Tragic and Comic in M. Bulgakov’s stories “Heart of a Dog” and “Fatal Eggs”


M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” is one of the author’s brightest works. There is a lot of controversy around the novel: some believe that Bulgakov ridicules religion and faith in God with the novel, but this version can be immediately forgotten - it is incorrect. This can be seen from Bulgakov's statements about faith and God. He was a very religious person, and even the family he was born into does not give a chance for this version to exist: his father was a priest, and, definitely, young Mikhail would receive his upbringing in accordance with the spiritual education of his father.

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Tragic and comic in M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”

M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” is one of the author’s brightest works. There is a lot of controversy around the novel: some believe that Bulgakov ridicules religion and faith in God with the novel, but this version can be immediately forgotten - it is incorrect. This can be seen from Bulgakov's statements about faith and God. He was a very religious person, and even the family he was born into does not give a chance for this version to exist: his father was a priest, and, definitely, young Mikhail would receive his upbringing in accordance with the spiritual education of his father. Others believe that the author ridicules Soviet society and power with the novel. The authorities claimed that society was growing morally and spiritually... But how could society rise to the top morally and spiritually when the state denied the existence of God and forbade people from visiting churches, and repression awaited those who continued to go to church? The answer to this question is simple: in no way, without communication with God, people morally drowned in sins. This is exactly what the author is trying to show. The entire novel is imbued with moments of subtle or outright humor, through which Bulgakov ridicules Soviet society. But this does not mean that the author believes that people began to drown in sin right now. No, from Woland’s words: “Have people changed in Soviet Moscow?” - you can understand that he has been here before. And from the work it is clear that people have not changed, therefore, in my opinion, the main goal of the author is to ridicule human vices. And the time of what is happening was chosen as such for several reasons: the first is the denial of God, the second is that this time is most familiar to the author and possible readers.

I have already mentioned Woland. So who is he? Woland is the devil who came to Moscow, how much the people in the city have changed during that period of time while he was not here. He was skilled in magic and sorcery. It is with his name that all the humorous moments in the novel are connected. The most comic moment, I would say that this is the very peak of the novel, is the moment of Woland’s performance in the Variety Show.

The audience likes the experiments Woland’s retinue conducts on them. Money flying from above instantly sent the audience into a frenzy:

“Hundreds of hands rose, the audience looked through the pieces of paper at the illuminated stage and saw the most faithful and righteous watermarks. The smell also left no doubt: it was the incomparable smell of freshly printed money.”

When the entertainer Georges Bengalsky proposes to expose the trick and remove these pieces of paper, the audience indignantly demands to tear off his head, which was done at the same moment. The hall is shocked. Only after some time did the audience begin to come to their senses:

“For God’s sake, don’t torture him! – suddenly, covering the din, a woman’s voice sounded from the box.

Forgive, forgive! “At first, separate and predominantly female goals were heard, and then they merged into one chorus with the male ones.”

Watching what is happening, Woland wearily says:

“ - Well, they are people like people. They love money, but this has always been the case... Man loves money, no matter what it is made of, whether leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, they are frivolous... well, well... and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts... ordinary people... In general, they resemble the old ones... the housing problem only spoiled them... - and loudly ordered: “Put on your head.”

In this phrase of Woland we see hidden humor: people are like people, but here’s the housing problem! This is how people were spoiled by the housing issue.

The session continues. All this time, Sempliarov and his wife are watching what is happening from the balcony. He tried in every possible way to ridicule Woland and did not believe that everything that was happening was magic. He tried to understand how Woland does this. And everything would have continued like this if Woland had not turned his attention to him. Woland turned not to him, but to his wife, and told her a charming story about how the young ballerina became so famous and what business trips her husband went on. She was furious and immediately began a showdown with her husband. The whole hall watched what was happening with a smile and a grin. This is another humorous moment of the novel, it shows that no matter how you disguise yourself, no matter how you hide, punishment will befall you.

Then the next trick was shown. A passage appeared in the wall of the Variety and not just anywhere, but to a chic French boutique, where ladies were invited to change the clothes they were currently wearing for completely new ones. The ladies were afraid, no one dared to take the first step. But then there was one who was not afraid, she went into the boutique and a few minutes later came out in completely new clothes. The ladies were delighted, one after another they ran for new clothes. A stampede began, women grabbed everything. But now they have returned to their places. Woland decided that enough was enough and the session was completed.

The boutique trick is another comic moment in the novel. "What's so funny?" - you ask. Yes, there was nothing in the focus itself, but after the women left the Variety Show, all their clothes disappeared, and they were completely naked, or in only their pantaloons, and found themselves on the street.

Yes, there is a lot of comedy in the novel, but it is comic and tragic at the same time. Moreover, the tragedy is not because we feel sorry for the women or the entertainers, but the tragedy is that all the people were taken in by Woland’s tricks. They weren’t just acting out, but they turned into some kind of non-humans, ready to strangle their seatmate for a few rubles or for a new dress. In my opinion, this is the tragic thing that Bulgakov wanted to show us with his novel. It’s funny to us how Woland punished people, but let’s remember why he punished them. All punishments were for those sins that had long consumed Soviet society. This is the whole tragedy of what is happening.

The tragic and the comic are side by side in the novel, even more than that, they are in the same event, the main thing is to look at it from different sides. In my opinion, this is correct. The author shows how funny we become at people’s misdeeds, although we should burst into tears. We can recognize ourselves in those who are punished. Bulgakov shows that you should not laugh when you need to cry, because responsibility for sins will befall everyone.

Comic and tragic in the works of M.A. Bulgakov(using the example of the story “Heart of a Dog” and the novel “The Master and Margarita”)

The Russian line of literary satire, to which N.V. Gogol, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.P. Chekhov can be counted in the 19th century, and in the 20th century - A. Averchenko, M. Zoshchenko, V. Voinovich and others , is characterized by a large-scale understanding of the essence of human existence. Writers in this category, using techniques that would otherwise make the reader laugh, depict the tragedy of life they themselves feel.

M. Bulgakov is not a satirist in its purest form. The genre of satire, in which “Heart of a Dog” is written, involves showing in a funny way something that is not at all funny in reality. This fantastic work, which depicted what was happening in Russia after the 1917 revolution as an omen of the approaching Apocalypse, turned out to be so topical that it was published only decades after the death of the author.

The comic is an indispensable feature of even Bulgakov’s far from funny works, such as the play “Running” and the novel “The Master and Margarita,” which gives the opportunity to the author, who allowed the reader to laugh, to make him cry at the peak of laughter. The comic in these works is only a very thin upper layer, barely covering the tragedy bursting out. “Heart of a Dog” is a very typical book in this regard.

In the story, the ratio of funny and tragic is very uneven, since a small part of the external, event line belongs to the former. All other facets are the priority of the second.

The fate of the house in Obukhov Lane correlates with the fate of Russia. “The house is gone,” says Professor Preobrazhensky after moving into his house I tenants. Bulgakov (and \. spoke) about Russia after the Bolsheviks seized power. Ridiculous looking, ill-mannered and practically unfamiliar with the culture men and women who do not look like women may seem funny to the reader at first. But it is they who turn out to be aliens from the kingdom of Darkness, bringing discomfort into the life of not only the professor; It is they, led by Shvonder, who “educate” Sharikov in Sharik and recommend him for public service.

The confrontation between Preobrazhensky and Shvonder can be viewed not only as a relationship between an intellectual and the new government. The main thing is that culture and anti-culture, spirituality and anti-spirituality collide, and the bloodless (for now) duel between them is not resolved in favor of the first; in the struggle of Light and Darkness there is no life-affirming ending.

There is nothing funny in the image of the newly created man Sharikov (except, perhaps, for a shade of this funny in Sharik’s pompous and self-aggrandizing internal monologues), because only those who are marked by it can laugh at ugliness - spiritual and physical. This is a repulsively unsympathetic image, but Sharikov himself is not a bearer of evil. Only by finding himself on the field of that very battle of Darkness and Light for his soul, does he eventually become the mouthpiece of the ideas of Shvonder - the Bolsheviks - Satan.

A similar theme is present in The Master and Margarita, where the Lord of Darkness himself appears on the stage, wearing no mask for the reader. But hidden behind many of them for the heroes of the novel, he and his servants put many in a funny position, allowing others (including the reader) to observe all human and social vices (performance in Variety and other situations). Only in the case of Ivan Bezdomny do absurd and terrible incidents help to cleanse the poet’s inner world of the superficial and enable him to get closer to comprehending the true.

Thus, we see that the combination of the comic and tragic in Bulgakov’s works, while remaining in the stream of Russian literary satire, has an important feature for their understanding: the mixture of funny and sad in terms of events (even not for a very experienced and attentive reader) shows the deepest tragedy, comprehended on an internal level.

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1 State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Comic and tragic in the works of M. Bulgakov (To the 125th anniversary of the birth of M. A. Bulgakov) Novosibirsk-2016

2 Contents Mikhail Bulgakov: riddles and lessons of fate 2 Bulgakov: characters, prototypes, works 5 Mikhail Bulgakov: riddles and lessons of fate 1. Akimov, Vladimir Mikhailovich. The light of the artist’s truth: rereading M. Bulgakov: reflections, observations, polemics / Vladimir Akimov. - St. Petersburg: Ladoga, p. : ill. ; 20 cm specimen - ISBN: 60 rub. Ш5(2=Р)7/А391 Ch/z Boborykin, Vladimir Georgievich. Mikhail Bulgakov: Book. for students of Art. classes / V.G. Boborykin. - Moscow: Enlightenment, p., l. ill. - (Biography of the writer). - ISBN G kh Boyadzhieva, Lyudmila Vladislavovna. Bulgakov's Moscow / Lyudmila Boyadzhieva. - Moscow: Olympus, p. : ill. ; 21 cm specimen - ISBN (Astrel) in translation). - ISBN Ш5(2=Р)7/Б869 Ch/z3 4. Bulgakov without gloss / project, [comp. and entry Art.] P. Fokina. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, p. ; 21 cm - (No gloss). - Bibliography: with copy. - ISBN (in Ш5(2=Р)7/Б907 Ch/z3 5. Varlamov, Alexey Nikolaevich. Mikhail Bulgakov / Alexey Varlamov. - Moscow: Young Guard, p., l. ill.; 21 cm. - (The Life of Remarkable people: ZhZL; issue 1339 (1139). - Bibliography in note: with Bibliography: with copy - ISBN Ш5(2=Р)7/В182 Ch/z Galinskaya, Irina Lvovna. The legacy of Mikhail Bulgakov in modern interpretations : collection of scientific works / I. L. Galinskaya; Russian Academic Sciences, Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences. - Moscow: INION, p.; 21 cm. - (Series "Theory and History culture"). - Bibliography: with copy - ISBN: 30 r. G kh

3 7. Kachurin, M. G. Here is your eternal home...: Personality and creativity of M. Bulgakov: Book. for youth / M.G. Kachurin, M.A. Schneerson. - St. Petersburg: Papyrus, p. - ISBN: B. c. Gkh Myagkov, Boris Sergeevich. Bulgakov on the Patriarchal / Boris Myagkov. - Moscow: Algorithm, p., l. ill. : ill. ; 21 cm - (Literature with geography). - Bibliography: s, bibliogr. in note: with copy. - ISBN (in translation): 150. Ш5(2)/М990 Х/з3 9. Unknown Bulgakov / [Comp. and comment. V. Loseva]. - Moscow: Book. chamber, s. : ill. - (From the handwritten heritage). - ISBN X: B. c. Gkh Novikov, Vasily Vasilievich. Mikhail Bulgakov - artist: monograph / V.V. Novikov. - Moscow: Mosk. worker, s. - ISBN: B. c. Gkh Panfilov, Alexey Yurievich. Riddle "AIR": unknown. creative pages biogr. M. A. Bulgakov 1920s / A. Yu. Panfilov. - Moscow: Sputnik+, p. ; 21 cm specimen - ISBN: 60 rub. Sh5(2=P)7/P167 Ch/z3 12. Petelin, Viktor Vasilievich. Life of Bulgakov. Finish before you die / Viktor Petelin, ed., additional. - Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, p. : portrait ; 21 cm; l. ill. : fax copy - ISBN (in translation): 420 rub. Sh5(2=P)7/P291 Ch/z3 13. Ryzhkova, Tatyana Vyacheslavovna. Dialogues with Bulgakov: [book. for the teacher] / T. V. Ryzhkova. - St. Petersburg: SAGA: ABC-classics, p. ; 21 cm - (Methodological master class). - Bibliography: with copy. - ISBN: 60 rub. Gkh Sakharov, Vsevolod Ivanovich.

4 Mikhail Bulgakov: riddles and lessons of fate: [collection] / V. I. Sakharov. - Moscow: Giraffe, p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - Bibliography: with copy. - ISBN (in translation): 90 rub. Ш5(2=Р)7/С221 Ch/z Sokolov, Boris Vadimovich. Bulgakov. Mystical Master: / B.V. Sokolov. - Moscow: Veche, p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - (Man of Mystery) copy. - ISBN (in translation): 90 rub. Sh5(2=P)7/S594 Ch/z3 16. Sokolov, Boris Vadimovich. Bulgakov: characters, prototypes, works, friends and enemies, family: encyclopedia / B.V. Sokolov. - Moscow: Eksmo, p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Encyclopedia of Great Writers) copy. - ISBN (translated) :. Ш5(2=Р)я20/С594 Ch/z Sokolov, Boris Vadimovich. Bulgakov: encyclopedia / B.V. Sokolov. - Moscow: Eksmo, p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Encyclopedia of Great Writers). - Name. index: from Bibliography: from copy. - ISBN (in translation): 390 rub., rub. Ш5(2=Р)я20/С594 Ch/z Sokolov, Boris Vadimovich. Mikhail Bulgakov: mysteries of fate / Boris Sokolov. - Moscow: Vagrius, p. ; 22 cm specimen - ISBN (translated): Ш5(2)/С594 Ch/z Sokolov, Boris Vadimovich. Mikhail Bulgakov: mysteries of creativity / Boris Sokolov. - Moscow: Vagrius, p. ; 22 cm specimen - ISBN (in Gkh Creative personality in journalism and prose of Mikhail Bulgakov: textbook / Irkutsk State University; comp.: S. R. Smirnov [et al.]. - Irkutsk: ISU Publishing House, p.; 21 see - Bibliography: with copy - ISBN: B. ts. vr2015 Sh5(2=P)7/T285 Ch/z3 21. Cherkashina, Marina Viktorovna Mikhail Bulgakov: in the lines and between the lines / M.V. Cherkashina - Moscow: Dialogue-MSU, pp. - ISBN: B. c.

5 Gkh Yablokov, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich. The artistic world of Mikhail Bulgakov / E.A. Yablokov. - Moscow: Languages ​​of the Slavs. culture, p. - (Studia philologica). - ISBN: 150 rub. Dkh Yanovskaya, Lidiya Markovna Notes about Mikhail Bulgakov: biography of an individual / L. Yanovskaya. - Moscow: Parallels, p., l. ill. ; 22 cm. - Name. decree: with copy. - ISBN (in translation): 150 rub. D x Bulgakov: characters, prototypes, works 24. Belobrovtseva, Irina. M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”: commentary / Irina Belobrovtseva, Svetlana Kulyus. - Moscow: Book. club "36.6", pech, village. ; 22 cm. - Bibliography: from Decree. names: with copy - ISBN (in translation): 210 rub. Ш5(2=Р)7/Б435 Ch/z Buzinovsky, S. B. The Mystery of Woland: decipherment experience / Sergey Buzinovsky, Olga Buzinovskaya. - St. Petersburg: Lev and Owl, p. ; 22 cm specimen - ISBN (in translation): 210 rub. On the lane 1st author: O. Buzinovskaya Sh5(2=P)7/B904 Ch/z Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. White Guard: a novel; Days of the Turbins; Running: plays: / Mikhail Bulgakov. - Moscow; Tver: Martin, 2015 (Tver), p. ; 20 cm. - (Selected cult classics) copy. copy - ISBN (in translation): B. ts. vr (2Ros=Rus)6/B907 ab 27. Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. Running: [collection: 16+] / Mikhail Bulgakov. - Moscow: Eksmo, p. ; 21 cm - (Crimea). - Contents: The White Guard: an early edition of the last chapter of the novel "The White Guard"; Run; Life of Monsieur de Molière; stories: The Extraordinary Adventures of the Doctor; Red Crown; Chinese

6 history; Plaque; Bohemia; On the night of the 3rd copy. copy - ISBN (in translation): B. ts. vr (2Ros=Rus)6/B907 ab 28. Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. Selected works [Text]: in 3 volumes / M.A. Bulgakov. - Moscow: [b. i.] T. 1: Notes of a young doctor; Notes on cuffs; Stories; Diaboliad; Fatal Eggs; Dog's heart; White Guard s. - ISBN B. c. B907/N1 kh Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. Selected works [Text]: in 3 volumes / M.A. Bulgakov. - Moscow: [b. i.] T. 2: The Life of Monsieur de Moliere; Notes of a Dead Man: Theater. novel; The Master and Margarita p. - ISBN B. B907/N2 kkh Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. Selected works [Text]: in 3 volumes / M.A. Bulgakov. - Moscow: [b. i.] T. 3: Plays p. - Contents: Crazy Jourdain; Don Quixote; Days of the Turbins; Zoyka's apartment; Crimson Island and others - ISBN B. c. B907/N3 kh Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. Small collected works / Mikhail Bulgakov. - St. Petersburg: ABC: ABC-Atticus, p. ; 22 cm. - Contents: The Master and Margarita: a novel; plays of the 1920s: Zoyka’s apartment: a play in 4 acts; Alexander Pushkin: play in 4 d.; Ivan Vasilievich: play in 3 acts; prose of the 20s: Morphine; Notes on cuffs; Diaboliad: the story of how the twins killed a clerk; Fatal eggs: a story; Heart of a Dog: The Monstrous History of the Specimen. - ISBN (in translation): vr (2Ros=Rus)6/B907 ab 32. Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. The Master and Margarita: / Mikhail Bulgakov. - St. Petersburg: ABC: ABC-Atticus, p. ; 21 cm. - (World classics) copy. copy - ISBN vr (2Ros=Rus)6/B907 ab 33. Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. Complete collection of novels and stories in one volume / Mikhail Bulgakov. - Moscow: Eksmo, p. ; 22 cm - (Complete works). - Contents: novels: White Guard; Life of Monsieur de Molière; Theatrical novel (Notes of a Dead Man); Master and Margarita; stories:

7 Notes of a young doctor; Morphine; Notes on cuffs; Diaboliad; Fatal Eggs; Heart of a dog ex vr (2Ros=Rus)6/B907 ab 34. Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. Heart of a Dog: story, stories, feuilletons: / Mikhail Bulgakov. - Moscow: E, 2015 (Ulyanovsk), p. ; 21 cm - (Russian classics). - Contents: Heart of a Dog; stories, feuilletons: Week of Education; Trade Renaissance; Seance; Moscow red barracks; The Adventures of Chichikov; N 13-house of Elpit-Rabkommun; Capital in notepad; Cup of life; At the school of the town of III International; 1st children's commune, and other copies. copy - ISBN (in translation): B. vr (2Ros=Rus)6/B907 ab 35. Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. Collected works in one book / Mikhail Bulgakov; [intro. Art. and comment. I. Sukhikh; artist N. Perekhodenko]. - 2nd ed., add. - Belgorod; Kharkov: Family leisure club, p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - Contents: Theatrical novel: (notes of a deceased person); Notes of a young doctor. Morphine; Diaboliad: the story of how the twins killed a clerk; Fatal Eggs; Heart of a Dog: A Monstrous Story; Life of Monsieur de Molière; To a secret friend; Master and Margarita; Black magician; Engineer's Hoof: drafts; stories: Khan's fire; I killed; chapters of the novel "The Master and Margarita" (completed and rewritten in the years) copies. vr (2Ros=Rus)6/B907 ab 36. Korolev, Anatoly Vasilievich. The betrothal of light and darkness: about the novel “The Master and Margarita” and Mikhail Bulgakov: essay / Anatoly Korolev. - Moscow: Publishing House of the Literary Institute, p. ; 21 cm. - Bibliography. in note at the end of article ex. Sh5(2=P)7/K682 Ch/z3 37. Lesskis, Georgy Alexandrovich. Guide to Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" / G. Lesskis, K. Atarova. - Moscow: Raduga, p. : ill. ; 25 cm - Decree. names and works: from Bibliography: from copy. - ISBN (in translation): 210 rub. Ш5(2=Р)7/Л512 Ch/z Sokolov, Boris Vadimovich. Bulgakov deciphered: the secrets of “The Master and Margarita” / Boris Sokolov. - Moscow: Eksmo: Yauza, 2010 (Gatchina, Leningrad region). -

8 603, p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - Bibliography: with copy. - ISBN (in translation): 270 rub. Sh5(2=P)7/S594 Ch/z3 39. Sokolov, Boris Vadimovich. Secrets of Bulgakov. Deciphered "White Guard" / Boris Sokolov. - Moscow: Eksmo: Yauza, p. ; 21 cm. - (White Guard. Main TV premiere of the season!) copy. - ISBN (in translation): 90 rub. Ш5(2=Р)7/С594 Х/з3 40. Stepanyan, Elena Grantovna. About Mikhail Bulgakov and the “heart of a dog” / E. G. Stepanyan. - Moscow: Oklik, p. ; 17 cm - ISBN: 30 rub. Sh5(2=P)7/S794 Ch/z3 41. Sutormin, Viktor Nikolaevich. On both sides of the Arbat, or Three Houses of Margarita: [about M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”] / Viktor Sutormin. - Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, p., l. ill. : ill. ; 21 cm. - (Guidebook) copy. - ISBN (in translation): 300 rub. T3(2)/S906 Ch/z3 42. Filatyev, Eduard Nikolaevich. The mystery of Bulgakov's "Master..." / Eduard Filatyev. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, p. ; 21 cm specimen - ISBN (in translation): 270 rub. Sh5(2=P)7/F518 Ch/z3 43. Yakimova, Anastasia Viktorovna. Carnivalization as a genre-forming principle in M. A. Bulgakov’s plays “Adam and Eve”, “Bliss”, “Ivan Vasilyevich” / A. V. Yakimova; Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Amur. humanities-ped. state univ. - Komsomolsk-on-Amur: AmSPGU Publishing House, p. ; 20 cm. - Bibliography: with copy. - ISBN: 60 rub. Sh5(2=P)7/Ya453 Ch/z3 44. Yanovskaya, Lidia Markovna. The last book, or Woland’s Triangle: with digressions, abbreviations and additions / Lydia Yanovskaya. - Moscow: PROZAIK, p. : ill. ; 25 cm specimen - ISBN (in translation): 390 rub. Sh5(2=P)7/Y646 Ch/z3

Irkutsk State Technical University Scientific and Technical Library Department of Fiction Master of Diversity Book Catalog Irkutsk 2011 Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov (1891 1940) Born

MOSCOW STATE INSTITUTE OF CULTURE INFORMATION AND LIBRARY CENTER MIKHAIL AFANASIEVICH BULGAKOV (To the 125th anniversary of his birth) B43 Belozerskaya-Bulgakova, L.E. Memories / L.E. Belozerskaya-Bulgakova.

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1 Folklore. Fiction 1. Ш6(2Р)6 B907 Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich (1891-1940). The Life of Mister de Moliere / M. Bulgakov; comment G. N. Boyadzhiev. - 3rd ed. - Moscow: Young Guard,

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386 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF N. N. SKATOV’S WORKS Chronicle of life and creativity / comp. : N. N. Skatov, K. I. Tyunkin; entry Art. N. N. Skatova. M.: Publishing house. Center “Classics”, 2008. 536 p. Chekhov A. P. Vash

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List of books for the exhibition: “The Unknown War” 63.3(2)52 A 18 August Sisters of Mercy: [collection of archival documents and memoirs / author.-comp. N.K. Zvereva]. Moscow: Veche, 2006. 461, p.,

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1 Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy. Literature in our funds WORKS 1. Tolstoy, Alexey Konstantinovich. T. 1. - 1980. - 495, *1+ p. 2. Tolstoy, Alexey Konstantinovich. T. 2. - 1980. - 397, *3+ p.

List of exhibited literature for the exhibition “In the World of Russian Literature” 1. N000106 A. Blok. Secret heat [Video recording]: textbook. manual / poems by A. Blok read by B. M. Bim-Bad. Moscow: URAO-studio, 2002. 1

1 Veresaev Vikenty Vikentievich. Works and literature about the writer from the collections of the TOGU library Works 1. Veresaev, V.V. Complete works *Text+ / Veresaev Vikenty Vikentievich; V.V.

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1 Literary studies 1. Ш5(2Р)6 B124 Babenko, Natalya Grigorievna. Language and poetics of Russian prose in the postmodern era / N. G. Babenko. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - Moscow: Librocom, 2010. - 304 p.; 21 cm

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References Doc_Id 334 68 3 689 4 33489 5 35685 6 35985 3648 8 4440 9 433439 Pol. index Auto. sign 63.3(P)46 C89 83.84(=4.)5 B3 83.84(=4.)53-4 B95 84(=4.)6-46 T55 63.3()5.-8 G39 63.3()4-33 K 4.00.5

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87.3(2) A 35 Azarenko, E. K. Worldview of M. V. Lomonosov [Text] / E. K. Azarenko; Ministry of higher education Education of the USSR, Belarus. state University named after V.I. Lenin. - Minsk: BSU Publishing House, 1959. - 268, p. : portrait

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1 Folklore. Fiction 1. Ш6(2Р)6 А872 Arkhangelsky, Alexander. Meanwhile: TV with human faces: [art. journalism] / A. Arkhangelsky. - Moscow: Ast: Astrel, 2010.

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“The Mighty Talent of Russia” - 145 years since the birth of Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov (April 1, 1873-1943) Prepared by: chief librarian of the service department at the Institute of Culture and Arts M.E. Pisareva.

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Troitsky N.A. Bibliography. 1. A880692 Nikolai Alekseevich Troitsky: bibliogr. decree. /auth. entry Art. and comp. Yu. G. Stepanov. Saratov: B. i., 2002. - 49, p. 2. A852436 Lectures on Russian history

A writer will always be in opposition to politics as long as politics itself is in opposition to culture “Understand that language can hide the truth, but eyes never!...” Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov - Russian writer,

The Russian line of literary satire, to which N.V. Gogol, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.P. Chekhov can be counted in the 19th century, and in the 20th century - A. Averchenko, M. Zoshchenko, V. Voinovich and others , is characterized by a large-scale understanding of the essence of human existence. Writers of this category, using techniques that in other circumstances make the reader laugh, depict the tragedy of life that they themselves feel.M. Bulgakov is not a satirist in its purest form. The genre of satire, in which “Heart of a Dog” is written, involves showing in a funny way something that is not at all funny in reality. This fantastic work, which depicted what was happening in Russia after the 1917 revolution as an omen of the approaching Apocalypse, turned out to be so topical that it was published only decades after the death of the author. The comic is an indispensable part of even Bulgakov’s not at all funny works, such as the play “Running” and the novel “The Master and Margarita”, which gives the opportunity to the author, who allowed the reader to laugh, to make him cry at the peak of laughter. The comic in these works is only a very thin upper layer, barely covering the tragedy bursting out. “Heart of a Dog” is a very typical book in this regard.

In the story, the ratio of funny and tragic is very uneven, since a small part of the external, event line belongs to the former. All other facets are the second priority. The fate of the house in Obukhov Lane correlates with the fate of Russia. “The house has disappeared,” says Professor Preobrazhensky after the first tenants moved into his house. Bulgakov could have said the same (and did) about Russia after the Bolsheviks seized power. Ridiculous looking, ill-mannered and practically unfamiliar with the culture men and women who do not look like women may seem funny to the reader at first. But it is they who turn out to be aliens from the kingdom of Darkness, bringing discomfort into the life of not only the professor; It is they, led by Shvonder, who “educate” Sharikov in Sharik and recommend him for public service.

The confrontation between Preobrazhensky and Shvonder can be viewed not only as a relationship between an intellectual and the new government. The main thing is that culture and anti-culture, spirituality and anti-spirituality collide, and the bloodless (for now) duel that takes place between them is not resolved in favor of the first; in the struggle of Light and Darkness there is no life-affirming ending. There is nothing funny in the image of the newly created man Sharikov (with the possible exception , a shade of this funny in Sharik’s pompous and self-aggrandizing internal monologues), because only those who are marked by it can laugh at ugliness - spiritual and physical. This is a repulsively unsympathetic image, but Sharikov himself is not a bearer of evil. Only having found himself on the field of that very battle of Darkness and Light for his soul, he eventually becomes the mouthpiece of the ideas of Shvonder - the Bolsheviks - Satan. A similar theme is present in “The Master and Margarita”, where the Lord of Darkness himself appears on the stage, at which the reader already there is no mask.

But hidden behind many of them for the heroes of the novel, he and his servants put many in a funny position, allowing others (including the reader) to observe all human and social vices (performance in Variety and other situations). Only in the case of Ivan Bezdomny do absurd and terrible incidents help to cleanse the poet’s inner world of the superficial and enable him to get closer to comprehending the true. Thus, we see that the combination of the comic and tragic in Bulgakov’s works, while remaining in the stream of Russian literary satire, has an important for their understanding there is a peculiarity: the mixture of funny and sad in terms of events (even not for an overly experienced and attentive reader) shows the deepest tragedy, comprehended in the internal sense.

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M.A. Bulgakov is a satirist of the 20th century, and his life made him a satirist. Every image he created carries his love or hatred, admiration or bitterness, tenderness or regret. When you read a truly immortal work - “The Heart of a Dog” - you inevitably become infected with these feelings. With satire, he only “snarled” at all the bad things that arose and multiplied before his eyes, from which he had to fight off more than once himself, and which threatened the people and the country with tragedy. The writer could not stand violence against people, but in his time it was used more and more widely and was primarily directed at the breadwinner of the country - the peasant - and against the intelligentsia, whom he considered the best part of the people. Bulgakov saw the main misfortune of his “backward” country in lack of culture and ignorance. Both the first and the second, with the destruction of the intelligentsia, despite the “cultural revolution” and the elimination of illiteracy, did not decrease, but, on the contrary, penetrated both the state apparatus and those layers of society that, in all respects, should have constituted its intellectual environment. Realizing what tragedy all this could lead to, he rushed into battle to defend everything “reasonable, good, eternal” that the best minds of the Russian intelligentsia sowed in their time and that was discarded and trampled on in the name of the so-called class interests of the proletariat.

I was very interested in this work, so I set myself a goal: to more deeply explore the manifestation of the tragic and comic in it, and also to consider the intertwining of these two seemingly opposite categories. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to define them in order to consider their manifestation in the “Heart of a Dog” in its entirety. So:

The combination of the comic and tragic in Bulgakov's story "The Heart of a Dog" has one goal - to present in art the fullness of life, the diversity of its manifestations. The tragic and comic in the story do not exist in their pure form, but transforming one into the other, combining with each other, and the contrast that arises between them further enhances the facets of both. That is why the writer uses this technique in his works. The genre of satire in which the work is written involves showing in a funny way something that is not at all funny in reality. So let's get started.

Using the principles of “fantastic realism” and the grotesque, interfering with the reality of NEP Russia and original fiction, the writer creates a fascinating and ominous story. The theme of disharmony, brought to the point of absurdity thanks to human intervention in the eternal laws of nature, was revealed with brilliant skill and talent by Bulgakov in a story whose plot is unusual, it combines the comic and the tragic.

The main character of "Heart of a Dog" is Professor Preobrazhensky - a typical Moscow intellectual, surgeon, and highly cultured person. His assistant is Dr. Bormenthal. Preobrazhensky critically perceives everything that has been happening since March 1917:

“Why, when this whole story began, did everyone start walking in dirty galoshes and felt boots up the marble staircase?.. Why was the carpet removed from the main staircase?.. Why the hell did they remove the flowers from the landings?

Devastation, Philip Philipovich.

No,” Philip Philipovich objected quite confidently, “no.” You are the first, dear Ivan Arnoldovich, to refrain from using this very word. This is smoke, a mirage, a fiction. "..." What is this destruction of yours? Old woman with a stick? The witch who broke all the windows? Yes, it doesn't exist at all. What do you mean by this word? "..." This is this: if, instead of operating every evening, I start singing in chorus in my apartment, I will be in ruins. If, entering the restroom, I start, excuse the expression, urinating past the toilet and Daria Petrovna does the same, the restroom will be devastated. Consequently, the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads. So, when these baritones shout “beat the destruction!” - I am laughing. I swear to you, I find it funny! That means they have to hit themselves in the back of the head!"

The professor's views have much in common with the author's views. They are both skeptical of the revolution and oppose terror and the proletariat. When Shvonder and his company come to the professor, he calls one of the patients and declares that he will not perform surgery on him, “stops the practice altogether and leaves for Batum forever,” because workers armed with revolvers came to him (and this is actually no) and force him to sleep in the kitchen and perform operations in the restroom. A certain Vitaly Vlasievich calms him down, promising to give him a “strong” piece of paper, after which no one will touch him. The professor is triumphant. The working delegation is left with its nose.

Buy then, comrade,” says the worker, “literature for the benefit of the poor of our faction.”

“I won’t buy it,” the professor answers.

Why? After all, it's inexpensive. Only 50 kopecks. Maybe you don’t have money?

No, I have money, but I just don’t want it.

So, does that mean you don’t like the proletariat?

Yes,” the professor admits, “I don’t like the proletariat.

A great many more examples could be given, examples of the fact that Bulgakov definitely hates and despises the entire Sovstroy, denies all its achievements. But there are few such professors, the overwhelming majority are Sharikovs and Shvonders. Isn't this a tragedy for Russia? According to the professor, people need to be taught basic culture in everyday life, at work, in relationships, then the devastation will disappear by itself, and there will be peace and order. Moreover, this should not be done through terror: “Nothing can be done with terror...” They are in vain to think that terror will help them. No, no, no, it won’t help, no matter what it is: white, red or even brown! Terror is absolutely paralyzes the nervous system." You need to act with affection, persuasion and your own example. Preobrazhensky recognizes that the only cure against devastation is to ensure order, when everyone can go about their business: “A policeman! This and only this! And it doesn’t matter at all whether he will be with a badge or in a red cap. Put a policeman next to each person and force this policeman to moderate vocal impulses of our citizens. I'll tell you... that nothing will change for the better in our house, or in any other house, until you pacify these singers! As soon as they stop their concerts, the situation will naturally change for the better. the best!" But this philosophy of his suffers a tragic collapse, because even he himself cannot raise a reasonable person in Sharikov. What are the reasons for the failure of this brilliant experiment? Why didn’t Sharik develop further under the influence of two educated and cultured people? The point is not at all in genetics or physiology, but in the fact that Sharikov is a type of a certain environment. The creature's actions are determined by the dog's instincts and Klim's genes. The contrast between the intellectual beginnings of Preobrazhensky and Bormental and the instincts of Sharikov is so striking that it turns from comic to grotesque and colors the story in tragic tones.

And it all starts like this: Professor Preobrazhensky picks up a mongrel and conducts an experiment: he transplants a human pituitary gland into the dog. The result is unexpected, comic: the dog turns into a man. This gives the professor and his assistant, Dr. Bormenthal, a reason to dream of creating a new, highly developed personality. But from an ordinary mongrel dog an ignorant boor is formed, inheriting from the donor Klim Chugunkin not only the pituitary gland, but also an unattractive appearance, bad habits and a tendency towards alcoholism. The author shows how gradually, under the influence of the chairman of the house committee Shvonder, Poligraf Poligrafovich (as he wished to be called) makes more and more demands on Professor Preobrazhensky and becomes a threat to the entire house. And the comic gradually becomes tragic.

Here is a creature, still a dog, ready to lick the professor’s boots and exchange freedom for a piece of sausage. This animal is content with small, ordinary “happiness,” like many people in the early 20s, who began to get used to living in unheated apartments, eating rotten corned beef in the Councils of Normal Nutrition, receiving pennies and not being surprised by the lack of electricity. While the dog lies on the street and suffers from a burnt side, he thinks. His statements “humanly” are rational, they have a certain logic: “A citizen appeared. It was a citizen, not a comrade, and even - most likely - a gentleman. - Closer - clearer - a gentleman. Do you think I judge by my coat? Nonsense. Nowadays, many of the proletarians wear coats. But by their eyes, you can’t confuse them both up close and from a distance... You can see everything - who has great dryness in their souls, who can poke the toe of their boot in the ribs for no reason, and who He's afraid of everyone." Having received help from the professor and settled in his apartment, the dog begins to grow in his own eyes: “I am handsome. Perhaps an unknown incognito canine prince.”... It is very possible that my grandmother sinned with the diver. I look - I have a white spot on my face. Where does it come from, you ask? Philip Philipovich is a man with great taste, he will not take the first mongrel dog that comes his way." But the psychology of this dog is dictated only by living conditions and its origin.

While still a dog, Sharik understood the tragedy of people, the decline of their morals: “I’m tired of my Matryona, I’ve suffered with flannel pants, now my time has come. I’m now the chairman, and no matter how much I steal - everything, everything on a woman’s body, on cancerous cervixes, on Abrau-Durso! Because I was hungry enough in my youth, it will be enough for me, but there is no afterlife!" The dog’s reasoning makes you smile, but it’s just grotesquery covered with a thin layer of comedy. And what are the professor’s patients worth? Take the old man who boasted about his love affairs or this:

" - I'm too famous in Moscow, professor! What should I do now? - Gentlemen! - Philip Philipovich shouted indignantly, - you can't do this! You need to restrain yourself. How old is she? - Fourteen, professor... You understand, publicity will ruin me "One of these days I'm supposed to get a business trip abroad. - But I'm not a lawyer, my dear... Well, wait two years and marry her. - I'm married, professor! - Oh, gentlemen, gentlemen!.."

And so “the master’s dog, an intelligent creature,” as Sharik called himself, who closed his eyes in shame in the professor’s office, one terrible day turns not into a developed personality, as Dr. Bormental assumed, but into a cattle, a boor and a regular at Klim Chugunkin’s taverns. The first words this creature speaks are vulgar swearing, the vocabulary of the lower strata of society. He is unattractive in appearance, dressed tastelessly, and is pristinely pure in relation to any culture. Sharik, at all costs, wants to become a popular person, but does not understand that this requires a long path of development, it requires work, work on oneself, and mastering knowledge. But there are countless such Sharikovs in Russia, and this misunderstanding leads to tragedy not only in the story, but also in reality. Attempts to instill basic manners in Sharik evoke staunch resistance in him: “Everything is like at a parade, a napkin is here, a tie is here, and “please, merci,” but in a real way, no. You’re torturing yourself, like under the tsarist regime." The author follows how, under the influence of the chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, and as the creature’s self-esteem grows, his demands also grow. The chairman of the house committee does not burden this child of the experiment with any culture, and hammers home an extremely attractive program. Shvonder does not realize that this program: whoever was nothing will become everything can play a cruel joke not only on the intelligentsia, but also on the Shvonders themselves, if anyone decides to direct it against them. The writer predicted purges among the communists, when the more successful Shvonders drowned the less successful ones. Tragedy! The way Sharikov becomes a participant in the revolutionary process, how he ideally approaches it, perceives its ideas, in 1925 looked like the worst satire on the process and its participants. Two weeks after he turned into a person, he has a document proving his identity, although in fact he is not a person, which is what the professor expresses: “So he said?” ... “This does not mean being human." Another week later - Sharikov is already a minor official, but his nature remains the same as it was - dog-criminal. Just look at his message about his work: “Yesterday cats were strangled and strangled.” But what kind of satire is this if thousands of people like Sharikov, a few years later, also “strangled and strangled” not cats - people, workers who had not done anything wrong before the revolution?

Polygraph Poligraphych becomes a threat to the professor and the inhabitants of his apartment, and to the whole society as a whole. He, citing his proletarian origin, demands from the professor documents, living space, freedom, and in response to fair comments he snaps: “Somehow, dad, you’re painfully oppressing me.” In his speech, the terminology of the ruling class appears: “In our time, everyone has his own right,” “I am not a master, everyone is a gentleman in Paris.” Moreover, the last phrase is especially frightening, since it is no longer a repetition of what Shvonder said, but Sharikov’s own thought. Bulgakov's story the heart of a dog ball

On the advice of Shvonder, Poligraf Poligrafovich is trying to master the correspondence between Engels and Kautsky and adds his own very comical line to it, following the principle of universal egalitarianism, which he learned from what he read: “Take everything and divide it.” Of course, this sounds funny, which is what the professor notes: “And you, in the presence of two people with a university education, allow yourself “…” to give some kind of advice on a cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity about how to divide everything...”; but isn’t that what the leadership of the young republic did, equating the benefits of honest peasants who worked hard and lazy people like Chugunkin? What awaits Russia with such Sharikovs, Chugunkins and Shvonders? Bulgakov was one of the first who realized that it would come to a tragic ending. This is the tragicomic nature of Bulgakov: to make the reader laugh and cry at the peak of laughter. It should also be noted that “Sharikovism” is obtained only as a result of “Shvonder” education. And there are more and more Shvonders every day...

Poligraf Poligrafych brings suspicious individuals to the living space allocated to him in the professor’s apartment. The patience of the apartment's inhabitants is running out, and Polygraph, sensing a threat, becomes dangerous. He disappears from the apartment, and then appears in it in a different form: “He was wearing a leather jacket from someone else’s shoulder, worn leather trousers and English high lace-up boots to the knees.” Now he is the head of the department for cleaning the city of Moscow from stray animals (cats, etc.) in the MKH department. Having felt the taste of power, Polygraph uses it roughly. He brings his bride to the house, and after the professor explains to her the essence of the Polygraph and the unfortunate lady leaves, he threatens to take revenge on her: “Okay, you’ll remember from me. Tomorrow I’ll make you redundant.” Bulgakov raises the question point blank no longer about whether there will be a tragic ending or not, but asks about the size of the tragedy to which Russia will be subjected.

Further - worse. Inspired by Shvonder, the offended Sharikov writes a denunciation against his creator: “... threatening to kill the chairman of the house committee, Comrade Shvonder, from which it is clear that he keeps firearms. And he makes counter-revolutionary speeches, and even ordered Engels “...” to be burned in the stove, like an obvious Menshevik...” .

“The crime matured and fell like a stone, as it usually happens...” Sharikov himself invited his death.” He responded to Philip Philipovich’s request to leave the apartment with a decisive refusal and pointed a revolver at Dr. Bormental. Having undergone a reverse operation, Sharik does not remember anything and keeps thinking that he was “so lucky, simply indescribably lucky.” And Bulgakov brightens up the tragic ending with a comic note.

In the foreground is the experiment of a brilliant scientist, a fascinating plot. Before the professor's eyes, a sweet but cunning, slightly sycophantic dog turns into a man. And the biological experiment becomes a moral and psychological experiment. A story about an old school professor who made a great discovery. In the depths of incredibly funny stories, there is hidden tragedy, sad reflections on human shortcomings and the instincts that sometimes guide them, on the responsibility of a scientist and on the terrible power of complacent ignorance. Themes are eternal, relevant, and have not lost their meaning today.

Bulgakov's intelligent and humane satire does not cross boundaries, because one cannot thoughtlessly mock and laugh at human misfortunes, even if the person himself is to blame for them. The personality is destroyed, crushed, all its centuries-old achievements - culture, faith - are destroyed and prohibited. A tragedy of the people, a tragedy of morals. Sharikovs themselves are not born.

Bulgakov's works are a rich school of skill, humor, satire, and grotesque. His influence is easy to detect in the writings of many authors. Each of his works is a fascinating read, enriching and ennobling. To some extent, they are also a prediction. The all-seeing writer saw a lot.

The book itself was banned for a long time and was first published many years after the writer’s death. Bulgakov’s contemporary writer V. Veresaev said: “But censorship is cutting him down mercilessly. Recently they killed the wonderful work “The Heart of a Dog,” and he is completely losing heart. And he lives almost beggarly...” But Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog”, for all its depth and the power of artistic criticism was not a destructive denial and ridicule of everything new, although sometimes they were interpreted as such. This satire ingeniously fought the forces of destruction, disunity and evil, highlighted and burned out the ugliness of social life and the “new” human psychology, affirming and consolidating old values: culture, honesty, dignity. The tragedy is that censorship did not allow the story to appear, thereby preventing people from thinking about creating a new life. And they went with the flow, that is, they went down, because the necessary thoughts were not put into their heads by a wise writer (or predictor?).

The story of Sharik, despite all the prohibitions, lived in the shabby bindings of samizdat for about 60 years, exerting a hidden influence on people and literature. Now the story has become the property of cinema, theater and television, which only confirms its unfading and relevance. Only at first glance the play seems comical. Two opposing categories intertwine and dissolve into one another in order to present the fullness of life and feelings in the work, to make the reader realize the realism of the work, because in life nothing happens in its pure form - neither good, nor evil, nor comic, nor tragic. Bulgakov masterfully weaves fantasy into real life, makes it almost real - he combines two more opposites for the same purposes.

Pushkin said: “Where the sword of the law does not reach, the scourge of satire reaches there.” In the story, the scourge of satire penetrated deeply into the real life of the 1920s, and it was helped in this by fiction, showing people from an unexpected side.


1) Bulgakov M. A. “Novels” // Contemporary // 1988 //

2) Fusso S. B. “Heart of a Dog” On the failures of transformation // “Literary Review” // 1991

3) Shargorodsky S.V. “The Heart of a Dog, or a Monstrous Story” // “Literary Review” // 1991

4) Sokolov B.V. “Bulgakov Encyclopedia” // Lokid // 1996

5) Ioffe S. A. “The Secret Writing in the Heart of a Dog” // New Journal // 1987

6) Internet resources