Dream interpretation: wash yourself with clean water. Why dream of washing a baby?

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Washing, interpretation of sleep:

The need for cleansing, physical, mental, spiritual, is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Washing your hair is a cleansing process, spiritual, mental and physical. This is what you need to do, as it is said in the dream book about this dream, read on if you want to find out what Washing is about in your dreams.

Modern dream book

If you washed yourself in a dream, then in reality stop being so openly proud of your countless love affairs.

Dream book of the healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about washing in a dream?

Washing your hands: in clean water - success and health, in dirty, muddy water - to failures, miscalculations and illness.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about washing in a dream?

Washing the body - A pleasant bath in calm water is a dream of success in all endeavors. Dirty water means gossip and illness. Washing in the bathroom is a disappointment

Summer Dream Interpreter

Washing the genitals - To wash away sexually transmitted diseases.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Washing the genitals - To be tempted to have promiscuous sexual relations.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Washing the genitals - to wash away the disease in a feminine way; for men - to the loss of male strength.

Lewis Carroll's Dream Book

What does it mean to see Washing in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Washing - Tightly clenched hands or washing hands means an annoying problem that the dreamer needs to work through.

Universal dream book

Why do you dream about Washing according to the dream book:

Washing (See also Cleaning; Soap) - Brief interpretation: cleansing; completion; update.

Popular expression: washing dirty linen in public; bring to clean water; wash your hands. The dream suggests that sooner or later the truth will come to the surface and behind-the-scenes affairs will become known. The dream can also symbolize cleansing.

What are you washing in your dream? If you dream of washing your own body, are you trying to cleanse yourself of something? What makes you feel dirty and dirty?

If you dream about washing something else, why are you washing it? Does the dream mean that you are washing your hands of something? If you are feeling exhausted and tired at this point in your life, you may dream that you have had to endure a great test. But you should remember that when you come to your senses, you will be flawless and pure, like the first snow.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream about Washing according to the dream book?

If you saw washing a doll in a dream, it means waste, loss of money.

Home dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed about Washing:

You dreamed of Washing, what is it for - getting rid of self-doubt; health concerns. Washing your hair is a change of heart.

Psychoanalytic dream book

I dreamed about Washing, what is it for?

What does Washing/Washing mean in a dream. 1. A dream in which washing or washing is present suggests getting rid of negative feelings.

Wash yourself according to the dream book

We may need to change our attitude towards something, either externally or internally. Washing other people taps into our need to care for other people. 2. Since water is a symbol of emotions and the subconscious, washing is responsible for achieving a relationship with your emotional essence and successfully managing the results. 3. Spiritual cleansing may be necessary in order to maintain the integrity of the dreamer.

The dream book explains in detail why you dream of washing yourself, catching others doing this, and helping children clean up. Often, a symbol seen in a dream represents phenomena and moods that one would like to get rid of, simply put, wash away. Sometimes a dream contains the key to solving an existing problem or advice on how to avoid getting into another trouble.

Miller's dream book believes that washing in a dream happens to great lovers of amorous adventures. Bragging about victories on the love front threatens to turn into an awkward situation.

The interpreter will also find an explanation of why you dream of washing your baby. If issues of child hygiene are an integral part of the sleeper’s life, the plot only reflects everyday life and does not contain hidden meaning.

When you see children and interaction with them only in a dream, the symbol means unforeseen worries and worries in the sphere of professional activity.

Moral aspect

The Universal Dream Book identifies what you dream of washing yourself with as getting rid of negative moods. Sometimes a symbol in a dream means clarification of a pressing issue and everyday innovations.

If you dreamed of washing yourself, the Wanderer’s dream book indicates the need to get rid of experiences that cause disgust or a false sense of guilt. Seeing yourself washing your private parts happens on the eve of committing an atypical act.

The psychoanalytic dream book explains what was seen in a dream as fatigue from worries. If you dreamed of streams of dirty water, the dreamer will take gossip about himself to heart. When you dream of crystal clear jets, there is order in your affairs and harmony in relationships with others.

Born yesterday

The lunar dream book offers a very life-affirming explanation of why you dream of washing a baby. If you dreamed about this, you have to go through the test alone in order to fully enjoy the victory. If you cannot wash your newborn in a dream, you will have to be patient to succeed.

Washing a baby who is already trying to stand on its feet is necessary for those who in real life do not dare to take a step and suffer from it. If you dreamed of washing away a suspiciously large baby, the Eastern Dream Book advises not to force the development of the situation.

Laughter and tears

Some dream books pay attention to the mood of a child who had to wash himself.

  • If you happen to see a happy child, the family will feel warm and cozy;
  • If a playful baby washes himself, there are positive changes ahead in his personal life;
  • Reluctance to wash yourself promises obstacles in business;
  • When the baby does not want to wash himself and cries, there may be tension in the relationship;
  • A child's violent protest means a chance to turn the situation around in his favor;
  • Bathing someone else's toddler indicates a high risk of being deceived.

Boys and girls

To make the interpretation of the dream accurate, the Women's Dream Book suggests remembering who happened to be seen in the dream: a boy or a girl. If you dream of a girl in the bathroom, luck is completely on your side.

The boy's bathing indicates that the situation is quite complex and is unlikely to be resolved by force. The dream interpreter advises trying alternative tactics.

Be healthy!

Interpreting why you dream of washing yourself, the birthday fortune teller advises you to be more selective in sexual relationships: the likelihood of sexually transmitted infections, as well as female and male diseases, is too high.

If a sick person had to wash himself, the Esoteric Interpreter promises a quick recovery. When soap appears in a dream, this indicates that the method of healing was chosen unmistakably.

Bathroom Invasion

It’s interesting to know why a woman dreams of seeing other people washing themselves. When it comes to other female representatives, big changes await the dreamer.

A woman who repents of what she has done in reality and is looking for ways to correct the mistake happens when a man is caught washing his private parts.

Dreaming of a child picking flowers signifies spiritual enlightenment. , your other half wants to leave you, wash yourself in a dream - to promiscuous sexual relations.

A dream involving a child can be dreamed by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be associated with fear of the obligations of fatherhood.

Your dream in English k-chemu-snitsya-podmivat-mladentsa.


  • Sleep from Thursday to Friday
  • What does your dream mean by day of the week?
  • Miller's Dream Book
  • Vanga's Dream Book
  • Ukrainian dream book
  • What will help you solve the dream?

Bathing a baby - difficulties will be successfully overcome, and positive changes will follow. If you are tormented by a past misdeed, forgiveness awaits you. Bathing with a soft washcloth is a desire for independence.

It’s a different matter when this plot is seen by childless dreamers, or those who have daughters and sons who are completely independent, adults. In this case, such a vision, according to the dream book, serves as confirmation of the desire of the sleeper to completely control the situation. But this is not the only useful and interesting interpretation of why you dream of washing a child. Interesting details.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple. It can remind you of the child who lives inside you and gives you such qualities as playfulness, the ability to rejoice, and openness.

A caring mother or responsible father may dream at night about how the process of washing their beloved child goes. But often this dream only reflects the parents’ immediate concerns about the baby, and it is pointless to look for a deep, hidden meaning in it.

English dream book Intimate dream book Chinese dream book Culinary dream book Love dream book Russian dream book Slavic dream book Modern dream book Dream book of the century Longo's dream book Loff's dream book Dream book Meneghetti Dream book Nostradamus dream book Hasse's dream book French dream book Esoteric dream book. Dream interpretation of washing a child in a dream.

Washing dirt off a child’s feet in a dream means trying to become a leader in a team. And if you dreamed that you were soaping his head, then this indicates that you are trying to find the only right solution in some situation. You washed the hair of several kids - you are rushing between two or three interesting ideas.

Classification of dreams.

What does your dream mean by day of the week?


  • From Sunday to Monday- to a good friend.
  • From Monday to Tuesday- to good sex.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday to Wednesday- to good news.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday- to improve sex life.
  • From Thursday to Friday- you should be wary of large sums of money.
  • From Friday to Saturday- expect a stab in the back.
  • From Saturday to Sunday- to the well-being of loved ones.

Do you subconsciously desire to have a child? Very often, women, before becoming pregnant, begin to notice children everywhere, even if they consciously do not want to have a child. Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Wash your face - to clarify what was unclear to you.

Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: “Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.

If not now, then when? The time has come! This sign may also indicate that old, unresolved childhood issues are rising to the surface and awaiting solutions.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why dream about washing a child? Interpretation of dreams.

If you held a baby in your arms in a dream, you will try to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Washing in a dream means sexually transmitted diseases.

So, it is possible that a dream in which you wash a child means that you are striving for superiority and leadership in some kind of team - for example, in a work group or in a family. At the same time, such a plot may also be a warning that you need to be careful when communicating with strangers who may not be very honest and decent, even if outwardly they make a favorable impression. In our dream book you can find out not only about why you dream about “washing a child,” but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to wash a child in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Wash a child according to Miller's dream book.

Ukrainian dream book

Girl bathing. A dreamed procedure for washing a baby of dirt, according to this interpreter, can predict a lot, depending on what you washed for him. Here, for example.

Do you sleep and see yourself washing a girl who is in reality a stranger? This means that while you are awake, try with all your might to influence some people, monitor their actions. The lunar dream book suggests that you need this in order to feel your importance, for self-realization.

So, if these were children’s legs, then the dreamer thought about how to save his good name and reputation. Pens? Then the sleeping person has desires to start life as if “from scratch.”

Much depends on who is having the dream:

Dreams by day of the month Dreams by day of the week Dreams by lunar day.

Wash the child according to the dream book.

What will help you solve the dream?

To dream of washing a baby in a jacuzzi represents the dreamer’s desire to find support and relieve herself of some responsibility placed on her own shoulders by herself.

These dream books will help you decipher your dream

  • Vanga's Dream Book
  • Miller's Dream Book
  • Assyrian dream book
  • Azar's Dream Book
  • Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo
  • Muslim dream book

Video of why you dream of washing a baby

However, the sorceress Medea suggests that having a baby soar in a bathhouse is dreamed of for someone who is constantly in anxiety because of accumulated, unfinished tasks. But if there were a lot of children in the steam room, then most likely the dreamer takes his responsibilities calmly, and often, like an ostrich, hides his head in the sand when faced with problems and troubles.

The dream book explains in detail why you dream of washing yourself, catching others doing this, and helping children clean up. Often, a symbol seen in a dream represents phenomena and moods that one would like to get rid of, simply put, wash away. Sometimes a dream contains the key to solving an existing problem or advice on how to avoid getting into another trouble.

Miller's interpretations

Miller's dream book believes that washing in a dream happens to great lovers of amorous adventures. Bragging about victories on the love front threatens to turn into an awkward situation.

The interpreter will also find an explanation of why you dream of washing your baby. If issues of child hygiene are an integral part of the sleeper’s life, the plot only reflects everyday life and does not contain hidden meaning.

When you see children and interaction with them only in a dream, the symbol means unforeseen worries and worries in the sphere of professional activity.

Moral aspect

The Universal Dream Book identifies what you dream of washing yourself with as getting rid of negative moods. Sometimes a symbol in a dream means clarification of a pressing issue and everyday innovations.

If you dreamed of washing yourself, the Wanderer’s dream book indicates the need to get rid of experiences that cause disgust or a false sense of guilt. Seeing yourself washing your private parts happens on the eve of committing an atypical act.

The psychoanalytic dream book explains what was seen in a dream as fatigue from worries. If you dreamed of streams of dirty water, the dreamer will take gossip about himself to heart. When you dream of crystal clear jets, there is order in your affairs and harmony in relationships with others.

Born yesterday

The lunar dream book offers a very life-affirming explanation of why you dream of washing a baby. If you dreamed about this, you have to go through the test alone in order to fully enjoy the victory. If you cannot wash your newborn in a dream, you will have to be patient to succeed.

Washing a baby who is already trying to stand on its feet is necessary for those who in real life do not dare to take a step and suffer from it. If you dreamed of washing away a suspiciously large baby, the Eastern Dream Book advises not to force the development of the situation.

Laughter and tears

Some dream books pay attention to the mood of a child who had to wash himself.

  • If you happen to see a happy child, the family will feel warm and cozy;
  • If a playful baby washes himself, there are positive changes ahead in his personal life;
  • Reluctance to wash yourself promises obstacles in business;
  • When the baby does not want to wash himself and cries, there may be tension in the relationship;
  • A child's violent protest means a chance to turn the situation around in his favor;
  • Bathing someone else's toddler indicates a high risk of being deceived.

Boys and girls

To make the interpretation of the dream accurate, the Women's Dream Book suggests remembering who happened to be seen in the dream: a boy or a girl. If you dream of a girl in the bathroom, luck is completely on your side.

The boy's bathing indicates that the situation is quite complex and is unlikely to be resolved by force. The dream interpreter advises trying alternative tactics.

Be healthy!

Interpreting why you dream of washing yourself, the birthday fortune teller advises you to be more selective in sexual relationships: the likelihood of sexually transmitted infections, as well as female and male diseases, is too high.

If a sick person had to wash himself, the Esoteric Interpreter promises a quick recovery. When soap appears in a dream, this indicates that the method of healing was chosen unmistakably.

Bathroom Invasion

It’s interesting to know why a woman dreams of seeing other people washing themselves. When it comes to other female representatives, big changes await the dreamer.

A woman who repents of what she has done in reality and is looking for ways to correct the mistake happens when a man is caught washing his private parts.

What does the dream from Monday to Tuesday mean?

If you are left with an unpleasant aftertaste after what you saw in a dream, if you are upset about something or are experiencing unreasonable anxiety, perhaps you are exhausted due to the fact that you overestimate your strengths and set yourself too difficult tasks. You shouldn't take on everything at once.

If you dream of a loved one who cares about you, this may indicate that your relationship has become too routine.

If an unmarried girl dreams of a new chosen one, this may be a prophetic dream, but it does not guarantee that such a union will be happy and strong.

If you dream that you are getting a divorce, perhaps you should show more attention to your partner.

As a rule, it foreshadows an imminent wedding (possibly within several years). If you dream about another person instead of your soulmate, this may indicate that you will soon have to break up and meet new love.

If in a dream you see yourself in a new position, you will soon have happy changes in life. Such a dream will most likely come true and you will achieve career growth and receive a salary increase.

If you dream of a completely new place of work, most likely you will soon receive an interesting job offer. Don't give up on it. It will lead you to success.

If you dreamed of relaxation, remember that Mars rarely portends calm. Most likely, some kind of rest will not await you soon. It’s worth putting it aside and moving on to more pressing matters.

If you dreamed of a dead person, this is most likely a signal to you that you are acting incorrectly. It is worth changing your global line of behavior.

If you dream that the world around you is beginning to collapse, you are losing real estate, work or loved ones - do not despair. Most likely, nothing you see will come true. Thus, Mars simply hints to you that nothing lasts forever and you need to reconsider your positions in life.

Wash yourself according to the dream book

The dream book explains in detail why you dream of washing yourself, catching others doing this, and helping children clean up. Often, a symbol seen in a dream represents phenomena and moods that one would like to get rid of, simply put, wash away. Sometimes a dream contains the key to solving an existing problem or advice on how to avoid getting into another trouble.

Miller's interpretations

Miller's dream book believes that washing in a dream happens to great lovers of amorous adventures. Bragging about victories on the love front threatens to turn into an awkward situation.

The interpreter will also find an explanation of why you dream of washing your baby. If issues of child hygiene are an integral part of the sleeper’s life, the plot only reflects everyday life and does not contain hidden meaning.

When you see children and interaction with them only in a dream, the symbol means unforeseen worries and worries in the sphere of professional activity.

Moral aspect

The Universal Dream Book identifies what you dream of washing yourself with as getting rid of negative moods. Sometimes a symbol in a dream means clarification of a pressing issue and everyday innovations.

If you dreamed of washing yourself, the Wanderer’s dream book indicates the need to get rid of experiences that cause disgust or a false sense of guilt. Seeing yourself washing your private parts happens on the eve of committing an atypical act.

The psychoanalytic dream book explains what was seen in a dream as fatigue from worries. If you dreamed of streams of dirty water, the dreamer will take gossip about himself to heart. When you dream of crystal clear jets, there is order in your affairs and harmony in relationships with others.

Born yesterday

The lunar dream book offers a very life-affirming explanation of why you dream of washing a baby. If you dreamed about this, you have to go through the test alone in order to fully enjoy the victory. If you cannot wash your newborn in a dream, you will have to be patient to succeed.

Washing a baby who is already trying to stand on its feet is necessary for those who in real life do not dare to take a step and suffer from it. If you dreamed of washing away a suspiciously large baby, the Eastern Dream Book advises not to force the development of the situation.

Laughter and tears

Some dream books pay attention to the mood of a child who had to wash himself.

  • If you happen to see a happy child, the family will feel warm and cozy;
  • If a playful baby washes himself, there are positive changes ahead in his personal life;
  • Reluctance to wash yourself promises obstacles in business;
  • When the baby does not want to wash himself and cries, there may be tension in the relationship;
  • A child's violent protest means a chance to turn the situation around in his favor;
  • Bathing someone else's toddler indicates a high risk of being deceived.

Boys and girls

To make the interpretation of the dream accurate, the Women's Dream Book suggests remembering who happened to be seen in the dream: a boy or a girl. If you dream of a girl in the bathroom, luck is completely on your side.

The boy's bathing indicates that the situation is quite complex and is unlikely to be resolved by force. The dream interpreter advises trying alternative tactics.

Be healthy!

Interpreting why you dream of washing yourself, the birthday fortune teller advises you to be more selective in sexual relationships: the likelihood of sexually transmitted infections, as well as female and male diseases, is too high.

If a sick person had to wash himself, the Esoteric Interpreter promises a quick recovery. When soap appears in a dream, this indicates that the method of healing was chosen unmistakably.

Bathroom Invasion

It’s interesting to know why a woman dreams of seeing other people washing themselves. When it comes to other female representatives, big changes await the dreamer.

A woman who repents of what she has done in reality and is looking for ways to correct the mistake happens when a man is caught washing his private parts.

Dream Interpretation

Wash off with clean water

Dream Interpretation Wash yourself with clean water dreamed of why you dream about Washing with clean water? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Washing yourself with clean water in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Why do you dream about Washing, dream book What does it mean to see Washing in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Washing, interpretation of sleep:

Washing is the need for cleansing, physical, mental, spiritual, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Washing your hair is a cleansing process, spiritual, mental and physical. This is what you need to do, as the dream book says about this dream.

Washing - If you washed yourself in a dream, then in reality stop being so openly proud of your countless love affairs.

Dream book of the healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about washing in a dream?

Washing your hands: in clean water - success and health, in dirty, muddy water - to failures, miscalculations and illness.

Why do you dream about washing in a dream?

Washing the body - A pleasant bath in calm water is a dream of success in all endeavors. Dirty water means gossip and illness. Washing in the bathroom is a disappointment

Summer dream interpreter

Why do you dream about Washing?

Washing the genitals – Washing yourself in a dream means sexually transmitted diseases.

Washing the genitals – Washing yourself in a dream means promiscuous sexual relations.

Spring dream interpreter

Why do you dream about Washing?

Washing the genitals - washing oneself in a dream - means illness in a female way; for men - to the loss of male strength.

Lewis Carroll's Dream Book

What does it mean to see Washing in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Washing – Tightly clenched hands or washing hands means an annoying problem that the dreamer needs to work through.

If you dream about Washing, what is it for:

Washing (See also Cleaning; Soap) – Brief interpretation: cleansing; completion; update.

Popular expression: washing dirty linen in public; bring to clean water; wash your hands. The dream suggests that sooner or later the truth will come to the surface and behind-the-scenes affairs will become known. The dream can also symbolize cleansing.

What are you washing in your dream? If you dream of washing your own body, are you trying to cleanse yourself of something? What makes you feel dirty and dirty?

If you dream about washing something else, why are you washing it? Does the dream mean that you are washing your hands of something? If you are feeling exhausted and tired at this point in your life, you may dream that you have had to endure a great test. But you should remember that when you come to your senses, you will be flawless and pure, like the first snow.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream about Washing according to the dream book?

Seeing a doll washed in a dream means waste, loss of money.

Interpretation of sleep taking into account time, day, month

Do you dream about Washing? Share your dream!

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  • Washing a child in a dream

Washing a child in a dream

Why do you dream of bathing a child?

A baby is the sweetest, sweetest and most helpless creature. Therefore, a dream where a person bathed a child may indicate that he desires superiority. This dream means leadership and control over any situation.

Bathing a child in a dream is a sign that the person has many good qualities and is also inclined towards charitable activities. Soon he himself will help someone get out of a difficult situation. At the same time, this can be both financial assistance and psychological support.

If a baby is bathed in a dream with the help of a soft sponge, then in real life very soon there will be an opportunity to show oneself as a very independent person. Such a dream will “push” a person to the top, where he will have to make important decisions.

If in a dream a person bathes a child with a washcloth, then he will have to make some concessions and be as unprincipled as possible so as not to harm the responsible situation in which he finds himself. Washing in a bath is a sign of caution.

Often those who want to know why they dream of bathing a child are surprised by yet another interpretation. Such a dream may mean that a person has problems maintaining personal hygiene. And sometimes this dream foreshadows unpleasant surprises in real life that will be associated with a trip where a person will be surrounded by unscrupulous tourists or fellow travelers.

If a person diligently washes a child in a dream, then this is a sign that it is time for him to cleanse himself and get rid of the mental anguish that has caused him to suffer for several years.

The procedure of bathing a baby in a dream promises that a person will soon get rid of suffering, since he will be forgiven for his past mistakes or sins. After this, he will understand that he has committed a bad deed, admits his guilt, which will allow him to live with a calm soul and without remorse.

Bathing a child in a dream also means that a way out of a difficult situation will be found.

Sometimes men also have such a pleasant dream, and it promises them success in their work and making a profit.

If minors have such a dream, it means surprises and academic success.

However, in a dream, a person may not bathe a child on his own, but simply witness this process. Such a dream indicates a way out of a deadlock situation that was created by close people or friends (we are talking about work and relationships).

If one of a loving couple dreams of bathing a baby, then this is a sign that they will soon be able to get married, despite difficulties and obstacles. Such a dream promises them joy and mutual strong feelings for many years of life together.

Dream interpretation of bathing a baby

Why dream of bathing a Baby in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream that you are bathing a baby, this means that your conscience will be cleared and you will feel free from the heaviness in your soul. The feeling of guilt that has been tormenting you for quite a long time will finally leave your thoughts thanks to sincere repentance and awareness of your mistakes.

Dream Interpretation Wash your feet

Why do you dream of washing your feet in a dream?

If you dreamed that you were washing your feet, then perhaps a long road awaits you in the near future, an exciting journey that requires preparation.

For business people, washing their feet in a dream can be an omen of the support they will receive from their companions.

For a woman, washing her feet often becomes a sign that she will receive patronage and patronage from a wealthy person who will help her rise in society.

If you dream that you find your feet dirty and decide that they urgently need to be washed, the dream serves as a warning. In life, you can be harmed by the cunning of others and the machinations of ill-wishers who deliberately harm you, preventing you from thriving.

Washing other people's children

Dream Interpretation Washing other people's children dreamed of why you dream about washing other people’s children? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Washing other people’s children in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Dream Interpretation – Wash

Dream Interpretation – Wash

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in water means health and wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Seeing many children in a dream means worries and troubles. Seeing that a child has fallen means that you will soon have many obstacles in your affairs. Crying children in a dream are a sign of deception and trouble through deceitful friends. Seeing children playing means good news, family peace, and joy. A dream in which you saw that a child is walking without adult supervision means that you may regret that you ignored other people's advice. Playing with them yourself means achieving the desired goal. Seeing a child accompanied by a nanny in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant and relaxing pastime. Babysitting children yourself in a dream is an indication that friends or partners, whose help or support you were counting on, will betray you at a difficult moment. To see a dear child in a dream and be touched - means good news or a new and pleasant acquaintance. For those who are childless, dreaming that they have children is a sign that a happy and prosperous life awaits you. Seeing yourself in a dream as a father (for someone who does not have children) of several small children running around the room and playing is a sign that he will never have children, and his life will be full of troubles and sorrows. Seeing a child in a man’s arms or shoulders in a dream foreshadows the birth of a boy, and if in a woman’s arms, then a girl will be born into the family. However, this dream can only be interpreted in this way by those who are actually expecting the birth of a child. For other people, such a dream predicts troubles and concerns regarding business. Dropping a child in a dream is a sign of failed plans. For parents, such a dream predicts the illness of their child. Hitting a child in a dream means that success awaits you. Punishing a child in a dream is a sign that you should repent of your mistakes. Without this, you will not be able to succeed. Dirty and unwashed children in a dream mean big problems, lawsuits that will unexpectedly fall on your head. Seeing your child sick in a dream means minor troubles and domestic squabbles. If you dream that your child has a high temperature or fever, then great emotional distress or melancholy awaits you. Seeing your child very sick or dead in a dream is a sign of danger looming over your family and your well-being. Often such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes or plans.

Wash a child's hair

Dream Interpretation Wash a child's hair dreamed of why you dream about washing a child’s hair? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a child wash his hair in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Washing your hair

If you dream that you are washing your hair with shampoo, you will be involved in an unworthy scam just to please someone. If someone washes your hair, you will soon take a secret trip that will give you great pleasure.

To mercy on your part.

Dream Interpretation – Stroking a child’s head

To peace in your home.

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing symbolizes washing away past needs, troubles, and feelings of guilt.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in a dream and getting satisfaction from it is a harbinger of wealth and good luck.

Dream Interpretation – Wash

Dream Interpretation – Wash

Head - to move, to recovery.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing - washing with clean water - health, dirty, muddy - illness.

Wash the baby

Dream Interpretation Wash an infant dreamed of why you dream about washing an infant? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Washing a baby in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Dream Interpretation – Chest

The chest symbolizes internal values, the potential that lies within you.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing symbolizes washing away past needs, troubles, and feelings of guilt.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in a dream and getting satisfaction from it is a harbinger of wealth and good luck.

Dream Interpretation – Wash

Dream Interpretation – Wash

Head - to move, to recovery.

Dream Interpretation – Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing - washing with clean water - health, dirty, muddy - illness.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Dream Interpretation – Child

Wash the baby in water

Dream Interpretation Washing a child in water dreamed of why you dream about washing a child in water? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Washing a child in water in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing symbolizes washing away past needs, troubles, and feelings of guilt.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in a dream and getting satisfaction from it is a harbinger of wealth and good luck.

Dream Interpretation – Wash

Dream Interpretation – Wash

Head - to move, to recovery.

Dream Interpretation – Wash your face with water

Dream Interpretation – Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing - washing with clean water - health, dirty, muddy - illness.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Child - dream: giving birth to a child means wealth. How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny, worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle. Child - argument, fight. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. The old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking on piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. Child - attack, quarrel, troubles. A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkosh) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation – Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

Wash the pot lid

Dream Interpretation Wash the pot lid dreamed of why you dream about washing a pot lid? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Wash a pot lid in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cover

Having two trunk lids instead of one in a dream means living in two houses.

Dream Interpretation – Pan

A dream in which some kind of pan appears in front of you suggests that in reality you will become entangled in gossip and lies. Putting a pan on the fire means that in reality you will get into a verbal altercation with someone.

Dream Interpretation – Pan

A new saucepan in a dream: may portend some unexpected event in your home. Perhaps someone at home is preparing a surprise for you, or you yourself can surprise your family with your behavior.

Dream Interpretation – Pan

You dream of an empty pan - your troubles in reality will be nothing more than vanity; the woman you like will not pay attention to you; you will only kill time and achieve nothing; your hands were empty and will be empty; the soul will be empty - dissatisfaction

Dream Interpretation - Cover

If you dreamed that you were removing the lid, very soon you will be told something very important. To make the news pleasant, grate a lemon, eat 3 teaspoons, and bury the rest.

Dream Interpretation - Pan. pot

The pot contains food.

Dream Interpretation – Pan

A dream about pots - dirty, crumpled, broken, crooked - is a sign of lies, gossip and discord. Seeing it boiling over a fire means a quarrel. Seeing a pan over low heat or shiny in a dream is a sign of family well-being and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Dream Interpretation – Coffin Lid

The coffin lid dreams of illness.

Dream Interpretation - Cover

If a person sees a honey jar with a closed lid in a dream, it means that something will be given to him from his god.

Wash the ladder

Dream Interpretation Wash the ladder dreamed of why you dream about washing the ladder? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Washing a ladder in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing symbolizes washing away past needs, troubles, and feelings of guilt.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in a dream and getting satisfaction from it is a harbinger of wealth and good luck.

Dream Interpretation – Wash

Dream Interpretation – Wash

Head - to move, to recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing - washing with clean water - health, dirty, muddy - illness.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

A sign of problems that you would like to get rid of.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Wash - you shouldn’t tell everyone about your love affairs, this will give you an extra reason for gossip.