The most difficult riddles in the world. Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems) The most interesting riddles with a trick

Riddle 1
You are the pilot of an airplane flying from London to Berlin with two transfers in Paris. Question: what is the pilot's last name?

Your last name (at the beginning of the riddle “are you flying...”)

Riddle 2
You enter a dark room. The room has a gas stove, a kerosene lamp and a candle. You have a box with 1 match in your pocket. Question: what will you light first?

Riddle 3
A businessman bought a horse for $10, sold it for $20. Then he bought the same horse for $30, and sold it for $40. Question: what is the total profit of the businessman from these two transactions?

Riddle 4
There is a hare in the forest. Rain is coming. Question: under which tree will the hare hide?

Under the wet

Riddle 5
Who walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 3 in the evening?

Human. In infancy on all fours, then on two, then with a stick

Riddle 6
It was raining heavily. A bus was driving along the road. All the people on the bus were asleep, only the driver was awake. Question: What was the driver's name and what was the license plate number of the bus?

Because of the rain, the bus number cannot be seen, and the driver Tolya (only - Tolya)

Riddle 7
2 people go to meet each other. Both are exactly the same. Question: which of them will say hello first?

More polite

Riddle 8
The dwarf lives on the 38th floor. Every morning he gets into the elevator, gets to the 1st floor and goes to work.
In the evening, he enters the entrance, gets into the elevator, gets to the 24th floor, and then walks to his apartment.
Question: why does he do this?

Can't reach the right elevator button because he's a dwarf

Riddle 9
Dog-3, cat-3, donkey-2, fish-0. What does a cockerel equal? And why?

Cockerel-8 (kook-re-ku!), dog-3 (woof), cat-3 (meow), donkey-2 (ya), fish-0 (does not make sounds)

Riddle 10
The 12-story building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. On which floor in this building is the elevator call button pressed most often?

On the ground floor, regardless of the distribution of residents by floor.

Riddle 11
The peasant needs to move a wolf, a goat and a cabbage across the river. The boat is so small that besides the peasant, only one more (passenger) can fit in it. But if you leave a wolf with a goat, then the wolf will eat it; if you leave a goat with cabbage, then the cabbage will be eaten. What should a peasant do?

The crossing must begin with the transportation of a goat. Then the peasant returns and takes the wolf, which he transports to the other bank and leaves it there, but takes the goat back to the first bank. Here he leaves him and transports the cabbage to the wolf. And then, when he returns, he transports the goat.

Riddle 12
Exam at a military school. The student takes a ticket and goes to get ready. The teacher smoked a cigarette and occasionally tapped his pencil on the table. A minute later he approaches the teacher. Without asking anything, he puts a 5. The happy student leaves. Clarify the situation.

The teacher wrote on the table with a pencil in Morse code: “Whoever needs an A, come here, I’ll give it to you.” Only one student was military-like vigilant and paid attention to the teacher’s encryption. For this he received 5.

Riddle 13
What lifts you up and brings you down, while constantly being in the same place?


Riddle 14
A barrel of water weighs 50 kilograms, what needs to be added to make it weigh 15 kilograms?

Riddle 15
What kind of stones do you think are not in the river?

Riddle 16
Which hand do you think is best for stirring coffee with cream and sugar?

The hand that holds the spoon.

Riddle 17
Tell me, what can you hold without touching it with your hands?

Your breath

Riddle 18
The man got caught in the rain and had nowhere and nothing to hide. He came home all wet, but not a single hair on his head was wet. Why?

He was bald

Riddle 19
What word always sounds wrong?

The word "wrong"

Riddle 20
Two horns - not a bull, six legs without hooves, when it flies - it howls, when it sits - it digs the ground.

Riddle 21
A metal can was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the can hung from the table. After some time, the can fell. What was in the jar?

Piece of ice

Riddle 22
Imagine that you are a pilot. Your plane flies from London to New York for seven hours. Airplane speed is 800 km/h. How old is the pilot?

As much as you, because you are a pilot

Riddle 23
An electric train goes with the wind. Where does the smoke go?

The electric train has no smoke

Riddle 24
Why don't polar bears eat penguins?

Bears live at the North Pole, and penguins live at the South Pole.

Riddle 25
When a chicken stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will she weigh if she stands on two legs?

Riddle 26
One egg is boiled for 3 minutes. How long will it take to cook 2 eggs?

Riddle 27
When is the sky lower than the earth?

When you look into the water

Riddle 28
What can't go into even the biggest pot?

Its cover

Riddle 29
What are the last teeth a person develops?


Riddle 30
Why doesn't the cuckoo make nests?

Because he lives in the clock

Riddle 31. Series of 4 riddles
How to put a giraffe in the refrigerator in 3 steps? The size of the refrigerator is huge

Open the door, put the giraffe in, close the door.

How to put an elephant in a refrigerator in 4 steps?

Open the door, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant, close the door.

The lion called all the animals to a meeting. All showed up except one. What kind of animal is this?

The elephant, because it's in the refrigerator.

You need to swim across a wide river that is infested with crocodiles. How can I do that?

Exercising in the morning is very beneficial for the body, but exercise for the brain is doubly beneficial. The most ancient way to make your head think and work is riddles. With a trick, with answers, funny, for children and adults - there are so many of them! Children especially love this genre. They are ready to search for the right answers for days without receiving any hints. This is very useful for kids: they develop logical thinking and ingenuity. Immerse yourself in this amazing world! Gather the whole family around the table and give them a real brainstorming session!

A gift from the ancestors

Who came up with the first riddle remains a mystery. After all, their roots go back to ancient times. Our ancestors did not perceive them as a simple mental exercise. It was something more; they believed that if you solved the riddle, then all your cherished desires would come true. The most popular motif of the folk epic is solving tricky riddles in order to avoid trouble and misfortune. In Russian fairy tales, there are very often situations when the main character, instead of fighting, unleashes such mental puzzles!

Ancient people composed mythical riddles; with a trick, with answers, funny - this is the creation of modern authors. How interesting it can sometimes be to find out the answer to a very difficult question! But many old riddles have deep meaning. They remind only sound in a question form.

Be smart

At any holiday, you can arrange brain gymnastics as entertainment. Guests will be happy to take part in such an action, because boring feasts have long been boring. You need to prepare in advance. Write down riddles on paper: with a trick, with answers, funny, difficult. And prepare small prizes for correct answers. This could be stationery, souvenirs, sweets. You can start charging:

  • A language spoken silently? (Sign language.)
  • He runs down the mountain, then up the mountain, but stays in place. (Road.)
  • Why do they rarely drive, but do they walk constantly? (On the stairs.)
  • A word with five e's and no more vowels? (Displaced person.)
  • What animal do cars drive on and people walk on? (Along the zebra crossing.)
  • A small shack is on fire, and next to it is a huge house? Which of these houses will the police put out first? (No, the firefighters will put out the fire.)
  • How many years are there in a year? (One summer.)
  • What kind of cork can't stop a bottle? (Road.)
  • Are there metal ones or liquid ones? (Nails.)

This kind of entertainment will go off with a bang if adults gather around the table. Trick riddles with funny and serious answers will appeal to all brainstorming participants! Even older children can answer some simple questions. You just need to think a little and use your wits!

Only humor

Everyone loves jokes and fun, so it’s a good idea to prepare a few unusual questions. It’s very easy to show off your humor and become the life of the party. It is not necessary to litter with vulgar jokes; you can prepare riddles with a trick, with answers, funny and unusual.

  • How will he get up and reach the blue sky? (Rainbow.)
  • In the pouring rain, who doesn't get their hair wet? (Bald man.)
  • Earrings for simpletons? (Noodles.)
  • This word always sounds wrong. (The word "wrong".)
  • What does half an orange look like? (For the second half.)
  • When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open.)
  • If a green ball is thrown into the Red Sea, what will it become? (Wet.)
  • Is it better to stir sugar in coffee with your right or left hand? (It's better to do this with a spoon.)

Such riddles with tricky answers, funny and funny, will help defuse the situation in any society.

The best for children

Entertaining children is a difficult task. Little fidgets quickly get tired of one activity and demand something new. Competitions, games, dances are already over, the children need to rest a little and gain new strength. But they still won’t sit idle. Prepare them children's riddles with tricky answers, funny and creative. Kids love to learn something new. First, give them hints, ask leading questions, let them get carried away with this activity. Then start asking more difficult questions and let them use their brains.

  • What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons.)
  • How many chocolates can you eat on an empty stomach? (One.)
  • How many chips can fit on a plate? (They don't know how to walk.)
  • Pet, first letter "t"? (Cockroach.)
  • How many times does a chicken crow when she lays an egg? (The rooster crows.)
  • Birthday is around the corner, we baked... (Cake.)
  • Ninety bananas grew on a birch tree, the wind blew and ten of them fell. How many bananas are left on the tree? (Bananas don’t grow on birch trees.)
  • Small, gray, looks like an elephant. (Baby elephant.)
  • Old women go to the market to buy themselves... (Groceries.)
  • Hockey players can be heard crying, let the goalie let them through... (Ball.)
  • The bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are exactly... (Four.)

Develop and smile

Riddles are useful for both children and adults. They train memory, ingenuity, expand horizons and perception of the world around us! They are appropriate in any company; the evening will become more fun with a cup of tea and cool riddles. Develop yourself and give people smiles!

Riddles for children are a way to show your ingenuity, develop logical thinking and have a lot of fun. Here you can find riddles with a trick, but with given answers. Sometimes you come across very difficult riddles that you will need to think about a little.

Riddles about school

Riddles for children 12-13 should be both interesting and funny, they should awaken imagination, make the child think and develop logic. So, the riddles themselves are for schoolchildren aged 12-13 years.

  • At the dawn of his life he walks on 4 legs, at noon of his life he rises on two legs, and by the end of his life he has three legs.

We are talking about a person’s life: as a baby he crawls on all fours, as an adult he walks confidently on his feet, and in old age he takes a cane and walks with it.

  • If it was pouring rain outside the window at midnight, is there a chance that the sun will shine brightly in 72 hours?

This is not possible, since after the specified time it will be night again.

  • On the edge of the table lies a glass jar with a tightly screwed lid. 2/3 of the can hangs over the edge. At first the can lay motionless, but then it picked it up and fell. What was in the jar?

There was ice there and it gradually melted.

  • The plum tree produced only 6 pears, but the cherry tree produced 8. How many pears were there in total?

These trees are not intended for growing pears.

  • Little Dima poured five piles of sand together, then added two more piles and poured another large one. How many piles did he have in the sandbox?

The boy poured out one large pile of sand.

  • How many orange seeds can be placed in an empty tea cup?

Not at all, since the cup is empty.

  • How can you carry water in a sieve?

If you freeze water into ice, you can quickly move it from one place to another before the ice begins to melt.

All of the tricky problems listed above can be easily solved by children aged 12. They will help you take your mind off boring studying, laugh a little and have fun, but at the same time, the time spent guessing will be spent usefully.

Riddles for children 6-7 years old. Learning to solve riddles

Be smart

Riddles for children 12 years old will use ingenuity to force the child to think and correlate all the factors that are described in the problem with reality and quickly find the answer. Usually these are very cool tasks that children never refuse. By the way, such funny exercises with a trick can be included in the scenario of a children's party, for example, a birthday.

  • When not working, it hangs, but when working, it stands there, and after work it is completely wet and dries.
  • Two barrels, four ears, this is a soft...
  • During the day they always have legs, but at night their legs disappear somewhere.
  • The owner lit five candles on the table, but suddenly a draft blew in and put out one. How many candles will be left in the end?

There will only be one candle left, as the other four will burn out.

  • Is it possible to be silent and speak at the same time?

You can if you speak sign language.

  • It winds through forests and mountains, runs towards the horizon, but no matter how you look, it is always in place.
  • Which repair tool is solid or liquid?

Nails come in liquid and metric types.

  • There is a cork, but you can’t plug the bottle with it?

There's a traffic jam.

  • How many years are there in one year?

One summer.

Funny riddles

Funny riddles can be made for birthdays, during breaks between lessons, or simply when 12-year-old children simply have nothing to do. Such riddles with a trick will greatly help maintain a good mood and bring the kids together if the company has not yet become acquainted.

Riddles about school

  • How many seeds can fit into one empty glass?

It won’t go in at all, since the seeds don’t have legs and they don’t walk.

  • A man is walking in the pouring rain, without an umbrella or a raincoat, you are wet through, but his hair is not wet.

The man was just bald.

  • Ear decoration that suckers usually get?
  • You have half an orange in your hands, tell me what it looks like?

For the other half of the orange.

  • There is a black cat sitting near the house, she is waiting for when she can get into the house. When will this time come?

When the door is opened for her.

  • There is a glass of cappuccino in front of you, you just need to stir the sugar. Which hand will you do this with - right or left?

It is better to mix the sugar with a spoon.

  • There is a certain object, but when it is needed, it is thrown, and if it is completely unnecessary, it is picked up.
  • Who travels the world and still sits still?

Man surfing the Internet.

  • There are only 6 billion people on earth, what are they doing at the same time?

About animals

To diversify the tasks a little, you can make puzzles about animals. They are very funny, but at the same time with a kind of catch, which is why children 12 years old will like them so much. If your 13-year-old child suddenly has a bad day, invite him to have a little fun and fool around with him by asking these fun puzzles.

Children's riddles about animals

  • An elephant was flying along it, and a hunter was running along the ground, hoping to shoot the elephant and get a big booty. Having taken aim, the hunter took and fired; the elephant fell straight on the hunter and crushed him. Who remained alive in this story?

Only the rhinoceros survived; it flew out later than the elephant.

  • A horse and a needle, what are their differences?

To sit on a horse, you first need to jump, and when sitting on a needle, you first sit down and then jump.

  • A dog runs with a tin can tied to its tail, bad children mock the dog. How fast must the unfortunate dog run so as not to hear the crash of the can?

The dog must stand still.

  • One eye and one horn are visible from around the corner, what kind of animal is this?

This is a cow peeking around the corner.

  • There was an animal sitting on the window of a small house. He has a mustache like a cat's, and paws like a cat's, and a tail like a cat's and a cat's face. But he himself is not a cat. Who it?

Riddles for children from grandmother Shosho

The most difficult riddles

There are also very difficult riddles with a trick, they are intended for children about 12 years old. Of course, our puzzles are accompanied by answers, but if you think a little, you can solve everything without them.

  • Two small coins were placed on the surface of the table, their total amount being three dollars. But one of the coins is not $1. What coins are on the table?

One coin is not 1 dollar, since it is two dollars. But the second one is 1 dollar.

  • A man is driving a car. He doesn't turn on the headlights on his car. But there is no moon in the sky either. A little girl ran out onto the road to get a ball, and the driver stopped and scolded the girl. How was the driver of the car able to see the baby?

It was day outside

  • We have two islands. And there is a man standing alone and he has two oranges in his hands. On another island there is a hospital with his sick daughter. Dad must bring both oranges to the girl, but here’s a problem: there is a bridge between the islands that will immediately collapse as soon as a man walks across it. The bridge can support the weight of a man and only one orange. How did dad bring two oranges to his daughter?

It's simple, he juggled them while walking across the bridge.

  • Olechka really wants a chocolate bar, but she doesn’t have enough ten rubles to buy it. She invited Seryozhka from the neighboring yard to get together, but the children still didn’t have enough for a chocolate one ruble. How much does a chocolate bar cost?

Olya had no money at all, and a chocolate bar costs 10 rubles. Seryozhka, accordingly, had 9 rubles.

  • What in our lives is always increasing and never decreasing?
  • The prison is on an island in the river. Three prisoners plan their escape, each separately and unaware of each other's plans. The first prisoner sawed through the bars and jumped into the river, swam, but was eaten by a great white shark. The second prisoner escaped through the back door, jumped into the river, swam, but the guards noticed him and pulled him out of the river by his hair and arrested him. Well, the third prisoner’s escape was successful, he ran away and disappeared. Attention, question, where did I deceive you in my story? If you guess right, will you get a chocolate bar?

There are no white sharks in the river. You can't drag a prisoner out by his hair; they all shave their heads.

You won't see any chocolate.

  • Today is not Sunday, and tomorrow is not Wednesday. Yesterday was not Friday, and the day before yesterday was not Monday. Tomorrow is not Sunday, and yesterday was not Sunday. The day after tomorrow is neither Saturday nor Sunday. Yesterday was neither Monday nor Wednesday. The day before yesterday was not Wednesday, and tomorrow is not Tuesday. Yes, and today is not Wednesday. What day of the week is it today, given that one statement on the list is false?


These are some interesting puzzles with answers that 12-year-old children really like. By asking riddles every day, you can give your brain a little workout and entertain 13-year-old children.

Riddles for children! check yourself

With a catch, which have gained popularity among a huge number of different people, not only due to the ability to use them in the educational process, but also because of the entertainment component.

Such riddles help broaden the horizons of both children and adults, and are of interest to those who want to expand their knowledge. They are light and simple. Let's begin.

1. A man is standing on one side of the river, his dog is on the other. He calls the dog, and he immediately comes running to his owner, without getting wet, without using either a boat or a bridge. How did she do it?

2. What is unusual about the numbers 8, 549, 176, 320?

3. A 12-round fight is scheduled between two boxers. After 6 rounds, one boxer is knocked out on the floor, but none of the men is considered a loser. How is this possible?

4. In 1990 a person turned 15 years old, in 1995 the same person turned 10. How is this possible?

5. You are standing in the corridor. In front of you are three doors into three rooms and three switches. You can't see what's going on in the rooms, and you can only get into them through the door. You can enter each room once and only when all the switches are turned off. How do you know which switch belongs to which room?

6. Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April, the second was named May. What was the name of the third child?

7. Before the discovery of Mount Everest, what was the highest peak in the world?

8. Which word is always spelled incorrectly?

9. Billy was born on December 25, but his birthday always falls in the summer. How is this possible?

10. A truck driver is driving in the opposite direction on a one-way street. Why don't the police stop him?

11. How can you throw a raw egg on a concrete floor without breaking it?

12. How can a person last eight days without sleep?

13. The doctor gave you three tablets and told you to take one every half hour. How long will it take you to take all the pills?

14. You entered a dark room with one match. There is an oil lamp, newspaper and wooden blocks in the room. What will you light first?

15. Does a man have the right by law to marry his widow’s sister?

16. Some months have 30 days, some have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?

17. What goes up and down but stays in one place?

18. What can you never eat for breakfast?

19. What always increases and never decreases?

20. Imagine that you are in a sinking boat surrounded by sharks. How can you survive?

21. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?

22. Seven sisters arrived at the dacha, and each of them took up her own business. The first sister cooks, the second works in the garden, the third plays chess, the fourth reads a book, the fifth does a crossword puzzle, the sixth does laundry. What does the seventh sister do?

23. What goes both uphill and downhill, but remains in place?

24. Which table has no legs?

Complex riddles with answers

25.How many years are there in a year?

26. What kind of stopper is impossible to stop any bottle?

27. No one eats it raw, but after cooking it, they throw it away. What is this?

28. The girl wanted to buy a chocolate bar, but she lacked 10 rubles. The boy also wanted to buy a chocolate bar, but he lacked 1 ruble. The children decided to buy one chocolate bar for two, but they still lacked 1 ruble. How much does a chocolate bar cost?

29. A cowboy, a yogi and a gentleman are sitting at the table. How many feet are there on the floor?

30. Nero, George Washington, Napoleon, Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespeare, Ludwig van Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci. Who's the odd one out on this list?

Riddles with a trick

31. Which island calls itself a piece of laundry?

32. – Is it red?

No, black.

Why is she white?

Because it's green.

33. You are sitting on a plane, there is a car in front of you, and a horse behind you. Where are you at?

34. How long should a hard-boiled chicken egg be boiled in water?

35. What unites the numbers 69 and 88?

Logic riddles

36. Whom does God never see, the king sees quite rarely, and the common man sees every day?

37. Who walks while sitting?

38. What is the longest month of the year?

39. How can you jump from a 10-meter ladder without breaking? And not even get hurt?

40. When this item is needed, it is thrown away, and when it is not needed, it is taken with them. What are we talking about?

Riddles with answers

41. Any person receives this for free twice in his life, but if he needs it for the third time, he will have to pay for it. What is this?

42. What state name will you get if you put a small horse between two identical pronouns?

43. The capital of a European state in which blood flows?

44. The combined ages of father and son are 77 years. The son's age is the father's age in reverse. How old are they?

45. If it is white, then it is dirty, and if it is black, then it is clean. What are we talking about?

Challenging riddles

46. ​​Can a person be in a room without his head and still be alive?

47. In what case will you not be able to take the place of a sitting person, even if he stands up?

48. What product can be boiled with even 10 kg of salt and it still will not become salty?

49. Who can easily light a match under water?

50. The plant that knows everything?

51. What will you do if you see a green man?

52. How many stripes does a zebra have?

53. When does a person look like a tree?

54. What can travel around the world while staying in the same corner?

55. Where is the end of the world?

Ready for the answers?

Answers to riddles

1. The river is frozen

2. This number contains all the digits from 0 to 9.

3. Both boxers are female.

4. He was born in 2005 BC.

5. Turn on the right switch and do not turn it off for three minutes. After two minutes, turn on the middle switch and do not turn it off for one minute. When the minute has passed, turn off both switches and enter the rooms. One bulb will be hot (1st switch), the second will be warm (2nd switch), and the cold bulb refers to the switch you didn't touch.

6. Johnny.

7. Everest, it just hasn't been discovered yet.

8. The word "wrong".

9. Billy was born in the southern hemisphere.

10. He is walking along the sidewalk.

11. An egg will not break a concrete floor!

12. Sleep at night.

13. You will need one hour. Take one tablet now, the second after half an hour, and the third after another half hour.

14. Match.

15. No, he's dead.

16. Each month has 28 or more days.

17. Staircase.

19. Age.

20. Stop imagining.

22. The seventh sister plays chess with the third.

23. Road.

24. Dietary.

25. There is one summer a year.

26. Traffic jam.

27. Bay leaf.

28. The price of a chocolate bar is 10 rubles. The girl had no money at all.

29. One foot on the floor. A cowboy puts his feet on the table, a gentleman crosses his legs, and a yogi meditates.

30. Sherlock Holmes, because he is a fictional character.

32. Black currant.

33. Carousel.

34. This does not need to be done, the egg is already boiled.

35. When turned upside down, they look the same.

36. Like yourself.

37. Chess player.

39. Jump off the lowest step.

42. Japan.

44. 07 and 70; 25 and 52; 16 and 61.

45. School board.

46. ​​Yes. You need to stick your head out the window or door.

47. When he sits on your lap.

49. Sailor on a submarine.

51. Cross the road.

52. Two, black and white.

53. When he just woke up (pine, from sleep).

55. Where the shadow begins.

No matter how many correct answers you get, it is not an IQ test. It's important to force your brain to think outside of the ordinary. Below we will give you some tips that will help tune your brain to the right wavelength and prevent it from aging.

Brain exercises

Always have a crossword, puzzle, Sudoku, or any other similar thing that interests you in a prominent place. Spend a few minutes on them every morning to activate your brain.

Regularly attend exhibitions or conferences on topics that are unfamiliar to you. Think about how you can apply what you learn to your industry.

There is a legend circulating online that in the 80s, the magazine “Murzilka,” which was published for children of primary school age, published very ambiguous riddles. Either this “secret sex educational program” was a sophisticated author’s revenge on the puritanical censorship in the USSR in general and editors in particular, or it was just entertainment. Or maybe even an unconscious Freudian projection of sexual complexes into creativity.
I don’t remember anything like this in Murzilka. Yes, and I heard some of them much earlier than the 80s, and before I started reading. I think they should be classified as oral folk art.
Riddles, however, are still in circulation to this day: who hasn’t heard the famous “back and forth, it’s nice for you and me” or “which guy is dripping from the end in the morning”?

If for some strange reason you don’t know the answers, you can try to solve the Answers under the riddle, you need to highlight them with the mouse.

To stroke from the front, you need to lick from the back.
(Postage Stamp)

Which guy is always dripping from the end?
(Kettle, samovar, water tap)

Hair all around, sausage in the middle.

It's black on top, red inside, it's so beautiful when you put it in.

Hair on hair, body on body and the dark business begins.

Back and forth, back and forth, it’s nice for you and me.

Why are you looking at me? Undress, I'm yours!

The hairy head goes behind the cheek deftly.

We are daring guys who climb into sex cracks!

Lying on his back - no one needs him. Lean it against the wall - it will come in handy.

In a dark room, on a white sheet, 2 hours of pleasure.

Small, black, wrinkled - every woman has one.

Just remember it a little, it will become as hard as a potato.

I’ll take it in my hands, I’ll squeeze it tightly - It will become elastic and hard, like a turnip.

The red head climbs into the hole deftly.

If it weren’t for grandma’s shaggy clothes, grandpa’s beaters would be freezing.

Not a horseradish, not a carrot - a red head.

He came up from behind, stuck it in and walked away.

I take it with both hands, put it between my legs, make movements, and enjoy it.

Now cold, now hot, now hanging, now standing. It consists of three letters, with a “U” in the middle.

A boy and a girl were doing something in the grass on "E".
(Ate blackberries)

When he works, he stands, When he finishes, he bows, It consists of three letters, It starts with “x”.

As soon as he gets up, he will reach the sky.

How good it is for you and me when you lie on your back...
(Hedgehog with an apple)

Without arms, without legs, and crawls out of his underpants.

From a furry cannon, Petya threw a pebble. Guess, children, what Petya threw to Masha.

It dangles during the day and sticks in at night.
(Slip-on door hook)

The woman inserts the hole and the grandfather fills the tip. They grunt and sleep like that all night.
(Slip-on door hook and loop)

It dangles between the legs, it’s called “x”.

It is inserted dry, taken out wet, made up of three letters, ending with “th”.

Schwarzenegger has a long one, Jackie Chan has a short one, Madonna doesn’t have it at all, and the Pope hasn’t used it for a long time.

Above the knee, below the navel, the hole is large enough to fit an arm.

Take it with two fingers and insert it into the hole with the hair. It goes there dry and strong, from there it goes wet and powerless.

Go to the garden bed and pull the shaggy hair. If you are bad and weak, you will not get along with the woman.
(Harvesting turnips)

Wipe it with your hands, wrap your lips around it, insert it into her hole, pretend, and she will scream!

Long, red, not dangerous in appearance, the man will jump up if he wants, and the woman will wait.

If you sweat for half an hour, you'll be happy for five minutes.
(Sledding downhill)

Red head, under it - a beard, gets up early in the morning, doesn't let Masha sleep!

Red, smelly, shaking between the legs.

No arms, no legs, jump on a woman.

What do the boy and the girl have in the same place? The boy has three letters, the girl has five? Hint: the boy has the letter U in the middle of his word, the girl's word ends with A.
(Forehead and Bangs)

The thicker and longer, the sweeter the girl!

The hard is inserted into the soft, and the balls dangle nearby?