Why is it important to know the laws of phonetics. Why does a person need a language? Materials for essay-reasoning

Essay on the topic “Why it is necessary to be equally proficient in the Russian language and the methods of the Russian language”

Why is it necessary to be equally proficient in the Russian language and Russian language methods?

As Leo Tolstoy said: “No matter what you say, the Russian language will always remain Russian, native. When you want to speak to your heart’s content, not a single French word comes to mind, but if you want to show off, then it’s a different matter. Why is it important to know your native language, as well as to be able to speak it?

From birth, we hear our first word. It doesn’t matter what, it’s important that it’s in your native language. Cognition begins, a person plunges into a certain “linguistic shell, sphere.” Over time, he understands that everything is built on communication. Language is one of the most important attributes in human life. Of course, it is necessary to know the language and skillfully use its wealth.

The Russian language is one of the oldest and most complex languages ​​in the world. This fact has long been confirmed by scientists from all over the world. As for me, I really love my native language. It gives me great pleasure to learn Russian semantics. The better people speak a language, the more successful they are in life. After all, his intellectual abilities are rapidly developing. Moreover, a person who knows the Russian language and its methods, an intellectual with a capital “I”. Learning a language and mastering the methodology is a complex but fascinating process towards education.

Today, many professions require fluent command of the Russian language. For example, political positions, journalists, lawyers, advertisers and many others. It is the methodology of the Russian language that allows you to understand such a complex task as learning and mastering the Russian language. Moreover, you need to be able to use it. After all, eloquence may be given to many, but the masterly ability to choose the right words is not given to everyone. The Russian language technique knows how to prioritize the eloquent movement of words. Simply put, to speak a language competently means to skillfully build your life, which will give us happiness.

Consequently, knowledge of the Russian language means mastering several attributes of linguistic influence. Namely: to have a large vocabulary, to be fluent in the grammar and methodology of the Russian language, and also to be able to express one’s thoughts in the correct form, using a variety of methodological forms of presentation.

You should always strive to study the Russian language and master its methods. I am sure that this is the most reliable guarantee of my success in life.

It is official in multinational Russia, where dozens of different nationalities live on the same territory. It was used by the greatest poets and writers, scientists and artists. It is a legacy of centuries-old history, culture, and way of thinking. Mini-essay “Why study Russian?” Usually written by 5th grade students. We will talk further about what is worth writing and what is better to omit. We will also present three unique essays on this topic.

The mini-essay should represent the student’s independent reasoning, justifying the reasons that motivate him to study. The task is given for a reason. The fact is that 5th grade students are at that age when they start asking questions. And it is very important that they understand the meaning of learning; knew why they were doing all this; received motivation.

  • It is native to most Russians.
  • It is official in Russia and is spoken by representatives of different peoples of the multinational country.
  • Famous literary and scientific works were written on it. It was used by A. Pushkin, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, I. Bunin and many other writers and poets.
  • It is one of the most difficult in the world. At the same time, one of the most beautiful and euphonious.
  • We need it to read, communicate, study well, and receive a decent education.

It would be great if in your essay you provide a short quote from one of the famous Russian (and maybe foreign) writers, cultural figures, and scientists.

But be careful when using materials for preparation - try to write the essay yourself. After all, your teacher will always understand whether you wrote it yourself or copied someone else’s finished creation.

Essay 1. Why am I studying Russian?

I am a citizen of Russia. Russian is my native language. It was on it that I uttered my first words - “mom” and “dad”. It is spoken by millions of people around the world - not only in Russia, but also abroad. I want to know it even better so that I can correctly write and use words whose meaning I don’t yet know.

I know that Russian is a very difficult language. One of the most difficult in the world. But at the same time, it is beautiful and flexible. I like the way it sounds. It is important to learn it so that you can easily read fiction books and textbooks, without wondering about the meaning of words. His knowledge is the basis of my education.

Our country is multinational. Dozens of nations live in it. Each of them speaks not only their native language, but also Russian. It unites us and gives people of different nationalities the opportunity to communicate with each other.

Knowledge of the Russian language helps you get acquainted with the works of great poets and writers - A.S. Pushkina, F.I. Tyutcheva, I.A. Bunina. My parents say that they sound best in the original, and that foreigners who read translations are missing out on a lot. I love to read, and I like that I can get acquainted with any works of Russian poets and writers.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International school of foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, and school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which provides the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. School curriculum lessons from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Essay 2. Why study Russian

We live in the largest country in the world. Russian is the official language in Russia. It is spoken by all the peoples of our multinational country. Therefore, it is very important for us as the main means of communication. But it is also spoken outside of Russia - for example, in the CIS countries. In the future, I want to travel a lot and I am glad that I will be able to go to many countries in the world, and the people living in them will understand me.

I once read a quote from K. Paustovsky: “True love for one’s country is unthinkable without love for one’s language.” I agree with this expression. I love my Motherland and I love the Russian language. It seems to me euphonious, flexible and rich.

It is important to teach him to speak and write correctly. We don't write letters like our mothers and fathers. But we write messages to classmates and friends on social networks. We communicate a lot in writing. I always want to write correctly, so as not to seem uneducated to other guys.

Russian was the native language of great writers, poets and scientists. A. Pushkin, I. Bunin, F. Tyutchev, M. Lermontov and many others wrote on it. A lot of good books, poems and scientific works have been written on it. I like to read and I am glad that my country has produced so many writers who have become famous all over the world.

Essay 3. Why you need to learn Russian

Firstly, because I am a citizen of Russia, this is the official language in our multinational country. It is spoken by people of different nationalities who live in different regions. It unites us and helps us communicate.

Secondly, because it is spoken by millions of people from other countries of the world. I know that these are mainly CIS countries. But many Russians also live in very distant countries. For example, in the USA. I enjoy traveling and I am very happy that I will be able to talk with other people while visiting many countries around the world.

Thirdly, it is the native language of great writers and poets. A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, I. Bunin, L. Tolstoy and many others wrote on it. Fourthly, because I cannot get a good education without knowing the Russian language. I will definitely take it after 11th grade and I would like to write the Unified State Exam with 100 points.

Fifthly, I like the way it sounds, how many words it contains with which we can express our feelings and everything that surrounds us. I would like to know the meaning of every word so that my speech would be rich and literate. Without knowledge, it will be difficult for me to communicate with friends, read books and pass exams. That's why they are so important to me.

A person speaking his native language usually does not think that there are any phonetic laws. He simply pronounces the sounds that are familiar to him and understands those around him who speak in much the same way as he does. Problems begin to arise if a person pronounces the sounds of his native language incorrectly. He turns to a speech therapist, who gives him the appropriate ones and explains which parts of the speech apparatus should be involved in sound production in which case. The need to correct speech does not arise for you. But everyone learns to read and write. This is where the student finds out that, it turns out, not all words are written the same way. So that this does not turn out to be an unpleasant surprise, he must be taught to distinguish speech sounds long before he begins to master letters. You can use, for example, models denoting vowels and consonants, hard and soft, and whistling with special icons. The child will begin to think about how he speaks, and this will make his further learning easier. It will not surprise him that there are letters that do not indicate any sound at all, but indicate the softness of the consonant or that in a particular case the consonant does not need to be merged. Knowledge of the laws phonetics will make studying literature much more fun. After all, poetry and prose are written by people who are fluent in these laws. This or that sound is capable of conveying the image of an object or phenomenon. A poet or writer does not need to describe the subject in detail; he can say one or two words - and the reader will understand everything himself. Children's poets are especially masterful in the sound side of speech - just remember S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky and others, on whose poems many generations of readers grew up. For those who want to learn to speak beautifully or write well, the practical application of the laws phonetics simply necessary. The fact is that inappropriate sound combinations often give additional meaning to what is being said. It’s good when this meaning does not contradict the main one. But it can also happen that a serious work seems funny only because the author simply does not hear, that the most ordinary sounds in his work are in a very inappropriate environment. As a result, the listener discovered a new and completely unnecessary word in this context. In addition to sound, segmental units phonetics are a syllable, a phonetic word, a speech beat and a speech phrase. There are also supersegmental units, which include tone, tempo and duration. Each language has its own combination of these units. They need to be mastered so that your speech does not sound too fast or too slow, slurred or robotic. This is especially important to consider for those involved in public speaking. Actors, even in everyday life, retain the habit of speaking expressively and with intonations that convey the meaning of what was said to the maximum extent possible. Study of laws phonetics necessary for those who begin to learn a foreign language. Incorrect pronunciation of similar sounds leads to the fact that listeners simply will not understand you, or will understand you, but incorrectly. Some languages ​​have vowel reduction, others do not. When seemingly similar consonants are formed, different parts of the speech apparatus are often involved, and accordingly, the sound has a different color. In order to understand how the sounds of one language differ from the sounds of another, you need to listen to foreign language speech as much as possible. In addition, there are now computer programs that allow you to correct phonetics.

Why do you need to study Russian? This language is native to us, the first language we were taught. We have been speaking it since childhood, so we rarely think about how complex and multifaceted it is. You need to learn Russian in order to understand others and so that they understand us. As we grow up, we learn to read and write, communication is no longer limited to conversations. We can write letters, essays, stories. In this way, we show our inner world, thoughts and feelings, which are sometimes difficult to talk about out loud. All our lives we never stop learning Russian, we constantly learn something new. Sometimes these are jargon or slang words, sometimes terms of foreign origin, but they are all now part of the living Russian language, and in order to understand those around us, we have to know these words. We move in different circles of society, sometimes it is more advantageous for us to speak the correct, literary Russian language, sometimes we stoop to jargon, all in order to be understood. The more extensive our vocabulary, the more people we will be able to communicate seamlessly. Representatives of various professions, different segments of the population, different generations, residents of different regions use words and expressions that are unfamiliar or not at all familiar to others. That is, native speakers of one language may have difficulty understanding each other because they use dialects or some kind of jargon. But, at the same time, there is a single “base” of words that is understood by all representatives of the Russian nation.

Many people believe that the Russian language is not going through the best of times right now, that it is being clogged with words borrowed from other languages. But what would it be like now without them? There is nothing to replace the terms associated with computers and most other modern technology. For example, we will begin, trying to replace Americanisms with Russian words, say instead of “browser” “software for viewing websites” and, in the end, replace one foreign word with two, but with three Russian ones. Does this make sense? Of course, you should not overuse borrowed words if there are synonyms for these things in the Russian language, but this is not always the case either. For example, who would call the mayor a mayor now? I think no one. In addition, many words that have recently appeared in our speech reflect our attitude towards the designated objects. For example, zombie boxer. It is immediately clear that the speaker has a negative attitude towards modern people’s attachment to television. The language was always changing, becoming simpler, words appearing and disappearing. So it was, is and will be. There's nothing we can do about it. Time changes, language changes, he needs to adapt to society. If there are no changes in the language, it will stop developing. Trying to keep a language unchanged is as pointless as stopping the development of technology. Is it necessary to study modern Russian? My answer is yes.

The question of why the Russian language is needed cannot be answered in a nutshell, since it involves not only the linguistic, but also the cultural aspect. Of course, we mean a literary language, that is, one that every self-respecting resident of Russia is simply obliged to know. In order for the answer to the question of why you need to know the Russian language to be as complete as possible, let’s start with what the language is in the general sense and the Russian language in particular.

Basic functions of the Russian language

As you know, the main function of any language is communication, that is, through linguistic means people can communicate and understand each other. Moreover, the more standardized the language, the better the mutual understanding occurs. A language norm is understood as a certain set of rules of pronunciation, word usage, grammar, etc. The norm is formed under the influence of several factors. As for our native language, the Russian language is one of the languages ​​with a clearly defined literary norm. This means that in the Russian language there is a certain vocabulary and grammatical “backbone”, thanks to which full communication is possible. In fact, we don’t even always understand how powerful a tool we have for expressing any thoughts.

Studying any language, and especially one as rich as Russian, can significantly improve such qualities as the ability to think and express one’s thoughts competently. This is why you need to learn Russian. And finally, another function of the Russian language is unifying. Our language is one of those few that are often called languages ​​of interethnic communication. This means that the Russian language in many countries is used on an equal basis with others. This situation has now developed in almost all CIS countries; Russian is actively studied in China and in some European countries. Thus, in order to fully communicate with foreigners, we must know our own language well. And here it is necessary to touch upon the issue of learning foreign languages.

If you want to learn a foreign language, learn your own! These are not empty words, but the real truth, albeit bitter for some. Mastering a foreign language without good knowledge of your native language is not just difficult - it is impossible. You ask: what's the matter? There are different words, different grammar, etc. Of course, but any study is based on comparison. If you don’t really know what, say, a subject and predicate, an addition and a definition are, then constructing English, French, German, and any foreign phrases will be a real pain for you. The same applies to knowledge of parts of speech, at least the basic ones - noun, adjective, verb, pronoun. For example, if you don’t know what the concepts of perfect and imperfect form mean in Russian, you will never understand the difference between the French tenses Imparfait and Passe Compose or the English tenses Past Perfect and Past Continuous. It turns out that no matter what language we take up, without our native language we will get nowhere. Therefore, if you are going to write about why the Russian language is needed, the essay must necessarily reflect this point, not to mention the fact that culture begins, first of all, with patient and thoughtful study of the native language.