What does the color yellow represent? She put on a yellow dress and charmed us

The first association with the color yellow is sunlight, and it is especially important after a long winter. Spring, revitalization, joy, sociability, fussiness are the main characteristics of yellow. This is the color of flowering, ripening, fertility.

This tone refers to the feminine essence: from ancient Egypt to the present day. In Greek mythology, it belonged to Aphrodite, Athena and Apollo.

Women are, first of all, the famous female logic, which looks like incoherent replicas of the subconscious. So it is, yellow can be described as a manifestation of the subconscious. This quality attracts psychologists, who can tell a lot about your nature and mental state by the way you accept, reject or ignore it. Refusing it is a sign of an unstable psyche.

Yellow is the color of intuition, the desire for intellectual adventure, it helps to perceive the world objectively, although it also accompanies fussiness and good frivolity. His connection with the subconscious gives him the power of insight, the birth of an idea. So Buddha appeared to people in sunny robes. Buddhism itself is built on the idea of ​​self-knowledge, enlightenment, which is associated with the luminous aura that yellow represents. In Christianity, this is the light emanating from God, angels and saints, it symbolizes the height of spiritual qualities.

What is the dark side of yellow? Lies, betrayal, treason, clouding of consciousness are often also attributed to this tone: for example, the yellow press is a lie, yellow flowers are a symbol of treason, a yellow house is a haven for the insane. If you look closely, all these qualities are associated with the subconscious, which insidiously strives for power and pleasure.

Shades of yellow

Shades of this color can be divided into:
pale, pastel colors, such as pale yellow, vanilla, champagne, etc.;
bright and clean: lemon, canary, signal, etc.;
deep yellow: sunny yellow, banana, corn...;
with orange undertone: apricot, amber, saffron...;
with a hint of blue: honey, gold, mustard...;
beige-yellow tones: fawn, sand, straw...;
green-yellow shades: gray-yellow, pear, olive yellow...;
dark yellow: curry, golden oak, tan...;

You can look in more detail about each shade in the section: yellow colors, and also expand your understanding of it by studying: 134 photos with names.

The use of yellow in the interior

1 It has been proven that children do not stain yellow walls.. This opens up enormous opportunities for its use in children’s rooms, kindergartens, and areas at shopping centers. Children in such premises are cheerful and enterprising, because it activates the body, charging it with optimism and enthusiasm.

2 It increases productivity, use it for work rooms. This tone is an optimal catalyst for intellectual activity, promotes mental health and rapid restoration of strength. However, its bright shades can be irritating, so stick to muted shades.

3 It can be used abundantly in home and outdoor interiors. The positive effect of this color on the psyche will keep you in a good mood. It improves perception, making the “picture” clearer and more saturated. Creates the feeling of a nice sunny day even if there is bad weather outside.

4 Use yellow in sanatoriums and recreation centers: it will dispel boredom, “suggest” new ideas for leisure activities and simply maintain the general spirit of relaxation.

5 It should not be used in hospitals, in order to avoid increased irritability of patients, this may complicate treatment. It is especially rejected by people with alcoholism and pregnant women with an “unwanted” child, etc.

The use of yellow in clothing

Yellow is a bright, active color that attracts attention without being riveting. Easy to perceive, and if it is not extremely bright, then it can be called unobtrusive.

1 It visually expands the volume, like all warm and light colors, but a well-chosen combination and cut can nullify this effect.

2 Bright yellow is not for everyone, combined with a cold shade of the face of weak contrast - it can highlight all the imperfections. But the skin will remain fresh and attractive. Bright yellow also looks good on a contrasting type of appearance () (for other types other shades of this tone are suitable)

3 Wearing clothes of this color can irritate your teachers or superiors.. This is because tired people reject it, and if they lead you or you depend on them, you may pay for your carelessness.

4 Don't wear it to business meetings. Firstly, due to its irritating effect. And secondly, because you will be considered not serious, and perhaps even deceitful.

Yellow color goes well

Yellow color creates bright, rich, festive combinations. Here we look at a combination with a classic deep pink color. You can use these tables for your use in any application: be it interior design, clothing, makeup, crafts, art, etc.

So, 9 palettes:

Color combination: yellow and pink- feminine, light, sunny. It is filled with lightheartedness and a feminine scent. It can be bright - with shades of fuchsia or delicate - with pastel colors. Example: a pair with white and pink, Barbie, hot pink, fuchsia, raspberry.

Combination of yellow and red- ardent, catchy. It is not suitable for the ordinary, everyday. This combination is designed to change ideas, it seems to be on fire, and its light beckons us. The palette is composed of scarlet, cinnabar, terracotta, mahogany, and wine.

Combination of yellow and orange- a combination of related shades, but it is more similar to the previous pair: it burns just like tongues of flame. Intense, daring, exciting the psyche, the couple attracts attention. Consider a palette with light peach, peach, fiery,
red-orange, red.

The combination of yellow with shades of its range it's more of a backdrop for other combinations, since similar tones won't be very light or dark for decent contrast. For example: combination with vanilla, pale yellow, sunny yellow, corn, gold.

Yellow goes well with warm shades of green forms a contrasting, juicy pair. Saturated yellow activates its undertone in green, but itself is practically lost, remaining just a sunny background. Consider combinations with chartreuse, herbs, greens, brown-greens, dark greens.

Yellow goes well with cool shades of green forming a contrast of warm and cold, light and dark. However, the main color in such a neighborhood also becomes a little cooler, so the purer it is, the more pleasant the combination. The palette includes neon green, mint, kelly, emerald, and malachite.

Have you noticed how much yellow is around us now? Autumn...

Yellow color means:

1. States associated with positive energy: fun, release of tension, joy, celebration, play, beauty.

The yellow slave girl from the fairy tales “1001 Nights” praises her beauty in the following way: “My color is dear in this world, like pure gold. And how many advantages I have, and the poet told me about someone like her: Her yellowness shines like the beautiful color of the sun. She is equal in appearance to Dinar.”

An Arab poet of the 9th century praises the beauty of a woman dressed in a yellow dress:

She put on a yellow dress and charmed us

And she captivated and won many hearts and eyes.

In Amir Khosrow Dehlavi's poem “The Eight Gardens of Eden,” the main character, the Shah, visits the yellow palace on Sunday, the most joyful day of the week. At the conclusion of this chapter of the poem, the praise of yellow is sung:

The most noble color! This color

Lovers have unanswered cheeks.

Gold heals us from ailments,

Because the color of saffron is poured into it.

...and the sun, emerging from behind the mountains,

Paints the space gold.

And the fatty pilaf on the dish smells spicy,

Seasoned with a smile of saffron.

2. Magical effect - immortality, happiness in marriage, treatment of diseases that cause yellowness of the body, the sign of the earth and the feminine principle of yin.

In ancient China, the abode of the dead was called the “Yellow Keys,” but the yellow crane was an allegory of immortality. (E.V. Zavadskaya, 1975). In India, the newlywed covers her hands with yellow to ensure happiness and unanimity in her marriage. (D. Foley, Encyclopedia of Signs and Symbols, 1997).

Treatment of jaundice in ancient India: “... the basis of the magical operation was to drive away the yellow color from the patient to yellow creatures and objects to which the yellow color stuck, such as the sun. (The ritual was accompanied by spells that sent “jaundice to the sun”). The same healing power was attributed to one yellow variety of jackdaw and especially to its huge golden eyes. It was believed that if you look closely into its eyes and the bird responds with the same look, then the person will be cured - the disease will pass on to the bird... Pliny ... also attributes the same property to a certain yellow stone, similar in color to the complexion of the patient.”

In Greece, this disease is still called the “golden disease” and a golden amulet or ring allegedly helps to cure it... (D. Frazer. The Golden Branch).

3. A sign of distinction in society, the ritual clothing of a priest, signs of royal and priestly power - a rod, an orb, a cross... Here the yellow color is shown on precious textures and materials - such as gold, silk, brocade, semi-precious stones.

The main Chinese demiurge god Huang Di was called the “Yellow Emperor” (E.V. Zavadskaya).

And David took the crown of their king from his head, and in it was a gold talent and a precious stone, and David put it on his head... (2 Sam. 12:30)

And the king stretched out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand, and Esther came and touched the end of the scepter. (Esther 5:2)

4. The language of communication with gods and spirits - glory, divine power, attribute of Apollo, Zeus, Chinese emperors, Roman triumphs, sacrifice to Allah, statues of Buddha and his saints, clothing of Buddhist preachers and monks; light, sun, God, wisdom, righteousness.

“And so Musa said to his people: Behold, Allah commands you to slaughter a cow... She is a yellow cow, her color is bright, she brings joy to the beholders.” (Quran, sura 2).

“And all the people took the gold earrings out of their ears and brought them to Aaron. He took them from their hands, and made a molten calf out of them, and dressed it with a chisel. And they said, “This is your god, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!” (Ex. 32:3, 4)

“Golden apples in silver transparent vessels are a word spoken decently.

A gold earring and jewelry made of pure gold are a wise accuser to the attentive ear.” (Prov. 25:11, 12).

5. The language of rituals - initiations, holidays, rituals, ceremonies.

Indian initiation ceremony: “On the night before the ceremony, the boy was smeared with yellow powder and a silver ring was placed on his forelock. After this, he was ordered to spend the entire night in absolute silence. It was a mystical rite that prepared the boy for his second birth. The yellow powder symbolized being in the womb, and absolute silence meant that the child again seemed to become a wordless fetus.” (R.B. Pandey, 1982).

In China, the Earth Festival was celebrated in yellow clothes (Sychev L.P., Sychev V.L., “Chinese Costume”). On the altar of the Earth is honey-colored amber.

6. Signs and signals - caution, warning, yellow and black - a sign of prohibition, yellow in the form of gold - a sign of high cost and high quality of goods.

Yellow card - distrust, warning; “yellow acacia” in the language of flowers means “love is gone.” In China, “yellow films” and “yellow literature” are pornographic products (D. Foley, p. 438)

“Yellow Ticket” is an identification card for corrupt women.

In nineteenth-century England, yellow hats of insolvent debtors, yellow rings on the cloaks of ghetto Jews.

7. Negative symbolism of yellow and gold - sin, betrayal, corruption, madness, withering, sadness, decay, despair, illness.

Such expressions as yellow press, yellow trade unions, Yellow House are well known; "Yellow Jack" is a flag that was raised on ships as a sign of quarantine. In medieval Spain, heretics who were burned at the stake of the Inquisition were dressed in yellow.

Judas Iscariot was depicted in a yellow cloak as a seller of Christ. In France, yellow was a sign of deceived husbands and cuckolds. A number of negative meanings of yellow are associated with the color of dying autumn leaves and a sad mood about the end of summer.

Japanese poems:

The branch that I broke for you has turned yellow;

It’s spring, and there’s already a trace of autumn on it! (Man'yoshu)

Anna Akhmatova:

The circle from the lamp is yellow, I listen to the rustling sounds.

Why did you leave? I don't understand…

From your mysterious love,

As if in pain, I scream

Became yellow and fitful,

I can barely drag my feet...

Sergey Yesenin:

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,

Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.

Withered in gold,

I won't be young anymore...

Here they drink again, fight and cry

Under the harmonics of yellow sadness...

S. Eisenstein quotes F. Portal:

“The Moors distinguished the opposite symbols by two different shades of yellow. Golden yellow meant “wise” and “good advice,” and faded yellow meant betrayal and deception...”

“In heraldry, gold stands for love, constancy and wisdom, and yellow stands for its opposite qualities: inconstancy, envy and adultery...”

A funny example of the negative influence of the color yellow on a person’s fate is found in Teffi’s story “Life and Collar.” A yellow bow on the collar of a blouse turned a decent woman into a frivolous spendthrift and a shameless liar.

However, examples of the negative symbolism of yellow are so numerous that the reader himself will add to this list...

The color of sun and warmth, joy and wealth, reason and optimism. It is these associations that arise when the color yellow is mentioned. Bright and cheerful, it is the color embodiment of energy, movement and positivity. In addition, yellow and red are the main color triad that determines the existence of all other shades. What the color yellow means and how it affects the human psyche will be discussed further.

What does yellow mean?

As a rule, yellow color carries a positive beginning. Light yellow is associated with daylight, sun, warmth, and summer. Yellow with a small addition of orange gives a magical golden hue, which we perceive as the color of wealth, success, and prosperity. But still, the main meaning of this color is activity. Bright and rich, it literally inspires action, stimulates movement and charges with energy.

But yellow also has a negative meaning. Its dazzling brilliance is often associated with greed and greed. Often jealousy, envy, and meanness are “colored” yellow. In addition, in the minds of many it is the color of treason and betrayal. And in some Asian countries, yellow is even considered the color of death and mourning.

The meaning of yellow in psychology

In psychology, it is generally accepted that yellow is primarily the color of intellectual activity. Numerous studies have shown that this particular shade has a stimulating effect on the areas of the brain responsible for memory and thinking. It has been proven that systematic moderate perception of the color yellow increases mental performance, promotes effective memorization of large amounts of information, and increases the speed of performing intellectual operations. Based on the information obtained during research, psychologists came to the conclusion that the color yellow contributes to easier and more effective learning. This color feature can be used to decorate the interior, for example, a children's study room or a student auditorium.

In addition, the color yellow is widely used in psychology. Its positive stimulating effect helps in the fight against chronic fatigue, apathy, intellectual exhaustion, and mild depression. Yellow also has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems.

It is also worth noting that too much yellow can be harmful. Thus, excessive perception of yellow can cause the manifestation of hidden diseases of the nervous system, including psychiatric disorders (for example, schizophrenia).

What does a yellow aura mean?

Aura is a “visible” mental shell that can be recorded using special equipment. It is believed that the color of the aura can tell a lot about a person. According to esoteric teachings and some religious beliefs, all our thoughts, actions and emotions have an energetic embodiment, which is manifested with the help of colors in the aura.

Thus, the yellow color of the aura can tell about a person’s light and cheerful character. Yellow people are full of strength and energy; they resemble an eternal battery that charges everyone around them. They are highly intelligent, have logical thinking and a strong desire for self-development. But this does not mean that people with a yellow aura are arrogant and arrogant. On the contrary, they are modest and reserved, and do not boast of their intellectual superiority. In addition, yellow people have an amazing sense of humor, which often makes them the life of the party. And flexible thinking, friendliness and charisma help them achieve great success in life.

Yellow associated with science, observation and analysis. Stimulates mental activity. In terms of its qualities, the color yellow signifies wealth, dreams, fantasies, courage, joy, intimacy, youth, as well as envy and jealousy. Cloudy yellow color is sadness, melancholy, separation.

Yellow- the color of gold, which since ancient times was perceived as frozen sunlight. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and fading leaves, but also the color of illness, death, the other world.

In many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often the yellow color also served as a distinctive sign of noble persons and upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothes with a red belt.

In astrology, yellow corresponds to the sign of Mercury.

Golden yellow color- a symbol of spirit, wisdom, the color of holiness. Solar yellow, as the color of divine illumination, is commonly associated with both the first Ark of the Covenant and the despised Golden Calf. And with the halo of Apollo. And with the aura of Buddha. And with the halo of Christ.
Dark yellow color usually associated with betrayal, stinginess and distrust. In Christianity, this shade is assigned to the color of Judas Iscariot.

Hinduism sees the immortal, life-giving truth in yellow, endowing it with the human seed. Spiritual beauty is characterized by the golden yellow color of Kabbalah and Freemasons.

Tantrism sees an increase in vitality and the acquisition of good health in the yellow energy center. There is also the ability to clearly express one's thoughts.

On the other hand, among some Asian peoples, yellow is the color of mourning, grief, and sadness. According to the texts of Serbian spells, diseases are carried away by a yellow man, a yellow dog or a yellow rooster. And in Europe, a yellow or yellow-black flag meant quarantine, and a yellow cross meant plague. Usually the color yellow symbolizes jealousy and betrayal. And in Tibet, jealousy was literally called “yellow eye.”

The perception of yellow color causes a more gentle effect on the pulse and breathing compared to orange. That is, cheerful, cheerful excitement. This is probably why bright yellow is often rejected by alcoholics. Although here we should also take into account the fact that yellow is involved in the development of dizziness.

Yellow color stimulates mental activity. The English witch Dorit Valiente says that the heads of intellectuals are surrounded by a golden glow. By stimulating brain activity, it arouses in a person an intellectual interest in the objective world.

Psychology of yellow usually include both sensual liveliness in the self-disclosure of the intellect, and joyful vigor during gentle excitement. This also includes eccentric aspirations to relieve tension in learning the secrets of existence. And also - the expectation of contacts in search of happiness and meaning in life.

It is interesting to compare the love for the color yellow of pregnant women who have undergone training for “fearless” childbirth, and infants. On the one hand, yellow cures childhood anemia, and on the other hand, it calms certain types of female psychoneuroses and prevents fluctuations in health.

It is curious that unmarried pregnant women, for whom the child will be completely “unwanted,” categorically reject the color yellow.

Obviously, first of all, in case of disappointments in life, the effect of yellow color can be useful as a pronounced aspiration for intuitive overcoming of interpersonal tension, for ease in communication.

On the other hand, yellow disturbs, stimulates the imagination and, ultimately, has a depressing effect on the psyche. If you spend a long time in a room painted bright yellow, you may experience a severe headache. Yellow color reduces the patient's fear of a medical examination. People being treated for depression perceive the yellow range perfectly well. And there is a pattern here: yellow color raises your tone. Patients with alcoholism reject yellow as the color of unfulfilled “hopes.”

Yellow color controls digestive processes, has a cleansing effect on the liver and intestines, i.e. is cleansing for the entire system, but especially for the skin. Brings harmony to life, providing balance and optimism. Used in cases of nervous exhaustion, psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases, indigestion, constipation, liver problems, diabetes.

Yellow is the main color of the palette. Its shades can be both warm and cold. For example, the cold color of a lemon fruit or the warm color of an egg yolk. But this is not its main difference from other colors of the spectrum. It concentrates some interesting psychological facts and cultural features of perception.

The meaning of yellow: general information

The symbol of this shade of the palette is the sun. It is difficult to imagine what our planet would have become if it were not for this source of soft warmth and bright light. This color can charge a person with vital energy, just as the sun fills all living things on Earth with it.

At one time, Goethe himself believed that dark colors have a calming effect on a person, while bright colors, on the contrary, contribute to an increase in his vital activity. In the Christian faith, the color yellow had different meanings, everything depended on its shade. If the color was saturated, then it was considered to be Divine power, but if it was dull, for example: gray-yellow, then it meant greed, stinginess, deception, delusion.

The Chinese consider the color yellow to be a symbol of all feminine qualities, which is why if this color is present in a woman’s outfit, then she looks more harmonious and attractive.

Yellow color in psychology: scientific facts

Yellow color can evoke any pleasant memories in a person and stimulate him to action. Scientists have proven that yellow can activate brain activity and improve memory. Its influence has been well studied by specialists in the field of commodity sales. After all, it is the psychology of color in advertising that is a separate science, and the color yellow plays an important role here.

For example: the yellow tint is often used in the manufacture of banners, advertisements and billboards. When creating labels and logos, this color is very rarely used as the main color, but adding it can make the icon more memorable. But in combination with green, yellow makes people feel like lies and falsehood. The combination of black and yellow is perceived as a danger sign.

Scientists have developed a certain group of qualities - negative and positive, in which the yellow color can mean different aspects, namely:

  1. Among the positive qualities: activity, dexterity, receptivity, intelligence, tolerance, freedom, joy, happiness;
  2. Negative ones: sarcasm, absent-mindedness, treachery, causticity.

In a way, the yellow tint is somewhat scattered in different directions, but at the same time it is very deep and soulful. Under its influence, a person quickly makes the necessary decision and begins to act actively. Those people who choose this color are quite categorical towards illiterate participants in the dialogue, and also often like to argue and draw attention to themselves. They usually have high self-esteem, they love to act, and are always confident in themselves and their abilities.

Also, the advantages of this color include its assistance in maintaining a person’s normal weight, since it helps to intensively secrete gastric juice, and, therefore, improve digestion.

If you are imbued with the desire to update your wardrobe and purchase something of a yellow hue, then this may indicate that you need to restore inner harmony, as well as protect yourself from stress. The main motive of those who prefer yellow clothes is the need to show their hidden potential and open up to the outside world.

Such people are interesting personalities; they are adventurers by nature and very energetic. They are, as it were, in search of an open relationship that will help relieve their internal tension and help them achieve their desired goal. Yellow color can get rid of shyness and excessive bashfulness, as well as avoid getting into ridiculous situations. But the absence of yellow in clothes can provoke depression and even reduce immunity! But even here it is necessary to observe moderation - after all, its excess can quickly tire you and lead to headaches.

What do yellow flowers mean?

From Europe, a sign came to our country that yellow flowers are given as a sign of separation, and also that they are harbingers of jealousy and betrayal. It has become very firmly established in life, because of this, a rare loving man would risk giving his woman such a bouquet. But not many people know that since ancient times in Rus', yellow flowers had another meaning: they symbolized high spirits and wealth.

Yellow was associated primarily with light, warmth, and the sun. It is for this reason that if they wanted to wish a person wealth, goodness, happiness, they gave yellow flowers. By the way, the Japanese agree with the ancient Russians on this issue. Nowadays, yellow flowers are very popular in this country, and orange-yellow flowers mean power and are given as gifts to influential people.

Yellow roses mean joy, so if you were given these particular flowers, it means that you are wished happiness and joy, and it also means that you are admired.

It is customary to give yellow flowers to bright and gifted individuals. If they were given to an artist or actor, then this means praise of his talent and admiration for him. It is also customary to give yellow flowers to young girls as a sign of perkiness and youth. It is better to give older women not yellow, but tea flowers; the color should not be so bright, but rather noble. Pale yellow or brownish bouquets and strong tea colors are also suitable.

If you want to become more active, cheerful, believe in yourself and your strengths, then try to add bright colors to your life with the help of a yellow tint. And also don’t worry if you were given a bouquet of yellow flowers - this means that they wish you happiness, and not otherwise!