Location and names of seats in the theater. What are the best seats in the theater? Problems related to location in different parts of the visual range

Many housewives grow on windowsills various flowers and house plants. And some even have small greenhouse rooms in their houses. In almost every home today you can see a tree-like crassula. Most of us know this plant as the money tree. Caring for it at home should be carried out taking into account certain features and rules - only in this case you will be able to see its beautiful flowering.

Money tree: how to care for it?

In the wild, the tree crassula grows on open area. Under natural conditions, this plant can reach a height of up to one meter. Of course, growing a money tree at home is a little more difficult and, perhaps, it will not reach such a size.

In order for the dollar tree to develop fully and finally bloom, you need to follow a number of rules when caring for it, in particular:

  • It is recommended to propagate the money tree only by cuttings;
  • when planting a money tree, it is best to use a unique substrate, to which you need to add a little river sand and soil from your garden;
  • if you want to plant a cutting in a ready-made soil cover, then fertilized soil is perfect for growing cacti;
  • the systematicity of watering directly depends on climatic conditions: if the room is cool and not enough sunlight, then the frequency of watering must be significantly reduced, otherwise it should be increased proportionally;
  • the money tree loves plenty of moisture, so during watering the water must completely fill the tray;
  • There should be no water standing in the pan - after watering, excess water must be poured out;
  • the soft leaves of the plant will signal a lack of moisture to the money tree, and after the humidity level normalizes, they restore their former shape;
  • the leaves must be constantly wiped from dust and sprayed with water mixed with fertilizers;
  • feeding the money tree is carried out no more than once a calendar month;
  • The plant should be transplanted into another pot or soil substrate in early spring.

Dollar tree: home care and flowering

The basic rules for caring for tree crassula were listed above, but every housewife knows that all aspects of growing a plant need to be studied more carefully. Let's take a closer look at the features of caring for a dollar tree. And if you want yours indoor plant bloomed, provided in this article helpful information will interest you.

How to make a money tree bloom at home?

Many housewives, hearing that the money tree is blooming, are very surprised. For almost everyone, this plant can live on a windowsill for years and not bloom. You will need to wait a long period of time for the flowering period of the tree crassula. Let's try to figure out what causes this.

As you know, South Africa is considered the birthplace of the dollar tree. In this part of the African continent, the plant is found exclusively in the wild and always delights with its flowering. There are several different varieties of money tree. They can be distinguished by the color of their flowers.

In indoor conditions, money trees are most often found that bloom with small white stars. Such flowers can only cover top part plants or the entire tree. Believe me, this is extraordinary beauty. In the wild there are yellow and pink flowers on a tree-like crassula. Perhaps every housewife dreams of seeing a dollar tree bloom at least once.

If you want to achieve flowering of the plant you planted, then care for it according to the rules. As you know, the money tree grows in tropical and subtropical climates, so in our temperate latitudes it develops more slowly.

Be sure to provide sunlight to the plant. The longer the daylight hours for the dollar tree, the faster it will bloom. But it is better to avoid direct scorching sun rays on the deciduous crowns, since the plant can get burned. It is very important to maintain a constant temperature threshold in the room. The air must be converted, for which the room must be ventilated. The money tree should not be placed in a draft.

Given where the money tree originated, it loves its natural habitat. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend moving the plant outside when it gets warmer. But it should still be protected from sudden changes in temperature. Don't forget about watering - the dollar tree loves moist soil.

Such a houseplant cannot be considered picky, although there are some special features for caring for it. If you carry out all the steps to care for your dollar tree systematically and correctly, then your indoor plant will soon delight all household members with its beautiful and amazing flowering.

How to replant a dollar tree?

If the money tree is already mature, then it is recommended to replant it no more than once every 2 years, but young seedlings should be planted almost immediately after acquisition or separation from the main root system. You need to choose a pot that is not very tall, but wide. The diameter of the pot is best determined by the crown of the plant. Their diameter should be approximately the same.

A drainage mat is laid on the bottom approximately 2 cm thick. Fertilized universal substrate is best mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:4. The root system in the money tree is superficial, so there is no need to deepen it much. As the tree-like crassula grows, it must be transplanted into a larger pot.

How to properly water a tree-like crassula?

You need to water the dollar tree with settled water. Its temperature should not be lower than room temperature. Despite the fact that the money tree loves moisture, its excess can be detrimental to the root system and lead to rotting of the plant. During the period from April to October, you need to water the tree crassula at least once a week. Be sure to monitor the condition of the soil cover. It should be dry by the next watering. If the soil is wet, delay watering for a couple of days.

During the period from November to March, the money tree is dormant and practically does not grow, so it should not be over-watered. Watering is recommended once every three weeks. Excess liquid must be removed from the pan.

The root system of the dollar tree is very sensitive, and if not watered correctly, it can rot. In most cases, the plant cannot be saved. In addition to systematic watering, it is recommended to periodically spray the leaf crown with water. As you know, the leaves of the money tree accumulate moisture necessary for the normal and full development of the plant.

How to fertilize a dollar tree?

As already mentioned, the money tree is unpretentious and special efforts No care is required for this plant. The basis good development and subsequent flowering of the dollar tree are due to proper planting and watering. If you want, you can periodically feed the plant with fertilizer mixtures containing useful minerals and trace elements.

In any specialized store you can purchase a universal fertilizer mixture and pour it into the soil according to the instructions. There is no need to fertilize frequently. Many fertilizers can be mixed with water and sprayed on the leaves of the money tree. You can also wipe the leaves with this water. Nutrients will definitely reach the plant and its root system, since the leaves of the Crassula tree absorb moisture well.

Grow this symbolic plant on your windowsill. Proper care of a dollar tree is not difficult. After some time, the money tree will delight you not only with its beautiful and charming blooms, but will also bring joy and happiness to your home.

Many people have houses. It is believed that this flower brings money, which is why it is called that. But in fact, its name is Crassula, and it can be very, very different. However, people also gave it other names: fatty and fatty, which to a certain extent can also evoke associations with well-being. And watching the money tree bloom (photo below) can be considered an even better omen.

Place in botany

In fact, Crassula belongs to the so-called succulents - plants that store water in reserve, like cacti. But, unlike the latter, it does not have thorns, but normal leaves. The genus Crassula has many species - about 300, but, as a rule, Crassula arborescens, or tree crassula, as well as C. ovata (oval) are grown at home. They may look more or less familiar, that is, have round or slightly elongated leaves, but there are also specimens with triangular, square and other leaves.

In nature

Many flower growers are sometimes surprised when they see that a flower that grows on their windowsill at home has easily taken root in someone’s garden or just on the street, like a weed. Crassula, for example, is widespread in Latin America and Mexico, and some species are in South Africa. But it may not be possible to recognize it, because it can grow up to 3 meters, and it is impossible to keep such a plant at home. Perhaps someone will ask: how to care for money tree, if his homeland is a hot and deserted country? Don't do something like this at home. Of course not, especially since Crassula already feels excellent indoors. So, how to care for a money tree so that it pleases its owners for many years?

Growing at home

This rather unpretentious plant has appealed to many housewives. And the leaves, somewhat reminiscent of coins, began to be associated with financial well-being. Of course, Crassula does not bring money on its own, but the mood and desire to earn money can support it. In general, the popularity of this flower is not surprising. Crassula may well become the first plant for an inexperienced home gardener. It does not require any maintenance difficult conditions and in general has a reputation as a completely unpretentious pet. And although the fat plant grows quite actively, money tree flowers are not such a common occurrence. But if you set yourself such a goal, you can achieve it.

By the way, this plant also has pests. Mealybugs or spider mites often settle on it, especially if the air in the apartment is dry. Crassula can also become infected with a fungus, which will be quite difficult to get rid of, so it is better to follow the basic rules, and then such troubles will not happen.


First of all, it’s worth talking about suitable soil. Crassula likes loose turf soil with sand. Preference is given bright light, but not direct sun rays. However, Crassula tolerates partial shade quite painlessly, but in dark corners it can lose its decorative effect, stretch out and turn pale. The fat woman is more or less picky about temperature - she likes warmth up to 22 degrees.

When watering, remember that too much is worse than too little. It is better to moisten the soil abundantly, but with sufficient breaks so that it has time to dry out. In summer, watering is, of course, more frequent than in winter. Additional air humidification or spraying does not harm the fat plant, but is not particularly required. Care is very simple, but even if you do all these simple steps, you may never see the money tree bloom. Photos of this phenomenon, of course, can be easily found, but it’s so interesting to see it with your own eyes!


The home money tree is a common inhabitant of window sills in many Russian apartments. This picture comes as no surprise to anyone. Only a beautifully formed specimen may be of interest, but not everyone has the desire and enough patience to learn how to grow a money tree and make a bonsai out of it, although the result can be very interesting.

Watering, suitable soil and pot, a lot of light - this is not enough for the money tree to bloom. Many botanists say that for this the plant should grow outside, and not at home in a pot, because it really loves Fresh air. You can try to imitate these conditions by taking Crassula to the dacha in the summer or placing it on the balcony until the fall.

If you arrange a “free regime” in the warm season, and in winter make the conditions cooler than standard, you can achieve your goal and still see the flowers of the money tree. It always happens somehow unexpectedly. Suddenly, single inflorescences appear on the plant; as a rule, there are few of them, but sometimes the entire crown is covered with them. The fat woman begins to smell subtly. And these delicate pink, white, yellow flowers, it turns out, look incredibly beautiful and harmonize with its thick leaves. The whole plant seems to be transformed, and it seems that the name “crassula” sounds somehow offensive and does not suit this beauty at all. And although the flowers of the money tree themselves are rather inconspicuous, big picture simply wonderful. However, you should not forget that the delicate inflorescences are poisonous, so you should not taste them - this can have serious consequences.


For the money tree to bloom, you need to put in a little more effort. This implies good care and timely feeding of the plant with useful substances. Many owners consider this unnecessary, since Crassula looks great even without fertilizers. And yet, during the period of active growth, that is, from late spring to early autumn, fertilizing can be applied once every two weeks with watering. Special mixtures for succulents and cacti are quite suitable. A couple of years of such life - and you can expect flowers from the money tree. The photo can then be shown to friends as evidence that your efforts were not in vain.


Crassula lends itself perfectly to cuttings, and there are no problems with rooting either. It is best to do this in the spring, immediately after active sap flow begins: under the sun and in the warmth the process will go much faster. How to grow a money tree from seeds, and is it even possible? There are no problems with this, but for young plants you need to choose the right pot - it must be wide and flat, otherwise the flower will begin to stretch upward and grow weak.

By the way, most species of Crassula live well for several years in the same substrate, so they do not need to be replanted often. IN as a last resort, if it seems that the pot is getting really small, you can carefully reload it and leave the plant alone for another 3-4 years.

In culture and traditions

Crassula began to play the role of the money tree, bringing good luck in financial matters, when the Eastern teaching about harmony in the home, called Feng Shui, spread in the West. According to him, the fat woman can attract funds to the family and improve it financial situation. And it is considered an incredibly good omen when money tree flowers appear, especially if there are a lot of them. This may mean that soon a financial flow will literally pour in on the owner. Where exactly it comes from depends on the situation. This could be a promotion or a completely new area of ​​activity that will become a source of income, or maybe an inheritance from distant relatives, a lottery - in general, anything. It is not surprising that housewives want to know how to care for a money tree so that it blooms.

Wishes of financial success will be especially useful for young families who have just started independent life. And while a gift in the form of a fat woman may not be very appropriate at a wedding, it will be perfect as a housewarming souvenir!

best places in the theater - instructions from "Owl"" data-essbishovercontainer="">

A good theatergoer knows, an excellent one, from what point any performance will seem brilliant. We suggest you figure out which seats to choose when buying a theater ticket.

Modern acting often involves an unexpected arrangement of spectators and actors in space. However, most capital sites prefer traditional scheme hall, where it is quite easy to choose the right place, following simple rules.

The most important thing for any performance, be it classical opera, Chekhov's comedy or a plastic performance - so that the viewer feels comfortable, he can see and hear everything. In each theater, the layout of the hall is divided into several zones. In the largest hall their number can reach five. This includes the stalls, amphitheater, mezzanine, balcony and box.


Ground floor auditorium located closest to the stage. When choosing seats in the stalls, you should pay attention that seats in the first row will cost more, but not all theaters will have a better view. In most cases, the audience has to watch the entire action with their heads up. In addition, extraneous backstage noise can be clearly heard from the first row.

If you are going to a classical production, for example, a ballet, give preference to the so-called “director's” - the eighth row. From here you will see great picture, enclosed in a frame, which is usually called the stage portal. However, please note that each theater has a "sound pit" located approximately between the fifth and tenth rows. Here the sound flies over the viewer.

Photo from the coronatours website. Parterre La Scala


The area located immediately behind the stalls is called the amphitheater, and, as a rule, rises above the stalls with small ledges. In fact, the first rows of the amphitheater can be considered the most comfortable. Here the viewer gets an excellent overview, audibility and the opportunity to simultaneously see all the action.

Photo from Belcanto website. Opera Garnier in Paris

Mezzanine and balcony

The mezzanine is located one tier above the stalls and the amphitheater. A balcony is everything that is located on the tiers above the mezzanine. Opens from the first rows great view onto the stage, but it will no longer be possible to examine the scene in detail. However, these places are ideal for listening to operas, operettas and musicals.

Photo from the website nrfmir. Hall of the Mariinsky Theater


Separate parts of the hall, which are located on tiers on the sides of the stalls, are called boxes. They are an individual room for several people with a separate entrance. Traditionally, representatives high society They were here, not only to watch the performance, but also to show themselves. Until now, these places remain the most expensive and most inconvenient, since the stage is not completely visible, and for the most part you have to watch the performance half-turned.

Photo from mosmonitor website. Bolshoi Theater boxes


IN modern theaters More often a new hall layout is found - a “blackbox” or a transforming hall. The director, based on his idea, can arrange the chairs in any way he likes. Often the first row is on the same level as the actors and the viewer finds himself in the space of the performance. In order not to lose visibility, take tickets in the center of the hall, for the good old “director’s” row.

Photo from the meyerhold website. Blackbox at CIM

Cover: Classic

When this exciting moment of visiting the theater comes, it is not difficult to get confused. After all, the difficult task of buying tickets lies ahead. How to make the right choice? Is the stalls in a theater really the most convenient and expensive area? Let's try to take a short excursion and understand what you really should choose.

What is a parterre?

The concept of "parterre" came to us from ancient Rome. In theaters of that time, located, as a rule, under open air, around the stage with the actors there were semicircular platforms filled with spectators. The audience was varied. Both wealthy and poor people stood and watched the performance. Already in late XIX centuries, there were 2 rows of seats near the stage. Behind them was a space filled with cheap-ticket audiences who enjoyed the spectacle while standing. The word “parterre” itself has French roots (par - by, terre - land) and means “on the ground”.

The general definition is as follows: stalls - seats in the theater located on the floor plane parallel to the stage and located below its level. In most theaters the plane is slightly to the side back rows. This improves visibility. The stalls in the theater are considered the most sought-after and privileged place. Between the stage and the stalls there is an orchestra pit.

Pros and cons of parterre

It doesn't matter what genre you prefer. If it's a musical dramatic performance or opera, the stalls in the theater will allow you:

Enjoy the richness and coherence of the musical accompaniment;

See and examine the faces and costumes of the heroes.

It should be noted that in different places Parterre, these positive nuances are very individual. It all depends on technical characteristics the hall itself:


Stage heights.

The disadvantages include the need to keep your head elevated.

If the acoustics of the room are not very lucky, in the front rows, as well as in the side parts of the stalls, on the contrary, the purity of the sound may be distorted. But this rarely happens. The central part of the seventh row is considered the most convenient and viewable.

In what cases do seats in the stalls really spoil the real pleasure of what is happening on stage? This can happen when the action is full-scale, where a large number of extras. The partner will not allow you to see everything that is happening in more detail, in other words, to “grab” the whole picture. This often happens in ballet performances. The genre of music can also play a role important role. The shortcomings of the stalls are felt especially acutely in the philharmonic society, and not in the theater.

In addition to all that has been said, places in the stalls impose certain obligations. This part of the hall is well visible, and many people may be looking at you. And this means that you need to look and behave accordingly.

Some performances place great emphasis on the audience. In such productions you can be not only a spectator, but also, in a sense, a participant in what is happening, because the stalls in the theater are considered as extras. Stay alert. Do not overuse perfume or cologne. Think about those sitting next to you. And if you really want to enjoy watching, you need to take care of buying tickets early. After all, the stalls in the theater are still the most comfortable and desirable place for any spectator.

They say that theater begins with the hanger, but in reality it begins with the purchase of tickets. Main question- which places to choose? There are stalls, boxes, mezzanine... In some theaters there are so-called uncomfortable seats - these are where you can’t see anything and hear little. However, such inconveniences are not always warned in advance. To avoid getting into trouble, MIR 24 TV channel correspondent Ekaterina Rogalskaya looked at the scene from all sides.

Some places are too far away, while from others the edge of the stage is not visible. To choose the best seats, first let's look at the layout of the theater hall.

What kind of seats are there in the auditorium?

  1. The stalls are the places in the auditorium area that are closest to the stage.
  2. The amphitheater is the space immediately behind the stalls. Usually the amphitheater area is slightly above the stalls.
  3. Seats in the mezzanine are even higher.
  4. At the very top there is a balcony.
  5. On both sides of the stalls there are boxes - these are small spaces with a separate entrance.


By tradition, seats in the box are considered the most prestigious - previously only rich visitors could sit there. Each box has a separate entrance, and besides this you can not only watch the performance, but also show yourself. More than a hundred years ago, this is precisely why representatives of high society came. The officers sat in the stalls, and the titled persons sat in separate boxes. Leo Tolstoy described this in.

The seats in the box are some of the most uncomfortable. The stage is not completely visible, and you have to watch the performance half-turned.

Edward Lewis introduces Richard Gere to the opera by purchasing tickets in the box. But in fact, the places there are some of the most uncomfortable. The stage is not completely visible, and you have to watch the performance half-turned.


Today, to the question “What are the best seats in the theater?” Almost everyone will answer “on the ground.” Seats in the stalls are traditionally considered the best, and they are also the most expensive. Moreover, almost every theater has a so-called “sound pit” - it is located somewhere between rows 5 and 10. There the sound literally flies over the viewer. This is especially important if you are going to the opera.

A famous film example: Bruce Willis' character Corwin Dallas in the film The Fifth Element watches the opera from the front row. Many people will not recommend taking tickets to the front rows of the stalls. It is only from afar that it seems that the artists are fluttering around the stage like butterflies, but in the first row you will hear all the extraneous noises. In addition, you will have to watch the action with your head raised, and you will still see the back of the conductor’s head in front of you.

Choose seats in the middle of the hall or a little further. Tickets are cheaper and the view is better.

Choose seats in the middle of the hall or a little further. Tickets there are cheaper than in the front rows, and the view is better. In addition to the stalls, real theatergoers often choose the first rows of the dress circle.

In general, the most prestigious and expensive seats in the theater do not mean the best. Sometimes even on the balcony you can see and hear everything without interference.