Pavel Kabanov roots. Former members of the group "Roots"

In 1983, the future participant of Russia’s first “Star Factory” and the lead singer of the “Korni” group, Alexey Kabanov, was born in Moscow. He was very artistic since childhood, so his parents sent him to music school. But, like many children, he did not like classes, asked his mother to pick him up from school and said that he did not need her, because he would never connect his life with music. However, he still received musical education and mastered the flute.

But Alexey went to the drama club with great pleasure. Then, having grown older, he returned to music - he began to play the synthesizer and create. After school, he enters the college of improvisational music, because it is musical improvisation that then greatly fascinates the young man. True, he never finished college, as he ended up on the “Star Factory” project.

In 2002, producer Igor Matvienko selects talented young people for the first project of this level in Russia, and needless to say, how popular all the participants became after it. On the project, Kabanov, together with friends Sasha Astashenko, Pavel Artemyev and Sasha Berdnikov, create the group “Roots”, which gets its name from the first song written by the talented Pasha Artemyev “I’m losing my roots.” The group takes first place in the finals of the competition, which automatically predetermines the guys’ careers. According to the contract, they receive the right to record an album, shoot videos, participate in concerts and, of course, tour.

Today, Alexey Kabanov continues to perform as the lead singer of this group, write songs and arrangements, appear in videos and participate in concerts.
In the personal life of the artist for a long time nothing significant happened - he did not start a serious relationship until 2012, when he social network wrote a girl who made Kabanov speechless, she was so beautiful. However, he did not believe that such girls existed, and asked him not to write to him anymore. True, then he nevertheless invited her to the cinema. Seeing the girl in person, he realized that this was love.

Alexey Kabanov and Rozalia Konoyan got married in 2013 on Friday the 13th. They claim that they are not superstitious, and that they arranged the wedding in accordance with Armenian traditions, paying tribute to the origin of the bride. A year after the wedding, children also appeared - Rose gave birth to her husband’s daughter, Alice.
Despite the fact that periodically the press flares up scandalous stories about this couple, such as in May 2015, when Alexei Kabanov’s wife, offended by her husband, impulsively went to the television project “Dom-2”, everything is fine in the family. They claim that they do not plan to get divorced, and their love is still as strong as before.

Singer Date of birth April 5 (Aries) 1983 (35) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @alexey__kabanov

Alexey Kabanov - popular singer and the lead singer of the group "Roots", who was destined to play the role of the "bad guy". Before his wedding, Kabanov coped with this role remarkably well. A handsome young man with an impudent smile inflicted injuries on more than one girl’s heart. Kabanov became addicted to music as a child, and when, as a teenager, he received a synthesizer as a gift, he completely decided on his profession. The first “Star Factory” gave the guy his way into life, where the “Roots” group was formed.

Biography of Alexey Kabanov

Alexey was born in Moscow on April 5, 1983. His parents were physicists, but the boy was attracted to music and singing. While studying at school, he was known as a desperate hooligan who often skipped classes, started fights and did not care about teachers. To pacify the boy, his parents sent him to a music school, where he began to learn to play the flute. However, he did not like this activity much, although he twice competed in flute competitions and received second place both times. In addition to playing the flute, he also attended a drama club.

When Alexey's parents gave him a synthesizer, he began to tirelessly create various compositions and decided for himself that he would follow musical path. Having received school education, Kabanov entered College of Music improvisational music, but did not have time to finish it, as he was invited to the “Star Factory”.

At first, Kabanov did not take the “Star Factory” advertisement seriously, but nevertheless decided to enter his notes into Ostankino. After 3 days he was invited to an audition and accepted into the project. In December 2002, he, along with Astashenko, Pavel Artemyev and Alexander Berdnikov, was declared the winner of the project - this is how the group “Korni” appeared, which was rapidly gaining popularity.

In the winter of 2003, “Roots” recorded their first album, and video clips were created for some compositions, which were shown on the main channels of the country. In the same year, “Roots” became the winners of the “Golden Gramophone”. And next year they went on tour to Russian cities for the first time.

The singer’s first solo composition, “Fly,” was released in June 2010. The following year he showed the world a second solo song“I’m letting go.” In 2012, the singer released joint compositions with G-Nise “Our Summer” and “I’m Perishing Without You.”

Celebrities who met their life partners on the Internet

Celebrities who met their life partners on the Internet

The Star Factory project celebrates its 15th anniversary: ​​how the main characters of the musical reality show have changed

In 2003 the group released debut album“For centuries”, three songs of which - “I’m losing my roots”, “The birch was crying” and “You will recognize her” - became hits and brought popularity to the young team

The wife of the 32-year-old lead singer of the group "Korni" Alexei Kabanov, Rosa, became a member of "House-2". According to viewers of the TV project in their blogs, 22-year-old Rosalia Kabanova left her husband for TV show participant Zhenya Rudnev. The most interesting thing is that the girl came to the project without filing a divorce and was raising her one-year-old daughter Alice in marriage.


As it turned out, the reason for the girl’s rash act was a banal quarrel with her husband based on jealousy. Having discovered a message from a fan on Kabanov’s phone, Rosa called to cry close friend, which is a TV show participant, recent divorcee Aliana Gobozova. The girl has a long-standing relationship with the scandalous star of “House-2”. Kabanova is not only the godmother of her little son, but also collaborates with her to create her own clothing collection. Gobozova advised the upset girl to “take revenge” on her husband and come to the project to supposedly find new love, reports Super.

However, Rosa did not linger on the project: after listening to a series of reproaches at the front, the girl went home to her husband. " I'm really very jealous and any little thing can make me flare up in a second., and I no longer control my emotions. It is useless for me to explain or make excuses. It was in this state that I called Aliana. She advised me to annoy Lesha. Of course, then we made up. Lesha was shocked that I went there. I wasn’t happy myself, but the program had already been recorded. Now we’ll wait for it to go on air,” the singer’s wife, Rosalia, had to make excuses for her hasty action.

Let us remind you that Alexey and Rosalia Kabanov became parents for the first time in June 2014. Note that the news about soon to be added The Kabanov family appeared in March last year. Only relatives and close friends of Alexei and Rosa knew that the couple would soon have a baby. Despite the decent time, Kabanov’s wife led a rather active image life and even accompanied her beloved man to noisy parties. In fact, in one of these the other day, a girl was photographed by cunning paparazzi with a noticeably rounded belly.

On September 13, 2013, Alexey Kabanov registered a relationship with his fiancee Rozalia Konoyan. The groom’s friend, lead singer of the “Factory” group Sasha Savelyeva, announced the happy event. The girl published a photo of the newlyweds as they left the registry office. It is noteworthy that the young people registered their relationship on a “mystical” day - September 13, Friday. But it seems that Alexey and Rosa don’t care about signs at all. "We are not superstitious - real love doesn’t depend on numbers,” the lovers said.

Back in 2011, the singer purchased an apartment with an area of ​​78 square meters on the sixteenth floor in a new building on Leninsky Prospekt. “There was not even a hint of renovation. There were wires sticking out of the concrete walls, and there were cracks in the floor,” Alexey recalls. “I hired a designer, a team of builders, and slowly put everything in order.”

But in 2012, Kabanov had to speed up - he met future wife Rosalia. “The apartment was finished with rough finishing,” continues the singer. “And Rose and I decided to move in together and slowly bring everything to fruition. I remember our first piece of furniture was a bed. When the builders were working, we went to live with our parents—mine or hers—for a few days. The combination of colors, the selection of textiles, accessories - Rosalia did all this.”

When, after their wedding in September 2013, Alexey and Rosa learned that they would soon become parents, they threw all their energy into arranging the nursery: they purchased a crib, a chest of drawers for diapers and linen. “We finished the renovation just a couple of weeks ago - we bought a TV stand.”

The Star Factory graduate met Rosalia Konoyan in the summer of 2012, when he received a message on a social network from a girl of breathtaking beauty. She was too good even for the experienced Alexey, so he was sure: the account was fake and asked him not to bother him. However, Rosalia, confident that perseverance takes over cities, made her idol believe in the reality of what was happening.

The singer invited his fan on a date, where they practically switched roles. Now Kabanov has turned into a devoted fan of Rosalia Konoyan. “Rose immediately hooked me... Probably, I didn’t get married until I was 30 precisely because I was looking for such a real, sincere girl like my Rose,” said Alexey Kabanov in an interview.

Now the couple are raising a charming daughter, Alice, and are doing everything for her comfort. The happy parents dote on the little girl, and even the space for her in the apartment was designed so that the girl would feel like a real princess from an early age.

01.06.2018 |

The group "Korni", the first winners of the "Factory" project, were very popular 8-10 years ago. They toured, recorded albums, and all the young people knew the compositions “The Birch Cried” and “Happy Birthday, Vika” by heart. In 2010, the contract with producer Matvienko ended, and great fame was left behind.

Former members of the group "Roots"

The first lineup of the group was the most recognizable and commercially profitable.

The first composition of the group "Roots"

It included Pavel Artemyev, Alexey Kabanov, Alexander Astashenok and Alexander Berdnikov. The fate of the musicians turned out differently.

Pavel Artemyev: songwriter, producer, actor

The 35-year-old young man with spectacular hair left Roots in 2010.

Pavel Artemiev

Now he is promoting the rock project “ARTEMIEV”. He writes music in the “love rock” style personally.

In 2015 Pavel graduated from a prestigious course acting in USA. He starred in the films “Hotel Eleon”, “Tatiana’s Night”, “ Intimate parts" Plays in the theater: performances “Heat”, “Poems about Moscow”.

Pasha Artemyev today

Paul leads a very hidden personal life, never talks about her. Journalists don’t even know for sure who he was in a relationship with.

Alexey Kabanov: current member of the Korni group

The artist continues to work in the formerly popular group.

Alexey Kabanov

He changed his image a little: he dyed his hair and started wearing glasses. Kabanov gives concerts and performs at private parties.

Photo: Instagram @alexey__kabanov

35-year-old Alexey is married and has a daughter. He spends a lot of time with his family. This can be seen from his personal Instagram account.

Alexander Astashenok: actor and singer

The 36-year-old musician, like his friend Pavel Artemyev, left “Roots” in 2010. Immediately after leaving, he took up an acting career.

Alexander Astashenok

Alexander can be seen in the films " Closed school", "Still alive." Solo career not so successful: the singer most often gives private solo concerts.

In 2004, the musician married the former art director of the Korni collective, Elena Vengrzhinovskaya.

“Sometimes I hate time because it flies so fast.”

They had a daughter, Victoria. After 6 years, the couple separated.

Alexander Berdnikov: lead singer of the group “Korni”

Berdnikov is 37 and still works in the group.

Alexander Berdnikov

In addition, the man is engaged in business. He recently opened a burger shop.

“Friends, I am happy to inform you that I have opened a Burger Shop!!!”

Alexander has been happily married since 2008. There are 4 children in the family.

Photo: Instagram @sashaberdnikov

Alexander admits that he always wanted big family: “I’m from a gypsy family, it’s customary for us to give birth to a lot of children.”

“Roots”: new lineup of participants

Now the team consists of three talented men.

New composition of the group "Roots"

Berdnikov and Kabanov were joined in 2010 by Dmitry Pakulichev. According to critics, he perfectly complements the “old” participants. Dmitry showed himself to be a modest and hardworking musician.

Dmitry Pakulichev

It is known that he gets along with Berdnikov and Kabanov, and there have never been major conflicts between them.

Group "Korni" now: what they are doing

The team now performs at various social events, music festivals. They are often invited to fashion shows.

The band performs old hits

These guys with spectacular appearance have always been popular with women. By the way, appearance artists already long years flawless. They said many times that this is strictly monitored by several people on the team.

The group is invited to holidays and festivals

Second and last album The group was recorded by the first lineup in 2005. In 2013, the single “It’s not rain” was created.

That's how they were...

The group is not currently recording new compositions. Musicians are happy to perform old songs that have become hits.