I dreamed of a holiday. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a Holiday? What does it mean to see a Holiday in a dream?

If in a dream you are joyfully and animatedly preparing for a holiday, this means unexpectedly receiving a lot of money. Inviting many guests to a family holiday foreshadows confusion and differences of opinion on fundamental issues.

Spending all the holidays at a party means in reality you will be provided with a service that will cost you dearly. If, in the midst of a holiday, your mood is spoiled so much that you are even brought to tears, this means annoying losses and an unpleasant showdown.

Dancing and having fun until you drop at the festival is a sign of a favorable turn in your affairs of the heart. A holiday marred by a drunken fight foreshadows trouble at work.

A dream in which you celebrate Christmas or New Year means wonderful prospects that will result in a prosperous and happy family life. The Maslenitsa holiday means that you will receive forgiveness and mercy; Easter means spiritual grace, unclouded mutual love for loved ones, good health.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Holiday

A cheerful holiday in a dream foreshadows personal happiness. Having a cheerful holiday in a dream foreshadows happy meetings and a pleasant pastime. A festive procession in a dream foreshadows you happy love. The longer the procession, the longer your happiness will last.

Interpretation of dreams from Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Finding yourself at a celebration or holiday in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected events. Being late for a celebration in a dream is a sign of anxiety and worry. Table.

Seeing a Reception (Celebration) in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Finding yourself at some important reception in a dream means that an unexpected event will soon await you, which can be bad or good depending on how you felt at the reception. If at the reception you felt unwanted or alien, then...

Seeing a Banquet (Celebration) in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you received an invitation to a banquet is a sign of honors, wealth, high position in society and respect from others. The richer the banquet is, the better your business will go. Being at a banquet in a dream is a harbinger of big changes in your...

What does the dream portend: Triumph

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To tears, despondency, depression.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Banquet, celebration, feast in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It portends the dreamer a promising trip that will bring him great luck. A trip to a banquet is a sign that the person who has the dream will be next to the powerful ruler. They also say that the banquet symbolizes prosperity and lack of worries, since the speech in this case...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Snake?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Killing snakes in a dream means that you will do anything to achieve your interests or to ensure that other people take them into account. You will triumph over your enemies. Walking among snakes in a dream means that you will live...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Snake?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If a woman dreams that a dead snake bites her, it means that the anger of a hypocritical friend will make her suffer. Dreams about snakes are generally a warning about any varieties and forms of evil. Seeing snakes writhing or falling on someone in a dream means...

Dream - Marriage

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A wedding seen in a dream means great joy and pleasure (in the case when everyone is dressed in light clothes). If in a dream you yourself lead this celebration, worries await you. Marriage of a man with a young girl: a good sign, success in business. The woman comes out...

How to interpret the dream “Blessing”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Although the word “blessing” itself seems somewhat outdated, the concept it denotes was and is quite significant for every person. Therefore, giving, seeking or receiving blessings are important plot elements in dreams. Often in a dream some omen appears that falls into this category. In...

How to interpret the dream “Wedding Feast”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A wedding feast, at which the girl is present as a guest, promises her a lot of fun entertainment. If she is at the wedding feast as a bride, in reality she will be disappointed because of her lover. Seeing a wedding celebration foretells a woman pleasant household chores. Perhaps the spouse...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Oil?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is a good sign. It portends joy and triumph, a quick end to suffering.

Dream Interpretation: Why Tabor dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Gypsy camp - symbolizes a great reunion with triumph and joy. You will meet those you have not seen for a long time - friends and relatives, and exchange rumors and news.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Violin?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Favorite instrument of the gypsies. To dream that you see or hear someone playing it is a very good sign, symbolizing great pleasure and good company. If you dream that you play the violin yourself, you are loved. A celebration awaits you soon in a noisy...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Grapes?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Celebration, fun, celebration. Eating grapes means being satisfied with yourself and your work.

Dream meaning - Room

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Empty - disappointment, litigation. Strange - success, luck. Very small - get away from trouble at the last second. Well furnished - success in your endeavors. Beautiful paintings on the wall - changeability of desires. Brightly lit - celebration.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Luxury?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To great wealth that will come from nowhere you expected. Imagine luxury in any form. Jewelry, expensive things, beautiful houses or rich natural landscapes with an abundance of flowers and fruits. Imagine what you just learned: it's all yours. You …

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Heart

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To be sick and languishing portends a dangerous illness. Having a wounded heart for old people foreshadows unpleasant news, and for young people the conclusion of a love union. Not having a heart or losing it means unexpected death, and sometimes triumph over enemies.

Author of the article: website

Why do you dream about a holiday? Such a symbol in a dream usually carries a positive message: meeting with friends, fulfillment of desires, family happiness, good luck. But the dream book sometimes gives not so rosy interpretations: conflicts in the team, dissatisfaction with one’s work, scandals.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream of going to a noisy festival and having fun? A waking dreamer can neglect the realities of life, more than once. This is fraught with trouble.

What a celebration it was

For the correct interpretation of a dream, it is important what holiday it was:

  • family, among relatives - a quarrel between relatives;
  • for children - worries over trifles;
  • a banquet at home - the favor of friends, joy, prosperity;
  • a fun party is a symbol of pleasant life changes;
  • masquerade - frivolous hobbies or empty promises will confuse you;
  • stranger - financial difficulties lie ahead.

Pleasant meetings, receiving money

Why do you dream about joyful, lively preparations for the holiday? The dreamer will unexpectedly receive a lot of money.

Dreamed preparation foreshadows, according to the dream book, meetings with old friends, a good time, and positivity.

Seeing preparation in a dream promises joyful events and pleasant excitement in reality.

Express yourself more boldly

What do you dream about preparing for, organizing a holiday? The dream book informs you: you need to use your skills more boldly and decisively. You may have to learn something new, but you will be pleased with the results.

A dream about graduation at school promises: something positive and exciting will happen very soon.

Getting ready to take part in the holiday means joyful events are coming. Getting together with friends to attend an event means pleasant entertainment awaits, which will even bring profit.

Family happiness, support from friends

In addition, going there in a dream foretells happiness in marriage. The sleeping person will have a strong family; children will take good care of him.

Going to a special event means your cherished wish will come true or you will receive good news.

A holiday at home in a dream, where family and many guests have gathered, according to the dream book, means: friends will never betray you, they will always support you.

Blessing from above

Why do you dream about a Christian church holiday? The dream book announces: there is great joy ahead, which the dreamer does not immediately recognize due to the bustle of everyday life.

Easter in a dream promises recovery not only physical, but also moral, internal renewal, as well as insight, understanding information in a new way.

Dreaming of Savior - Honey, Apple, Nut, means: in difficult circumstances, receive help, salvation.

A religious holiday in a dream, when many people leave the church in a procession, and you also participate - an unexpected, surprising turn of events.

Joy, good health

A big holiday where there are a lot of people - despite the machinations of spiteful critics, maintain good relations with friends. Walk, sing - have a fun time.

Why do you dream about a holiday on the street? A dream often foreshadows a happy marriage with a loved one. Procession on the street - improvement of well-being. Seeing fireworks is a harbinger of pleasure and good health.

Unfavorable interpretations

However, taking part in noisy festivities where there were riots on the street means dissatisfaction with the results of one’s labor.

A corporate holiday at work in a dream means: disagreements and conflicts will arise in the team.

The dream book interprets the received invitation to a certain celebration as an unfavorable sign. The sleeper will become the main character of some big scandal.

A holiday where you saw a deceased person (relative, friend) is a warning. Difficulties will arise under seemingly ordinary circumstances.

Fulfillment of desires, harmony of love relationships

Why do you dream about celebrating a birthday? Receive good news or something you have long dreamed of will come true.

A birthday and a cake decorated with burning holiday candles in a dream? The dream book promises the fulfillment of some desire.

Did you dream of being at a carnival? The dream book informs: a love adventure or a great vacation with a loved one awaits. Dancing is about enjoying each other's company.

Being at the celebration of March 8 promises a woman a pleasant surprise from her lover and a good time.

Other meanings

Celebrating a state occasion - you will be able to express yourself in social activities or politics.

Did you dream about New Year? The dream book promises big life changes. Joy, fun when celebrating the New Year - good luck awaits.

However, the New Year's masquerade with costumes warns: the sleeper's opinion of those around him is wrong. In reality, take a closer look at those you saw in your dreams.

Sleeping when everyone around you is celebrating and having fun - in reality you are very tired, even pleasure does not bring joy. Need a long rest.

Leaving before the end of the holiday - obstacles that arise will force you to change plans.

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the dream “holiday”: what the dream means and a full interpretation from various points of view.

Why do you dream about a holiday? Such a symbol in a dream usually carries a positive message: meeting with friends, fulfillment of desires, family happiness, good luck. But the dream book sometimes gives not so rosy interpretations: conflicts in the team, dissatisfaction with one’s work, scandals.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream of going to a noisy festival and having fun? A waking dreamer can neglect the realities of life, more than once. This is fraught with trouble.

What a celebration it was

For the correct interpretation of a dream, it is important what holiday it was:

  • family, among relatives - a quarrel between relatives;
  • for children - worries over trifles;
  • a banquet at home - the favor of friends, joy, prosperity;
  • a fun party is a symbol of pleasant life changes;
  • masquerade - frivolous hobbies or empty promises will confuse you;
  • stranger - financial difficulties lie ahead.

Pleasant meetings, receiving money

Why do you dream about joyful, lively preparations for the holiday? The dreamer will unexpectedly receive a lot of money.

Dreamed preparation foreshadows, according to the dream book, meetings with old friends, a good time, and positivity.

Seeing preparation in a dream promises joyful events and pleasant excitement in reality.

Express yourself more boldly

What do you dream about preparing for, organizing a holiday? The dream book informs you: you need to use your skills more boldly and decisively. You may have to learn something new, but you will be pleased with the results.

A dream about graduation at school promises: something positive and exciting will happen very soon.

Getting ready to take part in the holiday means joyful events are coming. Getting together with friends to attend an event means pleasant entertainment awaits, which will even bring profit.

Family happiness, support from friends

In addition, going there in a dream foretells happiness in marriage. The sleeping person will have a strong family; children will take good care of him.

Going to a special event means your cherished wish will come true or you will receive good news.

A holiday at home in a dream, where family and many guests have gathered, according to the dream book, means: friends will never betray you, they will always support you.

Blessing from above

Why do you dream about a Christian church holiday? The dream book announces: there is great joy ahead, which the dreamer does not immediately recognize due to the bustle of everyday life.

Easter in a dream promises recovery not only physical, but also moral, internal renewal, as well as insight, understanding information in a new way.

Dreaming of Savior - Honey, Apple, Nut, means: in difficult circumstances, receive help, salvation.

A religious holiday in a dream, when many people leave the church in a procession, and you also participate - an unexpected, surprising turn of events.

Joy, good health

A big holiday where there are a lot of people - despite the machinations of spiteful critics, maintain good relations with friends. Walk, sing - have a fun time.

Why do you dream about a holiday on the street? A dream often foreshadows a happy marriage with a loved one. Procession on the street - improvement of well-being. Seeing fireworks is a harbinger of pleasure and good health.

Unfavorable interpretations

However, taking part in noisy festivities where there were riots on the street means dissatisfaction with the results of one’s labor.

A corporate holiday at work in a dream means: disagreements and conflicts will arise in the team.

The dream book interprets the received invitation to a certain celebration as an unfavorable sign. The sleeper will become the main character of some big scandal.

A holiday where you saw a deceased person (relative, friend) is a warning. Difficulties will arise under seemingly ordinary circumstances.

Fulfillment of desires, harmony of love relationships

Why do you dream about celebrating a birthday? Receive good news or something you have long dreamed of will come true.

A birthday and a cake decorated with burning holiday candles in a dream? The dream book promises the fulfillment of some desire.

Did you dream of being at a carnival? The dream book informs: a love adventure or a great vacation with a loved one awaits. Dancing is about enjoying each other's company.

Being at the celebration of March 8 promises a woman a pleasant surprise from her lover and a good time.

Other meanings

Celebrating a state occasion - you will be able to express yourself in social activities or politics.

Did you dream about New Year? The dream book promises big life changes. Joy, fun when celebrating the New Year - good luck awaits.

However, the New Year's masquerade with costumes warns: the sleeper's opinion of those around him is wrong. In reality, take a closer look at those you saw in your dreams.

Sleeping when everyone around you is celebrating and having fun - in reality you are very tired, even pleasure does not bring joy. Need a long rest.

Leaving before the end of the holiday - obstacles that arise will force you to change plans.

For every person, any holiday always means something. These could be pleasant memories from childhood or anticipation of meeting friends and loved ones. The appearance of dreams associated with holidays also promises the appearance of important events in our lives.

Why do you dream about a holiday? What does a holiday mean in your dream? Of course, the correct interpretation of the dream will depend on how accurately you remember all the events you dreamed about.

Why do you dream about a holiday according to Miller’s dream book?

According to Miller, a holiday dreamed in a dream promises pleasant events in the near future. But if you see some kind of disorder at the holiday, then perhaps quarrels and troubles beyond your control await you. If you see yourself being late for the festival, then be prepared for hectic days.

Holiday in a dream - interpretation according to Vanga

According to Vanga, if in a dream you see a holiday and at the same time drink alcoholic beverages, in reality you will encounter failures that will be associated with your disdainful attitude towards loved ones.

If you see yourself opening a bottle of wine or champagne, you need to be prepared for a mess, the culprit of which will be you.

Why do you dream about a holiday according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book differs significantly from all known ones due to the fact that there are practically no decent meanings there. Despite the fact that some interpretations sound somewhat vulgar, and sometimes even vulgar, he found his admirers.

According to Freud's interpretation, to see in a dream any holiday accompanied by the consumption of alcoholic beverages promises a person a quarrel, the cause of which will be an insignificant trifle. To avoid this in reality, just try not to intersect with people from your dreams for a while.

Why do you dream about a holiday according to Loff’s dream book?

As in all cases, Loff suggests remembering and analyzing all the details of the dream seen. Since in real life holidays mean a lot to people, such dreams cannot be ignored. Try to reproduce the events, whether you were comfortable, what emotions you experienced, whether you prepared for it in advance.

If the dream left a pleasant impression, this indicates respect for family traditions and unity with loved ones. Seeing a holiday overshadowed by something foreshadows unpleasant events associated with a loved one.

Why do you dream about a holiday according to Adaskin’s dream book?

Seeing fun at a holiday in a dream speaks of an upcoming vacation and harmony in the family. A quarrel at a holiday foreshadows a quarrel in real life, if you see yourself being late for the festival, most likely you have some unjustified hopes.

Seeing an unexpected holiday in a dream that you were not prepared for indicates that you often ignore the opinions of other people. If in your dream a person is missing at a holiday, in real life you will experience a break in relations with him.

Why do you dream about New Year, Easter and other major or church holidays?

New Year is a long-awaited and favorite holiday for every person. Seeing the New Year celebration in a dream means significant changes in life; fun at this holiday foretells good luck in the future.

If there is alcohol on the table in a dream, be careful; perhaps you do not adequately assess your capabilities to achieve your goals; the expected success may turn out to be an empty illusion.

  • A dream about a New Year's masquerade warns you that your opinion about others is wrong and far from reality. In real life, try to take a closer look at the people you dreamed about.
  • Easter is a great church holiday, and seeing it in me foretells only positive moments in life. If you saw such a dream during an illness, it means a speedy recovery awaits you; it also testifies to pure thoughts and spiritual peace.
  • The holiday of Merry Maslenitsa promises you participation in a large-scale joyful celebration, which will give you a lot of pleasant memories and emotions.
  • If on the eve of any church celebration you see a holiday in a dream, it means that a source of spiritual energy will be revealed to you.
  • Celebrating March 8th in a dream means that a pleasant surprise awaits you from a loved one.
  • Celebrating Christmas in a dream is a good sign. If you see such a dream not on the eve of a holiday, it means that some kind of celebration awaits you in the family circle. Also, such a dream can speak of your spiritual rebirth.

Holidays in dreams and in reality bring bright and joyful feelings of unity with loved ones. A feeling of wonder and magic accompanies most holiday gatherings.

However, it happens that a holiday turns into sadness or unfulfilled expectations. And you can dream about anything. Understanding what a holiday means in a dream helps you understand what significant needs are not fulfilled in everyday life.


An abstract holiday in a dream symbolizes the “harvest” from a previous life stage. Such dreams become a warning for the imminent end of a significant period and a reassessment of one’s life and achievements, which is necessary for the formation of new goals.

Celebrate alone

Celebrating a holiday alone or in a crowd with many unfamiliar or faceless people means a serious lack of spiritual communication and sincere love. Perhaps in life you have protected yourself from close communication (for the sake of a career or after disappointment) and now realize that there is no one with whom you can share your triumph. The goals were achieved, but they did not bring joy.

This is a sign that it's time to trust people. There are those next to you who you can trust, who can become sincere friends and helpers. Perhaps there is a person in your circle who has deeper feelings for you? Take a closer look, maybe love is nearby?


Did you dream of a holiday with real pandemonium? Are there so many people that the current picks you up and carries you down the street in an unknown direction? This means that you will not be able to influence upcoming events in reality.

Most likely, you yourself have “stirred up the mess” in the past and feel that the situation is getting out of control. Try to accept what is happening with dignity, if possible, make amends in advance to loved ones and significant figures in your life.

Such dreams can take place in an atmosphere of masquerade, which aggravates their meaning, since it adds too many unknown parameters. It is important to track your own feelings - are you enjoying the process, are you wearing a mask yourself or are you “naked” in front of a crowd?

Are you participating in the general fun or are you watching from the outside? Particular attention should be paid to familiar faces (even from the distant past). Try to understand what all the people you know have in common with you (situations, problems, quarrels, expectations).

Crowded feast

A feast often has a double meaning. With good sleep dynamics (happy people, plenty of food on the table, cleanliness of the room and bright colors), the meal becomes a good omen. Look in the dream book: a holiday of this kind means receiving long-awaited fruits from completed projects.

However, the feast may take place in an unfavorable way (empty tables, drunken guests, fights and squabbles) - this indicates that the path to what you want is becoming much more complicated. Moreover, through the fault of people I know - envious people, slanderers. It is reasonable to evaluate what actions of enemies can be prevented.

It’s worth reducing your social circle for a while, and it’s worth moving away from some people around you altogether. You don’t have to become a hermit, just distance yourself from those who systematically destroy your self-esteem and ruin your mood or often set you up at work.

A poor meal can also mean that you are being unwise in your financial decisions. In the near future, try not to make expensive expenses; rather, pay off debts and loans.

My birthday

Celebrating your birthday in a dream is a good sign. Why do you dream about a holiday? Usually to the revival of past hobbies or the restoration of significant contacts. A birthday is always a positive symbol, meaning the renewal of internal strength and the beginning of a new fateful period.

Particular attention should be paid to gifts:

  • If you received material assets on your birthday in a dream, it means that new prospects at work and an improvement in your social level are expected.
  • Gifts related to creativity (even a long-abandoned hobby) are no less eloquent. You probably underestimate your potential - the dream indicates that all investments in self-development will be absolutely justified!

Glorious New Year

New Year is a holiday of expectation of a miracle. For most people, this date is the starting point. It is necessary to have time to complete old affairs, pay off debts, make peace with friends, prepare gifts - perform actions that allow you to “open” the future.

New Year in a dream symbolizes a kind of milestone. It’s probably time to actually complete long-protracted affairs and projects, say goodbye to outdated relationships, and choose a new direction.

A New Year's feast in a dream is an assessment of one's own financial well-being, stability and reliability of the “family rear”. A lot of gifts near the Christmas tree mean receiving various bonuses from fate! New acquaintances, lottery wins, victories in competitions - get ready to enjoy pleasant circumstances!

Sleeping atmosphere is a decisive factor

Decoding what the holiday means in dreams depends on the prevailing atmosphere and your personal assessment of what is happening. In such a dream, personal interpretation and associative series become decisive.

  • Does the dream bring positive emotions and a desire to be at such an event in reality? Then the holiday symbolizes a quick and very significant improvement in affairs, social and economic status.
  • But anxious holidays in a dream indicate stress and fatigue. It's time to take a time out and rethink your present: relationships, position in life and goals.

However, even in an unfavorable situation, the holiday remains an extremely positive symbol. You may face a period of difficulties, but it will still end in your victory over any circumstances!

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Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream about a holiday, interpretation:

Holiday - The dream takes place on the day of celebration of a national, international date, you are given the opportunity to express yourself in social and political activities. You will be lucky when entering higher educational institutions related to international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday, sources of spiritual energies will be revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or when there is a talk about it, you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this; this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream about the Holiday in a dream?

Holiday, banquet - According to the dream book, seeing a holiday means pleasant surprises. If the holiday ends in unrest, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence. To dream of being late for the festival means anxious and restless days ahead. Why dream that you are taking part in a noisy celebration - in reality you often neglect the so-called cruel reality. This dream also means that you are avoiding dependence on other people.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream about the Holiday, psychological analysis:

Holidays – Holidays are a remarkable event for dreams, because they mean so much in our real life. Holidays evoke both positive feelings - a feeling of unity with family, maintaining family traditions, and negative ones - unjustified hopes, the loss or absence of a loved one. How is celebration woven into the fabric of sleep? If you knew about the holiday in advance, analyze how others feel about the celebration and whether they participate in it. However, sometimes you learn about a reason for a holiday completely unexpectedly, while others have known about it for a long time. And then you realize that you are not sufficiently prepared for the festive event. This reveals your concern about your inability to meet or unwillingness to meet the expectations of others. Sometimes we fail to do this, not because of our incompetence, but because these expectations are not met. Are those around you prepared for the holiday? Does their mood match the spirit of the festive event? Are their gestures appropriate? How did you feel after such a dream - overwhelm, shock or emptiness?

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Holidays (New Year, Birthday) – Improvement in life situation, joyful event; "festive" mood; see Congratulate in r. Relationships.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of a Holiday, why?

Celebrate – Joy.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about the Holiday according to the dream book?

Celebrate – Joy

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Holiday according to the dream book:

I dreamed about a celebration or a banquet - According to the dream book, seeing a holiday means that pleasant surprises await you. If there is a mess at the holiday, this foreshadows quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence. Being late for the celebration means that hectic days await you ahead. Most often, if you dream that you are participating in a noisy festival, in reality you may more than once neglect the cruel realities of life. This dream also foretells that you will never want to depend on others for anything.

Holidays in dreams and in reality bring bright and joyful feelings of unity with loved ones. A feeling of wonder and magic accompanies most holiday gatherings.

However, it happens that a holiday turns into sadness or unfulfilled expectations. And you can dream about anything. Understanding what a holiday means in a dream helps you understand what significant needs are not fulfilled in everyday life.


An abstract holiday in a dream symbolizes the “harvest” from a previous life stage. Such dreams become a warning for the imminent end of a significant period and a reassessment of one’s life and achievements, which is necessary for the formation of new goals.

Celebrate alone

Celebrating a holiday alone or in a crowd with many unfamiliar or faceless people means a serious lack of spiritual communication and sincere love. Perhaps in life you have protected yourself from close communication (for the sake of a career or after disappointment) and now realize that there is no one with whom you can share your triumph. The goals were achieved, but they did not bring joy.

This is a sign that it's time to trust people. There are those next to you who you can trust, who can become sincere friends and helpers. Perhaps there is a person in your circle who has deeper feelings for you? Take a closer look, maybe love is nearby?


Did you dream of a holiday with real pandemonium? Are there so many people that the current picks you up and carries you down the street in an unknown direction? This means that you will not be able to influence upcoming events in reality.

Most likely, you yourself have “stirred up the mess” in the past and feel that the situation is getting out of control. Try to accept what is happening with dignity, if possible, make amends in advance to loved ones and significant figures in your life.

Such dreams can take place in an atmosphere of masquerade, which aggravates their meaning, since it adds too many unknown parameters. It is important to track your own feelings - are you enjoying the process, are you wearing a mask yourself or are you “naked” in front of a crowd?

Are you participating in the general fun or are you watching from the outside? Particular attention should be paid to familiar faces (even from the distant past). Try to understand what all the people you know have in common with you (situations, problems, quarrels, expectations).

Crowded feast

Sleeping atmosphere is a decisive factor

Decoding what the holiday means in dreams depends on the prevailing atmosphere and your personal assessment of what is happening. In such a dream, personal interpretation and associative series become decisive.

  • Does the dream bring positive emotions and a desire to be at such an event in reality? Then the holiday symbolizes a quick and very significant improvement in affairs, social and economic status.
  • But anxious holidays in a dream indicate stress and fatigue. It's time to take a time out and rethink your present: relationships, position in life and goals.

However, even in an unfavorable situation, the holiday remains an extremely positive symbol. You may face a period of difficulties, but it will still end in your victory over any circumstances!
Author: Ekaterina Volkova