How to draw meadow flowers in medium gr. "Blooming meadow in moonlight"

Master class on landscape drawing for junior schoolchildren “Blossoming Meadow”

Step-by-step instructions with photos for children aged 9 years and older, teachers and parents.

Orlova Marina Sergeevna, primary school teacher, MAOU Secondary School No. 64, Tomsk
Purpose: painting for the spring holiday, for an exhibition, for a drawing competition, a gift. The material will be useful for working with children in art classes or extracurricular activities. Master class for children from 9 to 12 years old, teachers, parents.
Target: development of creative abilities.
- teach how to create a meadow landscape;
- improve the ability to work with gouache;
- cultivate accuracy when working;
- learn to mix paints to obtain new colors and shades;
- develop the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing.
Materials: album sheet, gouache, brushes No. 8, 4, 2, 1, oilcloth, water jar, palette.

Blooming meadow

Blooming meadow, you are so beautiful!
In the light of the sun at dawn.
You will see once and in a moment that happiness
To be born again in you.
Will you appreciate its beauty:
Flower patterns on the ground.
You will understand all the plans of nature.
I saw this only in a dream.
And in one of the best,
Which only once a year.
But you're not sleeping, you understand
That you see a dream in reality.
You will remember him for a long time.
It's hard to forget.
Now you're a child again
Not knowing the word "life".
In a world where there is only anxiety,
Where is the kingdom of lies and vanity.
Where everyone has forgotten about God,
About happiness and your dreams.
Consider yourself born again
Seeing nature's beauty.
He fell to his knees and bowed,
Then he fell face down into the grass.
You have absorbed the spirit of nature,
He got up from the ground and walked.
Your soul is now free.
And you are free as an eagle.
Color: Gray
Stages of work:
1.Lay the landscape sheet horizontally. Divide it visually into 3 parts. Paint the edge of the horizon with gray paint.

2. At the bottom left is the point from where we will draw a bright solar glow. Using yellow paint very diluted with water, we draw stains from it, strictly from the point in different directions.

3. Along the edges of the sky add a little pink, also heavily diluted with water. We smear it so that the transitions are gentle and smooth.

4. Turn the sheet over. Add a little grayish-blue to the left edge of the sky and also make smooth transitions using water.

5.Paint the horizon line with grayish blue. Use green paint to paint the hills.

6.Color the hills in different shades of green.

7. Now it’s the turn of the meadow itself.

We will paint the greenery with these poke strokes.

Leave gaps for flowers. Like this.

Do not forget that the closer the depicted objects are larger, the further away the smaller. Use different shades of green.
8. In the distance of the meadow we will draw flowers with small dots of yellow gouache.

Like this.

9.Now let's draw blue flowers. We also draw them with dots.

They have an elongated shape, resembling a pyramid.

10.We need to draw yellow flowers. We draw those that are closer in the form of stars, and those that are farther away with simple dots.

11. Moving from top to bottom from the right edge of the meadow, we work with green and yellow until all the unpainted space is filled.

It should turn out like this.

12. All that remains is to draw the cores of the yellow flowers with brown dots, and decorate the edges of the small petals with white dots of the blue ones.

Now we can enjoy the flowering of meadow grasses at home.

Drawing lesson for primary schoolchildren. Drawing butterflies

Master class on drawing. “In a flower meadow. Butterfly"

Kokorina Elena Yurievna, fine arts teacher, Slavninsk secondary school, Tver region, Torzhok district.

Purpose: The drawing master class is intended for primary schoolchildren. The drawing can be used to decorate the interior or as a gift.

Target: development of children's creative abilities through artistic and visual activities.
Tasks: develop a sense of shape and color, interest in insects; evoke an emotional response in children to the content of poems about butterflies and flowers.

And today look...
What wondrous beauty is this?
The meadow is completely covered with flowers!
Miracles happen
The wizard has worked hard here!
But the wizard has nothing to do with it!
It's the butterflies that have flown
On a clear, sunny day
Sit down on the grass to relax! (S. Antonyuk)

Do you know flowers
unprecedented beauty:
can fold the petals
and instantly fly into the air.
What kind of flowers are flying?
What are they called? (answer: butterflies) (

Yes, today we will draw butterflies - the most beautiful and, probably, the most beloved of insects. They are so beautiful that they are called "flying flowers." Painted in bright colors, these creatures flit from flower to flower and feed on sweet nectar.
The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew away. (Butterfly)

For work we need album sheet, colored wax pencils, watercolors, small brush, glass for water.

The technique of work is the same as in the last lesson: first we will draw the base with wax pencils, and then we will decorate the drawing with watercolors “in the raw”; we will paint on small details with wax pencils after the paint has dried.

Let's start our work. Place the album sheet horizontally. At the top of the sheet, closer to the center, we will place our butterfly: draw a small circle, then add a “droplet” and another smaller one - this will be the head and body of the butterfly.

Let's add antennae and paws.

Draw the wings with a bright pencil: draw a straight line upward at the junction of the “droplets”. From it to the right and left we will draw wings. Their shape can be any. For me they will look like this.

Let's add another part of the upper wing - this will create the feeling of spread wings.

Let's add a pattern to the wings. He can be anything.

Let's start drawing flowers at the bottom of the sheet. First, draw the middle in the shape of an oval.

Now let's add the petals. Their shape can be any: round, oval...

You can add buds.

Let's add green leaves and our drawing is ready.

Let's start decorating. The center of my flowers will be blue. Let's take purple watercolor and ultramarine.

Let me remind you that in order to paint “wet” you must first moisten the area that we will paint. Then we consistently and carefully introduce watercolors of the desired color - the water itself will help the paint fill the space, and adding another shade will create a unique palette. The main thing is not to mix the paint with a brush.
This is what the core of the flower will look like.

The flower petals will be red (but you can choose any shades). We take scarlet, pink and dark red kraplak.

Let's start painting the first flower from the edge of the petals.

The second is from the middle.

And now our bud.

Now leaves and grass. Let's take viridon green watercolor and yellow-green.

First let's paint over the leaves.

Moisten the entire free area at the bottom of the sheet and fill it all with yellow-green watercolors.

At the very bottom we will add a darker shade of green.

At the top of the sheet we will draw the sky in sunny weather. To do this, take turquoise and lemon watercolors.

Let's start with turquoise and gradually add yellow.

Sun, sky and breeze...
A butterfly sat on a delicate flower.
The touch of the feet is light,
She spread her wings like petals.
Ooo! A miracle happened! Among the beauty
Like magic, flowers appeared!
...I wanted to see the beauty closer,
But the most beautiful flower flew away! (V. Gvozdev)

I propose to make our beautiful butterfly look like flowers. To do this, we will use all the shades of watercolor that have already been used in the drawing. And we will paint the body with black paint.

Here the drawing is ready.

Using a black pencil, draw the veins on the petals.

Activate technical skills in working with gouache, using non-traditional drawing techniques (by inflating a liquid drop of paint with a tube, while adjusting the force of exhalation). Draw a flower by using your fingers to draw the stem and leaves. Develop aesthetic taste.



Software tasks:

Activate technical skills in working with gouache, using unconventional drawing techniques.

Strengthen non-traditional techniques in children's visual activities

To form children's ideas about the beauty of the world around them.

Cultivate humane feelings and self-confidence.

Methods and techniques:




Fairy costume, chest, stones, box, gouache, cocktail straws

Preliminary work:

Using non-traditional techniques in drawing.

Conversation with children on moral topics.

Reading fiction.

Getting to know art.

Using didactic games “Magic Circle”, “Wonderful Transformations”, “How to Protect Beauty”.

Progress of the lesson

(Children enter the group to the music)


Here's a magic chest

There is a silver ball in it

Along the path of beauty

Let's hurry guys, we will.

This ball, as if in a fairy tale, will lead us along the path of beauty. And we will help him. Everyone who holds a ball in their hands will say that they saw something beautiful at home, at a party, in kindergarten or in another place.


You're our little ball, roll

Show me the magic

Give us beauty.

(Children stand in a circle, the end of the thread is in the teacher’s hands.)

Didactic game “Beauty around me.”

Voss: This glomerulus is not simple, it is magical and fabulous. The Fairy of Beauty gave it to us. She helps create miracles with paints and pencils. Maybe she will hear magical music and come. What should magical music be like?

Children: Melodious, beautiful, gentle, affectionate.

(Children listen to music).

(The Fairy of Beauty appears.)

Voss: And here comes the Fairy of Beauty. This means that you and I chose the right magical music and the fairies liked it.

Fairy: Hello! I am the Fairy of Beauty. I love everything beautiful. I have a gift for you - this magic box. All you have to do is make a wish and open the box.

Vos-l: May today, on this spring day, amazing flowers appear in our group that will delight us with their beauty.

(The box opens, alarming music sounds).

Voss: Look, there are no flowers, they have turned into cold gray stones.

Fairy: Oh, guys! This evil wizard decided to stop us. But I will help you return the flowers with the help of magic straws. Remember the magic words: “Beauty, come back soon, share kindness.”

(The fairy hands out “magic” straws to the children, says goodbye and leaves.

Children go to their work places).

Vos: Guys, what else can you add to your beautiful flowers?

Children: Stems and leaves.

Voss: Let's finish drawing them with our fingers.

(Flowers are displayed on an easel).

Vos: Look what a beautiful, blooming meadow it turned out to be

Finger gymnastics “Awakening Flowers”

The flower slept in a magical sleep

Was closed, but then

A petal appeared

And behind him is his friend,

The third one didn't sleep

And the fourth did not lag behind,

Here is the fifth petal

And the whole flower opened.

Voss: Guys, how can we leave these cold gray stones among such beauty? If you try, then any evil can be turned into a good deed. Let's draw beautiful flowers on the stones.

(Artistic activity of children.)

Voss: Guys, what, in your opinion, was the most amazing and beautiful thing on the path of beauty along which the magic ball led us? (children's answers)

Vos-l: Now I would like to make another wish and look into the box. Let's say the magic words all together:

"Beauty come back soon"

(There are candies in the box).

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 82 of a combined type, Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Compiled by: Orlova S.V. teacher 2014


learn to convey in a drawing the characteristic features of spring flowers: color, structure of the flower, stem, leaves, beautifully arrange the image on a sheet of paper, evaluate drawings by comparing them with nature; develop aesthetic perception; introduce the delivered sound into speech [R]; expand and enrich vocabulary; develop fine motor skills and articulation.


  • Educational
  • Educational

Methods and technologies: health-saving technologies; technology of project activities; research technology; gaming technology.

Materials and equipment:

  1. Flowers
  2. Light gray or light green paper the size of a landscape sheet
  3. Gouache
  4. Tassels
  5. Jars- "sippy cups"
  6. Pictures depicting the first flowers.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, productive, cognitive-research, musical and artistic.

Planned results: knows how to maintain a conversation, reason and give the necessary explanations; retains the required condition in memory when performing any action; actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers during games; interested in children's visual arts (drawing on the topic "Flowers in the Meadow" ) .

1. Introductory word from the teacher.

Let's go to a flowering meadow.

Summer. Morning. Haymaking.
The grass bends from the growth.
Stringed whitish fog
On the grass, like beads. Dew.

Valentina Chernyaeva.

2. Speech culture: sound [R] in words.

What colors have a sound in their name? [R]? (Chamomile, iris, adonis, mouse pea, wheatgrass, St. John's wort, red clover).

When you and I pronounce the sound correctly [R] where should the tongue be?

He (language) what is he doing? What helps him move?

Repeat after me first the syllables, then the words with the sound [R].

Ra-ra-ra - the game begins.
Ry-ry-ry - the kids have balls.
Ro-ro-ro - mom has a new bucket.
Ru-ru-ru - I’ll run through the yard.

Ar-ar-ar - our samovar began to boil.
Or-or-or - the baby ran into the yard.
Yr-yr-yr - the crow has cheese in its beak.
Ur-ur-ur – the lineman has a cord in his bag.

- Name the picture and answer the questions. Continue the series:

Tiger - tiger cub

Name the vegetables that you know.

What can you cook from vegetables?

3. Finger gymnastics. Exercise "Bell" .

With each finger of the right and left hand, we will simultaneously hit the thumb of the corresponding hand and recite the poem.

Bell, hurry up
Call my friends

4. Drawing.

Guys, do you know what summer is?

Summer means a lot of sunshine.

Yes, summer has enough sun for everyone. And now I ask you to go to the flower meadow.

Listen to poems about flowers and look at photographs of flowers.

Wears a dandelion yellow sundress.
When he grows up, he dresses up in a little white dress.
Light airy - obedient to the breeze.
Field carnation, small flower.

Among the white daisies it burns like a light.
It burns, does not go out under the sun's ray,
She doesn’t mind the rain, and she doesn’t care about the wind.
Forget-me-nots flashed on the thick grass.

It was as if blue dew had rained down from the sky.
My name is rose. Accept me.
I am very fragrant and delicate in color.
By color and name they gave me,

And they even called her the queen for her pomp.
I am a lily. I will be friends with you.
I am meek and modest, and very slender.
I like to bend down and look at the stream,

Let me spin around in a circle with you.
I always grow like a barely visible bush,
And the mignonette looks like a poor flower.
I just smell nice, poor weed.

For this, I get acquaintance and affection everywhere.
I am a daisy, I am a daisy
Like a white shirt.
In a meadow clearing

I dance my dance.
I just opened my blue eyes
And washed the leaves with fresh dew.

Describe the shape of cornflower petals, their number, location, shape and color of the center of the flower, and the structure of the stem.

Let's draw a bouquet of flowers.

5. Reflection.

Look at the drawings at the exhibition and choose the most expressive and neat works.

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 44 “Bell”, Serpukhov

directly educational activities

Subject: "Meadow Flowers"

(Preparatory group for school)


Natalya Vladimirovna

Topic: “Meadow flowers”

Software tasks: Continue teaching children to cut out rosette flowers from paper squares folded in the familiar “twice diagonally” way.

To enrich the applicative theme - cut out petals of different shapes, conveying the characteristic features of specific flowers (white daisies, blue cornflowers, red poppies or carnations).

Show children the possibility of creating a panoramic collective composition on a single basis from many elements (flowers).

Develop spatial thinking and imagination.

Cultivate an interest in co-creation, a desire to love and take care of flowers and wildlife.

Equipment: Colored paper, ready-made paper forms - colored squares of different sizes and colors, scissors, simple pencils, napkins, glue, oilcloths.

Preliminary work :

Looking at photographs, postcards with images of flowers, talking about spring and flowering plants.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from G. Lagzdyn’s poem “The Smell of Meadows”:

“The wind was rushing sideways,

I was touched by the smell of meadow!

The bell suddenly began to sing,

The poppy with the carnation turned red,

Clover waved his cap,

St. John's wort sighed lightly!

And the field daisies,

And meadow daisies,

The yellow buttercups nod,

Smiling, they hum..."

    What is this poem about?

    Do you like flowers?

Today we will try to cut out many beautiful flowers and make one big composition out of them.

The teacher shows the children an image of rosettes

(i.e. flowers with a circular corolla structure - chamomile, carnation, cornflower). Asks:

    What are the similarities and differences between these colors? (all these flowers look like a circle or a sun)

    How can you cut such flowers from paper? (cutting a rosette flower by folding a paper square twice diagonally)

First, children practice on rough sheets of paper, and then create flowers from colored paper.

Showing working methods:

The teacher shows the children different techniques for decorating the edges of rosette shapes to make different flowers, like real ones: chamomile and poppy have rounded petals, cornflower and carnation have complex petals - we cut out the teeth.

The teacher asks the children:

    What color are wildflowers: chamomile, cornflower, carnation?

He suggests cutting out many, many flowers so that you can make different compositions from them.


“Let’s plant a seed in the ground and it will sprout. He began to grow and a sunflower grew. He rejoices in the sun, sways from side to side. Suddenly a strong wind blew and the sunflower began to bend under its blows. The wind died down, the sunflower calmed down. »

Independent work of children:

Children cut out flowers by selecting paper squares of the appropriate color, trying to convey the shape of the petals. Children transfer all the cut out flowers to a free table or to the floor, examine them and, with the help of the teacher, create a beautiful composition “Our Meadow”.

The teacher asks the children: “How should you glue the flowers to make it look real?” The teacher clarifies the answers and clearly demonstrates the method: takes a flower, finds a place for it in the composition, turns it over on an oilcloth, applies glue from the reverse side only to the middle of the flower, presses the flower tightly with the middle to the background, carefully lifts the petals with your fingers or twists them onto a pencil to give splendor and volume.

Analysis of children's work and lesson outcome:

The children, together with the teacher, admire the resulting composition:

Find similar flowers

    find different flowers

    What flowers would you give your mom?

We love flowers very much. They delight us with their beauty, unique color and smell. Their pollen is collected by bees, and butterflies feed on their nectar. Therefore, they cannot be torn or trampled. And garden flowers need to be looked after, watered, and fed.

Used Books : I.A. Lykova

“Fine art activities in kindergarten” senior group. Publishing house "Karapuz-didactics" Moscow 2007, p. 198.