Read fairy tales about Disney princesses. Fairy tale about princesses

Sofia was returning home from the store. All she had to do was walk a few houses. But she only managed to take a few steps along the path before a miracle happened... Suddenly, everything around sparkled, shone, and in a silver whirlwind of snowflakes a real... Queen appeared!

“Oh,” was all Sofia could say.

Still would! The Queen was dressed in the most beautiful airy dress. It was a soft blue color with silver lace. A light snow-white cape lay on the woman’s shoulders, and her unusual hairstyle was decorated with a crown shining with stones.

Are you the same girl they talk about so much? – the queen cooed, looking straight at Sofia.

“You must have made a mistake,” she became embarrassed, “who can talk about me?” I'm an ordinary girl...

The Queen narrowed her eyes and shook her head.

Well, well, don't be modest, honey. I know how you once drove away Envy itself! And they also told me about how Laziness kicked me out of the house... And you also managed to get out of Vrunland! Yes, you have accomplished many feats this year... That is why I am going to make you a princess in my kingdom!

Her Majesty smiled tenderly:

I hope you agree? After all, only a girl like you deserves the crown! Kind, brave, hardworking...

No, no, what are you talking about? “I just tried to act according to my conscience,” Sofia whispered in confusion.

She examined the royal person with bated breath and did not find a single flaw in her. It's like she stepped off the cover of her fairy tale book! Even the elegant shoes, in which Her Majesty must have been cold, glittered as if made of pure silver...

“Baby,” the queen sighed, “I alone cannot cope with all the affairs in the kingdom.” Ah, with you we will rule gloriously! Just agree that you deserve more, because you are the best girl in the world!

Sofia wanted to object, but the queen did not allow her to say a word:

Who embroiders better than you? Which other girl helps her mother so diligently in everything? Or maybe there is someone who prepares for lessons better than you?!

Her Majesty laughed loudly, waving her hand:

Well, come on, honey! Just admit that you are perfect and worthy of the title of princess. The crown will be yours in no time!

Sofia thought about it. There was some truth in what the stranger said. Indeed, she herself, without anyone’s help, coped with many of her shortcomings... Well, perhaps she will really make a good princess!

Do you think I can? – Sofia asked with a sinking heart.

It doesn't matter what I think. It’s important what you think,” the queen grinned.

Sofia suddenly thought that perhaps she could cope with the duties of a princess. After all, if not her, then who? As soon as this thought flashed through her head, a dazzling crown immediately appeared on the top of her head! And, the very next moment they found themselves in an unfamiliar kingdom... A huge, enormous palace towered in the middle of a beautiful garden! Sofia ran up to the steps and froze in confusion. The beautiful carved plaque read in gold paint: “Kingdom of the Proud. Entry without certificates is prohibited."

Where did I end up? – Sofia got excited, “And what kind of letters are these, without which you can’t enter the palace?”

Her Majesty perked up and began to tell:

As you have already read, we are in my Kingdom of the Proud, and I...

You are a real Pride! – Sofia guessed.

Smart girl. You understood everything correctly. Well, as for the certificates, everything is very simple here: you and I, my dear princess, will do good deeds, but only if they give us a medal for it! They can also give you a certificate. Or even erect a monument in our honor...

Sofia giggled, and this made the queen very angry:

Hey princess, I didn't say anything funny! It is absolutely normal if a person is proud of his actions. Do you even know how many good deeds I have done?! Come on, let's go, I'll show you!

Her Majesty took the girl by the hand and led her deeper into the garden. Here, indeed, there were at least a hundred statues depicting a seemingly sweet queen. Sofia came closer to one of the monuments. The sign next to him read: “To the kindest and most caring ruler of the Kingdom of the Proud.”

Do you like it? - the queen asked in a friendly manner, - they presented it to me because I helped my grandmother cross the road!

Sofia just shook her head. They walked around the entire garden, and when they were both tired, Her Majesty decided that it was time to go to the palace:

Time for lunch. And after the meal I will show you all my awards and medals!

Sofia managed to imagine what a real palace should look like, but she was quickly disappointed. It turned out that it was just one huge hall, lined with many safes.

“I keep my medals in them,” the queen explained.

Instead of paintings, the walls of the palace were decorated with millions of letters. Big and small. Sofia didn’t even want to read what was written on them...

Your Majesty, please forgive me! I ended up here by pure chance. Can't I go home?

Pride even blushed with indignation:

By pure chance you say?! Well, I do not! Don’t deceive yourself, because you often dreamed about how great it would be if your friends knew about their exploits! You are undoubtedly a very good girl, but there are plenty of people like you around! Do you know why I chose you? Because you look like me!

Sofia could barely contain herself not to cry. Everything the queen said was true. Deep down in her heart, she was truly proud of her actions... But, no matter how much the girl wanted to return home, she could not do anything. She could not even imagine that the life of a princess could be so joyless and dreary: she had to sit on the throne all day and listen to praise from her subjects - forest animals and birds. Oh, and she should have admired the certificates and wiped the medals. One day she felt so sad that she burst into tears right in the garden, watching three funny bunnies polish her medal until it shined.

Princess, what happened? - one of the animals was surprised, - maybe you were upset because you wanted two medals?

Oh, what are you doing! – Sofia cried even louder, “I don’t need all these honors at all!” I didn’t share the carrot with you to be proud of it later!

Why then? – the bunnies instantly became serious.

I just wanted to do something good for you... Yes, I got into this kingdom because I was proud of myself. Only now I realized that you can harm your soul, even if you behave very, very well! If you don't have modesty, then sooner or later you will meet Pride!

The forest animals whispered, and then one of them timidly said:

Princess, we see that you are not a stupid girl. Let us tell you a secret. In fact, you don’t even have anything to be proud of, because any person should act decently! This is not even considered a feat... Well, you will have to face the vices that you defeated more than once. You didn’t think that Laziness or Envy would never come to you again?

Sofia sobbed and nodded:

I know. My mother also told me that I would have to fight with them all my life... How I repent of my pride! How I would like to be not only obedient and kind, but also modest!

As soon as she said this, out of nowhere, a sparkling whirlwind, already familiar to Sofia, appeared. He was getting closer and closer to her. The little bunnies looked at this miracle with all their eyes for several seconds, and then joyfully clapped their hands:

The princess is coming home!

Billions of snowflakes quickly picked up Sofia and lifted her into the air. Out of the corner of her eye, the girl noticed how an angry Pride ran out of the palace. She shouted something after the princess and stomped her feet, but it was too late...

A moment later, Sofia opened her eyes and realized that she was sitting in an old, sagging chair, and there was a half-read book lying on her lap. She already decided that she had dreamed it all, if not for the tiny shiny pebble lying at her feet. This is exactly what she saw on her crown.

Then my mother entered the room and joyfully said:

Daughter, there is a month left until your New Year's party at school. I think I’ve figured out what suit I’ll sew you! Do you want to be a princess?

Sofia even gasped in fright:

No, no, what are you talking about! We need something more modest! Maybe I'll be a squirrel?

Mom hugged her tightly and whispered quietly: “What a smart girl you are.”

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Once upon a time there lived a King and a Queen and they had a daughter: smart and beautiful. One day their country was attacked by enemies. The king and his entourage decided to leave the castle and ordered the ship to be prepared for a long journey. It so happened that all those close to him, except the princess, left the castle. The ship sailed away, and the king's daughter was left alone with the inhabitants of the city.

The people of the city loved her and took care of her. The princess loved to walk. One day she went into the forest to pick mushrooms with her favorite bunny. She was playing with her friend so much that she didn’t notice how night had come! At dusk she got lost and began shouting: “Ay!”, “Ay!”, “Ay!”. In response, only the wind rustled the tree branches. Suddenly she saw a small wooden hut in the forest itself. She approached the house and knocked on the door, but no one answered her. Then she pushed the door and was able to enter the house. There were many blue stones attached to the walls of this house. A hole was made in each of them and a nail was inserted into this hole and driven into the wall. The princess went to the second floor and saw ten small beds there. She looked around her and noticed small tables and a human SKULL. She was scared: “what if thieves or robbers live in this house.” But she was very tired and decided to stay in this house for the night and leave in the morning.

When she woke up and opened her eyes slightly, she noticed that a man was standing next to the bed. "Who are you?" - asked the princess. “My name is John, I guard this house,” the boy answered, “cannibal hunters will come here this afternoon. You must leave here, otherwise they will eat you. Only I have a big request to you: take my brother’s skull with you and bury it in the ground under the big green oak tree. And then my brother will come to life again. You must wait for me under this oak tree. If I don’t come, return to this hut. If I’m no longer here, know that the cannibal hunters roasted me.” “Then go to where the roof will be silver. Go into the forest and you will find a clearing on which there is a castle. Go there with my brother and you will be happy, you will get married and it will be good for you.”

The princess left. She was in such a hurry that she forgot the bunny in the hut. The princess obeyed her savior and did everything as he said. Together with her revived brother, she waited for John under a large oak tree. But no one came. Then they came to the hut, but no one opened the door for them and they did not find anyone in the hut: neither a boy, nor a skull, nor a bunny. The princess remembered that the boy had told her about the silver castle. Together with John's brother, they went to look for a clearing. After a long journey, they came to the castle and lived there happily ever after.

Where it was, it was there, and if it wasn’t, it won’t be, because the miracles that happened during the time of King Kakon stopped happening.

Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen, and they owned such wealth that no one could compare with them. But no wealth consoled them, and year by year they became sadder, because they had no heir.

- Oh, to whom, after our death, we will leave the kingdom and all our wealth! - the queen was grieving. – Who knows into what unlucky hands all this will fall?

And the king, too, was haunted by these thoughts, but he consoled the queen:

“Don’t worry, darling, don’t cry, maybe everything will get better.”

And, indeed, a year later the queen gave birth to a son. That was joy! Messengers ran in all directions to call guests to the king. They feasted for three weeks. And the music played day and night!

The parents doted on their son, and he grew and grew and now became a handsome young man. His father and mother began to persuade him to get married.

“Make us happy, son,” they say, “we want to take a walk at your wedding in our old age!”

Now they match him with such a princess, then another, one more beautiful than the other! But he just doesn’t like everything. And he says that he doesn’t want to get married at all.

The king was upset.

And let's persuade and beg him again. It's all in vain.

Well, if we don’t wash, we’ll go for a ride! - the king got angry, ordered the disobedient man to be locked in a closet where no one had ever lived, and assigned a servant to guard him.

At the door of that closet there was a deep well, and in the well the witch lived. Around midnight, when everyone in the castle was already asleep, she climbed up, looked through the keyhole - the light was on. After all, princes, even when they are sleeping, have candles burning in their rooms.

The witch was surprised. “What is shining there? - she thinks. - Need to find out!

She poked her head into the keyhole and saw the prince. The witch turned into a fly, flew into the room, looked at the prince, and shook her head.

- How good-looking! Handsome!

She watched enough, got out into the street and set off to fly around the world.

She flew and flew and met a skinny, lanky man-witcher. They recognized each other immediately.

-Where are you heading from? – the witcher asks the witch.

“From my handsome prince,” she answers. - And where are you from?

- From my beautiful princess!

- From your beautiful princess?

- From my beauty. Know that there is no one more beautiful than her in the world!

“Look, what did you come up with,” the witch waved her hand, “my prince is a hundred times more handsome!” If you don’t believe me, go ahead, bring your princess, let’s compare!

OK. The witcher rushed off like an arrow and returned with the princess. They brought her to the prince and laid her down next to him. And let's argue again:

- The prince is more handsome!

- No, the princess is more beautiful! They argued and argued and the witch got tired of it:

“Okay, wait a minute,” she decided. - Let's ask.

As he stamped his foot, then the room began to shake, and an abyss opened in the middle of the floor, and there the Devil sat - the Chief Judge.

-What do you want? - speaks. - Why are you bothering me?

“Don’t be angry, don’t be angry,” the witch calms him down, “decide our dispute, which of these two is more beautiful?” I say prince, and he says princess. Damn, what do you say?

“Now let’s see,” the Devil grumbled, “and let’s listen to what they themselves say.”

And then the witch, the witcher and the Devil turned into flies and began to fly under the prince’s nose. The prince woke up, saw the princess, couldn’t believe his eyes, decided that he was seeing her in a dream. He rubbed his eyes - no, he was not sleeping. He began to complain to his parents why this beauty was not shown to him during the day.

He looks and looks, and the longer he looks, the more he likes her.

“Eh,” he says, “if they had shown it to me earlier, I wouldn’t have said a word, I would have immediately sent matchmakers.” How good, how beautiful!

And exchanged his ring for the princesses. And the flies are buzzing and buzzing again; The prince fell asleep, they woke up the princess. The princess saw the prince, was surprised and was offended by her parents, why they didn’t show her this handsome man during the day. She looks and looks, and the more she looks, the more she likes him.

“Oh,” she says, “if they showed him to me, I wouldn’t say a word, I would immediately marry him.” How beautiful, how handsome!

He wants to exchange rings with him, but he sees that they have already been changed. Then the flies flew away and the princess fell asleep. The flies again turned into a witch and a witcher, and the Devil declared that the prince and princess were equal in beauty.

The witcher took the princess home, and the witch went down into her well.

In the morning the prince woke up and began to ask his servant what kind of girl was in his room at night. The poor servant doesn’t know anything, he slept like a log all night. He made excuses, excused himself, and then just say that the prince had dreamed everything.

The prince got angry, attacked the servant, and wants to throw him into the well. He barely escaped from his hands and in fear rushed to the royal servant, complaining that the prince had apparently lost his mind, kept asking about some girl who was in his room at night! And he’s going to throw it down the well. The royal servant got ready and went to the prince.

“Good,” he says, “morning, prince.” How did you sleep?

- What a question? - the prince shouted. - Tell me better, what beauty was here last night?

“I don’t know anything,” the servant was surprised.

The prince attacked him - just say yes and nothing more, otherwise it will get worse! - here the royal servant decided that the prince had lost his mind, and hurried to the king himself.

The king listened to the servant, got scared, and broke his hands:

- My God, my God! How far I have lived in my old age! My son will drive me to the grave! Why did I treat him so harshly? Why did I lock him in a closet!

So, groaning, the king came to the prince.

- How are you, my son? - asks. - What happened to you?

– You know what happened to me! - the prince answers him. “I didn’t expect such jokes from you.”

In vain the king convinced him that he knew nothing, the prince did not believe and did not believe, the king had to swear on his royal crown. Our prince fell ill here and took ill. He's completely dying.

The princess, who was brought to the prince at night, was also the only, long-awaited daughter of the king and queen. She grew up, and princes began to woo her, they came from all over the world, but not one of them was dear to her.

The father endured and endured, but became angry and ordered her to be locked in an empty room with an old maid.

It was only after that night, when the witch and the witcher carried her to the prince, that she woke up from sleep and immediately asked about the prince. No one can tell her anything, and the father himself swears on his crown that he knows nothing. The princess fell ill here and fell ill, and is about to go to the next world.

The king and queen tell them to call the doctors. Doctors give advice, but cannot help. The princess is getting worse and worse day by day. Fortunately, her old maid had a son who was a soldier. He gave the soldier his thoughts and began to ask the king to let him go from being a soldier; even if he would go to the ends of the world, he would bring a doctor who could cure the princess.

OK. The king agreed. And the next day the soldier got ready to go on the road.

I’ve already walked around seventy-six regions, but there’s still no suitable doctor.

I got to the seventy-seventh, came to the city where the sick prince lay.

– What news do you have here? - asks people.

– We have sad news! - people answer him. “The king’s son is ill and dying.

And they told it like it is. The soldier hurried to the palace and promised to cure the prince. He is supposedly a doctor from the seventy-seventh country.

“Don’t try,” the king replies, “we’ve had so many doctors here, but not one helped.”

The soldier persuaded him, the king waved his hand:

- Well, try your luck.

“Okay,” said the soldier, “just leave everyone, and leave me and the patient alone!”

Everyone left the room, the soldier sat down next to the prince and let’s talk about the princess. I weaved and weaved, I laid out everything I knew.

The prince listened, and he didn’t need better medicine - he immediately sat up in bed!

Then the king and queen run in and see that their son has come to life! They even cried in joy.

Just a week has passed, and the prince, as if nothing had happened, is healthy and cheerful. And then the soldier told the prince that it was time for them to go, lest the princess die of melancholy.

They agreed on what and how to do, slowly prepared two dresses in reserve and asked the king for leave, as if to go hunting. They ordered the horses to be saddled and galloped off into the nearest forest. We galloped and galloped and reached the border. The prince saw the traveler and said:

“Go to the king, good man, and tell him that I met your son.” He told me to tell you not to worry about him, he is going to a distant land, but will return soon.

And he gave the traveler a handful of ducats.

The prince and the soldier gallop day and night without stopping. Finally they reached the castle where the sick princess lay. The soldier was the first to enter the chambers. He sees: the princess is lying neither alive nor dead, and the king and queen are crying and wailing over her.

“Don’t cry,” the soldier tells them, “I brought a doctor, he will definitely cure your daughter.”

- Where is he? Drive quickly! - the king and queen interrupt him.

“Here, here,” the soldier answers. “He just asks everyone to leave, he needs to talk to the princess face to face.”

The king and queen went into the next room, and the soldier called the prince. As soon as the prince crossed the threshold, the princess immediately recognized him, extended her hands to him and said in a weak voice:

- It is he! He! Ah, hello! It's so good that you came. A little more and it would have been too late!

The prince came closer to her - and all the illness disappeared from her as if by hand. The king and queen came running - they couldn’t believe their eyes! What a wonderful healer!

But the prince does not leave his sweetheart, but he himself keeps silent about who he is, and orders the princess to remain silent. But then she rose to her feet and announced to her parents that this was the same prince she had asked about, and the prince admitted that he was the king’s son. And soon the wedding took place!

The wedding was celebrated and everyone who could, both old and young, went to the prince’s parents. And they mourn their son, thinking that he died.

There was so much to celebrate! And a great feast, and music, and dancing!

There was also a willow tree, on that willow tree there was a bell ringing, and that’s where the fairy tale ends.

In a distant kingdom, there lived a Princess. The princess was beautiful, cheerful and kind. She only had one drawback. The princess was invisible to human eyes. Once upon a time she was walking in the forest and, passing by a magical lake, she was so enchanted by her own reflection and proud of her beauty and kindness that the water fairy cast a spell on her, and she became invisible to the human eye, only birds and animals could see the young Princess .
The Princess was upset for a long time, shed many tears, read hundreds of wise books to remove the magic spell, but she could not. Then she decided that if in all the fairy tales she had read, good triumphs over evil, then she, too, must do a good deed, and then the spell will dissipate. And she began to do good. But neither after one act, nor after another, nor even after the third, nothing changed. She was still invisible and very alone. Dejection crept into the Princess’s soul, her eyes no longer cried, but were only quietly sad.
- How so? - the Princess repeated to herself - the peasant cow would have been lost in the forest if I had not shown her the right path. And the thrush's son would have cried all night long if I had not entertained him with moonlight. And the flowers in the city garden would certainly have withered if I had not watered them. I don’t harm anyone, so why am I invisible?
So time passed. The Princess's good deeds multiplied, but she still remained invisible.
One day it started to rain. The princess really wanted to dissolve in this rain, and she cried bitterly.
“If I can’t change anything, then let me become a drop of this rain.” After all, even rain can be seen and felt, rain is never alone - the Princess cried.
The rain stopped as quickly as it started. A multi-colored rainbow shone high in the sky.
Suddenly the Princess saw that there was a drop of rain left on her palm, which did not disappear.
- Hello, Princess! - the droplet sang.
— I am the youngest drop of autumn rain and a frequent guest of the Lake Fairy. Listen, Princess, the Fairy of the Lake was never evil, she only denounced human vices so that they would not destroy people. You were so young that you didn’t even understand how proud and vain you were, how mesmerized by your own beauty. If the Fairy had not cast the spell, vanity would have destroyed you. But even when you became invisible and people could no longer praise you for your good deeds, you continued to admire yourself, and the value of the good deeds you did diminished so much that they could not break the spell. Think about it, Princess. I will leave you a gift, you can remove the spell if you make one sincere wish and return my gift to the Fairy of the Lake. And the droplet disappeared, and in the Princess’s hand there remained a transparent pebble, the same as the droplet.
At first the Princess was very happy that now she could become an ordinary person again, and that it was so simple. And she went to the lake.
On the way, she saw travelers who were carrying a cart in which there was a young man. The young man was the Prince of an unknown, distant country. Oh, how the travelers were in a hurry to arrive in the Princess’s kingdom, because the best doctors were there, the travelers encouraged the young man and said that such a kind and wise young man like him could not be seriously ill. The young man only smiled quietly and calmly, so as not to upset the travelers and tried to encourage them. Unwittingly, the Princess walked next to the cart. None of the people saw her. She lightly touched the young man's forehead, his forehead was hot.
“What a persistent young man,” the princess thought, “I would certainly like to be pitied when I am sick, but he endures pain so as not to upset his friends, and this gives them strength to move on.” How warmly they talk about him, even when he doesn’t hear, means they are sincere in their judgments. How easy and good it is for me to walk next to his cart, and it doesn’t matter at all that he doesn’t see me. Out of excitement, the Princess fiddled with the pockets of her dress.
And then her hand felt in her pocket, that same pebble - a gift from a wise droplet. - Here he is! – the Princess was delighted and ran to the lake. She squeezed the pebble tightly in her palms and threw it into the lake. But she remained invisible.
“Princess,” she suddenly heard the voice of the Lake Fairy, “your wish will be fulfilled.” The young man will recover, but he will not be able to see you and will never know that it was you who helped him.
“So be it,” answered the Princess, I can walk next to him and help him. That's a lot.
- But he will marry another Princess, and you will suffer.
- Let it be so, but he will live and do many good deeds and become a wise ruler.
“Princess, for the first time you did not think about your own benefit, and the fulfillment of your desire for which you cried and asked so much. You have made me happy, Princess, so I am lifting the spell I placed on you. Keep this lesson in your heart. Now turn to me, dear, let me look at you with the eyes of an old sorceress. You read what a beautiful dress Cinderella had when she met her Prince. Don’t think that I only know how to cast evil spells, I’m giving you a dress no worse than the Fairy Godmother.
The princess saw her reflection in the lake in a wonderful dress that suited her incredibly.
- Go, Princess, why follow the prince’s carriage if you can walk next to him and hold his hand. He'll be here soon.
And the fairy disappeared.
The princess did not believe her happiness; she thanked the Fairy from the bottom of her heart.
And the Prince and Princess met in a wonderful clearing and fell in love with each other. And they were kind and wise rulers in their cozy kingdom. The princess remembered the lesson of the Fairy of the Lake all her life, she told many fairy tales to the children about the Fairy, and for a long time the fairy tales went from one kingdom to another, and next to these fairy tales there were tales about the miraculous healing of the Prince from an insidious disease.

Yulia Petrova, 2012

Once upon a time there lived a princess in a small but beautiful kingdom, on the shore of a large lake, near high mountain peaks. There was plenty of everything in the kingdom: flowers, trees with delicious fruits, animals, and birds. This kingdom was also famous for the best grooms among neighboring kingdoms. The guys were all good, from the shepherd to the son of a nobleman - handsome in face, strong in body, smart, charming, cheerful. Every year a grooms' ball was held in the largest castle in the kingdom. Guys and girls came there to show themselves and see others. And after the ball there were several months of celebration and fun - because the weddings were celebrated by happy lovers.

But the most important and main person at the ball was the princess. She was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom and, of course, deserved, as she believed, the most handsome prince. But the trouble was that all the men were handsome, she liked them all, and it was very difficult to make a choice. Of course, the heart will always tell you, but for some reason it was stubbornly silent and did not give any signals. The princess was already thinking that maybe she was completely heartless? In fact, she was wrong, there was a lot of kindness, affection and tenderness in her. The princess's position was indeed difficult. She constantly basked in the attention and care of the opposite sex, she was given fresh flowers and delicious sweets. The princess smiled, thanked and looked for HIM with her eyes. But everyone, although they were beautiful in face, were like each other like two peas in a pod. The princess has already left the ball several times without her prince...

And then one day, after one such ball, she had a dream... The princess saw herself in a sunlit forest clearing, the murmur of a transparent stream could be heard in her ears; in the grass grew many amazing, unusually beautiful flowers, the likes of which she had never seen in her life. In the center of the clearing grew a huge old oak tree with a spreading green crown. The princess found herself under him. Next to her, she saw a woman with unusually kind eyes and in a light dress, smoothly fluttering in the breeze.

- Who are you? - asked the girl.
“Fairy,” answered the fairy. - I'm here because you're in trouble.
“Yes,” the girl answered with sadness in her voice. She already understood what trouble the fairy was talking about.
- I want to tell you that you will soon be very happy. Soon you will see your prince. You will find it yourself.
- Herself? — the girl was surprised. - Do princesses themselves look for princes? He must come to my palace, on a white horse and with gifts!
- My darling! Your prince is bewitched by an evil wizard and cannot find you on his own, although he really wants to. Now he is indifferent to all girls, he cannot find his one and only. The spell will only subside if you confess your feelings to him.
- How?! Princesses don't confess their love! On the contrary, they should hear confessions from noble knights!
- If you want to find him, remember that you are not only a princess, but also a girl in love.

Then the princess was awakened by the morning trills of birds at the window. They were somehow especially loud in the room. At first the princess could not understand why her heart was beating so hard, but after a couple of seconds she remembered her dream.

She doubted: “Is this true or not?” Deep in thought, she glanced at the window - there, in the rays of the sun, lay a flower from a magical meadow. "Is it true!" — the princess was at a loss. “What now? Go? But princesses do not look for princes themselves! However..." - her heart was suddenly filled with longing for happiness... She stomped her foot imperiously, "Am I a princess or not?! Everything is in my power!” And she, without saying a word to anyone, changed her chic dress for an ordinary one, threw a light cloak over her shoulders, grabbed food and drink, and ran out of the palace onto the road.

She felt simply great, she wanted to sing and dance, laugh loudly with joy - after all, she was following her happiness! Everything inside her glowed pink. And she walked straight along the road, without turning anywhere.

She walked past the field, past the forest, past swamps and lakes and reached the village. A young girl was sitting in one of the courtyards; she was weaving a wreath of herbs and flowers, and humming some song to herself. The princess was thirsty and turned to the girl: “Dear girl! Do you have any water to quench my thirst? The girl smiled in response, nodded, and a minute later brought out a glass of water.

-Where are you going? Travelers rarely pass through our village.
“I am following my happiness,” answered the princess.
- Then good luck to you! Which road will you take next? — the girl asked and pointed towards the forest.

There the road forked: one led straight into the forest, and the other along the outskirts. The princess was confused... she didn’t know where to go, how to choose the right path. Apparently, bewilderment was written on her face, and the girl said:

- You ask your heart. It knows everything.

The princess looked at the road along the forest - and inside she felt like a gray dense fog enveloping everything around; She looked at the forest road - and a pink light glowed inside.

- I'm walking along a forest road!
- That's great! - exclaimed the delighted girl. “Further along this road there is a meadow where a shepherd grazes his flock. This shepherd is my favorite, but we see him so rarely that he almost never hears kind words from me. If you see him, tell him that I love him and am really looking forward to him coming, without his cheerful eyes and ringing voice I am very sad...
- Marvelous! - said the princess. - Why should he say this, because he probably already knows all this. But you helped me, I will tell him everything.

- Thank you. I want him to know about my love and his heart will become warmer...

The princess said goodbye to the girl and moved on. She walked through the forest for a day and finally saw the meadow where the shepherd was grazing his flock.

She greeted him and conveyed all the words of the girl from the village. The shepherd's face lit up:

“So she remembers me, she still loves me.” Oh, kind girl, thank you, I'm so happy! I really missed these words!

The princess liked these words of the shepherd. She moved further along the road, through the forest, and out into the field. There was a lonely wooden hut on the edge. The princess was already quite hungry and knocked on the door. Her grandmother opened it for her. Her face was deeply wrinkled, her gray hair was covered with an embroidered colorful scarf, and her blue eyes looked welcomingly at the girl. She said hello and asked for food, and the grandmother motioned for her to come in, seated the table and brought food. Then suddenly she asked:

-Are you lost? What are you doing here?
“I’m looking for my prince,” answered the girl.
- What is he like?

The girl thought:

“He’s handsome, smart and funny,” she answered.
“Are there not many such princes?” How do you recognize yours? How will you find him?

The princess was at a loss and did not know what to answer. It suddenly seemed to her that she had come such a long way in vain and that she would not succeed; it was all in vain. She almost cried out of grief. Grandmother noticed this and consoled her:

- If you are brave enough, I will help you. You will eat a piece of this pie, and in your dreams you will see your prince, and you will understand how to recognize him. This dream will be prophetic. But if you are not ready to see the truth, whatever it may be, go back.

The princess did not want to return; Is this why she walked for so long to retreat now? She ate a piece of pie and decided to move on. Grandmother said goodbye to her warmly.

Soon it began to get dark. The girl walked and thought; she was a little scared, she even had a thought - what if he was ugly... But be that as it may, there will be happiness ahead, no matter in what guise. And everything else doesn't matter.

When the first star lit up, sleep began to overwhelm the princess, she lay down on the soft grass and closed her eyes.

It was the same clearing with unusual flowers and a hundred-year-old oak tree. The princess looked around, searching with her eyes for her prince. But under the oak tree stood the same old woman who had given her the magic pie; only now she looked younger and looked like a wise sorceress. She smiled at the embarrassed and surprised girl. Approaching her, she began to say:

- Are you surprised? Now I will tell you about him. Appearances can often be deceiving. So listen to me: this man is not a prince by blood, not of noble birth, but a worthy, valiant man. He has blue eyes and beautiful hands, he has a velvety voice. He has a cheerful disposition; when he is sad, he tells the funniest stories to cheer himself up; when he gets angry, he makes the funniest faces; he never convinces that he is right; he speaks tongue twisters the fastest and comes up with the most original compliments, he knows how to walk on his hands...

The grandmother still told a lot, and the longer she talked, the more the girl felt as if she was falling somewhere down, into infinity, deeper and deeper... Suddenly she woke up and immediately realized how she recognized her prince. She liked a lot of what she heard...

With even greater joy in her heart, she walked forward. That wonderful feeling was already spreading inside her for a person still unknown to her, which she wanted to express, to say everything that was in her heart; I wanted to become happy myself and make him happy.

The road went through the forest and suddenly she saw the very clearing that she had dreamed of.

Three young men were sitting on the grass and talking about something. The girl approached them and spoke, and they were amazed by her beauty and charm and invited her to have lunch with them. Everyone was beautiful, charming and sweet, smiling at her, having an intelligent conversation, interspersing it with funny jokes. She liked them all, but her feelings told her that there was one special one among them. She needed to check and make sure. She asked the guys to show her their dexterity. One of them took a stone from the ground and accurately hit the top of a tree, the other made a wheel on the ground, and the third, with radiant eyes, deftly walked in front of her in his arms... What the princess felt is difficult to put into words... She approached him and said: “I was looking for you, I love you. You are my Destiny". The young man sighed, and the dark spell came out of him and dissolved into thin air. He hugged the girl and kissed her.