Which moon is damaged? The time when you need to be wary of robberies and remove damage

The moon is used to enhance energy in magical rituals. All types of rituals are carried out in different phases. It depends on what result the magician is pursuing. Damage to the moon is caused during the waning month. They take it off during the waxing moon.

The influence of the moon on humans

The lunar cycle coincides with the female one. On special lunar days, a ritual of turning a man’s love spell, enchantment, and making wishes takes place. The month helps to remove rivals, business competitors, and enemies.

The energy of the night luminary is closely connected with people not only in the magical world, but also in the biological one. A person is 80% water, and the month has a strong influence on it. It has been proven that on full moon days the number of suicides, disasters and other disasters is much higher than on normal days.

The spell is cast on the days of the full moon or on the waning moon. Adhere to certain rules:

  • To influence human energy, all rituals are performed on the days of the waning month. These are the first days after the full moon.
  • When getting rid of enemies, they are guided not only by the lunar phase, but also by the days of the week. Strong days for fulfilling bad thoughts are Saturday and Tuesday.
  • Weather conditions do not affect the quality of negative energy. The main thing here is the days and time of the event.
  • Damage to health is carried out on the full moon or the days of the waxing moon. This is the only black witchcraft that is not performed on the waning days of the month.
  • At the crossroads there must always be a payoff to black forces. To do this, they stock up on gold coins of the same denomination.
  • After the evil ritual, a memorial is left in the cemetery. Without it, the forces of evil and the spirits of the past will attack the sorcerer, and not the victim. You should prepare sweet treats, money, water.
  • You cannot tell anyone about your thoughts, whether they are good or bad. All ritual actions are carried out alone, there should not even be random witnesses.
  • Resentment is not a reason to take revenge on enemies. The soul should be filled with anger, and thoughts with revenge. The more often the negative energy message is sent, the stronger the damage.
  • Personal belongings must be supervised. All the owner's acquired goods should not be given to anyone, especially after the ritual of damage. It will be much easier to remove it with the suggestive person’s personal object.
  • On the days of guidance, you cannot say Orthodox prayers, go to church, or help the poor and animals.

These are the basic requirements for negative rituals. The more points are completed, the better the negative energy will attach to the victim.

Sooner or later the victim will notice the signs of black magic. She and her loved ones will throw all their strength into removing the witchcraft and taking revenge.

The ritual does not pass without a trace either for the victim or for the sorcerer. To remove the damage, one of the participants must die. It can also be removed by specialists in the field of magic, but it will not be possible to completely cleanse the body and soul.

How to damage

Damage is caused in two ways:

  • Contact. The victim receives the enchanted item.
  • Contactless. The victim is tied to an evil dead person: someone who did not die his own death, an enemy.

Secondary options include bundles, personal belongings of the victim, and a photograph. These materials help to cause only mild damage.

First way

In the first days of the waning moon, the victim's personal belongings should be stolen or borrowed. This could be any small thing, clothing or item. The sorcerer should not offer anything in return. The more inconspicuously the theft or petition is carried out, the more difficult it is to determine who caused the damage.

The thing is spoken, then taken out to the crossroads late at night. In the middle of the road they put money to the evil spirits, turn around themselves 3 times and throw a stone over their left shoulder.

At home, they light a black or dark blue candle and melt it over another. They make a wax casting of a small figure of the victim and pierce it with a needle in the place that is to be affected. The plot is read, the needle is left inside, wrapped and placed near the victim’s personal belongings. They must lie together for a day. Then the item is quietly returned to the victim.

Second way

Contactless black damage is applied to the cemetery. A deceased soul, related or unfamiliar to the victim, will help to guide her. This must be an evil spirit whose soul has not rested, or a sinner.

To carry out the ritual, they go to the cemetery, join someone else's funeral, take the grave soil of someone else's deceased and throw it into the coffin of the chosen spirit. They light a black candle, sprinkle wax on the burial, and read the plot 7 times. They place the offering on the grave and clearly pronounce the name of the victim.

The first signs of damage

The fact that damage to the full moon has been applied correctly can be determined by the following signs:

  • there are foreign objects in the house;
  • sharp deterioration in health;
  • birds fly into the apartment;
  • It's hard to be in church.

After the magician is convinced of the activity of black energy, they are cleared of the ritual. To do this, they go to the white witch and undergo the procedure of removing sins.

How to remove damage using the moon

The best protection against damage is -0 Orthodox prayer. Daily reading and turning to God will prevent enemies from carrying out deadly slander. Removing damage on the full moon or in the first days of the new month is the main condition. The growing moon takes with it the bad and unwanted.

First way

Damage to the new moon will help remove the low tide with wax. You will need red wax and the sorcerer's personal item.

Melt a red candle over a burner, place a red thread, a silver cross and a drop of holy water into the liquid wax. They cast a figurine of a sorcerer, place it near the damaged item and let them spend the night.

The next day the item is returned, and the figurine is quietly hidden in the sorcerer’s house. A conspiracy to protect against dark forces is read daily.

Second withdrawal method

Salt water will help remove the spell. On the days of the waxing moon, take a full bath of water and add 3 packs of salt. Silver spoons are placed at the bottom according to the number of years the victim has lived. They undress and lie down in salt water. She will cleanse the victim of evil energy.

During the procedure, a conspiracy is read. They lie there for at least half an hour. The ritual is repeated daily until the sorcerer falls ill. While bathing, they read the plot.

The first signs of removal of damage

How to determine the security level:

  • the pain stopped, all illnesses disappeared, the state of dope went away;
  • there is no other voice in your head;
  • light and restful sleep;
  • there are no suspicious objects near the house;
  • the animals behave well.

The spell must be removed immediately. The longer it affects the human body, the greater the harm and worse the consequences. Prayers are said incessantly.

Today, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you what types of damage are done on the waning moon, and which ones on the waxing moon. Are there rituals for inducing damage during the full moon in strong magic, and is it possible to take revenge on the enemy during the darkest time - the new moon? Questions require answers. The topic will be very interesting for you.

How lunar phases affect the practice of witchcraft - which moon is damaged

In witchcraft rituals, it is customary to attack and damage a person during the waning moon phase. However, there are strong rituals that are performed on the new moon.

Black damage to the waxing moon is also known.

  • On the 4th lunar day you can cast magic with a dough volt.
  • On the 5th lunar day, practicing sorcerers actively work within the framework, making hard love spells and lapels to incite disgust and hatred.
  • Day 9 is the first satanic day of the lunar month; on this day they cast spells and hard love spells that suppress the will.
  • On the 13th lunar day, severe envolting with suppression of will is performed, as well as independent love spells with female blood.

Black spells on the new moon have the goal of changing the fate of the victim as a whole - these are both substitutes and love spells, which are prescribed to be performed only on the new moon. They do powerful damage:

  • for poor health,
  • for the quick death of a person,
  • make magical attacks on the house
  • and take revenge on their enemies.

When the full moon shines in the sky, black magicians perform envoltations with cruel suppression of the will of the victim, very powerful love spells for the purpose of punishment and revenge, and rituals for slavery.

So, to the question of which moon is damaged, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, answer: the waning one, with the exception of some types of damage, for which certain days of the lunar month are prescribed.

Ritual of corruption on the waxing moon to subdue the enemy through blood

On the waxing moon, when it is filled with light, you can choose a suitable day and do it yourself damage to the waxing moon to subjugate the enemy with blood. If you have the opportunity to get him drunk, use an independent conspiracy to subjugate. Mix an odd number of drops of your blood into the victim’s drink (you can add alcohol) while reading the words in a spell:

“Whoever drinks my blood will serve me faithfully. The slave (name) drinks my blood, gives me his will. My word and my deepest deed. Let it be so".

Blood can be taken from a finger. Standardly from the ring finger of the left hand. But women can also use menstrual blood. This black damage on the growing moon is directed at the personal witchcraft power of the performer. However, if you feel that there is no strength, call on helpers, then you also need a ransom.

Mirror protection from damage and the evil eye - simple spells

We live surrounded by objects. Many of them, perceived by us as simple everyday things, have been used since ancient times as magical materials. For example, a mirror.

Have you ever heard of the mirror evil eye?

What it is? Sounds threatening. In fact, everything is simple: it’s easy to jinx yourself by having the habit of constantly looking at yourself and praising yourself while standing in front of the mirror. But, you can also protect yourself from the evil eye by carrying a small mirror in your pocket. A little later, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give an example of how you can make a strong protection against damage to mirrors. Now let's talk about magical mirror damage.

Where can a negative on a mirror come from, how dangerous are mirror damages, how can you cleanse an old mirror of negativity using magical spells? A mirror is such a complex, multifunctional item that it is not surprising that magicians can not only curse their enemies through mirrors, but also provide serious protection from negativity with a mirror. Here is a ritual for self-damaging an enemy using mirrors.

Mirror damage - break the enemy’s fate

It is better to carry out a magical ritual on a full moon, but damage can also be done on a waning moon. Tuesday or Saturday are suitable for witchcraft. Here's what you need to take:

  1. 2 mirrors of the same size
  2. black candle
  3. black threads
  4. photograph of the victim

Light a candle, place the photo between the mirrors and wrap this structure crosswise with threads.

“In the name of the one who hears, with the power of punishment, with black blackness, with the power of darkness, I conjure. You, enemy (name), back away from me, roll away, turn away, turn from the body into the shadow, dissolve, dissolve, dissolve. I will cover you with a black veil, you cannot breathe in, you cannot exhale, you cannot escape from captivity, there is no way for you (name). I curse you with a black curse, a three-tongued spell, a vile lot, bestial bondage. You should not be, enemy, you should not live, but wander around the world like a shadow. I will entangle you in a black web, envelop you in hellish fire, deafen you, blind you, kill you, and destroy your share. I shield you from the white light, put you in a glass coffin, and perform a funeral service with a black candle. Said, done, molded, cannot be finished, cannot be prayed for by either the sorcerer or the healer. Exactly".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

When finished, tie a knot, seal it with candle wax, and say:

“Let it be done.”

Hide the resulting reel in the northern corner of the room for 9 days. When the time has passed, take out the whole thing to induce damage through a mirror, and bury it near the fence of the cemetery.

Cleaning water and mirrors – removing damage from mirrors

Magical damage can be caused in any way, and on anything. For example, to take away health, they can spoil sleep. In order to tie poverty to a person’s fate, an experienced magician will bring negativity to money by creating a black spoiling with coins, etc. To remove any magical negativity, you can use universal cleansing, or you can use witchcraft - narrowly targeted ones.

A magical ritual to remove damage and the evil eye using a mirror is a good method of getting rid of induced diseases, energy negativity of medium strength, and also for the purpose of removing the return. If you overestimated your capabilities and knowledge, and received a return, use this. There are many ways to remove negativity, remove mirror damage, or evil eye; and also remove the reverse effect of witchcraft rituals performed by you insufficiently qualified. As first aid, magicians practice black annealing, water casting and wax casting. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you another method from a series of simple ones. It is recommended to work together.
If the result is unsatisfactory and, say, black damage at the crossroads will not be removed, then something more serious needs to be carried out, other black rituals must be taken. The ritual works, even for beginners, those who do it themselves for the first time. You can cleanse this way not only when the return has arrived, not only by removing old damage, but if, say, you feel that they are casting a spell against you, sending monetary damage through coins, or trying to break up your family, or something else. Carry out at any lunar phase. But no more than once per lunar month.

Here is a list of what you need to take for this ritual to remove the evil eye and envy:

  • mirror
  • wax candle in a candlestick
  • glass of clean spring water
  • a piece of even natural fabric
  • 13 coins
  • piece of white bread

Place a mirror in front of you. Sit opposite him. Place a candle in a candlestick on the left, and a glass of clean water on the right.

Look in the mirror and read the spell on the mirror against the evil eye and damage:

“The glass old man was walking, but he didn’t walk, but ran towards him. “Where are you going, old man?” The elder says: “Where I’m going I don’t know, but where I’m going, I know. I walk along the mirror river in mirror bast shoes, I hold mirror-clear water in my hand, but I hold it, I won’t spill it.” “What’s the water for?” "For your soul." “Elder, give me some water to drink. It’s so bitter for me (name) who is sick.” “Why is it bitter?” “Yes, I’m sick, and I’m writhing.” “Will the soul accept the water from hell?” “I am the slave of Satan the King.” “Be baptized!”

After reciting the magic spell, take the candle and make a black omen, after which you put the candle in its place.

Read the conspiracy of cleaning through the mirror from the evil eye and damage further.

“That river is mirror-like, but from its thirteen banks. Yes, all from the left, but not from the right. The water is full of strength, yes from, yes from corruption, and cramps. Whoever drinks this water from the thirteen banks will receive thirteen times the strength.”

Take a glass and splash it on your reflection. With your left hand, take the flowing water and wash your face. Everything from start to finish must be done 13 times. Reading the plot for the last, 13th time, complete it with the word -


  • “The old man is black, where are you going?”
  • “I am coming to bring new water, brethren, to appear to black souls.”
  • “Go, old man, to the gates of hell, and lower the gates of hell. Amen".

Then take the candle and extinguish it in the water remaining in the glass. You need to drink this water in one gulp. Turn the glass upside down and place it on the table. Using a candle, draw an inverted cross on the mirror, then throw it on a black cloth and leave it until the morning. The fact that the process has begun and the destructive program has begun to stir can be felt and understood by one’s physical condition.

For example, when reporting Damn I want to sleep, or you are holding back with all your might so as not to cry. Sometimes anger and irritability come. Everyone has their own way. But such emotional tension may indicate that the process of cleansing from manifestations of negative witchcraft has begun.

In the morning, remove the flap and wipe the mirror surface with it. And by nightfall you have to go to the crossroads, spread a linen there, sprinkle 13 coins on it, pour vodka into that glass, and cover it with a piece of white bread. Bow, say: “Paid,” and leave. You should keep the candle stub with you. If the elder begins to appear in a dream, then you should burn out the candle and say:

Say this while the cinder is burning 13 times. In this case, a mirror is not needed. And do not look at the mirror that was used for this cleaning and mirror protection from damage for 13 days.

Make a hex to ruin an enemy through the ground from a crossroads

At crossroads they perform magical spells of various natures and directions. Here is a ritual through which you will deprive your enemy of money if the need arises. There is monetary damage with the help of coins, but here, in a magical ritual, earth is used, through which it will be bad for the enemy. Point damage on the waning moon necessary. The ritual is working, strong, used to punish the offender, damage the business of a competitor, through this ritual the enemy can be quickly ruined.

Collect land from a pedestrian cemetery intersection, and read the text of the black conspiracy there 7 times:

“People on foot, but people walking, whoever goes to the merchant, will mix up the roads, then wander to the dead man, but won’t share the money, but he will get fancy, but people will turn away from him, the pedestrian will measure himself on the cross, but he won’t share with the money (name) he'll make money, but he'll lose money. As the living will measure out from the dead, but will not share the money with the dead, then it will be done, it will be done with (name), but the money will be separated from him. Amen".

The conspiracy of monetary damage at the cemetery intersection must be read 7 times. Place the gifts for the Master there and leave. And then go and sprinkle the enchanted soil in the place where the enemy conducts his financial affairs, trades, or sits in an office, or is building. Soon he will go completely bankrupt and become a beggar.

At dawn, you need to bury a fresh white chicken egg and read the plot only 1 time to cast a strong spell on a sleeping enemy:

“Devils and witches, woodsmen and swamp kikimoras, watermen with mermaids, self-killed drifters and executed hanged men flocked to the hellish egg under the bone roof. They consulted and agreed: we will go to (name) day and night, as soon as he closes his eyes, as soon as he sleeps, we will reveal the torments of Hell, the torments after death, the throne of our Lord the Devil. The word is strong, the slander is strong. An egg in the ground, a nightmare in a dream. Amen".

So it is possible spoil your sleep enemy from the category of independent. If you work comprehensively and more than once, you can achieve very effective, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom would say, strong results.

Sometimes troubles, illnesses or other negative events can arise due to the fact that someone has cast a spell on you. will help remove bad slander, cleanse energy and change life for the better. Let's talk about in what cases you need to use a spell, and how to do it correctly.

Damage is a type of magical influence on a person’s destiny. Damage can make him sick, cause death, physical deformity, upset relationships with loved ones, and deprive him of success in business.

Damage is caused using special magical rituals: rites, fortune telling and conspiracies using special paraphernalia.

It happens that damage is caused inadvertently: words thrown into the hearts can also “jinx”. Therefore, it is recommended to never wish someone harm, especially under the influence of strong emotions.

How to determine if you are damaged?

A spell against corruption will only help when you are truly under the influence of magical energy. The signs by which you can determine that you have been damaged are the following:

To be absolutely sure that you are damaged, you can use one of the rituals:

  1. Prepare three wax candles, light them, place them on the table and say the Lord’s Prayer over the flame, then make the sign of the cross. If the flame remains even, there is no damage to you, if it “dances” and sways, as if it is being blown away by the wind, there is damage
  2. You can also melt the candles and pour the melted wax in a thin stream over a bowl of cold water. If one large figure with clear contours forms on the surface, there is nothing to worry about. If the wax is full of holes, the edges are uneven, there are a lot of bumps - someone has jinxed you
  3. It is very easy to determine damage if you have a cat. Pay attention to its behavior: if a previously friendly animal suddenly becomes aggressive, often releases its claws and bites, there is damage to you
  4. Pour cold water into a glass and cross it. Read "" and then break a fresh egg into the water. If it floats to the surface and the water remains clean, your energy will be clean too. If the protein is covered in bubbles, and the water is cloudy, you are spoiled

If you decide that someone has cast a spell on you, spells and prayers will help you get rid of the evil eye.

Prayer for corruption

You will need a church candle. Memorize the prayer "". Light a candle daily and move it along your body, while repeating the words of the prayer. At the end of the ritual, make the sign of the cross over yourself with a candle and put it out.

Important: pay attention to which areas of the body the candle flame will flutter especially strongly - they need to be “worked out” especially carefully.

Watch a video about how to remove fire damage

Conspiracy against damage

Conditions under which the anti-damage spell will work:

  • The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced on the night of. The energy of the Moon at this time helps to get rid of negativity and take away everything bad. If you begin to read a conspiracy for the waxing moon, you will only increase the power of the evil eye
  • The words of the conspiracy are pronounced three times. It should be read daily for 15 days.
  • A person who has been damaged must abstain from alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs during treatment. You also need to exclude swear words from your speech, not enter into conflicts and not offend other people.

And the text of the conspiracy is as follows:

“A silver bird flew up into the sky and called the Red Sun. The Sun came out and gave its light to the entire globe. Warm rays touched all living things, warmed and revived. The Sun interceded for all those offended, breaking the threads of negativity and damage. It finished its job and everyone rejoiced!”

While reading the plot, you should light a candle and stand in front of an open window through which moonlight enters the room. It is necessary to sprinkle the person who is damaged with holy water between repetitions of magic words.

Remember that the spell does not work the first time - you need to repeat it daily until the first signs of healing appear. You need to say magic words and read prayers for 15 days, then everything bad will go away, and the life of the person under the spell will improve.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

In our times, in certain public masses, where parapsychology and esotericism have developed, they cause damage and heal from ailments, lunar magic is known - this is an independent type of magical practice that helps to increase the mystical capabilities of the human body thanks to the powers of the Moon.

This magical practice contains quite a lot of rituals and rituals with a variety of goals and results, this includes love spells, amulets, removal and induction of damage. In ancient times, lunar magic was used by witches and priestesses; it was this fact that gave rise to the false theory that lunar magic is used only by women. However, what a great connection the Moon has with a woman, even the length of the cycle is the same.

There is a close relationship between the phases of the moon and magical rituals. The days when the Moon crosses one phase with another (new moon, full moon, first and third quarter) are quite tense. A person is very susceptible to stress during both the waning and waxing Moon. Statistics show that during this period a large number of various incidents, road accidents and disasters occur, and the mortality rate increases.

It is a known fact that the Moon influences the water masses of the Earth, the ebb and flow of the tides, and since the human body consists of 80% water, it is difficult to overestimate its influence on a living organism.

Damage, what you need to know

Damage is best done on a waxing or full moon, and removal is best done on a waning moon. In order to damage a person, you must have some knowledge and follow certain instructions.

All magical rituals aimed at destruction, punishment, and negativity must be performed on the waning moon (when the full moon ends). The most favorable days are Saturday and Tuesday. Your intentions to cause damage must be kept secret from everyone. Not a single living soul should see you at the time of the ceremony, otherwise the damage may not achieve its goal.

You must define a clear goal - for the enemy to be punished. The intention to do something bad must simply overwhelm you. If the desire is inactive, you may not succeed.

After the damage has been caused, there is no need to give any things or money from home, especially to the person on whom the damage was caused. With the help of these items, it is enough to simply give it back to you.

Do not forget that the damage you inflict on the offender will not go unnoticed. If the person who was damaged finds out about this, then it is possible that he will guess who it could have been done, because he knows exactly who he offended. And he may begin to take revenge using non-magical methods, which can significantly ruin his life. They do damage that will look like an illness on the full moon. After the ceremony, leave, under no circumstances ever look back.

When working at intersections, be sure to leave some for the farm (3 or 6 coins of the same denomination), and at the cemetery - a memorial (this could be some kind of treat - candy, gingerbread, cookies). You need to imagine an image of a person every time you read his name in a conspiracy.

Damage occurs:

  • contact (a person is given some thing, a special witchcraft ingredient is mixed in);
  • non-contact (attachment to the deceased, to tied knots, etc.);
  • on leftovers (on hair, saliva, leftover food, nails);
  • volt (victim's items, photo).

There are also spells aimed at a person and his consciousness, at the body and soul, at his descendants. What kind of damage to apply depends only on you.

Removing damage and its visible signs

Before considering removing damage, it is necessary to determine whether it exists. Many people intuitively feel that they have been damaged, especially if this was done on a full moon, new moon, or waning moon. What you should pay attention to:

  • if, when leaving the apartment, earth, dirt, feathers or other foreign objects were found in front of the threshold;
  • a nail is driven into the doorposts;
  • In addition to feathers, foreign objects can be felt in the pillow (they need to be urgently taken out and burned away from home);
  • deterioration of health, loss of strength (not influenced by the phase of the moon);
  • sudden weight loss or gain;
  • stress, thoughts of suicide;
  • it is impossible to stay in temples, sacred places, churches;
  • lack of air and many other reasons that may alert you.

Constant stress is a manifestation of the damage imposed on the Moon

There are also some ways to determine the presence of damage done during lunar phases (full moon, new moon or waning moon). Let's consider only some phases of the Moon.

First way

Made using church candles. You need to buy three candles, put them on the table, light them and read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and when finished, cross yourself three times. A crackling sound and black smoke will indicate the damage caused.

Second way

A black cat will be a great help; you can take him from acquaintances and friends if necessary, but before that he needs to live with you for a little while and get used to it. It’s enough just to sit him on your lap, if suddenly the previously calm animal begins to get nervous and struggle, it means that not everything is so pure and you should think about the ritual of removing the damage.

Removal of damage should occur on the waning moon. Immediately after the ritual, a person may experience increased blood pressure and dizziness, but this will indicate a successful deed. Soon after the ritual, which was carried out taking into account the lunar phases (full moon, new moon, waxing and waning moon), a person experiences an improvement in well-being and a lift in mood. A person’s aura begins to heal, this process occurs gradually.

Magic rituals for the moon

As with any business, magical rituals should be approached with all seriousness. If you need to make protective amulets for the new moon.

Remove damage

During the waning moon, you need to fill the bath with warm water, put salt in it, the number of spoons is equal to your age.


“Mother Earth, help: take off the evil, the black. Let it be so".

Lie down in the bath. The body needs to be positioned horizontally, and an Orthodox cross should be drawn above you in the air with your finger.

Afterwards, get out of the bath and say three times:

“He will twist someone else’s things, he will twist the dashing things, he will take them to himself and will not return them back. Let it be so!".

Ritual for attracting money

On the new moon, you will need to take banknotes of different denominations, divide them around your home in different places so that no one sees them. After three days, collect the banknotes and spend them on purchasing goods or products for household use.

Already on the next new moon they should return doubly.

A ritual for a slender figure and attractiveness

It is performed on the new moon, three times in a row (3 months on the new moon). Needed: cross, milk, holy water, rose aromatic oil.

Fill the bath with hot water, then lower the cross into it, then pour in milk, holy water (1 glass each), and a couple of drops of rose oil.

You need to lie down in the water, relax your body, close your eyelids, read the words:

“You, water, listen to me! Don’t get confused, don’t fume, but take hold of me! You, water after the cross, make me slim! Feed me with milk, caress me with a rose, so that I am neither fat nor thin, but even!” Lie down for a while and when the water begins to cool, you can go out, releasing the water and saying: “Water, go away, take the excess from me, run under the black stone, lie there for a hundred years.”

Damage to bad trading

It is read into salt, then it is scattered at the place of trade or simply after.

“For whom there is goods, for whom there is fat, And for the slave (name) there is naked salt. If we don’t walk or travel, there will be no place. Everyone will turn their noses up at the goods as if at the plague - cholera. Here’s a merchant, you can’t take a salty crown of stars from the sky, you can’t break my word.”

Most rituals do not require special preparation or the use of special paraphernalia; together with a positive attitude, you can achieve your goals.

Even in ancient times, witches and sorcerers most often used the power of the moon to perform all kinds of magical rituals. Damage to the moon, caused during the period of growth of the night luminary, is one of the strongest negative impacts on humans. With the help of the moon you can not only cause damage, but also remove it. Lunar magic occupies a separate niche in esotericism. The position of the planet has a huge impact on all people without exception.

Features of negative influences

Damage is caused to the new moon, so during the period of growth before the full moon, the magical ritual will reach its highest point. Usually during this period, rituals are carried out that allow you to quickly eliminate a rival, annoy enemies, or bewitch a loved one. Casting a spell on the moon requires the performer to have certain knowledge, skills and careful preparation. Almost any negative ritual is based for the most part on strong visualization, in other words, the power of thought.

The ability to take advantage of the energy flow of the night star and cope with your own energy, combining them into one whole, does not come immediately. To annoy your enemies or take your husband away from your rival, you must be filled with an irresistible desire and anger. It is the emotional outburst that will be the main impetus in the ritual. After causing damage, you should not give things from your home to anyone, especially to the person on whom this damage was done. With the help of these things, the victim can easily return the negativity back to you.

Damaging the growing moon is black magic and, as you know, it always takes its toll and does not forgive mistakes. During dark rituals, an egregor is revealed, which must necessarily receive a ransom. If this is not done, the entities that helped you cause damage will haunt you constantly and will not calm down until they demand payment, and it will not be money. Another feature of carrying out dark influences is the need for protective rituals for oneself, as well as the constant wearing of amulets and talismans.

Few experienced magicians truly share their secrets, because not a single publication or blog describes information on how to remain successful using black magic and at the same time not fall under the influence of dark forces. The whole point is that any practitioner who engages in black magic rituals knows how to protect himself. Remember that after causing damage to the growing moon, you need to leave the place of the ritual with a quick step, and never look back.

Types of damage

Depending on the attributes used in the ritual, there are several types of damage:

  • contact, when one’s blood is mixed into food or a drink or a charmed object is passed from hand to hand;
  • on distance;
  • on the victim’s biomaterial;
  • cemetery;
  • volt, when damage is sent using a photo, doll or personal belongings.

Damage to health

They damage your health on the first lunar day. To do this, they charm a personal item, preferably a piece of clothing. Take the object and on the second day after the full moon, place it on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it. Looking at the month, imagine the face of the victim and evoke the most negative emotions in yourself, then begin to read the words.

“My enemies are unlucky, evil burns inside me. How to put this object (name of thing) on ​​God’s servant (mu) will lose its strength and beauty. Turn into an old hag, and I will find happiness.”

Irreversible damage

There are damages that simply cannot be removed. They make them in a cemetery. After such damage, even reprimanding with prayers does not help. One of these rituals is turning away from a rival’s husband. If a certain lady stole your man through a black love spell, this ritual will help get rid of her and punish her. However, it is important to remember that punishment will not bypass you either and you will burn in hellfire for what you have done.

On the waning moon, take a photo of your rival and a candle, go to the cemetery, find there the grave of a man with the same name as your spouse. Before the trip, do not forget to take a ransom for the deceased. Light a candle at the head, bury the photograph on the grave and say these words.

“There is only one stumbling block between you and me, my husband. Just as I wanted to take him away by dishonest means, I will return him back by dishonest means. Do not feast you and do not drink wine with him, I have found for you a man with whom you are destined to be. Now you won’t live happily with anyone, not a single living man will look at you, because the dead man is constantly sitting next to you. He will not lie quietly in his grave until the servant of God (the name of his mistress) comes to him in the next world.”

Then tell the dead man.

“I brought you a bride, take her for yourself and try the treats.”

After this, leave a ransom on the grave, do not put out the candle, and quickly leave the graveyard. On the way, don’t even think about looking back if it seems like someone is running after you or calling you, otherwise you yourself will become a bride for a dead man. When you get home, take a shower and go to bed.

Signs of damage

It is very easy to determine damage by external signs. Damage first manifests itself in psychological disorders and sleep disorders. Most often, a person suffers from insomnia, because as soon as he closes his eyes, he immediately begins to see nightmare pictures and the body itself turns on the defense.

If damage has been caused, the victim will not be able to stay in the temple for a long time, although he previously went to services. A person is constantly haunted by troubles at home, at work, in family life. All these are signs of strong negativity imposed by ill-wishers.

Features of rituals to remove negative influences

Getting rid of damage to the waning moon is considered one of the most effective methods to defeat the machinations of ill-wishers and repel enemies. People who are greedy and envious by nature can cause damage even without any particular reason. Very often, successful business, a happy marriage, the presence of children, a large house or even a small apartment can become a cause of dissatisfaction on the part of ill-wishers. If you have damage, then most likely you will immediately feel it. Black magic works almost immediately.

You can also remove damage during the full moon. The main thing is to follow all the rules and be confident in your actions.

  1. The first step is to determine what the damage was done for and clean your home, because negativity walks with a spoiled person and penetrates the walls of the house, and also makes itself felt to all family members.
  2. A week before the ceremony, experts recommend fasting and giving up bad habits.
  3. There is no need to tell anyone about your plans for carrying out any ritual.
  4. If you plan to use magic for your own purposes, prepare a ransom.

Removing spoilage with water

To remove the beauty slander, you need to throw salt into the bath and take a good steam bath. You can remove damage from yourself in a bathhouse, after a steam room, by dousing yourself with holy water. During water procedures, you should read the plot.

“I offer prayers to God, I ask you to wash away all the filth from yourself. Just as a fast-flowing river washes away the banks during a flood, so it took all the illness and trouble and carried it away with its stream, and helped me cleanse myself.”

Removing damage during the full moon can be done in a freshwater body of water. Go to the water, take off all your clothes and wash your face three times. Shaking off the last drops from your hands, you should read the slander.

“As the last drops fell, the last traces of damage disappeared. Go, evil spirits, into the dark forest, beyond the high mountains, settle there in freedom, don’t catch anyone along the way, and don’t come back to me again.”

How wax will help

Another common ritual that can quickly bring relief is wax casting. To perform the ceremony you need:

  • church candle;
  • transparent vessel;
  • holy water.

The candle should be melted in a water bath and the wick removed. Pour water into a vessel and hold it on the top of your head, and then, pouring wax in a thin stream, begin to read the spell.

“I pour hot wax on it and seal all the damage. I cauterize my evil tongue, I close the paths to my enemies to my threshold and soul. Don’t feed on my power anymore, don’t take my money, don’t dance over my misfortune.”

If your energy field is strong enough, it is better to carry out the ritual on a full moon, then the effect will be much more noticeable and will come faster.

At the end of all manipulations, wrap the wax in black matter and bury it in a vacant lot with words.

“I’ll bury all the evil here, it won’t get out from under the earth.”

Pour out the water at the crossroads and give the vessel to the church. You can cleanse your apartment of evil with the help of a church candle and prayer. Light a torch at the threshold, and while reading “Our Father,” slowly move in a circle counterclockwise, lingering longer in those places where the candle creaks and emits black smoke. After the cleansing ritual, the house needs additional protection in the form of house plants that carry positive energy and cleanse the walls of evil, as well as all kinds of amulets that will prevent dark entities from entering your home.

Protective amulets

Black rituals for the waning moon have a strong effect, but it can be overcome. As they say, “they knock out a wedge with a wedge.” Also with magic, a magical love spell on the moon can be removed by the opposite effect using the lunar disk. Of course, it is much easier to cause damage than to remove it. All this is explained by the fact that the person causing negativity sets his own emotional message and is on the rise in his strength and capabilities, while the “spoiled” person is weakened by the influence of dark entities and therefore the damage will have to be removed in several stages.

“Lunnitsa, kind sister, help me defend myself. My enemies wanted death, they couldn’t wait to drive me into the grave. Never let their plans come true. You show the way to all travelers, so show them the roundabout paths so that they cannot find my house.”

Put on the amulet and wear it without taking it off. Don’t forget that once every six months you need to energetically clean your jewelry with moonlight to remove accumulated negativity, and it’s even better to carry out such cleansing when you notice that you are overwhelmed with melancholy and depression sets in.