Describe the mirror from the fairy tale about the dead princess. “Research work “Comparative analysis of “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” A

A) Creation time:

“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” is one of the most famous fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin. Written in the fall of 1833 in Boldino. It is based on a Russian fairy tale written in the village of Mikhailovskoye. The plot of the fairy tale has strong similarities with the plot of the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” by the Brothers Grimm. The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm were published in the 10-20s of the 19th century, i.e. earlier than Pushkin's fairy tale (1833). The similarities between the two fairy tales are very great, so we can assume that Pushkin was familiar with the German version of the fairy tale. But the poet creates his own unique fairy tale. It differs from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm in its plot, characters, and language. Pushkin's fairy tale is more poetic and colorful.

Fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm Pushkin's fairy tale
1. Seven Dwarfs 1. Seven heroes
2. Stepmother tries to kill her stepdaughter three times 2. Blueberry comes once with an apple
3. The Prince accidentally finds Snow White 3. The groom, the prince Elisha, searches for the princess for a long time, turning to the sun, moon, and wind
4. Cruel ending: the stepmother is killed 4. Stepmother dies of melancholy and envy
5. The tale is written in prose 5. Written in verse, in beautiful literary language

Hypotheses about the origin of the tale:

1. Fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” is a processed repetition of a folk tale, 2. it is an independent work, 3. it is borrowed from Western European culture

B) Life circumstances:

Pushkin was traveling to Boldino as a groom. The decision to get married was dictated by many considerations: love for N. Goncharova, but also fatigue from a single, chaotic life, the need for peace, as well as the desire for an independent and dignified existence. However, financial difficulties prevented marriage. He went to Boldino to mortgage the village and return to Moscow in a month. Pushkin arrived in Boldino in a depressed state, because before leaving he had a fight with his future mother-in-law and, in irritation, wrote a letter to his bride in which he returned his word. Now he didn’t know whether he was a groom or not. A cholera epidemic in Moscow, which did not allow him to travel from Boldino. The combination of happy peace and mortal danger is a characteristic feature of Pushkin’s Boldino autumn. If you try to define in one phrase the general theme of Pushkin’s works of the Boldino autumn, then it will be “man and the elements.”

Genre features. Features of the fairy tale genre

Firstly, a fairy tale offers to be transported to a fictional world (in a fairy tale, everything is possible that is impossible in reality - miraculous events, magical transformations, unexpected reincarnations).

But the greatest value of a fairy tale is the inevitable triumph of goodness and justice in the finale.

The main characters of fairy tales are also ideal: they are young, beautiful, smart, kind, and emerge victorious from any challenge. In addition, their images are easy to perceive because, as a rule, they embody one quality. The system of images in a fairy tale is built on the principle of opposition: heroes are clearly divided into positive and negative, and the former always defeat the latter.

The perception and memorization of a fairy tale is also facilitated by its construction: a chain composition and threefold repetitions (Elisha’s threefold appeal to the forces of nature). Events follow one after another in strict sequence, and the tension increases with each repetition, leading to a climax and denouement - the victory of the good beginning.

Features of the epic:

E., like drama, is characterized by the reproduction of an action unfolding in space and time - the course of events in the lives of the characters. A specific feature of E. is the organizing role of the narrative: the speaker (the author or narrator himself) reports events as something that happened in the past, simultaneously resorting to descriptions of the setting of the action and the appearance of the characters, and sometimes to reasoning. Narrative speech interacts naturally with the dialogues and monologues of the characters. In general, the epic narrative dominates the work, holding together everything depicted in it. The epic narrative is told on behalf of the narrator, a kind of intermediary between the depicted and the listeners (readers), a witness and interpreter of what happened. Information about his fate, his relationships with the characters, and the circumstances of the “story” are usually missing.

E. is as free as possible in the exploration of space and time. The writer either creates scenic episodes, that is, pictures that record one place and one moment in the life of the characters, or in descriptive, overview episodes he talks about long periods of time or what happened in different places.

The arsenal of literary and visual means is used by E. in its entirety (portraits, direct characterizations, dialogues and monologues, landscapes, interiors, actions, etc.), which gives the images the illusion of three-dimensionality and visual and auditory authenticity. The volume of text of an epic work, which can be either prosaic or poetic, is practically unlimited.

Topic, problem, idea. Features of their expression

Eternal subject– love, friendship, people and work, relationships.

Unlike the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, Pushkin's fairy tale is about the most important value for a poet - it glorifies human loyalty and love. The motive for Prince Elisha’s search for his beloved is Pushkin’s “addition” to the folk plot. The opening picture of the death of the princess’s own mother (“I couldn’t bear the admiration”) is also dedicated to the theme of love and fidelity. The relationship between the princess and the heroes, their matchmaking, which is absent in the fairy tale “Snow White,” is connected with the same theme. The theme of devotion and love dictates the inclusion in the fairy tale of the image of the faithful dog Sokolko, who dies for the sake of his mistress. Idea- the main idea, the purpose of the work. The idea is that you can’t trust everyone, work hard, be honest, be brave...

The plot and its features

Plot– an event or system of events depicted in a work of art. Plot elements: a) exposition (preliminary acquaintance with the character, etc.), b) plot, c) development of action, d) climax, e) denouement.

In terms of plot, “The Tale of the Dead Princess” largely follows the folk canon: the “trouble”, expressed in the fact that the heroine leaves the house, is associated with the machinations of the evil stepmother, the poor father “grieves” for her, and the groom - Prince Elisha - goes to path. The girl finds herself in a forest tower where the heroic brothers live. The savior does not yet have time to reach the heroine, when the “common sabotage” is repeated again, as a result of which the heroine dies (climax). In search of a way, the savior turns to magical creatures and finds help from the wind. This is followed by a magical rescue (denouement), the return of the bride and groom and the death of the “pest”.

In a folk tale, all attention is focused on the central character. Other characters are mentioned in passing. In “The Tale of the Dead Princess,” Pushkin violates this law of unilinear plot construction. As researchers of Pushkin’s work have noted, it has three independent plans, and each of them is developed to the extent required by the concept of the fairy tale. The first plan is the life of the princess with the heroes and her death, the second is the experiences of the queen and her dialogues with the magic mirror, the third is the search for the bride by the prince Elisha.

The situation is depicted with realistic completeness. In Pushkin's fairy tales, the main thing is not the plot, not the chain of events, but the general lyrical movement, characters and pictures.

Composition and its features

Composition– construction of a work of art (connection between individual events, images, arranging them in a logical chain). The concept of composition is broader than the concept of plot, because the composition also includes extra-plot elements (landscapes, descriptions of characters, portraits, internal monologues, etc.).

The composition includes descriptions of nature: like Yaroslavna from “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” Prince Elisha turns to the elements of nature - the sun, the moon, the wind, finding in them sympathy and a solution to the painful mystery. These elements of nature are revealed to the reader both as magical creatures endowed with human speech and consciousness, and in their real forms.

Realistic and magical motifs naturally and organically merge in Pushkin’s fairy-tale landscapes. The real features of nature are personified by the poet and also seem fabulous. Both the magical and the real here equally depict nature as a living being. Pushkin preserves the basic law of the composition of a folk tale - its desire to present events as they happen in real life.

Of the other laws of folklore composition, the law of threefold repetition with variations of the main plot episodes was especially widely reflected in Pushkin’s fairy tales. Prince Elisha turns to the elements three times until he finds out where his bride is.

Summarizing and repeating what has been said, we can conclude that the plot, composition and some poetic features of “The Tale of the Dead Princess...” bring it closer to a folk fairy tale. However, it also contains the features of a literary work: the author’s voice, diversity in the ways of creating the image and characterization of the character, a certain “psychologization” of the characters, a combination of the fantastic and the real, lyricism and irony.

System of images-characters. The image of a lyrical hero


Particular attention should be paid to the lines “she is a housewife, meanwhile she will clean and cook in the mansion alone” (the influence of the popular idea of ​​the female ideal, in this case, by the way, representing a person of the royal family, and the affectionate “housewife”). Indicative are the lines “instantly from their speech they recognized that the princess was received” or the fact that when describing the princess the lexeme “quiet” is very often used: “quietly blossoming”, “she quietly spoke”, “quietly lay down”, “quietly locked the door” , “slowly bit through”, “quiet, motionless”, “quiet, lying fresh”. The princess is a modest, friendly, affectionate girl, beautiful, observing the rules of folk etiquette “she gave honor to the owners...”), hardworking (“she cleaned everything up in order”), religious (“she lit a candle for God”), faithful to her fiancé (“But I am forever given to another . My favorite is Prince Elisha.”

Before us is no longer just a fairy-tale heroine, but an artistically embodied Pushkin ideal.

The fairy tale contains the author's view - absent in the folk fairy tale (it rather reflects the assessment of the character from the point of view of national morality and morality), repeatedly expressed in Pushkin's fairy tale. “Evil” as a constant epithet for the word “stepmother”, “young” as applied to “bride” are quite possible in a folk tale, but you are unlikely to find there a phrase like “The devil will deal with an angry woman” or “Suddenly she, my soul , staggered without breathing.” The author's assessment is a clear sign of Pushkin's fairy tales.

Ways to characterize characters or a lyrical hero

In Pushkin's fairy tale, we feel the author's open attitude towards the heroine, which is not known in a folk fairy tale. The author dearly loves his heroine and admires her (“beauty is a soul,” “sweet girl,” “my soul,” etc.)

In general, the poet creates a unique individual character of the “young princess” with the help of a detailed description of her appearance, speech, a detailed depiction of the heroine’s behavior, includes numerous author’s assessments in the text of the fairy tale, and shows the attitude of other characters towards the heroine.

The princess is also characterized through the attitude of other characters towards her: “the dog runs after her, caressing her,” “the poor king grieves for her,” “the brothers fell in love with the sweet maiden,” even Chernavka, “loving her in her soul, did not kill her, did not tie her up.”

The evil queen is completely devoid of such an assessment: no one stops her from “harming” her, but no one helps her either. Even the mirror is completely “indifferent” to her personal experiences.

Features of the speech organization of the work

A) Narrator's speech:

In a fairy tale, we see the organizing role of the narrative: the speaker (the author or narrator himself) reports events and their details as something past and remembered, simultaneously resorting to descriptions of the setting of the action and the appearance of the characters, and sometimes to reasoning (“But how be?”, “Can the devil deal with an angry woman?”, “There’s no point in arguing”...). Narrative speech interacts naturally with the dialogues and monologues of the characters. Overall, the narrative dominates the work, holding together everything depicted in it.

B) Characters' speech:

In a fairy tale, dialogues often come down to repeated formulas, determined, as already mentioned, by the poetics and history of the fairy tale. The princess’s words addressed to Chernavka are not at all like fairy tales: “What, tell me, am I guilty of? Let me go, girl, and when I become a queen, I will have mercy on you.” In general, the speech of the characters in Pushkin’s fairy tales is one of the means of creating an image: “Oh, you disgusting glass, you’re lying to me to spite me! How can she compete with me! I’ll calm the stupidity in her” - on the one hand, and “for me you are all equal, all are daring, all are smart, I love you all from the bottom of my heart” - on the other.

B) Lexical composition :

A lot of neutral vocabulary, vocabulary of artistic style, narration, archaisms (queen, inda eyes, young woman, fingers, towers, hay girl, courtyard, in the upper room, with a couch, bed...), antonyms (from the white dawn to the night, day and night, )


D) Features of syntax :

The realistic manner is also reflected in the language - precise, spare, clear: in the predominance of words with a specific, material meaning, in the simplicity and clarity of syntax, in the almost complete elimination of the metaphorical element.

Pushkin's fairy tales combine various elements of colloquial, oral, poetic and literary language. In an effort to convey in conventionally fairy-tale forms real pictures of the life of the royal court, the nobility, merchants, clergy, and peasantry, Pushkin uses many words from the ancient written and book language: trading city, hay girl, slingshot. Slavicisms expressively convey the solemnity of often sad fairy-tale events: “I did not rise from sleep.” Pushkin’s contemporary literary language also influenced fairy tales. From here the following words and expressions passed into them: “brothers in spiritual sorrow.” These words and expressions enhance the lyrical tone of the narrative in Pushkin’s fairy tales.

But book vocabulary and phraseology do not violate the main feature of the language of Pushkin’s fairy tales - the nationality of sound. The literary elements of speech receive a folk coloring because they are surrounded by numerous verbal forms taken by the poet from folk life and oral poetry. There are also folklore epithets with their vivid imagery and variety of pictorial colors (“scarlet lips”, “white hands”, gilded horn...). There are also folk song appeals, tautologies and comparisons.

In Pushkin’s fairy tales there are many colloquial and oral-poetic figures of speech, as well as proverbs, sayings and similar author’s sayings: “she took it for everyone,” “it’s not good,” “I won’t leave the place alive,” “I was there, honey.” “I drank beer and only wet my mustache,” etc.

D) Means of expression:

Comparisons: the year passed like an empty dream.
Metaphors: under the saints there is an oak table.
Epithets: white earth, sighed heavily, vile glass, potbellied mother, red maiden, gilded horn, in deep darkness, ruddy fruit, from a brave robbery, crying bitterly, dark night.
Humor: I was there, drank mead and beer - and only wet my mustache.
Rhetorical questions, appeals, exclamations: But what to do? Can the devil deal with an angry woman?
Inversions: full of black envy, the poor king grieves for her.
Gradation: How the queen jumps away, how she waves her hand, how she slaps the mirror,
It’ll stamp like a heel!..; Go around our entire kingdom, even the whole world!

Rhythmic-intonation structure

A) meter and size: bimeter trochee, bipartite meter.
B) rhymes: male and female, open and closed, end, pair, adjacent.
B) stanza: quatrain (quatrain).

Familiar to everyone from childhood, A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “About the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” describes the miracles of love, kindness, morality, and fidelity.

At the center of the work is the conflict between the young princess and her stepmother, the beautiful queen. The conflict arises due to the queen's jealousy of her stepdaughter.

The beautiful queen wants to be the only beauty in the whole wide world. Striving for this goal, she completely forgets about such qualities as kindness, decency, and responsiveness. The growing young princess becomes the main competitor to the task set, to become “the most beautiful of all, the cutest of all.”

Chasing the title of “most beautiful,” the queen commits a crime, forgetting about everything. She is too “willful and proud” to think about others. The queen is hostile to everyone around her.

When she finds out that the maid did not kill the young princess in the forest, and that she lives quietly among the 7 heroes, she decides to commit a crime. The queen wants to poison the young princess. In her impulse to be “herself,” she decides to kill a young girl, which, as a result, did not work out for the queen.

Possessing determination, the queen at the same time is not confident in herself. She requires praise from the “mirror” in her beauty and uniqueness. When she learns from the mirror that her stepdaughter is alive and well, her heart breaks into pieces with horror, the queen dies.

The resurrected beautiful young princess, possessing virtue, meekness, responsiveness, and loyalty, becomes the wife of Prince Elisha. Everyone loves the princess, her father, each of the 7 heroes is happy to take her as his wife, Prince Elisha. But she remains faithful to her lover, waiting for Elisha to find his bride. At the end of the fairy tale, they play a magnificent wedding.

As in all fairy tales, in this work evil is punished and good wins.

The fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin teaches us the good that we cannot neglect the most important qualities of people for the sake of beauty, career, we cannot “step over people.” Only kindness, understanding, mutual assistance, friendship, love can work wonders not only in fairy tales, but also in real life.

Option 2

Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich is the greatest poet. Since childhood, he listened to the stories of his nanny Arina Rodionovna. He began recording folk songs and fairy tales; he loved folklore. And then he began to compose his own. He is the author of many works. “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” was written by Alexander Sergeevich in 1833 in Boldino.

In the fairy tale by Pushkin A.S. describes such human qualities as kindness, loyalty, morality, love, which works miracles. The main root of the work: the envy of the stepmother (queen) towards the young princess. The queen is jealous of her stepdaughter. And all because of what? Mere beauty becomes guilt. The queen dreams of being the most beautiful in the whole world, although she is already very beautiful. But she fell into complete oblivion about what goodness is, the feeling of love, mercy, responsiveness. She needs to eliminate her first rival, the princess, who grows up year after year and becomes more beautiful and sweeter.

The queen commits a grave sin. He wants to kill the princess for the sake of his title "Beauty in the whole world." She is “proud and willful”, she has no time to think about other people. Everything around her is alien to her; it is better to sow evil and hostility around her.

The maid, on the orders of the queen, could not kill the princess and left her alone in the deep forest. The princess, wandering, came to the house of the seven heroes and began to live there, waiting for her beloved prince Elisha. The queen, of course, found out about this with the help of her talking mirror. And the evil stepmother herself goes on a long journey to kill her stepdaughter. But good overcomes evil. And by all miracles the princess remains alive.

Full of determination, but still not self-confident, the queen again turns to her mirror. The mirror again answered her that the princess was better than her. Horror grips the queen. The anger and cruelty sitting inside the queen so engulfs the mind that the heart cannot stand it and death occurs.

The princess, who has all the good qualities, is sincere, loving, faithful, meek, marries Prince Elisha. The seven heroes with whom she lived were in love with her. But she was faithful only to Elisha. His love helped him find his beloved. Their wedding was magnificent.

Good defeated evil, as it always happens. The fairy tale is meant to show how powerless evil is. And goodness is always valuable.

The fairy tale “About the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” shows us that we cannot think only about ourselves and care about outer beauty. You need to preserve spiritual beauty within yourself. Take care and appreciate your friends. Treat people with understanding, then it may happen that they, too, will lend a helping hand to you at the right time.

Analysis of fairy tale 3

Alexander Pushkin is one of the greatest writers of Russian literature. From early childhood he was interested in folk songs and fairy tales. And his nanny Arina Rodionovna told him about them. And already in his adult life, Pushkin used folklore stories heard from childhood when creating his wonderful fairy tales. He was a famous author of poems, poems, and novels, so for many it seemed strange that the writer began to write fairy tales. In fact, this was not an ordinary adaptation of a folk tale; Pushkin in his work violated eternal questions that the sages of many generations could not answer.

“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” was written in Boldino in 1833. The fairy tale tells that in the same kingdom there lived a king and a queen. One day the ruler went on a long journey, and while he was away the queen gave birth to a daughter. As soon as the king returns, his wife dies. The king is sad, but over time he finds himself a new wife. She is beautiful, but heartless and envious.

She also has a magic mirror that tells her every day that she is the most beautiful in the world. But years pass, her stepdaughter grows up, she already has a fiancé. And one day the mirror told the queen that there was no one more beautiful in the world than her stepdaughter. The queen seems to go crazy with anger, immediately calls the maid and orders her to take her stepdaughter into the forest and leave her to the wolves. The maid does not want to do this, but cannot go against her will. The princess guesses everything and asks to let her go.

The king grieves that he has lost his daughter, Elisha, the princess’s bride, goes in search of her. And the princess came across the house of seven warrior brothers and stayed in them. The queen finds out that the princess is alive and decides to kill her herself. She pretends to be an old beggar and goes to the house of the heroic brothers and gives the princess an apple soaked in poison. As soon as she took a bite of the apple, she fell down without breathing. The brothers saw her body and decided to put her in a crystal coffin in a cave. Meanwhile, her fiancé is looking for her everywhere, asking for help from the sun, moon and wind. The wind told him about the cave. Yelesey rushes there. Out of despair, he breaks the coffin, and the princess comes to life. They return to the kingdom and when the queen meets her rival, he dies of anger and envy. The tale ends with the wedding of the princess and the prince.

Comparing the images of the princess and her stepmother, readers understand well that external beauty is worth nothing without inner beauty, kindness and sincerity. And envy and deceit lose the beauty - the queen. In a world where sincere feelings, devotion and love win, there is and cannot be a place for deceit. The ending of Pushkin's work, as befits a fairy tale, is happy. Human virtues are rewarded. Beauty, Goodness and Justice win.

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“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin's novel is based on a traditional fairy tale plot about an evil stepmother and a beautiful, kind stepdaughter. Suffice it to recall folk tales: Russian - “Morozko”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Little Khavroshechka”, German - “Mistress Blizzard” and “Snow Maiden”, French “Cinderella” and others. But Pushkin managed to fill the traditional plot with special depth, permeated with the light of goodness. Like everything Pushkin, this tale is like a precious stone, sparkling with thousands of facets of meaning, striking us with the multicolored words and the clear, even radiance emanating from the author - not blinding, but enlightening our blind eyes and spiritually sleeping hearts.

Pushkin's tale reveals its treasures to any reader, whether he is ten or fifty years old - if only he has the desire to open it. But the young reader must be led by an adult. It's good if it's mom, dad, grandma, grandpa...

After reading the fairy tale “About the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights,” we will try to analyze it by answering a number of questions.

What impression did the fairy tale make on you? What did you especially like or remember?
Children like the fairy tale primarily because good triumphs over evil. They are very attracted to the image of the young princess with her kindness and loyalty. They talk with pleasure about the wonderful mirror: something magical is always close to a child’s heart. Some of my favorite episodes include Elisha's wanderings in search of a bride, the princess's return to life, and the matchmaking of heroes. They feel sorry for the devoted Sokolko. They also admire the melodic poems, which is especially pleasing.

From the conversation about first impressions, let’s move on to an attempt at a compositional analysis of the fairy tale:

Who is the author's focus in the fairy tale? Why?
The focus is on the queen-stepmother and princess because they represent the two poles of life: good and evil.
Are there characters in the fairy tale who are close to the young princess and embody the forces of good?
Eat. This is the queen mother, prince Elisha, heroes, Sokolko, the sun, the month, the wind.
And who embodies the forces of evil?
There is only one frankly evil character in the fairy tale - the stepmother. But if she were completely alone, she could not do evil deeds and achieve success for at least some time.
Who helped her do evil? Chernavka.
Is Chernavka herself evil or not? Then why does she become a performer?
ill will?
No, she loves the young princess, it is said about Chernavka: “She, loving her from the soul...” She doesn’t want to carry out the queen’s order at all, but...
Will the devil deal with an angry woman?
There is nothing to argue...
The fear of punishment turns out to be stronger than mercy, and Chernavka leads the princess into the thicket of the forest... And after some time he brings her a poisoned apple. It turns out that fear and lack of will help evil to be realized, and in this case, even a good person changes in his essence.
Where does the queen’s hatred for the princess come from?
The mirror told her the truth that the princess was more beautiful than her, and aroused the anger of her stepmother. She cannot live without constant confirmation of her unsurpassability. Although, most likely, the beauty of the stepdaughter would sooner or later become obvious to everyone, and, therefore, the young princess would not escape trouble. And evil can even turn the truth into a reason for crime - after all, that is why it is evil, in order to achieve its goals... The most terrible property of evil is that it can not be seen and, therefore, not recognized. We see good heroes right away, but evil, like microbes, is scattered everywhere and for the time being unnoticed.
Remember: when did the princess get a stepmother?
A year after the death of my mother:
A year has passed like an empty dream,
The king married someone else.
Is it possible to learn from a fairy tale about the attitude of the king’s new wife towards his daughter?
We don't know anything about this. But we can guess that the queen didn’t even notice her. The princess grew up “quietly” - that means, without attention, on her own.
When did the stepmother remember about her stepdaughter?
When the time came to marry the princess off, the stepmother, “getting ready for a bachelorette party,” asked the mirror her favorite question and received an answer:
You are beautiful, no doubt;
But the princess is the sweetest of all,
All blush and whiter.
So, the girl grew up without a mother, her stepmother was not interested in her, and her father, apparently, was more busy with his young wife than with his daughter. It is no coincidence that the year after the death of his wife is designated precisely as a “year” (it lasted so long for the king!), and the rest of the time (probably at least 16-17 years) flashed by quickly, so that the daughter had already grown up and become a bride. However, despite all this, the princess “rose and blossomed.”

Find its description and highlight the keywords in it.
Fifth graders name the words: the character of such a meek person. Explain: what does “the character of the meek” mean? (Quiet, calm, modest, friendly.). The princess did not require special attention to herself; she lived and grew up “quietly.” When, by the will of her evil stepmother, she found herself in the forest, and then in the mansion of the heroes, she accepted it with humility, did not harbor anger against anyone, and remained just as kind and friendly (remember her behavior in an unfamiliar house, her attitude towards the “beggar monk”) , loving, faithful to her fiance.

Where do these wonderful qualities come from in the princess?
From my own mother. Let's re-read the beginning of the fairy tale and see what it was like.
He waits and waits from morning until night,
Looks into the field, indian eyes
They got sick looking
From white dawn until night;
I can't see my dear friend!
He just sees: a blizzard is swirling,
Snow is falling on the fields,
The whole white earth.
Nine months pass
She doesn't take her eyes off the field.
She spent the entire time of separation at the window, waiting for her “dear friend.” Love and loyalty are the main qualities of her character.
Why did the queen die?
From happiness that he finally sees his husband:

She looked at him,
She sighed heavily,
I couldn't stand the admiration
And she died at mass.
So great was her love... The ability to love, be faithful, and patient was passed on to her daughter from her mother. Let's draw the children's attention to when the girl was born:
Here on Christmas Eve, right at night
God gives the queen a daughter.
Can you name the princess's date of birth?
Yes - January 6, the day before Christmas.
Since ancient times, people born on the eve of major religious holidays or on the most festive days were considered marked by God and loved by him.
Let us remember when meekness, humility, and patience came to the aid of the princess, rescued her from trouble, and helped her overcome difficulties.
When the princess found herself in a dense forest with Chernavka and realized what was threatening her, she
... begged: “My life!
Tell me, what am I guilty of?
Don't ruin me, girl!
And how will I be a queen,
I will spare you."
and Chernavka took pity on the poor girl:
Didn't kill, didn't tie up,
She let go and said:
“Don’t worry, God is with you.”
The heroes, captivated by her modesty and
beauty, sheltered in their home:
and the princess came down to them,
I gave honor to the owners,
She bowed low to the waist;
Blushing, she apologized,
Somehow I went to visit them,
Even though I wasn’t invited.
Instantly, by their speech, they recognized
That the princess was received;
Sat in a corner
They brought a pie;
The glass was poured full,
It was served on a tray.
From green wine
She denied;
I just broke the pie,
Yes, I took a bite,
And get some rest from the road
I asked to go to bed.

Even the dog received the princess with joy:
A dog comes towards her, barking,
He came running and fell silent, playing;
She entered the gate
There is silence in the courtyard.
The dog runs after her, caressing...
And when the princess was in danger, Sokolko tried to prevent it. The heroes did not dare to bury the princess and this helped Elisha bring her back to life. For her sake, he was ready to do anything without
I was tired of looking for my bride - that means she deserved such selfless love with her
gentle disposition...

Think about why the queen was given only “one mirror” as her dowry (whilefor the princess they gave “seven trading cities / and one hundred and forty towers”)?
The queen believed that the main thing in her was beauty, which was also her main dowry. Didn't she get the cities and the tower? They got it, of course, but for some reason the poet emphasized the mirror. Why? Probably because she saw herself in the mirror, admired her beauty, and this was the most important thing for her. To be the most beautiful of all has become the goal of her life, which is why she sees nothing around but herself...
Can external beauty become a life goal? And is it possible to judge a person only by external beauty? Is she going to tell him everything?
No, external beauty itself cannot be the only value of a person. Although this is exactly what happened with the queen: beauty is her only advantage. External beauty must be complemented by internal beauty - the beauty of the soul. The way it came together in the young princess, who loved everyone and was kind to everyone. And the queen was only kind with the mirror.
What did this mirror become for her? Why?
It became, in fact, her only interlocutor, “She was alone with him; Good-natured, cheerful, ; I joked with him affably...” It turns out that others were in vain to wait for a friendly word from the queen...
Why was the queen “good-natured and cheerful” only with a mirror?
She was dependent on him. She only wanted to hear about her beauty, everything else did not interest her.
Can an object (even such an unusual one, a talking one!), for example a TV, a computer,
replace living people?
Of course not: after all, it’s just an object, without soul and heart...

What involuntarily strengthened and developed the mirror in the queen?
Pride, confidence in one’s incomparability and beauty, narcissism. It is interesting that, speaking about the queen, the children remembered Narcissus: after all, he also looked into the water, as if into a mirror, and admired himself.
Let's look at and compare illustrations for this episode by different artists.

In Zvorykin’s first illustration, the queen seems unapproachable in her pride, she is like a monument to selfishness and pride. The second one emphasizes her brittleness and willfulness.
What qualities can pride give rise to in a person? Why?
Pride gives rise to arrogance, jealousy, envy, selfishness, malice, anger, and selfishness.
All this becomes its natural manifestation, because a person obsessed with pride feels himself to be the center of the Universe... That is why the mirror’s message that “the princess is still sweeter, / Still more rosy and whiter...” caused such a storm of anger from the stepmother.

3.4 / 5. 20

Literature lesson in 5th grade

Theme: “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin. Comparison of the central images of the fairy tale.

Goals: training in the comparative characteristics of heroes based on comparison, training in working with a plan, developing skills in working with text.

Equipment: presentation, artists’ illustrations for the fairy tale, drawings by students.

During the classes.

1 Quiz (testing knowledge of the text of Pushkin’s fairy tale) “Who do these words belong to?”

“My light, mirror, tell me and report the whole truth” (Queen)

“Wait, maybe the wind knows about her, he will help” (Month)

“The month, the month, my friend, the gilded horn” (Elisha)

“But the princess is still cuter, still more rosy and whiter” (Mirror)

“Her elbows are tightly tied, the beast will fall into the claws, she will endure less, it will be easier to die” (Chernavka)

“There is a high mountain behind the quiet river, with a deep hole in it” (Wind)

2. Restore the plot of the fairy tale based on the artists’ illustrations and the students’ children’s drawings.

3. Conversation based on content. Fairy tales.

Is there a traditional saying in the fairy tale? What traditional fairy tale elements did Pushkin use?

What events do we learn about in the beginning of the fairy tale?

4. Collecting material about the queen-stepmother

Who is the stepmother?

In what folk tales do we find the story of a stepdaughter whom her stepmother wanted to destroy?

Find a description of the stepmother in the fairy tale.

What is admirable? But why doesn’t this beauty please others? (External beauty hides the evil character of the stepmother).

Read the dialogue expressively when the mirror praises the queen.

5. Dramatization of the passage in which the mirror tells the queen the truth.

What conclusion can you come to by observing the queen’s behavior? (The stepmother is rude, grumpy, envious, she has no friends and even the mirror with whom she is “Good-natured and sweet” does not forgive the truth)

How did the queen-stepmother take revenge on the princess?

What prompted her to do this? (Black envy)

6. Vocabulary work. (this work can be given to students the day before) Ozhegov’s “Explanatory Dictionary” gives the following definition of the word:

1. Color of soot, coal.

2. Stained with something, dirt.

3. Unskilled, not requiring high skill.

4. Sorrowful, joyless, heavy, gloomy.

5. Malicious, insidious, criminal

What is the meaning of the word “Black” in the combination “Black envy”?

What can be concluded? (The stepmother is not only envious, but also cruel)

What is Pushkin's attitude towards the queen? What does he call her? (Baba Angry)

How did the story of the evil stepmother end? Why was she punished?

How would you describe your stepmother? Would you like to be like her? Why?

7. Is it possible to compare stepmother and stepdaughter? (Yes, both are beautiful in appearance)

8. Work according to plan. (The outline of the princess’s characteristics is presented on the slide; students select lines from the text for each point)

1. Description of the appearance and internal qualities of the princess.

2. The attitude of other fairy tale characters towards the princess

A) Chernavki

B) the dog Sokolka;

B) seven heroes;

D) Prince Elisha.

3. The behavior of the princess:

A) in the mansion;

B) in relation to the people around the princess.

9.- What conclusion can be drawn? (External beauty is combined with internal beauty, the author emphasizes hard work, delicacy, patience, complaisance, sincerity, loyalty, kindness)

Would you like to be like a princess? Why?

What did this fairy tale teach you?

10. Independent work in the form of a test? Show how you can characterize the queen-stepmother and princess-stepdaughter?

queen stepmother

princess stepdaughter










11 Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

12. D/Z. learn by heart an excerpt from their fairy tale.