Learn to speed read. How to learn to read quickly

Speed ​​reading techniques are in great demand today. After all, with its help you can not only understand the text better, but also spend less time on it.

Fast reading actually turns out to be not so much learning to read quickly as developing the skill of quickly searching and analyzing information. In order to successfully master this technique, you must keep in mind the basic principles of speed reading. After all, the idea of ​​speed reading is not only to quickly swallow the text, but also to read the text faster and more competently. Speed ​​reading involves many cognitive processes, which is extremely useful for the reader, whether he is a student on the eve of an exam or a businessman reading the terms of a proposed deal. You can develop speed reading skills at home on your own by repeating the exercises daily.

First exercise

It is aimed specifically at developing reading speed as such. Choose a story and read it from beginning to end. The next step is to read the text backwards, from the end. Repeat this exercise until the text is read equally easily in both directions and until your speed increases. Gradually complicate the task and take larger texts, even entire books. Gradually, you will notice that your reading speed has actually increased.

Second exercise

This exercise is performed in many speed reading trainings. But you can make it at home too. It is called "Pyramid", based on the appearance of the tablet, which serves for training and which really resembles a pyramid.

The essence of the exercise is to read the numbers on the “slopes” of the pyramid, while not taking your eyes off the numbers located along the central axis. This exercise helps you learn two important skills at once: concentration and reading whole lines, when the eye does not glide over the line, but snatches it all from the text. With this type of reading, the eyes move vertically rather than horizontally, and the reading speed increases significantly. Test yourself, see how many numbers you can read.

Third exercise

With its help, you will train the speed of searching for words, which is no less important for speed reading. One of its principles is orientation by reference words. After all, in many texts the information content turns out to be quite low, and the most important information has to be searched for a long time.

To complete this exercise, you will need someone from your social circle. Choose a thick book that you haven't read, and have your assistant find a sentence, read it to you and remember for yourself where it was (page and approximate line). Next, take this book yourself and find this sentence as quickly as possible. Repeat until sentences begin to appear at a noticeably increased speed. Change the book periodically. You will also gradually train your memory: after all, you will gradually begin to navigate the book, remembering what is on what page. This can be another exercise for memory development.

Fourth exercise

This exercise aims to extract important information from the text. Think of a word, noun, adjective or verb, and look for it throughout the text from beginning to end. You can underline the necessary words, and later recheck yourself and see how many words you missed.

Fifth exercise

It all works for the same purpose: filtering information. It is very convenient to do this for those who speak a foreign language, but if you only understand your native language, it will also work. Take a newspaper article. You can do a small one for the first time, and skim through it, finding foreign words whose meaning you vaguely understand or don’t understand at all. This way you learn to find new information, which is important. Write down words whose meaning you don’t know and look them up in the dictionary. In fact, you kill two birds with one stone: learn to read quickly and expand your vocabulary.

Speed ​​reading is a powerful engine for the development of intelligence. A person who has this skill reads 1-7 books a week, spending significantly less time.

Speed ​​reading includes: speed, comprehension, and memory of what you read. With this skill, you can quickly study a subject, area, specialization, or science of interest.

The more a person reads useful literature, the more educated and intellectual he becomes. With speed reading, intelligence develops with virtually no restrictions. Its development is similar to driving a car compared to walking speed. When the brain works in turbo mode, there is no time to think and pronounce words, understanding comes instantly. The brain no longer wastes time on talking and extraneous thoughts.

Exercises online

Schulte tables

They develop peripheral vision, searching for the desired element in the text, memory, concentration, and speed of thinking. This is the most popular exercise for developing speed reading. Click on the start button and look for numbers from 1 to 16, looking only at the center of the table.

Red-black Gorbov-Schulte tables

First find the black minimum number, then the red maximum, then the next black minimum and the next red maximum. For example, for a table of size 5x5: 1 and 12, 2 and 11, 3 and 10, and so on.


Solve words for a while, learn to see the whole word.

Letter search

The faster you find letters, the faster you will navigate the text.

Search for numbers

We train in finding numbers by analogy with Searching for letters:

Reading by sighting

School course for the development of speed reading

To quickly and easily achieve the required speed, I recommend signing up for the Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days. In this course we will work:

  1. with classic exercises
  2. synchronize the hemispheres of the brain to speed up brain function
  3. use techniques that I have personally developed to accelerate reading speed
  4. understand the psychology of speed reading
  5. address questions from other course participants.

Reviews about the course

School courses for the development of intelligence

Interactive development courses

In addition to the Speed ​​Reading in 30 Days course, brainapps interactive courses are perfect for developing speed reading, memory, and attention. For 490 rubles a month or 1400 a year you get 4 browser-based programs for training speed reading, memory, attention and a bunch of games for brain fitness.

For example, among the exercises there is the game “Find all the words”. In this game, 256 letters will be shown on the screen, of which only 3 words are made that need to be found. This exercise trains the eyes to quickly search for the right words in the text, which significantly speeds up speed reading. Other exercises in this course train other skills important for speed reading.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. Each lesson contains useful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be needed in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Bottom line

To quickly develop your intelligence, practice speed reading. Speed ​​reading will help develop intelligence and turn the brain into a supercomputer, making a genius out of an ordinary person.

In this article I talked about 5 classic exercises for developing speed reading. These exercises will double your reading speed in 2-4 weeks.

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To keep up with the times, you need to adapt quickly, and to make history yourself, you need to develop twice as fast.

The paraphrased words of the Queen from the book “Alice Through the Looking Glass” could not have more accurately described the human-information relationship in the 21st century.

You can increasingly hear about speed reading, which allows you to read a book a day, thereby increasing your own productivity. In this article we will talk about how to learn to read quickly.

It is documented that the reading speed of the prototype of the main character of the film “Rain Man” - the famous Kim Peak - was 10,000 words per minute. A peculiar natural failure, namely a congenital brain defect, allowed the development of such phenomenal abilities, however, there are methods for mastering such a technique.

The skill of speed reading has been known for a long time; many famous politicians and writers possessed it at different times: T. Roosevelt, J. Kennedy, A. Pushkin, M. Gorky, V. Lenin. They all knew how to learn to read quickly.

What is the difference between reading and speed reading?

The reading speed of the average adult is 150-300 words per minute. The process is as follows: the gaze focuses on a group of words, then moves in a spasmodic movement to the next group, after several similar leaps the gaze freezes to comprehend what has been read. Such movements are called saccades and take an average of 0.5 seconds.

Speed ​​reading is the ability to quickly read text using special techniques that increase speed by 3-10 times.

Speed ​​reading techniques

  • Text tracking.
    One of the oldest and proven techniques. Its essence boils down to the need to move a pointer (finger, ruler) along the lines for greater concentration. In a more complicated version, following the text involves searching for keywords, which speeds up the reading process.
  • Reading without stopping.
    The essence of the method is to suppress saccades and regular pauses to save time. However, this approach significantly reduces the receptivity of the material, since it is the presence of saccades that allows the brain to comprehend and remember what is read.
  • Reading "diagonally".
    This method includes the “zigzag” and “one glance” reading techniques.
  • The essence of the technique is to snatch individual meaningful words and use peripheral vision.
  • Scientists argue that peripheral vision does not allow adequate recognition and perception of text, and since most of the text falls precisely in this zone, information is lost, which can hardly be called real reading.
  • However, this method works when repeating material that has already been read and learned.
  • Rapid sequential visual presentation.
    The most modern way using technology. Its essence is to display text one word at a time on the device screen at a certain speed with center alignment. The gaze focuses on one point, no time is wasted on saccades, which saves the reader’s time.
  • The method has its drawbacks: all words are displayed on the screen at the same speed. During normal reading, the speed of reading familiar words is higher than that of unfamiliar words, which are additionally comprehended and remembered.
  • Suppression of subvocalization
    Subvocalization is speaking the text to yourself while reading. Internal repetition takes time, so the method is designed to suppress the desire to speak out what you read and tune in to reading with your eyes. However, suppression of subvocalization leads to a deterioration in understanding and comprehension of what is read. It has also been proven that it is impossible to completely get rid of pronunciation - the brain is not able to do without subvocalization, even those who use the “diagonal” reading technique mentally pronounce key words.

Why speed reading techniques are criticized

The question of how to quickly learn to read is extremely popular and discussed nowadays. There are both supporters and critics. Almost any technique listed here is associated with filtering out unnecessary information, and not with increasing reading speed. This leads to superficial reading, for which it is extremely sharply criticized by scientists.

Speed ​​reading is effective for business and technical literature, the purpose of which is to obtain information and data and does not require immersion in the text.

Fiction influences the reader’s imagination and feelings, which makes speed reading an ineffective technique, because the effect of “living” the material disappears, only the technique remains.

When mastering speed reading, you should realize that all techniques have their pros and cons, “swallowing” a book a day, you can get lost in the variety, but such a skill will definitely not be superfluous.

How to teach a child to read quickly? Fast reading technique.

Reading skills are the basis of all learning, one of the main conditions for a child’s success in school. The process of reading for children is quite complex, because it simultaneously involves memory, imagination, sound and auditory catalysts. Meanwhile, the reading speed should be as close as possible to the speaking speed. But how to learn to read quickly? You are offered a fast reading technique that will help your little prodigy significantly raise his own level and increase his reading speed.

At school, a child who has a low reading speed will have a harder time learning new material. During the time that he will spend reading the terms of the task or exercise, a fast reading child will have time to copy everything into a notebook and begin to complete the task. Reading speed is the most important factor in academic performance, so learning to read quickly is very important. There is such a thing as “optimal reading”; it involves reading 120-150 words per minute. This figure appeared for a reason - it is believed that it is when reading at this pace that the best learning of the material is achieved by the student.

Why is learning to read quickly not for everyone?

Some of the main reasons for slow reading in children are the following:

Reason No. 1. Low level of memory and attention (reading the fourth word, the child no longer remembers the first, and, therefore, cannot understand the meaning of what he read). Attention is the main engine of the reading process. Brain processes themselves are very fast, and therefore a child who reads slowly switches his attention to some extraneous thoughts, as a result, interest in what he is reading disappears, reading becomes mechanical, and the meaning does not reach consciousness. Therefore, the main advice in this case is to be sure to systematically work with your child at home to develop memory.

Reason No. 2. Reduced volume of the operational field of view. That is, the child’s gaze does not cover the entire word or even several words, but only two or three letters.

Reason No. 3. Low vocabulary.

Reason No. 4. Regression - so-called recurrent eye movements. Many children, without noticing it, re-read the word twice, automatically, as if to be completely sure of the correctness of the reading.

Reason No. 5. Underdeveloped articulatory apparatus.

Reason No. 6. Works selected not according to age.

Speed ​​reading technique: how to learn to read quickly?

There is special training for fast reading, a special technique for fast reading developed by specialists. The following exercises will help ensure that your child has the technique of reading quickly, consciously and expressively: .

Learning to read quickly: step one.

Involve your child in an active reading process from an early age.

Read to him yourself more often, and while reading, stop at the most interesting moments and, citing fatigue, ask the child to read a piece of the work. Pretend that you were distracted and listened, be sure to ask him again what he just read, ask what words were repeated several times? Explain words the child does not understand. Discuss what you read.

Learning to read quickly: step two.

Make reading an essential part of your daily life.

Every day, write your child notes, some postcards, plans, to-do lists that you instruct him to do.

Learning to read quickly: step three.

Make watching filmstrips a tradition for some time, like reading a fairy tale before bed in infancy. A slow change of bright frames, short captions under each, easy to read - excellent conditions for improving the technique of quick reading.

Learning to read quickly: step four.

Master parallel reading.

To do this you need to prepare two identical texts. You will read the text out loud, and the child will follow you, running his finger along the lines. Gradually increase your reading speed, but make sure your child keeps up with you. Read some passages slowly and some quickly, for example, thus highlighting dialogues. Ask if the child noticed the change in speed?

Learning to read quickly: step five.

Monitor your speed reading technique and give your child timed reading tasks.

To do this, select a simple text consisting of words familiar to him, time it, for example, one minute, and then count how many words he managed to read. Be sure to tell him this number and “stimulate” his interest with a question like: “Can you do it faster? Let's check!". Let him read the same text again, there will definitely be more words read. Praise him and time him again. Do this three times, but no more. This task will demonstrate to the child that he can read much faster and that learning to read quickly is not at all difficult.

Learning to read quickly: step six.

Practice reading silently, not out loud.

When reading aloud, the following processes occur: 1. the eyes read the text, 2. a signal is sent to the brain, 3. the speech organs are prepared, 4. the text is spoken out loud, 5. the ears perceive it, 6. the signal is again sent to the brain to analyze what was heard and compare it with read. With such reading, the loss of speed is obvious; whispering is exactly the same story. When reading occurs “to oneself”, the picture is completely different. The child’s eyes run ahead, and he begins to understand the meaning of the text he is reading, and the speed increases accordingly, sometimes significantly.

Learning to read quickly: step seven.

Games with stress.

As already explained, understanding the meaning of the text being read is the main trump card in how to learn to read quickly. And placing the correct emphasis is not the last thing here. When reading a word incorrectly, the child does not grasp the meaning, loses the thread of the story he is reading, and accordingly reduces his speed, and cannot retell what he has read. How to read quickly if your brain is feverishly trying to find meaning, but in the end, it never finds it. Therefore, learning to read quickly also involves practicing stress. Choose any word and place emphasis on all syllables in a row, so the child will understand more clearly what exactly is being said. Then ask him how to pronounce this word correctly.

Learning to read quickly: step eight.

Stumbling over consonants.

Children often stumble when reading when they see several consonant letters in a row: “sister”, “mug”, “construction site”. Your task is to write down such words on a piece of paper and let your child read them periodically until the difficulties with such moments disappear. Don't be lazy to add new words.

Learning to read quickly: step nine.

Buzzing reading.

The following speed reading technique may seem strange to you, but you should not neglect it - it is very useful for learning how to read quickly. The child needs to read to himself and at the same time hum out loud like a bee.

Learning to read quickly: step ten.

Develop your vigilance.

Write five or six vowel letters in a row, inserting one consonant letter somewhere in the middle, and ask the child which letter is the extra one?

Learning to read quickly: step eleven.

Develop your intelligence.

Write words that differ by just one letter. For example: 1. cat - mouth, 2. cat - whale, 3. forest - weight, 4. forest - bream. Ask what the differences and similarities are between these words.

Learning to read quickly: step twelve.

Articulatory gymnastics as a technique for fast reading.

Such exercises improve pronunciation, regulate breathing, and make speech clear. To do this, read more tongue twisters, and do it in different ways: loudly and confidently, slowly and in a whisper, strictly monitor the reading, clearly pronounce the endings in words. The quick reading technique also includes reading sayings and proverbs.

Learning to read quickly: step thirteen.

Development of the visual field.

Take a sheet of paper and draw a table, writing one letter or syllable in each cell. The child is required to read them all to himself, pointing to the letter with a pencil, and trying to read quickly. It is important that he tries to remember the location of the following letters or syllables one after another. You can read them from top to bottom, from bottom to top, form words, and so on. .

Learning to read quickly: step fourteen.

Develop anticipation - this is what is called a semantic guess.

While reading a text, the child catches the next word with peripheral vision and can, based on what he read, guess what the next word will be. The fast reading technique may include the following exercise, the purpose of which is to develop anticipation. You need to write sentences that contain words with missing syllables or letters, let the child fill in the missing letters. Then, complicate the task and simply write separate phrases or words for it, with gaps in the middle, at the end, at the beginning of the words.

Learning to read quickly: step fifteen.

Reading with a bookmark.

When reading a text, the child should move the bookmark not as usual, under the line, but covering the word he has already read with it. This exercise will help you learn to read without repetition and increase your pace.

Learning to read quickly: step sixteen.


This speed reading technique involves reading words that are written in different fonts. Moreover, such words can appear in a row, making up one sentence. It is necessary to ensure that different fonts do not confuse the child and are not perceived by him as some kind of obstacle.

Learning to read quickly: step seventeen.

Build up your words.

Write on a piece of paper in a column the words that increase in length as they are modified:

Learning to read quickly: step eighteen.

Learning to read quickly: step nineteen.

Reading through teeth.

The child reads an unfamiliar text at maximum speed for him, tightly clenching his teeth and lips. After reading, he will need to answer some questions about the text. It is recommended to carry out a similar exercise every time before reading a text out loud.

Learning to read quickly: step twenty.

Accompanied reading.

Learning to read quickly: step twenty-one.

Tapping rhythm.

The exercise involves the child reading an unfamiliar text while simultaneously tapping a previously learned rhythm with a pencil.

Learning to read quickly: step twenty-two.

Learning to read quickly: step twenty-three.

Required daily five minutes of reading.

The child should read in buzz mode for five minutes. These exercises need to be done 4 lessons daily. Family games. Don’t be lazy and regularly organize all kinds of letter and word games in your family. Such training will help the child easily navigate the space of many letters and easily read unfamiliar words.

Learning to read quickly: step twenty-four.

Reading consonants.

It is necessary for the child to take a deep breath and as he exhales read 15 consonants - absolutely any set will do, for example: s, t, p, k, n, w, g, v, g, l, g, sch, n, f.

Learning to read quickly: step twenty-five.

Forming words from halves.

Take some simple word, break it into two parts and write it on two different cards, thus preparing about 10 words for one lesson. Invite your child to fold the cards to form a whole word. It would be even better if several versions of such words could be made using the same cards. Constantly change and add cards. Over time, move on to more complex words consisting of three or more syllables.

Learning to read quickly: step twenty-six.

Reading with expression. The child needs to read a short passage of text, as he usually reads. Then return to the beginning and read it again, but with expression, with intonation, and therefore at a different pace. Having read an already familiar passage, he must continue reading the text further without stopping. The point is that the tempo, developed and accelerated in a text that is familiar, does not subsequently subside, even when it moves to an unfamiliar part.

Learning to read quickly: step twenty-seven.

We train attention. While reading the text, the child, on the command “stop,” stops reading, lifts his head from the book, closes his eyes and rests for a few seconds. Then, at the command “start,” he must find the very place in the book where he previously finished reading.

Learning to read quickly: step twenty-eight.

The child, silently, reads a short paragraph at maximum speed, he should start reading the next paragraph out loud, then again - the paragraph to himself. The method of fast reading in this case works like this: reading silently, as you remember, is much faster, reading aloud; with sudden transitions, the pace of reading is partially maintained, and the child reads faster.

Learning to read quickly: step twenty-nine.

Role reading.

Learning to read quickly: step thirty.

Reading upside down text.

You can learn to read more confidently and quickly by practicing reading a sheet of text turned upside down. This contributes to the development of the skill of memorizing complete letter standards, combining letter analysis with semantic endings of words

Learning to read quickly: step thirty-one.

Set of deformed sentences.

Practice changing words in a sentence with your child. For example, write a sentence: “friends came to me for a holiday”, out of place: “friends came to me for a holiday.” Write about a dozen similar sentences on a piece of paper and let the child unravel them.

Learning to read quickly: step thirty-two.

Search for a given word.

Arrange a competition with children or involve an adult: say any word from the text on the page, whoever finds this word faster is the winner. Incentive prizes are welcome. Such a game will develop the ability to see not individual fragments, but a holistic image of a word. In addition, the exercise develops verbal memory.

Learning to read quickly: step thirty-three.

Schulte tables.

Essentially, these tables represent randomly arranged numbers, the task is to quickly find them in order. The main benefit of this fast reading technique is to expand the field of vision and develop the speed of search visual movements. Draw a square of approximately 20-25 centimeters, dividing it into 30 cells. Write numbers randomly into these cells, starting from 1 to - 30. The process of searching for numbers must be done by silent counting, silently and indicating the found numbers with a pencil. Before starting the exercise, the child needs to fix his gaze in the center, so as to see the entire table. In addition, horizontal or vertical eye movements are prohibited; the gaze, like the numbers, must be in some sense disordered. A prerequisite for improving speed reading technique is systematic practice and a positive attitude. The question of how to read quickly and the development of methods and techniques for fast reading are dealt with by some authoritative experts, whose literature we would recommend you to read: Academician Andreev, I. Fedorenko, E. Zaika, N. Zaitsev, I. Pelchenko and others. Remember that the ability to read fluently is not an end in itself, it is a vital necessity, without which it will be very difficult for your child to study further and achieve any success, both academically and in communication. Children learn the material faster and show a readiness for creativity and self-expression. Success gives birth to joy, self-confidence, and stimulates leadership.

And most importantly: do not skimp on your student’s praise.

The nature of the brain and mind is able to learn speed reading using a metronome, which can be used in many ways. To begin with, make sure that each beat of the metronome means the advancement of your visual pointer one specific step. Using a set pace, you can establish and maintain a stable reading rhythm, avoiding a drop in reading speed over time. Once this reading pace is established, nothing prevents you from increasing your reading speed in the same way further.

Then you set the metronome to an unnaturally fast tempo. This form of training again helps you “jump above your head” by striving to achieve new standards, despite the fact that they are very high.

How the eyes work when reading

In fact, the eyes do not look fixedly at one point. To see more information, they make quick jumping movements from the place where they were directed. These movements are called saccades.

Can you follow the text with your finger?

The simplest pointer is the tip of your finger. Just place your finger under a line of text and move it as you read. Once you get used to it, you will be able to read much faster than before.

The pointer will help with control; you will be able to physically adjust the reading speed by moving your hand. If your hand moves faster, you are forced to read faster. Just like if you slow down your pointer, you'll read slower. This type of control allows you to carefully read complex or important parts of the text and quickly cope with understandable and unimportant parts.

Practice moving your pointer faster than you can say the words in your head. This will get you out of the habit of automatically vocalizing words.

Unfortunately, as you read, this position is constantly moving. Saccades (and just regular distractions) are the reason you slow down because you have to look for the place where you finished reading. The solution to this problem is using a pointer.

Visual angle training for speed reading

Concentrate your gaze on the center. Mark identical blocks with your peripheral vision. The goal is not to find identical blocks as quickly as possible, but to concentrate your gaze on the center of the screen with your peripheral vision and find the necessary information.

Computer exercises (trainings) to expand (measure) the angle of view

  • Angle of view and reading - an exercise for entering a state of speed reading
  • Exercise to expand the angle of vision - rotating numbers
  • Schulte tables - expanding the angle of view to enter a state of meditation and fast reading mode.

Computer exercises (trainings) on text perception

  • Training to master the skill of Speed ​​Reading - Find the word in the text

Reading and Rhythm

Other computer trainings for mastering speed reading skills:

  • Reading backwards to front (vice versa)

For reading speed, the main thing is not speed, but control over reading

Speed ​​reading is not just about developing your reading speed to the maximum speed at which you managed to run through the lines. As a result, many feel that they are unable to retain information and find that their comprehension deteriorates as they increase their reading speed.

The ability to control your speed will make your reading more efficient than simply rushing through the text.

Most people can read using only 2 speeds: skimming and reading. Speed ​​reading opens up intermediate niches. Now you can view the text, read without speaking in your head, read quickly, read slowly, and even crawl through the text if the meaning is unclear or difficult.

The material needs to be made more interesting before picking up the book. Make it interesting so that you can easily concentrate on it while reading.

Immersion in the material being read

If you find the material interesting, you will be able to fully immerse yourself in it. Complete immersion in the material can reduce reading time, while the perception of the material will not deteriorate. This may be enough to change your mind about what you should read.

The ability to read without sounding out words in your head will help open the way to extreme reading speed, which is very useful if the text is easy to understand or there is a lot of unnecessary information in it. This is not the same as quickly skimming the text with your eyes.

Fast reading requires active reading. Before you start reading, tune your thinking by asking what you hope to take away from your subsequent reading. Even if you are 100% sure of what you need to learn, this exercise will help your brain notice relevant details in the text faster. If you find something interesting, stop to think, or even mark the information in a book.

Active reading to develop speed reading skills

Active reading means you stop to think about what you read. Stopping to think isn't great for speed reading. But this is a mindful reading tactic that everyone should master. Know when to read slower

Sometimes it is useful to quickly read what is written, where there is little necessary information, and often you need to slow down in order to understand something important or incomprehensible. If you compare reading to driving a car, imagine that you are driving along a straight line that meets the highway standards, you can freely pick up speed. But if you need to make sharp turns on a mountain road, it is better to reduce this speed.