Summary of a mighty bunch. A mighty bunch - five brave ones

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“The Mighty Handful” or the Balakirev Circle Balakirev M.A.

History of creation. “The Mighty Handful” is the generally accepted name for a group of composers, which included: Mily Alekseevich Balakirev (1837-1910), Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839-1881), Alexander Porfirievich Borodin (1833-1887), Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908 ) and Caesar Antonovich Cui (1835-1918).

Often the “Mighty Handful” is called the “New Russian Music School”, as well as the “Balakirev Circle”, named after its leader M.A. Balakirev. Abroad, this group of musicians was called “The Five” based on the number of main representatives. The composers of the “Mighty Handful” entered the creative arena during a period of enormous social upsurge in the 60s of the 19th century.

The history of the creation of the Balakirev circle is as follows: in 1855, M.A. Balakirev came to St. Petersburg from Kazan. The eighteen-year-old boy was extremely gifted musically. At the beginning of 1856, he performed with great success on the concert stage as a pianist and attracted the attention of the public. Of particular importance for Balakirev was his acquaintance with V.V. Stasov.

Mily Alekseevich Balakirev (1837-1910) organizer and inspirer of the “Mighty Handful”. Main works: “Cantata in Memory of Glinka”, 2 symphonies, overtures, suites, choral works, romances.

Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov is a most interesting figure in the history of Russian art. A critic, art critic, historian and archaeologist, Stasov, speaking as a music critic, was a close friend of all Russian composers. He was connected by the closest friendship with literally all major Russian artists, appeared in print promoting their best paintings and was also their best adviser and assistant.

In 1856, at one of the university concerts, Balakirev met with Cesar Antonovich Cui, who was studying at the Military Engineering Academy at that time and specialized in the construction of military fortifications. Cui loved music very much. In his early youth he even studied with the Polish composer Moniuszko. With his new and bold views on music, Balakirev captivates Cui and awakens in him a serious interest in art. Under the leadership of Balakirev, Cui wrote in 1857 a scherzo for piano four hands, the opera “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, and in 1859 - a one-act comic opera “The Son of a Mandarin”.

Caesar Antonovich Cui (1835-1908) Military engineer. Main works: operas: “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “William Ratcliffe”, “Saracen”, “Feast in the Time of Plague”, more than 300 romances.

The next composer to join the Balakirev – Stasov – Cui group was Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky. By the time he joined the Balakirev circle, he was a guards officer. He began composing very early and very soon realized that he had to devote his life to music. Without thinking twice, he, already an officer in the Preobrazhensky Regiment, decided to retire. Despite his youth (18 years old), Mussorgsky showed great versatility of interests: he studied music, history, literature, philosophy.

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839-1881) Graduated from the school of guard ensigns, from 1858 in the civil service, at the same time working on his musical works. Main works: Operas: “Salambo”, “Marriage”, “Boris Godunov”, “Khovanshchina”, “Sorochinskaya Fair”, works for orchestra, songs, romances, arrangements of Russian folk songs.

In 1862, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A.P. Borodin joined the Balakirev circle. If Rimsky-Korsakov was a very young member of the circle, whose views and musical talent were just beginning to be determined, then Borodin by this time was already a mature man, an outstanding chemist, friendly with such giants of Russian science as Mendeleev, Sechenov, Kovalevsky , Botkin.

A.P. Borodin (1834-1887) considered chemistry to be his profession. In 1877 he received the title of academician. Main works: operas: “Prince Igor”, “Bogatyrs”, opera-ballet “Mlada”, three symphonies, piano pieces, romances, chamber instrumental ensembles. Close connection with Russian folklore.

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908) Served in the Navy and was engaged in creative activities. He wrote his first symphony at the age of 19. Main works: the opera “The Snow Maiden”. “Sadko”, “The Golden Cockerel”, three symphonies, songs, choral and chamber works. All creativity is imbued with the “Russian spirit”.

Formation and development of the views of the “kuchkists”. Much credit for the education and development of its participants during that period belonged to M.A. Balakirev. He was their leader, organizer and teacher. Balakirev’s methods of teaching his students were original. He directly asked to compose symphonies, overtures, scherzos, opera excerpts, etc., and then examined and strictly analyzed what was done. Balakirev managed to impress upon his circle comrades the need for extensive self-education. In addition to Balakirev, V.V. Stasov also played a huge role in leading young composers. Stasov's participation in the activities of the group was varied. Stasov often suggested plots for works and helped in their development and in a comprehensive discussion of already created works.

Each of the composers who were part of the “Mighty Handful” represents a bright creative individuality and is worthy of independent study. However, the historical originality of the “Mighty Handful” lay in the fact that it was not just a group of musicians who were friendly to each other, but a creative team, a fighting community of advanced artists of their time, welded together by ideological unity and common artistic attitudes. In this respect, The Mighty Handful was a typical phenomenon of its time. Similar creative communities, circles, and partnerships were created in various fields of art. . In painting it was the “Art Artel”, which then laid the foundation for “peredvizhniki”, in literature it was a group of participants in the magazine “Sovremennik”.

Russian people in the works of composers. The leading line in the themes of the works of the “kuchkists” is occupied by the life and interests of the Russian people. Most of the composers of the “Mighty Handful” systematically recorded, studied and developed samples of folklore. Composers boldly used folk songs in both symphonic and operatic works (“The Tsar’s Bride”, “The Snow Maiden”, “Khovanshchina”, “Boris Godunov”). Overcoming obstacles to the promotion of “national” music and attacks from critics, the composers of the “Mighty Handful” stubbornly continued their work of developing their native art and, as Stasov later wrote, “Balakirev’s partnership won over both the public and the musicians. It sowed a new fertile seed, which soon yielded a luxurious and fruitful harvest.”

The public and the “Mighty Handful”. The composers of the “Mighty Handful” carried out great public educational work. The first public manifestation of the activities of the Balakirev circle was the opening of the Free Music School in 1862. The main organizer was M.I. Balakirev and choirmaster G.Ya. Lomakin. The free music school's main goal was to disseminate musical knowledge among the broad masses of the population. By the end of the 70s and the beginning of the 80s, the work of the composers of the “Mighty Handful” was gaining wide fame and recognition not only in their homeland, but also abroad.

The collapse of the Five. The “Mighty Handful” existed as a single creative team until the mid-70s. By this time, in the letters and memoirs of its participants and close friends, one can increasingly find reasoning and statements about the reasons for its gradual collapse. Borodin is closest to the truth. In a letter to singer L.I. Karmalina in 1876, he wrote: “...As activity develops, individuality begins to take precedence over the school, over what a person has inherited from others. ...Finally, for the same thing, in different eras of development, at different times, views and tastes in particular change. All this is completely natural.” The first of the leaders of the “Mighty Handful” to pass away was Mussorgsky. He died in 1881. The last years of Mussorgsky's life were very difficult. In 1887, A.P. Borodin died. With the death of Borodin, the paths of the surviving composers of the “Mighty Handful” finally diverged. Balakirev, withdrawing into himself, completely moved away from Rimsky-Korsakov, Cui has long fallen behind his brilliant contemporaries. Stasov alone remained in the same relationship with each of the three.

Based on the great traditions of the “Mighty Handful,” Rimsky-Korsakov raised an entire generation of musicians. Among them are such outstanding artists as Glazunov, Lyadov, Arensky, Lysenko, Spendiarov, Ippolitov-Ivanov, Steinberg, Myaskovsky and many others. They brought these traditions alive and active to our time. Glazunov, Lyadov, Rimsky-Korsakov

The influence of the creativity of the “kuchkists” on world musical art. The work of the composers of the “Mighty Handful” is the highest example of musical art; at the same time, it is accessible, expensive and understandable to the widest circles of listeners. This is its great enduring value. The music created by this small but powerful group is a high example of serving the people with their art, an example of genuine creative friendship, an example of heroic artistic work.

"Night on Bald Mountain"

Opera "Boris Godunov"






Plan - lesson notes

Commonwealth of Russian Composers "Mighty Handful".

M. P. Mussorgsky “Pictures at an Exhibition.”

Additional education teacher

UFA 2016

Topic: Commonwealth of Russian Composers - “The Mighty Handful”.

M. P. Mussorgsky piano suite “Pictures at an Exhibition”.

Association "Game Rainbow"

Year of study: 1-4 years of study

Additional education teacher:

Ponomareva Natalia Alexandrovna

Venue: DDT “Druzhny”

Target: To introduce children to the best examples of Russian musical culture.



Acquaintance with the great composers of the nineteenth century of the creative union “The Mighty Handful”;

Acquaintance with the work of M.P. Mussorgsky “Pictures at an Exhibition”;

Learn to express your thoughts.


Develop the ability to distinguish the figurative nature of music;

Develop musical ear and memory;


Instill an interest in classical music;

Foster feelings of pride in Russian music.


Piano, audio cassettes, computer, multimedia projector.

Expected results


Union of Russian Composers "Mighty Handful";

Piano suite “Pictures at an Exhibition” by M.P. Mussorgsky.

Be able to:

Be able to talk about Russian composers of the 19th century;

Learn the pieces of the piano suite “Pictures at an Exhibition.”

Forms of work organization: group.

Forms of organizing the work of a teacher: organizational, teaching, developing.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizational part.

The play “Walk” from the piano suite “Pictures at an Exhibition” is playing

M. P. Mussorgsky.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children, dear guests and parents!

Today we will talk about the great Russian composers of the 19th century, and about the wonderful work of M.P. Mussorgsky "Pictures at an Exhibition". And what will be the topic of our lesson?

Children's predicted responses.

(slide with the image of Russian composers “The Mighty Handful”)

2. Main part

In the mid-nineteenth century, the creative union of Russian composers “The Mighty Handful” was created. This group of composers included: Mily Alekseevich Balakirev, Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, Alexander Porfirievich Borodin, Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov and Caesar Antonovich Cui. Often the “Mighty Handful” is called the “New Russian Music School”, as well as the “Balakirev Circle”, named after its leader M.A. Balakirev.

The history of the creation of the Balakirev circle is as follows: in 1855, M.A. Balakirev came to St. Petersburg from Kazan. The eighteen-year-old boy was extremely gifted musically. He performs with great success on the concert stage as a pianist and attracts the attention of the public. At one of the university concerts, Balakirev meets Cesar Antonovich Cui, who was studying at the Military Engineering Academy at that time. Cui loved music very much. With his new and bold views on music, Balakirev captivates Cui and awakens in him a serious interest in art. Under the direction of Balakirev, Cui wrote a scherzo for piano four hands and the opera “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. The next composer to join the group was Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky. By the time he joined the Balakirev circle, he was a guards officer. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A.P. Borodin join the Balakirev circle. If Rimsky-Korsakov was a very young member of the circle, whose views and musical talent were just beginning to be determined, then Borodin by this time was already a mature man, an outstanding chemist. Even during his student years at the Medical-Surgical Academy Borodin, playing the cello, he often participated in ensembles of music lovers. Before meeting Balakirev, Borodin himself wrote several chamber works. Thus, the Balakirev circle was formed. Much credit for the education and development of its participants during that period belonged to M.A. Balakirev. He was their leader, organizer and teacher. By this time, each of them had created many large independent works. Thus, Mussorgsky wrote the symphonic painting “Night on Bald Mountain” and the first edition of “Boris Godunov”. Rimsky-Korsakov – symphonic works “Antar”, “Sadko” and the opera “Pskovian Woman”. Balakirev composed his main works: the symphonic poem “In the Czech Republic”, the overture “1000 Years”, the brilliant piano fantasy “Islamey”, “Overture on Three Russian Themes”, music for Shakespeare’s tragedy “King Lear”. Borodin created the first symphony. Cui graduated from the opera "Ratcliffe". Each of the composers who were part of the “Mighty Handful” represents a bright creative individuality. However, the historical originality of the “Mighty Handful” lay in the fact that it was not just a group of musicians who were friendly to each other, but a creative team of advanced artists of their time. The leading line in the themes of the works of the “kuchkists” is occupied by the life and interests of the Russian people. Composers recorded, studied and developed samples of folklore. They boldly used folk songs in both symphonic and operatic works. By creating works of art for the people, speaking in a language that was understandable and close to them, composers made their music accessible to the widest layers of listeners. The influence of Western European theaters in Russia was ensured by all state privileges. Overcoming obstacles to the promotion of “national” music and attacks from critics, the composers of the “Mighty Handful” stubbornly continued their work of developing their native art. Meetings of the Balakirev circle always took place in a very lively creative atmosphere.

Physical education minute

Exercises for hands and fingers.

3. Practical part.

Today we will get acquainted with one of the greatest Russian composers Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky and his suite “Pictures at an Exhibition”.

Modest was born on March 21, 1839 on an estate in the Pskov region. Starting at the age of six, his mother took charge of her son's musical education. And at the age of 10 he entered the Peter and Paul School in St. Petersburg. Three years later he transferred to the School of Guards Ensigns. At that time, Modest combined his studies at the School with studying with the pianist Gerke.

He began composing very early and very soon realized that he had to devote his life to music. Without thinking twice, he, already an officer in the Preobrazhensky Regiment, decided to retire. Despite his youth (18 years old), Mussorgsky showed great versatility of interests: he studied music, history, literature, philosophy.

Pictures from the exhibition are one of the best masterpieces in Russian piano music. In form it is a suite consisting of ten pieces, each of which reflects the content of one of the paintings by the artist Viktor Aleksandrovich Hartmann. For Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, he was a very close friend, so the sudden death of Hartmann at a young age (only 39 years old!) literally shocked the composer. A year after this tragic event, an exhibition of paintings by Victor Hartmann was held, dedicated to his memory. However, the best monument to the artist was a piano cycle written by his friend. The idea for its creation came to Mussorgsky while visiting an exhibition. Some paintings can hardly even be called paintings. These are more like sketches, sketches, sometimes just outlines for theatrical costumes. The entire cycle consists of ten plays (pictures) connected by one leitmotif called “Walk”. This is Mussorgsky himself, who walks around the exhibition hall and from time to time stops in front of another painting that interests him.

The suite consists of 10 plays, the prototype of which were various works of Hartmann: his watercolors (“Catacombs”), drawings (“Hut on Chicken Legs”), architectural designs (“Bogatyr Gate”), sketches of toys (“Dwarf”), and costumes for a ballet performance (“Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks”), and finally picturesque portraits (“Two Jews – rich and poor”) and genre sketches (“Tuileries Garden”).

The theme of the prelude is broad, in the Russian folk spirit.

The Prelude sounds.

The first picture “Gnome” is a fantastic sketch. The figure of a clumsy, crooked gnome comes to life in music. A fabulous image of an inhabitant of the mountain interior.

The play "Gnome" is playing.

What is the character of the music?

Children's predicted responses.

The next picture is called “Tuileries Garden”. Hartmann’s painting shows a picturesque sketch of the alley of the Tuileries Garden with a motley crowd of children and nannies. In the music you can hear the hubbub of mischievous childish fuss (“the quarrel of children after the game”) and the good-natured conversation of the nannies (in the middle episode).

Sounds like "Tuileries Garden".

And here comes the surprise again – the magical scherzino (joke) “Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks”.

The brilliance of wit and mastery of visualization were combined in the charming music of a miniature “ballet”.

Sounds like "Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks".

Before us is a picture “Limoges Market”, showing the noisy bustle of the market square, a crowd of Limoges gossips excitedly discussing city news.

The play “Limoges Market” is playing

What did this piece sound like?

Children's predicted responses.

The next picture takes the composer’s imagination into the magical world of a Russian fairy tale. “The Hut on Chicken Legs” - in Hartmann’s watercolor - is an elegant frame for a bronze clock. In Mussorgsky's perception, there is a fantastic image of Baba Yaga. She is the heroine of the musical play. This wonderful Russian scherzo in the folk spirit, picturesquely reproduces the angry tapping of a “bone leg” and the dashing flight of an evil sorceress in a mortar with a broom, and the mystery of a dark dense forest

The play “The Hut on Chicken Legs” is playing.

And now I suggest you play a game: from the pages of “Pictures at an Exhibition”, try to guess the musical pieces.

Fragments of plays are played and the children guess.

M. P. Mussorgsky is one of the most outstanding composers of the 19th century.

Being the author of operas, romances, and choral works, that is, primarily a vocal composer, Mussorgsky chooses the word as the main carrier of meaning. The creative energy of a brilliant composer who combined music and words created art.

Mussorgsky's works are not “vocal compositions”, but narratives written from the heart and soul of the composer. Deeply sincere, full of compassion, they tell about the life of the people, individuals and destinies.

Mussorgsky's creative heritage is unusually large and diverse. He wrote 5 operas, vocal cycles, siphonic pictures “Night on Bald Mountain”, piano suite “Pictures at an Exhibition”, romances and songs.

M. P. Mussorgsky is one of the greatest creators of musical art, who created musical works of amazing power and beauty. His world-famous music is the national pride of the Russian people.

3.Final part

Teacher: Our lesson has come to an end. Did you like the lesson? What new did you learn?

Children's predicted responses.

The teacher speaks individually about each child and notes his activity in class.

“The Mighty Handful” (definition by V. Stasov) A circle of St. Petersburg composers. Circle of St. Petersburg composers. Founder: Mily Balakirev. Founder: Mily Balakirev. M.P. Mussorgsky, A.P. Borodin, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Ts.A. Cui, Composition: M. P. Mussorgsky, A. P. Borodin, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Ts.A. Cui,

Mily Alekseevich Balakirev composer, composer, pianist, pianist, conductor, conductor, head of the “Mighty Handful”. chapter of "The Mighty Handful".

He studied at the Faculty of Mathematics of Kazan University. I studied at the Faculty of Mathematics of Kazan University for a year - met with Glinka, he convinced me to devote myself to music for a year - met with Glinka, he convinced me to devote myself to music. On March 18, 1862, he, together with Gavriil Lomakin, founded the “Free Music School”. On March 18, 1862, he, together with Gavriil Lomakin, founded the “Free Music School”. From 1868, he headed the school as director until the fall of 1874. From 1868, he headed the school as director until the fall of 1874.

From the autumn of 1867 to the spring of 1869, Mily Balakirev conducted symphony concerts of the Imperial Russian Musical Society. From the autumn of 1867 to the spring of 1869, Mily Balakirev conducted symphony concerts of the Imperial Russian Musical Society. In 1883, Balakirev was appointed by the emperor to head the court singing chapel. In 1883, Balakirev was appointed by the emperor to head the court singing chapel. Lark

Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin is from the extramarital affair of 62-year-old Prince Luka Stepanovich Gedevanishvili and 25-year-old Evdokia Konstantinovna Antonova and at birth was recorded as the son of a serf servant of Prince Porfiry Ionovich Borodin and his wife Tatyana Grigorievna. from the extramarital affair of 62-year-old Prince Luka Stepanovich Gedevanishvili and 25-year-old Evdokia Konstantinovna Antonova and at birth was recorded as the son of the serf servant of Prince Porfiry Ionovich Borodin and his wife Tatyana Grigorievna.

Until the age of 7, the boy was a serf of his father, who, before his death in 1840, gave his son his freedom and bought a four-story house for him and Evdokia Konstantinovna, who was married to the military doctor Kleineke. The illegitimate boy was presented as the nephew of Evdokia Konstantinovna. Until the age of 7, the boy was a serf of his father, who, before his death in 1840, gave his son his freedom and bought a four-story house for him and Evdokia Konstantinovna, who was married to the military doctor Kleineke. The illegitimate boy was presented as the nephew of Evdokia Konstantinovna. Due to his background, which did not allow him to enter the gymnasium, Borodin was home-schooled in all subjects of the gymnasium course, studied German and French and received an excellent education. Due to his background, which did not allow him to enter the gymnasium, Borodin was home-schooled in all subjects of the gymnasium course, studied German and French and received an excellent education.

Already in childhood he discovered his musical talent, at the age of 9 he wrote his first polka piece, “Helen”. He studied musical instruments, first on the flute and piano, and from the age of 13 on the cello. At the same time, he created his first serious musical work, a concerto for flute and piano. Already in childhood he discovered his musical talent, at the age of 9 he wrote his first polka piece, “Helen”. He studied musical instruments, first on the flute and piano, and from the age of 13 on the cello. At the same time, he created his first serious musical work, a concerto for flute and piano. At the age of 10, he became interested in chemistry, which over the years turned from a hobby into his life’s work. At the age of 10, he became interested in chemistry, which over the years turned from a hobby into his life’s work. In 1858, Borodin received his doctorate in medicine, having conducted chemical research and defended a dissertation on the topic “On the analogy of phosphoric and arsenic acid in chemical and toxicological relations.” In 1858, Borodin received his doctorate in medicine, having conducted chemical research and defended a dissertation on the topic “On the analogy of phosphoric and arsenic acid in chemical and toxicological relations.”

A.P. Borodin is also considered one of the founders of the classical genres of symphony and quartet in Russia. A.P. Borodin is also considered one of the founders of the classical genres of symphony and quartet in Russia. them the liberation ideas of the 1860s, romansepos, 1860s-chromansepos, 1860s

PRINCE IGOR Opera in four acts with a prologue Libretto by A. P. Borodin. Characters: Igor Svyatoslavovich, Prince Seversky - baritone Yaroslavna, his wife in his second marriage - soprano Vladimir Igorevich, his son from his first marriage - tenor Vladimir Yaroslavich, prince. Galitsky, brother of Prince. Yaroslavny - high bass Konchak, Gzak, Polovtsian khans Konchakovna, daughter of Khan Konchak Ovlur, baptized Polovtsian - contraltotenor Nanny Yaroslavny Polovtsian girl Russian princes and princesses, boyars and boyars, elders, Russian warriors, girls, people. Polovtsian khans, Konchakovna’s friends, slaves (chagi) of Khan Konchak, Russian captives, Polovtsian guards

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky Graduated from the School of Guards Ensigns. Graduated from the School of Guards Ensigns. His music was not understood or accepted by his contemporaries. His music was not understood or accepted by his contemporaries. The most famous works are the operas “Boris Godunov”, “Khovanshchina”; piano cycle “Pictures at an Exhibition” The most famous works are the operas “Boris Godunov”, “Khovanshchina”; piano cycle “Pictures at an Exhibition”

Portrait by Ilya Repin The addiction to alcohol, which progressed greatly in the last decade of his life, became destructive to Mussorgsky’s health and negatively affected the intensity of his creativity. After failure at work and dismissal, he was content with odd jobs and some financial support from friends. He died in a military hospital, where he was admitted after an attack of delirium tremens.

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov Rimsky-Korsakov was the creator of the composer school, the creator of the composer school, among his students there were about two hundred composers, conductors, and musicologists. school, among his students there are about two hundred composers, conductors, and musicologists. The main musical heritage is the operas: The Snow Maiden, Sadko, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, The Tsar's Bride, The Golden Cockerel, etc. The main musical heritage is the operas: The Snow Maiden, Sadko, The Tale of Tsar Saltan , “The Tsar’s Bride”, “The Golden Cockerel”, etc. Caesar Antonovich Cui, Russian composer and music critic, professor of fortification, engineer-general. Russian composer and music critic, professor of fortification, engineer general. Operas “The Captain's Daughter”, “A Feast in the Time of Plague”, “Puss in Boots”, etc. Operas “The Captain’s Daughter”, “A Feast in the Time of Plague”, “Puss in Boots”, etc. Works for orchestra, chamber instrumental ensembles. Works for orchestra and chamber instrumental ensembles.

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The presentation was made by Lyudmila Alekseevna Korotenko, music teacher at the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 6 of Balashov, Saratov Region named after I.V. Krylov.” "The Mighty Handful"

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“The Mighty Handful” In 1859, the Russian Musical Society was organized in St. Petersburg, and a year later in Moscow, the goal of which was to make art accessible to a wide range of music lovers. Chamber and symphonic music went beyond the boundaries of aristocratic salons and court halls, where it had previously sounded, and became the property of democratic circles of listeners.

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A particularly important role was played by the concerts of the “Free Music School”, founded by the outstanding musician M.A. Balakirev. In the sixties, a group of young performers united around him.

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The community included: M.A. Balakirev, A.P. Borodin, M.P. Mussorgsky, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Ts.A. Cui

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Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov (1824 -1906) was a Russian music and art critic, perhaps the most respected among his contemporaries. Famous art critic V.V. Stasov inspired them to create musical canvases worthy of great Russia. He called this group "The Mighty Bunch." “How much poetry, feeling, talent and skill there is in a small but already mighty group of Russian musicians...” – Stasov wrote in his article after one of the concerts conducted by Balakirev.

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Mily Alekseevich Balakirev (1836 -1910) - then a young, brightly talented, educated musician, an excellent pianist, an excellent composer - enjoyed enormous authority among his comrades. He guided them along the path of development of national Russian music and helped them master the basics of compositional technique.

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The composers of the “Mighty Handful” rightfully considered themselves the heirs of M.I. Glinka and saw their goal in the development of Russian national music. With love and care, young composers collected and studied Russian folk songs and used them in their work. Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804-1857)

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Alexander Porfirievich Borodin (1833 -1887) - Russian chemist and composer. He created more than 40 scientific works in chemistry. Famous musical works by A.P. Borodin: opera “Prince Igor”, symphony No. 2 “Bogatyrskaya”, instrumental works, romances.

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Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839-1881) - Russian composer, member of the “Mighty Handful”. His main works are the operas “Boris Godunov”, “Khovanshchina”, and the suite “Pictures at an Exhibition”.

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Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky - Korsakov (1844 - 1908) Russian composer, teacher, conductor, public figure, music critic; member of the "Mighty Handful". ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov is called a composer-storyteller. His compositions include 15 operas, 3 symphonies, symphonic works, instrumental concertos, cantatas, chamber instrumental, vocal and sacred music.

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Caesar Antonovich Cui (1835 - 1918) - Russian composer and music critic, member of the "Mighty Handful", engineer-general. The composer's creative heritage is quite extensive: 14 operas, including “The Son of a Mandarin” (1859), “William Ratcliffe” (based on Heinrich Heine, 1869), “Angelo” (based on the plot of Victor Hugo, 1875), “Saracen” (based on the plot Alexandra Dumas the Father, 1898), “The Captain's Daughter” (after A. S. Pushkin, 1909), 4 children's operas; works for orchestra, chamber instrumental ensembles, piano, violin, cello, choirs, vocal ensembles, romances (more than 250), distinguished by lyrical expressiveness, grace, and subtlety of vocal recitation. Popular among them are “The Burnt Letter”, “The Tsarskoe Selo Statue” (words by A. S. Pushkin), “Aeolian Harps” (words by A. N. Maykov), etc.

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Most of the composers of the “Mighty Handful” systematically recorded, studied and developed examples of Russian musical folklore. Composers boldly used folk songs in both symphonic and operatic works, including “The Tsar’s Bride”, “The Snow Maiden” (N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov), “Khovanshchina”, “Boris Godunov” (M.P. Mussorgsky). Initially, the circle included Balakirev and Stasov, who were keen on reading Belinsky, Dobrolyubov, Herzen, and Chernyshevsky. With their ideas they inspired the young composer Cui, and later they were joined by Mussorgsky, who left the rank of officer in the Preobrazhensky Regiment to study music. In 1862, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A.P. Borodin joined the Balakirev circle. If Rimsky-Korsakov was a very young member of the circle, whose views and musical talent were just beginning to be determined, then Borodin by this time was already a mature man, an outstanding chemist, friendly with such giants of Russian science as Mendeleev, Sechenov, Kovalevsky , Botkin. In the 70s of the 19th century, the “Mighty Handful” ceased to exist as a cohesive group. The activities of the “Mighty Handful” became an era in the development of Russian and world musical art.

M.A. Balakirev

Ts.A. Cui

The community included:

ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov

A.P. Borodin

M.P. Mussorgsky

Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov

  • ideological inspirer
  • consultant circle
  • art critic
  • writer
  • archivist


appears for the first time in the article Stasov "Slavic Concert" Balakirev" (1867): “How much poetry, feeling, talent and skill the little one has, but already a mighty group of Russian musicians.” The name “New Russian Music School” was put forward by the circle members themselves, who considered themselves heirs of Mikhail Glinka and they saw their goal in the embodiment of the Russian national idea in music.

Miliy Alekseevich Balakirev

(1836 -1910) a young, talented, educated musician, an excellent pianist, an excellent composer - he enjoyed enormous authority among his comrades. He guided them along the path of development of national Russian music and helped them master the basics of compositional technique.

Monument to M. Balakirev in Nizhny Novgorod

He was a volunteer student at the Faculty of Mathematics of Kazan University. In St. Petersburg, Balakirev met with Glinka, who convinced the young composer to devote himself to composing music in the national spirit. Balakirev owes his serious musical education mainly to himself. In 1855, he first performed before the St. Petersburg public as a virtuoso pianist.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka


The composers of the “Mighty Handful” considered themselves heirs of M.I. Glinka and saw their goal in the development of Russian national music.

With love and care, young composers collected and studied Russian folk songs and used them in their work.

Alexander Porfirievich Borodin

(1833 -1887)

  • Russian chemist and composer.
  • he created more than 40 scientific works in chemistry.
  • Famous musical works by A.P. Borodin: opera “Prince Igor”, symphony No. 2 “Bogatyrskaya”, instrumental works, romances .

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky

Cui and Dargomyzhsky

gave Mussorgsky the idea for the opera “Marriage”. Mussorgsky handed over to Rimsky-Korsakov the plan for the musical film “Sadko”

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky - Korsakov

(1844 - 1908) he is called a composer - a storyteller.

repeatedly came to Borodin’s aid while working on the opera “Prince Igor”. After the death of his friends, Rimsky-Korsakov did a titanic job of completing or orchestrating Mussorgsky’s operas “Khovanshchina”, “Boris Godunov”, “Marriage”, Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor”

Caesar Antonovich Cui

Talent is more lyrical than dramatic. An inexhaustible melodist, an inventive harmonist to the point of sophistication; less varied in rhythm, masters modern orchestral means. His music, while bearing the features of French grace and clarity of style, Slavic sincerity, flight of thought and depth of feeling, is devoid, with few exceptions, of a specifically Russian character.

Initially, the circle included Balakirev and Stasov, who were keen on reading Belinsky, Dobrolyubov, Herzen, and Chernyshevsky. With their ideas they inspired the young composer Cui, and later they were joined by Mussorgsky, who left the rank of officer in the Preobrazhensky Regiment to study music.

  • In 1862, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A.P. Borodin joined the Balakirev circle. If Rimsky-Korsakov was a very young member of the circle, whose views and musical talent were just beginning to be determined, then Borodin by this time was already a mature man, an outstanding chemist, friendly with such giants of Russian science as Mendeleev, Sechenov, Kovalevsky , Botkin.

K. E. Makovsky. Caricature of the Mighty Bunch


pencil, 1871).

From left to right are depicted: Ts. A. Cui in the form of a fox wagging its tail, M. A. Balakirev in the form of a bear, V. V. Stasov (on his right shoulder in the form of Mephistopheles the sculptor M. M. Antokolsky, on the trumpet in the form of a monkey V. A. Hartman), N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (in the form of a crab) with the Purgold sisters (in the form of domestic dogs), M. P. Mussorgsky (in the form of a rooster); A. P. Borodin is depicted behind Rimsky-Korsakov, and A. N. Serov is throwing angry Peruns from the clouds at the top right.

In the 70s of the 19th century, the “Mighty Handful” ceased to exist as a cohesive group.

The activities of the “Mighty Handful” became an era in development

Russian and world musical art.