Brief description of Dina from the story Prisoner of the Caucasus. The image of Dina in Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

The events of this story by L.N. Tolstoy take place in the Caucasus during the bloody war of conquest under Nicholas I, who sent Russian troops to conquer the Caucasian lands. The plot of the story is simple and clear. The Russian officer Zhilin, who served in the Caucasus, where the war was going on at that time, goes on vacation and on the way is captured by the Tatars. Officer Kostylin, a cowardly and cowardly man, was captured with him. Zhilin escapes from captivity, but unsuccessfully. The secondary escape is successful. Zhilin, pursued by the Tatars, escapes and returns to military unit. The content of the story consists of the impressions and experiences of the hero. This makes the story emotional and exciting. The life of the Tatars and the nature of the Caucasus are revealed by the author realistically, through the perception of Zhilin.

The Tatars, in Zhilin’s view, are divided into kind, warm-hearted and those who are offended by the Russians and take revenge on them for the murder of relatives and the ruin of villages (old Tatar man). Customs, life, and morals are depicted as the hero perceives them.
Tolstoy carefully wrote out the characters of both heroes, clearly showing how differently they behave in the same circumstances. Zhilin - modest Russian officer, “even though he’s not big in stature, he’s brave.” He is courageous, brave, straightforward and humane. In his hands, all sorts of things can be done; he knows how to repair a watch and sculpt toys from clay for Dina. Zhilin is contrasted with a contrasting character - his regimental comrade, officer Kostylin. This is an overweight, fat, indecisive and cowardly person. At a difficult moment, when the Tatars attacked the officers on the road, Kostylin abandons his comrade and gallops to the fortress. Having met Kostylin in captivity, Zhilin does not leave his comrade, and during the escape from captivity he even carries him on his back when Kostylin’s legs hurt. Zhilin shows will, courage, and resourcefulness. Kostylin is selfish and extremely passive.
The image of the Tatar girl Dina is remarkable. She is charming, kind, childishly naive. She feels a feeling of compassion and love for Zhilin. Dina stealthily runs to the pit where he is sitting, brings him milk, cakes, and finally arranges an escape. Zhilin - bright representative the Russian people, who are characterized by perseverance, breadth of soul, and peacefulness.
The writer clearly sympathizes with the main character. And his last name is appropriate: wiry, strong-willed - that’s what they say about a hardy person. Throughout his work, Tolstoy calls on the reader to respect the customs and traditions of people of all nationalities. The writer claims that there are no “good” and “bad” nationalities, but there are good and bad people, and it doesn’t matter at all what color their eyes, hair and skin are...
The story ends with a touching meeting between Zhilin and the Cossacks and soldiers. The story is distinguished by the features of the historical, everyday and adventure genre. It equally actively influences both the feelings and the consciousness of the child reader. After all, the work depicts military events. The image of a courageous hero is drawn, among the characters there is a girl heroine. The story excites children with its sharp plot and energetically developing events. She is available to them figurative language, live dialogue. " Prisoner of the Caucasus"- a highly artistic, truly Russian story.

The image of Dina in the story Prisoner of the Caucasus


Zhilin and Dina belong to different peoples. Zhilin is a Russian officer who was captured by the Tatars. Dina is the daughter of Abdul-Murat, the owner of Zhilin. Their friendship did not begin immediately. Zhilin first saw Dina when she brought him water. The author describes the girl this way. She was thirteen years old and looked like her father. She was dressed in a blue long shirt. At Dina's long hair. At first she was afraid of Zhilin, she looked at Zhilin as if he were some kind of wild beast. Even her father felt funny when Zhilin handed her a jug, and she jumped away from him like a wild goat. When Zhilin settled down a little in the Tatar village, he began making various crafts. First, he made a doll, dressed it in Tatar clothes and placed it on the roof. Dina saw this and called other Tatar girls. Then she saw that Zhilin had gone into the barn and grabbed the doll. This was Dina's first doll. But she was broken by an evil old woman. Zhilin realized that the girl was upset and made the doll even better. This is how their friendship began. Dina brought Zilina food secretly from everyone. She knew that the prisoners were poorly fed. First it was goat's milk, then cheese cakes, and once a piece of lamb. Dina, like Zhilin, loved to help other people. If not for Dina, Zhilin would never have been able to escape a second time. He and Kostylin were put in a deep hole from which the prisoners could not get out. Zhilin felt that Dina would not leave him. He made the girl various figures of horses and dogs from clay. Dina came to the pit the next day and told Zhilin that they wanted to kill them. Zhilin asked Dina to help, but she refused. Zhilin thought that the girl was scared. However, at night a long stick fell into the hole. Zhilin got out along it. Dina helped the Russian officer remove the lock from the shackles. When she failed, she cried with grief. The girl knew that she would never see Zhilin again if she let him run away. But she sacrificed herself, her feelings. Dina not only helped him escape, but also prepared some food. I think that the relationship between Dina and Zhilin can be called true friendship. A thirteen-year-old girl did something that adults could not decide to do. She saved Zhilin from death. And he gave her childhood. I think that the toys made by Zhilin were the first in the girl’s life.

literature gymnasium No. 000

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: - to follow how the image of Dina is created in the novel;

Solve the question of Dina’s role in the work.

BOARD DESIGN: portrait; reproductions illustrating episodes in which Dinah appears; Students' drawings are placed on a separate stand.


1. Teacher's opening speech.

Every work of literature is amazing and beautiful world images, colors and sounds. At the center of this world there is always a person. That's why special place characters always occupy a place in a work - characters works.

The author creates the image of each character using special techniques. And our task is to learn to see them in the text in order to form a complete impression of the hero, learn to understand his feelings and thoughts, and most importantly, understand what role the author assigned to this character in the work.

In previous lessons, we observed how the author created the images of Zhilin and Kostylin. Today we have to work on the image of Dina.

2. Working with the text of the short story “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” At the same time, students make their own notes in their notebooks.

1). Remember what helps to correctly characterize artistic image? What should you first of all pay attention to in the text?



2). Now let's turn to the text. Remember the episode in which Dina appears to the reader for the first time / the episode is read by heart by a previously prepared student/.

From words “Zhilin indicated with his lips and hands that they give him a drink.” to the words “He doesn’t take his eyes off - he looks.”

How is the girl described in this episode? What do we learn about her?

/Dina is shown through the eyes of Zhilin/

What do her clothes say?

How are her movements characterized?

What can you say about the attitude of her father, Zhilin, towards her?

What important things did this episode reveal to us?

3). Let's turn to the second episode.

From words “Zhilin was a master of all kinds of needlework” to the words "throws and runs away".

How is the relationship between Dina and Zhilin developing? / they became friends/

- Has Dina changed? Why did she become attached to Zhilin?

/They are alike; they have a lot in common. At first - curiosity, interest in a new person. Then Dina felt sincere in Zilina, kind person, she began to trust him. Another thing brought them together - a feeling of loneliness: Zhilin is a prisoner, Dina is an orphan. She is lonely, she needs affection, understanding, care. This is not said directly, but the reader is given a hint: an episode where Dina rocks a doll in her arms./

What character traits do we learn about Dina in this episode?

Dina is responsive, knows how to empathize, feel the pain and loneliness of another person; she is caring, kind-hearted, remembers and appreciates goodness, responds in kind, etc.

4). Now let's turn to chapter 6

/ Zilina's escape; pit; the Tatars are embittered, they don’t feed/

- How is Dinah presented in this episode? Has she forgotten about her friend? Read it.

/ « All of a sudden right on his knees..."/

What does the word “suddenly” tell you? Dina's laugh?

/she is happy that she sees Zhilin again and that she managed to surprise him/

Why would she run away but then come back?

/ found out that trouble was threatening Zhilin; she couldn't leave her friend/

What is Dina's condition? What helps you understand this?

/Dina is sad, upset. This can be understood by paying attention to the verbs that convey the girl’s movements. Previously, she ran away, jumped, laughed, but now she became quiet: “she sat and was silent.”/

How is this episode different from the previous two?

/ Dialogue. Zhilin and Dina began to understand each other, they speak(!)/

What new things do we learn about Dina?

/She is a faithful, devoted friend; ready to help, sacrifice herself; will not leave a friend in trouble; thinks not about himself but about a friend; sensitive, brave, decisive, prudent./

“eyes like a cat” / “little eyes like stars”

“jumped like a goat” / “lightly like a goat”

hands / “little hands.., like twigs”

Explain the last sentence of this episode. Why did Dina run away so quickly?

/The hour of farewell has come. It's very hard. And Zhilin has little time. Dina understood this./

5). So, let's summarize our observations. How is the image of Dina created in the work?

/Tolstoy uses comparisons to describe the girl’s movements. It is the movements that give away internal state Dina. The author also creates a portrait. It sounds twice in the work, almost unchanged (“black, light eyes"). However, in the last episode the author chooses words with a more emotional connotation.

Dina looks like heroines folk tales, first of all, his inner beauty, love, loyalty and devotion./

In creating the images of Zhilin and Kostylin, the writer uses speaking names. Let's turn to the interpretation of Dina's name (the assignment was received by the student in advance).

3. Lesson summary.

Guys, you remember that the short story was written by Tolstoy specifically for children. I suggest you solve an important question: “For what purpose does he introduce the image of Dina into his work? What is the role of this character?

/Before us is a work artistic style. As we remember, the task of artistic style is impact. through Dina influences her readers. The narrative becomes warmer in the episodes with the girl. It is she who helps Zhilin escape. She can serve as an example for us of loyalty and devotion.

But the main thing I wanted to show: for kindness, love, mutual understanding, nationality is not important (Dina is Tatar, Zhilin is Russian). People are capable of living in peace and should strive for this. Tolstoy teaches us to love all people, regardless of their nationality and skin color. If there are more stories of friendship like those described in the story, peace will reign on the planet./

Did you like Dina? Would you like to have such a friend?

What do you value most in your friends? What did you learn from the heroine of the story?

We are not saying goodbye to this girl. I suggest you write a letter to your friend at home, telling about a wonderful girl from a distant Caucasian village.

/ / / The image of Dina in Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

Leo Tolstoy's story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” surprises with the brightness of its images and the beauty of its landscapes. It was reprinted many times, which indicates the popularity of the work. is an instructive and fascinating story of courage and loyalty.

Dina is not the main one, but very important character. It's like she female version main character Zhilin. The girl is just as kind, devoted, and loves to help other people.

Dina is the daughter of a Tatar who held captive Russian officers - Zhilin and. She is 13 years old, still young and shy. For clothing, she wore a long blue shirt, trimmed with red at the edges, trousers and shoes. What attracted attention was her long dark hair, braided. And in the braid is a ribbon with a silver ruble. Her eyes are sparkling like stars, and at night they glow like a cat's. The girl was very similar to her father Abdul-Murat - just as beautiful.

Dina and are people from different “worlds”. He is a Russian officer, she is the daughter of a Tatar. Their peoples are at war, but even this did not stop the two kindred spirits from getting closer. True, this did not happen immediately.

Their first meeting took place when Dina brought water to Zilina. He was a strange stranger to her, and so she recoiled from him in fear. So much so that even her father smiled.

Zhilin knew how to make various crafts. Somehow he made it out of clay beautiful doll, dressed her up Tatar clothes, and left it on the roof. Dina saw the toy and, seizing the right moment, took it for herself. The girl was very happy about the doll, because she had never played with them before. Unfortunately, the doll was broken - and Dina was very upset. Then main character I decided to make another doll for her. The girl was happy and, as a sign of gratitude, began to secretly bring food to Zilina. Dina, like a child, generously repaid Zhilin for his kindness. One day she was even able to sneak him a piece of lamb.

When Zhilin thought about escaping, he asked Dina to help him. The girl was scared at first, but at night she made her way to the prisoners and threw down a long stick, along which she could climb up. Dina understood that, having allowed Zhilin to escape, she would not see him again. This means that there will be no one else to make cute toys for her. But she was able to overcome her childish egoism and committed good deed. Parting with her friend, Dina cries, but even then she shows concern by preparing him some food for the road.

Dina is not just a kind, but also a brave girl. By helping the prisoners, she risked incurring her father's wrath. But already in his at a young age she was able to make a moral choice. Dina couldn't let her friend get hurt.

The female image of Dina in Leo Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” is surprisingly bright and very attractive.

In the work of L.N. Tolstoy's "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Dina is minor character, although its role is very significant. This thin thirteen-year-old girl with expressive black eyes is the daughter of the Tatar Abdul-Murat, who kept captive officers.

Dina has the character traits that a true mountain woman possesses. This is respect for the older generation, obedience, modesty and hard work. The girl has never left her village and, obviously, has not seen people of other nationalities, so she experiences fear of captives, and at the same time interest. That’s why she watches with great curiosity how Zhilin drinks and eats; she childishly believed that Russians do such simple things differently. Gradually, Dina realized that the captives were no different from the inhabitants of her village, they were the same people. After Zhilin gave her a doll made by him, the girl stopped being afraid of him and a secret friendship began between them.

Dina is undoubtedly a brave and sympathetic child. Knowing that she could be severely punished by her father for helping the prisoners, she still carried water and food for her new friend. A girl who lives in a society at war with the Russians does not see them as enemies and has great compassion for the captives, trying to make their fate a little easier.

She is a very emotional and vulnerable child; a state of peace is not typical for her. Dina alternately laughs and cries; such a change of mood can be triggered by any minor incident. She has a very developed sense of gratitude. Having received a toy from Zhilin, the girl tried to provide him with the minimum help that was within her power.

Having become attached with all her heart to the main character, Dina took a big risk when she learned that the prisoners were going to be executed. Despite her fear of her father, she did everything to protect her friend from harm. Fear for the life of his comrade overcame the selfishness inherent in children. Dina realized that by helping Zhilin escape, she would lose the communication to which she was accustomed, that there would be no more toys that brought her great joy. She knew that she would never see the man she loved so much.

The brave little heroine shows adult care for her charge. Helping him escape, she makes sure to provide the prisoner with food, at least for a short time.

The concept of “enemy” is alien to Dina; she does not accept violence and has a negative attitude towards war. She does not understand hostility and hatred towards another people, because thanks to her friendship with Zhilin, she understands that all people are the same and have the right to life.

Sample 2

Dina is the heroine of the work “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Readers fell in love with this work because of the description beautiful scenery nature. During the author's lifetime, thousands of copies were printed, which were subsequently distributed throughout the world. All this indicated the unprecedented popularity of the work.

Dina though not main character, but still very important. Many readers began to take her for female embodiment Zilina. She is young, only thirteen years old. Her appearance is always uniform. She wears a long shirt and shoes. She was always the center of attention, or rather her long hair, which she braided into one large and thick braid. And she decorated her braid with bright multi-colored ribbons. She had beautiful eyes, which everyone compared to the eyes of a cat. In general, the girl was very beautiful and looked like her father.

Dina and Zhilin were never like birds of a feather. Zhilin is a serving officer, and Dina is an ordinary daughter of a Tatar. There were many barriers between them. They were of different nationalities, and their peoples were at war with each other. But these contradictions could not prevent their rapprochement. But it just took a lot of time. Dina's first impression of Zilina was not the best. Their first meeting occurred when Dina brought water to Zilina. He scared her and she ran away from him. Dina's father saw this and just laughed.

Zhilin tried his best to improve relations with Dina. He was a craftsman and made a figure of a girl out of clay for her. He dressed her in a beautiful national clothes and left her on the porch. The girl noticed it, took it from the porch and kept it for herself. The girl really appreciated this gift, since no one had given her such gifts before. Unfortunately, she could not save him, and she was often sad about this. Having learned about this, Zhilin made new doll. For these good deeds, Dina began to secretly feed Zhilin.

When Zhilin began planning his escape, he asked Dina for help. She initially refused, but then agreed. At night she brought a stick with which one could climb out of the hole where the prisoners were sitting. She did all this with sadness in her soul, because if Zhilin ran away, no one would make clay dolls for her. She did not give in to her feelings and helped the prisoners escape. In addition to this, she packed a bag of food so that she would not go hungry on the road.

Dina was a kind and sympathetic girl. She did not allow selfishness to appear, and was able to do a good deed.

Essay about Dina

The pages of the story reveal the problem that some people can elevate themselves above others. They arrogate to themselves the right to control the destinies of others. With pain in your soul you read the pages describing the sale of people! This is unacceptable savagery!

But what pride and joy fills the heart when Dina appears on the pages of the story! This is the thirteen-year-old daughter of the highlander Abdul, who bought the Russian captured officer Zhilin.

Dina is an unusually kind and brave girl. She is modest and shy, as befits all mountain women. She gradually makes contact with Zhilin, who, with tenderness and enviable skill, sculpts clay dolls for the children of the village. The girl was very interested in these figures. However, she, showing to them big interest, still doesn’t take them at first. For her, Zhilin was a stranger.

But soon everything changes. The girl feels kindness and care from the Russian officer. Gradually, a great friendship develops between them, as modest as Dina herself.

Dina's kindness is special. It's not so difficult to be kind in normal circumstances. It is much more difficult to demonstrate this quality in relation to the enemy. This is precisely the peculiarity of the character of this smart girl.

What willpower and courage one must have in order to show generosity and mercy towards the enemy!

Dina's kindness is dangerous for her. Only very brave and desperate man will risk his well-being for the sake of stranger. Dina takes this risk. And she does this consciously, understanding what helping the prisoner could mean for her.

At the beginning of the story, she takes a risk by bringing the Russian officer flat cakes, milk, and pieces of lamb. At the end of the work, her help to Zhilin takes on more serious proportions. It's one thing to feed a man, and another to provide him with a ladder with which he can escape from his father's barn.

A child’s heart is more sensitive to the pain and grief of a person against whom everyone in the village has taken up arms. Dina cannot leave her friend in trouble. She turns out to be taller than the adult Kostylin, who at the beginning of the story abandons Zhilin at the sight of the “Tatars”. And even if the hero’s escape had failed, the girl’s act would be considered a feat.

Dina is a person you can admire endlessly!

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