The lifelong office romance of Alexander Maslyakov. Biography of Alexander Maslyakov: KVN symbol Maslyakov Sr. with his wife

Alexander Maslyakov Jr., born in 1980, began attending KVN games at the age of 6. In his own words, he missed 4 or five Major League games, and it is quite natural that he connected his life with this unique and grandiose phenomenon.

And it is not at all surprising that he also attracted his wife to work in the family business.

Family is KVN

It is unnecessary to say that KVN today is not just a game, but an entire industry that brings fabulous income to the Maslyakov family. At the same time, the “heir” of the empire himself is often characterized as a soft-bodied man, lacking the business acumen of his famous father. Indeed, it is difficult to compete with Alexander Maslyakov, the elder, in charisma, energy and strong-willed character.

San Sanych himself in one of his interviews says that he cannot imagine the future of KVN after the perhaps not very immediate, but still inevitable retirement of Alexander Vasilyevich. Whatever one may say, the master will soon be eighty years old, and with all his vigor and activity, the years are taking their toll.

Maslyakov Jr.’s wife, Angelina, can become a great assistant in managing the AMiK company. Today she has already been appointed general director of the Planeta KVN MMC, and her promotion along the administrative line is unlikely to stop there. Who is she, SanSanych’s mysterious companion, who always accompanies her husband at all games?

Good girl from a good family

In fact, there is no secret here. The wife of Maslyakov Jr. is from an intelligent professorial family, an excellent student, smart and beautiful.

They met Alexander in their first year at MGIMO. Maslyakov Jr.’s studies were not easy, and at first the girl simply helped him “gnaw the granite of science.” It naturally happened that the young students became close and began dating.

“The wedding turned out to be no longer for us, but for our parents,” recalls Angelina.

Long preparations, the registry office, the motorcade, the Eternal Flame - all the best traditions of Soviet weddings tired the newlyweds. Ten years later, the couple compensated for this gap by gathering close friends and organizing a holiday in Italy.

In 2006, the couple had a daughter, Tasya.. Maslyakov Jr. admits that he was not ready for such a grandiose event in his life. “The whole world has turned upside down,” he says. The first nights the parents hardly slept, checking to see if the girl was breathing and if everything was okay.

Now Taisiya is actively involved in creativity, singing in the group “Fidgets”. Once she took part in one of the KVN numbers, taking part in the GUUMISIS team number. The number was called “Pelageya’s Nightmare Dream,” in which the “Voice” program was parodied. Children".

Despite her success in singing, the girl admitted that she dreams of becoming an architect and designer.

The spouses cannot call their life together idyllic; they often argue and sort things out.

An education received at a diplomatic university does not save you. What saves is that The spouses are very similar in character - they get excited quickly and calm down quickly.

Angelina lacks romance in her relationship. She herself loves to prepare various gifts and surprises for her family, but such impulses do not come from Alexander.

“I promise to improve,” says the husband, and then adds: “I really don’t understand all these romantic impulses.”

Ensure continuity

In addition to family life, Angelina always paid a lot of attention to her career and self-realization. She worked in the Federation Council, was engaged in journalism and published three books.

Their genre is characterized as love prose, modern prose and women's novel. “Amore Mio”, “Not dolce vita”, “Women and men in friendship and love” were not published in huge numbers and did not receive the attention of literary criticism. Rather, this is an easy read for women tired of everyday worries.

Interesting notes:

However, over time, Angelina Maslyakova, a member of the Maslyakov clan, began working in the structure of her father-in-law and husband. Today she holds the important post of General Director of the MMC “Planets of KVN”. This is a whole complex, with a multimedia concert hall, rehearsal rooms and many dressing rooms, parking, elevators, a restaurant and a buffet.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. does not hide the fact that his life is still led by his father. The master of Russian television cannot help but understand that this cannot continue forever. The day will come, and the ship named “KVN” will have to be led by a successor who has grown up to be an obedient man and dependent on his father’s will.

It is quite possible that great hopes are pinned on Maslyakov Sr.’s daughter-in-law, Angelina. It is she who should become the core around which both the family clan and AMiK itself will grow and strengthen.

“AMiK” simply stands for Alexander Maslyakov and company.

The famous Russian TV presenter Alexander Maslyakov belongs to the generation of children of war. He was born on the way to evacuation to the city of Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg) in November 1941. He devoted most of his life to television.

Maslyakov spent his childhood in several cities. For a long time his family lived in Sverdlovsk, then moved for a short period of time to Chelyabinsk, and then to Moscow. Alexander's father, Vasily Vasilyevich, was a military pilot. During the Second World War he fought as an Air Force navigator. At the end of the war, my father did not leave service, but was transferred to Moscow to the Air Force General Staff.

Maslyakov's mother was a housewife. After the birth of her son, Zinaida Alekseevna broke the tradition that existed in the Maslyakov family of calling boys Vasily. Four generations of men in the family before Alexander bore this name.

Alexander Maslyakov graduated from school with honors. He never had any special problems with schoolwork or behavior. Immediately after school, he entered MIIT, which he graduated in 1966.

At the institute, he chose the specialty of energy engineer, which he very quickly changed to the profession of a television broadcaster. MIIT gave Maslyakov not only a specialty, but also a ticket to KVN.

This program became his destiny. Alexander's path to TV began with the student theater. He came to it by accident in 1960. As they say, he looked in for a glimpse. The smiling guy very quickly became a prominent figure in cheerful and resourceful student parties. His smile played the role of an entrance ticket for him into the profession of a TV presenter.

In 1961, a youth editorial office was created on Central Television and the KVN project was launched. Maslyakov never played in KVN as part of the MIIT team, but was always close to the team.

After her victory in 1963, in the form of an experiment, the program management decided to try a representative of the winning team as the host of the program. At the suggestion of the captain of the MIIT KVN team, Maslyakov became the captain. So, since 1964, Alexander became the permanent presenter of the popular program for many years.

After graduating from MIIT in 1966, Maslyakov went to work at Giprosakhar. The young engineer decided to combine his work at this design institute with his studies at the Higher Courses for Television Workers. This decision became fateful for him. The knowledge gained during the courses helped Maslyakov in his future.

Having moved from the design institute to TV, he stayed there for the rest of his life. Alexander came to work at the youth editorial office on TV in 1969 and immediately received the position of senior editor, which he held for almost 8 years.

"Hello, we are looking for talents"

The program was the first in the USSR created in the show genre. The program began to be released on TV in 1970. Viewers saw the first episode on January 24. The essence of the program was to search for young, talented performers. Filming of the program took place in different cities of the country. Once they took place in Western Ukraine.

In Chernivtsi, the audience did not let the groups “Smeichka” and “Arnika” leave the stage for a long time. The live program exceeded its allotted time limit by 20 minutes.

Maslyakov was reprimanded for violating the time regulations, and the editors were inundated with letters from grateful viewers. The program was very popular, but was closed.

“Come on, guys!”

The program was a sports and entertainment show. Released on USSR TV screens in 1970. The first presenter of the program was Vladimir Voroshilov. The script for the program was written by Leonid Yakubovich.

In 1972, an accident occurred during the filming of the program. The program was closed until 1975. When filming resumed, Alexander Maslyakov acted as the presenter. He worked in the program for more than 10 years.

"Come on, girls"

The program began airing in 1970. The plot of the show was based on professional competitions in which girls took part. The winner received the title of best in the profession. Between competitions, performances by popular artists were included.

Maslyakov joined the project in 1975. Filming of the program was closed in 1985.

"Funny boys"

Maslyakov worked in the project from 1979 to 1981. Initially, the program was conceived as a competition, but in 1982 its format was changed. The project was taken off the air in 1990.

KVN made a real splash on television in the 60s. The program did not appear out of nowhere. Before it was put on air, a similar project was tested by the youth editors in 1957. It was called “An Evening of Fun Questions.”

The Czechs then launched a similar program on their TV. They called it “Guess, guess, fortune teller.” In the Russian version of the program, the audience, not the teams, answered funny questions. After three episodes the program was closed.

In a changed format, the project was resumed under the name KVN. A large number of viewers associated this abbreviation with the name KVN-49, which was produced in the country at that time.

Today, when the name Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov is mentioned, every Russian understands that we are talking about KVN. He appeared on the stage of cheerful and resourceful people, replacing Albert Axelrod, who was the first presenter of this program and one of the authors of the idea. In the history of Soviet and Russian TV, this was the most ideal introduction of a new face to the project.

In the first years after the broadcast was launched, Maslyakov had a co-host on stage, Svetlana Zhiltsova. Then it was decided to leave only Maslyakov. There were various rumors about the presenter couple. Many considered them husband and wife, which was not true.

Until 1968, the program was broadcast live. The teams' sharp jokes did not always coincide with the party line. At first they tried to limit them by KGB directives, and in the 70s the program was closed. The last episode of the program was released on August 5, 1972.

The project was resumed only 15 years later. The initiator of the revival of KVN on television was Andrei Menshikov. In the 60s he was captain of the MISI team. Maslyakov was invited to host the program. The first episode of the revived program beat expected ratings.

Despite the long break, the new generation became no less interested in KVN than the previous one. From a television program, the project turned into an international student movement.

The whole country became infected with the game. Everyone wanted to be cheerful and resourceful. In 1990, TO "AMiK" was created. It became the official organizer of the KVN games held in the country and the festivals that arose on its basis.

Recognition of Maslyakov’s merits in the field of television came to him in the 90s. In 1994, he received the title of Honored Artist and became a laureate of the Ovation Prize. "Tafi" was given to him in 2001. Maslyakov has orders and medals from various countries.

His services in the field of television development were appreciated not only by the Government of the Russian Federation, but also by Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Chechnya, etc. Maslyakov was repeatedly awarded certificates of honor and was awarded badges of honor.

An asteroid was named after Maslyakov.

Personal life

KVN did not ignore the personal life of the TV presenter. He met his wife on the project. In 1966, she came to work as an assistant director for the program. 5 years after they met, the couple got married. The Maslyakovs’ marriage has not broken up to this day. The couple still live and work together. In 1980, they had a son, who was named Alexander in honor of his father. So in the Maslyakov family, Vasiliev was replaced by Alexandra.

In 2006, Alexander and Svetlana Maslyakov had a granddaughter, who was named Taisiya. She continues her grandfather's dynasty. Since 2017, she has been leading the KVN children's league. The wife of Alexander Jr. also works in KVN. She is the director of the KVN house.

After KVN was closed in the 70s, rumors began to arise that Maslyakov was sent to prison for currency fraud. People tried to explain his temporary disappearance from TV screens in this way. These rumors had nothing to do with reality. In 2017, articles appeared in the media that Maslyukov Sr. had a stroke, after which he died. And these messages turned out to be a canard.

Maslyakov’s first fees were 20 rubles for performances. Money was not the main thing for a young guy at that time. He was driven by the desire to appear on screen and please his parents with his fame. Maslyakov does not drink. According to the spouses, having lived together for more than 40 years, they only quarreled over KVN. For a long time, Maslyakov insisted that his wife leave the program, but she did not do this and still works in it.

Maslyakov was the first presenter of the program “What? Where? When?". He was replaced by Vladimir Voroshilov. Maslyakov conducted only the 1st edition of this program.

KVN members nicknamed the TV presenter “Barin”. This is their revenge for the harsh disposition and demanding nature of their leader. The players joke among themselves that Maslyakov wanted to name his son Kaveen, but changed his mind.

Alexander Maslyakov now

At the beginning of December, Maslyakov resigned from his post as director of AMiK and remained only as a presenter in the program. The reason for this action was widely covered by the media. The famous TV presenter was charged with abuse of office. The story was not the most pleasant and threatened Maslyukov with criminal liability.

Ultimately, everything was limited to his voluntary refusal to lead the company. He can still be seen on the KVN stage.


Alexander Maslyakov continues to delight KVN fans with new projects. Invented in the 60s of the last century, the game became his life’s work and still does not lose its relevance and popularity.

Starting a conversation about today KVN club, the name of Svetlana Maslyakova immediately pops up, wife of the famous actor Alexander Maslyakov.

Even if this woman does not appear on TV screens at all, she is quite famous for the contribution she made to the development of this club, to this day playing the most important role in it.

Svetlana Anatolyevna born in 1947, in rather difficult years, when the country was just beginning to recover from the recently ended terrible war.

It was during this period that the steely spirit and character of Maslyakov’s future wife were tempered, since due to a difficult life she had to constantly survive.

She's always been humane, sympathetic, attentive to other people, knew how to properly manage her time, set big goals for herself, and then slowly but surely achieved them.

The fact is that in early childhood Svetlana was a fairly quiet and inconspicuous child. She never demanded increased attention or frequent surprises, since she perfectly understood how difficult life was for her parents.

Years later, young Svetlana Anatolyevna completed her studies at school No. 519. Having an irresistible love for various sciences and an irresistible craving for literature, she was a good student. I immediately hurried to enroll in one of the most famous Legal institutes.

Career of Svetlana Maslyakova

The most fatal moment in her life was when she received vacancy for assistant director of Central Television in the new project “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.” This marked the beginning of her further, successful career once and for all.

Shortly after starting work at such a prestigious vacancy, the future Svetlana Maslyakova signed up and took courses that helped her get a much more serious job.

It was after this, in 1972 she adopted the profession of director.

For a long time due to the fact that Maslyakova worked behind the scenes and was practically deprived of the attention of the audience, no one realized that all the responsibilities lay with a rather fragile, but such a strong-willed woman.

However, television not only gave her a successful career and popularity. While working in her position, fate brought young Svetlana Anatolyevna from her future husband, presenter of Channel One - Alexander Maslyakov.

Svetlana Maslyakova is enough talented person. Over the years, she has carried several roles on her shoulders. For example, thanks to the work of this strong woman, In 1986, it was possible to revive the KVN project, which was going to be closed as soon as possible.

Her second role- this is happy wife and mother. Her son, Alexander Jr., is also proud of his mother’s achievements. Choosing education, he decided to go into television.

In almost many ways, it was Svetlana Maslyakova who helped her son, who did not interfere with Alexander Jr.’s choice of profession, but, on the contrary, supported him in this in every possible way.

Although, first the son of Alexander and Svetlana Maslyakov wanted to become a diplomat.

As you know, Maslyakov’s wife is delicate in communicating with both her family and other people. This is noted by many people who are familiar with this director.

However, even despite her softness and piquancy, a woman knows how to defend her position, without offending other people in any way.

Despite all his chastity and fortitude, the woman always supported her husband in all his endeavors, don't contradict him.

Svetlana provided him with special support in the development of many creative ideas, which is where her feminine wisdom is manifested. Being young, Svetlana Maslyakova persuaded her husband not to give up the idea of ​​working on television and insisted on his further work in the KVN project.

Svetlana Maslyakova is a strong and strong woman who was easily able to build her career, as well as helped my husband and son achieve their goals. During an interview, a woman is always, as a rule, modest, which characterizes her only from the best side.

Family life of the Maslyakovs

Over so many years of living together, many things have developed about the Maslyakov family. interesting stories and facts.

  1. For the first time, when the Maslyakovs appeared on screen together, the audience did not understand that they were just colleagues. At that moment they thought that what was standing in front of them was already a real, established married couple.
  2. There was a time when the Maslyakovs were seen together in the program “The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.” The spectators immediately hurried attribute an affair to them. However, after not being on the screens for long, Svetlana quickly disappeared from everyone’s attention, and Alexander continued to lead the project on his own for a long time.

The whole life of the Maslyakovs takes place in front of the audience. They constantly promote their ideas and try to implement them in interesting projects without stopping at already achieved goals.

Wherein a woman always supports any endeavors of her husband and is not upset that he is almost always in his shadow. After all, it is important to her what kind of contribution she makes to contemporary art.


In 1961, the first episode of the television show “The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” took place. Three years after the creation of this show, television viewers first saw on the screens a new presenter - MIIT student - Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. The biography of this person is closely connected with the history of KVN. His name is associated with the legendary song “We are starting KVN.” Maslyakov has become a symbol of the most popular comedy show in the country.

In the photo, KVN TV presenter Alexander Maslyakov

Childhood and youth

The most “cheerful and resourceful” person in Russia was born into the family of a military pilot. Maslyakov’s biography is all the more surprising because fate destined him for a serious profession and a life far from the television spotlight. Father - Vasily Vasilyevich Maslyakov, navigator and participant in the Great Patriotic War. In peacetime he worked at the Air Force General Staff. Having such a father, dreams of a public profession could hardly have occurred to the young man.

The son of a military pilot, after graduating from school, entered one of the most prestigious technical universities in the country. Alexander intended to become an engineer. However, the institute offered courses for television workers on an additional basis. Alexander Maslyakov became one of the listeners. In the biography of the KVN presenter, this period became decisive.

A television

After receiving a diploma of higher education, Maslyakov, as befits a respectable Soviet man, went to work in his specialty. However, soon, due to random circumstances, he found himself in the editorial office of one of the youth television programs. Here, until 1976, the presenter was listed as an editor. However, Maslyakov appeared on stage for the first time long before this.


The prototype of the famous show was the “Evening of Fun Questions” program. It did not last long and was soon closed. A year later, KVN was created. Television humorous games, the permanent host of which was Alexander Maslyakov for many years, became incredibly popular. A wave of KVN swept across the Soviet Union. Schools, pioneer camps and universities began to hold competitions that were a simplified version of the popular program.

KVN participants were distinguished by their extreme wit. However, in their work they sometimes crossed acceptable boundaries, which was unacceptable under strict Soviet censorship. The program was closed in 1971. Fifteen years later, KVN was reopened. Alexander Maslyakov was, of course, invited to play the role of presenter.

Starting his career back in his student years, Maslyakov was incredibly popular among Soviet youth. In addition to his main activities, he reported. On duty, he attended various international festivals in Sofia, Berlin, Pyongyang and other cities. For several years he was the host of the international festival in Sochi.

In addition to the famous program, Maslyakov was active on television. He led such projects as “Song of the Year”, “Alexander - Show”. And in the nineties, he led a massive informal movement, which involved not only Russian students, but also residents of the CIS countries. Under Alexander’s leadership, tournaments were created, most of which today have international status.

For his activities, Maslyakov was awarded many awards. One of them is the Ovation Award. Few people today know that Alexander Vasilyevich is one of the founders of the intellectual program “What? Where? When?", and since 1994 - Honored Artist. He still actively participates in television programs and shows. In 2007, a program was broadcast on television, providing ordinary people with the opportunity to demonstrate their unique abilities. Alexander Maslyakov is the chairman of the jury of this competition.

In 1974, precisely during the period when KVN was closed, Alexander Maslyakov was arrested for illegal currency transactions. The period was short. And just a few months after the arrest, the presenter was released. However, there is no exact confirmation that there was such a period in the biography of the TV star. This version is contradicted by the fact that in the Soviet Union it was almost impossible for a person with a criminal past to appear on television again.

The reason for the closure of the program in 1971 is still completely unknown. In the seventies, rumors circulated throughout the country that the arrest of the presenter was the reason for this sad event. However, according to Maslyakov’s memoirs, the show was banned due to the fact that censorship workers suspected a parody of Karl Marx in the external image of some of the program participants. Alexander Maslyakov hardly looked like the German philosopher in appearance. Team members, on the contrary, could appear on stage from time to time in the form of mustachioed bearded men, if the plot required it. One way or another, there is no exact information about the reasons for the closure of KVN.

The personalities of famous people are always shrouded in rumors and speculation. Alexander Maslyakov is no exception. The most common misconception among fans of the presenter in the seventies was the rumor about his love affair with Svetlana Zhiltsova. Contrary to popular belief, the star couple only looked harmonious on screen. In reality, Alexander Vasilyevich is an exemplary family man.

Personal life

Maslyakov met his future wife on television. Svetlana Semenova worked as an assistant director of KVN. She held this position for many years after her marriage.

According to another tale about the life of the famous TV presenter, Alexander Maslyakov dreamed of calling his son nothing other than Kaveen. Whether this is true or not is unknown. But the only son of the president of the International KVN Union was named after his father. Alexander Maslyakova Jr. graduated from MGIMO. Defended his Ph.D. dissertation. However, he later decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and became a TV presenter.


Life and family of Alexander Maslyakov Jr.

The life of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. and KVN cannot be separated from each other - he grew up, achieved success and became famous thanks to the “Merry and Resourceful Club”. In the following material we will talk about the main milestones in the biography of the artist and presenter, his family and wife.

Biography of a famous TV presenter

Alexander Alexandrovich comes from the capital of the Russian Federation, was born on April 28, 1980. Both of his parents worked in the field of Soviet television. Father is the permanent host of the KVN program Alexander Maslyakov Sr. Mother - Svetlana was engaged in television directing, helped in the filming and broadcast of KVN.

It was a creative family united by one thing. The father initiated his son into all the intricacies of the show; Maslyakov Jr. appeared at team rehearsals from childhood, saw and remembered how it was done. Naturally, the atmosphere of laughter and friendliness attracted the boy. And living in such a mood influenced the choice of the future. Of course, not right away: at first he wanted to work in the traffic police, but having matured a little, he wanted to get involved in politics.

After receiving his school certificate, Alexander tried to find his way: he entered MGIMO and studied at the Faculty of International Relations.

In 1999, he managed to play the role of presenter on the project “Planet of KVN” - then the general public became acquainted with Maslyakov Jr. The public immediately considered the son of the eminent TV presenter to be the future successor.

In parallel with this, the man became a candidate of economic sciences in 2006, defending his dissertation at the State University of Management.

With the participation of Alexander and his father, new projects were launched: “First League of KVN”, “Outside the Game”, etc. In all these shows, Maslyakov Jr. was the host. He made occasional appearances at regional games.

Alexander Maslyakov with his wife

Sometimes KVN participants joke about him, calling him Alexander II, although the man himself does not like being compared to his father. He also prefers not to talk about the time when he will be forced to completely replace Maslyakov Sr. in his work.

In 2013, the man tried himself as a participant in KVN in 2013, when he surprised everyone by appearing on stage. It was a STEM competition, where Alexander acted as a guest star. An interesting performance only increased his reputation among his colleagues and his love in the eyes of the public. KVN members call Maslyakov Jr. omnipresent for his mobility and ability to appear in competitions in different guises.

Now he continues to work in the “Merry and Resourceful Club”, continuing the family tradition. Friends believe that he will soon completely replace his father in work, giving him the opportunity to relax and enjoy the spectacle from the stands.

Who is Maslyakov Jr.'s wife?

Maslyakov Jr. is a happy father

MGIMO, even though it did not lead Alexander to work in politics, helped him find his love and future wife. Angelina Marmeladova, a diligent student, helped him prepare for the exams. After some time, a spark of feeling slipped between them, and a romance began.

The relationship lasted about 5 years, the young people found in each other what they had been looking for for a long time: the ability to be themselves, to feel free in each other’s presence. Although, according to Alexander and Angelina, they are completely different people, and these differences strengthen the marriage even more. A truly complementary pair was formed.

Now that they have been together for a long time, the spouses continue to be mentally close, do business and achieve success. His wife Angelina is a successful writer, author of 3 novels.

In 2006, there was a replenishment - daughter Taisiya was born. Now she is growing up and is already showing creative abilities, studying at a theater studio in Moscow.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr., although he tried to find himself in something of his own, realized that connection with family and a common cause gives much more. He was able to realize himself, find recognition in his work, love in his family and happiness in life. We wish him continuation of this harmony and new achievements in life.