Dance Day is a holiday. World Dance Day

The international organization UNESCO comes up with the most unusual holidays. These include International Dance Day, which will be celebrated around the world on April 29. The date of the holiday coincides with the birthday of the French choreographer Nover, who introduced a number of revolutionary solutions in the art of dance. He is also called the father of modern ballet. The maestro himself was the director of many troupes, including the head of the famous London Ballet. He was the first to propose such directions as heroic ballet and tragedy ballet.

One dance

One of the main reasons why World Dance Day is held is to unite movements and schools into a single movement, an art form. It is important that dance transcends political boundaries and unites people of different cultures, beliefs and thoughts. When the dance day was conceived by officials from UNESCO, its goal was to unite the world's population into a single space.

How to celebrate dance day

This day is celebrated in different ways: in some places performances are held, in others dancers travel to schools and kindergartens, and in others they even organize large free street performances. In any case, dance day turns into an interesting, vibrant event for residents of every city. A popular idea in recent years is large flash mobs staged by dancers on the streets. And every year the main characters - dancers, choreographers and directors of troupes - come out with a big message to the public. This proves that dance is a truly separate language.

April 29 is International Dance Day. Celebration of rhythm and plasticity

April 29, 2016 - No comments

International Dance Day, whose history dates back to 1982, was established by the International Dance Committee created by UNESCO. Since then, every year on April 29, amateurs and professionals celebrate International Dance Day on the birthday of Jean Georges Noverre (04/29/1727). This French choreographer is rightfully considered the father of modern ballet art.

The dance that became the reason for the celebration evokes its own associations for everyone. And everyone determines their own preferences in the style and direction of dance.

When International World Dance Day is celebrated, a huge number of people always gather. Those who dance for fun, and those who do it professionally.

International Dance Day: who dances and why?

As Yuri Burlan’s Systemic Vector Psychology explains, each of us is naturally given certain groups of desires - vectors that move us through life. These desires are provided with the properties of the psyche and body for their implementation. There are eight vectors in total.

People for whom International Dance Day is a holiday are defined in system-vector psychology as the owners of a skin vector. Lean, flexible, with an extraordinary sense of rhythm and quick reaction. They also know how to limit themselves and submit to discipline, they strive for primacy and dominance. They are able to work tirelessly to achieve their goal. The sphere of activity of such people ranges from a salesperson in a supermarket to the head of an organization, manager, athlete, dancer.

They are the main characters when International Dance Day is celebrated. These are natural dancers who keep the rhythm, feel their partner and perfectly follow the dance pattern. In their striving for novelty, they create new styles and directions in the art of dance.

Let's add sensuality and artistry to International Dance Day

The viewer is attracted not only by the precision and synchronicity of the dancer’s movements, but also by the technique of performance. The sensuality and artistry with which the dance is performed is admirable and the emotional mood is conveyed. The abilities for empathy and vivid expression of emotions are characteristic of another vector – the visual.

People with a visual vector are endowed by nature with the desire and ability to create emotional connections. Imaginative thinking allows them to create images, get used to them and convey them to the viewer with all their emotional power and artistry.

The combination of these two vectors creates the visual-cutaneous ligament, which gives birth to the best dancers. This combination of vectors is also present, for the most part, among the organizers of the International Dance Day and among lovers of the art of dance. Both of them have a craving for beauty, which is most characteristic of representatives of the visual vector.

Let's add depth to International Dance Day

The sound vector adds special depth to the image created by the dancer. The presence of this vector indicates the abstract intellect of its owner, pushing for self-knowledge and comprehension of the meaning of life. It shows not just a picture, but also gives it a certain volume that is felt in the dance. His dance is innovation, a breakthrough into the future, made in the process of finding oneself.

Today, when International Dance Day is celebrated, we remember those who created His Majesty Dance with a capital D.

One of the most prominent representatives of ballet art, who in addition to the visual-cutaneous ligament also carries a sound vector, was Vaslav Nijinsky. It was called the "eighth wonder of the world." Nijinsky created not only unforgettable images on stage, but also discovered a new style in ballet art - expressionism, revolutionary for that time. He also discovered fundamentally new possibilities of plasticity - jumps that took your breath away and seemed to “hang” in the air.

International Dance Day 2016. Let it be a holiday of realization

Understanding his vectorial characteristics, a person becomes the master of his life with a full understanding of his talents and capabilities. And this is important for everyone. After all, even the International World Dance Day may not please you if you are a dancer not by choice, but contrary to your natural properties, in justification of other people’s failed desires or unconscious ones of your own.

International Dance Day is a celebration of grace and movement coupled with sensuality conveyed by the body. Demonstration of the achievements of the implemented skin vector in conjunction with visual and sound vectors.

You can also learn more about how people choose a hobby.

Celebrated every year on April 29. The holiday applies to all existing dance styles. The event is celebrated on a grand scale in almost all countries of the world.

The main goal of the holiday is to unite all people related to dance, regardless of their race and nationality.

history of the holiday

According to the founders, the main idea of ​​this holiday is the unification of all areas of dance as a single art form, and Dance Day itself is an occasion to honor it, as well as its ability to overcome all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries, the ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of dance.

The holiday was established by the decision of UNESCO. The event was first celebrated in 1982. The date of April 29 for the celebration was announced by Pyotr Gusev, a domestic choreographer and dancer. When choosing her, he was guided by the fact that on this day in 1727 the legendary choreographer Jean Georges Noverre from France was born.

Noverre is the recognized founder of world ballet and dance in general. Before him, dance steps had never been performed solo on stage. They have always served as accompaniment for opera performers. Noverre was the first to perform ballet on stage as an independent performance. He also decided to rid the dancers of bulky, uncomfortable outfits that hindered the perfect execution of pirouettes.

International Dance Day is a holiday dedicated to a wonderful art form, a wonderful occasion to spin in a waltz whirlwind and remember talented dancers and choreographers. Dance Day 2017 is celebrated on April 29, Saturday.

history of the holiday

International Dance Day was established in 1982 by the Dance Committee of the International Theater Institute of UNESCO. The date on which this event should take place was proposed by the outstanding Soviet dancer, choreographer, and ballet theorist P.A. Gusev. Thanks to him, the date when this holiday is celebrated is dedicated to the birthday of the famous reformer of dance art, Jean-Georges Noverre - April 29, 1727.

The name of this dancer, choreographer and ballet theorist is associated with the birth of modern ballet. Thanks to him:

  • ballet has become an independent art form, and not an addition to opera;
  • dance performances began to be based on thoughtful dramaturgy with a logical development of action and characteristics of the characters.

As noted

According to the initiators of the creation of Dance Day, it should help unite all types of dances and overcome cultural and political barriers. On this day, it is customary to send congratulations to leading choreographers and dancers.

In turn, according to established tradition, every year a delegate is selected from representatives of the world of ballet and dance, whose task is to address all people of the world with a Message that draws attention to the art of dance, its ability to express the most reverent feelings in the language of plastic arts, overcome misunderstandings, and reach hearts

The most famous dancers and choreographers who delivered a Message dedicated to the International Dance Day:

1984 Yuri Grigorovich, outstanding Soviet and Russian ballet dancer, teacher and choreographer
1991 Merce Cunningham, American choreographer who created his own style of modern dance. His choreography is distinguished by the unnatural plasticity of the dancers, as if rewriting the laws of human coordination
1996 Maya Plisetskaya, the greatest Soviet and Russian ballerina, who served as prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR for more than 40 years
1997 Maurice Bejart, one of the most important choreographers of the 20th century
1998 Kazuo Ono, Japanese choreographer and dancer, one of the creators of Japanese modern dance - butoh
year 2001 William Forsyth, American choreographer and dancer, developer of dance improvisation techniques
2002 Katherine Dunham, one of the first African-American dancers, actress, choreographer, teacher
2006 Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia, while studying in Prague, the future king studied, including classical dances
2007 Sasha Waltz, dancer and choreographer from Germany
2011 Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Belgian dancer and choreographer, recognized as a major figure in modern dance
year 2013 Lin Huai-Ming, Taiwanese dancer and choreographer, considered Asia's most important choreographer
year 2014 Murad Merzouki, French choreographer who combined hip-hop and acrobatics in his work
2015 Israel Galvan, Spanish dancer and choreographer

Various events are held all over the world on Dance Day, and in Russia, in addition, the “Soul of Dance” award is awarded - the only professional ballet prize established by the magazine “Ballet” and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in 1994. It has several nominations:

  • "Star"
  • "Rising star";
  • "Folk Dance Star";
  • "Mage";
  • "The Magician of Dance";
  • "Master of Dance";
  • "Teacher";
  • "Knight of the Dance";
  • "Press Leader"

The prize is awarded to outstanding choreographers and dancers, as well as conductors, artists, composers, teachers and journalists who reveal the magic of dance and sanctify achievements in this field. Over the years, Maya Plisetskaya, Yuri Grigorovich, Vladimir Vasiliev, Rodion Shchedrin, Ulyana Lopatkina, Gennady Rozhdestvensky and many others became its laureates. In 2016, for the first time in the history of the prize, a gala concert of the prize winners was held in Paris, the homeland of the great choreographer Noverre. This event took place on April 29 - his birthday and International Dance Day.

April 29 people all over the world will celebrate D day dedicated to dancing. This holiday was established by the International Dance Council of UNESCO in 1982. The date is not accidental, since it was Born on April 29 famous French choreographer, “father of modern ballet” Jean-Georges Noverre. He was the first to stage full-fledged ballet performances.

International Dance Day should unite people who, in one way or another, have connected their lives with dance. This holiday is dedicated to all styles and trends in dance. It allows people all over the world to speak one common language - the language of dance.

Every year, one of the famous people in the world of choreography is honored to present to the public his speech about the magic and power of dance. The first was Henrik Newbauer in 1982.

And every year dancers are awarded a prize for special merits: Benois de la danse. They are awarded only to the most outstanding representatives.

Dance is a very specific art form because it allows the artist to convey his emotions through movement. But dance is also somewhat difficult to perceive, since each of us has our own perception of reality, our own feelings and experiences. And sometimes it is quite difficult for us to discern in a dance the meaning put into it by the performer.

History of dance

The history of dance begins with the birth of humanity and society. Our distant ancestors came up with the simplest movements, which were then transformed into ritual actions. Dance in those days had not an entertaining, but a sacred meaning.

And now formalized by the first dance counts oriental belly dance. On the walls of Pharaonic tombs there are images of girls dancing this sensual dance.

In Europe, during the times of court balls and receptions, the dances were very slow and graceful. It was more like a majestic walk around the hall than a dance in the modern sense. Ladies and gentlemen performed intricate steps, often changed partners and could even carry on a leisurely conversation.

And riots blossomed on the streets of cities and villages folk dance. Bourgeois and peasants from different countries found fun in noisy festivals, fairs, performances of traveling troubadours, etc. And their dance was just as fast, noisy, impetuous. The most striking examples are the polka, mazurka, and tarantella. They originated on the streets among ordinary citizens and have gained so much popularity.

And here dance as art found its display in the form ballet. However, at first he only accompanied opera and theater productions, he served only as a background for the action on stage. And only in the 16th century in Spain, and then in France ballet has become an independent form of art.

Today we see graceful ballerinas in light tutus fluttering around the stage like moths.

However, the costume was not always like this. Initially, the girls' skirt reached the floor, which did not allow wide movements. Over time, the tutu became shorter and shorter, and the dancers’ capabilities became wider.

The freedom of movement of ballerinas allows directors to come up with more and more complex and intricate parts. So, in the ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" the prima must perform 32 fouettés. But a girl from Great Britain performed 166 fouettés during summer ballet classes in 1991, which became a kind of record in the world of dance.

Interesting facts about dancing. Dance records

The Russians showed miracles of endurance by establishing record for performing eastern dance. This was done by the teacher of the Gulshchan school, Vita Saakova. Her record is 3 hours 15 minutes.

But this is not the limit! In 2010, in India, dancer Kalamandalam Hemalentha established world record, performing folk dance for 123 hours 15 minutes.

And the Turkish ensemble “Lights of Anatolia” received 2 records at once. They performed a dance with 241 steps per minute. And also - they gathered the largest audience of viewers - 400,000 people.

The fastest dancer in the world recognized is Michael Ryan Flatley (tap), dancing with the Lord of the Dance and Feet of Flames teams. Its speed in 1989 was 28 beats per second, and in 1998 35 beats per second.

During Halloween celebrations in Times Square in London on October 30, 2008 was performed the most world's most popular dance from Thriller (Michael Jackson). 70 people danced it. A record for synchronized performance of the same dance was installed 25 October 2009, when simultaneously In more than 300 cities around the world, the dance was performed by 20 thousand fans.

Most mass dance on pointe shoes rightfully belongs to the 245 dancers who showed their skills at the Orange County Convention Center.

Outdid everyone in India, where 10,736 dancers performed bamboo dance(Chero's dance), entered the Guinness Book of Records with the most massive and crowded dance.

So it turns out that dancing is not only good health, but also an opportunity to self-realize through this amazing action, to see how the people around you do it.