Joseph vernet paintings. Posters, reproductions of paintings by famous artists in high resolution, good quality, clipart and large-sized photographs for downloading

Joseph Vernet (1714-1789) was one of the most beloved artists of the 18th century, whose fame far exceeded the borders of his homeland. He owed this fame mainly to his marine species, which he admired so much.
Diderot at the Salon exhibitions. Vernet spent his youth in Italy, where he painted the picturesque surroundings of Rome. These paintings were a huge success, and the artist was inundated with orders. In 1753, he returned to France, where he was immediately elected to the Academy of Painting and received a large state order to depict the main seaports of France. Vernet had genuine talent, as evidenced by his early works.

The ever-increasing demand for paintings led his work to a certain decline. Vernet's works of recent years - mainly pathetic scenes of shipwrecks - are distinguished by their theatricality and monotonous repetition of the same stereotyped motifs.
Like his great predecessor, the landscape painter Claude Lorrain, Vernet loves wide panoramas and various lighting effects, but his landscapes are closer to real life, which speaks of him as a keen and interested observer. Human figures, which were simple staffage for Claude Lorrain, become in Vernet the true soul of his landscapes, which brings them closer to the works of genre painting of that time. The painting “View of the Park of Villa Pamphili” was painted by Vernet in the vicinity of Rome in 1749. Like its companion “Villa Ludovisi”, now located in the Hermitage, it was indicated to the master by the famous collector Marquis de Villette, among eight other paintings. Depicting the view of a beautiful Italian park with the public walking in it, Vernet successfully combines the decorative scope of the whole with specificity and truthfulness in conveying all the details. A wide straight alley, decorated with vases and balustrades, large trees, whimsically trimmed in the fashion of that time, living types of people, captured directly from life, seem to resurrect before us a piece of everyday life of the 18th century.
The painting entered the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin in 1930 from the State Hermitage.

Claude Joseph Vernet(fr. Claude Joseph Vernet, often without the first name - Joseph Vernet; August 14, Avignon - December 3, Louvre, Paris) - French painter.


Claude Joseph Vernet (1714–1789), French painter, father of Carl Vernet and grandfather of Horace Vernet, also artists. Born on August 14, 1714 in Avignon. He studied in Italy with Bernardino Fergioni and became one of the most prominent landscape painters of his time. In 1754–1762, by order of the king, he painted a series of paintings “Ports of France” (Paris, Louvre), the creation of which was preceded by a number of sketches from life. His large canvases were purchased to decorate palaces throughout Europe and can now be found in all major European museums; Especially many of the artist’s works are in Russia. Joseph Vernet died in Paris on December 3, 1789.

The most famous paintings

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    See what "Verne K. Zh." in other dictionaries: - (Vernet), a family of French painters. Claude Joseph Vernet (1714 1789), landscape painter. He studied with his father Antoine Vernet and others. He worked in Italy (1734 53) and Paris. In the most famous series of works by Vernet Portes of France (1753 63, Louvre) ... ...

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    Verne last name. Famous carriers: Vernet, Horace, French artist. Vernet, Jean Karl, French racing driver. Vernet, Claude Joseph French artist. Werne is a city in Germany Werne is a commune in France, department... ... Wikipedia - (Vernet), a family of French painters of the 18th-19th centuries. Claude Joseph (1714 1789), author of seascapes that combined classicist clarity with pre-romantic emotionality. His son Karl (1758 1836), caricaturist and battle painter, painter... ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Vernet - Vernet, Claude Joseph...

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    Joseph Vernet Portrait by Elisabeth Vigée Lebrun Birth name: Claude Joseph Vernet Date of birth: August 14, 1714 Place of birth ... Wikipedia

    Horace Vernet Date of birth: June 30, 1789 Place of birth: Paris Date of death ... Wikipedia - (Vernet) family of French painters of the 18th and 19th centuries: Claude Joseph V. (14.8.1714, Avignon, 3.12.1789, Paris), author of landscapes, mainly sea (series “Ports of France”, 1753 63, Louvre, Paris) , where the traditions of the classical landscape of C. Lorrain... ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia And (colloquial) more accurately. 1. compare Art. to adj. faithful and adv. right. 2. in meaning introductory sl. More precisely, more correctly. We met our neighbors, or rather, neighbors. Kaverin, Two captains. I'm Andrey Sleptsov. You may know... Maybe you have heard... or rather... ...

    Small academic dictionary Rome 1740s Louvre. Paris. K. J. Vernet. Villa Pamphilj. 1749…

    encyclopedic Dictionary- VERNE (Vernet), French family. painters of the 18th-19th centuries. Claude Joseph (171489), author of seascapes that combine the clarity of a classically constructed composition with pre-romanticism. emotionality (series Ports of France, 175363). His son and... Biographical Dictionary


  • Trouble in Egypt. Who is plotting? , Gautier Camille, Vernet Stephanie. About the book An educational book and a quest - thanks to the skillful combination of these two genres, the young reader finds himself in the epicenter of not fictitious, but real events. A sure way to intrigue...

B. Bellotto. "Market Square in Pirna on the Elbe", Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Bellotto soon became very popular not only in Italy, but also in other European countries. In 1747, the artist received an invitation to come to Dresden and work at the court of the Elector of Saxony, Augustus III. By order of the minister of the Saxon king, Count G. Brühl, he completed a series of architectural landscapes with views of Dresden and Pirna. The paintings “Square in front of the Church of the Cross in Dresden”, “New Market Square in Dresden”, “Zwinger in Dresden”, “Old fortifications of Dresden”, “Pirna from the west of the corner of a wide street” and “Zwinger Moat in Dresden” are kept in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

The canvas “Market Square in Pirna on the Elbe” (Museum of Fine Arts, Houston), like many other paintings in this series, depicts a corner of the city - the square and the surrounding two- and three-story houses with pointed tiled roofs. Behind the houses, against the backdrop of a high, clear sky, rise a tower and a bell tower with a spire. For some time Bellotto worked in Munich. There he performed several views of the city, capturing estates, parks and outskirts of the city. In 1752 he returned to Venice, where he lived for six years.

In 1758, Bellotto left Italy again. This time he received an invitation from Empress Maria Theresa to visit Vienna. The artist lived there for three years, fulfilling numerous orders from the courtiers. After which he visited Munich for the second time.

In 1768, Bellotto arrived in Warsaw, where he was appointed court painter to King Stanisław August Poniatowski. Here the artist lived and worked for the rest of his life. He painted many views of Warsaw and Krakow, depicted the palace and park in Villanova and castles on the banks of the Vistula.

Most of these are, like his earlier works, complemented by human figures that bring the architectural landscapes to life. Among Bellotto’s numerous works of that period, one can note “The Carmelite Church and the Radziwill Palace” (1767), “View of Villanov from the South” (1760s), “Reconstruction of the Royal Palace” (1767). All of them are exhibited in Warsaw at the Royal Palace, which has now been turned into a museum.

At the end of the 1760s, Bellotto completed several landscapes in which he depicted views of Italy from memory (“View of the Forum”, 1769 and “Rotunda Square in Rome. Pantheon” (1769, both in the Pushkin Museum, Moscow).


Contemporaries of Claude Vernet said that while traveling on a ship, he was caught in a strong storm. The fearless artist did not hide in the cabin, but remained on the deck, asking the sailor to tie himself to the mast so that he would not be washed overboard. He not only observed the elements, but also tried to draw. This is how the artist’s grandson, the famous painter and graphic artist Horace Vernet, depicted him in his painting.

The French artist Claude Joseph Vernet, who studied at the Academy of Arts, did not wait for the academic authorities to send him to Italy to improve his skills, but went there on his own, at the expense of wealthy friends of his parents. In Italy he studied with A. Manglar, G. Pannini and A. Locatelli. Very soon Vernet surpassed his mentors. Working from life played a big role in the development of the young artist. Vernet realized early on that only in communication with nature can one become a true master. With an album and a pencil, he sat for hours in the vicinity of Naples, in Tivoli, on the banks of the Tiber. Like other artists attracted to Italy by the beauty of its nature and picturesque ancient ruins, Vernet carefully studied the work of Italian masters. He showed particular interest in the romantic landscapes of Salvator Rosa, the vedata of Gaspare Vanvitelli and compositions with ancient ruins of Giovanni Battista Piranesi.

Very soon Vernet became one of the most popular painters in Italy, and soon his fame reached the artist’s homeland, France. His paintings were not at all like the contrived and slightly decorative landscapes of his contemporary masters. The main properties of Vernet’s painting are subtle observation and masterly transmission of the light-air environment.

Vernet’s favorite motifs in his compositions are the sea at different times of the day, architectural landscapes with views of Rome, sea harbors and harsh rocks. His landscapes are reminiscent of the works of Salvator Rosa (Vernet treated this Italian master with the deepest respect). It is from Rose that the simplicity and severity of the forms, the transparency of the colors of the distant plans come, while the foreground is painted with dense and dense strokes. These are the landscapes “The Seashore near Anzio” (1743, Hermitage, St. Petersburg), “View of the Bridge and Castle of St. Angel” (1745, Louvre, Paris), “Villa Pamphili” (1749, Pushkin Museum, Moscow).

It is felt that the artist is concerned with the problem of combining landscape with genre scenes. And although the landscape in such paintings occupies the main place, scenes with human figures are also significant for the author. In this sense, the canvas “Italian Harbor” (1750, Hermitage, St. Petersburg), painted by Vernet in the last years of his stay in Italy, is interesting. Against the backdrop of a sea harbor with ships and port buildings on the shore, the viewer sees groups of people.

K. J. Vernet. “Italian Harbor”, 1750, Hermitage, St. Petersburg

These are fishermen pulling nets out of the water, fishmongers. The figures of well-dressed ladies and gentlemen stand out. Among them are Verne's wife Virginia and his son Livio, buying fish. Over time, genre scenes in his landscapes began to play an even more significant role.

In 1753, Vernet returned to his homeland. France greeted with delight the famous artist, who had lived in Italy for almost twenty years. Soon he received the title of academician. The French government invited the master to create a series of landscapes with views of French ports. Vernet painted 15 paintings that now belong to the Louvre.

They depict ports (La Rochelle, Toulon, Marseille, etc.) with great accuracy with piers, customs houses, warehouses, lighthouses, coastal artillery fortifications and nearby streets. All canvases are three meters long.

These landscapes are not deserted: the artist placed on them foreign merchants in unusual attire, local commoners, richly dressed ladies and gentlemen, and soldiers near guns. Among the heroes of Vernet's paintings you can see members of his family and the artist himself with a sketchbook.

One of the most popular Parisian landscape painters, Vernet had no shortage of orders. The public demanded from him paintings of shipwrecks and fires, views of the sea illuminated by the moon or the glow of sunset. A spectacular spectacle appears to the viewer in the painting “Entrance to the Port of Palermo” (1769, Hermitage, St. Petersburg). The golden lunar path lies on the calm surface of the sea.

K. J. Vernet. “Shipwreck”, 1763, Hermitage, St. Petersburg

K. J. Vernet. “Entrance to the Port of Palermo”, 1769, Hermitage, St. Petersburg

The mysterious light of the moon, peeking out from behind the clouds, pours onto the sailboats swaying on the water. The warm, slightly reddish light of a fire on the shore snatches the figures of merchants from the darkness of the night.

Inundated with orders, Vernet travels to sketches less and less often. Now he works in a workshop and his main assistant is his own imagination. The artist is increasingly interested in various theatrical effects, creating landscapes with storms, shipwrecks and dramatic scenes of rescuing drowning people. Among the best works with a similar theme is “Shipwreck” of 1763, kept in the Hermitage collection. All nature is in a violent movement: waves rise, lead clouds swirl, the wind bends the branches of a tree growing on a rock. One ship has already crashed on the rocks, the other is still fighting against the raging elements. Flashes of lightning illuminate the scene of the rescue of passengers from the sunken ship.

The painting of Claude Joseph Vernet had a great influence on the development of European landscape. His paintings were role models for romantic artists.

Vernet, Claude Joseph - French artist, marine painter, one of the outstanding landscape painters of his time. He had a great influence on the development of landscape painting in Europe, in particular on the development of romanticism. During his lifetime he became famous for his depiction of sea storms. Russian Emperor Paul I was an admirer of Vernet's talent. The artist

born in Avignon. He studied painting first with his father A. Vernet, then in Italy with Bernardino Fergioni. In 1734 - 1753 he lived and worked in Rome. He painted views of Tivoli and Naples. He devoted a lot of time to working from life, achieving incredible authenticity in the transfer of light and air space. Landscapes and sea views of the Italian period are distinguished by subtle observation and virtuosity of execution. In 1753, the artist returned to France and immediately gained popularity among his contemporaries. The pinnacle of Vernet's career was his awarding the title of academician, as well as the commission of King Louis XV himself for a series of paintings "Ports of France". This series, depicting the port cities of La Rochelle, Toulon, Marseille, etc., belongs to the Louvre, and is on public display at the Maritime Museum of Paris. Receiving a huge number of orders, the artist gradually lost the opportunity to travel from Paris to the open air and paint sketches from life. He worked relying on his memory and imagination, as a result of which he was sometimes overly carried away by theatrical effects, the paintings became less and less air and light, and the color darkened. His works were purchased to decorate palaces throughout Europe and are currently in the collections of all major European museums. One of the largest collections of Vernet's works is in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. Numerous engravings were made from the artist’s paintings during his lifetime. He was born in Avignon. He studied painting first with his father A. Vernet, then in Italy with Bernardino Fergioni. In 1734 - 1753 he lived and worked in Rome. He painted views of Tivoli and Naples. He devoted a lot of time to working from life, achieving incredible authenticity in the transfer of light and air space. Landscapes and sea views of the Italian period are distinguished by subtle observation and virtuosity of execution. In 1753, the artist returned to France and immediately gained popularity among his contemporaries. The pinnacle of Vernet's career was his awarding the title of academician, as well as the commission of King Louis XV himself for a series of paintings "Ports of France". This series, depicting the port cities of La Rochelle, Toulon, Marseille, etc., belongs to the Louvre, and is on public display at the Maritime Museum of Paris. Receiving a huge number of orders, the artist gradually lost the opportunity to travel from Paris to the open air and paint sketches from life. He worked relying on his memory and imagination, as a result of which he was sometimes overly carried away by theatrical effects, the paintings became less and less air and light, and the color darkened. His works were purchased to decorate palaces throughout Europe and are currently in the collections of all major European museums. One of the largest collections of Vernet's works is in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. Numerous engravings were made from the artist’s paintings during his lifetime.

Ours today is carrying out a lot of art history work to search, identify and preserve such works that, today, have not yet been presented to the general public, but, nevertheless, are very rare. today it won’t be difficult - you can see it on almost every street, but ours has every reason to be considered one of the best in the capital. We are proud of the works of our dear compatriots presented, only here.
This section on our website contains information about Russian and Soviet artists who worked at different times and in a wide variety of genres. Each artist’s page contains a brief biography, information about achievements, merits and awards, highlights the main directions of his work, and, of course, presents a gallery of works. Here you can select and, finding it by author's name from the alphabetical list for ease of search, and also sort by cost, genre, or size.


Claude Joseph Vernet

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Claude Joseph Vernet(fr. Claude Joseph Vernet, often without the first name - Joseph Vernet; August 14, Avignon - December 3, Louvre, Paris) - French painter.


Claude Joseph Vernet was a French painter, the father of the artist Carl Vernet and the grandfather of the artist Horace Vernet. Born in Avignon, he studied in Italy with Bernardino Fergioni and became one of the most prominent landscape painters of his time. During his lifetime, he became famous mainly for his depiction of sea storms, which, in particular, pleased the Russian Emperor Paul I. In 1754-1762, by order of King Louis XV, he painted a series of paintings “Ports of France” (Paris, Louvre), the creation of which was preceded by a number of sketches from nature. His large canvases were purchased to decorate palaces throughout Europe and are now in all major European museums. One of the largest collections is in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Engravings were made from the drawings of K. J. Vernet.

The most famous paintings

  • "Storm on the Rocky Shore";
  • "View of Naples with Vesuvius." Canvas, 99 x 197 cm. Purchased by the Louvre in 1976;
  • “View of the Bay of Naples”, 1748. Canvas, 100 x 198 cm;
  • "Entrance to Palermo Port by Moonlight"

    J. Vernet (engraving by P. Ozann).jpg

    Fishermen caught in the wind. 2nd half of the 18th century. Private collection, St. Petersburg.

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  • Deryabina E.V. Paintings by Joseph Vernet in the Hermitage. To the history of the collection. In the book: Western European art of the century. Publications and research. Digest of articles. L., "Art", 1987.P.47-55.
  • Leon Lagrange.
  • Florence Ingersoll-Smouse, Joseph Vernet, Peintre de marine, Étude critique et catalogue raisonné..., Paris, 1926, deux volumes.
