How to be a beginner at bookmaker. Is it possible to always be in the black at a bookmaker: rules of behavior for a bettor

Every bettor asks the question “how to play in a bookmaker’s office and stay in the black?” There is not and cannot be a definite answer to this question, because everyone has their own approaches to the game and their own time-tested strategies. But several universal recommendations still exist.

How to bet at a bookmaker to benefit your deposit:

  • Looking for the best odds. Even a seemingly insignificant advantage in the odds can become a serious bonus to your profits in the long run. Let's look at an example: Ivan specializes in handicaps for 1.85 in a mid-range domestic bookmaker, and Roman bets on the same handicaps for 1.926 at one of the foreign bookmakers. Let's say that our fictional characters have a good “sense” and guess 55% of the time. After 100 bets of $10 each, we see the following picture: (55 x 0.85 - 45) x 10 = $18 for Ivan and (55 x 0.926 - 45) x 10 = $59 for Peter. That is, a slight difference in the odds is enough for a player to become a “plus” player from a “near-plus” one.
  • Don't forget about probability. All questions like “how to play betting correctly?” or “how to bet at a bookmaker?” have only one answer: do not blindly rely on signs and intuition. Let's return to our heroes. Ivan is confident that Zenit will win and is ready to bet on this outcome even for 1.4, and even if this bet goes through, this approach will lead to losses in the long run. And Roman calculated the probability of victory for the St. Petersburg team and received 55%, so it makes sense to bet on this outcome for 2.00 or more (otherwise there will be no advantage in the long term).
  • Remember the "value". For example, a tennis match between Sharapova and Azarenka was chosen for the bet. The bookmaker offers the following odds for this event: 1.5 – 2.7, and you are sincerely confident that the tennis players’ chances of winning are equal and the bookmaker misjudged the outcomes. Accordingly, it makes sense to bet on Azarenka for 2.7. But how to put it correctly? The easiest way to play it safe and bet on Azarenka with a positive handicap. Or choose a clear victory? But can you take a chance and bet on the same Azarenka with a higher odds, but with a set score of 0-2 in her favor? Most players will prefer not to bother and will choose a clear victory or a plus handicap, that is, the safest bet possible. But this is a path for lazy people and is a priori unpromising. To choose a truly profitable bet, you need to use point No. 2, that is, assess the probability of each outcome.
  • Keep statistics. Each player must be aware of his statistics so that the well-known story does not turn out: “the boy was going to success, it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out.” Statistics will allow you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, which will have a positive impact on your income in the future.
  • Risk control is everything to us. In fact, it is quite simple to play “plus” in a bookmaker’s office in the short term. But not everyone realizes the simple fact that you can repeatedly win “small things” and then lose your entire bank in one bet. To prevent this, you cannot bet on one event more than you can bet on it. To understand what and how, it is enough to study one of the money management strategies.
  • Set realistic goals. If you decide to make money on bets, think about whether you need it. It is unlikely that you will be able to hit the big jackpot and go for permanent residence in the Maldives. Of course, a professional privateer can give a monthly plus of up to 40-50% of the bank. And if the account contains several tens of thousands of dollars, then the numbers are completely amazing. But can you calmly and without breakdowns follow the path to your goal? It is possible to double and even triple the bank in a few days, but such “inflated” successes are clearly based on ignoring the above rules of the game in the bookmaker’s office. Before you start playing, you should think about it - do you need it?
  • Play in normal offices. You should not open an account at the first office you come across. The three main signs of a good bookmaker are high odds, decent maximums and prompt payouts. There is now plenty of information about all bookmakers in the public domain, so if you want to choose the best option, it won’t be difficult.
  • Decide why you need it. If you need bets only to tickle your nerves while watching a match, you were in vain reading this set of rules. And if you decide to make money on bets, then follow all the above rules and luck will turn in your favor over time.


It’s unfortunate, but most of the players betting at bookmakers are in a stable minus. The lion's share of them goes into the red because of their own laziness: not everyone is able to constantly improve their analytical abilities and not succumb to the temptation to win back here and now. If you do not belong to this category of players, go for it, and success will come.

Whatever you can find on the Internet, the player’s task, according to some “consultants” beat the bookmaker. They explain this by saying that bookmakers incur losses when paying out winnings, and when the bet does not play, then the bookmakers remain in the black.

Apparently the authors of these articles do not suspect that the office will still pay someone the winnings. Let's assume that you bet at a bookmaker on Spartak to win, and Vasya on CSKA to win. The army club won, you lost money, and Vasya gained it.

Don’t believe the experts who write that the bookmakers’ job is to know the outcome and beat you. No, the office’s task is the same as yours - to make money.

Regardless of the result, bookmakers pay someone the winnings.

Goals diverge, you want to get them into your pocket, and the office into yours. The means also differ; to achieve this, you need to predict the result, and the bookmakers need to distribute the bet amounts and set.

Tearing of covers: it is impossible to beat the bookmaker , she will always be in the black. But here It’s quite possible to make money betting, although not easy.

To make money on bets, you don’t need to beat the office. And all you need is guess the results, so or forecast them as you like.

How does the office make money?

Do you think due to the fact that he sends his agents to all teams, and knows who will win? - No. Mathematics works for bookmakers.

To explain briefly, bookmakers give back less money to players than they collect.

Having collected a certain amount of money, for example, by betting on the outcome of a match for any outcome, they will give the winners less than they received. And they are completely indifferent to paying you, Vasya, Petya or Dasha. It is important to stay in the black yourself. And they play a key role in this odds. Their correct assignment allows the office to pay out winnings and remain in the black, regardless of the outcome.

What do the coefficients depend on?

They depend on the forecasts of the office’s analysts, and the key factor is not the predicted result, but the predicted distribution of funds for each of the possible outcomes. That is bookmakers don't care who wins the match, it is important for them to know that they will bet a total of 100 thousand on the victory of one team, and 150 thousand on the other, they don’t even need to know the order of the amounts, only the ratio. They will predict that they will bet one and a half times more on one team than on the other, and that is enough for them.

Let's look at an example of a real betting line

Match Liverpool Manchester. Odds for the outcome of the match:

  • 2.3 for Liverpool to win
  • 3.35 for a draw
  • 3.3 to win Manchester United

Let’s assume that 70,000 rubles were bet on various outcomes, of which:

  • 29,500 to win Liverpool
  • 20000 for a draw
  • 20500 to win Manchester United

Let's calculate how much the bookmakers will have to pay for any of the possible results:

  • Liverpool's victory is 29500*2.3=67850, and the bookmakers will have an income of 70000-66700=2150
  • Draw 20000*3.35=67000, the office profit will be 70000-67000=3000
  • Manchester's victory 20500*3.3=67650, the bookmaker will receive a balance of 70000-67650=2350

As you can see, Regardless of the result, bookmakers make a profit. The main thing was correctly assign coefficients, which means predicting how bets will be distributed on certain outcomes of the event.

Bookmakers receive a percentage of the bet amount

In the example shown, the income of the office is not large in relation to the amount of bets, and this is true. But in reality, bookmakers operate with much larger sums, which means that, despite the small percentage, they receive a substantial profit.

It turns out that bookmakers provide players with space to play and for this they take a small percentage, which is quite reasonable; no one will serve betting fans for free. So everything is fair, mathematics is nothing more.

Why are bookmakers always in the black?

Because they give the dug players less money than they received. A mathematical calculation helps bookmakers with this; we talked about it earlier.

Do bookmakers always accurately estimate the probability of winning?

Of course not, bookmakers are people too, and they can make mistakes, despite the large staff of specialist analysts. In rare cases, bookmakers may make a mistake and set incorrect odds, in which case they will have to give out more money than they received from the players. Such situations are rare, but they do happen. Nevertheless, correct forecasts in most events allow bookmakers to gain profit, because no one will work at a loss.

It doesn’t matter to you, as a player, whether you remain in the black or in the black, it’s important to earn money yourself, for this you just need to be able to predict the result, this simple phrase hides very complex things, because not many people can constantly be in the black and earn money on bets at bookmakers players. You have the opportunity to become one of them.

There is a simple strategy, and I decided to test it in practice.
Now I’m still thinking about some points, or rather risk management.
In general, the essence of the strategy is to bet on clear favorites with odds of 1.035-1.9, but the average odds should be 1.05 or more. Everyone says it won't work, so it's interesting to try.

It won’t work if you just bet the pot without any analysis - my task is to come up with an algorithm for calculating the size of the bet, in other words - risk management.

For now, it is planned to place the first bet on 40% of the deposit, then 35, 30, 25, 20, and in 2% increments reduce it to 10%, then if there is a loss, start again at 40%, because Statistically, it is very unlikely that there will be two losses one after the other.

User Thoughts

I'll think about it one more day and start testing. I will post the results in this thread.

I don't believe in this idea. Losses will happen randomly, and there is a possibility that out of 10 there may be 2 or 3 losses, and this will significantly reduce the base (by 30%). Then, there is a chance that it will be possible to fly when the rate is 40, 35, or 30 percent of the deposit, and this is a relatively big minus. Another point is that there are very few bets with odds less than 1.1, you will have to constantly look for them and there will be 1-2 bets per day. As a result, you will spend a lot of time, but will not earn anything.

Indeed, such a strategy will not work in theory before the game, but in Live mode, in my opinion, it will be just right!

I think this makes sense. I remember I used to play live tennis, the bets were mainly on the current game, when the score was 30/15, 40/15. Sometimes I came across high odds of 1.4-1.5, but it didn’t always work. The only thing is that I had no trace of risk management there, so I won a lot of money, but I was lucky. And so, if you think through this strategy carefully, then I think you can achieve a stable income.

Tr@der, yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking about. After all, when the score is... well, even 40:15, there is a high probability that the first player will win the game, and if the score is 40:0, then even more so. Plus, you can add a bet at a higher odds when 40:0 becomes 40:15... Now I will test exactly this approach. But the preliminary bets turn out to be unstable, there are no guarantees even if the odds are 1.01.

I tested small odds on football by placing express bets. For clear favorites there are 50 and 50 against them F+2.5 or more.
The odds were from 1.1 to 1.45.
Here's the result:
Results after 100 express trains
at a bet of 10r

Express +35-65//-123

flat 459 //+346=8-106//-248
Passability (346:451)x100=76.72%+8 returns

With small odds of up to 1.45, playing flat is minus 5.40% of the bank.
Playing express bets with a total odds of 2.0 to 3... and investing less money than in flat, the minus amounted to 12.30%, despite the fact that every 3 express bets are entered.
That's all MYTHS and REALITIES.
Maybe the whole reason is that I am such a forecaster, but what kind of analysis can there be for odds of 1.2-1.3. They must play and, as you can see, a share of luck should always be present.

Interesting statistics!
Indeed, the bookmakers are directed against us due to the spread and in the long run there will be a minus in any way, unless of course we are psychics.
I texted a catch-up at odds 2.01-2.2, but there was far from a 50/50 probability, and there were losing series of 6-7 bets, which is not good.
The same thing applies to low odds, but even more time will be wasted.

For me, Lil got to 7 pockets in a row, but he couldn’t play on the TB.
In real life, I would not be willing to increase the bet that much.

Honestly, I thought that if the odds were low, then the game would definitely go in my favor, but I was deeply mistaken ((

The lower the odds, the more events you collect and always some sure thing doesn’t come in, no matter how you play flat or express
you go into the minus when playing long-term. Small odds fly as often as big ones. If you play with small odds, then the passability of bets should be at least 80%, with odds of more than 2.0 55% you will already be in the black.

Everyone thought so when they decided to make money in bookmakers. Only many people don’t understand that we are playing the game not with the team we are betting on, but with the bookmaker. Bookmakers deliberately lower the odds so that people bet money on the event, since the odds are low, and there is more chance of winning without losing, but in fact, everything is exactly the opposite.

We don’t play with a bookmaker; it lives on interest, that is, it sets its odds based on how much money is bet on a particular event. If, for example, the victory of the first team had a coefficient of 2, put 50 thousand bucks there and it will immediately go down.

Yuran123, According to your scheme, you should always bet on outsiders and you will be in the black. In general, I don’t know if there are successful privateers who only bet on low odds. At one time I made express bets from two bets - one forecast for an equal match (odds 1.7 - 2.3), the second forecast for a clear favorite with a low odds (1.1 - 1.3), in principle it worked well. The express odds were 2.5 - 3.0. It was enough for one express train to work out of three, and then the output would be approximately zero. If 2 out of three passed, then a good plus was obtained. Of course, there were cases when all 3 express trains did not work, but extremely rarely.
Sidik, Well, why do you care, you made your coefficient, it will remain the same. It changes only for those who will install after the change.

No, I don't have any plans! And there are no vehicles that could beat BC for quite a long time; sooner or later everything will collapse. I believe that you should rely on your knowledge, and not on the vehicle. Cappers do not work according to TS, they rely on their knowledge. The only way to consistently win against a bookmaker is through sure bets. But here you need a special program that will find these forks, since it is not possible to do this manually, and of course a large deposit, since usually 3-5% of the profit comes out of the “fork”.

Just because everything is falling apart for you doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone. It is difficult to be in the black at low odds. In general, it is quite possible to earn a stable income from bookmaking, but of course few people can do this, as in any risky form of income.

Marik, it’s not just me who couldn’t make money on low EFs, but everyone else. It has long been proven that at low odds you cannot beat bookmakers. If it were the other way around, then all bookmakers would have gone bankrupt. So think before you write such posts that they say it’s just falling apart for me. Show me a person who was able to consistently earn big money by betting on low scores.

What amuses me the most are the people who take, for example, odds of 1.01-1.05 for large sums and fly away. How ridiculous that is. And they start complaining that everything is going to waste)). I don’t see the point in taking such odds at all. I personally take a minimum of 1.4

It's hard to be in the black.

Sergey Turkin

Pros make money on those teams where the odds are not lower than 2x, for example, battles between leaders or predicting the victory of outsiders. Also express bets for several events at once.

A clear odds-on odds of 1.9? The clear favorites have odds. no more than 1.1! And sometimes they lose!

Sports betting is not only a hobby, but also a stable income for a bettor who is confident in his abilities and wants to achieve what he wants through his knowledge in sports forecasting. Many beginners wonder how to protect themselves from failure.

Betting will not require you to invest significant financial resources, but you need to seriously find an approach to what you do in this segment. It is enough to learn a couple of features and always use common sense when placing bets on sports. If you are a beginner and don’t know where to start, it doesn’t matter, even here you can find a decent niche for making money, but for this you will need to learn a few simple rules and truths. Let’s now consider where to start, what to give up, and how to protect yourself from failure in betting.

Each profession has its own canons and rules that help you develop along your chosen path and turn your work into pleasure. Take any profession as an example, whatever the burden of a professional, there are conditions that help make work a real pleasure. Professional bettors set similar requirements for themselves. Develop your skills, learn to make sports forecasts, following the latest news from the world of sports, then making money on bets will become real.

  1. Find the right company. Now there are many proven legal bookmaker organizations on the market that will help solve the problem of how to make a win-win bet at a bookmaker’s office. Experienced organizers have a certain set of functionality and options that are interesting not only for beginners, but also for experienced players. Such organizers are always beyond competition, but there is no need to discard young projects that have just received legal status and started working in Russia. Study reviews on special forums, take a short “tour” of the site and decide whether this bookmaker is suitable for you to work with. In the future, you can register on several sites, however, find out about possible account blocking, withdrawal methods and deadlines, etc.
  2. Learn not only to own money, but also to work with it. Never fall into euphoria from a profit, and never panic from a loss. These two factors very often unbalance the player. Euphoria can turn into unbridled excitement, where you will instantly find yourself in the red. A large loss can also lead to you turning away from betting forever. Imagine that you are not a player, but just a financier who rationally distributes cash flows, while he understands perfectly well where a loss may occur and where a profit will appear.
  3. The right attitude for the game. The mindset for the game should be like for work, where there will be difficulties, and somewhere there will be easy solutions. To obtain regular profits you need a cool mind and maximum calm. If there is a series of successes, then stop, see if you are taking the steps correctly, and you will also need to stop after a series of unsuccessful losses. As a result, you will achieve the right mood for the game in betting.

By the way, on the Internet you can read success stories of those who beat bookmakers. Some of these stories are true, some have no real evidence. Take the rational grain from these stories and use this data in order to learn how to solve the problem of how to be profitable at a bookmaker's office.

What kind of income is best to expect at the initial stage?

To always be in the black in bets at the very beginning of the betting profession, you need to properly manage your bank, and always understand that there are such concepts as risk and luck. Create for yourself a specific monthly bank that you can allocate for betting. At first losses are possible, since you cannot understand many things, and you have to learn the basics.

Sports betting is always a high-risk segment for financial investments and investments. Ultimately, these investments always bring significant profits than, for example, a deposit or other available financial products from banks. By the way, everything related to the circulation of money is always a big risk, so betting is the same financial institution, but it will be managed by the bettor himself with the help of a bookmaker.

If you come to betting for the first time, it would be a good idea to remember some axioms that will become a prologue to the theorem of correct and successful sports betting:

  1. Always play only with money that you have or that you can easily part with without remorse.
  2. Never borrow money to play, especially from your loved ones. If there is an offer from a bookmaker for a loan, you better think about it before you make a decision.
  3. Never, under any circumstances, use money that is intended for your family to bet on sports. Make this a taboo in the future, when you have a lot of money in circulation.
  4. Never start playing if you don’t have the required amount to start.
  5. You can name an amount that will easily cover approximately 49 bets.
  6. If you have thoughts about violating at least one of the conditions listed above, then betting is not for you. Give up this idea or look for another area of ​​application of your capabilities!

A beginner who has never tried his hand at betting may be intimidated at first by the complexity of the betting process. It's best to start your journey here with. You can learn how to bet on this sport, and subsequently apply it to other categories of sports. For example, tennis is considered more profitable, and again, if you do not know the intricacies of this sport, then do not start investing money from the first bet.

Some bettors become so strong in this direction that after a while betting replaces real-world professions for them. But, before you come to this, you will need to go through the difficult path of studying the bookmaker’s earnings segment.

Important nuances of work for a beginner

To be in the black, a beginner should study some of the nuances of the work of the chosen organization.

  1. Read carefully the terms and conditions of working with the bookmaker company. You will need to make sure that you fully understand the bookmaker’s operating conditions. If in doubt, re-examine each point of working with the service. If necessary, most companies have online chats where you can get free advice from a service specialist.
  2. Register on the platform, create a “Personal Account”, and choose a convenient option for making a deposit and withdrawing winnings. The most popular option is electronic payment systems, although you can choose other methods - using bank cards, from your phone balance, bank accounts, self-service terminals.
  3. We replenish our personal bank in the office. Enter the amount that you can easily part with if you lose.
  4. We get acquainted with the proposed options for sports matches or betting events and begin to act.

As you can see, there is nothing super complicated about this. The main thing is not to keep large sums in your personal bookmaker account, and if you still win, withdraw the funds in portions, gradually. Always save electronic checks, receipts and coupons in your personal account, even if they were losing ones. This will allow you to resolve disputes in the future.

Choosing gaming strategies to always be in the black at the bookmaker

Now you need to decide what gaming schemes, combinations or strategies can be used when working with a bookmaker. Sports betting and various schemes and strategies have existed since time immemorial. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here, since the basic principles of betting have worked for centuries. First, learn simple strategies that do not require complex mathematical calculations and other tricks. Even after studying one sports betting strategy in detail, in the future, if you lose, you will understand the structure of the bet, and the next loss will not be an unpleasant surprise for you.

There are a huge number of bookmaker schemes and bets, and they are conventionally divided into gaming categories and financial groups. When considering game schemes, we recommend paying attention to the following categories:

  • Value Betting Strategy;
  • Scheme "Arbitrage bets";
  • Category "Dogon".

All these schemes have a mathematical calculation in their structure, but they are very simple, and you do not have to delve into the “wild of calculations”. The main thing is to understand the basic principle of placing a bet.

Value Betting Method. The essence of this scheme is that you place a bet contrary to the bookmakers’ main forecasts. For example, a strong football team is constantly winning, and you want to bet on losing. If your prediction is correct, you receive your winnings. In this case, a high coefficient is used, so the prize money will be impressive. Agree, the same team cannot win all the time; there is always a chance of losing.

Arbitrage betting scheme. Sometimes this category is called “bookmaker sure bets”. The essence of the bet: you place a bet, indicating directly contradictory indicators for the same event in different bookmakers. For example, in one bookmaker you indicate the win of one team for a sporting event, and in another office you indicate the loss for the same event. Such a scheme can only be used in that specific situation if each company uses different coefficients. However, many bookmakers “don’t like” arbers and directly indicate that the use of such a scheme is prohibited. If such actions of one bettor are detected, his account may be blocked. Along with account blocking, the player’s bank may be frozen.

Category "Dogon". The essence of this bet is as follows: you bet on one match event and after a loss, you raise the bet bank until the event occurs. Ultimately, the final bid should cover all costs incurred associated with the initial financial outlay.

For beginners, pre-match analytics will be less risky. Using this schematic strategy, it is easy to bet on football, while simultaneously studying the current championships and the characteristics of the same team on which you place bets.

The financial segment of betting includes the Martingale method and the Kelly criterion, which is popular among bettors. It is recommended to try this method only after you have mastered the simple methods. It is recommended to start working with these categories with a “flat”, that is, over a certain period you use a uniform betting amount.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in betting; you just need to study in detail the structure of the bookmaker’s work, as well as the basic strategies and schemes, and then you will always be in the black at any bookmaker’s office.

Any player needs to constantly work on himself. Study useful information, not only about the matches themselves, but also about bets.

For those who are looking for the deepest secrets, they will find them here. Yes Yes. Here, on ours, they definitely are. We offer them completely free of charge. What others sell for money, we bought and made available to the public. That's how kind we are.

If anyone does not understand, the previous text, with the exception of our kindness, is a joke. I'm tired of telling newcomers that there are no secrets that are accessible only to a select few. There is no such thing in betting. There are some observations on the sports themselves, trends, but if a player bets for a long time, then he can also notice and use them. But there are no people who can use them to bet and make a profit. It all depends on the player. It is he who has his skills and abilities. Observation, the ability to analyze, study trends, and so on, all this helps the player to be in the black.

Successful game

The desire to beat and regularly win is in the players’ blood. However, as practice shows, only about two percent of those who play in sportsbooks earn a stable income from sports betting. If you ask why there is such a low percentage of successful players, then the answer is simple. Most players do not have a clear idea of ​​how to regularly be in the black when betting.

First of all, success depends on the player and his ability to analyze the upcoming event. Moreover, you need to bet on the sport in which you understand better. Also, a lot depends on the chosen game strategy and proper financial management. The luck factor is also present, but it is not the main one. A realistic assessment of the upcoming event reduces the risk of losing to a minimum. And thus constantly remain in the “plus”. Here are a few rules that contain the secret to winning.

Qualitative analysis of a sporting event

Taking a line, find the event that interests you and study it. You need, first of all, the following data: what is the current state of the playing teams, their places in the standings, the motivation of the clubs, the composition of the teams for the match, which players are injured, disqualified, etc. Nowadays it is not difficult to find such information on the Internet. All you need to do is analyze the match and make the right choice. Many people sometimes bet on their favorite team, which they have been rooting for for many years. Hoping that their club will definitely win. Still, it is advisable to conduct a thorough analysis of the upcoming fight. In case of doubtful odds, it is advisable to simply refuse the intended bet.

Smart game strategy

You must decide on the strategy you will follow. Evaluate your gaming bank critically. Decide for yourself how you will distribute your finances and what you will do with your winnings. Nowadays you can find a lot of different betting strategies on the Internet. (Martingale, flat, catch-up and so on). There are a lot of books and special courses that tell you how you can win on sports betting. The most important thing is to find the system that best suits you, completely suits you and gives a positive, monetary result. The symbiosis of analysis and strategy is the path to victory. Get into statistics. Be sure to keep track of your bets in order to see where you managed to achieve your goal and where you suffered a loss. Stay sensible. Losses usually happen where, after failure, the player immediately tries to regain what he lost. Play without despair, according to your proven system and luck will smile on you. Be cool. Having decided on the system and bet sizes, choose the sport in which you are most knowledgeable and then you will achieve your goal - to be in the black.


Those who don’t understand, it all depends on them. Of course, it also depends a little. For example, odds, markings, line, if all this is not very good, the odds are low, and the margin is high, then the player simply will not receive full profit from the winnings. On the other hand, no one bothers the player to study the reputation of the bookmakers, read reviews, testimonials, and even more so, no one keeps players in the same bookmaker. I wanted to, stopped and left to play in another, better one. But the skills and abilities that are necessary in the game are not as easy to develop as it seems. Self-control, composure, beautiful words, but not everyone is able to practice them, and, moreover, develop them. Players stop developing at different stages. Most, in the early stages of skill, bet a lot and lose even more. They place bets when there is no normal job, as soon as they find one, they immediately say that you can’t make money on bets, it’s all nonsense and youthful self-indulgence. We need to become more serious and work. On the one hand, it’s right to talk about working, but it’s not right to say that betting is nonsense and you can’t make money on them. If they didn’t succeed, if they lacked some character traits, then this does not mean that others will not succeed, others will not master it. The only question is the time spent on it. Just not just time, but time to study the game moments, yourself, work on yourself, study your mistakes, draw conclusions, and work on yourself again. This behavior is useful not only in betting, but in everyday life, when a person wants to develop in any area, he needs to do this. A minority of players take into account their mistakes and know how to win periodically. Yes, yes, periodically. Most often, their style of play looks like this: they win confidently, the series continues for a couple of weeks, they start betting on the wrong events, or rather, on too many events, and they lose. They try to recoup on the wrong events and lose again. Then they take a break and play again. They can win, the only question is how much they lost when they bet on the wrong events. And only a few, or rather a few, know how to play and place bets well. This is what they live on.