Let's learn to dance the wedding waltz. Getting ready for graduation: learning to dance the waltz

The origin of the waltz is still debated, but it was popularized in Austria in the 18th century, and then spread to other countries. Its name comes from German word"walzen", which means "to spin around".

This dance was not immediately accepted by the upper class of society and was even considered indecent due to the close contact of dance partners. However, now the waltz is known, loved and danced in many countries around the world. Today we will talk about how to dance the waltz.

The distinctive feature of this dance is that it should be danced in musical size“three quarters”, that is, there are three steps for each measure. Try counting out loud: “one, two, three”, “one, two, three”, with amplification of “one” - this is one beat.

Types of waltz

  • It was the Viennese waltz that was preferred to be danced at high-ranking balls in Europe, and it also adorns the annual Vienna Ball. The number of beats of this dance is about 60 per minute. In fact, it is quite difficult compared to other dance styles, since it is a fast waltz, which is also accompanied by a series of rapid turns. The Viennese Waltz is included in the European program of ballroom dancing competitions.

  • The slow waltz differs from the Viennese waltz in the tempo of execution; it must be danced twice as slow - about 30 beats per minute. TO slow species Waltz also includes the Boston Waltz. Just like the Viennese, the slow waltz is included in the program ballroom dancing Europe.
  • The figure waltz is a variation of the Viennese waltz, but is distinguished by the presence of additional figures: swinging the leg, jumping on one knee, and the other.
  • Tango waltz, or Argentine waltz, is a hybrid of waltz and tango. The movements of this dance are basically the same as in tango, but it is performed in ¾ time and from third position, like a waltz, but waltz severity is not at all characteristic of it.

How to dance a slow waltz

These are the basic waltz figures for beginners. Start the waltz in a square, then alternate right and left turns with changes and paths. Having mastered these figures, you can move on to studying more complex ones, such as temple, weave, spin turn, impetus turn, chasse, telemark and others.

No wonder he is considered the king of dances. He is always present at all events, various receptions and, of course, at the graduation party. But unlike the last century, when being able to dance the waltz was a mandatory requirement for everyone, now not many girls and boys know this type of dance. But everyone thinks about it sometime, because time High school prom It’s getting closer and closer, and there’s simply no time left to waste energy taking lessons from professionals. In this case, you can learn to dance the waltz yourself, at home.

First you need to look at the basic movements. Naturally, before you start learning to dance the waltz, you need someone who also wants to learn. Absolutely all movements occur on the count: one-two-three-time. This one is very important to remember because you need to maintain a good tempo when dancing. As for the rotation, if you look from the outside, it may seem somehow complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact the rotation occurs counterclockwise in a square. As for the steps, it is also worth noting a small nuance - for each corner of a simple square there are two small steps and one large one. This is very important to remember and keep in mind so as not to get confused.

I would also like to note, once again, that rotation in a waltz is one of the most important components. You should always turn to right side, and if you look from a purely mathematical point of view, then each turn consists of two half-turns, which are equal to one hundred and eighty degrees.

Now let's look at the steps. To begin the turn, you need to take one step forward with your right foot. It is very important to make a clockwise turn to the right. Next, you should take a step with your left foot, but at the same time continue to carry out the turn that has already begun, after which the left foot should be placed on half-toes. And finally, the right foot should be placed next to the left, after which both feet should be placed on the full foot. This is the first part of the square you will make. To complete the second part, you need to do almost the same thing, only in reverse. That is, first you need to take a step back with your left foot, and this step needs to be taken diagonally and transfer all the weight to your left leg. After this, the right leg is transferred behind the heel of the left. Next, a turn is performed on half-toes, after which you need to start making a square again. At the same time, it is very important not to constantly forget to count “one-two-three-times”; without this, it will be very easy to get confused and lose the tempo, which is an equally important component of the waltz.

Waltz - from the old German word "walzen" - to spin, slide and whirl in dance. Have you ever danced a waltz? If the answer is no, then I’ll say it briefly and simply - you really have to! When saying goodbye at school, we also perform a school waltz, which will remain in your memory for a long time as the most unusual memory. Wedding waltz performed by two loving friend a person's friend, will bring unforgettable pleasure and a great impression to the newlyweds, and will also delight the guests with indescribable delight. It is danced by both artists at their concerts, and athletes at their dance tournaments, and just people at parties and banquets, costume balls and corporate events. Waltz is the king of celebration, a symbol romantic love, prom king. It will take you to the most beautiful atmosphere beautiful ballroom dresses and men's tailcoats, the most beautiful melody and exquisite feelings. This beautiful, magnificent, romantic and gentle dance will make you feel the desire to love and be loved. Having learned to dance the waltz correctly, you will forever be able to attract attention to your person, showing off your grace and plasticity.

Both rhythms and music change with fashion, but the waltz was, will be and will remain forever one of the favorite dances in the whole world. All of us, in the literal sense of the word, freeze in place with delight when experienced couples rise to the stage and easily twirl to the rhythm of the waltz. But it seems easy, but in fact, it is a stubborn result of constant concentration and work. While dancing, we must not only listen to the melody, but also feel it, and together with the accumulated knowledge of the basic steps for waltzing, use this, as a rule, to guarantee an excellent result.

Dance lessons

Let's remember our childhood!

Every self-respecting citizen, eventually, should know how to dance the Waltz. Waltzing has long become an obligation on great holidays, such as weddings, christenings, and kumetria. Even in kindergartens, children are taught its elements, because at a matinee - grace, splendor, smoothness are priceless. It is popular in schools, universities and other educational institutions. Next video on how to learn to dance wedding waltz.

What could be a better way to display your ordinary personality and express yourself? Of course, dancing! We often see people dancing. Many people succeed. Seeing a person who moves magnificently and smoothly means that he masters the miracle of dance technique. I want to touch on this very point. Let's figure out how to dance the waltz correctly, and how should we learn this, you ask? It’s very simple, just read it at least once and then try everything that’s been said.

Dancing is modern and real way have a great time free time, because they relieve stress and give physical activity, a cheerful mood, and great shape. It’s like doing yoga at home - everything seems to work out, but there’s no one to check. So let me tell you how to learn to waltz at home.

Of course, with the help of a professional, you can learn to dance the waltz with a bang, like a real dancer. This option requires a lot of money from us, since now lessons are not cheap, and I generally keep quiet about individual lessons. In 2-3 lessons you will get just the basics, but you will also need practice.

Even if you decide to learn to dance the waltz on your own (without the help of a teacher), you still need a partner.

And now you are already a star! Do not be afraid! Dance!

Only live training will allow you to quickly and very effectively learn manners, the ability to move, a sense of rhythm and the basics of dance. The waltz is a dance that has been danced by couples for a long time. What's important about it? First of all, it's rhythm. The rhythm of any waltz sounds one, two, three: one, two three, one, two three, one, two, three. Dance partners should touch their bodies. Namely, with their centers. After all, the tightest contact is in the tummy area. We bend our knees slightly, place our right hand on the shoulder blade and support our partner’s back. It’s enough just to keep her in good shape and give her freedom of movement. The main thing is to maintain correct posture and counting. Also, what else you need to know is the position of the legs. When moving backwards, we move our left leg back. Sliding the pad, we smoothly move to the toe, again her foot. We move counterclockwise in the dance, starting with the right foot forward, and ending with the left foot back. The right leg always goes only forward and to the right, while the left leg always goes only back and to the left. In essence, these will be our main steps. If a woman starts the dance with her right foot forward, then the man, as a rule, should walk backward with his left foot. mirror image. The girl first moves her right foot forward, then her left foot to the left, then her left foot back, and her right foot to the right, her right foot forward. The guy puts his left hand on the lady's waist and takes her hand with his right. The girl puts her hand on his shoulder. Your arms should be slightly bent. There are many types of waltzing. The most popular are Viennese, Boston, Friendship, French, Figured, English. Watch the video below on how to learn to dance the Viennese Waltz.


The waltz is a truly amazing dance, with the help of which you will develop plasticity, restore your posture and make your movements surprisingly easy and beautiful.

You know that the rhythm of the waltz is really very good for our heart. And it's not a joke. Scientists have proven that the rhythm of the waltz is tuned to our heart rate, and by listening to waltz music or dancing, you align your heart rhythms, which has a positive effect on us.

While studying slow waltz with a partner, you will receive melodic tenderness and intimacy, calmness and detachment. This slow, lyrical dance will teach you light and floating movements. With each practical lesson you will dance the waltz more and more beautifully, creating the impression of a swallow flying and weightlessness. Train and train and the results will simply not keep you waiting!

In addition to learning live, you can try to learn how to dance by using a search on the World Wide Web, where you can easily find several dozen teachings about dance, and select music suitable for learning, but only the best are worthy of your attention.

How to dance a waltz?

Dancing. What better way to reflect your personality and express yourself? We often see people dancing. Many of them do it well. If you see that a person moves beautifully and harmoniously, this means that he masters the dance technique. Today, we will touch upon this very point. Let's figure out how to dance the waltz correctly, how to learn it.

How to dance the waltz - rules and movements

Enough difficult task- talk about how to dance the waltz, but the video on the page will help a lot with this. A waltz is a dance performed by a couple. We have a partner and a partner. It so happens that the partner controls the movements of the partner. However, the partner must also know what to do. Let's look at how we stand as a couple.

How to stand and hold your hands

Partners must touch their bodies. Namely, with their centers. The tightest contact is in the abdominal area. Stand as close to each other as possible. The partner should stand with a slight shift. If you mentally divide your partner's body into halves, right and left, then the partner should be on the right side of the partner. The knees are slightly bent, but not much. Now let's talk a little about our hands in order to learn how to dance the waltz. Right hand the partner supports the partner's left shoulder blade. Partner puts his hand on the shoulder blade and supports the partner’s back. There is no need to pull your partner's body towards you, as this is wrong. It’s enough just to keep your hand in good shape and give your partner freedom of movement. Ideally, the partner's left arm is in line with the shoulder. That is, the hand needs to be raised to such an extent that it is at shoulder level. Naturally, the arm is bent at the elbow. Left hand the partner does not place all her weight on her partner's hand. It is not right. The partner leads the partner, rather than carries her. The partner should hold her hand with her muscles. The hand holds the middle of the partner's shoulder. Above the elbow, but below the shoulder. There is no need to cling to your partner, you just need to keep your hand in good shape.

Now let's talk about other hands. The partner also holds his left hand at shoulder level. Thus, we will get a very beautiful and stretched position in the pair. The left arm is bent at the elbow and holds the partner’s hand. The partner holds her partner's hand. Her arm also forms a single line with her shoulder. As a result, we get a closed system, which should be quite rigid, but not clamped. This top part. Now let's look at what you need to do with your feet.

How to move in a waltz

In any dance, counting and rhythm are important. This will also allow you to dance the waltz well. The waltz should be counted three beats per measure. That is, “one-two-three”, “one-two-three”. We will use this principle further. Let's try to dance a movement called "small square". The partner's party is like this. On the count of one, take a step forward with your right foot. Place your left foot next to your right foot on two and rise on your toes (do not straighten your knees all the way, as you may fall). The movement of the second leg towards the first and the rise on the toes occurs simultaneously. On the count of three, lower yourself to First level. Two legs together. This is the first part of the movement. Further. On the count of times, take a step with your left foot exactly to the side. To the left, of course. On the count of two, pull your other leg and rise onto your toes. It's all together. And on the count of three, go down. Feet together. The third part. Step back with your left foot for a count of times. On the count of two, pull your right leg and rise onto your toes. Do it together. Lower yourself down to the count of three. Feet together. AND the last part movements. Take a step exactly to the side with your right foot for a count of times. Pull your left leg and rise onto your toes. Do it together. Go down to the original level. Feet together.

The partner's part exactly repeats the partner's part. The only difference is that the partner starts moving backwards with her left foot. That is, she begins to dance a small square from the third part of the movement. All recommendations for implementation are also suitable for your partner. This will allow you to learn how to dance the waltz.

Try dancing this first separately, and then together.

The Viennese Waltz is a dance that embodies the mood and spirit of the best imperial courts. When talking about him, you involuntarily remember classic dresses that reach to the floor, men dressed in elegant tailcoats. All this combines restraint and entertainment in one, reflecting echoes of old Europe.

When dancing the Viennese waltz, partners cease to be just a man and a woman. She is a young lady, he is a gallant gentleman. They are involved in a cycle of feelings that cannot be displayed, but can be reflected in dance.

Today, the Viennese waltz is one of the representatives of the European dance program.

It's important to give back historical traditions, but this obliges dancers to adhere to strict standards of behavior and maintain ideal posture. All that is allowed is to show emotional condition, immerse yourself in a whirlpool of dance, spin to the rhythm of the waltz. Looking at it from the outside, you stop understanding: it’s a couple circling on the court or, conversely, the whole world is spinning around them, falling under the influence of their energy.

How to learn to dance?

  • It is best to learn to dance the Viennese waltz from childhood, then the movements will be as smooth and beautiful as possible. The fact is that the child’s mind is much more plastic, it quickly grasps new movements, and baby body quickly gets used to the load.
  • If you love this dance and you have a child, then it is better to send him to a ballroom dance group as early as possible, in which case you will be able to watch the performances in a few years. It is important that the baby early age studied discipline and plasticity.
  • To learn how to dance a waltz, an adult must have great patience. The main thing is not to lose desire during the learning process and continue to attend training. You need to remember that not everything will work out, especially at the beginning, but after some time everything will become easier, you will get used to it.

The best solution would be to sign up for a waltz section.

  • The instructor has teaching experience; he must help each student immerse himself in the atmosphere of dance and master movements and combinations in a short time. It is important to choose courses and teachers carefully so as not to be disappointed and lose motivation. Find out from your friends, relatives, or read on the Internet which club in your city teaches well. Often in some sections there are open lessons, master classes. They allow you to see the dance up close and get to know the teacher, section and record the lesson schedule.
  • If you are a little afraid of noisy gatherings, groups and are embarrassed to go to classes, then you can use a private teacher. However, this is not cheap at all; not everyone can afford individual lessons. But the advantage of this approach is that you will be able to calm down, relax and master the movements much faster. Also individual training Suitable for busy people who cannot keep up with their school schedule.

Waltz training at home:

  1. The best place to start is by learning the basics of dance. It would be a good idea to get acquainted with other types of dances (Friendship, Boston, Figured and others). Read about their history, how they dance, what are the differences.
  2. To learn the waltz, and for any dance, you need to learn to feel and follow the rhythm well. Buy a small player and listen to waltz music. Enjoy it in your free time, start imagining movements that fit the melody.
  3. Before starting full-fledged training, it is best to persuade your body to the upcoming loads (especially if you are not currently in in better shape). Start each day with exercise and exercise (it is best to exercise while listening to music to get used to the rhythm). This will help you get ready for classes.
  4. Before training, it is important to warm up well; movements should be smooth and careful so as not to stretch anything and harm yourself. Particular attention is paid to muscle stretching, this is necessary for any dance. Sit little by little on the splits, do lifts on your toes, small rotations. Stretch your arms, shoulders, fingers. Watch your posture, it should be even and beautiful.
  5. An almost ideal option would be to start training right away with your own partner, especially if this is your girlfriend/boyfriend. It brings people together. Also, common hobbies strengthen relationships and help convey emotions and mood.

Dance figures

Real masters show a kaleidoscope of emotions in dance. It is very important to place accents correctly. In the Viennese waltz, this can be reflected by using small highlights of the first count in each measure. If you do the steps correctly, the dance will be interesting.


There are a large variety of figures in the waltz, for example the “flecker”. It was originally performed by a couple at a short distance, but the partners had to stay in one place and rotate. Today, the flecker is performed differently; it is divided into right and left (depending on the direction of the turn).

For example, a right flanker is enough complex element. It is performed after turning to the right.

The figure is done on the balls of the feet, even though most other elements are done on the toes. The body is fixed and remains motionless; various tilts and lowering are unacceptable. The effect depends on the training and smoothness of the partners; they must know each other and do everything in sync.

Dance steps

One of the main components of the waltz, undoubtedly, remains the steps. Anyone who wishes to learn must know that dance is based on calculation. "1 – 2 – 3". Example of steps performed on the men's part.

Only the first step in the dance is large, all others should be barely noticeable:

  • The step should be sliding and light;
  • It’s better to slide with the pad, then smoothly move to the toe, and then again with the pad and stand on the entire surface.

Man's party

First, the man must stand with his front side to the center of the area along the dance line. The action starts with the foot. The mass is redirected to the right side, the left is pulled towards the leading leg.

When the game starts with the left foot, the face should be turned along the line so that it is positioned with the back of the head towards the center of the court. Only after this can you continue the action with your left leg, pulling the second leg towards it.