Nikolay Voronov who. General information from life

The youngest son of a teacher at the International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna" Nikolai Voronov woke up famous in the wake of the success of the song "White Dragonfly of Love". Nine years ago, this composition blew up all the dance floors of the country, and the cult Solyanka club did not accommodate those who wanted to hear the hit live.


Voronov was invited to appear on a TV show, and the media lined up to interview the young, extravagant musician. But after the legendary song, the author never created new hits. The excitement around him began to subside, and Nikolai himself went into the shadows and began running a YouTube channel.

Now Internet users are seriously puzzled by the mental state of the once famous singer, whose adequacy is in doubt among many. The fact is that Nikolai’s videos contain profanity and seem to demonstrate a challenge to common sense. website We decided to personally find out what was happening to the young performer. In a frank conversation, the musician explained such strange behavior.

“I changed my image because I am not satisfied with the claim to everyone that is made by our so-called stars, who consider themselves superior to ordinary people. Stars do not exist. We have only one principle: “Your genius is not so important as how much you are a career horse." This infuriates me terribly. And then what can we say about Pushkin, about Dostoevsky, who are physically dead? How should we treat them? No radical change in image has occurred. This is just a small change related to the fact that I want to help they are trying to impose a disease on me, but in my person the disease is diagnosed in all of humanity. Someone believed in this and died, but I will not die. I can only be understood correctly if I completely separate myself. from me and considered in a more mass sense, from the position of society as a whole, and not part of it. I never loved myself and was not interested in myself. I love others,” Voronov said.

To finally dispel rumors about the musician’s mental illness, website asked psychotherapist Vitaly Kekukh to give an explanation about Nikolai’s behavior. “I can assume that the problem is the following: either something happened during the pregnancy of Nikolai’s mother, for example, intoxication; or there was an injury during childbirth, asphyxia or a pinched nerve. You know what kind of obstetricians we have - they pulled the head ", they pinched a nerve. These consequences are visible on Kolya’s face. His psyche is fine. And such defiant behavior is compensation for his external physical feature. But he’s done well, he realized in time how to use his shortcomings." – noted the specialist.

According to Voronov’s mother, the young man has been writing music since he was three years old. When he was five, he began studying piano at the Moscow Gnessin Secondary Special Music School. Nikolai held his first concert in Dubna. In 2008, he entered the first year of the composition department of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky.

As Nikolai recalls, he took up pop music when his father gave him a synthesizer. The first three songs he composed were called (in chronological order) "I'm Waiting for You", "People Who Are Right Away" and "White Dragonfly of Love". In 2008, the author predicted that "Dragonfly" "will be his hit." And so it happened.

Nikolai Voronov woke up famous in the wake of the success of the song “White Dragonfly of Love,” which blew up all the dance floors more than eight years ago. Once upon a time, the iconic metropolitan club Solyanka was bursting with people who wanted to hear the hit live. Voronov was regularly invited as a guest on various programs, and the media dreamed of getting an interview with him.

Now Nikolai is 26 years old, and only memories remain of his former popularity. After the deafening furor of “White Dragonfly of Love,” the young man never recorded a single composition that would become a hit. Apparently, in an attempt to attract attention, Nikolai decided to actively maintain a channel on YouTube. The videos that Voronov records receive dozens of views - a thousand times less than in 2008.

In addition, the majority of social network users perceive his work negatively and rate his posts with dislikes. The fact is that Voronov presents very strange and ambiguous videos that are very difficult for the average person to understand. Nikolai makes videos while sitting at the computer. At the same time, the young man often exposes his torso, and the annotations to the recordings resemble the works of avant-garde literary figures and are often accompanied by obscene language.

Voronov’s page on the social network VKontakte also shows increased activity. The young man regularly posts several posts in a row, spacing only a couple of minutes apart. Nikolai’s posts are also similar to the works of experimental poets.

“The roof moves slowly and quietly like a surfing mouse,” writes Voronov (Spelling and punctuation are the author’s. – Ed.).

In another publication, the musician plays on the title of Vadim Zeland’s book. Apparently this work made an extremely strong impression on Nikolai. “Reality Transurfing! Be above the blanket! Be human. (…) Trasurfing is higher. Transsurfing an animal.. Transsurfing an animal - and be above people, (...) please? Thank you?" – with these words Voronov addressed the subscribers (Spelling and punctuation are the author’s. – Ed. note).

On Voronov’s wall you can also find posts in which he shares his thoughts. “I feel sorry for everyone. I want to love. What I am doing. Which is what they all do. That’s what we all do,” Nikolai wrote in early July. A few hours later, the musician decided to touch on the topic of envy.

“On the level of eternal life, it is a good feeling. You enjoy genius for 1000 years, but your life lasts 100,000,000 or whatever. He takes you into the world of your inner flowing sausage, but you finally don’t flow. He sees you, he cannot see you, he cannot unsee you, for 1000 years, he will have time for himself, it is eternal. Human. Bicycle. And what is envy? Good feeling. And misunderstood words. Understood, stand up and answer. Slap your ear. Understood, stand up. I don't open up completely. I envy. I see. I'm jealous. I see the words. I'm jealous. I hate Anne. I. I can’t unsee who wants to stop the earth, I’ll get off...” shared Voronov (Spelling and punctuation are the author’s. – Ed.).

17-year-old Muscovite Nikolai Voronov is a real child prodigy, who was never called that at home in order to protect him from psychological trauma. The boy, born into the family of a psychologist and accompanist, showed extraordinary abilities in mathematics and music from the age of three. At the age of five, he began studying to become a pianist at the Moscow Gnessin Secondary Special School for especially gifted children. The absolute pitch and unique musical memory revealed in Nikolai led to the fact that, in parallel with the general program, they began to study composition with him. At the age of ten, Kolya Voronov composed the song “White Dragonfly of Love” on a simple synthesizer, which six years later was destined to become internet hit and bring fame to the author. And now a first-year student in the composition department of the Moscow Conservatory, a pop career took off - he was invited to perform at corporate parties, the New Year’s light of the “2x2” channel, and the clubs “Solyanka” and “Ikra”. The young musician received offers of cooperation from representatives of show business, requests for television filming and interviews. Fans, having found out the Voronovs’ address, began to gather at his entrance. There was, as they say, serious hype.

The current situation worries Kolya Voronov’s parents a lot, who fear that excessive public attention will prevent their son from completing his education and thereby ruin his talent. OPENSPACE.RU decided to find out what was on Kolya Voronov’s mind.

Location: cafe on Izmailovsky Boulevard. Characters: correspondent OPENSPACE.RU Denis Boyarinov, Nikolai Voronov and his director Alexander. Voronov studies the menu, then places an order: meat in a frying pan, two bottles of mineral water.

- You bite your nails.

Yes (laughs embarrassed). I can't break the habit.

- This is some kind of characteristic feature for pianists. Horowitz also bit his nails in his youth.

For pianists this is such a disaster. By the way, Horowitz does. But Stravinsky didn’t bite.

-Can we start the interview?

And how.

Wonderful. Your mother and piano teacher told me in detail about your, so to speak, development as a classical musician and pianist. But, as they admit, they didn’t notice the moment when you became interested in pop music.

In fact, my mother probably noticed, but didn’t tell me. I became interested in pop music at the age of ten. I turned on the TV and listened to songs. Any - listened to the group “White Eagle”, Viktor Tsoi ( laughs)…What else is there? Decl! ( Recites.) "And who are you? Who are you? Who are you? And who are you? Who are you? Who are you?" Really good songs. And Tsoi is generally wonderful...

Well, what I’m saying is that all of this was, in principle, interesting to me. But I got into pop music when my dad bought me a synthesizer at the Savelovsky market Casio STK 571. This synthesizer has become my attribute.

- Do you still play the same synthesizer?

Yes! And I don't want to change it!

- Does it work well - the keys don’t stick?

Works well. On the contrary, sometimes you want to tear out the keys. With the roots! ( Laughs.) No, I'm afraid, I'm afraid to buy a new one. ( In a conspiratorial tone.) Do you know why I'm afraid?

- Why?

Because the new one won’t have the “Dragonfly” rhythm. No - if new, then only Casio, only Casio. Moreover, it is interesting that on the new synthesizer it will be possible to make a remix of “Dragonfly”. In general, I’m glad you heard “Dragonfly”. This is incredible! It is amazing! Why is there such an attraction to the song all of a sudden? All of a sudden! This song didn’t exist, then it appeared - and suddenly this happened. And now everyone says that Nikolai Voronov is my idol. ( Laughs.)

- What are you listening to now?

Now - classical music. She has something to tell me energetically.

- What period?

Modern. Not even modern, late 19th - early 20th centuries.

- Modernists?

Not quite modernists yet, but already... Early avant-garde - Debussy, Scriabin, Mahler, Ravel to a lesser extent. Everything is post-Chopin. Rachmaninov is included there, of course. Naturally, dodecaphonists, the New Viennese school - Berg, Schoenberg, Webern.

- I know you compose symphonic works yourself.

Yes, I compose, of course. On my computer, I have three programs. I write in them, and the programs are immediately read out. This is very important: you compose and immediately hear what you are composing.

- How would you describe the style of your symphonic works?

I have different ones. This is probably the return of the classics. Modern harmonies... No, that's how it should be said: I'm trying to show modern harmonies in a classical style. In general, it’s a combination. Even “Dragonfly” is a combination. Combining pop rock with disco.

- Do you give your symphonic works titles?

- “Opus”. Opuses numbered. I can't remember the name. I give numbers to songs. Song 68 is playing now.

- So you composed 68 songs in total?

- Why do you play the same ten pieces at concerts?

- 15. Because they are the biggest hits. And so far I have only learned them.

Not long ago in the program "Exactly the same" on Channel One, the popular comedian of all Rus' Maxim Galkin literally amazed all the viewers and presenters by portraying a certain Runet star - Nikolai Voronov, who once became famous for the hit “The White Dragonfly of Love”, and then sunk into oblivion. Many people who do not know Voronov and his songs have a logical question: “Where did Maxim Galkin even get this strange nerd with glasses and a synthesizer? Who is this? And why did the popular comedian choose him? Are there other “victims” to parody—more venerable and well-known to the public?”

Surprisingly, the choice of Maxim Galkin is not accidental, as it might seem at first glance. If you look at all this from the point of view of System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan, then the popular comedian unconsciously chose his “vector double”: the set of vectors in Galkin and Voronov coincides one to one (muscular, anal, skin vectors from below and visual, oral and sound – from above).

However, there is one small but significant difference: if Maxim Galkin has all the vectors developed and in good condition, due to which their properties harmoniously complement each other, giving their owner the opportunity to fully realize their talents and abilities in society, then Nikolai Voronov has everything somewhat sadder. The vectors are not in very good conditions, they are stressed, they “rattle”, giving their already strange owner grotesque and comical features. So, for example, Nikolai has the habit of constantly biting his fingernails, constantly fiddling with something, twitching his hands - which indicates stress in the skin vector. Tries to chat incessantly and off topic, despite problems with diction, and is often “shut up” by the interlocutor - not very developed oral ability. Even singing, as if “a bear stepped on his ear” (despite the fact that Nikolai has good hearing and studied first at Gnesinka, and then at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory). What's wrong with Nikolai Voronov? Let's try to make some systematic guesses.

Who is Nikolai Voronov?

Nikolai Voronov, despite the fact that at one time his “White Dragonfly of Love” sounded from literally every iron and every cafe on the embankment, still remains a not very well-known person. Books are not written about him, his biography is not written down, his songs (except for Dragonfly) are known only to a narrow circle of people, and the fact that this person also writes poetry and tries to create “serious music” is unknown to almost no one.

Some call Voronov "blessed Russian Internet" And "fool", others consider him an undoubted talent and an unrecognized genius, others sigh with regret - “the guy is sick and you’re laughing at him”.

Voronov himself does not hide his problems, honestly declaring that, yes, he was treated in a mental hospital, but he is even somewhat proud of it, not unreasonably believing that madness and genius go hand in hand. At one time, Nikolai even tried to play on his “abnormality”, using this as an image for the public, making some completely crazy recordings and posting them on YouTube. He tried to shock his subscribers, declared himself as an eccentric musician, coming up with various funny names for his “group.” For example, “Cold smoked mackerel”. He constantly talked about “normality and abnormality,” sounding somewhat elevating himself above the “normal crowd”:

Why do you need to be normal?
Here comes the pensive flute
With even dissonance across,
Or the foundling cries in the abyss.
Even this - why do you need to be if you are crying?

However, over time, apparently, he became disappointed and calmed down, realizing that many people come to his page only to giggle and grin, and not at all in order to appreciate his work. That behind his “abnormal image” no one wants to see what he is trying to convey. But Nikolai Voronov, like all people with a sound vector, wants to convey certain meanings. And he himself is looking for these meanings.

What are the reasons for Nikolai Voronov’s “abnormality”?

We will not go into clinical diagnoses or medical histories of our hero. Let's talk a little about something else.

As we said above, Nikolai Voronov is the owner of a sound vector, which already makes him a bit of a “crank” in the eyes of all other people.
Sound people from birth are black sheep in society, because... wired differently and concerned about different things. While all the other children are making noise, squealing, pushing, rolling around in a tightly linked human ball, the child with the sound vector tries to stay away. Human noise hurts his sensitive ears. And all this leapfrog with his peers doesn’t really interest him.

He hasn’t even managed to get out of diapers yet, and already the question is: "Who am I?" appeared in his head. The sound artist spends his entire life searching for the meaning of human life; his world, unlike the world of the majority, is split in two: the real world and the metaphysical world. And guess which world is more real for him? Not the same for all of us - that's true.

Thus, you now understand why a person with a sound vector may seem like an “eccentric” to everyone around him. Because he thinks in completely different categories.

But this distance that separates the sound artist from everyone else can smooth out over time. If such a child does not sit at home, but ranks among his peers, develops the properties of not only the upper, but also his lower vectors (the development of lower vectors just happens “in the pack”), sooner or later he finds his place in this society, finds a use for himself , learns to communicate with other people, and other people begin to understand him better. In other words, a person with a sound vector, who is not forcibly torn away from society, ceases to be a black sheep, but can become a developed personality who also brings into this world new ideas useful for humanity. Lower vectors in good condition provide a good basis for the development of upper vectors.

However, if a child with a sound vector is not allowed to rank among his peers, is not allowed to develop the properties of his lower vectors, the development of which occurs in a very important period - during puberty, and in addition the sound is traumatized - then the sound teacher remains a “black sheep” and "weird".

Contemporary composer Nikolay Voronov was born in 1991 in Moscow and since the age of five has been studying piano at the Moscow Gnessin Secondary Special Music School with a talented teacher, Honored Worker of Culture Tatyana Abramovna Zelikman.

N. Voronov wrote his first composition (“Classical” etude for piano) at the age of 8 years. Later he began to try his hand at the pop genre, creating about 70 different compositions accompanied by a synthesizer. In 2003, Nikolai returned to classical music again. In just two years, N. Voronov writes more than a dozen pieces for piano, several works for various chamber ensembles and three works for symphony orchestra.

In the last few years, Nikolai has been studying composition under the guidance of A.A. Prishchepa, participating in numerous competitions and creative evenings. N. Voronov is the winner of the 1st prize at the competition “Piano Miniature in Russian Music” named after. A. G. Rubinstein (St. Petersburg, 2005) and laureate of 1st prize in the chamber music competition of the “Return” festival (Moscow, 2007). He studies at the conservatory and performs at concerts.

It was a sinful thing that I wanted to post “Dragonfly of Love” and some excerpt from the epic program “Let’s Get Married” with the participation of Nikolai. But I was smart enough to go to social media. network and get a quick look at his work. I'm sharing.

Song “Struzh” (text, there is a song, I advise you to listen)

A happy dream pierced me!

Far above the empty dew, a horse screamed.
I wanted to scream too!
I went outside and started screaming.
No one heard me, although everyone saw me.
I kept screaming.
And suddenly a thought struck me...
They don't want to understand us.
They want to understand themselves, but we think that they understand us.
They do not feel sorry for others, but for themselves.
They do not praise others, but themselves.
They don't love others, they love themselves.
If you don't love anyone, it means you don't love yourself.
If you know everything about yourself, it means you know everything about others!
If you think that this doesn’t happen (that you can know everything), then you yourself don’t know.
A terrible secret was revealed to me.
And, you know, after that you don’t want to think.
I want to swim in the fog, not understanding anything,
I want to scream!

Song “Fate” (text, there is a song, I advise you to listen)

May nights, foggy nights

You will pass by as a shadow, they won’t see you,
You'll tell me what you saw and then forget it,
And only the lake will remember, drying up in the sun.

Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me - what else?

Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me - what else?
Dissolving in the barely audible breath of the streets,
In which my trace will dissolve.

Along the green grass, diagonally across fate,
You walk diagonally, but in reality you walk straight,
The tops are following you, but in reality -
It is you who follows everyone, smiling at the sun!

Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me - what else?
Dissolving in the barely audible breath of the streets,
In which my trace will dissolve.
Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me - what else?
Dissolving in the barely audible breath of the streets,
In which my trace will dissolve.

In progress operas "Janis" and "USSR"

Symphonic poem "Trees" took just a few hours to complete - started and finished on August 30, 2012.
Plot: musicians on stage. They play different music and improvise. After some time, a man suddenly appears on the stage out of nowhere. He tries to ask the musicians for directions, but gets no answer. The musicians continue to go about their business as if nothing had happened. The man tries to explain that he is late, that he needs to meet a girl, that she will not understand him if he does not meet her. The musicians don't react. He looks for a door that, according to him, leads to the street, finds it, breaks it open and gets to the meeting place, but the girl is not there. He's confused. He asks the musicians if they have seen this girl, but no one answers him. Then he approaches one of the musicians, asks who he is, and, having received no answer, begins to tell him about himself, about how he met a man who told him that “love will save our world,” but he does not trust this words, because they are said too vividly. He is looking for how to achieve popularity, fame, thinks about this, says that this person he met is very kind, sincere, loves people, nature, women, but such people are not needed now. He says that now is the time to achieve this popularity, and he has everything to achieve recognition. Only he has a problem - no one hears him.
He asks: “Where is my home?” - and, having received no answer, leaves the stage. The orchestra continues to improvise.

but in general, as it turned out, he has a lot of pleasant and harmonious music. You'll have to download and listen.

And finally, I quote Nikolai Voronov’s post on the topic of the day (I highlighted in italics what I agree with):

“How I would like the murders and terror in Ukraine and in general to simply stop once and for all. Someone provokes such actions - but you don’t have to respond to provocations! I can compare it to a game - someone sits down at the table with you play, but you don’t have to sit at this table with him!!! Sitting down means accepting the rules of the game - the rules of murder, terrorism. You yourself become a killer! the fact that people have turned into animals is complete nonsense, I don’t even know how you can talk like that with any person, even a murderer, you can always come to an agreement, we just don’t always know how. But you can’t blame the United States for provocations, don’t. blame us, Russians, Ukrainians for the problem - we will NOBODY know who is really to blame, because so much has already happened that no history will clear it up. Now I personally expect only one thing - that everyone who has a weapon will throw it away once and for all and, finally, understand the value of human life - first of all, their own. How I want everything to settle down!!!"

Well what can I say. GENIUS! Let's wish him to find a good positive muse-guardian of the hearth and create a sea of ​​gorgeous works!

Again, who saw it live? Tell us.