Creative nicknames for girls Lisa. Choosing a pseudonym for a positive influence on fate and character - what famous pseudonyms mean

Nick (short for nickname- pseudonym) is a fictitious name that is most often used on the Internet, and can also be used in literature, music, cinema and other forms of show business. " How to come up with a nickname?», « How to make your nickname truly original“- these are the first questions that every person faces when tormented by the problem of choosing his pseudonym. Today we will look at this problem inside and out, and also get acquainted with tips and examples that will help you choose a nickname and make it truly impressive.

How to come up with a nickname. Step one. Goals and objectives

Before you come up with a nickname, you should decide what you need it for. The goal will largely determine how to create a pseudonym. It is not recommended to skip this step, since the nickname must correspond to the environment in which you will use it. For example, if you wrote a detective novel, then the options “Kisulya”, “Hellen devil” or “ArchDemon” are unlikely to suit you as a pseudonym.

A variety of areas can encourage you to come up with a nickname:

  • Online games
  • Dating websites
  • Show Business
  • Literature, etc.

And in each of these areas, a nickname needs its own zest, which will be discussed below. The general wish for all pseudonyms, of course, is uniqueness. Non-unique nicknames are funny when there are only a couple of them, because it leads to funny things (especially if these people overlap with each other), but when there are thousands of users, the excessive abundance becomes simply banal and dull.

How to come up with a nickname. Step two. Highlight

Zest is a distinctive feature of a nickname, which:

  • Attracts attention
  • Associated only with you
  • Arouses curiosity

The highlights of a pseudonym are largely determined by the scope of use of the nickname, and can be different depending on the context.

General rule:

The highlight should arouse curiosity, interest, or pose the question to the interlocutor (reader): what the nickname means and why you chose it. It is highly desirable that the pseudonym be associated specifically with you.

Regarding associations, this is one of the most powerful highlights that “burns” your nickname into the memory of others. For example, in one animated martial arts film, each character had a nickname that described him, directly or indirectly. One of the heroes had poor eyesight and wore glasses, but when he took them off, his blows never missed. He was called Odin because, according to Scandinavian legend, Odin was blind in one eye, but possessed a legendary spear, Gungnir, which always hit its target accurately.

How to come up with a nickname. Step three. Ways

There are a lot of ways to come up with a nickname. Depending on the context, certain nicknames may or may not be appropriate. The author of this article leaves the right of choice to the reader, offering only a set of ways to come up with a nickname.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 1 One letter

Just one letter adds a considerable amount of mystery to your nickname. This nickname is easy to remember and can be interpreted in any way you like. The main problem is that there are about three dozen letters in the English and Russian alphabets, and there are millions of people. In addition, if you plan to use such a nickname in a chat, then the system itself may introduce restrictions on the length of the nickname.

In order to get around these restrictions, you can duplicate the same character. For example, one Japanese animated film used the aliases C.C. and V.V. As for the rest, everything depends only on your imagination.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 2 Changelings

Reversals are words read backwards. For example, Seldom-Modles, Dynamo-Omanyd and so on. Most often, people write their names backwards. If the word turns out to be not very beautiful, then you can change it a little by adding one or more letters. For example, in the word Modles from the example, you can add the letter S to the end, creating a new full word Modless, which can have several meanings.

You can also add articles, particles and other elements known to you. For example, at one time I used exactly this method to create my nickname, which you can see in my email address. I flipped the word "Danyl" (my name) around to make it Lynad, and then just added the German article Der to make the nickname sound tougher.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 3 Verbal nouns

Another simple, but nevertheless effective way to come up with a nickname. Everything is simple here: you decide which action you like best and add the ending –er to it (relevant for the English language). In the Russian equivalent, you simply create a verbal noun. There are countless examples: Skater, Reader, Traveler, etc.

This way, you immediately arouse curiosity among people with similar interests.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 4 Word play and specials. inserts

This method is especially popular on the Internet. Its essence lies in the fact that in words elements that are identical in pronunciation are replaced with numbers or other words. For example, I personally took the word copywriter and created the consonant nickname Copyrider from it. This is a play on words. As for replacement, you don’t need to look far for examples: Sk8ter, 4Fun, 2zik, etc.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 5 mythology and literature

This method of coming up with a nickname will come in handy if you plan to give the impression of a well-read and educated person. Mythology, no matter whether it is ancient Egyptian, ancient or Scandinavian, is simply teeming with sonorous names that you can successfully use as a pseudonym.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 6 Appeal to male instincts

One of my favorite methods of misleading representatives of the stronger sex (just shhhhh... don’t say a word to anyone... =)), which will be very, very relevant for girls. The secret of this method is that any pseudonym that passes through a man’s consciousness causes a certain response in him based on instincts. This reaction may either not be expressed at all, or may be caused by a number of psychophysiological processes.

So, for example, the pseudonyms “Delicious”, “Kislenkaya”, “Kisunya” are imbued with femininity and are tinged with naivety, in a word, the whole mixture of qualities that are inherent in prey for a man’s subconscious on an instinctive level. As a result, and this is especially true for online games and chats, such nicknames will be more successful among men than “Lady Foam Rubber” or “Augean Cleanser”.

By the way, this method can also be used in reverse, causing a negative emotional reaction and a feeling of disgust.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 7 Objects, phenomena, sounds, etc.

An alias can be obtained from anything: both from objects and from phenomena and sounds: Buzz, Flash, Cleaver, Plane, Protractor - anything. You choose any nickname depending on your goals and objectives.

A similar method has already been discussed in the article “”. Many of the approaches described in this article can be successfully used to create a nickname.

Summary: You can come up with a nickname using many different approaches. Some work better, others worse. In any case, before you come up with a pseudonym for yourself, decide why you need it and what tasks it should solve for you.

Obviously, this article does not list all the ways you can use to come up with a good nickname. If you have your own thoughts on this topic, your opinion is always welcome in the comments below.


A pseudonym always arises as a result of personal initiative and this differs from a surname received from ancestors. Even the artificial surnames that many serfs received at the whim of a master or official are still surnames, not pseudonyms. Someone gave the serfs surnames, and they did not choose them themselves. If only someone came and asked to record him the way he himself wanted, for example, Pushkin or Lermontov, then he actually chose a pseudonym for himself.

Pseudonyms are all the names a person chooses for himself. The word "pseudonym" in Greek means "fictitious name", as "pseudos" is translated as "false" and "onym" as "name". In fact, a pseudonym is a mask that covers a person’s face. But if we have every right to change our personal name and add various additional names to it, then this does not apply to the surname that comes to us from our ancestors. And the pseudonym actually takes on the functions of a surname in communicating with other people. It also defines a certain scenario, indicates the role that a person will have to play in society as a result of his own choice.

Rice. 56. Horoscope of Bely Andrey

The specificity of a pseudonym is that the program and rhythm that it lays down in life are artificial, far-fetched. This is a person’s demonstrated personal initiative, which is punishable. Since accepting this role is associated with personal initiative, the pseudonym begins to fully play out only after two years, through the cycle of Mars, the planet of personal initiative. Two years after a person has chosen a pseudonym and began to use it in life, he completely gets used to the new role that he has defined for himself.

A pseudonym is a certain task that a person takes on himself in addition to his main program, specified by his real surname. And after some time, they begin to ask even more harshly for completing a new task than for the old name. Since a pseudonym arises as a result of an independent choice, one has to pay for this choice more seriously than for the problems that were passed down with the surname from one’s ancestors.

At best, a pseudonym allows you to hide behind a mask and throw off part of the program received from your ancestors. But for this, the process of adopting a pseudonym must be sacred, associated with a certain ritual, allowing one to throw off the initial burden that came with the surname, and in return take on some additional obligations. Therefore, Zoroastrians believed that only an initiated person who knows how to use it competently is allowed to take a pseudonym. It is not safe for everyone else to take pseudonyms, as they may pay for their self-will. A pseudonym can be compared to shagreen skin, which gives something, but takes away much more, since all the gifts have to be paid for later. In the worst case, a frivolous attitude towards pseudonyms shortens a person’s life.

You can be convinced of this if you analyze the lives of people who used pseudonyms. Many of them lived less than the period that was allotted to them by nature and which could be determined through their horoscope. For example, Andrei Bely, who was actually Boris Bugaev, lived only 53 years, Sasha Cherny (Mikhail Glikberg) - 51 years, Igor Severyanin (Igor Lotarev) - 54 years. In very rare cases, owners of pseudonyms live longer than the period prescribed by fate. The duration of our lives is determined by our ancestors, and therefore when we move away from fulfilling ancestral programs, we ourselves shorten our lives and lose protection.

Moreover, those owners of pseudonyms who successfully realized themselves and became famous only with the adoption of a pseudonym usually live less. And before that, they didn’t succeed in anything in life. As a rule, a person takes a pseudonym to become famous and achieve success. And this means choosing completely different conditions compared to the initially received options for fate. In fact, this is a disguise, a lie for which you have to pay.

For example, Sergei Kirov took a pseudonym for himself, since his real last name was Kostrikov. In Vladimir Dahl’s dictionary you can find that “kostrikom” in southern dialects was the name given to ruff fish, “kostrikovym” was an obstinate and intractable person, and in Tula dialects “kostrit” means “to lie, to brag.” It is possible that the subconscious influence of the hereditary surname program, associated with the desire to stand out and show off, pushed Sergei Kostrikov to take the pseudonym Kirov. This pseudonym makes it possible to gain power, stand out, reign, as it comes from the Persian name Cyrus (Kurush), which means “lord, lord, supreme teacher.” The Greek word “kyros” is also translated as “power, strength, right,” and this was one of the epithets of Zeus.

Sergei Kirov himself chose his royal program with the help of a pseudonym. This made it possible for a boy who grew up in an orphanage to turn into an all-powerful ruler, become the first secretary of the Leningrad Provincial Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and actually rule the royal city. But for the inconsistency of the pseudonym assumed by the program, which distinguished Kirov too much from other people, he was removed at the age of 38.

A pseudonym is, in most cases, an artificial program that a person creates for himself, problems that he attracts to himself, and the problems are not sacred. And these problems begin to require their solution even in a more stringent form than the hereditary program of the family name.

But a pseudonym can also be sacred. If a person chooses some Path in life, namely the Path with a capital P, then he needs a pseudonym. In the East, this ancient tradition has been preserved to this day, but in the West it was actually lost and degenerated into our modern non-sacred pseudonyms.

Zoroastrians selected pseudonyms at some stages of their life in order to complete a specific task. But they did this only with the blessing of their spiritual mentor. Zoroastrians believed that a person has the right to choose new names and pseudonyms in order to go through various stages of the spiritual path in life. The same tradition passed into Christianity, which is why graduates of theological seminaries were given new surnames.

In the Avestan tradition, pseudonyms were used, but they were treated as an additional program adopted for a certain period of time. The procedure for adopting a pseudonym itself was of a sacred nature, and it was not the person himself who was responsible for this process, but the religious egregor. Usually a pseudonym was taken during the period when Saturn returned to its place in a person’s birth chart, that is, at the age of about 30 years. This period is always associated with trials and is a test of maturity and self-sufficiency. Therefore, they chose a pseudonym to test themselves and become independent. They took such a pseudonym for about three years, while Saturn passed through an entire sign of the Zodiac, and they did this under the supervision of a mentor.

In various secret societies, echoes of the ancient tradition were preserved, and their members always chose pseudonyms for themselves. The Bolsheviks also had pseudonyms in use: Lenin (Ulyanov), Stalin (Dzhugashvili), Trotsky (Bronstein), Molotov (Scriabin), Zinoviev (Apfelbaum), Kamenev (Rozenfeld), Kirov (Kostrikov), etc. Such pseudonyms are not allowed considered sacred, since they were taken not for spiritual development, but for a political career. Nevertheless, through the bearers of these pseudonyms, certain superhuman powers manifested themselves, since they were supported by the communist egregor.

The surname forces us to play some role in the world, therefore, by carrying out its program, we are responsible not only for ourselves. We, as actors, are involved in a certain scenario defined by our surname, and therefore we do not have the right to change anything in this scenario, but can only play our role well. We have the right to choose our personal name, but such experiments with a surname are not encouraged, since they affect cosmic laws. We can come up with some kind of pseudonym for ourselves, but it may not take root with us. The person will still be called in the old way, and after some time he will understand that for him this pseudonym is an extra, alien element.

But it’s a completely different matter if the pseudonym comes to us through revelation, when we suddenly realize that this is really our program. This is how it was with Maxim Gorky. For some reason, it also occurred to Vladimir Ulyanov to use the pseudonym Lenin, although before that he had a lot of different pseudonyms. Most likely, his pseudonym came to Stalin as a revelation, and he fulfilled the program of his pseudonym, indicating steel, hardened iron.

Unlike a name, which can be calculated from a horoscope, a pseudonym is not calculated. But it can spontaneously come to mind, and a person realizes that this is his new program at this stage of his life’s journey. For example, pop singer Leonid Agutin did not know that in his horoscope the Ascendant falls at 11° Leo, pointing to the agouti hare, but for some reason it dawned on him to call himself Agutin (his real name is Chizhov). The image of the agouti hare is associated with fun, absolute naturalness and adventurism. The pseudonym program confirmed the indicators of the horoscope and helped to fully realize oneself and become a popular singer.

It is believed that until it dawns on a person, until he has some kind of insight into what he should now call himself, he has no right to come up with a pseudonym for himself. All artificial pseudonyms invented by the person himself are not viable. For example, Mikhail Bulgakov tried to sign his works with various pseudonyms, but all of them did not take root. Likewise, Anton Chekhov, although he tried to sign himself Chekhonte, everyone knew him as Chekhov. Alexander Pushkin also tried to use pseudonyms, but he remained Pushkin. All pseudonyms that have taken root and are remembered came to their owners through revelation. Currently, this is the only way to distinguish a true pseudonym from an artificial one.

In the 19th century, the famous Slavic philologist and poet Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov lived and worked, who studied the monuments of ancient Slavic writing and in 1843 for the first time published the ancient chronicle “Ostromir Gospel”. His real name was Ostenek, and for literary publications he chose the pseudonym Vostokov. The program of such a pseudonym is connected with the XI house, and with some kind of global mission, since it points not to a separate area, but to a large region - the East. Alexander Khristoforovich really took up large-scale work, began to study the grammars of various Slavic languages ​​and laid the foundations of comparative Slavic linguistics. He completed the voluntary pseudonym program and lived a fairly long life, dying at the age of 84.

At the moment of revelation, when a pseudonym is unexpectedly revealed to you, you can create a horoscope that will show what this pseudonym means to you personally. And at the time of proclaiming a pseudonym in front of other people, you can also draw up a horoscope. This horoscope will show how the owner of the pseudonym will interact with society.

A pseudonym includes a new rhythm in fate, which can be determined by the horoscope at the time the pseudonym was announced: the first performance under this name in the theater or on the stage, the publication of a book or article signed by this pseudonym.

Sometimes a pseudonym gradually turns into a real surname. If a person has lost the scenario of his pseudonym, and after that he has children, they already accept his pseudonym as a surname. In fact, he becomes the founder of a new surname.

For example, Arkady Gaidar wore a pseudonym, since his real name was Golikov. Golik was a broom made from branches without leaves, bare twigs tied into a bundle. And Gaidar is translated from Greek as donkey. Moreover, in ancient times the donkey was considered a symbol of perseverance and victory. The following tradition was associated with it: the donkey was allowed to go ahead of the army before the battle, therefore, it is a donkey that walks ahead. The word “gaidar” can also be associated with Turkic roots. This was the name of a bagpiper, a person who played the bagpipes. In the Tatar cavalry, bagpipe musicians rode in front, so the rider galloping in front gradually began to be called this. In fact, both roots of the origin of this pseudonym lead to one mystery.

Arkady Gaidar fulfilled the program of his pseudonym, so his son Timur could well have taken the surname Gaidar. And he passed on the same surname to his adopted son Yegor, who, in turn, also played the role of a donkey or a bagpiper walking ahead of the army. And as soon as he completed this program, he was immediately removed from the government. The pseudonym of Arkady Gaidar turned into a real surname for his descendants.

The same thing happened with the founder of the dynasty of illusionists, Kio. According to family legend, he once saw the inscription “cinema”, in which the letter “N” fell out, and this was a moment of insight for him - he began to call himself by such a pseudonym. The pseudonym passed on to his sons Emilius and Igor, who also became illusionists and continued their father’s work. Their father's pseudonym became their surname, which they passed on to their children and grandchildren.

The singer Irina Allegrova got her unusual surname from her father, who bore the surname Sarkisov, but took the pseudonym Allegrova and passed it on to his children as a new surname. Actor Mikhail Svetin also chose a pseudonym for himself, since in fact he was Goldman (translated as “golden man”). He named himself Svetin in honor of his eldest daughter Sveta, replaced his surname with a pseudonym in his passport, and now his younger children have a new surname.

As a rule, people who have a strong 1st house of the horoscope, a strong Mars, are very fond of taking pseudonyms, especially if at the same time there are important indicators in the 12th house or in the sign of Pisces. Then the person simultaneously wants to take the initiative and hide under a pseudonym. For example, a very strong 1st house was in the horoscope of Maxim Gorky. There were 8 planets in this house, including Mars - the planet of personal initiative. In addition, the signs of Pisces and Aries were strongly expressed, and the ruler of the 1st and 12th houses, Saturn, was located exactly at the Zenith of the horoscope. A bitter taste is associated with Saturn, so the pseudonym Gorky clearly showed this planet, indicating in his horoscope the highest achievements in life.

The symbolist writer Andrei Bely (Boris Bugaev) had the strongest Mars in the sign of Scorpio in exact conjunction with the Sun and at the same time a strong XII house, in which the Setting Node and the Black Moon were located (see Fig. 57). The poet Igor Severyanin (Lotarev) in his horoscope (see Fig. 58) had a powerful conjunction of the Sun with Mars and Neptune, the planet of secrets and mysteries, which is the psychological ruler of the 12th house, and the Moon was in the sign of Pisces.

Rice. 57. Horoscope of Northerner Igor

Rice. 58. Horoscope of Molotov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

The presence of a strong XII house in the horoscope allows a person to hide behind a pseudonym so much that others forget about his real surname. Everyone knew the real names of Lenin and Stalin, but few remembered that the real name of the man who headed the Soviet government from 1930 to 1941 was not Molotov, but Scriabin. In his horoscope (see Fig. 59) there was a very strong Mars, a significant 1st house, which contained the conjunction of Neptune and Pluto, and a very strong 12th house, which included the conjunction of the Sun with Venus and the White Moon in the sign of Pisces.

Rice. 59. Horoscope of Agutin Leonid Nikolaevich

The pseudonyms of many creative people highlighted the key planets of their horoscopes and helped them include a more advantageous option for fate. So, they very often use pseudonyms on the stage. The famous singer Larisa Dolina (Myachinskaya) chose a pseudonym for herself, which helps her creative realization and achievement of success. In the Alphabetical Zodiac (see Fig. 60), five of the six letters of the pseudonym reveal the most significant planets of her horoscope: the Sun in conjunction with Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Chiron and Proserpina, so the pseudonym reveals the most successful version of the horoscope and is well remembered.

Rice. 60. Horoscope of Larisa Dolina in the Alphabetical Zodiac

Singer Lada Dance was Lada Volkova from birth, but she also chose a pseudonym for performing on stage. Figure 61 shows her horoscope in the Alphabetical Zodiac, counted from the Ascendant point counterclockwise. The first letter of the pseudonym “D” highlighted the most important point of her horoscope, a powerful stellium of planets in the sign of Virgo and the X house, consisting of the Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Uranus. The pseudonym helped turn on a program for unexpectedly revealing talents, achieving goals and popularity. Since the nickname is supported by the planets of the horoscope, it is well remembered and “sounds”.

Rice. 61. Horoscope of Lada Dance in the Alphabetical Zodiac

Hi, friend! It’s cool that you are engaged in creativity and are going to let it into the masses =) I know this, because otherwise you would not have wondered how to come up with a pseudonym.

In this article, I will tell you about the typical mistakes that people make when choosing a nickname, what exactly I think makes a nickname cool and memorable, I will give a bonus and give examples.

But first, it would be nice to tell who I am and why I am writing an article on a similar topic. The fact is that I myself am not far from creativity, and just like you I was faced with the problem that I could not decide what to call myself. I tried about 5 nicknames over several years, and settled, in my opinion, on the best. I’ll tell you why I decided this at the end of this article.

3 common mistakes when choosing a nickname

  • The first thing I would like to talk about is that you should not choose a nickname as a nickname. I mean ordinary nicknames that everyone had in the yard or at school, which may have carried over into adult life, and then you decide that since everyone already calls you Vantuz, then even in the creative community you will be known by by this name. Possible for YouTube (if you run your own channel) this would only be a suitable nickname if you were covering some internet crap or something worse. I don't see any other options here.
  • The next point is simply called “shit and eat.” I think that from the title of this paragraph it should be clear what I mean. This kind of crap is very common among gamers, but they have their own specifics... At the same time, someone calls themselves that in VKontakte, uses a similar pseudonym for rap and for YouTube. I have one question for such people - what kind of patience and desire to find out who the author of this “wonderful creation” should a person have in order to read (correctly!), remember, recommend you to someone, and so that he can then easily find you in Internet. For some reason no one thinks about this. No need to force people to tense up!
  • The next typical mistake is that in an attempt to come up with a super-cool and unique, memorable nickname, people completely forget about adequacy. Here are some examples of real people: Homeless, Homo in the Village, Vodavrot and these are not the most frostbitten =) When I see such names, it immediately becomes clear that the person is doing something frivolous at the level of an amateur... there is no point in watching or listening to him desires. And it's not worth it.

These are the key mistakes that I was able to highlight from the crowd. I strongly recommend not to repeat them. Why? It seems so clear.

Now to the main question

How to choose a good nickname

There are quite a lot of options. I don’t know which one will be more useful to you, so read on and choose what you like.

  • The first and most obvious is a pseudonym from a name. I don’t know why many people avoid this option. Just look at your first and last name. Perhaps it reads and looks very cool and there is no need to change anything. You can try to write in English if you are going to make yourself known abroad. This would be a great solution for an artist or musician... or designer. Denis Simachev is an example.
  • It won't suit everyone, but it's an option. Again, play with your name. Perhaps by combining part of the first and last names, you can get a good nickname. For example, not to go far, the author of this blog is also known as Deep.
  • The following options are more complicated. Think about what mood your creativity conveys, what topics it is about and where it is directed. Based on this, sketch out on a piece of paper all the associations that come to your mind. Then either choose from what is available, or you can continue the chain, but this is unlikely. Out of 3 questions, you can easily write 30 options. You can choose something from this. Perhaps slightly adjusted for better sound.
  • The next option requires time and experience in what you do. As I promised at the beginning, now I’ll tell you how I chose my last stage name. My environment helped me with this, even without my participation. According to my friend, in the conversation they started talking about me... word for word, and a new nickname was ready, sonorous and which is meaningfully connected with me. I didn’t approach anyone at all with the words “help me come up with a cool nickname”, it somehow all happened on its own. But again, it will most likely take a lot of time.

Mistakes when coming up with a nickname (pseudonym)

There are few of them, but they exist. And for success in your endeavor, I advise you to use these points.

  • The name should not be long. If you have more than 10 letters in one word, then you should think about a different nickname.
  • The next point is related to the first, but I decided to separate them. There is no need to make your nickname more than 4-5 words. It’s very inconvenient to read and write, and it’s unlikely that anyone will remember it the first time. But there is an exception. I remember once watching a Comedy Battle program and there were guys who called themselves “Just a fellow traveler and you know about it.” In my opinion, it’s a great name for comedians. I can’t say exactly why it sounds great and is memorable, perhaps it has something to do with the song =)
  • Should be easy to read. I wrote about this in errors and will repeat it again. Make your name as simple and clear as possible - it will be easier for people to remember you.
  • There is no dissonance between what you do and your name. It would be very strange to be called a “little pony” when you are a 35-year-old man with a mohawk who performs growling hard metal... well, I think the example is clear.

How to choose a creative nickname for a girl? Try these same tips. It seems to me that there should be no differences.

Generators of nicknames, names and pseudonyms - a bonus for the lazy

And now the promised bonus for those who got scammed. Now there are quite a lot of services on the Internet that allow you to generate a nickname or name for yourself. As a bonus to today’s material, I’ll list some of them so that you have plenty to choose from. These generators are made for lazy people who don't want to think for themselves. As a rule, they all work in the same way (set the required number of characters and words, press a button and get a standard and uninteresting nickname).

  • Storm Tower

That's all. Subscribe to the blog and stay tuned for updates.

Wrote the article One Sov. Especially for .

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Hi all. Our artist had a blast today – he drew some tough pictures for this article, take a look. By the way, his nickname is “Sailor”. Today we are talking about nicknames. The Indians have long come up with this trick - replacing names with funny phrases like “Keen Eye” or “Sharp Arrow.” I wonder which one is cooler? I would bet on the first one, what about you?

For my YouTube channel I came up with a nickname - Pavel Yamb - come in, subscribe, I tell interesting stories from the life of freelancers.

I've been looking for this nickname for a very long time, it's perfect for me, but first, try this nickname generator. The most popular service in RuNet for selecting nicknames, a huge database. Think about it, think about it first. Maybe chance will determine your future.

Registration on any website or social networks, or even to open a mailbox, is always accompanied by painful thoughts about what name to open it under. First of all, calm down: you are not the only one experiencing this.

Nick or nickname is an analogue of a nickname or pseudonym. A fictitious name that we call ourselves when registering on the Internet. The word is borrowed from English.

It is not always appropriate to post your entire passport details. On thematic forums or in a game, for example, if you choose a name for Minecraft, a full name like Innokenty Evgrafovich Volobuev will look out of place. That’s why you need to decide on a nickname so as not to look like a black sheep among like-minded people.

If you register for the purpose of a one-time visit to the resource, then the chosen name really does not matter. However, I would not recommend rushing and calling yourself, for example, Teapot. What is initially considered temporary can quietly become permanent. So you will communicate with online interlocutors under a stupid nickname that you came up with “for fun.” This will be especially inappropriate if you are registering for a professional or business activity. Only people with a specific sense of humor will want to collaborate with Chaynik. So the nickname will become a hindrance, not a help in your work.

Well, we should not forget the advice of the wise captain Vrungel: “Whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail”:

Unique Features

There are quite a lot of options for linking a nickname to the real you. The simplest and most common online names are derived from the first or last name.

However, it's not that simple. There are a huge number of users on the Internet. And even if you think that for a girl named Svetlana it will be enough to write the diminutive form Svetulya, then you may be very disappointed. Hundreds and thousands of “Svetuls” had this original idea before you.

In addition, computer security experts recommend not using real personal data as a nickname.

But don't be upset. In addition to your full name, ideas for a nickname can be given by:

  • nationality;
  • location;
  • hobbies;
  • character traits;
  • skills and abilities;
  • distinctive features of appearance;
  • other reasons to be proud.

The main task of creating an effective and memorable nickname is to distinguish you from others. It must have a feature, and one that will not change too quickly, such as age. You can often see nicknames with numbers that clearly indicate the person’s age. If you create an account at 22, then in a few years these numbers will no longer mean as much to you as they did when you created this nickname. So if you are going to use numbers, make sure they are truly meaningful to you.

And again: a safe nickname should not contain too much personal information. Otherwise, your age is in your nickname, your date of birth is in your password—it’s not far from hacking. Therefore, if we are not talking about simple communication on social networks (the most popular), but regarding an account related to monetary transactions, it is better to take these tips into account.

Through the expanses of fantasy

I started an Instagram account. I show you the life of a copywriter, I make fun of you in stories, let’s be friends! GO TO INTSAGRAM

It also happens that you want to create a nickname that has no ties to a real person. Then your imagination will help you!

There are several ways that will allow you to choose a sonorous nickname.

A la stage name . Replace your first or last name with something you'd secretly like to use. Your name is Leo and this confuses you? Then call yourself modestly! And vice versa, does the modest name Ira not correspond to your bright character? Then look for a name you like.

Movie or book character . Nicknames with the names of popular characters from films, TV series and cartoons are often found. However, there is a risk of being irrevocably lost in the host of Naruto or Sailor Moon, cutting across the Internet. Want to stand out? Either look for a not very popular movie, or look at other ways to create a unique nickname.

Letters and numbers . You can limit yourself to a set of letters - the main thing is that you can reproduce it later. Using any nickname with English letters that are used to display Roman numerals can help create original nicknames such as the numbering of monarchs in dynasties: Ivan XIV or LXX in general.

Combination of a word with a name . Instead of a surname, you can use, for example, a pet's name - if you like the idea of ​​​​being called Rex or Pusechka. If not, then substitute something else instead - and the same name of your favorite character.

Backwards . One of the easiest ways to come up with a nickname is to simply reverse the name or any other word. As long as it sounds the way you like. If anyone else watches Soviet cinema, then in the old children's film “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” these are the names that the inhabitants of the magical land had: friend - Gurd, toad - Abazh, parrot - Yagupop.

Anagram . You can even have fun playing with your own first or last name if you try to swap the letters. Sometimes words are transformed beyond recognition: orphan - Ariost, orange - spaniel.

Nicky in another language . Most often they look for the version in English - and this is also a good resource for original ideas. It is especially easy to come up with verbal nouns as nicknames. Do you like to swim? Then you are a swimmer. Do you type quickly? The buzzer option is suitable.

Advanced User Methods . Among the English-speaking segment, nicknames with numbers are often found, when the word or part of it for is replaced by the number 4, which is pronounced the same way. To – 2 is also replaced in the same way. Russian users flaunt transcriptions in English using letters similar to Russian in spelling: Vinni-Pyh instead of Winnie the Pooh.

You see, there are a lot of ways to come up with an original nickname. Basic rules for choosing your new name:

  1. It is important to distinguish between which nicknames you can come up with for communication on a hobby topic, and which ones for business relationships.
  2. A nickname should be memorable, first of all, for the creator himself.
  3. The originality of your nickname sets you apart from other visitors to the resource.
  4. Unless you have a goal to attract people with certain inclinations, it is better not to create nicknames with hints of cruelty that offend someone's feelings.

Technical nuances

So, on one resource they may require only one word, while you have two prepared. Or it is mandatory to use numbers. Some sites have a ban on celebrity names.

Therefore, you should think through possible options for your nickname in advance. Well, or act according to the circumstances. The main thing is not to forget where and under what name you registered.

Now you know almost everything about nicknames - all that remains is to put it into practice. I hope that after my article, each of your new accounts will have an amazing nickname!

Here is a parting message from Captain Vrungel. See you in touch!

Representatives of literary circles and professions associated with public activities often use a fictitious name instead of their real name - a pseudonym, which becomes a kind of calling card of a creative person. This is usually not due to the desire to hide individual data recorded in official documents. For many, a pseudonym is a way of presenting information about themselves and creating a certain image necessary to achieve professional goals.

A person who is wondering how to choose a pseudonym has good reason for this. Psychologists identify two main motives that encourage people to replace their own name with a fictitious one. The first of them is the desire to protect personal information space from external interference. Guided by this motive, as a rule, they choose a discreet pseudonym that would not raise the question: who is this Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov? However, the opposite often happens: a person assigns a bright and unusual name, which is so expressive that it does not arouse even a shadow of suspicion that behind it is hiding a novice, not very self-confident writer or actor with modest abilities. An example is the literary pseudonym Cherubina de Gabriak, under which the Russian poet E. I. Dmitrieva published at the beginning of the 20th century.

The second motive is the individual’s desire to draw attention to his personal qualities, hidden from others, but constituting, in his opinion, the deep essence of the author’s creativity. In this case, the pseudonym reflects the concept of personality, the voiced and promulgated internal attitude towards the nature of actions and the type of social behavior.

G. Sh. Chkhartishvili chose as a pseudonym the name of the Russian anarchist M. Bakunin, whose beliefs appealed to the writer and did not contradict his own worldview. The shocking pseudonym of E. V. Savenko Eduard Limonov fully justified itself as an annoying symbol, which found a projection in his literary works, which have the same annoying effect on readers.

If you need to position yourself in a similar vein, you can continue this series by choosing an accurate and sonorous name, as M. Gorky, D. Bedny, E. Bagritsky, L. Utesov did in their time. Their identities are more often identified with a pseudonym than with a real name, since his choice turned out to be a clear bull's eye.

Nickname: meaning of sound combinations

A pseudonym always contains an emotional message, which, both semantically and sonically, has a specific effect on the audience. The pseudonym Kisly will definitely cause a negative reaction, the name Peretz will most likely react with laughter, and the vague Shubshlumshanov will be remembered by few people.

Psycholinguists note that even unfamiliar names in which the first letters of the alphabet predominate are easier to learn and arouse interest. They are conventionally classified as indicating positive, aggressive and neutral sounds. The first group includes vowels [a], consonants [b], [d], [k]; to the second – [y], [o], [g], [r]; sounds [i], [s] are considered neutral.

This feature was intuitively, but very subtly and accurately felt by A. Gorenko, who chose her grandmother’s surname as a pseudonym. The name Anna Akhmatova is remembered immediately. In addition to the fact that it is associated with a beautiful legend about its origin from the ancient khan family, it contains five vowels [a]. This evokes a range of associations, from shouting "Ahhh..." to sighing "Ahh!", which can express a wide range of emotions.

When choosing a pseudonym, you must pay attention to the euphony of the new name. This is one of the conditions for his success. The principle on which the pseudonym is composed also plays a role.

Brief classification of methods for composing pseudonyms

The most common methods are the following:

  1. Abbreviation of one's own surname or combination of its fragment with a fragment of the first name. The most successful pseudonym of this type is V. G. Yan, derived from the surname Yanchevetsky.
  2. Using an adjective as a pseudonym indicating a significant sign of creativity or a character trait of the author - A. Bely, M. Svetlov.
  3. Replacing a too long name with a short one consisting of a maximum of two syllables - Pele, D. Harms, O. Roy.
  4. Borrowing the names of literary heroes, famous cultural figures or historical figures - Rostov, Scriabin, V. Kaverin, L. Kravchuk, Vera Brezhneva.
  5. Choosing a pseudonym-troponym directly related to the place of birth or some geographical object.

For example, I. Severyanin is the pseudonym of I.V. Lotarev, who lived in St. Petersburg and was kind to northern Russia. The pseudonyms Cherkasov, Gorny, Moskvityanin, Minsky can also be examples.

  1. Tracing, or translation of a real name into another language, as well as its pronunciation according to the rules of another language.

The pseudonym B. Polevoy is based on the real name of the writer B. N. Kampov. I. Andronikov is a Russified version of the Georgian surname Andronikashvili.

  1. Creating a pseudonym with a comic effect that can evoke associations with a popular political figure, representative of science, culture or an odious personality - Klip-Fasovsky, Chernomordin, Zherebkovsky.
  2. It is not customary to include nicknames and nicknames as pseudonyms, but they can be a successful find for the emergence of a new name.

For example, Sasha Mokry - Alex Mok, Kostyl - Kostylevsky, Aborigine - Gennady Bora.

Nick as a type of pseudonym

The need to use pseudonyms also arises among users of Internet resources. When registering on numerous sites, you have to specify nicknames that form part of the password to access certain information. It is not forbidden to register under your own name, but it is still more convenient to create a symbol for personal data. Here, nothing limits the author's imagination.

However, when choosing a pseudonym for the Internet, one must remember that there are ethical requirements according to which the aggressive content of nicknames and the use of profanity in their meaning is unacceptable.

The nickname is perceived visually, so it is not so much the sound that is important in it, but the content and graphic image. Nicknames are created as an abbreviation with expressive connotations or a complex word consisting of lexically combinable fragments. For example: ARENA, dobr-man.

A common technique for creating nicknames as a type of pseudonym is contamination - mixing fragments of two words in one word with graphical highlighting of any part: terraKOT, hichkOk.

Writing your nickname in Latin simplifies the search if users communicate not only in Russian.