How is a seal different from a stamp? Seals and stamps from a legal point of view.

Not a single type of enterprise activity can operate without the use of seals and stamps. The use of these devices confirms the trustworthiness of the person placing the stamp and the authenticity of the document they are on. What is the difference between a stamp and a seal?

What are their differences between a seal and a stamp?

Differences between these concepts exist despite the similarity of the concepts. Stamps and seals are a special type of tools designed for making impressions on paper documents. They usually contain information in text form about the institution. At the request of the customer, images of emblems or company logos are added to them. Thus, government organizations may have an image of the coat of arms of our country in the cliches of seals or stamps.

How does a stamp differ from a seal?? Because it may contain various additions: numbers, certification signatures, dates, and so on. Such information cannot be printed.

Documents that have legal force are confirmed by stamping: financial, government, economic, and so on. The round shape of the cliche is what seal is different from stamp.

In most cases, dies are made in triangular or rectangular shapes. But there are exceptions in the form of elaborate forms. Triangular stamps are affixed to internal documents and certificates. Company details are contained in rectangular stamps.

Everyday, not very important documents are imprinted with a stamp - this is how a stamp differs from a seal. The frequency of use of the stamp is quite high, since there are quite a lot of documents of this type. In most cases, it is placed in the upper right corner of the document. The stamps also carry certain details - “Secret”, “Paid”, “Copy”, “Urgent”, “Canceled” and so on.

How is a seal different from a stamp? The first answer to this question will be strict regulations and control by the state. The licensing authorities in our country regulate and control both the use of seals and the use of stamps. The strict technical requirements established for stamps regarding its size and shape state: the diameter of the cliche can be no more and no less than 40 to 50.1 mm.

The main difference between a stamp and a seal is the amount of legal force it has. The stamp does not have such power and is used mainly for internal documents. Printing is used mainly only for external documents of the enterprise.

In this article we will tell you how a seal is legally different from an organization’s stamp, what functions they perform and whether it is important to know such differences.

Stamp and seal are often confused due to their external similarity. Both attributes consist of the same parts - a rubber cliche and manual or automatic equipment for printing and stamping. They can perform the same action - leave a certain image (information) on paper or other surface. But in fact, there is a significant difference in seals and stamps.

Is it important to know the difference between a seal and a stamp?

Modern office work cannot be carried out without a set of seals and stamps, so these tools should be in every organization. Why?

  • Organize and simplify document flow.
  • Reduce time and labor costs.
  • Increase the confidence of counterparties and banks in the organization.
  • Protect documents and signatures from falsification.

Every employee of the organization needs to know the difference between a seal and a stamp, otherwise various unpleasant situations may arise. Just imagine what kind of damage will be caused to the enterprise if the warehouse releases the products on an invoice, where only a stamp with details or “Agreed” is affixed, and there is no round seal.

Seal and stamp: what is the difference?

Above we answered the question of what a seal and a stamp are, clearly, these are important attributes of office work, having the same structure, but their functions and content are fundamentally different. Let's look at these points in more detail.


The seal contains the official name and status of the organization (IP, LLC, etc.), location (address), TIN, OGRN, logo. If it belongs to an authority or government agency, then it may have a coat of arms (in accordance with GOST R 51511-2001). The main purpose of the seal is to certify the authenticity of a document, a specific signature, and the authority of the person presenting or signing the paper.

The stamp usually contains information that has to be reproduced frequently:

  • Bank details;
  • address;
  • purpose of the document (“To accounting”, “To warehouse”, “For signature”);
  • document status (“Agreed”, “Repaid”, “Paid”, “Copy is correct”);
  • restriction of access (“Top Secret”);
  • facsimile (imprint of signature);
  • bookplate (indication of affiliation);
  • putting down the date, incoming/outgoing number, etc.

In short, a stamp mechanically places information on paper that is repeated day after day. This significantly speeds up the process of correctly completing documents.

There is another important difference. Print information is always sufficient and does not require any additions. A stamp often involves entering some information by hand; for this purpose, free margins are made between the characters. The name, address, position, serial number or date, and appointment are usually entered there.

Imprint location

According to the rules of office work, the seal is placed at the bottom of the document over the signature of the employee or manager. Stamps are usually located in the upper right or left corner of the paper.

Application area

Printing is used on outgoing and internal documentation. It must be present on every official form and document. Stamps are intended for internal office use only.

Shape and size of the cliche

Traditionally, seals are round in shape. These are the official, main and additional seal of the organization (individual entrepreneur, LLC, etc.), individual seals of a doctor and lawyer. Rectangular and triangular seals are used comparatively less frequently; mainly, they have a special purpose, for example, “For information”. According to the standard, the maximum print size is up to 50.1 mm in diameter.

There are no strict requirements for the shape and size of stamps. They can be round, oval, triangular, rectangular (mostly those that replace the letterhead and contain the address and details of the company, the “header” of the document).

How does a seal differ from a stamp legally?

The organization's seal or official seal gives documents legal force. According to the law, LLCs and individual entrepreneurs have the right not to use a seal in office work. However, in many documents (strict reporting forms, work books, reports for the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, contracts, invoices, etc.) the presence of an imprint of the organization’s main seal is mandatory.

Stamps do not have any legal force and are used mainly for the convenience of employees and standardization of documents. Their use is optional, and this issue is resolved at the discretion of management.

Another difference between a stamp and an organization’s seal is that the use of a seal must be specified in the Charter, but this requirement does not apply to stamps.

Let's sum it up

Answering the question, what is the difference between a seal and a stamp, we can say with confidence that:

  • the seal is the “face” of an organization, individual entrepreneur, government body, institution; it gives documents legal force, confirms their authenticity and protects them from forgery, is an attribute officially enshrined in the Charter and/or legislation, has an approved form and contains specific information . The number of stamps is limited;
  • A stamp is an important office management tool that allows you to optimize document flow, is used at the request of employees, has a free form and content, and does not require documentation. There can be any number of stamps in an organization. They have no legal force.

Facsimiles occupy a special position. In fact, this is a stamp, but in some cases it has the same legal force as a handwritten ink signature. This point is regulated by special agreements on the possibility of using a facsimile signature, but it may not be recognized in court. Therefore, this stamp should be used with caution. Do not place it on accounting or tax documents under any circumstances.

It is not surprising that in our bureaucratic world, people feel so uncomfortable and uncomfortable without the necessary document. To protect information and give the paper a certain status, seals and stamps are provided. They are used everywhere: in law, healthcare, labor, and perform certain functions. Understanding the difference between these items is very important in order to avoid mistakes when drawing up documents, as well as to protect your rights and legitimate interests.


Stamp– a tool designed to transfer a print from a hard storage medium to paper, cardboard and other surfaces. It can have different shapes, including irregular ones, and also contain a certain set of information. In modern office work, a stamp is a data carrier that is used to optimize document flow processes. With its help, you can speed up sending letters and filling out papers. For example, a corner stamp contains information about the institution and is affixed to outgoing documents.

Stamp example

Seal– a tool designed to certify the authenticity of documents, certify a signature, and give papers an official status. They are used by individuals and legal entities for various types of activities, including commercial and non-profit. Stamps are affixed to the front side of documents; either paint or high pressure is used to transfer the imprint, which pushes through the paper.

Printing example


Historically, these concepts were similar, printing was included in the scope of the stamp category, but at the moment this is no longer relevant. Now each tool is included in a separate group and performs different functions. The main difference is the legal force of these instruments. The seal certifies the authenticity of the document and is sufficient to seal the agreement. The stamp only standardizes the official paper and indicates its affiliation with a particular institution. At the same time, it does not give it sufficient legal force to perform certain actions.

In accordance with the law, it is mandatory for a legal entity to have its own seal. If it is lost, you must contact the appropriate government agency for a replacement, and if found, the old one must be immediately destroyed. It is not necessary for legal entities to have a stamp, but this is permitted in accordance with the law. Its loss does not entail any legal consequences for the owner. There can be as many of them as you like, free replacement and addition of new ones is allowed.

The stamp is affixed to the free space of the document, usually in the upper left corner. It is allowed to enter handwritten data inside free fields: number of the outgoing document, date, last name, etc. The seal is placed on top of the signature or elastic layer. It does not require any additional information; its inclusion is not provided for in the instrument format.

Conclusions website

  1. Legal force. A seal certifies the authenticity of a document, while a stamp only indicates that it belongs to a certain type.
  2. Principles of use. Every legal entity in the Russian Federation must have its own seal for official documents, and a stamp is optional.
  3. Adequacy. The seal does not require additional information to be added, and on the stamp the data can be added by hand.
  4. Place and features of application. The stamp is placed in the upper left corner of the document in the empty space, the seal is placed on top of the signature at the place where it was made.

Not a single type of enterprise activity can operate without the use of seals and stamps. The use of these devices confirms the trustworthiness of the person placing the stamp and the authenticity of the document they are on. What is the difference between a stamp and a seal?

[email protected]: what is the difference between a seal and a stamp?

A seal is an attribute that confirms the authenticity of a document. The seal contains the details of the organization: name, form of ownership of the enterprise, OGRN and TIN number. A stamp has no legal force and is usually used to simplify the work with documents. The stamp contains information that must be reproduced on paper or other media. The stamp can also serve to reproduce the basic details of the organization (name, INN, PSRN, address, etc.) or leave inscriptions - COPY, CANCELED, PAID, RECEIVED, CHECKED, URGENT, ORIGINAL, SAMPLE and others.

: fundamental...

It is not surprising that in our bureaucratic world, people feel so uncomfortable and uncomfortable without the necessary document. To protect information and give the paper a certain status, seals and stamps are provided. They are used everywhere: in law, healthcare, labor, and perform certain functions. Understanding the difference between these items is very important in order to avoid mistakes when drawing up documents, as well as to protect your rights and legitimate interests.

How does a seal differ from a stamp: fundamental features of stamp products | The rest is on

How is a seal different from a stamp? Where should the stamp be placed...

In office work, when preparing documents, two tools are used: a seal and a stamp. Each of them serves specific purposes and has its own area of ​​application. The difference between a seal and a stamp is very significant. It is necessary to clearly understand the differences in order to avoid mistakes when completing business papers and not become a victim of fraud. The differences between a seal and a stamp are as follows:

The main difference is that stamps, unlike seals, do not have legal force, i.e., for powers of attorney, copies of documents, sales receipts, incoming documentation, invoices, etc., while the round seal of an organization is basic and confirms important documents of the organization.

The difference between a seal and a stamp, how a seal differs from a stamp

Stamp and seal are devices for leaving an impression on paper. They contain certain information about the organization, legal entity, company, etc.; a certain logo, coat of arms, or emblem may be depicted. Documents are sealed and stamped in a strictly defined place. One document can have both a seal and a stamp.

How does a seal differ from a stamp?

Stamp products used in office work are necessary to create impressions on paper documents. For competent and legal execution of documents, it is important to understand how a seal differs from a stamp. It contains certain information about the organization, while the main difference between such significant instruments is their purpose and legal status.

How does a seal differ from a stamp: fundamental features of stamp products::

In the conditions of modern office work, for the correct execution of many documents, such types of stamp products as seals and stamps are used. Each of them has its own purpose and area of ​​application. In order to correctly draw up business papers, you need to clearly understand how a seal differs from a stamp and why these devices should not be confused with each other. This should be dealt with in more detail.

What is the difference between a seal and a stamp - Know everything!

Despite the fact that the word “stamp” in translation means a seal, in modern office work they have completely different purposes and even forms. The seal, which has a round shape, contains the name of the organization, as well as its details. The stamp can be rectangular, triangular or even square. It was created to make the work of clerks easier. The most popular stamps are “agree” and “I approve.” The stamp may also contain a date (in this case it can be changed), address and other necessary information.

What is the difference between a seal and a stamp? — Answers

How are seals different from stamps? A distinctive feature of a stamp from a seal is the presence of certain information (date, certified signature, etc.). In turn, the seal does not carry such information. The seal is used in the case of certification of external documents, stamps are used for documents that are used within the enterprise.

How is a seal different from a stamp? Where should you put a stamp, and where should you stamp? — Useful information for everyone

As far as I remember, a seal is a confirmation of some official document and is invalid without a signature. The seal certifies the company’s consent to any action aimed at committing something. But the stamp is of an informational nature and has no legal force!

What is the difference between a seal and a stamp? »

In this article we will tell you how a seal is legally different from an organization’s stamp, what functions they perform and whether it is important to know such differences. Stamp and seal are often confused due to their external similarity. Both attributes consist of the same parts - a rubber cliche and manual or automatic equipment for printing and stamping. They can perform the same action - leave a certain image (information) on paper or other surface. But in fact, there is a significant difference in seals and stamps.

What is the difference between a stamp and a seal?

Today, no organization can do without stamps or seals. All this is so that the documents of a particular company acquire an official appearance and are unique. Most often, seals or stamps are placed when making transactions; they are used in financial institutions or other industries that use various documents in conducting their affairs.

How does a seal differ from a stamp?

Both stamps and seals are capable of leaving impressions on paper. But the differences in them are not only visual, but, above all, from the point of view of legal force. Each organization, enterprise or individual entrepreneur has in its arsenal not only a seal, but also all kinds of stamps and facsimiles. Roughly speaking, their fundamental difference can be defined as follows: the print is the main tool, the stamp is a secondary tool. The first carries all legal force, the second – exclusively information.