Summary of drawing lessons in kindergarten. Outline of a drawing lesson on the topic: Lesson notes on various techniques of non-traditional drawing

Type of lesson: Generalization and consolidation of knowledge and skills.

Kind of activity: Thematic lesson.


  • Creating the image of an aquarium with unique fish.
  • Creating conditions for the creative use of previously mastered techniques of working with artistic materials and means of figurative expression.
  • Creation of a collective aquarium.


  • Educational: consolidation and generalization of knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes; teach children to independently find methods of depiction, artistic materials and means of figurative expression to reveal this topic; improve artistic and graphic skills; continue to develop artistic needs, the ability to analyze their own work and the work of other children.
  • Developmental: develop creative initiative and imagination, using a variety of art materials in your work;
  • develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition; develop aesthetic perception of the world around us, the ability to see beauty; development of interest in the surrounding world.


  1. : to cultivate aesthetic and moral feelings, the desire to sympathize, empathize and help, respect for the surrounding nature and pets.
  2. Preliminary work:
  3. Reading the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, looking at the illustrations for this work.
  4. Examination of pictures and photographs, illustrations and postcards depicting sea, river and aquarium fish to enrich children’s artistic impressions.
  5. Conversations about the life of sea and river fish.
  6. Outdoor game “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two...”. Aquarium care: washing plants, stones.
  7. Consideration of aquatic plants and comparing them with terrestrial ones (how they are similar, how they are different).

Sketches of algae and fish from nature, drawing from imagination; cooking and tasting fish dishes and seaweed dishes. Decoration of fish figures cut out of colored paper.

Methodical techniques: T.G. Kazakova, Lesson for preschoolers in visual arts: A book for kindergarten teachers and parents. I.A. Lykova, Visual activities in kindergarten. Preparatory group. I.A. Lykova, Visual activities in kindergarten. Senior group. I. A. Lykova, Art education program, training and development of children 2-7 years old “Colored palms”.

Music:"Aquarium" Saint-Saens.

Materials and equipment:

  • For the teacher: an aquarium, illustrations with images of fish, children’s work with aquariums made with various art materials, multi-media equipment, a selection of slides of strange fish and aquatic inhabitants, a magnetic board, a music center.
  • For children: easels, tablets, blanks of a round aquarium in A4 or A3 format, attached to the tablet with tape, gouache, watercolors, brushes, rags, pencils, wax crayons, black markers, fish decorated in advance by children in different colors, glue - pencil.


1. Organizational moment – ​​2 min.
2. Heuristic conversation – 6 min.
3. Creative search and experimental work – 10 min.
4. Dynamic pause – 2 min.
5. Lesson summary:
a) exhibition and analysis of children’s works – 2 min.
b) self-analysis – 3 min.


1. Organizational moment

Everyone is here!
Adults and children!
We can begin!
But first,
You need to say “Hello”!

D.: Hello.

P.: Today, near the kindergarten, I met the sun, which came to visit us. But the sun is not simple, but magical. Whoever takes it in his hands will become the most affectionate and kind child in the world. Let's check! (We pass the balloon - the sun, saying a kind word to each other). It's true, we have become the kindest and most affectionate.

2. Heuristic conversation

P.: Children, come to me. Look how big and beautiful the aquarium is. What kind of fish swim in it?
What parts does a fish consist of? What geometric shapes do they resemble? (scales, body - oval, tail - triangle, fins, eyes). Invite the children to show the body parts of the fish and explain their purpose. The fins serve as a rudder and brake, the tail serves as the engine of the fish.

P.: Children, now look here. The teacher takes the children to the TV and shows slides with strange fish. Draws attention to their bright scales.
Who will try to draw a fish? The child draws a fish on a magnetic or chalk board.

3. Practical work

P.:(brings the children to a magnetic board on which aquariums made with various art materials are attached).

P.: What materials and techniques did the artist use to create such beautiful aquariums? What other materials can be used? (Children's answers)
But you can also draw a fish with your own hands.

4. Finger gymnastics:

My fish is silent all the time
Doesn't sing, doesn't growl, doesn't purr.
I don’t understand why, that’s the problem.
Maybe water got into her mouth?

Please come to the easels; aquarium blanks are attached to them. You have gouache, watercolor, wax pencils and black markers. Let's try to create an image of an aquarium with the help of these materials, but so that for each of you it will be different and different from

5. Physical exercise

The fish are playing happily
In blue sunny water,
They will shrink, they will unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand.

Transformation into seagulls.

We are seagulls, we have spread our wings and are circling over the river, looking for prey. They saw a fish, went down to the water, (bent down) caught the fish and flew to the shore.
Children perform actions, expressing their attitude to the artistic word through movements and facial expressions.

6. Analysis and exhibition of children's works

P.: Let's see what you got. Did we complete the task (draw an aquarium)? Who got the most colorful fish? What's their name? Which one has the most fun? Who has the most interesting, fun, beautiful, transparent, magical aquarium? Why? etc. (As work progresses)

7. Introspection

P.: Children, look how big and beautiful the aquarium is. But it's empty. Let's fill it with fish. And here are the fish that we decorated earlier. If you did a good job, then take a red or yellow fish. If you think that you haven’t quite completed the task, you can take a green or blue fish.
Children glue fish onto a large aquarium.

P.: You all did a great job today. Our lesson has come to an end. We still have some fish left, let's give them to our guests as a souvenir of our lesson. See you at the next lesson.

Master class: “Magic transformation”

Drawing lesson notes

Program: Additional educational program for preschoolers “Brush”, designed for 3 years of study, 3 hours per week.

Group: 3rd year of study (6 years)

Topic of the program section:"Painting. Color as a means of expression"

Purpose of the lesson: teach children to draw a butterfly based on their own ideas.

Lesson objectives:

educational: learn to convey the correct structure of a butterfly, draw patterns using various methods - pouring color into color, using geometric shapes, monotype;

developing: develop fine motor skills, imagination, sense of color, interest in creative activities;

educational: to cultivate aesthetic feelings, independence, accuracy, the ability to evaluate one’s own work and the work of others, a positive attitude towards all living things.

Equipment: illustrations depicting butterflies, paper blanks of silhouettes of butterflies, the panel “Meadow with Flowers”, watercolors, palettes, brushes with soft bristles, jars for water, paper napkins, music. accompaniment “Sounds of the Forest”, didactic game on symmetry “Find the other half of the butterfly”.

Methods and techniques: game - a surprise moment, verbal, visual - display.

Educational reading educational literature about butterflies “How butterflies appear”, looking at pictures “Butterflies”.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment(game)

Teacher: - Guys, today I will tell you one interesting story (the story is accompanied by a fairy tale).

In one wonderful garden there lived a caterpillar. Every morning she woke up and looked at herself in a drop of dew, like in a mirror. What reflection did she see in the droplet? Of course it's not pretty. The caterpillar was very upset by its ugliness, sat down on the edge of a leaf and cried bitterly.

But one day a spider ran past. The spider felt sorry for his neighbor. And he decided to help her. He wove a blanket from silver threads to hide it from prying eyes. The caterpillar wrapped itself in it and fell asleep.

The sorceress found out - Spring about this, she touched the cocoon with her magic wand, and the caterpillar woke up from sleep.

- “Oh, what a beautiful butterfly, what beautiful wings it has!” - the birds chirped vying with each other.

The caterpillar looked around, but there was no one around except her. It was she who turned into a beautiful butterfly.

The teacher shows a butterfly and reads a poem from its face.


You are right. With one airy outline

I'm so sweet.

All the velvet is mine with its living blinking -

Only two wings.

Don't ask: where did it come from?

Where am I rushing?

Here I lightly sank onto a flower

And here I am breathing.

For how long, without a goal, without effort.

Do I want to breathe?

Here, now, sparkling, I will spread my wings

And I'll fly away.

2. Explanation.

The beauty of butterflies is given by their elegant wings. Each butterfly has its own unique pattern on its wings.

(Looking at samples of painted butterflies).

What elements make up the pattern of each butterfly? (rings, circles, diamonds, dots, straight and wavy lines).

What colors are used in the painting: dull or bright? (bright)

(Didactic game on symmetry “Find the other half of the butterfly”)

Conclusion: Objects are called symmetrical if two sides of the object are the same.

Teacher. - Let us become wizards for a few minutes today and help the unfortunate caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies - girlfriends for our butterfly. We have butterflies, and we will make their wings bright and beautiful. Magic colors will help us.

We will paint the wings in different ways.

Showing publications 1-10 of 953.
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Summary of continuous educational activities

with older children

(field: artistic creativity)

On the topic: Butterfly (drawing: monotype, gouache).

Educator: Shakhova E.A.

Purpose of the lesson: teach children a new way of transmitting images; develop aesthetic and creative qualities.


  1. educational - introduce children to a new way of conveying images - subject monotype, teach them to draw on a wet sheet of paper.
  2. developing - continue develop fantasy, imagination, imaginative thinking.
  3. educational –to cultivate independence in performing work, aesthetic taste and a sense of color.

Materials for the lesson:

Sheets of landscape paper, gouache, brushes, jars of water, palettes, rags.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizational part.

Teacher. Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

He took off and flew away.

Children. Butterfly.

Teacher. Right. Guys, how did you guess that this was a riddle about a butterfly?

Children. She has four wings, she sat on a flower and then flew away.

Teacher. Right.

The teacher shows the children illustrations depicting different types of butterflies.

Teacher. A butterfly, guys, is an insect. She, like other insects, has six legs and wings. How many wings does a butterfly have?

Children. Four.

Teacher. What shape are they: different or the same?

Children. The same.

Teacher. Guys, the opposite wings of a butterfly are called symmetrical, that is, identical. What do butterflies eat?

Children. Nectar of flowers.

Teacher. Right. For this she has a long proboscis. What other animals are insects?

Children. Dragonfly, ladybug.

Teacher. Well done. Guys, there are a lot of poems about the butterfly. Now I will read one of them to you.


I'm at the yellow butterfly

Quietly he asked:

Butterfly tell me

Who painted you?

Maybe it's a buttercup?

Maybe dandelion?

Maybe yellow paint

That neighbor boy?

Or is it the sunshine after the winter boredom?

Who painted you?

Butterfly, tell me!

The butterfly whispered

Dressed in gold:

Colored me all over

Summer, summer, summer!

A. Pavlova

Physical education minute “Butterfly”

I.P. - children put their palms under their heads - “sleeping.”

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,Children open their eyes.

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

He moved, stretched, They stretch.

He soared up and flew.Hands to the sides, flapping their wings.

The sun will just wake up in the morning,

The butterfly circles and curls.They begin to spin quietly.

2 . Practical part.

The teacher suggests depicting a butterfly in an unusual way - subject monotype.

Stages of work execution.

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half to create a fold line.
  2. On the left half of the sheet, children need to draw half a butterfly.
  3. Moisten the right half of the sheet with water and fold the sheet along the fold line.
  4. Additions to the overall composition: draw a flower on which a butterfly sits.
  1. Final part.

At the end of the lesson, the game “Butterflies” is played.

Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. He sits on a chair with a net (cap).

Children-butterflies run out into the center of the free space of the group - “into the clearing”, and fly.

I wanted to touch you with my hands

To the most beautiful flower.

And he, waving his petals,

He took off and flew away under the clouds!

The presenter goes out to catch butterflies, they fly away from him.


- introduce the technique of drawing with wax crayons, applying paint on top;

- determine the structural features and shapes of air transport, their difference from ground transport (what geometric shapes make up an airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon, airship);

- convey in the drawing the streamlined shape, the structure of wings, balloons;

- develop imagination and spatial thinking through modeling aircraft in drawings.

Tools and materials: large format drawing paper, wax crayons, watercolors, thick brushes; music by W. A. ​​Mozart “Overture to the opera “The Marriage of Figaro”. , hang glider, airship, hot air balloon. Model toy of an airplane or helicopter.

Progress of the drawing lesson:

Guys, I will tell you an amazing story (music plays until the end of the story). A long time ago, when people only dreamed of flying like birds, and there were no airplanes, no helicopters, or even hot air balloons, the famous master and inventor Daedalus lived in Ancient Greece. His fame reached the ruler of the island of Crete, King Minos. He ordered Daedalus to build a huge labyrinth for the monster Minotaur - many intricate passages among high walls, from which it was impossible to find a way out. Daedalus carried out the order. But the evil king Minos imprisoned the inventor Daedalus and his son Icarus in it. It was possible to escape from there only by miracle. And Daedalus performed a miracle - he made wings for himself and his son, and they flew to freedom. The wings were made from bird feathers, held together with wax glue. Daedalus warned his son not to fly too high, otherwise the wax would melt under the hot rays of the Sun and the wings would disintegrate into small feathers. But Icarus enjoyed flying so much, soaring in the sky like a bird, that he forgot his father’s warning and rose higher and higher. The wax melted and Icarus fell into the sea.

People still keep the legend of Icarus, for whom flight was more important than life. And in memory of him, many inventors tried to make an aircraft that would be more reliable than wax wings.

Thanks to them, you and I can fly. But as? You will find out when you solve the riddle:

What a miracle bird this is

Rushing fast in the blue sky?

There are dozens of eyes on the sides,

A hundred times more than birds.

Overtakes a bird in flight

And it will land on the ground.

Did you guess it? This is a plane. What other flight devices do you know? (Children name air transport, and the teacher shows pictures). How is air transport different from ground transport? It should have a streamlined shape i.e. without corners to make it easier to cut through the air. What shapes without corners do you know? Circle and oval (figures are drawn in the air with a finger). You also need a narrow nose to fly faster, wings to stay in the air. It should be made of lightweight materials, sometimes a screw or propeller is attached to fly up and forward (during the discussion, the teacher shows models of an airplane and a helicopter; children draw wings in the air - triangles, show the propeller with rotational movements).

That's how much you already know about air transport. The word "avi" is translated from Latin as "bird".

Today you will be aircraft designers - people who design and build aircraft.

We'll start drawing with crayons. It's very simple and more convenient than using pencils. Crayons leave a bright, wide mark on the paper. You can draw with short strokes or long lines, try whichever is more convenient for you (I show it on the board).

Let everyone choose or invent a type of transport for themselves and you can get to work. To make it easier for you to draw, let’s listen to the piece

W.A. Mozart (music plays until the end of the lesson). Hear how solemn and sublime the music is, impatient and daring, impetuous, decisive and self-confident, like people conquering airspace. Try to convey all this in a drawing.

We draw a contour - an oval with an elongated nose or a circle (for an airship, a balloon), or maybe it will be some kind of complex shape, consisting of several simple ones. Think over the shape for the wings, basket, tail, propeller. You can optionally add some decorations, for example, stripes, stars, flags and any others.

We will paint the sky with paints. Want to see the trick? I paint over the drawing, but it still remains and does not disappear. This is because magic crayons cannot be colored over as they are made of wax (remember Icarus's wings?). When drawing the sky, clouds, sun with paints, you do not need to outline the drawing, you can safely paint over the top, and the drawing will still remain. To choose a color for the sky, remember that at different times of the day it is a different color - blue, indigo, pink, purple and other colors.

Summing up the drawing lesson.

Children exhibit their works and tell what they came up with and invented themselves, how their transport differs from the usual one, and what they have kept in common from all aircraft models, without which they will not be able to fly into the air.

A lesson on fine arts for children of the senior group was prepared by O. Kotlobay.