Human cutlets. Mikhail Malyshev: “Aerobatics - when a photograph does not need a title

Mikhail Nikolaevich Malyshev was born on March 3, 1961 in the city of Sarov, Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) region. In the eighties he lived and worked in Diveevo. Served on Far East. Was married twice. Three children: Sergey, from his first marriage, Anton and Valentina, from his second. Throughout his short life he wrote beautiful, good fairy tales for kids, in whom he always taught goodness and showed the value of friendship. Published in many newspapers of the Gorky region. He worked as a freelance correspondent for the Udarnik newspaper in Diveevo and Vada. In 1988 he moved back to Sarov. Last years life was published in the newspaper " New town No." Died December 3, 2002.

Mikhail Malyshev left behind priceless wealth that will delight children more than once. After all, as long as the author is read, he will always live in his works.

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Fourth-grader Volodya collected stamps. He had two small albums of them.

Mikhail, tell me, are you born or made as a photographer? Can this be learned?

You can teach photography, it’s just a matter of time and background. It’s like there are people who are well-read, but in terms of photography you can say “well-watched.” When an artist begins to photograph, he does it better than ordinary beginner. Because he has already formed his own view, there is an understanding of how and what he wants to capture. A camera is a tool for conveying beauty.

Mikhail Malyshev: “ Aerobatics- when a photograph does not need a title"
Author of the photo: Olga Korobeynikova

So, before becoming a photographer, you need to be an artist?

If you want to receive beautiful images, then you need to cultivate an artist in yourself, you need to attend exhibitions, study different authors, Russian and Western painting, etc.
If you can draw but cannot see, you are not yet an artist. Often the ability to see is half the battle. The rest is technique. I teach my students, first of all, to set a task and understand what exactly you want to see and then capture.

What does a photographer see that an ordinary person cannot catch?
- Little things, details, nuances. As a rule, when people photograph something, they see only the subject of the photo, and then they are surprised to find some foreign objects in the background, for example, a tree that creates the effect of growing horns on the hero of the photo. The photographer sees the big picture and knows what the final photograph will look like.
Another important nuance: if I take a portrait, I always think about emotional state the person I want to capture, and not just about how to pose and photograph him. This is a job that you need to be able to do, and it is not only about choosing exposure.

What do you call high-quality photography?
If people see the photo and understand what you wanted to tell them, the photo was a success. Usually we see more than fits into the lens, because the camera narrows the field of view, displaying on average only 100 degrees out of 360 - this is the average lens. That is, you cannot convey what was on the right or left, what the smell was, the air, whether it was hot. You will either have to write a long explanatory text for this photo, or search means of expression, which will make a person understand from the photo that it was, for example, cold. Aerobatics is when a photograph does not need a title.

However, despite all the subtleties of this craft, photographers today great amount: yesterday's managers buy a DSLR on credit, complete two-month courses and purchase new profession, which is breaking records for popularity today. Where does this fashion in the photo come from?

Eat good joke on this topic: “if you bought a flute, you have a flute. If you bought a camera, you are a photographer." I don’t see anything wrong with people being interested in photography, it develops people. Anything is better than alcohol and idleness.
The popularity of a particular hobby is always associated with technological breakthroughs.
If we look at history, photography officially appeared in 1839, and by the end of the 60s there were about three thousand commercial photographers. Their number grew in proportion to the simplification of technical issues. Previously photo was black and white, it had to be developed, it was a labor intensive process. Today, photographs are in color; no effort is required to “develop” them. An alternative to bulky equipment - Cell phones With photo apps, they are easy to use and make the process fun.
Can a photo taken on a mobile phone really be considered on a par with professional photographs as a work of art?

It is incorrect to compare, but there are photographs that are as expressive as those taken with professional equipment. I shoot on my phone myself, I have a series of works dedicated to bus passengers, and among them there is my favorite photograph, which I call “the pianist.”

First you see a girl sitting at a piano littered with flowers, and then you discover that she is a saleswoman at a flower market. The moment of transformation, mystery and magic is amazing, and it doesn’t matter what instrument it is captured with.

Can you make a portrait of a Rostov customer of photographic services? What kind of pictures do people want?

Complex issue. People come to me for business portraits, girls order color, glamorous portraits. One of my clients portrait photo I printed it out on the entire wall and hung it in my apartment.

Your beloved self, but all over the wall?
Why not? I think this is absolutely correct. When there is a photograph of you beautiful, it serves as a kind of tuning fork for you. All people tend to deviate from the norm in their appearance, and when you see how you looked in the photo - slim, beautiful, well-groomed, you want to return to this state.
Yes, but often the photo is a processed, retouched picture, there is little naturalness in the gloss...

There is beauty, and there is prettiness, and these concepts cannot be confused. Beauty is like very sweet coffee: if you put ten spoons of sugar in it, it will be cloying. And beauty is when there is delicious coffee, and there is just enough sugar in it to make the drink taste even better. Then the coffee reveals its aroma. This is the principle I work on.

They say it will work out good photo, you need to fall in love with the model a little
Yes, I agree. Any photography is part of a certain game, an exchange of energy, and the photographer’s task is to reveal the model. You get attracted to her, and yes, you fall in love a little.

This probably especially attracts those who specialize in nude photography?
In my opinion, shooting nudes gives too much of a reflexive effect. If you see a naked girl, you instantly feel something. It `s naturally. I would compare it to alcohol: when you drink whiskey, you feel intoxicated whether you want it or not. The effect of intoxication is inevitable.
What's bad about it?
For me, “nude” is too simple.
Tell us about wedding photography. It seems to me that this is generally a separate caste of photographers, with serious prices for services and special requirements...
Wedding photographs are primarily about emotions. Therefore, when a client asks the first question - about the cost of services, I answer that money is not important in this matter. You pay with your trust, communication and emotions. This is much more expensive than money, it is more a matter of priorities. Agree, if a person really wants something, he finds the opportunity and the means and buys it.

Photo: From personal archive / Mikhail Malyshev

In fact, photos and videos are the main documents after the wedding. There is a cake, a dress, an impressive list of people who came to the celebration, and so on. And if we calculate in percentage terms how much the shooting and the wedding itself cost, then these are two absolutely incommensurable figures. Even the most luxurious wedding without good photos- not quite the same. If people don’t understand this, then they have a different value system.

Since we're talking about the value system, you probably know about famous photograph“Rhine II” by German photographer Andreas Gursky, which was sold at auction for $4.34 million and is recognized as the most expensive in the world. At the same time, the photo is quite boring and uninteresting... What affects the value of the photo? What does it consist of?
Photography in the context of the art market is a different story. Much depends on how famous the photographer is, what year the photo was taken, how many of them there were, what the size of the prints is, and how much the legend of this photo is promoted. It is important to have a collector and competent presentation of the art object.

For example, no one famous artist sells his painting to a collector for a modest sum. When a painting is resold, its value increases, and after 5-6 such transactions, the amount can increase to a million. And at the auction there are people who are ready to pay very high prices for an object of art. large sums. As for the subject of the image, it can be very different and evoke certain feelings.

It is known that the photograph of Ernesto Che Guevara in a black beret is a symbol of the 20th century and is recognized as the most famous and circulated photograph in the world. Who do you think could be depicted as a symbol of the 21st century?

This photograph symbolized a very significant event for the whole world - the revolution in Cuba, and it is interesting that it was the revolutionary Che Guevara, and not Fidel Castro, who became the symbolic person. This suggests that we ourselves invent our own heroes. Our century is not yet over, but today, it seems to me, Steve Jobs could become a symbol of our era. His photograph has also been widely circulated.
Who would you like to photograph? Is there a so-called “photographer’s dream”?

I dream of being able to “take pictures with my eyes.” So that the image captured by the eyes can be captured, digitized, and transferred to paper.
It's interesting to make portraits of these outstanding personalities, like mathematician Grigory Perelman, Vladimir Putin, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova. I perceive these people as playing a certain role in the life of Russia. Undoubtedly very interesting person Queen Elizabeth. I would like to photograph her in my own way because her classic photographs are almost all the same.
I'm interested in working with public people, but the difficulty is that they usually wear a mask without taking it off. I remember the story of my interview with Stanislav Govorukhin. We talked with him before the press conference, he sincerely told something, and the hour spent talking in an informal setting was very exciting, and, as it seemed to me, sincere. But the conference began, and he began to tell the same thing, in the same words... I realized then that media people already have a practiced “speech”, memorized texts, poses, facial expressions, and in order for a person to open up in front of you, you need to have a truly great the skill of getting people to like you.

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Photographs of Mikhail Malyshev can be seen on the Internet:
Project "Others"

Few people imagined that in the house on Marshal Rybalko Street, in apartment 128, a tragedy would unfold, which seasoned policemen still talk about with a shudder.

Scary apartment, - recalls Alexey Filippov, senior detective at the Kirov Department of Internal Affairs in Perm. “It all started when the dismembered corpse of a man was discovered in one of the garage cooperatives. The body was dug up by stray dogs. A preliminary examination was carried out at the scene of the incident. Her results were shocking.

From the special medical report:

"Fragments of tissue were identified on the remains, which were cut off with a sharp object, presumably a knife. Part of the right thigh and leg were cut off. No missing tissue was found."

In forensic science, it happens that individual body parts cannot always be found. In such cases, one can assume anything, including cannibalism. It became clear that the butcher had worked thoroughly on the body. The operatives began to look for the suspect, but they could not quickly find the trace of the cannibal.

Misha is a glutton

According to the memories of neighbors, Misha grew up as an ordinary boy, perhaps a little more vulnerable than other children. Mother and father often came drunk and started scandals. He was terribly worried, and when he was angry with someone, he took out his anger on his pets.

One day in the yard he cut off the tail of a neighbor's cat. When the residents came to the parents to sort things out, the flayer’s mother told them from the doorway: “Well, just think! The bear is angry with his father. So he decided to take it out on this creature.” His mother always stood up for him, dealing harshly with offenders. He finished eight grades with unsatisfactory behavior. In three years, Mikhail changed three schools. I didn't go to work. Yes, they didn’t take him anywhere.

Over time, his behavior did not change. Since 1990, he was registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate for violent acts against animals. He admitted to the district police officer that he consumed animal meat for food. But the law enforcement officer did not attach any importance to this, considering the flayer’s stories to be boyish fantasies. But in vain.

Misha's favorite places of leisure were attics and basements. He dreamed of working at a meat processing plant, where he believed he could eat his fill. His family did not spoil him with delicacies, although there was alcohol in abundance.

Malyshev’s independent life went awry. He did odd jobs. He had frequent guests: men with traces of an eternal hangover and ladies battered by life. The apartment turned into a den, where one drinking session followed another. And then one day a thought occurred to him: why buy food when the food itself comes to your home for free?

Hatchet work

Six months after mysterious murder Male operatives discovered the dismembered corpse of a woman in the Kama River. When the disfigured fragments fished out of the river by the police began to be examined by experts, trying to restore the whole, to everyone’s amazement, extra parts were revealed that belonged to the previously killed man. The version about a mentally abnormal person who eats human flesh was confirmed.

Based on their sources, investigators received information about an apartment on Rybalko Street. The case was set in motion, and soon the detectives came close to the suspect. It was decided to search Malyshev’s apartment.

Residents of the house, says detective Alexei Filippov, heard heartbreaking screams more than once. However, no one called the police. The owner did not open the metal door. I had to hack it. What they saw shocked everyone.

In the kitchen there were a large number of cutting boards, an ax, knives... There was a pan with the remains of soup on the stove. The freezer was filled with human meat, chopped into small pieces. The sight was terrible. The policemen, who had seen dozens of corpses in their lifetime, swallowed validol by the handful.

The ogre kept a diary

The first to be interrogated was Malyshev’s partner, Inna Podsertseva. A mask of horror seemed to be frozen on her face.

From the testimony:

He cut off my ear and ordered me not to leave the house. He said: “If you don’t listen to me, you’ll end up in the refrigerator.” He forced me to spin the meat, turning the fillet into mince. I thought with horror that the same fate awaited me. I was afraid to run.

During interrogation, Malyshev behaved calmly.

How did the murder happen?

Just. They drank, quarreled... I hit him with an axe. I calmed down when the blood washed my hands. Then I did everything in the bathroom.

What did they do with the dead?

I used the soft parts for frying cutlets. I threw away the rest.

The maniac kept a notebook where he meticulously wrote down the recipes of his culinary art. A note was made in the margins, underlined in red pencil: “There is a king in the world, this king is merciless, his name is hunger.”

Malyshev was in solitary confinement before the trial. I stared at one point all day long. The cannibal did not ask for anything and was not interested in anything, remaining completely indifferent.

At the trial, curses were thrown at the maniac, but he seemed not to notice anything.

The court sentenced Malyshev to capital punishment. Presumably he will receive a life sentence. Many people wondered: is Malyshev mentally healthy? The court found the cannibal fully sane. Yes, this is understandable. Law enforcement agencies cannot give a 100% guarantee that the cannibal will not be released after the psychiatric hospital. And who wants to be a maniac's dinner?

The city was seething. The city was indignant. It seemed that an evil monster had appeared in the Perm region, feeding on human flesh. Mikhail Malyshev was detained in January last year. He killed people. Any death does not make a person beautiful, but this... A severed head, a torso without arms and legs, ripped open bellies, cut off pieces of the body. Malyshev was charged with two counts. However, investigators believe that there are many more victims.

Few people imagined that in the house on Marshal Rybalko Street, in apartment 128, a tragedy would unfold, which seasoned policemen still talk about with a shudder.

“A terrible apartment,” recalls Alexey Filippov, senior detective at the Kirov Department of Internal Affairs in Perm. “It all started when the dismembered corpse of a man was discovered in one of the garage cooperatives. The body was dug up by stray dogs. A preliminary examination was carried out at the scene of the incident. Her results were shocking.

From the special medical report:

"Fragments of tissue were identified on the remains, which were cut off with a sharp object, presumably a knife. Part of the right thigh and leg were cut off. No missing tissue was found."

In forensic science, it happens that individual body parts cannot always be found. In such cases, one can assume anything, including cannibalism. It became clear that the butcher had worked thoroughly on the body. The operatives began to look for the suspect, but they could not quickly find the trace of the cannibal.

Misha is a glutton

According to the memories of neighbors, Misha grew up as an ordinary boy, perhaps a little more vulnerable than other children. Mother and father often came drunk and started scandals. He was terribly worried, and when he was angry with someone, he took out his anger on his pets.

One day in the yard he cut off the tail of a neighbor's cat. When the residents came to the parents to sort things out, the flayer’s mother told them from the doorway: “Well, just think! The bear is angry with his father. So he decided to take it out on this creature.” His mother always stood up for him, dealing harshly with offenders. He finished eight grades with unsatisfactory behavior. In three years, Mikhail changed three schools. I didn't go to work. Yes, they didn’t take him anywhere.

Over time, his behavior did not change. Since 1990, he was registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate for violent acts against animals. He admitted to the district police officer that he consumed animal meat for food. But the law enforcement officer did not attach any importance to this, considering the flayer’s stories to be boyish fantasies. But in vain.

Misha's favorite places of leisure were attics and basements. He dreamed of working at a meat processing plant, where he believed he could eat his fill. His family did not spoil him with delicacies, although there was alcohol in abundance.

Malyshev’s independent life went awry. He did odd jobs. He had frequent guests: men with traces of an eternal hangover and ladies battered by life. The apartment turned into a den, where one drinking session followed another. And then one day a thought occurred to him: why buy food when the food itself comes to your home for free?

Hatchet work

Six months after the mysterious murder of a man, investigators discovered the dismembered corpse of a woman in the Kama River. When the disfigured fragments fished out of the river by the police began to be examined by experts, trying to restore the whole, to everyone’s amazement, extra parts were revealed that belonged to the previously killed man. The version about a mentally abnormal person who eats human flesh was confirmed.

Based on their sources, investigators received information about an apartment on Rybalko Street. The case was set in motion, and soon the detectives came close to the suspect. It was decided to search Malyshev’s apartment.

Residents of the house, says detective Alexey Filippov, have heard heartbreaking screams more than once. However, no one called the police. The owner did not open the metal door. I had to hack it. What they saw shocked everyone.

In the kitchen there were a large number of cutting boards, an ax, knives... There was a pan with the remains of soup on the stove. The freezer was filled with human meat, chopped into small pieces. The sight was terrible. The policemen, who had seen dozens of corpses in their lifetime, swallowed validol by the handful.

The ogre kept a diary

The first to be interrogated was Malyshev’s partner, Inna Podsertseva. A mask of horror seemed to be frozen on her face.

From the testimony:

He cut off my ear and ordered me not to leave the house. He said: “If you don’t listen to me, you’ll end up in the refrigerator.” He forced me to spin the meat, turning the fillet into mince. I thought with horror that the same fate awaited me. I was afraid to run.

During interrogation, Malyshev behaved calmly.

How did the murder happen?

Just. They drank, quarreled... I hit him with an axe. I calmed down when the blood washed my hands. Then I did everything in the bathroom.

What did they do with the dead?

I used the soft parts for frying cutlets. I threw away the rest.

The maniac kept a notebook where he meticulously wrote down the recipes of his culinary art. A note was made in the margins, underlined in red pencil: “There is a king in the world, this king is merciless, his name is hunger.”

Malyshev was in solitary confinement before the trial. I stared at one point all day long. The cannibal did not ask for anything and was not interested in anything, remaining completely indifferent.

At the trial, curses were thrown at the maniac, but he seemed not to notice anything.

The court sentenced Malyshev to capital punishment. Presumably he will receive a life sentence. Many people wondered: is Malyshev mentally healthy? The court found the cannibal fully sane. Yes, this is understandable. Law enforcement agencies cannot give a 100% guarantee that the cannibal will not be released after the psychiatric hospital. And who wants to be a maniac's dinner?