Spiritual life of society and culture. Spiritual culture of man and society Cultural and spiritual life of society presentation

Cultural institutions - religious organizations - corresponding activities of people. Goal: To introduce the essence of fundamental values ​​and the main functions of culture. A cultured person is tolerant and tolerant. Spiritual-theoretical (production of spiritual goods and values). Initially (Latin) – “cultivation, tillage. Why is culture needed? World and national Material and spiritual. - Science - morality - religion - philosophy - art - scientific institutions.

“Scientific and technological revolution” - Restructuring of the energy sector. Revolutionary path. Technopolises. Extraordinary acceleration of scientific and technological transformations. Characteristic features of scientific and technological revolution. Intellectualization. R&D funding by region of the world. Cosmization. Traits of NTR. Examples of evolutionary and revolutionary changes. Evolutionary path. What functions do equipment and technology perform? Technoparks and technopolises. Improving already known technology.

“Spirituality” - The most important elements of human spirituality are values, morality, and worldview. The most important are moral standards. Moral attitudes of the individual have been studied by major philosophers. Who sets moral standards? There is also conscience, patriotism, citizenship. There is a main universal requirement called the “golden rule” of morality. What role does worldview play in people’s activities?

"Worldview" - Hungarian crossword puzzle. The concept of the categorical imperative. Everyday worldview. We all walk under one God, although we do not believe in one. Strong point. A call for peace. The role of worldview in human activity. Hatred is strong enmity, disgust towards someone or something. About wealth. Worldview. Turn to the person. About helping those in need. Types of worldview. One of the classifications of worldview types.

“Social cognition” - In the narrow sense, a knowable object. Features of social cognition. In the narrow sense - a cognizing person, endowed with will and consciousness. Types of social facts. Subject. An object. The applicability of the experiment is limited. Cognition -. In a broad sense, society. Establishing social patterns is extremely difficult. A concrete historical approach to social phenomena. Social studies 10th grade.

“Philosophy and Science” - Cultural studies appeared in the 19th century. What does cultural studies study? Science and philosophy. The doctrine of good and values. Archeology. Philosophy. The ancestor of sciences is philosophy. Sociology. Philosophy as a social science. The doctrine of being. Culturology. Classification of social sciences and humanities. Civil history. Russell. What methods does sociology use? Story. Physical chemistry. Social Sciences. What is history?

Education Science Morality Religion Art, scientific, cultural and religious institutions

Spiritual realm

Political sphere

Spiritual realm


Economic sphere

Social sphere

Spiritual realm




Culture"(from Latin Cultura - cultivation of the soil) Cicero in the 1st century BC.

What does the term mean? “Culture” in the broad sense of the word?

everything created by man - it is a man-made “second nature”

"Culture" is everything types of transformation activities human, as well as its results - the totality of material and spiritual values ​​created by man

What does the term mean? “Culture” in the narrow sense of the word?

Level of education of a person


Spiritual culture is a collection spiritual values ​​(that which has no material embodiment) and creative activities for their production

Material culture

the product is material goods

Cultural Sciences

  • Cul t u r o l o g y
  • Story
  • Sociology
  • Ethnography
  • Linguistics
  • Archeology
  • Aesthetics
  • Ethics
  • Art history

Development of culture

Experience, traditions


(Stable element)


Functions of culture

  • Formulate and explain independently pp. 81-82

(be able to explain each function)

Functions of culture

  • 1.Adaptations to the environment
  • 2. Accumulation, storage, transfer of cultural property
  • 3. Setting goals and regulating the life of society and human activity
  • 4.Socialization
  • 5.Communicative function

Diversity of cultures Dialogue of cultures

  • Academician D. S. Likhachev:

“The true values ​​of a culture develop only in contact with other cultures, grow on rich cultural soil and take into account the experience of neighbors. Can grains develop in a glass of distilled water? Maybe! “But until the grain’s own strength is exhausted, then the plant dies very quickly.”

Diversity of cultures Dialogue of cultures

Interchange and interaction of cultures

  • What problems may arise due to the internationalization of cultures?

Forms of culture







Complete the table using the text on pages 84-87

Varieties of culture

  • According to most species researchers three :
  • Dominant culture - a culture shared by the majority of members of a society

Subculture – inherent to specific social groups

Counterculture (from Latin Contra - against)– a culture developed by a community in opposition to generally accepted norms and values, is in opposition to the dominant (dominant) culture

A viewer from the beginning of the last century told his friends about the exhibition of impressionist artists: “I heard rave reviews about the exhibition from art critics and went to see it. There were few visitors, many left quickly, and most of the paintings had blurred images. I decided that this was due to a lack of mastery of drawing and brush. Realistic art is closer to me. At home I read about this artistic movement, but much remained unclear ». Guess what form of culture the exhibited works belong to. Give three justifications for this assumption, based on the text of the assignment .

Culture is the totality of human achievements in production,
social and spiritual terms.
Culture is the product of the creative work of the spirit on natural conditions.
the totality of all material
values, values
materialized component
norms and morals that have developed
ideas about beauty,
religious views and scientific

Casa Batllo, architect Antoni Gaudi

Spiritual culture
First, everyone’s spiritual world
man and his activities
creating spiritual products
Secondly, the products of spiritual

Toward spiritual culture
include religion, science,
education, art,
language, writing, etc.
It is made up of rules
standards, models and norms
symbols, myths, knowledge,
ideas, customs, language

Edward Hopper. "Cafe-machine"
Ivan Aivazovsky. "The Ninth Wave"
Worldview and philosophical,
meaningful in life
existence, the relationship between man and the world.
Key concepts: life and death,
time, fate, memory, nature,
space, relationships with others

Moral values ​​govern relationships
between people from a position of confrontation
due and prescribed. They are related to
statement of fairly strict unwritten
laws - principles, regulations, commandments,
taboos, prohibitions and norms. Honesty, work, friendship,
love, tact, politeness and so on.
Frida Kahlo. Just a few small scratches

Aesthetic value embodies ideal
ideas about what should be, about perfection, about
expediency. Beautiful, sublime,
aesthetic values.
Leonardo da Vinci. Vitruvian Man

by purpose
difficult to understand
addressed to
professionals and
members of society
is created
addressed to the people
addressed to the masses
in society
understandable to everyone
members of society

by coverage
Majority culture
spiritual values)
Social group culture
(small cultural worlds).
Differs in system
values, language, manner
behavior, clothing, etc.
Current denying
dominant values

What should art reflect: the truth of life or high ideals?
What should art awaken: feelings or thoughts?
Are there objective indicators of a masterpiece, great art,
great literature?
Is it worth separating the personality of the author from the work he created?

Morality - rules governing behavior; spiritual and
spiritual qualities necessary for a person in society, as well as
compliance with these rules, behavior.
Morality is the rules of morality, as well as morality itself.
Moral principles are internal moral frameworks
an individual or a group, a community or the whole
society as a whole.
Humanism is humanity in social activities, in
attitude towards people.

isolation of people in a community.
Formed parallel to formation
the emergence of political society
dependencies that are installed with
with the help of force.
Morality arises as a mechanism of culture,
isolation and alienation between people,
creating normative and spiritual conditions
for their unity.

The talion principle. An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth
The Golden Rule of Morality: Treat others as you would like to be treated.
others acted towards you
The principle of the golden mean: avoid extremes, observe moderation
The Greatest Happiness Principle: Providing happiness to as many people as possible
Principle of justice
First principle: Every person should have equal rights to fundamental freedoms.
Second principle: social and economic inequalities should be arranged so that:
(a) they could reasonably be expected to benefit everyone, and (b) access to provisions and
positions would be open to everyone.

1 of 15

Presentation on the topic: Culture and spiritual life of society

Slide no. 1

Slide description:

Slide no. 2

Slide description:

Structure of culture Culture is a complex multi-level system; it is the activity and heritage of 1200 generations of the human race. Therefore, it is very difficult to identify the structure of culture. To do this, you need to subdivide the culture by carrier. Hence it is legitimate to distinguish between world and national culture.

Slide no. 3

Slide description:

World and national culture World culture is a synthesis of the best achievements of all national cultures of the various peoples inhabiting the planet. National culture, in turn, acts as a synthesis of cultures of various classes, social strata and groups of the corresponding society. The uniqueness of national culture, its uniqueness and originality are manifested both in the spiritual (language, literature, music, painting, religion) and material (features of the economic way of life, housekeeping, traditions of labor and production) spheres of life and activity.

Slide no. 4

Slide description:

It is generally accepted to distinguish between folk (non-professional) and professional culture. As for the relationship between the universal, national and class in culture, this is a very pressing and complex problem. What is needed here is a concrete historical approach, devoid of ideological and political biases.

Slide no. 5

Slide description:

Slide no. 6

Slide description:

A number of other culturologists (L.N. Kogan) argue that there are types of culture that cannot be classified only as material or spiritual. These views represent a “vertical” cross-section of culture, as if permeating its entire system. economic; political; environmental; aesthetic culture

Slide no. 7

Slide description:

Based on content and influence, culture is divided into progressive and reactionary. This is obvious, since culture can educate a person not only moral, but also immoral. And the last division is based on relevance. This is the culture that is in mass use. Each era creates its own current culture. This is especially noticeable in fashion. The relevance of culture is a living process in which something is born, gains strength, lives and dies. Thus, the structure of culture appears as a complex formation. At the same time, all its elements interact with each other, forming a single system - culture.

Slide no. 8

Slide description:

Slide no. 9

Slide description:

Functions of culture The functions of culture are very diverse: 1. According to Cicero, “cultura animi” is the cultivation, cultivation of the spirit. The human-creative, or humanistic function of culture is the most important task for our reviving Fatherland.2. The function of broadcasting (transferring) social experience is the only mechanism for transmitting social experience from generation to generation, from era to era, from one country to another.3. The cognitive (epistemological) function, concentrating in itself the best social experience of many generations, acquires the ability to accumulate rich knowledge about the world and thereby create favorable opportunities for its knowledge and development.

Slide no. 10

Slide description:

4. The regulatory (normative) function is associated with the determination (regulation) of various aspects, types of public and personal activities of people. It is supported by normative systems such as morality and law.5. The semiotic or sign function serves to study the corresponding signs and systems, without which it is not possible to master the achievements of culture. Thus, language acts as the most important means of mastering national culture. There are specific languages ​​for learning music, painting, and theater. Natural sciences also have sign systems.6. The value or axiological function reflects the qualitative state of culture. Based on the level of value needs and orientation of a person, the degree of his culture is judged.

Slide description:

In turn, both Western and Eastern cultures went through several stages of their development, replacing each other or existing in parallel. Cultural-historical types are not eternal. They form and disintegrate. Many types no longer exist. On the ruins of some of them new ones arose.

Slide no. 13

Slide description:

According to the famous Russian sociologist, historian and thinker N.Ya. Danilevsky, we can only talk about a cultural-historical type if a given historical-cultural community is characterized by four types of cultural activity: religious; actually cultural, including theoretical-scientific, aesthetic-scientific, aesthetic-artistic and technical-industrial activities; political, which involves the formation of an independent state; socio-economic.

Slide description:

Sources used for the presentation: Website "Cultural Man's Blog" (http://www.caringheartsofpeedee.com/?p=3494) Image sources: http://www.fotomebel.com/?p=catalog&razdel=75http://www .abc-people.com/data/rafael-santi/pic-8.htmhttp://www.visit-greece.ru/culture/http://www.culturemap.ru/?region=164http://stories- about-unknows.blogspot.ru/2012/07/blog-post_14.htmlhttp://wikitravel.org/ru/%D0%A0%D0%B8%D0%BChttp://www.nenovosty.ru/klerki-menegery .htmlhttps://sites.google.com/site/konstantinovaanastasia01/politiceskaa-kultura-obsestvahttp://www.samara.edu.ru/?ELEMENT_ID=5809http://yonost.ucoz.ru/index/0-2 http ://art-objekt.ruhttp://www.chemsoc.ru/ http://www.tretyakovgallery.ru/http://maxmir.net http://t2.gstatic.comhttp://i.allday. ru http://tours-tv.comhttp://2italy.msk.ru http://2italy.msk.ruhttp://www.nongnoochgarden.com http://m-kultura.ruhttp://www.labtour .ru http://www.museum.ru http://www.historylib.orghttp://cs406222.userapi.com http://miuki.infohttp://utm.in.ua http://budeco.bizhttp ://karpatyua.net http://ec-dejavu.nethttp://t0.gstatic.com http://sveta-artemenkova.narod.ruhttp://italy.web-3.ru http://moikompas. ruhttp://www.pravenc.ru

  • Subject: social studies.
  • Author group from Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 26 in Penza: Student of class 10A Sigueva Ksenia.
  • History teacher Galina Valerievna Umyvalkina, Computer science teacher Vadim Valerievich Fleonov
Culture structure
  • Culture is a complex multi-level system, it is the activity and heritage of 1200 generations of the human race. Therefore, it is very difficult to identify the structure of culture. To do this, you need to subdivide the culture by carrier. Hence it is legitimate to distinguish between world and national culture.
World and national culture
  • World culture is a synthesis of the best achievements of all national cultures of the various peoples inhabiting the planet. National culture, in turn, is a synthesis of the cultures of various classes, social strata and groups of the corresponding society.
  • The uniqueness of national culture, its uniqueness and originality are manifested both in the spiritual (language, literature, music, painting, religion) and material (features of the economic structure, farming, traditions of labor and production) spheres of life and activity.
  • It is generally accepted to distinguish between folk (non-professional) and professional culture. As for the relationship between the universal, national and class in culture, this is a very pressing and complex problem. What is needed here is a concrete historical approach, devoid of ideological and political biases.
Culture is divided into certain species and genera. The basis for this division is the diversity of human activity. Hence the material and spiritual culture.
  • Culture is divided into certain species and genera. The basis for this division is the diversity of human activity. Hence the material and spiritual culture.
A number of other culturologists (L.N. Kogan) argue that there are types of culture that cannot be classified only as material or spiritual.
  • A number of other culturologists (L.N. Kogan) argue that there are types of culture that cannot be classified only as material or spiritual.
  • These views represent a “vertical” cross-section of culture, as if permeating its entire system.
  • economic; political;
  • environmental;
  • Culture
aesthetic culture
  • Based on content and influence, culture is divided into progressive and reactionary. This is obvious, since culture can educate not only a moral person, but also an immoral one.
  • Based on content and influence, culture is divided into progressive and reactionary. This is obvious, since culture can educate not only a moral person, but also an immoral one.
  • And the last division is based on relevance. This is the culture that is in mass use. Each era creates its own current culture. This is especially noticeable in fashion. The relevance of culture is a living process in which something is born, gains strength, lives and dies.
Thus, the structure of culture appears as a complex formation. At the same time, all its elements interact with each other, forming a single system - culture.
  • The totality of material and spiritual values, as well as methods of their creation, the ability to use them for the progress of mankind, pass them on from generation to generation, constitute culture (A.G. Spirkin).
The totality of material and spiritual values, as well as methods of their creation, the ability to use them for the progress of mankind, pass them on from generation to generation, constitute culture (A.G. Spirkin).
  • Functions of culture
  • The functions of culture are very diverse:
  • 2. The function of broadcasting (transferring) social experience is the only mechanism for transmitting social experience from generation to generation, from era to era, from one country to another.
  • 3. The cognitive (epistemological) function, concentrating in itself the best social experience of many generations, acquires the ability to accumulate the richest knowledge about the world and thereby create favorable opportunities for its knowledge and development.
4. The regulatory (normative) function is associated with the determination (regulation) of various aspects, types of public and personal activities of people. It is supported by normative systems such as morality and law.
  • 4. The regulatory (normative) function is associated with the determination (regulation) of various aspects, types of public and personal activities of people. It is supported by normative systems such as morality and law.
  • 5. The semiotic or sign function serves to study the corresponding signs and systems, without which it is not possible to master the achievements of culture. Thus, language acts as the most important means of mastering national culture. There are specific languages ​​for learning music, painting, and theater. Natural sciences also have sign systems.
  • 6. The value or axiological function reflects the qualitative state of culture. Based on the level of value needs and orientation of a person, the degree of his culture is judged.
According to the main cultural and historical types, world culture can be divided into Western and Eastern. Their main differences lie in the fact that, unlike Christian Europe, which deifies the absolute personality of the creator, and thereby man as his image and likeness, Eastern religion is based on the idea of ​​the falsity of individual forms of spiritual life.
  • According to the main cultural and historical types, world culture can be divided into Western and Eastern. Their main differences lie in the fact that, unlike Christian Europe, which deifies the absolute personality of the creator, and thereby man as his image and likeness, Eastern religion is based on the idea of ​​the falsity of individual forms of spiritual life.
In turn, both Western and Eastern cultures went through several stages of their development, succeeding each other or existing in parallel.
  • In turn, both Western and Eastern cultures went through several stages of their development, succeeding each other or existing in parallel.
  • Cultural and historical types are not eternal. They form and disintegrate. Many types no longer exist. On the ruins of some of them new ones arose.
According to the famous Russian sociologist, historian and thinker N.Ya. Danilevsky, we can only talk about a cultural-historical type if a given historical-cultural community is characterized by four types of cultural activity: religious; actually cultural, including theoretical-scientific, aesthetic-scientific, aesthetic-artistic and technical-industrial activities; political, which involves the formation of an independent state; socio-economic.
  • According to the famous Russian sociologist, historian and thinker N.Ya. Danilevsky, we can only talk about a cultural-historical type if a given historical-cultural community is characterized by four types of cultural activity: religious; actually cultural, including theoretical-scientific, aesthetic-scientific, aesthetic-artistic and technical-industrial activities; political, which involves the formation of an independent state; socio-economic.
  • N.Ya. Danilevsky
  • However, it does not follow from this that in each cultural-historical type all types of cultural activity are equally developed. History shows that each cultural-historical type reached heights in only one or two types of cultural activity. For example, Greek - in the cultural itself, Roman - in the political, Jewish - in the religious.
Sources used for presentation:
  • Sources used for presentation:
  • Website "Cultural Man's Blog" (http://www.caringheartsofpeedee.com/?p=3494)
  • Image sources: http://www.fotomebel.com/?p=catalog&razdel=75
  • http://www.abc-people.com/data/rafael-santi/pic-8.htm
  • http://www.visit-greece.ru/culture/
  • http://www.culturemap.ru/?region=164
  • http://stories-about-unknows.blogspot.ru/2012/07/blog-post_14.html
  • http://wikitravel.org/ru/%D0%A0%D0%B8%D0%BC
  • http://www.nenovosty.ru/klerki-menegery.html
  • https://sites.google.com/site/konstantinovaanastasia01/politiceskaa-kultura-obsestva
  • http://www.samara.edu.ru/?ELEMENT_ID=5809
  • http://yonost.ucoz.ru/index/0-2 http://art-objekt.ru
  • http://www.chemsoc.ru/ http://www.tretyakovgallery.ru/
  • http://maxmir.net http://t2.gstatic.com
  • http://i.allday.ru http://tours-tv.com
  • http://2italy.msk.ru http://2italy.msk.ru
  • http://www.nongnoochgarden.com http://m-kultura.ru
  • http://www.labtour.ru http://www.museum.ru http://www.historylib.org
  • http://cs406222.userapi.com http://miuki.info
  • http://utm.in.ua http://budeco.biz
  • http://karpatyua.net http://ec-dejavu.net
  • http://t0.gstatic.com http://sveta-artemenkova.narod.ru
  • http://italy.web-3.ru http://moikompas.ru
  • http://www.pravenc.ru