Love Tarot fortune telling online - Tarot layout for relationships ldquo;Venus in Scorpiordquo. Love Tarot fortune telling online – Tarot spread for relationships “Venus in Scorpio” Fortune telling Venus in Scorpio

What does the presence of Venus in Scorpio Tarot mean for people, how favorable is it, and what dangers does it pose? Where does the imperious energy of Venus and the dark power of Scorpio direct their wards - to the embodiment of spiritual needs or to the dark and voluptuous world of eroticism and sexual relations?

Tarot card layout Venus in Scorpio - favorable and unfavorable aspects

A person with such Venus is endowed with enormous moral strength, endurance and perseverance, but at the same time, his attraction to the opposite sex is so strong that it is not always controllable. Venus in Scorpio in the Tarot card layout makes these people jealous, rude, harsh, they practically do not give in. Their love is an amalgam of rapture and frenzy, and how often it is evil, painful heat, a dangerous obsession, burning alive with passion!

Feelings when Venus in Scorpio indomitable, they are generated and driven by the power of the subconscious, which is impossible to control.

These are the poisonous stings of Scorpio:

  • sadism
  • and energy vampirism,
  • it is a threatening "I" that can push a person to the extremes of love,
  • which can manifest as sadomasochism,
  • homosexuality,
  • painful, uncontrollable, destructive jealousy,
  • or what is commonly called “femme fatale”, “man fatale”, when a person forces his partner to fully reveal himself and abandons him, thereby dooming him to torment, causing a real threat to life.

These are manifestations of an unfavorable configuration of Venus with other planets and elements of the horoscope. A favorable aspect enhances positive personality traits, gives a craving for spiritual growth, sharpens the mind, deepens the intellect, and you can tell fortunes for free.

Tarot Scorpio and Venus keyword - intensity

As positive personality traits with Venus in Scorpio One can note great attractiveness, passionate sensuality, self-control, creative spirit. Negative personality traits with Venus in Scorpio are associated with positive qualities of the spirit, but their dark side appears. This is passionate sensuality, and constant tossing between self-control and indomitability, and the fruitless waste of creative, spiritual and physical strength, this is mystery, frantic jealousy, greed and wastefulness.

Venus in Scorpio - Tarot spread for personal relationships

Tarot card spread: Venus in Scorpio is performed in 10 positions, each of which describes different aspects of the relationship. So, let's look:

  • Card No. 1 is your relationship with your partner at the moment
  • Card No. 2 – the impression your partner makes on you
  • Card No. 3 – the impression you make on your partner
  • Card No. 4 – description of your relationship with your partner
  • Card No. 5 – your partner’s feelings for you
  • Card #6 – The Hidden Influences You Bring to Relationships
  • Card No. 7 – hidden influences that a partner brings into a relationship
  • Card No. 8 – main events in relationships in the near future
  • Card No. 9 - Tarot advice on what you should do
  • Card No. 10 is the result of relationship development.

Venus in astrology is the main planet from the point of view relationship analysis. Its position in the zodiac sign and aspects to Venus of other planets in the horoscope make it possible to predict what type of partner a person will be attracted to, how to win the heart of the other half and build strong, harmonious relationships.

Scorpion– one of the most mysterious signs of the Zodiac. This water sign is associated with strong emotions and passions. It is not easy to describe the sign of Scorpio: he does not like to flaunt his feelings, preferring, on the contrary, to control others. He does this persistently, but secretly.

The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto, and the mistress of the opposite sign is Taurus Venus is in captivity in Scorpio. Venus manifests itself even more complexly and dramatically through this sign! This position of Venus brings passionate feelings and jealousy, strong attachment to a partner and at the same time a tendency to test the strength of the relationship, periodically bringing it to the boiling point.

Love Tarot spread “Venus in Scorpio” will help you understand the true feelings of partners towards each other and show hidden influences in relationships. The cards will predict the development of events in relationships and give useful advice for the future.

Tarot reading predictions “ Venus in Scorpio” usually lasts for about 3 months. However, before starting the fortune telling, you can determine your period during which the Tarot card prediction will remain valid (more about validity periods of Tarot predictions).

If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend meditation to tune in to predict the future.

Scheme and meaning of the love cards of the Tarot “Venus in Scorpio”

Card 1 – Your relationship with your partner in the present

Card 2 – The impression your partner makes on you

Card 3 – The impression you make on your partner

Card 4 – Your feelings for your partner

Card 5 – Your partner’s feelings for you

Card 6 – What hidden influences do you bring to the relationship?

Card 7 – What hidden influences does the partner bring into the relationship?

Card 8 – Important circumstances in your relationship in the near future

Card 9 – Advice on what to do

Card 10 – Result of future relationship development

So, focus and. look at the schedule!

Your relationship in the present

The Three of Pentacles suggests that strong relationships between people can only be built through joint efforts. This is a map of like-minded people united by common goals. It also means the need for support, participation, advice, help. The card speaks of the advisability of planning your steps, of coordinating your plans with the plans and goals of your partner.

The impression your partner makes on you

The Seven of Cups speaks of many desires and opportunities, and the difficulty of deciding on their choice. It is necessary to concentrate, as there is a great possibility of succumbing to temptation and following the dead-end path of fruitless illusions. You need to decide what you and your partner expect from the relationship, and make sure that you are going in the same direction.

The impression you make on your partner

This is a card of hopes, bright prospects, fulfillment of desires. The star symbolizes optimism, good health and mood, confidence in the future and optimism. In a relationship, it indicates a harmonious stage when spiritual closeness and mutual understanding are manifested. This lasso often indicates a new acquaintance, the emergence of a new love, the development of new relationships and, in general, means some kind of bright event.

In relationships, this card indicates an unexpected resolution to a protracted problem, a way out of an impasse, a long-awaited overcoming of a difficult situation. Sometimes a card may indicate hasty, hasty actions in response to some challenge or threatening situation. The Seven of Wands advises focusing on the main thing, not being distracted by trifles, not giving up and not giving in to despair if something doesn’t work out right away - then you can achieve what you want.

The Ace of Cups represents the chance to make your dreams come true. This is an opportunity to fulfill a cherished desire, as well as the emergence of a new feeling, a surge of emotion, the beginning of love. This is something that is not put on public display, but hidden from prying eyes, kept closer to the heart, waiting for the Ace of Cups - the Chance to find Happiness.

What hidden influences do you bring into relationships?

The Queen of Cups suggests that emotions have already arisen, but the feeling has not yet reached concreteness. It also means a friendly, attractive, poetically minded woman, emotional and impulsive, often endowed with the gift of foresight and highly developed intuition. Reasonable and caring, she strives to create comfort, while being dreamy and prone to mood swings.

What hidden influences does a partner bring into a relationship?

The Five of Cups represents sadness, sorrow and sorrowful moods. He talks about the loss of relationships, scandals and quarrels, unhealthy enjoyment of one’s own suffering, and denial of joys. This is immersion in gloomy forebodings, a depressed state of mind. The card indicates the need to pull yourself together, show resilience and common sense, because the situation is not hopeless and happiness is not lost forever.

Important circumstances in your relationship in the near future

This card symbolizes a reasonable, conscious, honest choice, the need to act according to conscience and justice. In relationship readings, Justice means the need to take responsibility for one’s own decision or action, and avoid the temptation to manipulate a partner or shift responsibility onto him. Depending on the specific position in the layout, this card may indicate awareness of the consequences of actions, signify a clearer understanding of the prospects and opportunities to act in the situation.

The Eight of Cups speaks of the unsatisfactory nature of existing relationships, of the desire and search for novelty, of escaping from boring circumstances that are oppressive in their ordinariness. This break is necessary, the card says, even if it is hard. The previous relationship has outlived its usefulness, the time has come for a new round in the spiral of your life. The path into the Unknown is scary, but it leads to development, new opportunities and new acquaintances.

The result of developing relations in the future

This card symbolizes peace and harmony in relationships. Moderation marks a period of trust and mutual understanding between partners, agreement and diplomacy, the ability to wait and come to the rescue at the right time. This card, depending on the specific position in the layout, can mean prospects for finding calm happiness or experiencing happy events that promise strengthening relationships, a strong unity of souls and hearts. Sometimes a card means the beginning of a new acquaintance with a person close in spirit, temperament, and views.

Most of the cards in this reading reveal your feelings and thoughts towards each other, as well as the hidden influences that each of you brings to the relationship. Pay attention to the cards in positions 2 (your impression of your partner), 4 (your feelings for your partner) and 6 (hidden influences in the relationship on your part) and compare them with the cards describing your partner: 3 (your partner's impression of you), 5 (his/her feelings for you) and 7 (hidden influences on the relationship from the partner).

For predicting the future, important cards are in positions 8 (circumstances that will soon appear in a relationship), 9 and 10 (advice on what to do in an upcoming situation, and the final result of developments). Card 1 is also very important - it describes the essence of relationships in the present, from which further changes will flow.

In the section on the question, how does Venus in Scorpio affect a person’s destiny? given by the author Rosamunde the best answer is, well, you need to look at this Venus, in what house it is, what it is responsible for, by whom or whom it aspects. From here we can draw conclusions. In general, if you simply consider it in Scorpio, it will give the owner of the horoscope problems of beauty (inability to choose colors, perverted taste, problems with women, inability to manage money). But everything is individual. . You need to look at the whole map.

Answer from Follow[expert]
I have Venus in Scorpio... it manifests itself most of all in wild jealousy. I myself even understand that this is rather a pathology, but I can’t do anything ((

Answer from Sofia[master]
Scorpio - Venus in exile, therefore strong sex drive, passion, jealousy, secrecy. They are proud of their sexual and romantic adventures. Affected Venus gives dominance to sexuality and sensuality over the mind and feelings. In intimate relationships they react very emotionally, regardless of their partner. They lack intelligence and tact. With high morals, they still have high ideals in love and friendship, they are capable of making sacrifices for the sake of love if they believe that their partner deserves it. They take their relationships too seriously, they lack condescension and humor. Being very emotional, they expect the same from their partner, which leads to arrogance in love - “all or nothing.” If such a person is abandoned or disappointed, he will feel betrayed, will become jealous and become bitter, which leads to intense hatred based on love. If their bonds are broken, they cannot be restored to their previous level, as they will express disdain and turn their backs. Emotional intensity gives a colorful personality. Their artistic taste includes dramatic contrasts. They are drawn to the occult, mysteries, and are strongly responsive to the feelings of others. If Venus has bad aspects in women, the result is femme fatales who use their sexuality for power. Venus in Scorpio is the desire to dominate in marriage and cooperation, the desire for control. This position of Venus can lead to excesses. But even with strong insults, they do not lose their pride and dignity. They rather act with restraint, maintaining a halo of mystery and depth until they gain confidence.

In this article I would like to consider a layout dedicated to the topic of analyzing interpersonal relationships, called Venus in Scorpio.

The very name of the Venus in Scorpio layout immediately refers us to astrology, according to which Venus in the sign of Scorpio is one of the most sexy and magnetically attractive positions of Venus. Also, from the point of view of astrological symbolism, the position of the planet of love in the difficult sign of Scorpio can be easily associated with such epithets as: “love to the grave”, “from love to hate one step”, “to kill your beloved so that someone else doesn’t get it”, “ love of evil - you will love a goat (unless it’s about Venus in Capricorn).” Of course, the likelihood of such psychological phenomena occurring sharply increases when Venus is damaged by another planet from the sign of Leo or Taurus, but there may be other astrological indicators that endow the owner of such Venus with a character that is very difficult for normal relationships.

At the same time, Venus in Scorpio is one of the indicators of passionate, emotionally intense, stormy and sensual relationships, and therefore the emotional affects it causes can easily be confused with the presence of strong feelings and even true love among those who have this indicator due to the characteristics of their horoscope. However, despite the inherent myth of unbridled love, Venus in Scorpio, Venus in relation to Pluto and Venus in relation to a planet in Scorpio often provokes deep and difficult feelings, emotional problems and troubled relationships. Often this position of the planet makes you want to torment yourself with introspection and torment your partner with doubts about his feelings. For those who are tired of endless self-reflection and want to bring some clarity to relationships, there is an opportunity to get answers to questions that torment a person, including through the layout given here.

It should also be noted here that the symbolism of Venus in Scorpio itself can also mean, due to Scorpio’s ability to have increased patience and resistance to psychological pain, a tendency to withstand difficult relationships for quite a long time, especially if its owner believes in his love. Also, the owner of such a Venus can finally cut off those relationships that have outlived their usefulness. Of course, a lot depends on other indicators of the horoscope. At the same time, the desire to torment yourself and your partner may well be obsessive in nature and, even if you understand the person, not obey his will. In other words, passion, as an obsessive and poorly controlled state, can act both as a plus and as a minus.

Let's look at this situation using the example of a woman who is in a state of yet another breakup with the same partner. Moreover, at the stage of this breakup, she declares that she is already so full of this relationship that she is not going to restore it. For objective judgment, we, in theory, should not care whether she revives these relationships or sends them to the shelf of personal history. However, we can find out how firm her intentions are and how long-term her negative attitude is, and how much everything depends on the will of the person himself, from the alignment itself.

The heroine of this analysis does not have Venus in Scorpio in her horoscope, which is not at all necessary for the scenario itself. However, she has a couple of other planets in this wonderful zodiac sign, the position of which suggests that the choice of this alignment for a particular character can be considered not accidental.

So, the meanings of the positions of the layout itself:

1 card – the current state of the relationship

Card 2 – the impression your partner makes on you

Card 3 – the impression you make on your partner

Card 4 – Your feelings for your partner

Card 5 – your partner’s feelings for you

Card 6 – the hidden influences you bring to relationships

Card 7 – hidden influences that a partner brings into a relationship

8 card – important circumstances in your relationship in the near future

Card 9 – advice on what to do

10th card – the result of the development of relations in the future

The cards drawn in relation to the case under consideration are:

1 card – current state of relationship – 7 of Swords

Card 2 – the impression your partner makes on you – 10 Cups

Card 3 – the impression you make on your partner – Queen of Swords

Card 4 – Your feelings for your partner – Page of Wands

Card 5 – your partner’s feelings for you – Ace of Swords

Card 6 – the hidden influences you bring to relationships – 6 of Swords

Card 7 – hidden influences that a partner brings into a relationship – the King of Cups

Card 8 – important circumstances in your relationship in the near future – Queen of Cups

9 card – advice on what to do – Page of Pentacles

10 card – the result of the development of relationships in the future - Devil

Now let's look at each card individually.

1 card – current state of relationship – 7 of Swords

This is one of those cases when the map very accurately describes what is happening with its illustrations. And the card, according to the picture on the 7 Swords card in the Raider Waite deck, depicts an escape from the enemy camp, which in reality is associated with the husband’s next departure from the apartment with part of his belongings. As they say: neither subtract nor add.

Card 2 – the impression your partner makes on you – 10 Cups

The card as a whole is very good, symbolizing the achievement of happiness, peace and prosperity. In a not entirely positive way, which is applicable to this case, it can mean a state of complete satisfaction with what is without any readiness to move on. It's good as it is. We will celebrate the holiday of life as it is, even if it is a daily evening with a bottle of beer in front of the TV, although this scenario is more like the 4 of Cups.

And the impression made by the partner is as if everything is okay with him. He may well say this: why are you itching, after all, everything is fine with us. Let's live as we are. It is quite possible that this is partly true.

Card 3 – the impression you make on your partner – Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is, whatever one may say, a typical bitch who knows all the pain points of a man and, at every opportunity, strives to stick another knitting needle or pin into a vulnerable spot. Of course, the Queen of Swords can be a very smart and intelligent woman, however, if she has a harmful character and at the same time she is not satisfied with her life, then those around her should definitely pass off milk as harmful.

As for the relationship itself, judging by this card, a man is inclined to perceive her as a bitchy woman, with a not particularly friendly character, who is inclined, apparently, to invade his world of established comfort, destroy his little idyll and deprive him of mental well-being.

Card 4 – Your feelings for your partner – Page of Wands

To be honest, it’s unlikely that a character like Page can be associated with serious feelings at all. Of course, the Page of Wands is better than the Page of Swords, but still he speaks of a certain teenage state, a lack of maturity that would make it possible to easily resolve the problems that arise in the lives of adults. Namely, solve problems, and not run away from them every time. In general, we can say that even if there are feelings, they are not strong and not too big.

Card 5 – your partner’s feelings for you – Ace of Swords

Judging by the Ace of Swords, the partner has quite serious intentions to break off the relationship or somehow take revenge on the heroine in the course of further clarification of the relationship. You can also say that the partner is angry, seriously angry, and it is possible that he is angry, including at himself. In any case, this card cannot be associated with warm feelings in any way. Rather, even the card says that the partner needs to cool down and sort out his feelings.

Card 6 – the hidden influences you bring to relationships – 6 of Swords

The 6 of Swords card is a card of travel and relocation, as well as a tendency towards escape and emotional distance in relationships. Of course, the card may indicate a taxi driver and truck driver who, despite the fact that he is often on the road, loves his family and constantly strives for it. However, in a close relationship, the card speaks of a desire to separate and increase the emotional distance, which, in general, can be indicated by the suit of Swords itself. In general, the hidden influence can be stated as follows: when I come to you, I already begin to think about ways of retreat.

Card 7 – hidden influences that a partner brings into a relationship – the King of Cups

The King of Cups is a master of the love game and if he wants, he can melt the heart of his partner and achieve her affection. However, this is the laziest and most idle King, prone to sybarism and looking for an excuse for regular feasting and fun. If the King has something to give, then he can give everything with a pure heart. If not, then he will rather build empty plans and make impossible promises. Also here, the hidden influence may be imitation of a father or some authority who can teach how to properly treat your other half.

Card 8 – important circumstances in your relationship in the near future – Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is even more idle and voluptuous than the King of Cups, and therefore it is likely that the union will continue in terms of love-carnal relations, without attempts at any serious investments on both sides and the desire to somehow strengthen the relationship. Those. When I want something pleasant, I am ready to do it for you too. But if you need to work harder or sacrifice something, you can’t expect further development.

9 card – advice on what to do – Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles card will most often indicate that the opportunities for constructive use of advice and positive influence on the situation are not very great. Rather, even both partners or this woman are prone to childish behavior and they still have to grow up. It is possible that the union itself does not provide such an opportunity. In general, within reasonable limits, the card advises saving money and taking care of the child (the fruit of the love of their union).

After the situation, it became known that the woman filed for alimony, which fits well with the symbolism of this card (money for the child).

Card 10 – the result of the development of relationships in the future – Devil

The Devil card, which is a symbol of affection, suggests that people have not yet untied those karmic knots and have not curbed those passions that brought them together. The devil is very often the indicator of Venus in Scorpio, which gives deep emotional experiences, strong passions, as well as love and hate in one bottle. Therefore, we can say that no matter whether people get together or not, they will continue to experience strong emotions for each other, which will pull them towards each other in order to complete the relationship and break the ties that bind them, or in order to in order to again be satiated with another portion of bitter-sweet “sin”, whatever it may be in their relationship.

In general, if we look at the layout as a whole, we see 4 cards of Swords, indicating the severity of the relationship, the King and Queen of Cups, speaking of potential partnership and the presence of feelings, two Pages (the theme of a child or personal immaturity) and the Devil on the road. The Devil card, at the same time, can even be interpreted in the first place if the question is about a final and irrevocable break in relations. The devil speaks of attachment, lust, dark feelings, jealousy, possessiveness and the desire for revenge. In general, this is a cauldron of different feelings and conflict with the partner himself can occur even in his absence. The devil is the shadow side of character that keeps one in a relationship, even if the relationship as a whole is unhappy. The presence of a royal couple of the suit of Cups also suggests that there is something else in the relationship. Although, the numerous Swords added to the Cups here are reminiscent of the Monkey and Eagle video from the repertoire of the performer Shnur and the Leningrad group with his “Blood and Love”.

If necessary, you can order an interpretation of this layout for yourself for 990 rubles.

© Vsevolod Urumiysky

Prediction cards have always been associated with astrology, and today there are layouts in which the influence of the planets is clearly visible.

In fortune telling, Venus in Scorpio Tarot gives the questioner answers to important questions about his relationship with the person of interest. This simple layout reveals a person’s existing internal contradictions and predicts the near future of his relationship with the mystery person.

Origin of the name of the layout

This alignment is directly related to astrology - the science of the influence of celestial bodies on important aspects of human life. Venus is considered the main planet in the analysis of any personal relationship.

It is this that makes it possible to trace how a person interacts with the people around him. The appearance of Scorpio in the scenario also cannot be called accidental. Since ancient times, this water sign of the Zodiac has been associated with emotions and passions.

The inconsistency of Scorpio and its manifestation through Venus is usually characterized by a special intensity of feelings - jealousy, strong emotional attachment, internal conflicts. All this is perfectly illustrated in the Tarot cards in the “Venus in Scorpio” layout.

How to make a layout

Before you begin fortune-telling, you should hold the cards in your hands, carefully focusing on the person with whom you are interested in the relationship at the moment.

If you are laying out cards not for yourself, but for a client, ask him to think about his partner and visualize him while you shuffle the cards. After this, you need to pull out random ten cards from the deck and arrange them according to the figure below.

If you are telling fortunes to someone, that person can pull out the cards, but the deck must still be in your hands.

The value of the cards drawn

  1. The first card will show the nature of the fortuneteller’s relationship with the person he is interested in at the current moment in time, the current situation.
  2. The second position speaks of the impression that the intended person makes on you or the one to whom the fortune is told.
  3. Number 3 will tell you about the impression that the fortuneteller makes on his loved one.
  4. The fourth position is the feelings of the person for whom the alignment is being made.
  5. Fifth - the feelings experienced by his partner.
  6. The sixth and seventh cards need to be treated especially carefully, as they reveal hidden factors and influences that each partner brings to this relationship. Under the number 6 there will be influences on your part (or on the part of the fortuneteller), under the number 7 - on the part of your partner.
  7. In the eighth position, circumstances will be revealed that will be of particular importance in the development of relations in your couple in the near future.
  8. The ninth card is advice from the Tarot on how best to act as a fortuneteller in the current circumstances.
  9. The layout ends with card number 10 - it shows how the relationship between these people will develop in the near future.

Remember that in the Venus in Scorpio Tarot layout, the Tarot shows a certain time period - three months, so you should repeat the layout no earlier than this period has expired.