Which profession is better to go for? Which university is better for girls to enroll in? List of prestigious and in-demand professions

Specialties that are most popular among applicants. 12 specialties that will be in demand in five to seven years.

Servant of the Law

As you know, ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility. The legal illiteracy of ordinary people has provided lawyers with income for more than one century. The exorbitant fees of lawyers haunt young minds. Almost everyone wants to be a lawyer. Meanwhile, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens is not an easy matter. “A thorough knowledge of the law, an analytical mind, perseverance, attention to detail, responsibility - this is not a complete list of requirements for this specialist,” explains Evgeniy Lapenkov, legal consultant of the Kapital Investment Group CJSC. - It is no secret that no more than half of all law graduates work in their specialty. The rest, despite receiving a diploma, do not take root in the profession. After all, among other things, a lawyer must be able to artistically “juggle” words, master the art of persuasion, have business charm and, most importantly, the ability to inspire confidence.”

To enroll in the Faculty of Law, you must pass exams in Russian language and literature, as well as successfully pass an interview on the fundamentals of law. Tuition in a paid department will cost 50–150 thousand rubles. in year. The price depends on the status of the institution and the chosen specialization. Doors are open for graduates everywhere: in government agencies, tax services, customs, and other government and commercial structures. Salary from 25 thousand rubles. per month.

Pavel Krasheninnikov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation:

The specialty "law" is considered one of the most prestigious in the world. The work of lawyers, as a rule, is well paid and is used in all areas of the economy, science, education, and culture. Good specialists in this field are needed everywhere, but, unfortunately, I must note that in our country in recent years there has been a clear devaluation in the training of this category of personnel. A huge number of people have appeared with diplomas from law universities and faculties, although in fact, in my opinion, there have been fewer qualified specialists. In Moscow alone, hundreds of universities graduate representatives of this profile, whereas in Soviet times there were only five or six of them in the capital. Believe me, I don’t really like the Soviet period of our history, but we need to face the truth. At that time, the best teaching and scientific forces were concentrated in educational legal centers. And if at that time there were not enough graduates from these universities to cover the personnel needs of various industries and enterprises, now there is a clear overproduction. But this is not the only problem. The quality of student training in the field of jurisprudence has dropped sharply. In my opinion, the current procedure for licensing and accreditation of universities today is quite formal. Some measures should be taken to tighten the requirements for the level of training and quality of training of young specialists. If the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is not able to fulfill its functions of strict licensing and accreditation of universities, these rights need to be given to the Ministry of Justice. I hope it will put things in order.

Of course, in order to improve the situation, we will have to take some additional measures and raise the salary level of the teaching staff. Maybe establish qualification criteria for teachers in order to attract the most experienced people to this work. I often give lectures at law schools and see the deplorable state of some of them. If you look at the students' notes, you get the impression that the teachers themselves only read the textbooks and compose lectures based on them.

Of course, in preparing a good specialist, much depends on the educational institution and teachers. But no less important are the will, the desire to study and master the profession of the youngest person. Opportunities for successful study are now almost ideal. It's not a problem to buy any book. It's easy to find anything on the Internet. And if you know foreign languages, you can become a top-class specialist. Therefore, I will take the trouble to advise the children to be active, not to expect favors from nature and external circumstances. You need to dig deep and work hard. It is necessary to wisely combine study and recreation, and some entertainment should be sacrificed so that the passion for leisure does not become an obstacle to mastering a profession. Remember: a lot depends on you too.

Manager wisely

The need for qualified managers, top managers and executives who are able to quickly and adequately respond to all market changes and conduct business competently is growing every day. The need for special knowledge is also recognized by many careerists who dream of standing out from their competitors. Learning and teaching others "management" is becoming the trend of the times. Therefore, a management faculty has appeared in almost all universities. Educational institutions introduce future managers to personnel technologies and teach them how to effectively organize financial services of enterprises and institutions of various forms of ownership. Particular attention is paid to economic and legal disciplines, management psychology. In the learning process, modern business education technologies are widely used: business games, online conferences using personal computers, etc. Applicants take entrance exams in mathematics, foreign languages, social studies and the Russian language. Assignments and tests in social studies include questions on economics, which is explained by the profile of the faculty. Those who did not pass the competition for places provided with state funding have the opportunity to study on the basis of a contract with tuition fees ranging from 90 to 250 thousand rubles. in year. The doors of large Russian and foreign companies are open to graduates. Salary from 20 thousand rubles. per month.

Alexander Livshits, Deputy General Director of RusAl:

I think that without management specialists there is no business in principle. All over the world. Russia is no exception. Our economy has come a long way in 15 years. We had to adapt on the fly to a system of market relations and at the same time integrate into the world economy. Despite many difficulties and shortcomings in the social and economic fields, Russia has achieved colossal results in this work. And modern managers ensured such a leap. Almost all top managers at RusAl are young people. In any case, they are all much younger than me. The older generation probably has little idea that, on average, 35-year-old professionals today handle billions of dollars. And not only in our company, but in big business in general. Russian entrepreneurship is actively entering the international arena and is transnationalizing in terms of sales. Oil and gas workers and metallurgists sell their products all over the world.

And who does it? Who earns money not only for themselves, but also for the state as a whole? Modern managers and businessmen. But until recently, we practically did not have our own traditions and established base in the field of education, training of managers and entrepreneurs of the highest class. In the 1990s, many of the now successful people could not get a great education anywhere except abroad. Today the situation has changed for the better. Russian universities have emerged that provide good knowledge and professional skills to young people. Personally, I am a supporter of developing this area in Russia, which is rich not only in natural resources, but also in talented people. However, apparently, the process of formation and development of Russian business education is still in its initial phase. We lack our own high-quality managers; we have to hire foreigners, especially at the top management level. RusAl board meetings are held half in Russian and half in English. We need talented, successful young managers. We accept the smartest. As a rule, graduates of Russian universities. We don’t take “thieves” - it’s too dangerous. Our young specialists usually start as middle managers. And then everything depends on the person himself. Everyone has conditions for career growth. We will definitely notice those who work well and try to be ahead of others. And we will provide the best with worthy professional and career advancement.

Financial Ace

The profession of financial director (manager) has now become key and vital for every organization and the country’s economy as a whole. This is evidenced, in particular, by the fact that the overall level of remuneration for financial workers is 15–35% higher than average, and the gap increases with career growth. In the hope of getting a bread-and-butter profession, applicants are storming financial universities. The competition reaches 15 people per place. Applicants usually pass from three to five exams, including mathematics, Russian and English languages, geography (at international departments), and also undergo testing and interviews. If you fail in competitive tests, then education will require considerable expenses - from 40 to 180 thousand rubles. in year. But, as they say, the end justifies the means. Holders of a diploma in the specialty “Finance and Credit” gain skills in managing the capital of an enterprise, and in the future they are able to effectively formulate financial and investment policies. As part of the training, students master credit operations, securities transactions, foreign exchange transactions, international payments, accounting, reporting and taxation. They also study the analysis and planning of the enterprise’s production program, learn to coordinate their actions with other departments and services, and evaluate any strategic, tactical and operational decisions from the point of view of their impact on the final results of business activities. Modern information technologies are widely used in the educational process: popular application packages for investment and financial analysis, multimedia tools and the global Internet.

Young professionals have every chance of finding a prestigious and highly paid job. “Financial institutions willingly accept initiative and result-oriented guys who want to earn money legally,” says banker Leonid Krasner. “The key to success is the constant improvement of knowledge and skills.”

Sergey Suverov, vice president of corporate shares trading department at CITIGROUP corporation:

Nowadays, even primary schoolchildren know that mainly young people who want to become bank employees study in the specialty “finance and credit” in economics and humanities universities. There are quite a lot of people who want to get into this series. In times of market transformations, the work of a bank employee has become prestigious, well-paid and, I might add, an exciting job. What is inherent in it? The credit sector is a type of professional activity of specialists, usually in the banking industry, who are engaged in searching for interesting projects and enterprises that they could finance with debt. Everything seems to be quite simple. In fact, this is not only complex, but also very responsible multilateral work. It includes many components, including the ability and need to conduct broad analytical activities, in particular in the field of credit risks. This is the ability to analyze and predict how solvent and conscientious the borrower is when repaying the loan issued to him. This is the settlement area, that is, the organization of bank settlements with companies and clients. This is accounting work related to financial settlements within an enterprise. This is an audit work, which consists of conducting an analysis of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise and assessing its solvency. And much more.

Regarding Citibank, I can say that we use traditional forms of banking services related to the issuance of loans to legal entities and loans to the population. I mean credit cards and all the work involved in servicing them. In addition, our young specialists are actively involved in work in the investment banking sector and financial markets.

I am often asked whether it is possible to make a quick career in a bank. I think such a possibility objectively exists. Very capable young people sometimes only need five to seven years to successfully climb the career ladder from an ordinary employee to a middle and even senior manager. Just don’t think that this happens automatically or that it’s very easy. For a good career you need to have and demonstrate great knowledge. Great ability to work, ability to work hard. Organizational skills. Computer knowledge. Business responsiveness, the ability to quickly respond to a rapidly changing environment. And of course, certain personal qualities that are conducive to this particular professional activity.

Difficult accountant

The times when the chief accountant was perceived as an ordinary accountant are long gone. Today this is a manager with legal and financial knowledge, an auditor and a competent leader in one person. Every day he fully expects a new catch from changing legislation and makes sure that the company does not lose money. In order to avoid penalties and penalties, an accountant must navigate the legal field, keep abreast of industry events, and have a good understanding of financial issues. Our country attaches exceptional importance to the professional training of accountants. Today there are many people who want to study in the specialty “accounting, analysis and audit”, the competition is stable - five to seven people per place. Applicants take exams in mathematics, Russian and foreign languages. Anyone who does not pass the exams very successfully gets the opportunity to continue their education for 45 thousand rubles. and higher per year.

During the training process, students comprehend accounting theory, statistics, economic analysis, automated information processing for accounting and auditing, management and financial accounting, audit and control, pricing, as well as the basics of management and jurisprudence. Usually there are no problems with employment. In the fifth year, the guys go to practice and look for future jobs there. How successful a career will be depends entirely on the person. According to the chief accountant of Intermedservice, Ekaterina Tsybina, people come into this profession in different ways, but only those who truly understand and even love what they do remain. Salary from 20 thousand rubles. per month.

Alexey Zabelin, rector of the Moscow Financial and Legal Academy:

It was interesting to learn that the professional preferences of our youth and Western ones are becoming closer. The specialty "accounting, analysis and audit" is included in the list of the most popular in Russia. According to experts, the accounting profession also appears in the ranking of the best professions in the United States. I don’t know what parameters were used to compile our attractiveness rating, but the American top list, according to press reviews, was based on an analysis of the level of salary achieved, the stress received in the workplace and the nature of traveling work (that is, they took into account how many trips a person has to make in work time). It turned out that Americans - representatives of the field of accounting and finance receive up to 110 thousand dollars a year. This is even slightly higher than that of entrepreneurs.

The earnings of Russian accountants and auditors are, of course, more modest. Although in large companies and banks they reach several thousand, or even tens of thousands of dollars per month. However, no one pays for nothing. The chief accountant of any company, enterprise or organization is the right hand of the manager and is equally responsible for the state of financial and economic activities and the correct payment of taxes. This work is very responsible, and not only in a figurative sense, but also from the point of view of administrative and criminal law.

Many young people have a misconception about accounting work as something boring and monotonous. This is wrong. Yes, this is basically a sedentary profession, but only an intelligent person can do it. It's all about attitude to work. You need to be able to see people and specific business behind the numbers and reporting forms. Here, if you wish, you can find so many elements of creativity, creativity, invention in solving problems and issues of financial and production activities that the nature of this work will be the envy of another creative person. A capable accountant, analytical consultant, or auditor will be able to give very important, useful business advice and recommendations to both a venerable entrepreneur and a high-ranking manager in order to improve shaky affairs or make the business even more successful. Thus, on the one hand, it is necessary to create new types of professions specific to theoretical political scientists. On the other hand, it is necessary to find out the real place of a graduate of the specialty "political science" in applied political science and practical politics. A political scientist cannot make a forecast of an economic crisis while being a political forecaster, although this crisis is largely connected with politics. This also applies to, say, health care reforms. Political science cannot study all politics.

26.03.2018 16:35:25, https://club.site/decoledgo/

The article completely and completely collected the most “prestigious” specialties according to the version of 1996-2000. Who will work in factories, who will promote science? Top managers? I wanted, I want and I will enroll in nuclear physics.

10/18/2007 13:05:08, KLaiM

Maybe in 10 years managers, lawyers and economists will be in demand (although it is very doubtful). and now they are all standing at the market selling hams or sitting in some office (sorry in the office) from morning to night earning experience for pennies. They are mainly looking for milling machine operators, welders, confectioners, and crane operators. My friends and I encourage our children to get a normal job, which is always a piece of bread. Otherwise, at one time we also studied and worked, but after maternity leave no one needed us. and those who barely finished 8th grade work quietly at a factory with a full social package. Competition is very high in the labor market. Even if you are a specialist with a diploma and experience, but there are 50 other applicants vying for this position, the chance that you will be chosen is minimal.

1. Such ratings are completely puzzling. Are these professions the aspirations of applicants or a pressing need of society? If the first, then the word “promising” in the title is superfluous, if the second, then it’s time to grab your head.

01/24/2007 11:09:46, de_

What nonsense... It’s as if the whole country is living in a “buy and sell” mode. What about engineers and programmers?

It's a very stressful time for high school graduates. Making a life from whom? Who should I go to study? Where to go? Who to be? How to choose? There are a lot of guys who simply don’t know what they want. Parents know... They often explain: “you will go to study where you can.” Or: “You will study where our money is enough.” In most educational institutions, serious work is conducted in graduate classes. They invite university teachers and graduates, issue “newsletters,” hold interesting specialized classes, conversations... And in the souls of the children, the children have an anxious, nagging feeling: how not to make a mistake. The difficult thing is choice. If nothing is interesting, then everything is simple - it doesn’t matter where you serve 5 years, then life will show that you don’t have to work in your specialty. And it didn’t happen for 5 years. What if it’s interesting, but not prestigious, or not monetary?

So who should you go to study? Maybe first try to look at yourself from the outside

Sides? Do I know how to communicate with peers and with older comrades? Is it sociable or is it more interesting to think in silence alone about high things? Is my mind rational or do I primarily live with emotions and feelings? And then the first choice for yourself is a lyricist or a physicist? Then the second step: where can I acquire knowledge - in my city, in a neighboring city, in the capital? Third step: read in the press - what are they like these days?

After all, the future well-being of him and his loved ones, the possibility of further career growth and much more depend on the degree to which a specialist is in demand. Unfortunately, practical considerations, or fashion, or romantic ideas often become decisive. In the 60s of the 20th century they dreamed of conquering space, in the 90s they dreamed of becoming a lawyer and accountant. It was believed that they were the “breadiest”. But now there is an overabundance of them. Technologies and production levels are changing before the eyes of today's graduates.

So who should I go to study after 11th grade? Obviously, preference will be given to professionals in the field of information and nanotechnologies, managers of innovative enterprises and business sectors. Not everyone is capable of becoming an engineer. But everyone intuitively understands that without basic knowledge in the field of law and economics, it is quite difficult to become a sought-after specialist in any field. Therefore, when deciding for yourself the question “who is better to go to study for?”, the future applicant must understand that budget places for these specialties are very limited, which means high competition, and commercial places are waiting for them only if the family is ready to take on financial obligations for training .

According to forecasts, engineering specialties will become leaders in the next decade. The real sector of the economy requires technologists, operators and marketers. This is all the more relevant, because highly qualified personnel of the Soviet period either retired or left the profession, engineering and technical youth of the 90s and 2000s sought to leave their homeland or retrained, as they say, “to become house managers.”

But there is an even more urgent need for highly qualified personnel in the field of education and healthcare: prestigious, interesting, fashionable, but... without money. What a dilemma!

Finally, it is generally not important to have prestigious “crusts” for self-respecting graduates if they know that they have a head on their shoulders and hands, as they say, “golden”.

It has been a long time since there has been such an acute demand for qualified workers in Russia. Turners, milling operators, equipment adjusters, system administrators, logisticians... Young people capable of servicing “complex” equipment are so in demand that companies are willing to train and pay higher salaries at their own expense. Of particular interest to employers are software engineers, web designers and IT security professionals.

The specializations “Nanomaterials” and “Nanotechnologies in Electronics” are also very attractive in Russia. In the future, it is likely that the range of specializations in this area will be wider.

However, how to promote products on the market, how to increase sales, how to take a place in the sun of your company in conditions of fierce competition - this is where serious psychologists and other specialists in optimizing the management of material and information flows are needed.

Who should I go to study? Listen to yourself, take a closer look at the world around you, don’t be led by your momentary mood, don’t reject any advice, but decide everything yourself.

Every year young people decide one of the most important questions in life: who is better to study? The most obvious answer: where you want, where you are drawn, where you have the ability. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to find a decent, well-paid job you like. Therefore, you often have to choose: either a specialty you like and the position of an unemployed person, or “step on the throat of your own song” and go where they pay.

How to choose where to go

If you have a choice about where to enroll after 9th grade, it makes sense to focus on local schools and colleges. These educational institutions, as a rule, are in close contact with operating enterprises, and there will be some certainty of work immediately after admission.

It is more difficult to choose where to go to get a higher education. Diplomas from Moscow State University are highly valued in our country; its graduates are hired very willingly. You can read about the professions offered by this university in the article.

But MSU today is no longer the best university. TOP 10 best universities in Russia:

  1. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).
  2. Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (MGIMO).
  3. Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCHI).
  4. State University - Higher School of Economics (HSE).
  5. Financial University under the Government of Russia.
  6. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU).
  7. All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade.
  8. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin.
  9. Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU).
  10. Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI).

All the best universities are, naturally, located in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but today, thanks to the Unified State Exam, admission there has become much easier for provincial graduates.

If you don’t want to travel far, you can choose local universities. In almost any region you can get any desired profession, and for local employers this diploma will be quite enough. You can read more about faculties and professions in the article.

Who to apply for so as not to make a mistake

But it’s not enough to know who you can study for; you also need to be sure that the profession you receive will be in demand and well paid. To do this, it makes sense to turn to the data of recruitment agencies: they are the ones who have the most complete information about opening vacancies and salary levels.

Where to apply: TOP 10 professions

  1. Skilled workers are especially needed now, when Russia is trying to revive its industry. The average salary in Moscow is about 50,000 rubles.
  2. Doctors are needed always and everywhere. A person with a medical education will definitely not be unemployed. But the earnings of doctors have always been not brilliant. Only dentists and cosmetologists can boast of their income.
  3. If workers are needed, good engineers, both in production and in construction, are naturally required. The average salary is about 70,000 rubles.
  4. Programmers. Nowadays there is nowhere without digital technologies, and there are few good specialists. Average earnings are 90,000 rubles.
  5. Top managers: directors, development and sales managers. Their average income is 220,000 rubles.
  6. Internet, communications, communications - these specialists receive up to 110,000 rubles.
  7. Sales, commerce. Here you can earn 50,000-60,000 rubles even without education, if you have the ability. If only he was well-spoken and a pleasant and sociable person.
  8. Agriculture. Agronomists, livestock specialists, veterinarians, and just farmers today can earn very good money.
  9. Banking sector, accounting, insurance. The salary depends on the company where the specialist works.
  10. Personnel selection, recruiters. A good recruiter can earn up to 50,000 monthly in commissions alone.

Salaries are given in Moscow. On the periphery, naturally, they receive less. Additionally, the list may vary from place to place. If in your city, for example, there is only one recruitment agency, then recruiters are unlikely to be in demand.

You should not choose a profession based solely on salary. Firstly, any good specialist will be able to earn money, you just need to become that good specialist. Secondly, during your studies, trends may change, but changing your unloved profession will not be easy. Thirdly, at first, immediately after graduation, everyone’s salary is small, and young specialists need to be prepared for this. No one will offer yesterday's student a top manager position, but with due diligence, career growth is ensured in almost any field.

The last bell has rung, all exams have been passed, and every eleventh grade graduate is thinking about it after school. Perhaps this is the most important choice in a person’s life, because it determines his future destiny. Finding a profession you like is not an easy task.

D In order not to regret the wrong in the future step taken, it is now necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, thoroughly study everything that universities offer and compare your desires with the possibilities.

Which institute you end up enrolling in depends entirely on you. Please note that the more serious the establishment, the higher the points for crossing the threshold. When choosing a profession, it is important to take into account the amount of money for study that you can afford, the number of points you received on the Unified State Exam, as well as your preparedness for entrance exams and competitions that are established in many educational institutions.

Getting admission anywhere in Moscow is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. The minimum number of points scored should not be lower than one hundred and seventy, but the maximum number is four hundred.

Of course, the more prestigious and popular the university you have chosen, the easier it is to find a job after graduation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you start studying the structure of entrance exams and preparing for competitions as early as possible, because your future life depends on it.

The most popular universities in Moscow

So, the list of the most famous and prestigious universities in Moscow is as follows:

Of course, the above list of institutes where you can go to study both part-time and full-time is not complete, because our capital is full of first-class educational institutions. It’s quite difficult to enroll in all of them, but it’s worth it, because by doing so you not only strengthen your position and can hope to get a good and, importantly, desired specialty, but the program itself, subjects and highly qualified teachers will make your student life unforgettable and interesting.

Medical Universities

Doctor - definitely, a very important and useful profession for society. More and more people every year decide to become specialists in the field of medicine, guided by very different principles and desires: some want to help people, some are interested in studying human nature, some want to achieve financial well-being.

However, no matter what your goal is, it is worth considering that competition in the medical field is incredibly tough, and in order to get the best job possible, it is advisable to have a diploma stating that you are a graduate of a fairly prestigious educational institution . List of the most popular and best-in-class institutes in Moscow, preparing future surgeons, dentists and other specialists, is as follows:

Where to go to study after 11th grade if you want to acquire a creative profession?

Creative professions are still in demand and important, as are work in the fields of medicine, education and economics. Moscow is on par with St. Petersburg is full of a variety of educational institutions from which you can become an excellent designer, animator, artist, fashion designer or architect.

Each of us understands that the education we receive is in some way the foundation of our lives. Choosing a future profession is an important and responsible step that must be approached with the utmost seriousness. And, of course, our parents always want to take part in this process. The first thing you need to do when taking such a step is to remove relatives from this. Although they want the best for their children, this decision should be made on an individual basis and without outside pressure.

Carefully study all areas and faculties of the institute, where you would like to go to study after 11th grade. Their complete list is presented on the official websites of the educational institution. You can learn about student life on special forums.

The list of professions after 11th grade is huge, and some of them look very tempting and promise to be in demand in the future. But always balance your abilities with your desires. If you want to become a doctor, however, your Unified State Exam scores in biology are just slightly above the threshold, then this means that you simply do not need to enroll in medical universities. Always listen to your inner voice and know that it is not you who should adapt to your career, but, on the contrary, the rhythm of life should remain familiar and comfortable, and work should bring pleasure.

Choosing a profession is a responsible step. It’s good to listen to advice and recommendations, but you shouldn’t rely on them. There is a huge list of professions after 11th grade. Who should I go to study? This is precisely the question that faces young men and women after graduating from high school. Parents often make choices for their children, and this is wrong. If the profession goes against the dreams and desires of the child, then he is unlikely to benefit society in the future, working “under pressure”, and he will have to completely forget about high earnings. This article is to help graduates on how not to make mistakes and choose the right profession.

How to choose a future profession and not make a mistake

A bad choice of profession is getting a higher education just for the sake of a diploma. Employers are interested in real knowledge and skills, and if a specialty is chosen at random and does not bring satisfaction, it means that good work results will not be obtained, and, accordingly, a quick career will be put an end to.

Quick success can only be achieved in your favorite field. You need to choose a profession based on your own interests and desires. Determine the area of ​​knowledge that you like most. If you can’t choose a type of activity on your own, you need to try taking different tests or seek advice from a psychologist.

It is important to consider whether the chosen profession is in demand. There are many specialties in all fields of activity. And if one profession is not suitable, you can always find another, no less interesting. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account where you will study - in your own city or you will have to leave. In this case, it is important to decide in advance on the material side and place of residence.

When choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of study, its duration, demand for this specialty and the level of future salary. However, these are all minor factors. Initially, you need to focus on your own preferences. If algebra and geometry have always been bad at school, then you shouldn’t go to physics and mathematics - the studies will be too difficult and the hard-earned profession you will receive may even cause rejection.

List of professions after 11th grade for boys

In modern times, there are a number of interesting and in-demand professions. You can choose less popular ones, but also more difficult ones. For example, not everyone who wants to go into medicine will be interested in the field of virology. Or take the field of astronautics. It would seem that this is an ideal choice for the younger generation. However, not everyone will be able to fit the physical parameters, and then they will have to work in less interesting positions.

So, we present a list of the most popular and in-demand professions for young men:

  1. Marketers are gaining more and more popularity. Their services are needed not only in large enterprises, but also in small firms. Marketers are people with higher economic education who use advertising to promote goods and services. This profession requires creativity, strategic thinking and quick response to any changes in the business. This job is more suitable for young people as they are more confident in their decisions than girls. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that marketers sometimes have to work overtime or in emergency mode. Currently, such a relatively new specialty as Internet marketer is also developing. Nowadays, many educational institutions offer educational programs for training specialists in the field of Internet marketing. For example, Synergy University.
  2. An architectural engineer must not only have an excellent knowledge of geometry, but also other exact sciences. The profession is highly paid and prestigious, in demand in all countries. It is not difficult for architects with higher education to find work even immediately after graduating from university.
  3. Lawyers are also very popular. Jurisprudence is a fairly broad field, so any graduate can choose the most suitable direction in this field. The legal profession requires from its owner not only deep knowledge, but also activity and attentiveness. Lawyers must know thousands of laws and be able to operate with them. There is a great demand for competent lawyers both in government agencies and in commercial organizations. Over time, you can open your own legal services company.
  4. IT specialist is a relatively new specialty, but rapidly developing and very in demand. The work will be of interest to anyone interested in computer technology. The demand for IT specialists has not decreased over the years, and this profession is quite highly paid.
  5. Credit expert is a popular profession today. A representative of this specialty must have a higher economic education. Since banks are now offering an increasing number of services under credit programs, a lot of specialists are required. The main task of a credit expert is to assess the risks of issuing loans, correctly completing transactions, etc. A person who decides to choose this profession must have responsibility, organization and be able to make independent decisions. This specialty is highly paid, but also very responsible.
  6. Any large company needs a financial analyst. Analysts are required in banking and financial sectors, educational, political and public organizations. The profession is highly paid and even a small organization will not refuse a competent specialist.
  7. The profession of a web designer is related to Internet technologies. The demand for specialists is increasing all the time. New approaches and the ability to work with modern graphic resources and styles are required. The profession requires not only knowledge of computer technology, but also creative and innovative ideas.
  8. An Internet website promotion specialist (SEO specialist) is a very interesting and highly paid profession. An SEO specialist can work both in a company and as a freelancer, i.e. remotely. The salary level depends on the professionalism of the specialist and his employment.
  9. The profession of a programmer in our time is one of the most in demand and highly paid. But to become a good programmer and receive a high salary, you need to study long and hard. The main subjects required for admission are mathematics, physics or computer science and the Russian language.

You can find out which universities train programmers and IT specialists from the article “Who should I study to earn a lot?”

  1. There was and still is a shortage of qualified doctors. The most popular specialists are dentists, allergists, surgeons, gynecologists, cosmetologists and nutritionists. However, there is a shortage of doctors in all areas of medicine. In public clinics there is a shortage of pediatricians, endocrinologists, orthopedists, otolaryngologists and gastroenterologists, etc.
  2. The profession of a sales representative is also very popular. These are specialists who promote goods or services of organizations. Sales representatives must have the ability to persuade, be sociable and have a well-spoken speech. A sales representative has a lot in common with a marketer.

List of professions after 11th grade for girls

The list of professions for girls is not inferior in size. So where can a girl go to study after 11th grade?

Many of the areas listed above are available to both boys and girls. The same sales representatives, loan officers, doctors, etc. But there are other specialties that are preferable specifically for girls, and some of them are very attractive and in demand:

  1. Traditionally, only women are employed as librarians, although there are no gender restrictions.
  2. A cosmetologist is currently a very popular and prestigious profession. Although there are no gender restrictions, it is believed that the work is more suitable for women who always strive for beauty and understand a lot about it.
  3. Clerk is a job for those who like to “dig through papers” and work in the office.
  4. Interior designers most often become girls. It is women's intuition that helps to achieve great heights, although men also have imagination and a sense of beauty.
  5. Methodist is a little-known profession, but widespread. The work is considered predominantly female.
  6. Girls can choose pharmaceuticals for themselves. This is not a doctor, but also a medical worker.
  7. Speech therapist is a very popular specialty. You won’t find good speech therapists during the day. Since this job is mainly related to children, it is suitable for girls who love children.
  8. Nursing is a profession in demand. After graduation, you can get a job in a hospital, clinic, or help people at home.
  9. The profession of a philologist is considered purely female. Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on gender, young people do not seek to acquire this specialty.
  10. An HR manager is a good option for girls with ambitions. This type of work can quickly lead to career advancement.
  11. Sociologist is a common profession. However, it is only suitable for girls in the humanities.

Girls can successfully study to become lawyers, analysts, and doctors (especially pediatricians).

The most popular professions in Russia TOP-10

In recent years, some professions have remained in the TOP 10 in the labor market. Employers are constantly interested in highly specialized specialists. Therefore, graduates can view the list of professions and choose which one to study next.

  1. IT specialists are among the most in demand on the labor market. Many companies require information technology professionals. Programmers, system administrators and web designers are the most valued. The development of technology should also be taken into account; accordingly, the demand for IT specialists will continue to increase.
  2. Design engineer is another profession in demand. The passing score for technical specialties is usually low, so almost any graduate can enter a university. Design engineers are a very promising profession. She is on the same level as architects and designers.
  3. Teachers were needed at all times. Given that in recent years the demand for vocational education has increased significantly, new school curricula have changed and been modernized, more and more teachers are needed. In addition, the state strives to increase teachers’ salaries.
  4. The legal profession has been in demand at all times. However, to become a high-profile specialist, you need to take training seriously, since this is work for the future. It requires deep knowledge and high professionalism. A competent lawyer will find a place in almost any organization, and their salaries are quite high.
  5. There are many specialties in the medical field. There is such a shortage of specialists in some professions that their salaries exceed the salary of an ordinary therapist. For example, allergists, ophthalmologists, etc. The highest paid specialists are dentists. But we must take into account that we are talking about commercial dentistry.
  6. The marketing profession appeared relatively recently and is currently in great demand. The advertisement is engine of the trade. Marketers monitor the market, predict the services provided and create new winning trading schemes for employers. There are still not enough qualified specialists. Therefore, the profession will be in the TOP for decades to come.
  7. Recruitment specialist. Any organization is interested in ensuring that employees not only come to work, but also bring maximum benefit to the company. Therefore, the selection of qualified personnel is an important area. Good HR specialists are required in any company.
  8. Production workers. These are, of course, not ordinary movers. Workers with the highest qualifications include electricians, machinists, welders, etc. All these specialists are required in factories and enterprises. In recent years, organizations have increasingly lacked welders, electricians and mechanics. Accordingly, these specialists receive considerable salaries.
  9. Beauty industry workers are becoming increasingly in demand. This area includes hairdressers, makeup artists, stylists, cosmetologists and nutritionists, etc. It will not be difficult to get a job later, since there are now a lot of beauty salons and cosmetology centers open.
  10. In recent years, not only Russia, but also other countries have been concerned about natural anomalies and pollution. To improve the environmental situation in the world, qualified specialists - ecologists - are needed. The demand for environmentalists is growing every year.

According to experts, in the near future engineers, chemists, biologists and many others will also be in demand. In the process of scientific and technological progress and the development of nano- and bio-technologies, new professions are constantly appearing, but the old ones do not lose their relevance. The tourism and hotel business is developing, the service market is constantly growing and expanding, so more and more service professionals are required. The food industry is also developing - new factories and factories are appearing, which require many different specialists.

Rating of the highest paid professions in the country

In Russia, the ranking of the highest paid specialties differs from the world TOPs. For graduates who must decide on their future profession, the issue of salary is not the least important issue. The TOP 10 highest paid specialties include:

  1. Senior managers who are involved in the company's PR and promotion of its products or services, marketers. The salary is approximately at the level of income of a successful individual entrepreneur.
  2. Oil and gas workers receive high salaries. Drillers and engineers are especially valued. Moreover, there is currently an acute shortage of such personnel.
  3. IT specialists are required almost everywhere. Their earnings are quite high. IT specialists create and protect information databases, control access to files, data leakage, and much more. The uninterrupted operation of an enterprise largely depends on IT specialists.
  4. A business consultant not only informs his client in the financial sector, but also monitors transactions with individuals and legal entities. At the same time, trainings and seminars are conducted.
  5. Auditors not only carry out inspections, they give opinions on the work of organizations and enterprises, advise on accounting and all updates.
  6. A programmer creates, implements, adjusts and configures software. Professionals are worth their weight in gold, and accordingly their salaries are very high.
  7. The profession of chief accountant is very responsible. This is practically the right hand of the director, and the earnings of the chief accountants are corresponding.
  8. Good doctors are always in demand, but a dentist, as a rule, receives more for his work than other medical workers.
  9. Logisticians organize the transportation of products of an enterprise or organization. It is the responsibility of specialists to avoid stagnation of goods and establish sales markets. The logistics profession is paid very well.
  10. A chef can become as famous as an actor or pop star. There are no limits to growth in this profession. Each new career step can become another springboard. Accordingly, the earnings of chefs are growing all the time.

Directors of enterprises and organizations always have higher salaries. But without work experience it is very difficult to get a job in such a specialty. It is best to choose an initial specialty, and then gradually climb up the career ladder.
And I would like to end the article with words from the poem of the great Vladimir Mayakovsky - “Having turned the book over, wrap it around your mustache - all the works are good, choose according to your taste!”