Alexander Viktorovich Kutikov: biography. Biography The new house will be one-story

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Alexander Viktorovich Kutikov(born April 13, Moscow) - famous Soviet and Russian musician, composer, vocalist, music producer. Honored Artist of Russia (1999). He has performed and continues to perform in several musical groups. He is best known as a bass guitarist, vocalist and composer of the rock band Mashina Vremeni, of which he was a member in 1971-1974, and from 1979 to the present.


Alexander Kutikov was born into a Russian-Jewish family on April 13, 1952 in Maly Pionersky Lane on Patriarch's Ponds, in the very center of Moscow.



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Alexander Kutikov spent his childhood in Maly Pionersky Lane on Patriarch's Ponds.

Until I was 7 years old, I lived in a separate 4-room apartment on Patriarch’s Ponds. Grandfather Naum Mikhailovich Kutikov was a very big administrative worker. It’s just that after my grandparents separated, this apartment was exchanged. Everyone went to small rooms. My grandmother remained to live next door to the premises that had previously been our luxurious apartment. My mother, sister and I first moved to Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Lane, then to Malaya Bronnaya. But these were already rooms in communal apartments. After I had nannies, rations, getting into a communal apartment with 11 other neighbors was a shock, of course.

M. Margolis. "Long Turn"

Famous people visited the Kutikovs' house: Mark Bernes, Pyotr Aleinikov, and famous athletes, among them Vsevolod Mikhailovich Bobrov. Studied at a music school. He played various wind instruments - the trumpet, the alto, and the tenor saxophone and performed classical music. He was a bugler in a pioneer camp and won competitions. At the age of fourteen he began playing the guitar. In his youth, he was involved in boxing (boxed in lightweight weight at the Moscow Youth Championship and received bronze), hockey and football. He was the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the school, but at the age of 16 he wrote a letter of resignation from the Komsomol. Because of this, I did not enter any institute.


He studied trumpet at a music school and successfully completed it.

Margolis. "Long Turn"

Solo activities

Daughter: Ekaterina Kutikova (1989), lawyer, enjoys music and photography, graduated from the Faculty of Law of the International University in Moscow, designed the cover of the album “Demons of Love”.

  • Two songs from “Time Machine” - “Give me an answer” and “Broken Glass”, sung in the group by Alexey Romanov, performed by Alexander Kutikov, acquired a canonical sound. In addition, the song “Blue Bird,” first recorded on the album “The Little Prince,” was performed there by Kutikov. And the song “Who did you want to surprise?”, written by Makarevich, and originally sung (in an early edition of the “Little Prince” program) by Sergei Kawagoe and Evgeny Margulis, became Kutikov’s real calling card in the group. Moreover, the final musical decision “Who did you want to surprise?” and “Broken Glass” belongs again to Kutikov [[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] .
  • He is interested in skiing, billiards, and loves the mountains.
  • He collects spoons; he collected them during his tour of the USSR. These are amazingly beautiful spoons; no one cuts them like that anymore.
  • Favorite guitars: "Fender Jazz Bass". At concerts he works on two guitars: “ERG Custom Guitars”, Pedulla - 5-string bass.
  • Favorite movies:
  • Favorite books:
    • “Pilgrimage to the Land of the East”;
    • “And the waters overwhelmed me even to my soul”;
    • "Autumn of the Patriarch";
    • “When I want to cry, I don’t cry.”
  • He has been a fan of the Spartak football club (Moscow) since 1962.
  • Favorite country - Italy. Alexander Kutikov's wife Ekaterina (who is jokingly called Catherine the First in the family) has Italian blood flowing in her veins, and the daughter of Alexander and Catherine the First, Ekaterina Kutikova the Second, in Rome is constantly mistaken for an Italian girl and is addressed only in Italian.

    I really love Italian cuisine: Italians grill meat amazingly - lamb, veal, beef. Because Italians fry, no one frys. Italians have a very correct approach to cooking: they take very good products and try not to spoil them with sauces and seasonings, not to change their natural taste. Italians prepare delicious salads, pasta, and seafood.

  • His pets have unusual nicknames: the cat Martha-Monkey, two cats - August and September (Senya), the long-haired dachshund Bruno.

Famous songs performed by A. Kutikov

  • "Horses"
  • “Moon Lovers” (A. Kutikov - K. Kavaleryan)
  • “Dancing on the Roof” (A. Kutikov - K. Kavaleryan)
  • “Plays and Roles” (A. Kutikov - A. Zaitsev)
  • “Strange Museum” (poems by M. Pushkina)
  • "Strange Days"
  • "Until the trigger is pulled"
  • "If only we were older"
  • "The Overturned World of Summer Dreams"
  • "Broken glass"
  • "I want to know"
  • "Farther and farther"
  • “Caravan” (A. Kutikov - A. Zaitsev)
  • “Who did you want to surprise?”
  • "Going Down to the Great River"
  • “He plays at funerals and dances.”
  • "On the Apricot Hills"
  • "Leave me alone"
  • "To Malaya Bronnaya"
  • "The night is behind you"
  • "Leaving go"
  • "Old Rock and Roll"
  • "London"
  • "Signs in the Sand"
  • “What is the sky crying about?”

Solo discography

  • - “Dancing on the Roof” (reissued with the addition of three songs)
  • - “The Shop of Miracles” (songs 1972-1979 - “Leap Summer”)
  • - “The Best. Time Machine"
  • 2002 - “Happy Birthday!” Selections, Volume I." (Exclusive gift edition. Project with the participation of A. Kutikov)
  • - “Demons of Love”
  • 2014 - “Alexander Kutikov and Nuance: First recordings” (Internet EP)
  • - “Infinitely-instantly”

Rock operas

  • 1985 - “Stadium” - “Echidny”
  • 2009 - “The Master and Margarita” - Neighbor Aloysius

Music for cinema

  • - "Start from the beginning"
  • - "Breakthrough"
  • - "The Arithmetic of Murder"

Music for cartoons

  • - “Monkeys. Garland of babies »
  • - “How the monkeys dined”
  • - "Monkeys and Robbers"


Year Name Role
f "Six Letters about Beat" Character name not specified
f "Soul" Character name not specified
f "Start from the beginning " cameo
f "Rock and Fortune" Character name not specified
f "Without a mask". Concert film Character name not specified

Video clips

  • 1988 - “Let me dream”
  • 1989 - “Trojan Horse”
  • 2007 - “Closing the circle XX years later”


  • Since 1991, he has been the president of the Sintez records studio, which produces almost all the discs of the Time Machine group and not only.

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  1. List of players of FC "Krylya Sovetov" Samara
  2. A protracted turn or the history of the Time Machine group
  4. M. Margolis. "Long Turn"
  5. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1999 No. 814


Excerpt characterizing Kutikov, Alexander Viktorovich

- What happened?.. Go where? – I asked, surprised at such an unusual rush.
– To Maria, Dean died there... Well, come on!!! – the girlfriend shouted impatiently.
I immediately remembered little, black-eyed Maria, who had only one friend - her faithful Dean...
- Already going! – I was alarmed and quickly rushed after Stella to the “floors”...

We were again greeted by the same gloomy, ominous landscape, which I almost didn’t pay attention to, since it, like everything else, after so many trips to the Lower Astral, had become almost familiar to us, as far as one could get used to such a thing in general. ..
We quickly looked around and immediately saw Maria...
The baby, hunched over, sat straight on the ground, completely drooping, not seeing or hearing anything around, and only affectionately stroked the shaggy, motionless body of the “departed” friend with her frozen palm, as if trying to wake him up... Harsh, and bitter, completely not childish tears flowed in rivulets from her sad, extinct eyes, and, flashing with brilliant sparks, disappeared into the dry grass, watering it for a moment with clean, living rain... It seemed that this whole already quite cruel world had now become even more cruel for Maria colder and even stranger... She was left completely alone, so amazingly fragile in her deep sadness, and there was no one else to console her, or caress her, or even just protect her in a friendly way... And next to her, a huge , her best friend, her faithful Dean, lay motionless as a mound... She clung to his soft, shaggy back, unconsciously refusing to acknowledge his death. And she stubbornly did not want to leave him, as if knowing that even now, after death, he still loved her just as faithfully and also sincerely protected her... She really missed his warmth, his strong “furry” support, and that familiar, reliable, “their little world”, in which only the two of them lived... But Dean was silent, stubbornly not wanting to wake up... And some small, toothy creatures were scurrying around him, trying to grab at least a small piece of him hairy “flesh”... At the beginning, Maria still tried to drive them away with a stick, but, seeing that the attackers were not paying any attention to her, she gave up on everything... Here, just like on the “solid” Earth, there existed “ the law of the strong,” but when this strong one died, those who could not get him alive, now with pleasure tried to make up for lost time by “tasting” his energy body, at least dead...
From this sad picture my heart ached sharply and there was a treacherous pinch in my eyes... I suddenly felt wildly sorry for this wonderful, brave girl... And I couldn’t even imagine how she, poor thing, could, completely alone, in this terrible, sinister world, stand up for yourself?!
Stella’s eyes also suddenly sparkled wetly – apparently, similar thoughts came to her.
- Forgive me, Maria, how did your Dean die? – I finally decided to ask.
The little girl raised her tear-stained face at us, in my opinion, not even understanding what they were asking her about. She was very far away... Perhaps where her faithful friend was still alive, where she was not so lonely, where everything was clear and good... And the baby did not want to return here. Today's world was evil and dangerous, and she had no one else to rely on, and there was no one to protect her... Finally, taking a deep breath and heroically gathering her emotions into a fist, Maria told us the sad story of Dina's death...
– I was with my mother, and my kind Dean, as always, was guarding us... And then suddenly a terrible man appeared from somewhere. He was very bad. I wanted to run away from him wherever I could, but I just couldn’t understand why... He was just like us, even handsome, just very unpleasant. It smelled of horror and death. And he laughed all the time. And this laughter made my blood run cold... He wanted to take my mother with him, said that she would serve him... And my mother struggled, but he, of course, was much stronger... And then Dean tried to protect us, which he always managed to do before. Only the man was probably something special... He threw a strange orange “flame” at Dean, which could not be extinguished... And when, even while he was burning, Dean tried to protect us, the man killed him with blue lightning, which suddenly “blazed” from his hand. That's how my Dean died... And now I'm alone.
-Where is your mother? – Stella asked.
“Mom is still here,” the little girl was embarrassed. “She just gets angry very often... And now we have no protection.” Now we're all alone...
Stella and I looked at each other... It was felt that both of us were simultaneously visited by the same thought - Luminary!.. He was strong and kind. One could only hope that he would have a desire to help this unfortunate, lonely girl, and become her true protector at least until she returned to her “good and kind” world...
-Where is this terrible man now? Do you know where he went? – I asked impatiently. – And why didn’t he take your mother with him?
“I don’t know, he’ll probably come back.” I don't know where he went and I don't know who he is. But he is very, very angry... Why is he so angry, girls?
- Well, we will find out, I promise you. And now – would you like to see a good man? He is here too, but, unlike that “scary” one, he is really very good. He can be your friend while you're here, if that's what you want, of course. His friends call him Luminary.
- Oh, what a beautiful name! And good...
Maria little by little began to come to life, and when we invited her to meet a new friend, she, although not very confidently, nevertheless agreed. A cave already familiar to us appeared in front of us, and golden and warm sunlight flowed from it.
- Oh, look!.. This is the sun?!.. It’s just like the real thing!.. How did it get here? – the little girl stared dumbfounded at such unusual beauty for this terrible place.
“It is real,” Stella smiled. - We just created it. Come take a look!
Maria timidly slipped into the cave, and immediately, as we expected, an enthusiastic squeal was heard...
She jumped out completely stunned and, out of surprise, still could not put two words together, although her eyes, wide with complete delight, showed that she definitely had something to say... Stella affectionately hugged the girl by the shoulders and returned her back to the cave. .. which, to our great surprise, turned out to be empty...
- Well, where is my new friend? – Maria asked upset. “Didn’t you hope to find him here?”
Stella could not understand in any way what could happen that would force the Luminary to leave its “solar” abode?..
- Maybe something happened? – I asked a completely stupid question.
- Well, of course it happened! Otherwise he would never have left here.
– Or maybe that evil man was here too? – Maria asked in fear.
To be honest, the same thought flashed through my mind, but I didn’t have time to express it for the simple reason that, leading three kids behind him, the Shining One appeared... The kids were mortally frightened of something and, shaking like autumn leaves, timidly huddled to the Luminary, afraid to move even a step away from him. But children's curiosity soon clearly overpowered their fear, and, peeking out from behind the broad back of their protector, they looked at our unusual trio in surprise... As for us, we, having forgotten even to say hello, probably stared at the kids with even greater curiosity, trying to figure out where they could have come from in the “lower astral plane”, and what exactly happened here...
– Hello, dears... You shouldn’t have come here. Something bad is happening here...” The Luminary greeted affectionately.
“Well, one could hardly expect anything good here at all...” Stella commented with a sad smile. - How did it happen that you left?!... After all, any “bad” person could have come here during this time and taken over all this...
“Well, then you would have turned everything back...” Svetilo simply answered.
At this point we both stared at him in surprise - this was the most appropriate word that could be used when calling this process. But how could the Luminary know him?! He didn’t understand anything about it!.. Or did he understand, but didn’t say anything about it?...
“During this time, a lot of water has flown under the bridge, dears...”, as if answering our thoughts, he said calmly. “I’m trying to survive here, and with your help I’m starting to understand something.” And when I bring someone, I can’t be the only one to enjoy such beauty, when just behind the wall such little ones are shaking in terrible horror... All this is not for me if I can’t help...
I looked at Stella - she looked very proud, and, of course, she was right. It was not in vain that she created this wonderful world for him - the Luminary was truly worth it. But he himself, like a big child, did not understand this at all. His heart was simply too big and kind, and did not want to accept help if he could not share it with someone else...
- How did they end up here? – Stella asked, pointing at the frightened kids.
- Oh, it's a long story. I visited them from time to time, they came to my father and mother from the top “floor”... Sometimes I took them to my place to protect them from harm. They were small and didn’t understand how dangerous it was. Mom and Dad were here, and it seemed to them that everything was fine... But I was always afraid that they would realize the danger when it was already too late... So that very same “late” just happened...
– What did their parents do that got them here? And why did they all “leave” at the same time? Did they die or what? – I couldn’t stop, compassionate Stella.
– To save their babies, their parents had to kill other people... They paid for this posthumously. Like all of us... But now they are no longer here... They are no longer anywhere... - Luminary whispered very sadly.
- How - not anywhere? What happened? Did they manage to die here too?! How did this happen?.. – Stella was surprised.
The luminary nodded.
- They were killed by a man, if “it” can be called a man... He is a monster... I’m trying to find him... to destroy him.
We immediately stared at Maria in unison. Again it was some terrible man, and again he killed... Apparently, it was the same one who killed her Dean.
“This girl, her name is Maria, lost her only protection, her friend, who was also killed by a “man.” I think it's the same one. How can we find him? You know?
“He will come himself...” the Sun answered quietly, and pointed to the kids huddling close to him. - He will come for them... He accidentally let them go, I stopped him.
Stella and I got big, big, spiky goosebumps crawling down our backs...
It sounded ominous... And we weren’t yet old enough to destroy someone so easily, and we didn’t even know if we could... It’s all very simple in books - good heroes defeat monsters... But in reality everything is much more complicated. And even if you are sure that this is evil, in order to defeat it, you need a lot of courage... We knew how to do good, which not everyone knows how to do either... But how to take someone’s life, even the worst one , neither Stella nor I had to learn yet... And without trying this, we could not be absolutely sure that our same “courage” would not let us down at the most necessary moment.
I didn’t even notice that all this time the Luminary was watching us very seriously. And, of course, our confused faces told him about all the “hesitations” and “fears” better than any, even the longest confession...
– You’re right, dears – only fools are not afraid to kill... or monsters... But a normal person will never get used to this... especially if he’s never even tried it before. But you don't have to try. I won’t allow it... Because even if you, righteously defending someone, take revenge, it will burn your souls... And you will never be the same again... Believe me.
Suddenly, right behind the wall, a terrible laughter was heard, chilling the soul with its savagery... The kids squealed, and they all fell to the floor at once. Stella feverishly tried to close the cave with her protection, but, apparently from strong excitement, nothing worked for her... Maria stood motionless, white as death, and it was clear that the state of shock she had recently experienced was returning to her.
“It’s him...” the girl whispered in horror. - He killed Dean... And he will kill us all...
- Well, we'll see about that later. – the Luminary said deliberately, very confidently. - We haven’t seen anything like them! Hang in there, Maria girl.
The laughter continued. And I suddenly realized very clearly that a person could not laugh like that! Even the most “lower astral”... Something was wrong in all of this, something didn’t add up... It was more like a farce. To some kind of fake performance, with a very scary, deadly ending... And then it finally “came to me” - he was not the person he looked!!! It was just a human face, but the inside was scary, alien... And, it was not, I decided to try to fight it. But if I knew the outcome, I probably would never have tried...
The kids and Maria hid in a deep niche that was not reachable by sunlight. Stella and I stood inside, trying to somehow hold on to the defense that was constantly tearing for some reason. And the Light, trying to maintain iron calm, met this unfamiliar monster at the entrance to the cave, and as I understood, he was not going to let him in. Suddenly my heart ached strongly, as if in anticipation of some great misfortune....
A bright blue flame blazed - we all gasped in unison... What a minute ago was the Luminary, in just one short moment turned into “nothing”, without even beginning to resist... Flashing into a transparent blue haze, it went into distant eternity, without leaving even a trace in this world...
We didn’t have time to get scared when, immediately after the incident, a creepy man appeared in the passage. He was very tall and surprisingly... handsome. But all his beauty was spoiled by the vile expression of cruelty and death on his refined face, and there was also some kind of terrifying “degeneration” in him, if you can somehow define that... And then, I suddenly remembered Maria’s words about her “horror movie” " Dina. She was absolutely right - beauty can be surprisingly scary... but good “scary” can be deeply and strongly loved...
The creepy man laughed wildly again...
His laughter echoed painfully in my brain, digging into it with thousands of the finest needles, and my numb body weakened, gradually becoming almost “wooden,” as if under a strong alien influence... The sound of crazy laughter, like fireworks, crumbled into millions of unfamiliar shades, right there sharp fragments returning back to the brain. And then I finally understood - it really was something like a powerful “hypnosis”, which, with its unusual sound, constantly increased fear, making us panicky afraid of this person.
- So what, how long are you going to laugh?! Or are you afraid to speak? Otherwise we’re tired of listening to you, it’s all nonsense! – unexpectedly for myself, I shouted rudely.
I had no idea what came over me, and where did I suddenly get so much courage?! Because my head was already spinning from fear, and my legs were giving way, as if I was going to fall to sleep right now, on the floor of this same cave... But it’s not for nothing that they say that sometimes people are capable of performing feats out of fear... Here I am, I was probably already so “exorbitantly” afraid that I somehow managed to forget about the same fear... Fortunately, the scary man didn’t notice anything - apparently he was thrown off by the fact that I suddenly dared to speak to him so brazenly. And I continued, feeling that I had to quickly break this “conspiracy” at all costs...
- Well, how about we talk a little, or can you just laugh? Did they teach you how to speak?..
I deliberately annoyed him as best I could, trying to unsettle him, but at the same time I was wildly afraid that he would show us that he could do more than just talk... Quickly glancing at Stella, I tried to give her a picture of him who had always saved us , a green ray (this “green ray” simply meant a very dense, concentrated energy flow emanating from a green crystal, which my distant “star friends” once gave me, and whose energy apparently differed greatly in quality from the “earthly” one, so it worked it is almost always trouble-free). The girlfriend nodded, and before the terrible man had time to come to his senses, we hit him right in the heart... if, of course, it was there at all... The creature howled (I already realized that this was not a person), and began to writhe like would “tear off” someone else’s “earthly” body, which was so disturbing him... We hit again. And then suddenly we saw two different entities that, tightly grappling, flashing with blue lightning, rolled on the floor, as if trying to incinerate each other... One of them was the same beautiful human, and the second... such horror was impossible for a normal brain neither imagine nor imagine... Rolling along the floor, fiercely grappling with a person, was something incredibly scary and evil, similar to a two-headed monster, dripping with green saliva and “smiling” with bared knife-like fangs... The green, scaly-snake-like body of a terrifying The creature was amazing with its flexibility and it was clear that the person could not stand it for long, and that if he was not helped, then this poor fellow had nothing left to live, even in this terrible world...
I saw that Stella was trying her best to hit, but was afraid of hurting the person she really wanted to help. And then suddenly Maria jumped out of her hiding place, and... somehow grabbed the eerie creature by the neck, flashed for a second as a bright torch and... stopped living forever... We didn’t even have time to scream, much less to understand something, and a fragile, brave girl without hesitation sacrificed herself so that some other good person could win, remaining to live instead of her... My heart literally stopped from pain. Stella began to sob... And on the floor of the cave lay an unusually handsome and powerful man. Only at the moment he did not look strong, rather the opposite - he seemed dying and very vulnerable... The monster disappeared. And, to our surprise, the pressure that just a minute ago threatened to completely crush our brains was immediately relieved.
Stella came closer to the stranger and timidly touched his high forehead with her palm - the man showed no signs of life. And only by the still slightly trembling eyelids it was clear that he was still here, with us, and had not completely died, so that, like the Shining One with Mary, he would never live anywhere else...
- But what about Maria... How could she?!.. After all, she is very small... - Stella whispered bitterly, swallowing tears... shiny large peas flowed like a stream along her pale cheeks and, merging into wet paths, dripped on the chest. - And the Sun... Well, how can that be?... Well, tell me?! How so!!! This is not a victory at all, it’s worse than defeat!.. You can’t win at such a price!..
What could I answer her?! I, just like her, was very sad and hurt... The loss burned my soul, leaving deep bitterness in such a still fresh memory and, it seemed, imprinted this terrible moment there forever... But I had to somehow pull myself together, because nearby, fearfully huddling together, stood very small, deathly frightened children, who were very scared at that moment and who had no one to calm them down or caress them. Therefore, forcing my pain as deep as possible and smiling warmly at the kids, I asked what their names were. The kids did not answer, but only huddled even tighter to each other, completely not understanding what was happening, or also where their new, newly found friend, with a very kind and warm name - Luminary, had gone so quickly....
Stella, cowering, sat on a pebble and, quietly sobbing, wiped away with her fist the burning tears that were still flowing... Her entire fragile, shriveled figure expressed the deepest sadness... And now, looking at her, so grieving, and so unlike to my usual “bright Stella”, I suddenly felt terribly cold and scared, as if, in one short moment, the whole bright and sunny Stella world had completely gone out, and instead of it we were now surrounded only by a dark, soul-scratching emptiness...
For some reason, Stellino’s usual high-speed “self-recovery” didn’t work this time... Apparently, it was too painful to lose friends dear to her heart, especially knowing that, no matter how much she missed them later, she would never see them anywhere else and never... This was not an ordinary bodily death, when we all get a great chance to be incarnated again. It was their soul that died... And Stella knew that neither the brave girl Maria, nor the “eternal warrior” Luminary, nor even the scary, kind Dean, would never be incarnated again, having sacrificed their eternal life for others, perhaps very good, but completely strangers to them...
My soul, just like Stella’s, was very painful, because this was the first time I saw in reality how brave and very kind people... my friends, passed away into eternity of their own free will. And it seemed that sadness had settled in my wounded children’s heart forever... But I also already understood that no matter how much I suffered, and no matter how much I wished for it, nothing would bring them back... Stella was right - it’s impossible was to win at such a price... But it was their own choice, and we had no right to deny them this. And to try to convince us - we simply did not have enough time for this... But the living had to live, otherwise all this irreparable sacrifice would have been in vain. But this was exactly what could not be allowed.
– What are we going to do with them? – Stella sighed convulsively and pointed to the kids huddled together. – There is no way to leave here.
I didn’t have time to answer when a calm and very sad voice sounded:
“I’ll stay with them, if you allow me, of course.”
We jumped up together and turned around - it was the man Mary saved who spoke... And somehow we completely forgot about him.

— In 2014, “Time Machine” turned 45 years old. Did you think, while rehearsing the first songs in your apartment, that the group would live to see such a significant anniversary?

“We never thought about dates, or milestones, or accomplishments, or even about our role in art. And to this day we don’t think so. I decided a long time ago that the best thing to do is to live what today has brought you, without looking back at yesterday and without thinking too much about tomorrow.

— What did today bring to the Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Kutikov?

- The same thing that I brought for many years in a row - my favorite job. Over the music, over the songs, over the sound, over the arrangements. And above yourself. Even, probably, to a greater extent than all of the above. But at the same time, I never tried to somehow change or break myself. I am that I am. Sometimes withdrawn. Sometimes unrestrained: I can react, say, to rudeness and express myself in words that are familiar to me from childhood. Since I grew up in the yard, on occasion I masterly use specific street expressions, but this happens extremely rarely - it’s not my language. I can physically respond to the offender - I once had a good blow.

— You, a child from an intelligent Moscow family, claim that you grew up in the yard?

- There are no contradictions here. In our time, all life took place in the yard. And I believe that it is normal for a child to undergo real life training in a real environment, and not just in a hothouse family environment. And if you went through fights and swearing as a child, you realized that life is not sweet molasses, then it’s easier to live.

— What did you learn at home, in your family?

- Everything else that he is rich in now. At the age of four, for example, I listened to Tchaikovsky’s “Seasons” and it struck me like thunder. Instantly and forever. Then there were many other classics, and these works changed my childhood consciousness - from that moment I was completely immersed in music. I was interested in different genres, different eras - after the classics pop music began, but music has since become my constant companion.

— Did you manage to study at school?

— I was never an excellent student - I thought and felt the world too abstractly. I can’t say that school had any key influence on me. All the most important things began after it ended. When I was 19 years old, I met Andryusha Makarevich - he was then 17, and he was a first-year student at the Moscow Architectural Institute. We immediately discovered that we had a lot of common musical tastes, including the Beatles. But that wasn't even the main thing. I have always been attracted to people who have a higher intelligence, outlook, and level of education than me. And it was always interesting to communicate with them, to learn something new from them. Andryusha was just one of those people. For example, he was brilliantly versed in literature, in particular poetry. When I talked a little with Andryusha, I realized how much he had read, how many magnificent poems he knew by heart, and how much I had missed while skating and running around the yards as a child.

- But you don’t want to say that your own childhood passed without books at all?

- Of course not, how could we live without them! I remember that our acquaintance with Lesha Romanov, the leader of the Resurrection group, in 1970 took place precisely thanks to the book. He came to the then fashionable bar “October” on Kalinin Avenue (now New Arbat), and I was a regular there, they respected me and even forgave me for my non-standard appearance - long hair and jeans. And here I am sitting at the bar, reading a book and drinking coffee. At that time, such a picture in itself looked provocative - usually they didn’t read in bars and didn’t drink coffee at all. Lesha became interested, came up and asked what kind of book I had. I showed him a samizdat copy of “The Master and Margarita” made on a rotaprint. Romanov was smitten: sitting shaggy, reading forbidden literature, drinking coffee in the center of Moscow and generally not afraid of anyone. And then, by the way, only for long hair you could get the full program, not to mention the samizdat “Master...”.

- As I understand it, at that time you could get not only for the above sins?

“I was literally on the ropes—once I was almost imprisoned for parasitism.” In 1970, I waited three months for the position promised to me as a sound engineer and sound designer at the Film Studio of the Ministry of Defense. They told me: “Wait a little, you are a great specialist, the place will definitely be yours, just be patient.” And so on, day after day, until my case reached the head of the personnel department. He invited me to his place and literally said the following: “What, should I explain it in words or will you understand it yourself? There are no Yavreevs at the film studio and there never will be!” And I must say, I never hid my Jewishness, because I did not see anything reprehensible in it. And at the age of 16, when I received a passport, I did not succumb to the persuasion of people who knew life, who suggested: “Why do you want to be a Jew? You have a Russian father, you can easily not spoil your fifth count.” But in fact, I never saw my father, I lived all my life with my mother and grandmother, in a Jewish family, and I absolutely did not understand what there was to be ashamed of or afraid of. I chose my mother’s nationality and became a Jew not only by birth, but also officially, by passport. And for a long time this did not bother me in any way, until I came before the clear eyes of that boss. In general, they didn’t hire me on the fifth point. Well, while I was knocking around the threshold of the film studio, one of the neighbors informed the district police officer that I was not working, and therefore an enemy of the people, and I was sent to the commission of the district party committee. The commission decided where to send anti-Soviet activists like me - to court for parasitism or to hard work not related to their specialty. I didn’t want to go to court, so I became a drag worker at the Proletarsky Trud plant. My task was to pull the wire out of the rolled stock. He moved from 18 to 20 tons of iron by hand per day. I developed arthritis in both shoulder joints. A little more - and I would have received disability or drunk myself. What saved me was that I had a guitar and I picked it up at any free minute. I had to hold on, because it didn’t cost anything there, at the factory, to merge with the general mass, which at eight in the morning drank a glass of vodka - and went to the workshop. At lunch, another glass - and off to the machine. And after the shift, take a glass for the road and go to the pub to relax. On the one hand, people

it was understandable that the work at the factory was incredibly exhausting. In addition, there was a plan that everyone was obliged to follow no matter what. In general, in Soviet times there was a lot of paradoxical nonsense. Because of one of them, for example, the entry “Cleaner” appeared in my work book. Here is how it was. GITIS desperately needed a sound engineer - they had their own studio, where students were taught the “Fundamentals of Radio and Television” and were told how to properly handle a microphone on the radio. So, there was a studio, but no one thought of adding the position of “sound engineer” to the staffing table. Management had to sign me up as a cleaner.

— At the very beginning of your career, were you a sound engineer?

- I was and remain to this day. I don’t have the corresponding entry in my diploma, and I don’t even have a diploma. It always seemed to me, even from my youth, that a university graduation certificate in itself does not solve anything. Many people think that their education ends as soon as they get their degree. But you have to study all your life, if you hesitate a little, you won’t be able to catch up... Later, when “The Time Machine” went on tour, everyone always took a book with them. I really loved reading thick magazines - “New World”, “Foreign Literature”, there was always something interesting and even bold for those times. I remember in 1980 I came across Vladimir Orlov’s novel Violist Danilov. It completely shocked me, and I tried to grab every free minute to finish reading it.

“Time Machine” of the 1980s: Alexander Kutikov, Andrey Makarevich, Alexander Zaitsev and Valery Efremov. Photo: From the personal archive of Alexander Kutikov

— It turns out that on tour, at a time when other groups, following rock and roll traditions, tore doors off their hinges and threw furniture out of windows, “Time Machine” only read books?

- Of course, we took part in feasts, drank, not without it. True, the doors couldn’t be opened - when you work three concerts a day and exclusively live, by the evening you only have the strength to hold a fork in your hands, and even then with great difficulty. But there were so many interesting personalities around, especially at festivals where musicians from all over the Union gathered, that somehow you didn’t even feel tired.

I remember in 1980, at a rock festival in Tbilisi, we were completely amazed by Bari Alibasov’s group “Integral”. They had a very good line-up: Yurka Loza played the guitar, a girl played one of the bass guitars, and how! Integral was popular, the guys earned good money and spent almost everything on equipment, so they had equipment - be healthy. They brought their own equipment with them, and when the Georgian organizers once again had problems providing the concert with sound, Alibasov generously allowed us and the “Earthlings” to play on their equipment. A noble and chic gesture. Makar and I immediately ran to the store, bought three boxes of wine, six bottles of cognac, and after the concert we organized a colossal drinking party together. This is how our friendship with Barik began.

— Did “Time Machine” make good money at that time?

— The period of more or less decent money occurred at the end of the 1970s, during the last two years of our stay in the musical underground, that is, we did not have time to do much luxury. And everything they received was still spent on instruments. In general, we are used to living quite modestly, but fun and interesting.

— In addition to “Time Machine,” you also had side projects. For example, you wrote music for cartoons...

- Just for one single animated series. Makarevich and I, along with the then keyboard player of Mashina, Sasha Zaitsev, wrote the soundtrack for cartoons about monkeys: remember the series of cartoons about a mother monkey who is trying to raise five babies, and they are always a mischief-maker? I wrote this song about the fact that “in every little child: both a boy and a girl...” I literally wrote it in just a few hours. In general, I never stopped being a sound engineer. He recorded all the Time Machine albums, and in addition helped to record the groups “Resurrection”, “Bravo”, “Nautilus Pompilius” and many others. The first album of the group “Secret” is also my work. We met them long before the release of the record, which later became a cult classic. We really liked the guys - and their work,

and themselves. We became friends. They performed at our concerts in the first department. And in general, in modern terms, we “promoted” them until they gained professional independence. And so, when the group got ready to record the album, I took a two-week vacation and went to Tallinn with them - I didn’t leave the studio for two weeks, 12 hours a day! And this is instead of, as expected on vacation, relaxing with a young beautiful wife. Katerina, by the way, was not offended at all - she thought over their stage images for The Secret. Katya (she once graduated from the production department of the Moscow Art Theater School) drew sketches: coats, shirts, boots, suits, the famous skinny ties - the work of my wife. And she did it of her own free will, just for the soul.

- Of course, we drank. True, they couldn’t take out the doors. When you work three concerts a day, the only strength left is to hold a fork in your hands, and even then with difficulty. Valery Efremov, Hovhannes Melik-Pashaev, Pyotr Podgorodetsky, Andrey Makarevich and Alexander Kutikov. Photo: From the personal archive of Alexander Kutikov

— Where did you meet such a wonderful girl?

— I went skiing to Dombay. One day I met a beautiful girl, got into a conversation with her, and she told me the name of the route where I could find her tomorrow. I then combed this route like crazy for two weeks, looking for it among the skiers. Then it turned out that Katya loves to walk and enjoy the views more than skiing. Thank God, as a result, we finally met (of course, not on the highway, but on a walk), and our romance began, which has been going on for 31 years.

— Tell me the secret of how you manage to live in marriage for so long?

— It always seemed to me that the longevity of a marriage depends on the woman, on how wisely she leads the family. My family is matriarchal. But controlled matriarchy. That is, I easily make many compromises and, moreover, I believe that they are necessary in family life. Sometimes a compromise on a small matter can solve a big issue.

Wife Ekaterina and daughter Katya. Photo: From the personal archive of Alexander Kutikov

- Do you really even give all the money you earn to your wife?

- It’s more difficult here. I was raised in a family where the attitude towards money was not quite typical for a Soviet family. There the wives were in charge of the budget. But with us it’s the other way around. My great-grandfather kept all finances in his hands. And he gave it to his family once a week - for food, clothes, candy, nuts and all sorts of “bows,” as he said. My great-grandfather was the manager of a large sawmill and was used to controlling everything. This was a long time ago, even before the revolution, which my great-grandfather, by the way, categorically did not accept and, as a result, went crazy from despair. But while he was still at work, he taught both his children and grandchildren how to manage money wisely. So I always knew how to count what I earned and didn’t throw anything away. Which, by the way, sometimes really offended people, for example, the employees of the school where my daughter (also Katya) studied. People, as we know, are generally greedy and envious and love to count other people's money. And if they know that the girl’s dad is a famous person, then they don’t even doubt that he has billions of extra money, which he simply must give to his child, and he must transfer it to his native school. And although I, of course, helped the school, it was considered that it was not enough. Therefore, it was not easy for Katya to study.

Now Katya is already quite an adult, she is a lawyer, works in a serious company. She is not married yet, and I try not to interfere in this part of her life - she has the right to choose her own companion. But I know for sure: if my daughter chooses as her husband a man who allows himself to offend or insult her, I will kill him. That's all. Of course, I am a peaceful person, and to begin with, when Katya brings her fiancé to our house to meet us, we will sit together, have a drink, and I will tell him about Katya and how to treat her. I won’t take it with hostility right away. But in general, my opinion is not decisive here. Katya's life is her life. If only she was happy. I prefer not to regret things that I cannot influence. We must be happy about what has already happened and hope that there will be something interesting later in life. And don’t bother yourself with unsolvable questions that take up time and take a lot of energy. As the hippies said, “a person should only do what brings him pleasure.” And somewhere in my soul I still remain a little bit of a hippie. I write music because it's just interesting to me. You can call this approach to life selfishness. That's probably true, I'm an egoist. And I will remain so as long as what I do for my own pleasure brings pleasure to other people. I think I'm living right.

Family: wife - Ekaterina, artist and landscape designer; daughter - Ekaterina (25 years old), lawyer

Education: studied at the Moscow Radio Mechanical College

Career: in 1970 he worked as a sound engineer at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. In 1971 he joined the Time Machine group. President of the recording studio "Sintez Records". As a sound engineer, he recorded albums for the groups “Secret”, “Resurrection”, “Bravo”, “Nautilus Pompilius”, “Time Machine”. His discography includes 6 solo albums. Honored Artist of Russia. Awards: Order of Honor and Order of Friendship

, “Leap Summer”, “Nuance”

Labels "Sintez Records" Awards Media files on Wikimedia Commons

Alexander Viktorovich Kutikov(born April 13, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian musician, composer, vocalist, music producer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (). He has performed and continues to perform in several musical groups. He is best known as the bass guitarist, vocalist and composer of the rock band Mashina Vremeni, of which he was a member in 1971-1974 and from 1979 to the present.

In 1974-1979 he played in the group Leap Summer.

Owner, founder and president of the recording company “Sintez records” (founded in 1987).


Alexander Kutikov was born into a Russian-Jewish family on April 13, 1952 in Maly Pionersky Lane, on Patriarch's Ponds, in the very center of Moscow.



External images
Sasha Kutikov in early childhood
Sasha Kutikov in childhood
With mom and grandpa
Sasha Kutikov with a pioneer bugle
Sasha Kutikov as a child 2
Kutikov from different angles
Young Kutikov and Makarevich

Alexander Kutikov spent his childhood in Maly Pionersky Lane on Patriarch's Ponds.

Until I was 7 years old, I lived in a separate 4-room apartment on Patriarch’s Ponds. Grandfather Naum Mikhailovich Kutikov was a very big administrative worker. It’s just that after my grandparents separated, this apartment was exchanged. Everyone went to small rooms. My grandmother stayed to live

adjacent to the premises that used to be our luxurious apartment. My mother, sister and I first moved to Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Lane, then to Malaya Bronnaya. But these were already rooms in communal apartments. After I had nannies, rations, getting into a communal apartment with 11 other neighbors was a shock, of course.

M. Margolis. "Long Turn"

Famous people visited the Kutikovs' house: Mark Bernes, Pyotr Aleinikov, and famous athletes, among them Vsevolod Mikhailovich Bobrov. Studied at a music school. He played various wind instruments - the trumpet, the alto, and the tenor saxophone and performed classical music. He was a bugler in a pioneer camp and won competitions. At the age of fourteen he began playing the guitar. In his youth, he was involved in boxing (boxed in lightweight weight at the Moscow Youth Championship and received bronze), hockey and football. He was the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the school, but at the age of 16 he wrote a letter of resignation from the Komsomol. Because of this, I did not enter any institute.


He studied trumpet at a music school and successfully completed it.

Margolis. "Long Turn"

Back in 1970, GDRZ was the youngest sound engineer in the broadcast and field recording workshop. And at the age of 18, he went to broadcasts and recordings of concerts with the participation of stars. They trusted me to record Karel Gott, VIA "Singing Guitars", Helena Vondrachkova and other famous performers.

At the age of 19, he met 17-year-old Andrei Makarevich, then a first-year student at the Moscow Architectural Institute. By his own admission: “We immediately discovered that we had a lot of common musical tastes, including the Beatles.<…>I have always been attracted to people who have a higher intelligence, outlook, and level of education than me.<…>Andryusha was just one of those people. For example, he was brilliantly versed in literature, in particular poetry. When I talked a little with Andryusha, I realized how much he had read, how many magnificent poems he knew by heart, and how much I had missed while skating and running around the yards as a child.”

Solo activities

  • - “Monkeys. Garland of babies »
  • - “How the monkeys dined”
  • - "Monkeys and Robbers"


Year Name Role
doc "Six Letters about Beat" plays himself
f "Soul" cameo
f "Start from the beginning " cameo
f "Glass Labyrinth" cameo
doc "Rock and Fortune" plays himself

Alexander Viktorovich Kutikov(born April 13, 1952, Moscow) - famous Soviet and Russian musician, composer, vocalist, music producer. Honored Artist of Russia (1999).

He has performed and continues to perform in several musical groups. He is best known as the bass guitarist, vocalist and composer of the rock band “Time Machine”, of which he was a member in 1971-1974, and from 1979 to the present.

Fragment of a concert at the Moscow Art Theater, 2009. A. Kutikov and the Nuance group Video added with the personal permission of the copyright holder Alexander Viktorovich Kutikov.


Alexander Kutikov was born into a Jewish family on April 13, 1952 in Maly Pionersky Lane on Patriarch's Ponds, in the very center of Moscow.


Father - Viktor Nikolaevich Petukhov - (12/09/1923), football player of the Moscow "Spartak" and Kuibyshev "Wings of the Soviets" - left the family early.

Mother - Sofya Naumovna Kutikova, sang and danced in a gypsy ensemble led by Kemalov - one of the best touring groups of the post-war period.

Uncle - Sergei Nikolaevich Krasavchenko (born December 19, 1940) - was the chairman of the Supreme Council Committee on Economic Reform and Property, as well as the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Boris Yeltsin

  • Maternal grandfather - Naum Mikhailovich Kutikov (Naum Moiseevich) - (1902), at the age of 14 he left to make a revolution. In 1919, when he was 17 years old, he already commanded a regiment. By the year 1928 he was one of the leaders of the Kamchatka Cheka. Career in the Cheka. He was expelled from the party twice, reinstated twice... The first time he came under repression in the late 1930s, and remained alive only because he was closely acquainted with Alexander Nikolaevich Poskrebyshev and he was only expelled from the party, but not shot or imprisoned, then he became deputy director of the 19th Aviation Plant, now called the Khrunichev Plant, during the war, he worked in the Ministry of Arms, and then received his highest position, Administrator of the People's Commissariat of Aviation Industry of the USSR, this People's Commissariat was headed by Mikhail Moiseevich Kaganovich, brother of Lazar Kaganovich. after the debunking of Stalin's personality cult, he was expelled from the party for working with Kaganovich. He was unemployed for two years, then became deputy head of the trust for high-rise buildings and hotels and was reinstated in the party. Alexander Ivanovich Maksakov helped him.
  • Maternal grandmother - Galina Isaakovna Kutikova (Glikka Isaakovna), graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of Moscow State University, was the chief accountant of the factory in Sokolniki.


Alexander Kutikov spent his childhood in Maly Pionersky Lane on Patriarch's Ponds. beginning of quote Until I was 7 years old, I lived in a separate 4-room apartment on Patriarch's Ponds. Grandfather Naum Mikhailovich Kutikov was a very big administrative worker. It’s just that after my grandparents separated, this apartment was exchanged. Everyone went to small rooms. My grandmother stayed to live