How to draw spring? Step-by-step instructions with photos. How to draw spring step by step with pencils and paints, master class for beginners How to draw a spring morning

What is spring made of? Let's draw spring step by step.

How to draw a beautiful spring nature landscape with a pencil step by step for beginners?

If you think a little, then spring can be composed of:

  • blue sky
  • Bright sun
  • White clouds
  • Green grass and leaves on trees
  • First spring flowers
  • Merry birds singing
  • Bees buzzing over flowers
  • Warm spring rain

All this beauty can be drawn in a picture about spring. The landscape must begin by drawing the horizon line. Once the horizon line is drawn, you can begin drawing clouds and the sun in the sky and buildings, trees and people on the ground.

How to draw a cherry branch?

To do this, you can use the step-by-step drawing technique. First draw the branch, and then the flowers and leaves. Here's how to draw cherry blossoms. First, a flower consisting of five petals is drawn, and then the stamens are completed.

Then the flowers are painted with colored pencils or watercolors.

VIDEO: How to paint cherry blossoms in watercolor?

In the spring we collected everything and admired the dandelions. And if you draw a picture about spring, then these flowers can be in the foreground of the picture.

To do this, just draw the flowers with teeth on long legs and jagged leaves at the bottom. Then paint the flower petals with yellow and orange-yellow paint.

How to draw a spring landscape?

If in the picture houses and trees are visible from afar, then the small details of houses and trees do not emerge. They blend into the general background and color of the house or tree. On trees that are visible close, branches and leaves are drawn.

First they draw the outline of the tree, then paint it with one color and use a darker green color and shadows to give the tree a natural look.

VIDEO: How to draw a tree?

How to draw flowering trees that are visible from afar?

Flowering trees are painted using the same principle, but instead of green foliage there is a pink or white-pink crown. If a pond is drawn nearby, then clouds and trees are reflected in it, but their color is less intense.

If you are drawing a flowering garden with pencils, you can first draw the outlines of the trees, then fill them in with pink and light green strokes, and then fill in the trunks and add branches with a brown or black pencil.

Pictures can be drawn in a “cartoon” style. Then flowers and birds can be drawn without chiaroscuro.

Or paint several large flowers on the general white and pink background of the tree.

How to draw a beautiful spring nature landscape with paints, watercolors, gouache? step by step for beginners?

Painting with watercolors is difficult because there is a possibility of paint bleeding and mixing of paints of different colors. To make paints bleed less, you need good watercolor paints. You can try applying a different color of paint after the first layer of paint has dried.

VIDEO: How to draw a spring landscape?

Children's drawings are not always perfect, but this may be the secret to their attractiveness.

How to draw a spring landscape step by step?

First, use colored pencils to draw a horizon line, as well as the outlines of clouds and trees.

Now color the drawing with paints.

Gouache drawings are brighter and more saturated. But it is more difficult to paint with such paints because the paints fall on the paper too heavily.

But, with certain skills and such colors, you can paint bright pictures. This is what a spring meadow looks like, painted in gouache.

Here's how to paint daisies with gouache. Such skill does not come immediately and real artists hone it for years.

VIDEO: How to draw daisies with gouache?

A flowering tree can be painted with strokes of pale pink. On the crown area of ​​the tree, leave the leaf white and apply pink and white spots with a wide brush. Draw the tree branches and trunk after the tree crown has been drawn.

How to draw an easy spring landscape with a pencil for beginners?

Spring walks in the park, in the forest or in the meadow can put you in a good mood and inspire you to draw beautiful pictures about spring. And it would be nice to take pencils and a sketchbook straight out for a walk and try to draw a landscape from life.

But you can also draw from memory. Or turn on your imagination and draw unprecedented trees and flowers.

A spring landscape in pencil includes a blue sky, green trees and grass, and a pond in which the sky is reflected.

It is not necessary to achieve similarity with the surrounding world, the main thing is that the drawing turns out interesting and bright.

Spring landscape “Bee and flowers”

Simple and light and beautiful spring landscapes: drawings for sketching

Is it possible to imagine spring without blue skies, green meadows and dandelions? All this beauty is easy to draw with pencils or paints.

The cheerful singing of birds in the spring can also inspire you to draw pictures about spring.

Spring landscape “Smiling flowers and sun”

It is not necessary to carefully draw out every leaf and blade of grass. Use fairly broad strokes to convey the volume and color of the road, grass and trees.

You can draw a lot of sky, a green field and a wonderful spring landscape is ready.

It can also work if flowering trees are drawn in pink circles.

If you insert a child's drawing into a beautiful frame, you will get a wonderful picture with which you can decorate your home.

VIDEO: How to paint a landscape with watercolors?

After a long and forced winter, thanks to the constant movement of the sun around us and us around it, spring comes - a time of massive consumption of snow by the earth and the flowering of all living things. Since most of the ends of the world were planned for winter, it is fair to assume that the world was created in the spring. It's time for you to learn how to paint nature's beautiful rebirth. But you can’t just go and learn how to draw spring, because for this you need some kind of object. The snowdrop is considered a symbol of spring. Here we will depict it. (and here: another option) Spring is one of the four official seasons, and six unofficial ones. Theoretically, it occurs immediately after winter, but at personal discretion it can occur when it wants and for what it wants. Mainly determined by two things: snowdrops and the month of March. The former, in principle, emerge only in the spring, thereby exposing themselves to the risk of mass plucking and giving to various individuals, mainly females. The second aspect, March, is known for its inherent imbalance of power between man and woman, when one day a year a woman rules the world and determines its destiny. As a rule, it always ends very sadly for the world, therefore, to support good forces, a holiday was created on February 24 - Estonia's Independence Day. According to historical information, most wars and fights began in the spring due to the slight excitability of male soldiers. High cat activity is also evident. According to legends, spring ends on May 31, but de facto everything depends on when students take the exam. You can expect different twists and things from this time of year:

  • Officially, each spring is divided into 17 moments, which is what the film of the same name and natural disasters were made about;
  • Only at this time does the carp allow itself to be caught;
  • In Geneva, spring comes only when one of the most important and important chestnut trees blooms. And if this does not happen, everyone will be without spring;
  • In the city of Dongyang in China, traditions are even more fun. At the beginning of spring, they boil eggs in the urine of little boys and eat them, claiming that they smell like spring. I can only imagine how everything smells there;
  • April Fool's Day is set for spring, April 1, although officially every day is some kind of fool's holiday.

The snowdrop is what best represents this time of year, and with the following steps you will easily learn how to draw it.

How to draw spring with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a sprout with a small flower with a pencil.
Step two. Draw a couple of leaves and the shape of the petals.
Step three. Outline the shape of the flower more clearly.
Step four. Carefully remove unnecessary lines without spoiling the drawing, and then use vertical hatching to tightly sketch the stem and petals.
We have a lot of lessons on drawing landscapes on DayFan, try sketching them, for example.

The spring awakening of nature leaves no one indifferent. The first timid blades of grass, the gentle spring sun, chirping birds, the sky that has acquired color after the winter grayness - all this just begs to be captured. And our children who go to kindergarten or primary school are given the task of depicting spring on paper with a pencil or paints. Unfortunately, not everyone has the skills to do this without problems. What we associate spring with: green grass, the first spring flowers: snowdrops, daffodils, tulips, the first sticky leaves and flowering trees, singing birds. Let's try to learn how to draw these elements, and then find out how to draw spring step by step.

How to draw spring for children.

For the little ones, if it is still difficult for them to draw a composition on their own, you can first ask them to color the printed drawings. You can color with anything: pencils, felt-tip pens, and if the drawing has large enough clear details, then with plasticine. Unconventional techniques would also be quite appropriate: you can fill in the drawing with fingerprints, dipping them in paint. Coloring pages will help children hold a pencil more confidently and give them an idea of ​​how easy it is to depict birds and insects.

And to make it easier to understand, how to draw spring, photo Step-by-step images of flowers and birds, tree crowns will help the child cope with this easily. In the pictures we see how easy and simple it is to depict a snowdrop, daffodil and tulip. The technique of painting with paints is more complex, and the child does not always get everything right right away. To avoid fear of paints, there are several simple techniques that will help a child get comfortable, and they are accessible even to the smallest, because the tool in this case is his own palms or fingers.

Another simple option for kids is drawing with a stamp. The tool you will need for this is very simple - a 0.5 liter plastic bottle will do just fine. By dipping its bottom in paint and making impressions on paper, the baby will receive beautiful flowers. You can help him draw the branch immediately or later, adapting to the impressions made. You can use a variety of objects as a stamp: fingers, a slice of potato, crumpled paper, and you can also make your own stamps, for example, from plasticine. The latter are also good because their shape is very easy to change. Excellent stamps for images are made from leaves, and you can use not only tree leaves, but also leaves of indoor plants. Don’t skimp on paints; let them be clean, bright, joyful colors. Then even the very first imperfect pictures will look beautiful and attractive.

How to paint spring with paints and tassels, it will become clear from the following material. This is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To depict a flowering branch, we will need blue cardboard. If you don't have one, it's okay. It is very easy to make a background of the desired color on plain white drawing paper using a small paint roller, which are sold in hardware stores. With its help, the process will take very little time, and the background will turn out the way you need: either smooth with uniform coloring, or textured if the roller is not wetted with paint too much so that it is semi-dry. Paints can be used acrylic or gouache. If we paint the background by hand, let it dry after painting.

To depict a branch, we will need brushes of two different sizes: thicker for the branch itself and thinner for depicting shoots and leaves. The next stage is to draw a branch by mixing white, yellow and brown paints. Using darker brown paint, we add volume to the branch, applying paint here and there from the bottom of the branch itself. Using the same paint we paint several thin young branches. Next, with thin strokes of yellow-green paint, we draw young shoots, and then leaves.

To depict the petals, choose white paint. You can mix it with a small amount of red and give the petals a pinkish tint. It is convenient to paint with the end of the brush. Leaves and flower petals can be painted not only with a brush, but also with your fingers. Next, select yellow paint and, using light brush strokes, paint the flower cores. All that remains is to paint the petals with white or pinkish paint, and the flowering branch is ready. The final touch can be done with a light spray of white paint, depicting falling petals.

How to draw a spring landscape

You can choose a variety of techniques for depicting a spring landscape. And a pencil drawing can look no less expressive than a watercolor or gouache painting. How to draw spring with a pencil step by step: first we divide the sheet vertically into about 3 parts, mentally separate the upper third and draw a horizontal line - this is the horizon line. Then at the bottom we draw two converging wavy lines - this will be a river. We mark vertical tree trunks along the banks of the river. We draw those closer to us larger, and as we move away the trunks become thinner. We outline a riffle on the river bed with strokes. Next, we outline the tree crowns on the trunks and add another riffle on the river bed. When all the main details of the drawing are applied, we do shading and remove the excess with an eraser.

If you prefer colors, then take a look at how to draw a spring landscape step by step watercolor. First, take watercolor paper, prepare paints, a pencil, an eraser, a glass of water and brushes. We make a pencil sketch of our future landscape. Let's depict a forest, a river, and individual trees. We wipe the finished sketch with an eraser so that the contours are only slightly noticeable. Then we gradually begin to apply paint from the lightest to darkest tones. We paint the spring sky and the surface of the river blue. Part of the forest in the distance is depicted as blurry spots of delicate pastel shades. Then we apply a dark woodland stain. Next, we draw the crowns of isolated trees, reflections in river water and colored spots of thawed patches. Change the water in the glass often so that the watercolor retains the purity of its shades and does not look dirty.

The classic watercolor technique is quite complex. You can draw a spring landscape in color using colored pencils or gouache. In any case, a pencil sketch is made first. If we are drawing a forest landscape, we first draw a horizon line and use a wavy line to depict the edge of the forest. We also draw relief lines and the river bed. As separate details, we depict a couple of ice floes in the river and several separate trees at different distances from the viewer. In the foreground, under one of the trees, draw a bush of snowdrops.

When the pencil drawing is ready, we begin to fill in the background. We paint the forest mass with short strokes in various shades of lilac and violet. We paint the water with different shades of blue and blue, depicting ripples with lighter strokes. The sky is lighter shades than the water. We paint the snow in very light shades of beige and grayish, because in the spring it has already settled, melted and slightly dirty, in contrast to the cold purity of winter. We paint the ice floes in the river bed with the same shades, adding shadows of darker shades where necessary. We paint the thawed patches with different shades of brown. When all the large parts are painted, we begin the detailing. We draw the trunks and crowns of the trees, and at the very end we paint the snowdrop flowers.

How to draw spring with a pencil, if your child has difficulties: enlarge the drawing and either print it dimly, reducing the intensity of the black color, or redraw it with a simple pencil, attaching a sheet of paper to the monitor. The resulting picture can then be colored with colored pencils or paints. Perhaps it will be enough for the child to have a picture in front of him to simply try to redraw it himself. But usually in children fatazia is quite well developed.

You can search for suitable paintings on the Internet, for example, Levitan has wonderful spring landscapes. Read poems about spring with your child and pay attention to the signs of spring. And, of course, it’s great if you can organize a trip to nature to see with your own eyes the awakening nature, melted snow, the first spring flowers and the reflection of trees in the river. But it is not at all necessary to depict only early spring. Blooming gardens, the first butterflies, leaves blooming on trees and singing birds are quite suitable material for the image.

Very often, the seasons are associated with a woman at different stages of life. Summer is a bright blooming beauty in the prime of her life, autumn is a mature woman with rich harvest fruits in her hands, winter is an evil old woman, and spring is a young girl adorned with a wreath of delicate spring flowers. How to draw a spring girl? There are many options. You can only depict the girl's face. Decorate her loose hair with a wreath of bright spring flowers. But more often the beautiful spring is depicted in full length in a long dress, and the drawing is divided into two halves: on one there is a winter landscape with snow and bare trees, and on the other there is revived nature.

I hope that the material presented here how to draw spring, photo step-by-step depictions of landscapes and drawings will help you. If you are still having difficulty, then how to draw spring video you will find quite a lot of them on the Internet.

In order for a child to better understand the world in which he lives, at home, in preschool and school institutions, they study the seasons, their names, months, and their order.

Each season has its own and kids love to draw each of them. To help your child depict spring, you need to look at ready-made pictures drawn for children. This way the child will understand what to pay attention to.

How can you draw spring for children?

You should explain to kids that spring is a time of bright colors and unbridled imagination. Which you need to give free rein and draw a masterpiece. Smaller children who do not yet know what various artistic techniques are can try to draw the simplest and most uncomplicated drawings of spring. For example, yellow dandelions on a green lawn.

When we gradually draw spring with children, we can depict various signs of this time of year familiar to the child - arriving starlings in a birdhouse, running streams, remnants of melting snow, the first leaves and snowdrops. Everything that the imagination of a young artist suggests can be embodied on a piece of paper.

How to paint spring with paints?

Both small children and more experienced artists can draw with paints. For kids, working with watercolors or gouache is more suitable, although you can use various materials.

Before you start painting, you should draw a sketch with a simple pencil. All lines are drawn without pressure, so that if necessary, you can correct the image without damaging the drawing.

Paints can be applied directly from the tube or mixed to create the desired color in the palette, or diluted with a little water to have a subtle pastel shade.

After one color has been applied, you need to wait for it to dry completely, and only then proceed to the next shade, so that the colors do not smudge, especially for small details.

When we draw spring with children, the child’s memory and attention are trained. He remembers what colors certain objects and plants have, and their names. Children with well-developed artistic abilities can draw such landscapes that they can be used to decorate the walls in the room or give as a souvenir to friends, sending them to

    Drawing spring is not at all easy. If only because there is no spring landscape as such, because spring is nothing more than a transition from a winter landscape to a summer one. But nevertheless, there are different ways to convey spirit of spring- in spring flowers or clouds. After all, in winter there is neither one nor the other, and the earth and sky in the spring are transformed with lightning speed. Let's look at a sketch of spring clouds.

    In order to draw spring with pencils step by step, we need - Pencils, white paper, Skillful pens and, most importantly, a diagram of the picture we want to draw.

    Below I will attach a photo - a diagram where you can draw the leaves of a tree.

    To begin with, we will start the drawing with sketches of the leaves.

    Then we draw the leaves of the tree.

    As a result, we get such a beautiful picture that reminds us that it’s already spring and we need to rejoice.

    To draw spring pencil, and then color the drawing with colored pencils, I suggest you look at the following photos.

    Start off draw spring We will be marking the horizon line and marking the road. Next we draw small details of the picture of houses and birds. Trees.

    For me, spring is associated with flowering trees, when they smell, and this smell lifts my spirits. It’s already spring, and there won’t be any cold weather, you can safely wear light clothes and not be afraid of catching a cold. You can draw such a blooming garden

    To begin with, you need to draw the trees with a simple pencil, and then apply the blossoming of the trees with paints

    Now let's start painting the sky

    starting with pink, drawing flowers

    add yellow color

    brown, draw tree trunks

    add a lot of color to the flowers

    draw the shadow of the trees and green grass

    let's add flowers on the grass too

    I really like it when spring is depicted as a girl in a green dress. Her dress touches the snow and it gives way to greenery and flowers:

    You can also draw a flowering branch:

    You can draw a blooming spring tree step by step according to this diagram:

    Spring is the time when everything wakes up after winter hibernation. And the first flowers are snowdrops. I think they inspire the image of spring. And I suggest you draw a symbol of spring - a snowdrop. He is so fragile and beautiful. And a field with snowdrops will look very beautiful.

    Spring is new life. All nature wakes up and comes to life. It’s not difficult to convey spring in a drawing, especially if it’s a child’s work.

    First option: draw bare trees, a stream, children launching boats. Melting snow floats in the stream.

    The second option: swelling buds on a bush, the first leaves on a tree, birds returning from distant countries, and nearby there is a lake and somewhere far away - trees and bushes.

    You can repeat Alexander’s drawing with your child:

    The bright huge sun warms the earth with wide rays, on which the snow melts and the primrose appears.

    Children's drawing Spring is coming Tyshchenko Alexander 10 years old