Analysis of the work Quiet Morning by Kazakov Yu.P. Analysis of Kazakov’s work “Quiet Morning”

Literature lesson notes in 8th grade

Topic: “And there was no one to shout for help...” Y.P. Kazakov. "Quiet morning."


- education of moral qualities, such as kindness, empathy, courage, love and respect for people;

- briefly introduce students to the work of Yu.P. Kazakov;

Continue work on developing the skills to write a characterization of a literary character, answer questions, and argue;

- stimulate students’ cognitive activity through solving problem situations when working with text.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

The line dividing good and evil runs through every human heart.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

2. Teacher's word.

Yuri Kazakov had a remarkable gift for speaking simply and artlessly about important and complex problems of human life, giving his answers to eternal questions: why and how should a person live? What is the most important thing in his life? But speaking of serious things, the writer is so skillfully able to captivate us with the dynamic course of events, with the conviction of the importance of what is happening, that we do not notice how unobtrusively the author reveals to us his soul, his idea of ​​the world and man.

Before us is a photograph of the writer. Let's take a closer look at this smart and kind face, don't miss the deep gaze directed towards us, and the pose of a man immersed in thought...
Touches to the portrait. When fifteen-year-old Arbat boy Yura Kazakov dreamed of the future, he did not imagine himself as a writer. He was attracted to music. Therefore, after graduating from an architectural and construction technical school after school, he entered the famous Gnesinka (Gnessin Music College in Moscow) and received a specialty in double bass. Two years after college Kazakov studied music, but was unable to find a permanent place of work, and his emerging passion for literature led him in 1953 to the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky. All years of study and after Yu. Kazakov traveled a lot around the country. He climbed, fished, walked a lot, and hunted.
The young writer became a hunter in order to win people over.
With a gun and hunting boots, he looked at home around the fire, understandable and close. You can tell such an interlocutor, without hiding, about a lot.
But he was not a good shooter. Main “hunt” Kazakova was not for the game, but for her future stories.

Kazakov’s best stories are always based on some genuine incident or everyday situation, drawn from life and valuable for its authenticity, although, of course, the author does not limit himself to this. Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov was a very kind and sympathetic person. He treated people tenderly, sometimes being embarrassed by his tenderness and hiding it behind feigned severity. Kazakov has many stories about children and for children. They attract with their sincerity of intonation, fascination, and joyful surprise at the miracle of living life. In most of his works, Kazakov appears to the reader as a writer, whom They are concerned about the problems of the meaning of life and happiness, moral purity and moral ugliness. What qualities do you need to have to be called a Human? How should you live? What is the basis of human behavior? All these questions arise in your mind when you read the story “Quiet Morning”.

3. Genre of the work. Topic, idea.

a) - The topic of the lesson has already defined the genre of the work - a story.

What is a story?

Prove that “Quiet Morning” is a story.

b) Plan
1. Early in the morning.

2. Yashka wakes up Volodya.

3. On the way to go fishing.

4. Fishing.

5. Volodya is drowning.

6. Rescue of Volodya.

c) - Analysis of any story begins with determining its theme and idea.

What is theme of the story? (Friendship between two boys, mutual assistance, mutual assistance).

3. Work on the epigraph, the topic of the lesson.

How do you understand the meaning of the epigraph? (a person does good or evil, passes it through his heart, and it will certainly be reflected in his soul, leave some trace, teach something, develop some qualities: good or bad).

The topic of our lesson is “And there was no one to shout for help...”. Open your notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

At home you read Y. Kazakov’s story “Quiet Morning”. Based on the topic, the epigraph, what do you think we will talk about today? (we will talk about the main characters - Yasha and Volodya; consider and comprehend the act that Yasha committed; what they thought, felt; about good and evil, understand the idea of ​​the story).

We will also talk about the work of Y. Kazakov, and pay attention to the role of landscape in the work.

The epigraph contains the words “good and evil,” how do you understand the meaning of these words?

(Good is the actions we do for the benefit of others, even if we have to sacrifice ourselves; evil is the actions we do to the detriment of others to achieve our own goals).

Tell us what you know about Kazakov? (student presentation, story about Yu. Kazakov) 3. Analysis of the story “Quiet Morning”.

Let's remember the main characters of the story.

a) Quiz “Recognize the hero”

1) “Having poured fresh earth into the worms, he ran down the path, tumbled over the fence and made his way backwards to the barn, where his new friend was sleeping in the hayloft.”
2) “Okay, let him... Let him mock. They will still recognize me. I won't let them laugh! Just think, the importance of going barefoot is great! Imagine what!

3) “He shuddered, touching the cold body, looking at the dead, motionless face, was in a hurry and felt so tired, so unhappy.”

4) “He leaned on his weak hands, stood up, as if he was going to immediately run somewhere, but fell down again, again started coughing convulsively, splashing water and writhing on

damp grass."

b) Working with text.

Where does the story begin? (from the description of the morning). This morning promises a wonderful day.

Compare heroes:

    how they woke up

    were going fishing

    on the way to fishing

    while fishing

    salvation of Volodya.

Find in the text and read how the boys wake up and get ready to go fishing.

What traits of their character and behavior are manifested here?

Read the excerpt about how Yasha reacted to Volodya’s awakening.

Write down the keywords in the characteristics of the heroes:



“early bird”, strong-willed, “overcame himself”

dexterous, energetic (“jolly trotted towards Riga”)rustic, close to nature

arrogant, sarcastic, bold

awkward, uncollected, slow

urban, discreet, purposeful

sarcastic, rude, impulsive

modest, reserved

braggart, quick-witted


nature connoisseur, likes to tell tall tales, self-confident

knows how to appreciate beauty

inquisitive, more educated than Yashka, not self-confident

knows how to appreciate beauty

both of them are kind, cordial, ready to help each other

What means of expression does the author use here? (Metaphor, colloquial vocabulary)

In literature, caustic expressions are called IRONY. AND ronia = ridicule, ridicule.

How does Volodya behave in response to Yasha’s sarcasm? What character traits are evident here?
- Can Volodya overcome difficulties on the way to his goal?

(Yes. He was hastily tying his shoelaces...)

Can Volodya be accused of servility? Why?

Re-read the dialogue between the guys on the way to fishing.

How does Yasha’s behavior differ from Volodya’s behavior?

What else were the guys talking about? (about heard sounds, about octopuses)

How do their characters appear in these fragments?

(Ya is a nature connoisseur, loves to tell tall tales, self-confident

V. - inquisitive, more educated than Yashka, not self-confident)

V)Artistic retelling"Description of the River."

What kind of river did the guys see when they approached it? “We went out to the hill...” to the words: “Volodya was ready...”) - The river seems equally beautiful to both Volodya and Yasha. Write it down in the table: they know how to appreciate beauty.

What do the boys talk about while fishing? (about how to fish correctly)

Has Yasha always succeeded in fishing? Prove with words from the text.

(I am inclined to attribute my guilt to another, without admitting my mistakes)

Look at the table. Are the guys similar? Can they be considered friends? Why?

G) "Volodya is drowning."

But fate prepared a terrible test for Yasha and Volodya. Selective retellingthis test.“But at that moment the earth...” to the words: “Volodya’s eyes darkened...”

In this dramatic situation, Volodya becomes an accidental victim, and Yasha, obeying the natural instinct of self-preservation, first runs away from the scene. Only fear controls the boy at these moments. But another unaccountable feeling forces him to return to the disastrous place. What is this feeling?
(Shame for hitting Volodya in the water, mutual assistance, mutual assistance)

How can we explain that after everything ended well for Yashka, there was nothing to worry about?

sweeter in the world than Volodya’s pale, frightened, suffering face?

Change the situation, switch the boys places. What would Volodya do if Yasha was drowning?

e) Make a conclusion-characteristic for both boys.

- Now we can safely say that, despite all the differences between the boys, they are both kind, cordial, and ready to help each other. The mutual assistance that Yasha shows changes our attitude towards this hero. This is truly the measure of a person's morality.

What role does the description of nature play in the story? How does nature change? Early morning, fog, silence - a motif of alertness, incomprehensibility, perhaps tragedy and even death sounds; the sun is the motive of light, joy, life; again dead silence, description of the pool - danger; the sun is the victory of life over death. At the very beginning of the story there is no harmony between man and nature. And only at the end of the story is there really a quiet morning: the sun is shining brightly, the earth is rejoicing at the new bright day, and Yashka and Volodya are very happy, happy that Volodya did not drown...

5. - What is the idea of ​​the story?

(The idea is to remain human in any circumstances; the mutual assistance shown by Yashka in relation to Volodya can be considered a measure of a person’s morality.Friendship is learned in trouble).

6. - Let's try to look into the future of the heroes. Will they become friends? Why are you so

do you think? (The main thing in life is to remain a Human being, despite any trials, to be kind and merciful)

7. Reflection.

1) - What feelings did you have after reading the story?

Is it possible to unambiguously evaluate a person whether he is good or evil?

Let's return to the epigraph: “The line dividing good and evil passes through every human heart,” you said that there should be more good in a person, now each of you will write on stickers what good is.

Are the questions raised in Y. Kazakov’s story contemporary today? Why?
2) “A hero is one who creates life in spite of death, who conquers death,” argued M. Gorky. Can Yashka be called a hero, and his behavior heroic?

3) - Yulia Drunina writes about what we should all strive to be in the poem “The Daughter’s Order.”
You can't live in the world without mistakes,
As long as you don’t vegetate in silence all your life.
If only, daughter, these mistakes would continue
Not from poverty - from the generosity of the soul.
It doesn’t matter that you reach for a lot:
It’s bad if it doesn’t attract anything.
We are not always on the right track
We immediately make our way through the darkness.
But when you get through, don’t turn away -
And don’t call your mom for help...
I want you to be pure and lucky
You were in work and in love.
If someone suddenly deceives you bitterly,
It will be difficult, but you will survive.
It's worse if you love according to calculation
And you will cherish lies in your heart.
Don't be cruel to the guilty
And you yourself are guilty - apologize.
After all, we are people, not automata,
Still, life is not an easy thing...

With this poem I would like to end our conversation about morality. And if each of us tries to help the other in a difficult situation, then life will become better, and we will all be a little kinder and more merciful.

8. At home: Write a description of Yasha or Volodya using the table compiled in class and the textbook material.

1) Features of the genre of the work. Work by Yu.P. Kazakova belongs to the short story genre.

2) Theme and problems of the story. A problem is a question posed by the author on the pages of a work of fiction. Problematics - a set of problems considered in a work of art.

What problems does Yu.P. address? Kazakov in his story “Quiet Morning”? (conscience, duty, love for one’s neighbor, love for nature, etc.) Explain your idea.

How does the writer try to solve the problem of the boys' relationships with each other? (the writer prepared a difficult test for his heroes)

3) Features of the plot of the work. The description of the events that happened to the boys unfolds against the backdrop of nature.

How does Yu.P. begin his story “The Quiet Ugro”? Kazakov? (from a description of early morning and fog that almost completely covered the village)

4) Characteristics of the characters in the story. In the story “Quiet Morning” by Yuri Kazakov, two boys are depicted as the main characters: a city dweller, Volodya, and a simple village boy, Yashka.

Image of Yashka. Yashka is a typical resident of the countryside, an expert in real fishing. The portrait of the hero is remarkable: old pants and shirt, bare feet, dirty fingers. The boy was contemptuous of the city Volodya’s question: “Isn’t it early?” Yashka, seeing that his partner is drowning, makes the only right decision: he rushes into the cold water to save Volodya: “Feeling that he was about to suffocate, Yashka rushed to Volodya, grabbed him by the shirt, closed his eyes, hastily pulled Volodya’s body up... Without letting go Using Volodya’s shirt, he began to push him towards the shore. It was hard to swim. Feeling the bottom under his feet, Yashka laid Volodya with his chest on the shore, face down in the grass, climbed out heavily himself and pulled Volodya out.” Yashka’s tears at the end of the story indicate the enormous relief that the hero experienced. Seeing Volodya’s smile, Yashka “roared, roared bitterly, inconsolably, shaking with his whole body, choking and ashamed of his tears, he cried for joy, for the fear he had experienced, for the fact that everything ended well...”

How does Yashka feel when he gets ready to go fishing early? (by an adult, a real expert in fishing)

Why was Yashka angry with Volodya? (Volodya, not used to getting up so early in the city, still cannot fully share all of Yashka’s delights)

How do boys behave when they go fishing? (Yashka considers himself an expert in fishing, so he turns up his nose in front of Volodya.) Who is Yashka's new friend, to whom he is going to show real fishing? (Volodya is a visitor from Moscow)

What knowledge about nature and the world around him did the villager Yashka share with the Muscovite Volodya? (Yashka said that a loud crackling sound in the field means the sound of a trakgor, that they have all kinds of fish in their river; identified the voices of birds; explained how to catch a blackbird)

How do the boys behave when fishing? (all the changes in Yashka’s mood are now related to fishing, he wants to show himself as a real expert in fishing; Volodya is clumsy, lost his balance and fell into the water)

What feelings does Yashka experience when he realizes that Volodya is drowning? (at first fear, but then, overcoming his fear, Yashka jumped into the water, then horror that Volodya would drown him; then again the desire to save Volodya)

Re-read expressively the passage that helps you understand Yashka’s feelings after saving Volodya. What feelings does Yashka experience at this moment? (a feeling of fear for Volodya’s life, a feeling of pity and compassion that gives rise to one’s neighbor)

Image of Volodya. The city boy is the complete opposite of Yashka: he was going fishing in boots. The guys quarreled over a trifle, so they are angry with each other. But Volodya has a softer and more compliant character, so he does not ask unnecessary questions, fearing to anger Yashka even more. Gradually, thanks to Volodya’s complete delight from the early morning walk, the tension between the boys subsides, and they begin to have a lively conversation about fishing. Yashka readily talks about the peculiarities of the bite at dawn, about the fish that live in the local reservoirs, explains the sounds heard in the forest, and talks about the river. Future fishing brings the boys together. as if in tune with the mood of the heroes: she attracts with her beauty. Volodya, like Yashka, begins to feel nature; the gloomy pool of the river confuses him with its depth. After some time, Volodya fell into the water.

How is Volodya different from Yashka? (Volodya is a city dweller who has never fished, never seen real fogs, never woke up so early; Yashka has lived in the village since childhood, walks barefoot, fishes, and knows how to communicate with nature)

5) Artistic features of the story.

Find synonyms for the word fog in the text of the story. (large duvet, stingy owner)

Find one of the descriptions of nature (description of morning, fog, river). Determine its role in the text of a work of art. (Nature in this work is not the usual background against which the main plot twists and turns unfold. The landscape helps the writer reveal the psychological state of the characters and convey their emotional experiences. The village boy Yashka got up very early to prepare for fishing with his city friend Volodya. Narration in the story begins with a description of the fog that enveloped the entire village early in the morning: “The village, like a big downy blanket, was covered with fog. The nearby houses were still visible, the distant ones were barely visible as dark spots, and even further, towards the river, nothing was visible anymore. it seemed as if there had never been a windmill on the hill, no fire tower, no school, no forest on the horizon...” Thanks to the comparisons and metaphors used, the reader imagines the picture opening before him as a kind of impersonal hero of the story: he then retreats in front of him. boys going fishing, “discovering more and more houses, and barns, and a school, and long rows of milky-white farm buildings,” then “like a stingy owner” shows it all only for a minute and then closes in from behind again. The pool of the river where the boys came to fish warns the boys of their danger. To describe it, the writer uses the following epithets and comparisons: “it poured into deep dark pools,” “rare heavy splashes were heard in the pools,” “it smelled of dampness, clay and mud, the water was black,” “it was damp, gloomy and cold.” Nature seems to warn the boys about the impending danger, but Yashka and Volodya do not see this warning, their desire to start fishing as soon as possible is too great. The serene landscape contrasts with the terrible events that happened to the boys while fishing, when Volodya almost died, so the phrase is constantly repeated in the story: “the sun was shining brightly, and the leaves of the bushes and willows were shining... everything was the same as always “, everything breathed peace and silence, and a quiet morning stood over the earth...”, but Yashka, who saw Volodya drowning, was restless in his soul, therefore, having gathered all his strength, Yashka came to his friend’s aid and saved him from imminent death. So, nature in the story by Yu.P. Kazakova “Quiet Morning” helps to reveal the inner experiences of the characters and convey their feelings.)

Explain the meaning of the title of the story by Yu.P. Kazakova "Quiet Morning". (The very title of Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov’s story “Quiet Morning” captures one of the natural phenomena. Indeed, the entire action of the work takes place in the early summer morning. But this name was not given by the writer in order to accurately determine the time of action. The silence of the morning allows Yuri Kazakov to see the beauty of nature, and also highlights the culminating event that happened to the main characters of the story “Quiet Morning” - the contrast between nature and the trials that befell the boys is emphasized.)

Explain the features of the ending of the story (the ending gives a description of nature, which evokes a joyful, bright feeling in the reader; nature itself is happy about such a favorable ending to the story)

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Municipal educational institution, secondary school No. 5, Svetly, Kaliningrad region Analysis of the story “Quiet Morning” by Y.P. Kazakov. Prepared by teacher of Russian language and literature Sudakova S.R. Artist S. A. Vinogradov.

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Goals: - to follow the thoughts, feelings and actions of the main character of the story, finding the “points” of his moral “ups” and “downs”; -reveal the problem of choosing between good and evil. Objectives: - pay attention to the role of descriptions of nature in revealing the inner world of Yashka and Volodya; -promote the student’s self-expression as an individual; -develop a love for nature, for the native land; - using the example of a literary work, provide an opportunity to experience the feeling of choosing between good and evil.

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Lesson Plan: Review Test. About the author. Story plan. Unknown words. Scene. Description of nature in the story: a) birds, b) fish, c) vegetation. 7. Demonstration of fishing rod skills. 8. Work on the questions: a) what happened in the barrel? b) whose fault was the accident? c) describe the behavior of the characters in an extreme situation, d) what other works have you read with similar life situations, e) about the competition “What to do in a difficult situation?” 9. Writing a story about difficult life situations. 10. Drawing up a reminder about behavior on the water.

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His stories have a rare ability to reveal themselves each time from a new, yet unknown side. I. Kuzmichev Already in many early stories, Y. Kazakov’s rare gift of getting used to someone else’s life, entering it from the inside, comprehending to the subtlety the character that amazed him, is evident. Kirillova L.I. The writer looked at the village through the eyes of a city man who had discovered an unknown world. V.F.Vasilenko 2.

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3. Story plan. 1. Early in the morning. 2. Yashka wakes up Volodya. 3. On the way to go fishing. 4. Fishing. 5. Volodya is drowning... 6. Rescue of Volodya. 7. Yashka and Volodya on the way home... E. Chernysheva “Tolya, Vitya and Vova from the village of Kisharino.”

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Riga – a barn for drying sheaves and threshing. A mower is a large knife with a thick and wide blade. Log house on the well. Tub. Poleshchansky bochag. Vyzki - worms for bait. Riffles are an open place on a river where, due to uneven terrain, waves roll over one another. A whirlpool is a deep hole at the bottom of a river or lake. Windmill on a hill - wind engine, windmill. A hollow is a valley with gentle slopes.

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Conclusion. The meanings of many words and expressions unfamiliar to us are interpreted in explanatory dictionaries as well-known Russian words.

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Work on issues. 1) What happened in the barrel? 2) Whose fault was the accident? 3) Describe the behavior of the heroes in an extreme situation. 4) What other works have you read with similar life situations?

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Feelings and experiences of Yasha Feelings and experiences of Volodya Finally, driven by the terrible sounds he was making, he jumped out into the meadow and rushed to the village, but, without running even ten steps, he stopped, as if he had stumbled, feeling that there was no way to escape. He immediately grabbed hold of him, began to move his hands quickly and quickly, clinging to his shirt and bag, leaning on him, still squeezing out inhuman, terrible sounds: “Waah... Wahah.” Then he suddenly wrinkled his face, closed his eyes, tears flowed from his eyes, and he roared, roared bitterly, inconsolably, shaking with his whole body, choking and ashamed of his tears. He carefully pulled out a large bream from under his belly, turned his happy wide face, started to laugh, but his smile suddenly disappeared, his eyes fearfully stared at something behind him. Finally he managed to get his boots off and, trembling and looking ahead with an unseeing gaze, he left the barn. He was ready to give up fishing and burst into tears, but he was so looking forward to this morning! He was a little ashamed that he had let the fish go, but, as often happens, he was inclined to attribute the blame. “I’m also a fisherman! - he thought. - He’s sitting in a bark... angry: he got up a whole hour earlier, dug up worms, brought fishing rods... but he got up today because of this... runt - he wanted to show him the fishing spots - and now instead of gratitude and admiration - “early” ! Isn't it early? - he asked hoarsely, yawned and, swaying, grabbed the stairs with his hand.

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Feelings and experiences of Yasha Feelings and experiences of Volodya Finally, driven by the terrible sounds he was making, he jumped out into the meadow and rushed to the village, but, without running even ten steps, he stopped, as if he had stumbled, feeling that there was no way to escape. Then he suddenly wrinkled his face, closed his eyes, tears flowed from his eyes, and he roared, roared bitterly, inconsolably, shaking with his whole body, choking and ashamed of his tears. Finally he managed to get his boots off and, trembling with resentment and looking ahead with an unseeing gaze, he left the barn. Was he ready to give up fishing? burst into tears, but he was so looking forward to this morning! got angry: he got up a whole hour earlier, dug up worms, brought fishing rods... and he got up because of... this runt - he wanted to show the fishing spots - and now instead of gratitude and admiration - “early”! He immediately grabbed hold of him, began to move his hands quickly and quickly, clinging to his shirt and bag, leaning on him, still squeezing out inhuman, terrible sounds: “Waah... Wahah.” He carefully pulled out a large bream from under his belly, turned his happy wide face, started to laugh, but his smile suddenly disappeared, his eyes fearfully stared at something behind him. three meters from the shore he hit, splashed the water with his hands, throwing back his white face with bulging eyes to the sky, choking and plunging into the water, still trying to shout something... Isn’t it too early? - he asked hoarsely, yawned and, swaying, grabbed the stairs with his hand.

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it became unusually cheerful, and only now did he feel how good it was to leave the house in the morning. How nice and easy it is to breathe, how you want to run along this soft road, rush at full speed, jumping and squealing with delight! “Yes..,” he said as best he could, trying not to cry and wiping his eyes with his pants, “you’re going to drown... and I’ll have to... save you... His face, crumpled after sleep, was meaningless and motionless, like the blind man had hay dust in his hair, and it apparently got into his shirt, because, standing downstairs next to him, he kept twitching his thin neck, moving his shoulders and scratching his back. He sat up in bed and stared for a long time at the bluish sweaty windows and the dimly whitening stove. His head falls on the pillows and his eyes close together, but he overcomes himself. Stumbling, clinging to benches and chairs, he began to wander around the hut, looking for old pants and a shirt. “How... how am I drowning!..”, he said, as if in surprise, and also began to cry, twitching his thin shoulders, helplessly lowering his head and turning away from his savior. -Are you going to wear boots? – he asked contemptuously and looked at the protruding toe of his bare foot. -Will you wear galoshes?

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“How... how am I drowning!..”, he said, as if in surprise, and also began to cry, twitching his thin shoulders, helplessly lowering his head and turning away from his savior. it became unusually cheerful, and only now did he feel how good it was to leave the house in the morning. How nice and easy it is to breathe, how you want to run along this soft road, rush at full speed, jumping and squealing with delight! His face, wrinkled after sleep, was senseless and motionless, like that of a blind man, and there was hay dust in his hair, which apparently got into his shirt, because, standing below, next to him, he kept twitching his thin neck, moving his shoulders and scratched his back. He sat up in bed and stared for a long time at the bluish sweaty windows and the dimly whitening stove. His head falls on the pillows and his eyes close together, but he overcomes himself. Stumbling, clinging to benches and chairs, he began to wander around the hut, looking for old pants and a shirt. He was a little ashamed that he had let the fish go, but, as often happens, he was inclined to attribute the blame. “I’m also a fisherman! - he thought. – He’s sitting upright... – Are you going to walk in boots? – he asked contemptuously and looked at the protruding toe of his bare foot. -Will you wear galoshes?

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Homework: Read chapters from the book by D.S. Likhachev "Native Land". Answer the questions on page 198.

Brief retelling of the work

On this quiet morning, Yashka got up very early, dug up worms and went to wake up Muscovite Volodya, whom he promised to take fishing. Volodya annoyed Yashka with the question: “Isn’t it early?” and the way he put on his shoes. On the way, they drank from clean well water. And this reconciled them.

Yashka tells Volodya about fish, birds, and octopuses. Finally, they reached the river. Yashka brought Volodya to the pool, where, in his opinion, there was a good bite. The first time a fish fell off Yashkin's hook.

Another time he pulled out a big bream. Volodya ran up to him, leaving his fishing rod behind. A fishing rod with a lump of earth was pulled into the river. Volodya rushed after her, stumbled and fell into the pool. Not knowing how to swim, he choked and began to drown. Yashka was scared. He had already started to run. But, realizing that no one except himself would help Volodya, he returned.

It took a lot of effort for Yashka to pull Volodya out and bring him to his senses. After that he burst into tears. And he felt very sorry for Volodya. And the sun was shining, and a new bright day began.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Yashka is an avid fisherman, grew up in the village, loves and understands his native nature, and in a moment of danger finds the strength to overcome fear and save his comrade.

Volodya is a city boy, he saw how they fish only in the Moscow River, he gets lost in a critical situation and almost dies.

Topic: “About the unusual fishing of two boys early on a quiet morning.”

Impression of the book: this story is very instructive. There can be different challenges in life. It is so important not to be a coward. In an extreme situation, Yashka became the winner, although it cost him considerable mental and physical strength.

Updated: 2017-12-06

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Useful material on the topic

The genre of the work is a psychological story. There are two heroes - the village resident Yashka and his new acquaintance, who came from Moscow to stay, Volodya. The basis of the plot is the behavior of two guys, completely different in character and way of thinking, in an extreme situation. The beginning is the boys preparing for fishing, a morning walk around the village. The climax is the situation when Volodya almost drowned, and Yashkina’s flight from the scene of a possible tragedy. But Yashka overcame his fear, and everything ended well. The denouement is Volodya’s salvation and the fact that he is alive and can talk. Experienced emotions find release in tears.

The writer considers all the nuances - from Yashka’s irritation with the ineptitude of the “capital thing” to the desire of the city resident Volodya to please him, animal fear and a sense of self-preservation, which recede before Yashka’s conscience and the voice of reason. Volodin's helplessness is a measure of Yashkina's decency.

Boys Yashka and Volodya go fishing early in the morning. Fishing in Bochagovoy Stream almost ended in tragedy - Volodya almost drowned. Everything ended well - Yashka saved Volodya.

  1. Yashka woke up when the sleepy roosters had just crowed, it was dark, the mother did not milk the cow and the shepherd did not drive the flock into the meadows. After eating milk and bread, boy...
  2. Kazakov Yu. P. Quiet morning Early in the morning, when it was still dark in the hut and the mother was not milking the cow, Yashka got up, found his old pants and...
  3. The action of the story takes place in 1833 in Moscow, the main character, Volodya, is sixteen years old, he lives with his parents in the country and is preparing to enter...
  4. I. S. Turgenev First Love The action of the story takes place in 1833 in Moscow, the main character - Volodya - is sixteen years old, he lives with his parents on...
  5. Sevastopol in December “The morning dawn is just beginning to color the sky above Sapun Mountain; The dark blue surface of the sea has already thrown off the darkness of the night and is waiting for the first...
  6. L. N. Tolstoy Sevastopol stories Sevastopol in December “The morning dawn is just beginning to color the sky above Sapun Mountain; The dark blue surface of the sea has already thrown off...
  7. Why did Chekhov first call the story a skit? Chekhov first called this work a skit because many events take place in it that are easy to imagine as a small...
  8. Volodya and his friend arrived home. His mother and aunt rushed to hug and kiss him. The whole family was happy, even Milord, the huge black dog. Volodya introduced his friend...
  9. A.P. Chekhov Boys Volodya and his friend arrived home. His mother and aunt rushed to hug and kiss him. The whole family was happy, even Milord, the huge black dog....
  10. In every book, the preface is the first and at the same time the last thing; it either serves as an explanation of the purpose of the essay, or as a justification and response to critics. But...
  11. The essay contains references to the story “Medal” by V. Krapivin. Option 1 I think courage is the ability to come to the rescue without thinking about anything...
  12. Russisch Deutsch Example with translation City Die Stadt In dieser Stadt wurden vor zehn Jahren die Olympischen Spiele durchgeführt. - In this city for ten years...
  13. The cycle consists of 25 stories, which are sketches from the life of landowners and minor nobility in the first half of the 19th century. Khor and Kalinich The difference between...
  14. The story “Adolescence” by L. N. Tolstoy was written in 1852 - 1853, becoming the second work in the author’s pseudo-autobiographical trilogy. The story belongs to the literary movement of realism....
  15. In 1852, “Notes of a Hunter” by I. S. Turgenev was published as a separate publication and immediately attracted attention. As L.N. Tolstoy accurately noted, essential...