Badminton lessons for children. Teaching children to play badminton: games and exercises for school-age children

Badminton is not an easy sport, so in order to master it, you need to constantly and intensively train. If you want to play in any weather and at any time of the year under the guidance of a professional coach, you have the opportunity to enroll in the badminton section.

Training in the badminton section can turn anyone into an endurance athlete.

If you decide to try yourself on the badminton court, you should know that:

  • The badminton section is an opportunity to get an excellent workout on all muscle groups. During training, you will constantly move, and the likelihood of injury is minimal, unlike other sports. That is why badminton is included in the astronaut training program.
  • Badminton allows you to lose weight without much effort. An amateur can lose up to 1.5 kg and spend up to 1,500 kcal in one workout. While playing, you don’t have to think about the load, you are captivated by the excitement, and you quietly lose excess weight.
  • Badminton is a family sport, great for both men and women, as well as children.
  • You can start training in the badminton section at any age. Training allows an adult not only to tighten the body and improve health, but also to build muscles, strengthen the general condition of the body, and improve posture.
  • Badminton is an Olympic sport; once you start practicing in the section for beginners, you can later compete in high-ranking competitions.

There is more than one badminton section for adults in Moscow, however, in order to choose the appropriate option, you need to know some nuances.

  • The badminton hall should be spacious, with excellent lighting and microclimate at any time of the day, mandatory equipment is a net, rackets, badminton shuttlecocks. Classes must take place on a court with special markings for playing badminton. The flooring in the hall should be non-slippery and smooth. Badminton is mainly played on sports parquet, rubberized surfaces, regupole, and special synthetic courts that provide good grip between shoes and the surface of the court. This will help you feel confident and will also reduce the risk of injury.
  • Learning to play badminton is not difficult, and if you already know the basic rules and basics, then moving to the next level will not be difficult. If you are a beginner, you should check to see if a particular badminton section caters to beginner players. This can be done by going to the hall page on our website, or by calling the section administration. You can also find all the necessary contact information on the page of the selected badminton section.
  • The presence of a shower, comfortable and spacious changing room is an undeniable advantage. When you come to the badminton section, you get a good mood and enjoyment from the game, so minor inconveniences should not spoil your mood.

Playing badminton with kids: how to teach a child to play badminton. Games and exercises with shuttlecock and racket.

Summer is a time for sports walks and outdoor games. One of the favorite sports games of many is badminton. Let's teach your kid to play badminton! Badminton develops children's speed, agility, eye, accuracy and coordination of movements. And the equipment for this game is available to everyone. The main thing is to know how to properly prepare your child for playing badminton and how to help him master the basic movements of this exciting game.

How to play badminton with young children?

I suggest you first remember rules of the game of “classic”, “adult” badminton. And then discuss how to start playing badminton with preschool children.

Rules of the game of badminton.

The rules of badminton are very simple. They play on a rectangular playground, in the yard or on the lawn. In the classic version of the game of badminton, the sports court should be divided in half by a net (if there is no net, then there is always another version of this game, which we will talk about a little later). The player’s task is to send the shuttlecock to the opponent’s half with the help of a racket and prevent the shuttlecock from falling on his own half of the court.

Technique of playing badminton.

How to hold a badminton racket correctly?

The racket is held with the right hand (dominant hand). In this case, four fingers should be on the bottom of the racket, and the thumb should be on top of the racket. The fingers should be slightly apart. The hand should be free, not clamped. The brush works very actively with all strokes.

How to serve a shuttlecock in a game of badminton?

In the game of badminton, when serving the shuttlecock, the player must stand with his left shoulder to the net (if he is right-handed). Left leg in front, body weight on the right leg. The player holds the shuttlecock with his left hand by its edges (feathers). The right arm is bent at the elbow and pulled back and up. You need to hit the cap of the shuttlecock with the racket (the mesh part of the racket). When hitting, the weight of the body is transferred from the right leg to the left leg, standing slightly in front. The task is to serve the shuttlecock through the net to the opponent's half.

What types of shots are there when playing badminton?

Badminton strokes can be left or on right. On a forehand The back of the hand is turned towards you, and the palm is turned towards the opponent. When hitting backhand - vice versa. That is, when hitting a backhand, the palm of the hand with the racket is looking at itself, and the back of the racket is looking at the opponent.

The shuttlecock is hit when it falls to a distance of approximately 25-30 cm from the racket net. At this moment, you need to try to quickly hit the shuttlecock with the racket. The movement of the racket when hitting is up and forward.

In badminton there is also blows from below when the shuttlecock flies too low, under the net, but they are difficult for kids.

Is it possible to play badminton in windy weather?

If the weather is windy, you can attach a piece of plasticine inside the shuttlecock cap to make it heavier. Then even the weather will not interfere with the game of badminton.

Badminton for preschool children.

For preschool children, mastering the movements of playing badminton is not an easy task, but it is quite accessible if you conduct them through a series of interesting preparatory exercises with a racket and shuttlecock. These preliminary exercises will teach kids how to hold the racket correctly and introduce them to the qualities of the shuttlecock and the features of its movement in the air.

Let's start. All types of exercises for children that I present later in the article were developed by E.Y. Adashkyevichene and repeatedly used with children - tested by experience J. Try to play badminton with kids and do these exercises - I am sure that both you and your children will get pleasure and joy from it!

Stage 1. We play with a shuttlecock.

The child will not be able to immediately “play” badminton. Or you will often “lose” the shuttlecock in the game, which will always land instead of being in the air. First, the child needs to master the rules of the game of badminton, its technique, and only then start playing badminton with a partner. Therefore, special preliminary exercises have been developed for preschool children to help them prepare for the start of playing badminton.

In the very first games and exercises, children become familiar with the shuttlecock, juggle it, learn to catch the shuttlecock with their hands without the help of a racket, follow the shuttlecock with their eyes, and develop coordination of movements, their speed and accuracy.

The task of all exercises of the first stage– do not drop the shuttlecock during the exercise.

Here is a sample list of exercises to familiarize children with the shuttlecock.

Exercises with a shuttlecock - preparing children for playing badminton:

  • Stretch your arms forward and throw the shuttlecock from your right hand to your left and back. The task is not to drop the shuttlecock.
  • Raise your hands up and quickly transfer the shuttlecock from one hand to the other. Perform several times without dropping the shuttlecock or looking at it.
  • Hide your hands behind your back and transfer the shuttlecock from your right hand to your left and back several times without dropping it.
  • Throw the shuttlecock up and catch it with both hands (you can compete with yourself - how many times more can you do the exercise compared to the previous time. You can set yourself a task - I want to hold the shuttlecock 10 times and try to achieve this result).
  • Throw the shuttlecock up. While the shuttlecock is flying, clap your hands and catch the shuttlecock.
  • Throw the shuttlecock up, turn around yourself 360 degrees and catch the shuttlecock.
  • Throw the shuttlecock up and catch it with one hand. Try to do this 5 times with your right hand, then 5 times with your left hand, without dropping the shuttlecock.
  • Toss the shuttlecock with your left hand and catch it with your right. And vice versa.

Stage 2. Playing with a racket - preparatory exercises for playing badminton.

In these exercises, the child will learn to hold the racket correctly and move it in space, to find the correct position of the racket when hitting the shuttlecock. Before starting exercises with a racket, you need to show your child how to hold the racket correctly and correct him if he makes a mistake.

Options for exercises with a racket for preschool children:

  • Imitation of racket movements (performing movements as in the game of badminton, but without a shuttlecock). Children imagine themselves as athletes and perform pantomime. But in this pantomime they must hold the racket correctly, because they are real athletes in this game!
  • Stretch a rope between two trees or poles and hang shuttlecocks on it on a string at different heights. In this exercise, your child will learn to hit a hanging shuttlecock with a racket. At first, all strokes are performed as forehand strokes (the palm faces the shuttlecock, and the back of the hand faces the child). All strokes are then executed as backhands. Then you can alternate them. You can hit a hanging shuttlecock in a straight line, in a circle, with different strengths, i.e. experiment.
  • Learning to serve the shuttlecock. Stretch the rope at the height of the child's waist and hang the shuttlecocks from it. The kid stands up so that his left toe is under the rope and hits the shuttlecock from below. The movement of the racket ends at the height of the rope. This is how the child gets used to the correct hand position when serving the shuttlecock. After such training, you can try to serve the shuttlecock for real, without a rope.
  • Hit the shuttlecock with a racket (the shuttlecock flies up and down 30 cm), standing in one place.
  • Hit the shuttlecock with a racket (the shuttlecock flies up and down), moving forward in small steps.
  • One player in a pair (mother, teacher, older child) throws the shuttlecock, and the child hits it with a racket. The couple stands at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other. The one who throws the shuttlecock catches it with his hands. They play this way several times, then change places.
  • Play in pairs without a net. The task is to hit the shuttlecock to each other without letting it fall to the ground. If there are many pairs playing, then the pair whose shuttlecock does not fall to the ground the longest wins.
  • Game paired with a net. A pair of players stand on opposite sides of the net. The mesh is stretched at a height of 120 cm-130 cm. First, one player serves the shuttle and the other hits it back through the net. After a few minutes (the time must be agreed upon in advance), the players change places.
  • So you can play real badminton with shuttlecocks, rackets and a real net. Play in pairs.

What to do if there are a lot of people who want to play? Don't wait in line, right? In this case, there are different group options for playing badminton with young children.

Stage 3. Play badminton with a group - options for different games.

If you play badminton not as a couple (mother and child, father and child), but as a group (children's group or a group of several adults and children), then you can organize the game of badminton so that no one has to wait for the net to become free. And at the same time everyone will be busy and happy :).

Option 1. “Forwards and defenders” All players are divided into two teams. Teams stand on opposite sides of the net. One team is the “forwards team”. The other team on the other side of the net is the “defensive team.” The attackers serve the shuttlecocks, and the defenders must return them and not allow them to fall on their side of the court. After 3-5 minutes, the teams change places.

Option 2. “One at a time.” This version of the game of badminton is played when the players are already playing option 1 easily. The attacking team starts the game. Players from the attacking team, one at a time, take turns serving the shuttle through the net. If the players of the defensive team hit the shuttlecock, then their team gets a point and gets the right to serve the shuttlecock. . If they were unable to hit the shuttlecock, then they lose a point. And the right to serve the shuttle remains with the attacking team. The shuttlecock in each team is always served in turn - first by the first player, then by the second, then by the third, and so on!

Option 3. “Hit the target.” Make three target circles on the playground (one circle inside the other, diameters - 1 meter, 1.5 meters, 2 meters). Draw lines 4 meters from the target. Players take turns standing on the line and serving the shuttlecock. The task is to hit the target with the shuttlecock. For getting into a small circle - 3 points, into a medium circle - 2 points, into a large circle - 1 point. The champion will be the one who scores the most points in this game. You can compete individually or as a team.

Option 4. “Flags”. Draw a line on the site. In addition to shuttlecocks and rackets, you will need flags or sticks. Flags are a more interesting option for children. Bright, attractive flags are very easy to make by gluing a rectangle or triangle made of paper or fabric to any stick.

All badminton players are divided into pairs. One in a pair is a player with a shuttlecock and a racket. And the other is his assistant with three flags. The players stand together near the drawn line. At the signal, they hit the shuttlecock with their racket. The task is to send the shuttlecock as far as possible. Their assistants watch “their” shuttlecock and run towards it. You need to find and remember the place where the shuttlecock landed. The assistant places a flag in the place where “your” shuttlecock landed on the ground. Having placed the flag, the assistant quickly takes the shuttlecock to a player from his pair. The player makes three attempts. And then the player and assistant change roles.

Teaching children to play badminton: games and exercises for school-age children. Video.

In this video you will see a system of exercises for mastering the technique of playing badminton for school-age children. These are more complex games with a shuttlecock and a racket.

I wish you interesting games in badminton with children! And I’ll tell you one secret why I wrote an article about badminton this time. The fact is that I was very interested in him, and all summer, in good weather, in the evenings after work we run to the park and play badminton. At first we played away from people, now we “perform” in public and sometimes even play with fans in the form of walking people and their dogs :). I also learned that playing badminton is very useful for those who work a lot on the computer (that is, for almost all modern people). In the game of badminton, you need to follow the shuttlecock with your eyes, which is either approaching or moving away, and the eyes rest while tracking the shuttlecock in this way. We checked - and it’s true :), it’s true! This is such a useful game for big and small!

And at the end of the article there is a useful video about badminton, in which you will hear interesting facts about this game. And also in this video you will find video lessons of playing badminton for adults.

See you again on the “Native Path” website! I wish you an active, cheerful, active, happy summer!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Badminton is a sport played by two players (or four "pairs") attempting to throw as many balls (or shuttlecocks) as possible over a net with a racket. The first mention of badminton in England was when English officers became interested in playing the Indian game “moon,” brought from India. Today there are badminton schools where anyone can enroll.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the Badminton for children section in Moscow

Here is a list of all badminton sections, badminton clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. The search for a suitable place to practice badminton in Moscow can be done directly on the map or using the list of represented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for subsequent enrollment. For each of the sports sections, the following are available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

When a child grows up and becomes more active, most parents have a desire to introduce regular sports into his life, because we all know that physical activity creates optimal conditions for the growth and development of a young body. A parent is faced with a difficult choice: which sport should he or she participate in? What sports direction? If your child is already 7 years old and shows interest in various types of active physical games, children's badminton would be a great choice! On the one hand, badminton for children is dynamic and makes the child move, and on the other hand, it is not dangerous.

Let's take a closer look at why more and more parents are sending their children to .

5 reasons to send your child to children's badminton

  • Children's badminton is an excellent physical development for your child.

    Intense movements around the court will help the child keep his body in excellent shape; it is not for nothing that badminton is one of the three most energy-consuming team sports.

  • Badminton builds character.

    Every day your child will compete with his peers, learn to win and learn to lose. The child will learn to draw conclusions from defeats, optimize the game in order to achieve the main result - to become a successful player. This knowledge will always help children in their future lives.

  • Badminton improves vision.

    For children who constantly spend time behind a computer or phone screen, this is especially true. During training, the child will constantly transfer his vision from an object in the distance (the shuttlecock on the opponent’s side) to an object close to him (when hitting the shuttlecock). According to research by the Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after. Helmholtz, badminton is effective in treating myopia.

  • Badminton makes children more attentive and helps them concentrate on their studies.

    This is a complex technical sport. The player must have good control of his body and be able to make accurate shots even in a state of great fatigue. Children develop their ability to concentrate over long periods of time (from 2 hours for training to 8 hours for tournaments).

  • The risk of serious injury when playing children's badminton is minimal.

    For this reason, badminton is included in the training program for Russian cosmonauts. This is a non-contact sport in which there is no extreme stress on the ligaments and joints.