Activity. Celebration in elementary school “Through the pages of the works of E.”

Victoria Alekseeva
Entertainment script based on the work of E. Uspensky “Anniversary in the village of Prostokvashino” for children of senior preschool age

Methodological development “Role creativity E. Uspensky in the education and development of preschool children»

Entertainment script

« Anniversary in the village of Prostokvashino»

/For children of senior preschool age/

Target: speech development, thinking, memory preschool children.


develop interest in creativity. Uspensky;

develop ability to solve riddles;

develop children's knowledge about works of different genres;

develop communication skills;

teach to understand the good humor of the poet’s poems;

consolidate the skill children listen to questions teacher and give accurate answers to them;

improve auditory attention;

cultivate a lasting interest in the book.

Progress of entertainment.

Leading. Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky born on December 22, 1937 in the Moscow region. Edik grew up as a mischievous boy, received bad grades and every time decided that on Monday he would start studying at "5". Monday came, some things happened and... the twos appeared again. The chance came to the rescue. One day, he jumped off the roof and broke his leg and ended up in the hospital. Edik asked parents bring him textbooks. To the unspeakable surprise of those around him, he began to take his homework seriously. Yes, so persistently that he was able to enter the aviation institute and become an engineer. He worked in his specialty for three years, and then suddenly realized that he was doing something wrong in life. Eduard Nikolaevich worked as a counselor at a pioneer camp, read books, and when he ran out of interesting books, he had to write them himself.

As a child he had three favorites toys: Gena the crocodile, Galya doll, a plush toy with big ears, a button tail, in general you can’t tell - it’s either a hare or a dog. Can you guess who it is? Well, of course Cheburashka.

And today I invite you to go to the amazing world of Edward's fairy tales Uspensky. How will we do this? (answers children) Well, of course, we'll go on a fun, magical train to village of Prostokvashino.

Music is playing "Blue carriage" sl. E. Assumption muses. V. Shainsky. Children sit in "train" and move in a circle. Suddenly the music stops and a voice is heard.

Voice. Speaks Prostokvashino radio. We broadcast the concert on at the request of the residents of our village. Prostokvashino time…hours…minutes. Listen to the urgent announcement. All those arriving in Prostokvashino, to celebrate anniversary of Uspensky, please gather near the central Eduardo Square Uspensky. Postman Pechkin, you have been assigned to meet the arriving guests. Comrade Pechkin, are you listening? This is an order from the main postal administration. You need to meet guests!

Pechkin enters the hall and addresses the children standing in a circle.

Pechkin: Are you guests? How small you are. I thought, maybe some kind of boss came to us, someone’s president! Well, okay, let’s stand in a circle and get acquainted. Hurry up, I don’t have time with you for long. Come on, hold hands and form a circle... That's right. Now let me introduce myself. I am a local postman, Pechkin is my last name. And you, therefore, are guests. What should I do with you? Should I play or what? Well, I don't know how to play. I am a service person, that is, serious. Not like all sorts of Balls. running around village, nor "hello", nor "Bon appetit". He is completely impolite among us; uncultured, in other words. By the way, do you, dear guests, know all sorts of polite words? "Good morning" For example. Or "Guten Tag"- I put it in a foreign way.

A game "Please"

Pechkin. Let's check it out. I will now contact you with different requests. If I say the word "Please", you are mine fulfill the request. And if I am the word "Please" I won’t say it, then you don’t do anything. Did you get my point? Then let's start the experiment, testing, that is. Please tell me loud "Hello!". Well done! Now please raise your hands up! So. Now clap them. Yeah, who clapped that there? I'm "Please" didn't say. You need to be more attentive, more culturally aware. Let's continue.

After the game, the children sit on chairs.

Pechkin. You are really great! I need to run, guys, and help Uncle Fyodor prepare for the holiday.

Appears old woman Shapoklyak.

Shapoklyak. So here everyone is invited to the holiday, but no one said anything about me. You'll have to go without an invitation! I really want to visit! That's right someone said: It’s good at a party, but bad at home!

Shapoklyak leaves.

Matroskin and Sharik appear. The table is set beautifully.

Matroskin. Well, it looks like everything is ready. Oh, what a farm cat I am after all, just beautiful! And he baked pies, and ironed the tablecloth, and picked flowers. And Sharik? It just rushes here and there, it does no good. No, I’ll still hand him over to the zoo.

Ball. Who are you, Matroskin, are you going to hand over to the zoo?

Matroskin. You, Sharik!

Ball. Aren `t you ashamed! Who chopped the wood for the stove, huh? Who brought the water? Who washed the floors? By the way, they won’t take me to the zoo - I’m a mongrel.

Matroskin. And on your cage it’s like that will write: "Animal of unknown breed". There will be no end to visitors! Okay, I was joking.

Ball. Oh, Matroskin, look, the guys have come to our party. They probably brought a gift with them.

Spanish song "Let run clumsily" sl. A. Timofeevsky, music. V. Shains

Matroskin. Well done guys, I wrote a special fairy tale for the holiday.

It's called a fairy tale "Silver Egg":

There lived a boy and a girl,

And they had Crocodile Gena.

The crocodile laid an egg

The testicle is not simple, but silver.

The boy beat-beat -

Didn't break it.

The girl beat and beat, but didn’t break it.

The elephant ran.

She waved her tail,

The egg fell and broke.

Boy and girl are crying

The crocodile cackles:

“Don't cry, boy.

Don't cry, girl.

I'll lay another egg for you,

Not silver - simple».

There's a song playing "Blue carriage". On stage Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka come out.

Gena. Who's talking all sorts of nonsense about crocodiles, huh?

Matroskin. Oh, Genochka, Cheburashechka, hello! It's so good that you came! But Sharik told this nonsense. Well, everything is mixed up in his head!

Cheburashka. Was something wrong?

Gena. Well, there you go, Cheburashka! Yes, everything is wrong there! I’ll ask the guys now. What mistakes did they notice? Firstly, how does a fairy tale begin?

Children. Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman.

Gena. Secondly, who did they have?

Children. Chicken Ryaba.

Gena. Third, isn't it did the crocodile lay their eggs?

Children. No, chicken.

Gena. Is it true that the egg was silver?

Children. No, it's golden!

Gena. Who ran past and waved his tail? Is it really an elephant?

Children. Mouse!

Gena. A isn't it Can crocodiles cackle?

Children. Can not!

Gena. What is the actual name of this fairy tale?

Children. "Chicken Ryaba"!

Gena. Well, well done, guys. You calmed me down, otherwise I thought that no one knew this fairy tale anymore.

Shapoklyak appears stealthily.

Shapoklyak. (hides behind tree) Wow, how beautiful it is here, but they didn’t invite me. May all your cakes dry out and your tea get cold!

Matroskin. Where are the other guests? I wish I could start celebrating already.

Ball. Or maybe we shouldn't wait for the others? The pies smell so bad I can’t stand it!

Shapoklyak. They have no strength! Now it will be even less!

Shapoklyak takes out a water pistol and screams "Hooray!", “Save yourself who can!”, - runs out and starts watering everyone (and guys)

Cheburashka. Genochka, take me in your arms, I’m afraid of her!

Matroskin. Who are you? Why are you acting like this lead? I'll call the police now!

Shapoklyak. I came to you for a holiday!

Gena. To celebrate with us, you need to know all of Edward's tales Uspensky.

Shapoklyak. But of course! I know all the fairy tales.

Gena. And here we will check. Where did Cheburashka live before he met

with me, Gena?

Shapoklyak. In the birdhouse!

Gena. Wrong! Where are you guys?

Children. In a telephone booth.

Gena. Who re-educated the postman Pechkin.

Shapoklyak. Uncle Styopa re-educated him.

Matroskin. Wrong! Guys, help!

Children. Uncle Fedor, Sharik and Matroskin.

Ball. That's how good we are!

Cheburashka. What color is the cat Matroskin?

Shapoklyak. Gray-brown-raspberry.

Cheburashka. Guys, what do you think?

Children. Striped.

Ball. What is the name of Matroskin’s cat’s favorite cow?

Shapoklyak. Well, what was their name - Zorka or Burenka!

Matroskin. But no! Come on, brothers, help us out!

Children. Murka.

Shapoklyak (offended). Yes, it’s your holiday, but no one thought to invite me! So I decided to ruin your holiday out of resentment!

Postman Pechkin appears.

Pechkin. (Shapoklyak) I completely forgot! There's a telegram for you!

Shapoklyak. Ha ha! From a hippopotamus?

(Reads the telegram)“Dear Shapoklyak, we invite you to village of Prostokvashino to celebrate the anniversary of Eduard Uspensky, guest of honor."

Gena. But you are also invited to this holiday, and as an honored guest at that!

Shapoklyak. How honorable? And I thought.

Matroskin. But you, like all of us, were invented by the same person - a wonderful writer. Let the guys say who came up with such wonderful stories?

Children. Edward Uspensky!

Cheburashka. That's right, this is a wonderful writer Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky!

Matroskin. By the way, do you have any gifts with you?

Shapoklyak. Present?. I don't have any gifts.

Gena. Eduard Uspensky no need for gifts from the store! But he needs the kids to read good fairy tales and grow up kind and smart.

Shapoklyak. Does he like songs from cartoons?

Cheburashka. And how!

Shapoklyak. Well, then I propose to play "Guess the cartoon". I'll start a song. Let everyone help me and tell me what cartoon this song is from.

Red, red, freckled. (Merry carousel)

And I notice more and more often (Song of Matroskin) Winter in Prostokvashino

Blue carriage (Crocodile Gena)

Song Shapoklyak (Those who help people are just wasting their time. (Crocodile Gena)

Or maybe. (One a simple fairy tale) (Plasticine crow)

Cheburashka. And Eduard Nikolaevich came up with such wonderful transfers: "Baby Monitor", "Abvgdey-ka", wrote about funny colorful octopuses. That's how much he created!

Gena. We had a wonderful holiday today!

Leading. Guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's get into our fabulous carriage and hit the road.

Children to a song "Blue carriage" music V. Shainsky, lyrics. E. Uspensky leave the hall.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk, Moscow region.
After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. During his student years he began to engage in literary creativity, publishing since 1960. He graduated from the institute in 1961.
He began his creative career as a comedian. By his own admission, he got into children's literature by accident. His children's poems began to be published as humorous ones in the Literary Gazette, and they were heard in the radio program Good Morning!
Eduard Uspensky became widely known as the author of children's books: “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends” (1966), “Down the Magic River” (1972), etc. His plays, written together with R. Kachanov, “Cheburashka and his friends" (1970); "Bahram's Legacy" (1973); "Gena the Crocodile's Vacation" (1974), etc. The images of Cheburashka, Gena the Crocodile and other characters he invented are loved by children of several generations.
No less success befell the adventures of friends from Prostokvashino - Uncle Fyodor, Sharik, and the cat Matroskin. And they also found their on-screen embodiment.
In addition, Eduard Uspensky wrote for the popular children's program "Baby Monitor", for the television program "ABVGDeyka", and hosted the program "Ships Came into Our Harbor."
The writer's works have been translated into more than 25 languages, his books were published in Finland, Holland, France, Japan, and the USA. In recent years, his new books have been published by the Samovar publishing house, which he organized. In 2010, Uspensky was awarded the Korney Chukovsky Prize, established for children's writers, in the main category “For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children's literature.”
He also has
books of anniversaries 2017:

"Down the Magic River" (45 years - 1972)

Coming to visit your grandmother in the village for the holidays and finding yourself in a fairy-tale kingdom where the Serpent Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal, Dashing One-Eyed, Cat Bayun and other fairy-tale, unattractive people live - not every boy will like this. But Mitya Sidorov really liked it all. Because he not only saw what he read about in books, but also managed to help good fairy-tale heroes: Vasilisa the Wise, Uncle Brownie, Baba Yaga and Tsar Makar. How did the city boy Mitya end up in the fairy tale kingdom? Yes, it’s very simple - he turned out to be a relative of Baba Yaga.

"Kolobok is on the trail" (30 years - 1987)
In the depths of the central park, where the asphalt ends and begins
construction of a multi-story garage Gorgartranskhoz, there is a one-story
a mysterious house with a sign "NPDD".
This is an Urgent Point of Good Deeds, and the main thing in it is Kolobok. Him in everything
A faithful friend and comrade, Bulochkin, helps. They are engaged in revealing small
crimes and violations. (They accept orders from the public).

"Winter in Prostokvashino" (20 years - 1997)
The meeting with your favorite characters comes to life: Uncle Fyodor, the cat Matroskin, the dog Sharik, the postman Pechkin and others. You will learn how the dog and the cat get along without Uncle Fyodor, who lives in the city at this time of year. The story “Winter in Prostokvashino” has many unexpected twists, and there are some New Year’s surprises in it, so this is a very exciting book.

"Uncle Fyodor's Favorite Girl" (20 years old - 1997)
Summer has arrived in Prostokvashino. Uncle Fyodor was swimming in the river and fishing. Cat Matroskin sold postcards at a kiosk, and Sharik “rushed around all the interesting places with his photo gun.” A girl, Katya Semina, came to Prostokvashino from America. Her uncle lives here. Amazing girl! He reads Brema, knows a lot about fish and animals, loves to go fishing, and most importantly, he believes that Uncle Fyodor has no shortcomings. How can you not make friends with such a wonderful girl?

All books celebrating anniversaries are in our library. Come, choose, read!

Celebration in elementary school “Through the pages of the works of E. Uspensky.”

Our holiday is dedicated to the works of E. N. Uspensky.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born in 1937. The heroes of his books are loved by both children and adults. I am sure that there is not a single person among you who does not love the books of E. N. Uspensky.

Although it often happens that we love books very much, but we don’t always know the author. Therefore, today we will talk about several of the most famous books of Eduard Nikolaevich and, I hope that from this day on you will know the author of these wonderful books.

Let's start with the most famous book. But first, listen to the song.
Cheburashka's song.
-Who is this song about?

Who is Cheburashka?

Where did he come from?

How did you get to the big city?

Watch a sketch about this hero.
Scene 1
(Chapter 3 and 4 from the book “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends”).
-Who did Cheburashka become friends with?

Cheburashka also had enemies.

(Old woman Shapoklyak comes out.)

Lariska and I don’t sit still,

We always go everywhere together.

Do nasty things to people

We love it very much.
I'll slowly walk around the town

And I will quarrel between mother and daughter.

I'll give grandma two steps,

I'll break the windows in the store.

Cry, cry, and I will laugh,

I don’t want to hide my bad temper.

Everything will go wrong for you,

If I'm nearby - old woman Shapoklyak!


What is this old lady famous for? (Children's answers)


It's nice to hear that about yourself. Do you want to play?

How many of you are here today?

I can’t count them all in a day!

All the Mishas clap

And the Maxims stomp,

Artyom is jumping

Danya kicks her legs,

Alyosha raises his hands,

All Yegors crouch.

Well, the little girls

They call out their names as loudly as possible.

So, one, two, three-

Say your name!

(Children complete all tasks throughout the game; girls shout their names several times.)

Grandma, what have you done here?


Why, I'm okay.

We made a little noise

The glass in the windows rattled.

We played a little

Ten chairs were broken.

And now it's time for us to-

New things await us!

Lariska, in the bag! (Leaves.)

Guys, what book do all these heroes live in?

A cartoon was created based on this book. And it contains a song based on poems by Uspensky. Let's do it.
Song: "Let them run clumsily."
(There is a knock on the door. Pechkin comes in with a package.)

Hello guys! Did I get there? Is this the Kitov school? You recognized me? That's right, I'm postman Pechkin. I brought you a package, but I won’t give it to you. You have no documents. (Walks around the class, shows the package.) And perhaps you’d be interested in seeing what’s in the package? Do you want to know who the package is from? Solve the crossword:

  1. What was the name of Uncle Fyodor's cow? (Murka)

  2. The surname of the cat with whom Uncle Fyodor became friends. (Matroskin)

  3. My profession. (Postman)

  4. Who is Gavryusha? (Calf)

  5. Last name of the cat's former owner (Semin)

  6. Semin's academic title. (Professor)

  7. My last name. (Pechkin)

  8. The name of the dog who lived with Uncle Fyodor (Sharik)

  9. The name of the little jackdaw who lived with Uncle Fyodor. (Hvatayka)

(Children read vertically: Uspensky)


Now you know who the package is from, but I won’t give it to you. However, I have to go. I haven’t delivered all the mail yet. (Leaves)


Guys, look at the crossword puzzle. What book did these characters come from?

Where do they live? (In Prostokvashino)

Shall we look there?

Scene 2

(Chapter 8 “Hop Blooms” from the book “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat.”)


Did you like the scene?

Let’s imagine that we visited Matroskin, and he treated us to milk, which Uncle Fyodor ordered to pour out, but Matroskin is very economical, he could not pour out such a healthy drink and saved it for the guests, that is, for us.

(The class is divided into three parts:

Group 1 sings: mu-mu-mu

Group 2 sings: woof-woof

Group 3 sings: meow-meow

To the tune of “Let them run clumsily”)

(Orders run in)


Who's crazy here? (They try to give injections with huge syringes)


No, no, dear ones! We are fine. We just fantasized a little.


So this is a false call! (Run away)


Let's take a look at Prostokvashino again.

Scene 3

(Chapter 20 “Sun” from the book “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat”, excerpt.)


Readers liked the book about Uncle Fyodor so much that they bombarded Uspensky with letters asking him to write a continuation of these funny stories. This is how several more books about the residents of Prostokvashino appeared. Let's look at a few scenes from these books.


(“Sharik’s birthday” from the book “Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino”)


And now the cat Matroskin will tell you how he prepared a festive cake for Sharik’s birthday, and you help him.


I wanted to throw a ball

And I invited guests to my place... (invited).

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

I baked a crumbly...(pie)

Pie, knives and forks are here-

But for some reason the guests don’t...(come).

I waited until I had enough strength

Then a piece... (took a bite).

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down

And the whole pie in a minute...(ate).

When the guests arrived,

There weren’t even crumbs... (found).

After this, Sharik and Matroskin quarreled.

Scene 5

(“Matroskin and Sharik are quarreling” from the book “Holidays in the Village of Prostokvashino.”)


It was impossible for Matroskin and Sharik to quarrel for a long time, because Uncle Fyodor’s birthday was approaching.

Scene 6

(“Uncle Fyodor’s Birthday” from the book “Holidays in the Village of Prostokvashino”).


Uncle Fyodor is very economical and hardworking. But in one song, Uspensky spoke about a boy who only dreams of good deeds, but is in no hurry to do them. Let's sing the song "If I Were a Girl."

(Children sing a song.)

And now, guys, Sharik has come to us. He really enjoyed writing poetry and came up with a lot of them. All his poems are about animals. Shall we listen?


Clumsy, clubfooted,

He's licking his paw in the den.

We know you can't fool us -

Well, of course, it's a hedgehog. (not a hedgehog, but a bear).
This red-haired cheat

Chicken steals very cleverly.

You can’t tell her: “Come on, shoot!”

Well, of course it's a lynx. (not a lynx, but a fox)

Here's a funny touchy one,

He carries a lot of needles.

This little animal

It's called a ferret. (not a ferret, but a hedgehog)

I'm wearing a fluffy fur coat in winter

Eating mushrooms on an old oak tree.

I can't sit still,

Because I'm a tit. (not a tit, but a squirrel)

The poor thing has no den,

Legs save you from enemies.

He is used to turning white in winter.

Did you guess it? He's a bear. (not a bear, but a hare)

A simple question for kids:

“Who is the cat afraid of?” Mice. (not mice, but a dog)

The tail is like a fan, there is a crown on the head,

There is no bird more beautiful than the crow. (not a crow, but a peacock)

On a pine tree like a drum,

A boar knocked in the forest. (not a boar, but a woodpecker)

Daughters and sons

A nightingale teaches you to grunt. (not a nightingale, but a wild boar)

Sing songs under the moon

The bear sat on a branch. (not a bear, but a nightingale)

Thank you guys, you helped me understand my poems. (runs away)
(Mr. Au enters, scares the children, approaches the mirror)
Scene 7

(“Mr. Au and His Reflection” from the book “Mr. Au”)


Who is this guys? (answers)

This is Mr. Au. He is a forest ghost. His job is to scare people at night, but he didn't always succeed, although he tried his best.

Guys, Mr. Au came with a surprise. But here’s the problem: there are many of you, but only one surprise. In order not to offend anyone, Au will play the game. We will find out who gets the surprise at the end of the game.

(Children stand in a circle and throw a “surprise” wrapped in a large amount of paper around the circle)

You roll, roll, roll,

My funny surprise.

Stop the game immediately

Take a look inside the surprise.
(Whoever has a surprise removes only one layer of paper. The game resumes and repeats until someone gets to the surprise)

It's good to have a lot of friends and someone to play with.


And the girl Vera grew up lonely,

She could become angry, she could become cruel.

Now she will grow up to be kind herself

And she will probably become a wonderful mother.

After all, there is a foreigner, after all, there is a foreign tourist,

After all, there is a monkey named Anfiska.

Who is this poem about?

Who gave the monkey this name? (grandmother)

Let's remember how it all was.

Scene 8

(Chapters 1 and 2, excerpts, from the book “About Vera and Anfisa”).


Guys, who remembers whether Anfisa was allowed to attend kindergarten?

Do you want to play monkeys? Monkeys love to repeat, imitate, imitate everything. Try and show us:
How are you? (Like this!)

Are you swimming? (Like this!)

Are you looking into the distance? (Like this!)

How are you running? (Like this!)

Do you sleep in the morning? (Like this!)

Are you naughty? (Like this!)

How are you in a hurry to get to school in the morning? (Like this!)

How are you sitting in class? (Like this!)

Are you waiting for lunch? (Like this!)

Are you waving after me? (Like this!)

You probably noticed that cartoons were created based on all these fairy tales. Why? Yes, because the fairy tales are so good that they attracted the attention of not only children, but also adults. Animators also became interested in them. And indeed, the cartoons turned out great.

In addition to fairy tales, Eduard Nikolaevich writes wonderful poetry. Want to listen?

Scene 9.

(Based on the poem “Memory”)


Here's another story.

Scene 10

(According to the poem “everything is alright.”


Has this ever happened to you?

What Ouspensky’s next poem will tell you about happened exactly to everyone.
Scene 11

(Based on the poem “Red”)


Is the situation familiar? Each of you has teased someone at least once in your life. And each of you was teased too.

What needs to be done to prevent such situations from happening? (Don't tease anyone, and if they tease you, don't pay attention to it.)

Guys, what is the name of Uncle Fyodor's dog?

What other dog names do you know?

Now listen to the story about one hunter who chose unusual names for his dogs. What came of this, we will now find out.

Scene 12

(Based on the poem "Hunter")


Did you like Uspensky's poems?

Some poems were set to music and turned into songs. You have already sung some of them today. And now let's sing again:
"Song about a grasshopper"
(Pechkin appears)

You guys are having a lot of fun. It seems. You don’t want to receive the parcel? (We want) Do you have documents?


Dear Igor Ivanovich, is it possible to make an exception and give the parcel to the guys?


Not allowed. They have no documents.


But we have a cool magazine. This is a document!


Well, so be it! But I would like to listen to a funny song. I really love songs. Especially funny ones.


Are ditties suitable?


You can also use ditties.


Let's sing ditties now

About book heroes

For those present here

Girls and boys.

They live in Prostokvashino

Friendly guys:

Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat

Clear, striped.

Even though they quarrel sometimes,

We know from the book

But more reliable than friends

The boy doesn't have one.

He grumbles and carries mail,

Everyone knows him well

Sometimes he comes to visit

Uncle Pechkin is a postman.

At a tiny girl's

Who took the toffee?

These are harmful tricks

Shapoklyak with Lariska.

From the rainforest

Cheburashka sailed to us.

And in the store window

He got the job.

He plays the harmonica

Lives at the zoo.

I was very surprised

Gena is a crocodile for all of us.

Au has a lot of worries,

It’s impossible to go through all the troubles:

Wander through the forest at night,

Well, scare people during the day.

The girl has a girlfriend:

Not a kitten, not a toy,

Foreign tourist, foreigner

Mischievous monkey.

Who invented all the friends

Tell me quickly!

He's a daring inventor

Eduard Uspensky.


You sang very well. Funny. They just sang about me that I was grumbling. Why am I grumbling? Yes, because I carry and carry a parcel for you, but I can’t give it to you. And since you have the documents, you will receive the parcel.

(The parcel is opened, it contains Uspensky’s books. An exhibition is being organized from them. At the bottom of the parcel there is candy for all the children.)

Our holiday has come to an end,

And the chord of the farewell song

Let it burst into silence

Let all the children sing together.
And we will perform a song based on the poems of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky “The Blue Car”.


  1. Kosolapova T. “Through the pages of the works of E. Uspensky.” Newspaper "Primary School", p. 40, No. 10 – 2008 Publishing house “First of September”

  2. Maksimova T. “Cool watches. 1 class". M.: VAKO, 2008.

  3. Papulina O. “Competition program dedicated to the work of E. Uspensky.” “School games and competitions” (supplement to the newspaper “Pedagogical Council”), p. 13, No. 6 – 2007

Scenario of a literary festival dedicated to the anniversary of the children's writer E. Uspensky “Uspensky for Children”

Leading: Hello guys! Today we have not an ordinary holiday, but a literary one! Please watch an excerpt from the cartoon and tell me what it is called. (Excerpt from the cartoon “Uncle Fyodor, Cat and Dog”)

What is the name of this cartoon?

What work is it based on?

IN: Who doesn’t know Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, Uncle Fyodor and other characters from the books of the famous children’s writer E. Uspensky!? Today we will go on a journey through the works of E. Uspensky, whose books are read with pleasure by both children and adults. Today we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about him and his work. And we are talking about Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky for a reason. The fact is that December 22 is the writer’s birthday, he turns 80 years old.

IN: And it seems we have guests...

(to the music from the cartoon “Prostokvashino”, Matroskin and Sharik enter and argue about something)

M: And I say, a cow. She gives a lot of milk.

Sh: Why does he need a cow? Let's give you a gun...

IN: Wait, wait... Stop arguing! Tell us what your argument is about. And we will try to help you!

M : Hello guys! Do you recognize us?

Children : Yeees. Matroskin and Sharik!

IN : You are from E. Uspensky’s book D. Fedor...” The guys read the book about you and watched the cartoon! So what happened?

M : The fact is that December 22 is Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky’s birthday; he turns 80 years old. But we don’t know what to give him... I say, we should give him a cow! A good cow is always useful on the farm! And the milk is always fresh, and sour cream...

Sh : But where will he put a cow in a city apartment? Yes, and you can buy milk in the store... But a gun is a thing! You can go hunting or shoot at a shooting range...

IN : Don't quarrel, please, we will try to help you. In the meantime, tell the guys what you know about our favorite writer?

Matroskin : So, listen carefully! Eduard Uspensky was born in 1937. But he was not always a writer. Like all children, he was an ordinary student and went to school. His childhood passed through difficult war times, and after graduating from school he decided to become an engineer.

Ball : But his studies did not end there. He is still studying.

At the age of 40 I learned to work on a computer. At 50, he began to learn English. At 55, he began to learn to sing. And Eduard Nikolaevich studies history because he is writing a historical book.

Matroskin : He also loves children very much and takes part in various children's programs, on radio and television. So that we can learn and understand a lot, he writes poetry, fairy tales, comics, scripts for cartoons, horror stories for us, translates poems by writers from other countries, and writes lyrics for his fairy-tale characters. And how does he manage to do everything? It’s probably the surname’s fault: Uspensky means “to be in time everywhere.”

IN : Thank you, Sharik, Matroskin! We invite you to take part in our celebration today!

(M. and Sh. sit aside)

Music from cartoons. about Cheburashka. Sh. enters with a rat

Shapoklyak : Hello, candy kids. You recognized me? And I, Shapoklyak, was also invented by Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. (Shows the book.) I am very, very kind, I have many friends. I have a great time helping people, I have a very kind mouse...

IN : Well, Shapoklyak, you also know how to lie!

Shapoklyak : Don’t lie, but fantasize. And it’s not necessary to reveal all my secrets to these little ones. They don’t read books anyway and don’t know everything about me.

IN : Take it and check it.

Shapoklyak: And what? Easily!

I have a well-mannered rat. Color grey. Tail 10 cm. Her name is... (Lariska)

What was the name of the crocodile from the book by E. Uspensky? (Gena) How did he find friends? (As advertised)

He is a friend to animals and children.

He is a living being.

But there are no such people in this world

There is not one more!

Because he's not a bird

Not a tiger cub, not a chick,

Not a wolf cub, not a marmot.

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute little face

And it’s called... (Cheburashka)

How did the crocodile Gena and his friends get rid of me? (They gave a balloon, and Shapoklyak flew away.)

So what did Cheburashka travel in? (In a box with oranges.)

Shapoklyak : Well done! You know everything!

You know, lately I’ve been learning poetry! I have an excellent memory!

It’s not in vain that I praise myself,

I tell everyone and everywhere,

Any suggestion

I'll repeat it right away.

Q: We'll check it now. I'll read you a poem, and you repeat it.

Poem "Memory"

Vanya rode on a horse,

He led the dog on a belt,

And the old lady at this time

I washed the cactus on the window.


Vanya rode on a horse,

He led the dog on a belt,

Well, the cactus at this time

Washing the old lady at the window.

IN: No not like this!


A cactus was riding on the window,

He led the old lady on a belt,

And the dog at this time

I washed Vanya on the window.

IN: Well, you can't be right! And the kids in the older group memorize poetry very well. Look how well our children can read E. Uspensky’s poetry

So, a POEMS COMPETITION “Uspensky for Children” is announced.

As in any competition, a fair jury will evaluate our creativity:...

6 readers

Cap.: It's great that your children can read poetry! I can not do that! But I can sing songs, they were written by E.N. Uspensky.

Sings to the tune of songs based on the words of E. Uspensky.

    The blue carriage runs and sways.

The fast train is picking up speed.

Oh, why does this cake end?

Let it drag on for a whole year.

(Children are looking for a mistake.)

    If only there was no spring in cities and villages,

We would never have known these happy days.

(Children are looking for a mistake.)

    Let the steamships run clumsily through the puddles,

And the water runs on the asphalt.

And it’s not clear to passers-by on this bad day,

Why am I so cheerful?

(Children look for mistakes.)

    I was once strange

A nameless toy

Which no one approached in the store.

Now I'm a turtle

I like every mongrel

When we meet, he immediately gives his paw.

(Children are looking for a mistake.)

IN: Well well! You got everything mixed up, Shapoklyak!

Let's better guys read some more poetry.

6 readers

Shapoklyak : (Cries.) And you know how to read poetry! Yes, and you all have friends, but I’m alone, no one loves me, there’s only Lariska, and everyone just calls me Shapoklyak, that’s why I’m angry, that’s why I’m starting to be mischievous.

V: (to Shapoklyak): Well, what are you talking about! We love you very much, and so do the children. And we’ll even come up with a sweet name for you.

Children, call him Shapoklyak affectionately.

Children's answers.

Old woman Shapoklyak : Thank you, children, you are very kind, and now I will become kind.

Would you like me to teach you how to play the interesting game "Monkeys"

Sh. says words and shows movements, and the rest repeat after her.

Get up and repeat after me!

We are funny monkeys!

We play too loud

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes,

Let's show each other our tongues,

We will point our hand to the sky,

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Let's stick out our ears,

Let's take the crown,

Let's open our mouths wider,

How can I say the number “three”! -

Everyone, freeze with a cheerful face,

One two Three!

Q: Well done, Shapoklyak! Made all the children happy! And our competition continues.

7 readers

IN: Our children not only know how to read poetry perfectly, but even act in films. I suggest you watch a film based on the work of E. Uspensky “Destruction”.

(Watching a movie)

Cap.: A great movie! You really do have real artists growing up! It's time for us, book heroes, to go into books.

Mat.: What about the gift for E.N.?

IN: Let's give him a gift for D.R. a disc with a film that we ourselves created based on his poem! I think he will love the gift! Do you agree?

Ball: Yes!! Let's give him a gift!

Mat: And we wish you guys to quickly learn to read and read a lot of interesting books. He who reads a lot knows everything in the world.

Together: Goodbye! See you again!

IN: In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results of the competition, I invite you to watch cartoons with our favorite characters!

Topic: Through the pages of the work of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky


    Introduce students to the works of E. Uspensky.

    Develop fluent reading skills, the ability to answer questions about what you read, develop memory, attention, and thinking. Replenish your vocabulary. Develop an interest in reading additional literature.

    Foster a sense of mutual understanding, friendship and mutual respect; readiness to help

Equipment: presentation, cartoon “The Multi-Colored Family”, picture puzzles, exhibition of drawings, exhibition of books, portrait of the writer.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

The lesson is quite ordinary, or maybe unusual,

Or maybe it’s not a lesson I want to teach you at all.

He can be cheerful if he thinks together,

If children with a sense of humor will help me!

About all the works of the writer Uspensky

Now the lesson - we will make a mosaic...

    Lesson topic message.

Guys, tell me, what is mosaic?

Today in class we will talk about the work of E.N. Uspensky, about the literary heroes that he created. Our lesson, like a mosaic, will be made up of individual pieces. And our picture will be complete when we connect the individual parts of the lesson with our active participation.

    Learning new material

    Mosaic first. Acquaintance with the biography of the writer. (Presentation)

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the Moscow region. Edik grew up as a mischievous boy, received bad grades and every time decided that on Monday he would start studying with an “A”. Monday came, some things happened and... the twos appeared again. The chance came to the rescue. One day, he jumped off the roof and broke his leg and ended up in the hospital. Edik asked his parents to bring him textbooks. To the unspeakable surprise of those around him, he began to take his homework seriously. Yes, so persistently that he was able to enter the aviation institute and become an engineer. He worked in his specialty for three years, and then suddenly realized that he was doing something wrong in life. Eduard Nikolaevich worked as a counselor at a pioneer camp, read books, and when he ran out of interesting books, he had to write them himself.

As a child, he had three favorite toys: Gena the crocodile, Galya the doll, a plush toy with big ears, a button tail, you can’t tell - it’s either a hare or a dog.

In 1966, these toys became the main characters of the famous work “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends”

In it, Uspensky named his plush toy “Cheburashka” (“Cheburashka’s Song”)

    Mosaic second. "Put the puzzle together"

The teacher groups the children into groups

Envelopes are distributed to the groups. There is a cut picture in the envelope. In a minute you need to assemble the plot and the work.

    Mosaic three. "Literary Quiz"

1.What happened to Cheburashka when she opened the House of Friendship?

a) log

c) flower pot

G) brick

2. Where did Cheburashka live?

a) in the desert

b) in the tropical forest

c) on a desert island

d) in Madagascar

3. How did Uncle Fyodor heat the house?

b) brushwood

c) firewood

G) little sunshine

4. Who taught Matroskin to talk?

A) Professor Semin

b) familiar cat

c) old mistress

d) Uncle Fyodor

5. Who pulled Sharik out of the river?

a) Matroskin

b) Gavryusha

c) Beaver

d) Uncle Fyodor

6. What did Aunt Tamara fly to Prostokvashino on?

a) by plane

b) on a combat helicopter

c) on a hang glider

d) on a rocket

7.What did the postman Pechkin, Matroskin and Sharik prepare according to the witchcraft book so that Uncle Fyodor would forget the girl Katya?

A) lapel potion

c) sleeping pills

b) weight loss medicine

d) decoction for worms and fleas

8. What magazine did Uncle Fyodor subscribe to?

a) "Pioneer"

b) “Funny pictures”

V) "Murzilka"

d) "Bonfire"

    Mosaic four. Physical education minute. (Cartoon “Colorful Family”)

    Mosaic five. Find the extra sentence.

Each group is given a piece of paper with the text, in a minute they must find the extra line in the text.

Some parents had a boy. His name was Uncle Fedor. Because he was very serious and independent. He learned to read at the age of four, and at six he was already making his own soup. And on weekends I practiced karate. In general, he was a very good boy. And the parents were good - dad and mom

“My dear parents! Father and mother! Grandmother and grandfather! I love you very much. And I love animals very much. And this cat too. And you don't allow me to start it. Order him to leave the house. And this is wrong. I'm leaving for the village and will live there. Don't worry about me. ..."

In one dense tropical forest there lived a very funny animal. He was white and fluffy. His name was Cheburashka. Or rather, at first they didn’t call him anything while he lived in his tropical forest. And they called him Cheburashka later, when he left the forest and met people.

Now Gena, Galya and Cheburashka spent almost every evening together. After work, they gathered at the crocodile’s house, talked peacefully, drank coffee and played tic-tac-toe. Sometimes we even chatted on mobile phones with friends from Madagascar. And yet Cheburashka could not believe that he finally had real friends.

    Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction.

    Mosaic six. "Blitz tournament"

After listening carefully to the question, raise your hand if the answer is ready. Answers to speed questions:

How old is Uncle Fedor? (six)

Why did Uncle Fyodor leave home? (they weren’t allowed to keep the cat)

What breed was Sharik? (cur)

What kind of house was Uncle Fyodor looking for? (with TV, large windows)

What kind of house was Matroskin looking for? (with stove)

And Sharik? (with booth)

Where did Uncle Fyodor get his money? (treasure found)

What did Matroskin buy? (Murka the cow)

What did Sharik buy? (camera gun)

And Uncle Fyodor? (tractor)

Why was the little jackdaw called Khvataika? (grabbed various things and hid them in the closet)

What did you fuel Mitya's tractor with? (food)

Why did the tractor stop at every house? (it smelled like pies)

Who could hill potatoes with their hind legs? (Ball)

What did the postman Pechkin send to Uncle Fyodor’s mom and dad to identify the boy? (button)

What reward did postman Pechkin receive from Uncle Fyodor’s parents? (bike)

What was the name of the cow that Matroskin the cat bought? (Murka)

Whose words are these: “you can’t become famous for good deeds”? (old woman Shapoklyak)

How many evil things did old woman Shapoklyak do a day? (five evils)

Name the dog that the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka helped find a friend. (Tobik)

How old is Gena the crocodile? (50 years)

Where did Cheburashka come from? ( it was brought from a southern country in a box of oranges)

What did old woman Shapoklyak call her rat? (Lariska)

What kind of house did the crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and their friends decide to build? (house of friendship)

What was the name of the girl friend of the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka? (Galya)

    Lesson summary. Reflection.

Do you think our lesson - mosaic - was successful?

The textbook “Literary Reading” is also a mosaic. It consists of excerpts from many works. Literature lessons are too short to read works in full. But how interesting it is to know how this or that story ends. What to do? (Children's answers)

There is an exit! We borrow books from the library, buy them in stores, exchange them with friends, and read on the Internet.