himself entered into marriage.

These are the types of riddles with answers: difficult and funny at the same time.

Erudition tasks

There are tasks that cannot be solved without basic knowledge of history. The most difficult riddles with answers are often used in the program "What? Where? When?" However, there is a chance to simply guess using logic. Below are very difficult riddles with answers.

1. The 22nd and 24th Presidents of the United States had common mother and father, but these high-ranking officials were not brothers. How could this happen? (The option of sisters is not suitable, because there were no women among them yet).

2. A hundred years ago in the USA and Great Britain it was widely used in decorating cards, buttons and even jewelry. Its popularity is due to the belief that it consists of light, love, luck and life. Now she is a symbol of evil for the whole world. What is this?

3. John Wycliffe, a prominent theologian of the 14th century, wrote a number of articles in which he sharply criticized the church and the clergy. For this, the Constance court declared him a heretic and ordered him to be burned at the stake. But during the execution, Wycliffe did not feel any pain. Is this possible if he did not suffer from any skin diseases or nervous system that can reduce pain?

Answers. 1. It was the same person - Cleveland Stephen Grover, who was elected to the presidency twice with an interval of four years. Since he is not his own brother, then everything is correct.

2. Swastika. Its four rays resembled English letter L, with which the words “light”, “love”, “luck” and “life” began: light, love, luck, life.

3. Wycliffe was burned after his death.

More difficult riddles

Those who are not satisfied with simple tasks can master aerobatics. Below are some difficult riddles. It is better not to rush with answers, and also not to say that there is no solution at all, but to think a little.

3. These are the last letters of the names of the twelve months, starting from January. Therefore, the gap should be “th” (May).

Logical chain of thought

Sometimes, in order to solve certain problems, it is necessary to carry out a whole series of inferences. But you always want to make sure that your train of thought is correct. Therefore, in order not to keep the reader in the dark, we will print complex riddles with answers below.

1. Vova and Sasha were playing in a dirty and dark attic. Vova’s face was completely smeared with soot, but Sashino miraculously remained clean. Having gone down, the guys looked at each other in the light of day, but for some reason it was not Vova who went to wash, but Sasha. Why?

2. Three school teachers sat carefree on a bench and talked, and at that time the students decided to joke on them and stuck funny stickers on each of their backs. Then the teachers saw the stickers on the backs of their colleagues and started laughing. But each thought that she herself had nothing on her back. But then one of them stopped laughing, realizing that she herself also had a sticker. How?

Answers. 1. Sasha looked at Vova’s face, and since it was dirty, he thought that he, too, had gotten dirty, and so he went to wash himself. And Vova, who looked at Sasha’s clean face, did not even think that he himself might be grimy.

2. Let’s call the teachers A, B and C. A thought like this: “B sees C laughing, but she thinks that she herself has nothing on her back. Therefore, if I didn’t have a sticker, then B would be surprised , why is S laughing, and she would understand that she herself still has it, and would stop laughing. But since this does not happen, it means that the guys were making a joke on all of us." That's why A stopped laughing.

Date related

Such tasks will help you navigate in time space.

1. Misha was seventeen years old the day before yesterday, and next year he will turn twenty. Is it possible?

2. There were two brothers in one family. The first was born in 2010, and the second’s first birthday was celebrated in 1999. How can this be?

Answers. 1. This is possible if such a phrase is said on January 1, taking into account the fact that Misha was born on December 31. Consequently, on December 30 he was still 17, and on the 31st he turned 18. This coming year he will be 19, and next year he will be 20. That’s how this Misha was fortunately born.

2. They were born before our era.

Riddles in the style of Sherlock Holmes

IN last years this detective has become very popular, and many want to imitate him. Use the following exercises to practice deduction.

1. The director of the company was found in the office with a bullet through his temple and a pistol in his hand. There was a voice recorder on the table, and when Sherlock turned it on, he heard the words: “Please don’t blame anyone for my death,” and after that a shot was heard. Obvious suicide? No. Sherlock immediately guessed that this was a dramatization. Why?

2. In the park they find the body of a woman who was hit on the head with something heavy. Holmes finds her husband's number in her phone, calls him and says: “Trouble has happened. Your wife has been killed. Come here urgently.” When he arrived, Sherlock pointed him out as a murderer and ordered his arrest. How did he understand this?

3. Sherlock caught a taxi and tried to talk to the driver, but he had no time for chatter, and he pointed his hand at his ears and lips, pretending to be deaf and dumb. When the detective got out of the car, having arrived at the right place, he told the taxi driver that he had seen through his deception. How?

These may not be the most difficult riddles in the world with answers, but they are just right for budding detectives.

Answers. 1. If no one was around, who rewound the recorder to the desired phrase?

2. He did not specify where exactly to come, saying “here,” but the husband arrived right at the crime scene.

3. If the taxi driver were really deaf, how would he understand where Sherlock needs to go and how would he take him to the right place?

Incredible situations

Such riddles are based on seemingly unreal stories. After reading the task, you might think that this could not possibly happen, so you need to use your imagination.

1. A man walked into a bar, approached the bartender and asked for a glass of water. Instead, the bartender pointed the gun at him. After that, the man thanked the bartender and left. Why?

2. A man lived in the same house for two months in all alone. Then he turned off the light and left the house. Soon, 50 people died because of this.

Answers. 1. That man got hiccups and asked for a glass of water. The bartender decided to scare him, he succeeded, and the hiccups went away.

2. He lived at the lighthouse.

Perhaps someone can come up with their own puzzles. Well, the one who walks will master the road. You can keep a notebook and write the title: “Riddles about... with complex answers,” inserting an interesting topic between the dots.

There are significant benefits from training logic; it will help you make sober and correct decisions in life, and not be guided only by emotions. In addition, this will improve your intellectual level. Then the question “What to do in your spare time?” will be filmed: of course, try to solve the most difficult riddles in the world. It’s best not to let everyone know the answers to them right away, even if your loved ones are scratching their heads.