Games - pranks for a friendly company. Prank games and humorous competitions for children

Children love various funny ideas, tricks and pranks, so games with elements of humor are very successful in children's groups. Children like to enjoy themselves and amuse their friends and loved ones, and adults should encourage this desire, because children’s participation in funny competitions and funny pranks develops a sense of humor, helps them to relax and teaches them how to get out of difficult situations with brilliance.

Proposed games - pranks and humorousEuropean competitions for children will decorate a children's party and will be useful for organizing leisure time in holiday camps or at school events (idea of ​​the selection by T. Obraztsova).

1. Prank - a trick with photographs.

Prepare two strings with very small magnets. Tie one around a photo that you mix with other photos. Announce to the guests that you will now show a photo trick, that is, using the simplest string, pull out of the box one special photo that has a “very creepy story” associated with it (“come up with a very creepy story” in advance).

By throwing the string into the box, you will attract the photo with a magnet. Moreover, everything will look as if the rope itself wrapped the photo and tied itself into a knot. Having taken out the photo, “finish off” the guests with your amazing story. Put it in the box

2. Raffle for guests "Young Palmist"

This prank will delight the guests gathered in your home and will certainly bring pleasure to the performer - your son or daughter. The point is to tell the child something about each of the guests in advance, and then, with an air of significance, announce that your child is making great strides in palmistry. Let the young palmist behave mysteriously, use his artistic abilities, prepare a little to use different terms about the life line, Mount of Venus, etc., and give out the information received from you.

Such fun is especially useful if it gives children the opportunity to have fun, participate in an entertainment program and bring benefits.

3. A fun team game for children, “Bullseye!”

Two teams of 10 - 15 people line up. They are given one apple, which must be passed from the first player to the last, holding the fruit between the chin and chest. The one who drops the apple is out of the game. The team earns as many points as there are players left in the line.

Then the participants must eat this apple: they again pass it to each other, biting off a piece. Whoever ate it faster gets 5 points. Then we add up the points for the two competitions and identify the winner.

4. Humorous competition "Torture with balloons"

To organize a relay race you need to recruit 2 - 3 teams of three people.

First stage competition: a balloon, filled with half a glass of water when inflated, must be carried on the head to the intended goal. If the ball falls, then it is picked up and continues to move.

Second phase: Holding the ball between their knees, players must jump to the finish line.

If the ball bursts, the team receives a penalty point.

Third stage: We place the ball on the badminton racket and proceed to the finish line.

Fourth: holding the ball in the air, you need to reach the goal with it.

Points in this team humor competition

are counted for each ball brought to the finish line intact.

5. Surprise for friends “Miracles of telepathy”

This pre-prepared surprise for friends may be unraveled, but it will add excitement and variety to the holiday fun. To organize this prank, it is not at all necessary to have telepathic abilities, but a good memory will not hurt at all.

The bottom line is this: before guests arrive in the premises (others - not where the feast will take place), it is necessary to hide pieces of paper with numbers from 1-25 in advance, all in different places that will not be visible (under a flower pot, under a microwave, etc.) .p.) and remember (!) where which number is located.

Then, at one point during the holiday, the owner announces that he has telepathic abilities and offers to guess the number conceived by someone, asks to write it down on a piece of paper, he himself comes out and pretends that he has just done this and says, the note with the conceived number is there -That. Guests compare what is written and what is found...and admire, this happens several times.

6. Raffle "Wishes Come True"

This draw is suitable for any company, you just need to agree with someone in advance. This person must knock on your door at the appointed time and deliver your “order.” You can order any treat: cake, champagne, ice cream. The task of the one who is playing is literally 5 minutes. before the “order” arrives, start a conversation with the guests about how he wants something tasty, and argue with those present that with the power of thought he will now “create a miracle.” You can play out a small telepathic session. This is where the person with the order should appear.

7. Fun prank "Congratulations!"

A cool prank for a group of teenagers. You need to choose one of your friends who you will make “birthday boy”. On the morning of the weekend, all the “conspirators” take turns calling the “birthday boy” and congratulating him on his birthday. And so on all day. Despite the fact that the victim of the prank will deny and say that his name day is only in six months, the conspirators gather in the evening, buy cake, wine and flowers and go to visit the “birthday boy”. What a reason to have a great weekend evening!

8. "Fountain on a hot day"

This prank is especially appropriate as a small one. Buy a bottle of soda, shake it well, and offer anyone in your group a nice refreshing drink. When your friend starts to unscrew the cork, it is better to move away from him - a fountain of sparkling water will spill out of the bottle. If you consider it necessary, then run away from your friend!

9. Joke at the party “You ruined my jacket!”

For this prank you will need a spool of thread. It should be placed in the pocket of your friend’s jacket, coat or cardigan. Moreover, the tip of the thread must hang outside. The person wearing the jacket will either see the thread himself or you will pay attention to it. When you try to remove a thread from clothing, a rather comical situation will result.

10. "The Coolest"

For this joke you will need a wooden egg, which will be perfectly similar to the real one, and an ordinary hard-boiled one. Invite one of the guests to crush a wooden egg in the palm of one hand. He, of course, cannot do this. Then, cleverly replacing the wooden egg with a real one, perform the same trick. Your egg will certainly burst. So you can proclaim yourself the strongest strongman, or rather “the coolest”

11. Competition "Pinch - flake!"

First, the host selects two participants, blindfolds them, and asks the guests to help him and attach as many clothespins to the players as possible in the most unexpected places. Second stage: now the players must blindly remove the clothespins from each other. Time - 2 min. whoever has more wins.

12. "Crazy Barbers"

Dial 5 - 6 pairs: boy-girl and announce a hairdressing competition. It is better to choose girls with long hair, they will be “clients”. We blindfold the girls. We give the guys colored and shiny varnishes, various hair ties and hair clips. We time it for 5 minutes. There are no limits to the flight of fancy of “crazy barbers”. The winner is the one who finishes in 5 minutes. will create the most stunning hairstyle.

13. "Super Makeup Artist"

The principle of the game is the same as in “Crazy Barbers,” only here, instead of blindfolds, there will be a complete absence of a mirror and instead of hairdressing, there will be a chance to be known as the best makeup artist of the season. Each participant is given a set of cosmetics, which he applies to himself without looking. We also evaluate the winner based on the extravagance of their makeup.

14. "Let's claim the record!"

The Guinness Book of Records contains many of the most “stupid” achievements, so why not fool around and add to this collection? (Just remember the safety rules)

We are recruiting 2 teams of 10 people. The game takes place in three rounds. First, the teams are given a dish of pasta. They are allowed to be eaten without using hands. The presenter records the time during which the people consumed the first dish, and we move on to the second. In this case, the number of players is halved. This time we serve watermelons or melons, cut into large slices. Here, too, the time of “dealing with” the product is recorded.

For dessert - three large bottles of soda. There are also three players. How long will it take them to drink one and a half liters of water? We record the time. Then we summarize: the team that (based on the total time) of the three competitions ate faster receives a prize - a big cake.

15. "Gourmets"

You will need “exotic” products: boiled turnips, diet bread, drinking whey, any greens.

Five players should not see what is on the table - we blindfold them. Their task is to name the foods in the ears of the presenter’s five assistants in three bites. The answers are recorded and announced afterwards. Whichever player guessed the most products is a good job.

16. "Cool Cooks"

21. Raffle “How to play cuckaramboo?”

No more than 20 people sit in a circle.

Host: “Do you know how to play kukaryamba?” The player, of course, responds. Which is not. Then asks the same question to the next one. So it all comes back to the presenter: “I also don’t know how to play kukaryamba. Then why are you all sitting here?” - and pushes his neighbor in the side.

22. "Ambiguous Statement"

We are recruiting boy-girl pairs. We tie them back to back and give them a variety of tasks: dance the gypsy, wash the dishes, cut onions, and so on.

23. "Crocodile" with forgery"

Here the player needs to depict for his team the item that is indicated on the paper. But the players agree in advance that they cannot understand what is being portrayed to them.

24. "School of Scarecrows"

We line up the participants in a circle and ask them to: spread their feet shoulder-width apart, raise their arms up, and make the scariest face they can. And now, swaying like trees during a hurricane, pronounce various sounds in a scary voice, as if you are scaring someone. Congratulations! You have successfully passed the certification at Scarecrow School!

25. "Babok-Ezhek Competition"

We recruit 2 teams and give each a broom or broom. Then we arrange tests for the players: overcome an obstacle course, take each team member to the finish line, dance tango on a broom, etc. Such a competition is especially good for a thematic game program, for example, dedicated to folk tales.

26. "Fun Relay Race"

Two teams are needed.

We organize a whole range of competitions for them:

1 carry a full glass of water to the finish line;

2. We carry a head of cabbage on our heads;

5. one holds the player by the legs, and he hurries to the finish line on his hands;

6. two players carry a third player in their clasped hands to the finish line;

7. jumping in bags;

8. clasp hands back to back;

9. tie your legs to your legs and go to the finish line;

10. We blindfold ourselves and look for the finish line.

27. "Wall Walking"

There are as many people playing as can fit against the wall. We stand facing the wall and place our palms on it. The presenter asks various funny questions. With each correct answer, the player “steps” with his palm up. The funniest thing begins when everyone’s hands are raised to the limit, and the presenter keeps asking and asking his questions.

28. "Luntiki"

Let's form a circle. The presenter gets down on all fours and crawls inside the circle saying: “Be-be-be! I am Luntik number one! Which of the players laughed and took the same pose, only calling himself “Luntik number two (three, four, etc.)”

29. "Istanbul Donkey"

We remove five players. Everyone else stands in a circle. They should shout as loudly as possible: “I am the Istanbul donkey!” The presenter chooses the one who turns out to be vocal in his place. Yes - several times. Then we let in the first removed player. We do the same with him, and when he understands that he needs to scream louder than everyone else, we launch the third one. But the players must immediately be warned that when the second deleted one appears, everyone needs to be silent, then only one will call himself an ass, i.e. the first participant removed.

We repeat this trick with all other players who are waiting for their turn.

30. "Who do you look like?"

The presenter comes out, and the players make a wish for someone present. Then the presenter asks questions like “what tree is this person like?” or “what animal?”

It turns out very funny if the presenter himself makes a mystery. If he manages to guess, then the hidden person is revealed. If not, then it all starts again.

31. "Strange Animal"

The presenter's task is to make a wish and show the animal using pantomime. But the players agree in advance that under no circumstances will they name the correct answer, even if they guess. So the game with the poor leader continues until he realizes what is happening.

32. "Complicated Relationships"

Your name: *
Your email: *

The company will decorate wonderfully, and will also be very useful on April 1st. We offer you a few examples:

Tastes could not be discussed

Take a large laundry detergent box, place a clean plastic bag in it and fill it with some edible white powder (e.g. formula, powdered milk)

If there is a large crowd of strangers (in the institute lobby, in a subway car...), take out the box, spoon, and begin to confidently eat the contents of the box... The main thing is not to look at anyone and not to laugh.

Your friends watching the reaction of others will simply burst with laughter. And if they film you and the surprise of passers-by, you will still have a reason to laugh for a long time)))

If you have guests and you don’t know how to send them home. Call your home phone from your cell phone. Pick up the phone and pretend that you are listening to the news with fear! Or go into another room, and then shout “Fire!”, “Fire!” run to the guests.

Who's on fire?

I didn’t hear... one of you!

Place a sheet of paper (minimum A4 size) on your desk. Glue a glass jar (for example, baby food) to the very center of the sheet with regular glue; you don’t even have to cover it with a lid. At first glance, you can see that there is nothing in the jar.

Along the edges of the sheet, scribble paper clips, buttons, place a column of small coins, a stack of water... - do not glue all this. And with a thick red felt-tip pen write a menacing warning: “ATTENTION! DO NOT LIFT THE JAR UNDER ANY EVENT!”

The combination of a completely empty jar and a threatening warning, as well as forbidden fruit and human curiosity, will sooner or later lead to the fact that someone around him will not stand it and... stealthily lift the jar! And since the jar is glued, the sheet of paper will bend, and all the little things located on it will fall in all directions)))

Good Offices Bureau

The Good Offices Bureau wishes you good night.

After waiting a few seconds, repeat this phrase until your friend hangs up)))

When seeing off a tipsy guest, watch with pleasure how he tries to put on his jacket: his left hand seems to fit through, but his right hand just doesn’t get into the sleeve...

The guest believes that his drunkenness is to blame. And if he doesn’t want to advertise it, it is very likely that he will pretend that everything is fine with him and maybe even, after several attempts, taking the jacket in his hands, he will leave without getting dressed...

And only you will know that the cause of the problem lies not in the guest himself, but in the right sleeve of his jacket, which you sewed up at the very base a few minutes ago)))

Bring two kettles into the room - one with boiling water, the other with water at room temperature. Bring both teapots with a napkin, showing that you are hot.

From one of them, in front of everyone, pour some hot tea for the guests, and offer to hold the other (with cold water) for the time being to one of the guests (the victim of the prank), quickly placing it on his knees with the words “Caution, boiling water!”

It couldn’t be simpler, but in any company the victim’s further actions generate a burst of laughter)))

Remember, of course, one very important thing: not all of your friends have nerves of steel and health. And many people simply don’t understand jokes. Be very careful and don't overact. There is a measure for everything. Let funny pranks will only be kind and!

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Pranks played on friends on April 1 are usually the funniest and safest - after all, you can probably predict how a particular friend will react to your April Fool's joke. Of course, you don’t have to stand on ceremony with your friends, but still know when to stop and don’t overdo it with jokes for your friends on the first of April. In our selection of jokes and pranks for April 1, there will probably be something suitable for your boyfriend or girlfriend. We sincerely wish you that not only you yourself, but also your friends will enjoy your joke. Prank your friends on the first of April and laugh heartily!

10 funniest April 1st pranks for friends

Don't know how to play a fun prank on your friends or classmates on April 1? Then this selection of the funniest and most harmless April Fools' pranks is for you! We invite you to have fun and spend an unforgettable April Fool's Day with your friends.

Really white back

You probably remember a joke from childhood when everyone deceived each other with the words “Your back is white.” In this prank you will actually have to stain the clothes of the person being pranked with chalk. To do this, you need to smear your hand with chalk. Then you approach the object of the prank and pat him on the shoulder in a friendly manner, saying: “And your back is white!...... Happy April 1st!” The victim, of course, will not react to this joke in any way, since she has a strong long-term immunity to this joke. As a rule, the “object of the joke” walks around happy with a really white back and thinks that he did not fall for the old bait.

Fortune telling with matches

Invite your girlfriend or friend to tell fortunes about your future fate. You give a box of matches and ask them to carefully break off the heads. You meticulously inspect the result of the work and ask for it to be remade. Then you insert matches into the victim’s nose, ears, hair, teeth, meticulously examine the result and, finally, show the victim your reflection in the mirror with the question: “Well, who needs you so scary?”

Drawing "Eagle Drawing"

Challenge your friend to draw an eagle in three seconds. Naturally, your friend will agree. Draw an egg. In response to your friend’s bewilderment, say: “Wait until it hatches.”

Smoking friend prank

This prank is suitable for the most gloomy and boring member of your company - the main condition is that he is a smoker. Invite him to try the cigarettes that a foreign friend allegedly presented to you. After your friend smokes a cigarette, you quietly turn on Indian music, quietly let in the chickens hidden in advance (or other living creatures that you can get) and wait for the reaction of your “stoned” friend. The main thing is for the whole company to behave as usual.

Drawing "DUNYA"

During a lively conversation, ask your interlocutor: “By the way, do you know how the word DUNYA stands for.” The natural answer will be: “No, but how?” “We Have No Fools.” In 90% of cases the interlocutor says: “and me?”

Fun with thread

The draw can be held in a hostel or on a business trip with a friend. A thick or harsh thread is placed in a zigzag pattern under the sheet of the victim in the bed. The other end should be imperceptibly extended to the place from where you will control the “insidious snake”. When your friend (girlfriend) goes to bed in the evening, you should slowly pull out the thread, and the person in the bed will have a feeling of something moving under the sheet.

Prank with a straw

Take a straw and pierce it with a needle. Pour water into a glass, put a straw and ask a friend to drink the water through the straw.
I assure you, nothing will work out for him.

Fun prank of friends in nature

If you are planning to celebrate outdoors on April 1, this joke is just what you need. Unnoticed by the others, you step aside and dump a jar of squash caviar on the ground, scattering scraps of toilet paper around it. Having called on your friends to follow you in search of firewood, you, as if by chance, stumble upon this pile, and with a cry of “Fresh food!”, you pull out a spoon and begin to eat caviar. The effect is amazing.

Ice with mentos

Mentos tablets frozen in ice and dropped into your boyfriend's carbonated drink will produce the effect of a bomb exploding.

Broken friend's phone

For this draw, you will have to find a gadget case for sale, or a broken phone that looks like your friend’s expensive smartphone. Ask a friend for his expensive phone to call. While imitating a conversation, step aside and quietly replace his device with a pacifier. Carefully put the real gadget in your pocket. When talking, pretend that you are quarreling with someone, violently express your emotions, and at the right moment, when the owner of an expensive phone becomes wary and begins to listen, you are furious, smash the imitation of an expensive gadget on the floor with all your might and trample it under your feet. Anyone will believe such a realistic joke. Don’t forget to then take out a safe and sound phone and give it to a friend.

And finally, a little tough - a prank in the “hardcore” style

We present a drawing for April 1st for your friends who have strong mental substance and strong nerves.
For this joke, you need to print the face of a famous person (this could be a famous movie star or singer) on photo paper and place this photo in a bottle with yellow filling (for example, tea). In reality, the head in the jar looks very believable. Place the jar in a visible place and invite a friend to visit you. It is better to record the reaction on video.)

How to prank your friends using apps on your phone

For the lazy ones, the App Store (Googl Play) offers a wide variety of applications that will help you play a funny joke on your friends and acquaintances on April 1st.

With the Fake-A-Call app, the President, Voldemort and other celebrities can call you. The application will simulate an incoming call, and you can choose the name of the “caller” and his photo yourself. The program provides 18 male and female voices, which will not allow people nearby to suspect that the application user is talking to himself. Additional voices can be recorded yourself or purchased for an additional fee. The user can program the time of the telephone draw.

If you have a large and noisy company for your birthday, then to entertain everyone we offer you interesting and original jokes.
If you miss a cheerful mood and want to have a good time on your birthday - then our funny pranks for you! Why wait until April 1st to make a joke on your friends or co-workers at work, because you can do it on your birthday, you will definitely be forgiven for even the most cruel pranks, because it’s your birthday, which means you’re the king of the party today!

Fun prank "Light Bulb"

For this fun prank you will need two people, preferably a guy and a girl. The two presenters take them to different rooms where the task will be explained to them. They explain to the guy that he will have to take a chair in the room and screw in an imaginary light bulb. But the girl will try to dissuade him in every possible way, and he must convince her that this is necessary. Without words.
The girl is told that her boyfriend is now going to hang himself, and she must protect him from this. Of course, according to the rules - without words.
And they are brought to a room where all the spectators, meanwhile, already know the rules of the game.

Fun card game

2 people work in pairs. You need a table and a deck of cards.
One of the two people volunteers to perform the trick.
The second one works with him incognito (they agree to fool everyone in advance)
The "magician" leaves the room or turns away.
9 cards are laid out on the table - three in a row.
People who are shown the trick choose one of the cards and call the leader.
The presenter's task is to determine which card is selected.
Next, a partner gets involved. To interact with the presenter, he needs some rectangular object - a box of cards, for example, will do.
He, as if by chance, points his finger at a place on the object, thereby schematically determining the position of the card. Next, the presenter, having demonstrated passes over the cards laid out on the table, shows the hidden card.
After which everyone wants to repeat the experience and this continues until you are discovered.
The task is not to laugh at this, otherwise they will immediately burn you and the fun will end.

Funny joke "Gentleman"

We kick the guy out the door and promise that we will invite him to an interesting competition.
Two girls dress up, put on makeup, create an atmosphere of the nineteenth century, you can put a bottle of wine on the table. In the meantime, we are building a bench - from stools, with a tightly stretched blanket. We seat the girls at the edges of this “bench”.
We invite the guy into the room and explain to him that he will have to seem like a real gentleman. We immerse him in the atmosphere of the nineteenth century. There are two girls sitting on the bench, he will now have to immediately determine which one he likes better, and show her his sympathy in such a way as not to offend the second one, and in order for him to decide how to do this, we give him twenty seconds to think.
90% that the guy will first just sit between two girls and... plop down on the floor!

The joke is that in this imaginary bench there is no stool in the middle, and the tightly stretched blanket creates the illusion of a solid surface. In a slightly more cruel version of this prank, you can put a basin of water under an imaginary bench ;-)

Raffle "Cobweb"

The drawing is held when enough people are sleeping in the room, and they are sleeping soundly. An ordinary thread is used to tie the thumb of one person, the foot of another, the hand of a third, the elbow of the first, etc.
Those who wake up remain silent and help those who bind.

Fun prank "Tomato"

First, an exciting game is played: a small denomination bill is placed on a table or stool between two players, and at the signal from the leader, it must be slapped on top first. To stir up the excitement, you can even give it to the winner, and take the next bet from the loser. Further, the rules become more complicated, the players are blindfolded.

And when everything is ready, the presenter exchanges the bill for a tomato before the signal! Both hit him at the same time, the audience rejoices.

Cruel prank with bananas

Let's prank the girls. We announce to them that now there will be a competition to see who can eat the banana the fastest, the girls are blindfolded to make it more difficult. Once they are blindfolded, a condom is placed on each of the bananas! We bring the girls down and let them take hold of the very beginning of the banana, where we leave the skin.
On the start command they must begin; In theory, the prank should be accepted normally :)

Champagne raffle

A man begins to uncork a bottle of champagne and at that moment starts an argument: “I bet I can drink 30 grams of champagne from this bottle now?” People around you begin to be perplexed, wonder how this is possible, and agree to argue. Then he turns the bottle over and pours it from another bottle into its concave bottom and takes a sip. If you are scrupulous with numbers, measure in advance how much it is :)

"Hidden Camera" Competition

Agree with the owner of the apartment and film the toilet in advance by standing on a chair and raising the camera higher. Well, sort of like a hidden camera. It is important that the image does not shake. When someone goes to the toilet during the party, quickly instruct the company and turn on the recording. Upon returning, the victim will see on the TV screen an image of the toilet where he had just been, and the whole company is rolling with laughter.
Naturally, the victim’s first thought will be that “everyone saw everything”...

Competition "Pharaoh"

A blindfolded man is brought into the room and his hands begin to be moved over the lying “Pharaoh” from bottom to top (the role of “Pharaoh” is played by one of the dedicated participants. The rest of the “victims” are waiting outside the door). Mournful music and words sound: “This is the pharaoh, here are his legs, this is the pharaoh, here are his hips, this is the pharaoh, here is his stomach, ..., here is his head, this is the pharaoh, here are his brains!” With these words, the victim’s hands are immersed in a pan with boiled cold pasta (horns, shells, etc.) mixed with ketchup.
P.S. Everyone screams, even the guys.

How to earn money for a glass of beer by arguing

Of course, you need to choose the appropriate moments and company.

I bet you can't step over the pencil.
I'll put it on the floor and you won't step over it!!!
How to win an argument? Place the pencil on the floor flat against the wall.
“I bet you won’t budge me, even if we stand on the same newspaper opposite each other.”
Solution: the newspaper is placed on the threshold of the door so that when you close the door, you find yourself on the side where the door does NOT open. Try it, you'll definitely win a glass of beer!
- You bet I can jump higher than the refrigerator?
Solution: You jump 10 cm and say that you jumped higher, since the refrigerator cannot jump at all.

Ask your colleagues to guess a number from two to ten, then multiply it by nine, add the digits of the number together and subtract four from it. The result is always five.

Next, viewers need to remember the letter corresponding to five (this is D) and guess the country for this letter (most often it is Denmark). Now you need to guess the animal starting with the third letter in the name of the country (most often it is a rhinoceros).

Presenter's response:

But rhinoceroses are not found in Denmark...

There is a Print Srceen button on the keyboard, which makes a copy of the image that is currently on the screen. If you then go to the Paint graphic editor and press two Shift and Insert buttons simultaneously, this image will appear in the program. Next, it must be saved in a folder that the victim does not open very often.

Make this picture your background image and remove the actual icons from view by dragging them off the screen.

A colleague turns on her computer and starts clicking on shortcuts that don't work.

The only thing that will save the situation is another picture made as a background image and the “arrange icons” function.

A metal wire is rolled into an arc and an elastic band is attached to it (for example, for hair).

A five-ruble coin is tightly twisted into this elastic band until it stops. Holding the coin, wrap the entire structure in paper. Decorate beautifully with colored ribbons and use gift wrapping. Give a gift to a female colleague with the words:

A friend of mine brought a dried scorpion of a rare species from America. It costs a lot of money, and I’m giving it to you.

Of course she'll want to see what's inside. When most of the packaging is unwrapped, the pressure on the elastic band will weaken and it will begin to unwind. The lady will think that there is something alive inside and will behave accordingly.

Take a spool of thread that contrasts with your suit and place it in your inner pocket.

Bring a small piece of thread out. It turns out that there is some kind of thread on your new suit. Of course, there will be someone who will pay attention to this. Ask him to remove the trash from your clothes.

When a friend pulls the thread and it doesn’t end, the laughter will be proportional to the alcohol consumed.

Invite your friend to hold a coin heated over a candle flame in his hand for a bet. If he agrees, use tweezers to heat the coin, accompanying the rise in temperature with lamentations and scary stories. When the heating process is complete, turn the other way and quickly change the coin to a cold one, place the cold coin in your friend’s palm and say: “Pshhh...”

This prank will work well with the leader, but provided that he has a good sense of humor. So, the victim gets out of his car and sees a huge crowd of model-looking girls who throw themselves on his neck and shout that they “want to win!!! " Newspapers with a photograph of the boss on the front page are already “waiting” on his desk. They say that he sponsored a beauty contest and became its chief judge. In response to all questions, the assistants say that he himself gave the order, and even show documents. Next, the secretary brings him a huge package with photographs of girls, one of which should be the winner.

When the boss has completely stopped understanding what is happening, his colleagues come in and congratulate him on his birthday.

You can play a very annoying colleague who tortured everyone with his moralizing. Approach him and say that you have come up with a program that can recognize the color of a floppy disk. Of course, they won’t take your word for it and will go look at this miracle of technology. The main thing is to prepare in advance and put a non-working mouse next to the computer, and hide a real one, preferably a wireless one, behind your back. The victim sits down at the computer, inserts a floppy disk, presses Enter, and the computer writes “red”, the colleague, in slight bewilderment, inserts a black floppy disk - and the inscription “black” appears. This prank is based on a regular program that produces words depending on whether you press the left or right mouse button. That is, you, standing nearby, simply press buttons. But if your colleague is not such a simpleton and decides to insert, for example, a green floppy disk, program in advance a certain combination of presses (twice - left, once - right), and let the computer, “thinking”, write something like: “Ugly color, I can’t understand - I’m tired.”