Emma Watson excited with her bare breasts. Plastic surgeon - about the secrets of Emma Watson, Selena Gomez and other young stars Emma Watson's naked breasts

Specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery, dematocosmetology. Certified trainer of the innovative minimally invasive technique Aptos of international class. Member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine in Russia. Uses modern methods of plastic surgery and valuable medical experience in choosing optimal solutions to the problems of age-related changes in the face and body, as well as to eliminate congenital and acquired defects, azizyan.com, @dr.azizyan

Emma Watson

26 years

Did: Rhinoplasty has been done, as well as cosmetic procedures.

Recommendations: according to Da Vinci, the face is not proportional. Too wide forehead and thin facial features. You can raise your eyebrows - it will be aesthetically pleasing. Support your face with minimally invasive procedures such as threading.

Anna Sophia Robb


Did: cosmetic procedures. I’m not sure if there was any surgical intervention, most likely I didn’t have plastic surgery.

Recommendations: slightly increase lip volume. Apply injections based on purified botulinum toxin or botulinum neurotoxin group A in the area of ​​the transition of the nasolabial fold. Also tighten the tail of the eyebrows.

Dakota Fanning


Did: cosmetic procedures. Most likely, she didn’t have plastic surgery. Good skin turgor.

Recommendations: in the future, a check-lifting, correction of the oval of the face and submandibular zone will be needed, since the face is “heavy” and the subcutaneous fat space is pronounced. Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids is also possible.

Elle Fanning

18 years

Did: it didn't come down to plastic surgery. Surely, the care is cosmetic.

Jennifer Lawrence

25 years


Recommendations: in the future, contour plastic surgery of the cheek-zygomatic part of the face will be needed to maintain the volume of the cheeks, correction of the oval of the face using minimally invasive thread methods, as well as blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids.

Saoirse Ronan


Did: cosmetic procedures, good care.

Recommendations: The facial skin is thin, lip wrinkles are clearly visible, and there is little subcutaneous fat. Therefore, I would recommend reinforcing the face to maintain skin elasticity. And I would advise using thread methods to create natural volume in the cheeks and lips.

Taissa Farmiga

21 years old

Did: too young face. Uses cosmetic care and decorative cosmetics.

Chloe Grace Moretz

19 years

Did: cosmetic procedures, good care.

Shailene Woodley

24 years

Did: without plastic surgery, does cosmetic care.

Emma Roberts

25 years

Did: cosmetic procedures.

Abigail Breslin

20 years

Did: facial skin care, without plastic surgery.

Selena Gomez

23 years old

Did: a young attractive face, the artist uses everyday care and decorative cosmetics.

Recommendations: I wouldn’t recommend thinking about the “scalpel” in the near future. However, in the future you will have to reduce the volume of your face. We see that the cheeks are pronounced and the lower jaw is small. Due to pronounced fat packets, tissues in the jowl area can sag. This will need to be adjusted.

Sarah Hyland

25 years

Did: uses the help of a cosmetologist.

Who hasn't seen the lingerie Emma Watson wears? Perhaps, at least its color is no secret to anyone, just like the fact that Kate Hudson had her breasts enlarged, Scarlett Johansson failed her own clothing business, Daria Pynzar, like Victoria Bonya, is not a very gifted actress, Sarah Jessica Parker is stunning, and Alla Mikheeva and Anna Khilkevich dress stylishly. Hermione has grown up a long time ago, according to several ratings she even became the highest paid actress, starred in serious films and changed her hairstyle a hundred times. But one thing remains unchanged - the girl remained surprisingly clumsy.

Scandals, intrigues, investigations and the bust of Emma Watson

Individuals generally say that when Selena Gomez had her breasts enlarged, all the young stars began to follow her example.

Emma's bust became the object of everyone's attention after the girl had an extremely unfortunate turn at the premiere of her first independent film, and the world was revealed to have breasts, a nipple sticker and... no embarrassment. Just like Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City, she simply put her dress back in place and continued posing. What everyone saw could have belonged to Scarlett Johansson, or it could have been worn by Victoria Bonya or Alla Mikheeva, but not by such a young girl.

Emma Watson denies the operation. Emma - in general, is far from Daria Pynzar or Klimova, rather Ekaterina Strizhenova - studies at a serious university, is preparing for a diploma, acts in a normal movie, without magic wands, and in no way resembles either cartoon heroines like Glucose, or heroines of men's magazines like the King. We tend to believe people like Emma Watson. However, it is not the size of Scarlett Johansson or the same Khilkevich: the breasts are small and quite natural in shape.

Lies and implants

Breast implants are a surefire way to get into the news and discussion. Glucose, King and Parshuta, in between albums, with their help, revived her dying career. Bella Thorne also attracted everyone's attention with her bust augmentation. Yulia Parshuta, who had her breasts enlarged for her lover, became a star in men's magazines. It is known that Yulia Parshuta, unlike Katya Korol, is very pleased with her new breasts, and Yulia now receives much more compliments, that is, the men around her can also only be envied. Personalities such as Ekaterina Klimova and Elena Letuchaya are not often mentioned in this vein, but for them breasts also played a certain role. This really doesn’t mean that some Katya from Ivanovo will become a star just because of her breasts. If someone starts an operation just for the sake of fame, it is unlikely that he will immediately become Alla Mikheeva or Katya Klimova.

True, few people talk normally about the operation. When the Russian singer Alsou had her breasts enlarged, she fed the media for two years with fairy tales about how motherhood beautifies a woman. Ekaterina Strizhenova, Bella Thorne, Khilkevich, Lena Letuchaya, like Scarlett Johansson do not confirm or deny the fact of the operation. Victoria Bonya told the truth about herself on Instagram, but only after some pressure. Glucose also casually mentions that she had plastic surgery, but does not disclose the details. Laysan Utyasheva, like the King, was completely flat at the beginning of her career, but now Laysan is the owner of a full “troika”, and it is unlikely that the reason for this is motherhood. Daria Pynzar, like Victoria Bonya, Yulia Parshuta or Ekaterina Klimova, had her breasts done, as mentioned in the media. Alla Mikheeva too, just look what she was like at the beginning of her career.

The same Ekaterina Strizhenova, like Sarah Jessica Parker or Bella Thorne, has a bunch of photos on social networks where the edge of the implant is visible. Glucose, like Khilkevich, is topless in the photo or in very revealing clothes, and everything is visible there too. Laysan Utyasheva changed dramatically after pregnancy, but it is unlikely that it was breastfeeding that helped Laysan get into beautiful shape. Daria Pynzar, like Lena Letuchaya, Laysan Utyasheva or Ekaterina Klimova, came to TV “flat”, and now they are fit for the cover of a men’s magazine. Victoria Bonya not only had her breasts done, but also, apparently, changed her implants more than once.

Yulia Parshuta, like Ekaterina Strizhenova or Bella Thorne, seems so charmingly natural to everyone. But even on the cover of the men's magazine for which she posed, it is clear that the mammary gland is too round. We see the same in Scarlett Johansson, Daria Pynzar can boast of the same, although this girl has always had curves. The person who worked on her breasts was the retoucher. Ekaterina Strizhenova and Alla Mikheeva were not photographed naked, but in the photo from the beach her breasts are of different shapes everywhere. Emma Watson, like Khilkevich, or the same Glucose and the King, has really changed during the time that we see her on the screens, but in their case it could actually be simple growing up.

They are not shy to tell the truth

Sasha Gozias from House 2 did not lie that she did not have her breasts enlarged. The girl boasted her curves to the whole world and gave her the surgeon’s contact information. We can't say that Gozias is a role model in other ways, but it was fair. Sarah Jessica Parker also did not hide the fact that she had her breasts enlarged and underwent all the necessary procedures. When Paris Hilton had her breasts enlarged, this news was discussed for a long time among her fans and in the media in general, but the actress herself did not give any comments on this matter. Sarah from Sex and the City said in an interview that she had plastic surgery.

Glucose enlarged her breasts, but did not tell anything in detail, like Lena Flying, King or Thorne, but she did not lie about motherhood and other factors. In general, the truth is easy to find out this way. If the breast is suspiciously round, symmetrical, and in a swimsuit it looks so that the lower edge of the implant stands out, then there is practically no doubt.

The actress was embarrassed in front of the audience

Emma WATSON found herself in a piquant situation at the premiere of her new film “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” The 22-year-old star, without meaning to, proved that she herself is not a quiet person!

The actress arrived at the Hollywood premiere of the film in an amazingly beautiful golden-beige dress. The airy outfit, embroidered with sequins, was held on by thin straps and revealed the beautiful shoulders and back of the star. The look was completed with smoothly combed back hair and bright scarlet lipstick, making “Hermione” a real “femme fatale” - a femme fatale.

Emma's amazing evening dress immediately attracted everyone's attention. It was then that an unfortunate nuisance happened to the actress: the edge of the dress moved, revealing the star’s breasts and special nipple stickers to prying eyes.

Hollywood divas often use such silicone pads before going out so that their nipples do not show through the thin fabric of their outfits and do not attract unnecessary attention. Immediately everything turned out exactly the opposite: when they saw the artist’s beautiful breasts, the photographers began frantically clicking their cameras. Fortunately, Emma quickly noticed the problem and, making a “scary” face, put the dress back in place. For the rest of the time, the actress did not show that this was bothering her, but the star’s mood was probably ruined.

By the way, this is not the first time that Emma finds herself in an awkward situation because of her outfits.

Watson is just a walking problem when it comes to skirts that ride up at the wrong time and straps that slip down. For example, in 2009, at the premiere of the film “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” the actress appeared in a long vintage dress in the style of the 70s with a wraparound skirt. And it was this skirt that wraps around (or rather, constantly flies open from gusts of wind) that became the main reason for her anxiety throughout the evening. More than once, when Hermione proudly posed for the cameras, the wind opened her dress so much that the actress's underwear was exposed to the world. In addition, paparazzi often catch the star when she awkwardly gets out of a limousine or when her cleavage suddenly opens at social events.

The wind lifted the edge of Emma's sundress. Photo: Sun

In less than two weeks, a new film with actress Emma Watson will be released on the big screen - an adaptation of the Disney fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast.” Of course, in the film Emma embodies the image of the beautiful Belle. In connection with the premiere of this feature film, Vanity Fair magazine decided to make the actress the heroine of its new issue.

A very provocative photo shoot of a British woman appeared on the pages of the publication, in which she went naked and showed her breasts for the first time. The actress's private parts are covered only by an openwork bolero cape.

It’s worth saying that fans of the Potter star were shocked to see her practically naked, because Emma had previously defended a completely opposite position and was sure that showing off her naked body was the height of vulgarity: “ What's sexy about saying, "Here are my breasts and a short skirt, look what I've got"? It seems to me that the less the better. The less you show, the more interesting it is. I have no desire to simply shock people. Of course, if Bertolucci invited me to act, and the role required me to be naked, I would do it. But showing my breasts just to prove that I'm no longer Hermione Granger is stupid."

In a conversation with Vanity Fair reporters, Watson talked about some aspects of her life. For example, Emma spoke candidly about how books changed her life and influenced her communication with her father: “Books helped me reconnect with my father. Some of my most cherished memories are associated with them. I remember how my father read to me before going to bed - he used to change his voice depending on the plot and the hero. I grew up on film sets, so books were also my connection to the outside world, to friends who were reading the same things.”

Emma also did not shy away from answering the question about her personal life. The actress admitted that marriage is not her priority now: “Privacy for me is not an abstract idea. I want to be consistent: I can’t talk about my boyfriend in an interview, otherwise the paparazzi will follow my every move. In Hollywood, actors' personal relationships are often used to promote films - who you date becomes part of the show. I hate everyone who tried to use me in this way.”

Of course, journalists did not ignore the question about the character that Emma embodied in “Beauty and the Beast: “I used to be afraid of words like “feminism”, “patriarchy”, “imperialist”, but I no longer feel afraid. In the original version, Belle is her father's assistant. She is a Disney “princess”, but not a passive character – she is in charge of her own destiny.”

Based on materials from: starslife.ru

26-year-old actress Emma Watson became the heroine of the new issue of Vanity Fair magazine. "Harry Potter" was interviewed on the eve of the release of one of the most anticipated premieres of this season - the musical film "Beauty and the Beast" directed by Bill Condon. Russian viewers will be able to appreciate it starting March 16.

During a conversation with reporters, Emma Watson touched on several topics that were important to her. The girl talked about how she feels about Harry Potter fans, as well as about her personal life and the difficulties she faced. In addition, Emma took part in a rather candid photo shoot. In one of the pictures that provoked heated discussions on the Internet, the girl poses with her breasts bare.

Emma Watson's naked breasts

“I’ve been acting in films since I was 10-11 years old. I often thought that it turned out badly because I was very serious. Like a splinter. It's hard for me. Only with age did I feel changes,” the star shared.

According to Emma Watson, the work influenced the lives of many. “I've met people with tattoos of my face. I saw those who were helped by a fairy-tale story about a boy-wizard to get through cancer. I don’t know how to explain it correctly, but the phenomenon of Harry Potter is that it turns into obsession,” the actress shared.

Watson also made it clear that she does not intend to discuss her personal life with journalists. Emma believes that being too open could harm her relationship with her boyfriend. The star is confident that you should not share your secrets with the public.

“I can’t talk about my boyfriend in an interview, otherwise the paparazzi will follow my every move. In Hollywood, actors' personal relationships are often used to promote films - who you date becomes part of the show. I hate everyone who tried to use me in this way,” the artist noted.

By the way, Emma Watson can afford to refuse a role in a big-budget Hollywood film. The girl prefers to support original cinema. It’s interesting that the actress was offered to star in the acclaimed “La La Land,” and the star of “Rabbit Hole” was supposed to accompany her. However, negotiations with the artists did not work out, and the producers approved the candidacy of Ryan Gosling.