Paintball is not just a ball of paint. Comic fights: what is the name of the game where they shoot paint from a gun





Game balls

The person who gets hit by the ball and leaves a mark - from his own or someone else's, at any point, including a weapon - is eliminated from the game (raises the marker upside down and leaves the field). In sport paintball - until the end of the game time, in tactical paintball - it goes to “respawn”. The rules for entering the game depend on the scenario. Before entering the court, the player must wipe off all paint from his clothing. If you suspect that your opponent has been hit, shout: “Referee, check!”

If the scenario is not played on a designated area, when a tourist or mushroom picker appears, you should immediately stop the game and take all necessary actions to stop the game by the remaining participants. The message about the outsider is relayed, the game resumes when the outsider leaves the playing area.

Game scenarios

Paintball in action

There are a large number of game scenarios - on rough terrain, in an abandoned building or on a specially prepared site, “with inputs” or without them (an input is the return of a hit player to the field).


The simplest version of the game is a “wall to wall” game without inputs. The team must hit all players on the opposing team.


Two teams of unequal composition play. One is setting up a perimeter defense, the second is trying to capture the fortress.

Capture the Flag

The task is to capture the flag from the opponent's base and bring it to your base. Usually played with inputs. Option: capture the “central flag”: the flag is in the center of the field, the task is to bring it to the enemy base or to your base.

Top Gun

Every man for himself. The players are taken to the middle of the field, at the first whistle they scatter in different directions, at the second they begin to shoot at each other. The last one standing is “Top Gun”.


One team holds the defense in the forest (desert), the other is trying to “smoke out the partisans” from the forest.

"Hostage Release" or "Prisoner Capture"

Two teams play. The “hostages” selected from among the players may be captured already at the initial moment of time or may be captured during the game.


The number of players, as a rule, is no more than 10, each with 10 balls, with which he must hit the maximum number of opponents.


Each player has 1 ball in the marker. At the referee's command, two players approach the barrier (markers pointing down) and, at the referee's signal, raise their markers and shoot.

Also, a duel can be carried out with paintball pistols that have a magazine for 8 balls (shots). Both in open areas, rough terrain, sports paintball courts, and indoors.


Two teams play. One team one third smaller in number is the “Terrorists” or “Partisans”. Terrorists enter the field earlier and set up ambushes. A large team must lead a player marked with a bright vest or a special bright bandage (VIP) across the territory of the playing court. The task is to guide the VIP through all the ambushes without being hit. This scenario is suitable for large forest areas or for large areas with buildings and structures.

Training and tactical paintball

Today, paintball is used for additional professional training of bodyguards and special forces in many countries (USA, Germany, England, Israel, etc.). Even one of the popular versions of the origin of paintball as a game involves going beyond the secrecy of the methodology and idea of ​​​​a training weapon for the American army.

For the purposes of these areas of paintball, markers have been developed that imitate firearms, which differ from sports analogues in appearance and weight, close to samples of real weapons. Multi-level structures or specially prepared areas simulate real conditions for military operations.

Abroad, the Anti-Terrorist Forces were among the first to use special equipment for practical paintball. Counter Terror Warfare School) and Anti-Partisan (eng. Counter Guerilla Warfare School ) schools in America and Israel. In Russia, the first training began with fighters from the Lynx OMSN, the Alpha and Vympel groups of the FSB TsSN in 1996 with the assistance of the Paintland sports club (Moscow).

Paintball in Russia

Paintball is one of the technical sports managed by DOSAAF (until December 2009 - ROSTO) and recommended for development on the territory of the Russian Federation by order of the State Sports Committee of the Russian Federation No. 222 dated June 26, 1996. In Russia there are various federations and leagues within which sports tournaments are held paintball.


see also

  • DuraCoat
  • Quasar


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    - [English] paintball] team game, shooting from special gas pistols with paint balls; the game takes place either in a shooting range where they shoot at targets, or in an open or closed area; 12 people take part. Dictionary of foreign words.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

What adult does not dream of briefly plunging back into childhood and indulging in fun, exciting games? Paintball is considered a truly spectacular sport. What is this game, what is its essence and what is necessary for it to take place? We will try to understand these issues.


From English, "paintball" literally translates as "paint + ball." In this game, players shoot capsules containing special paint at each other using air guns. There are several versions of the origin of the game. Let's name two of the most popular ones.

In 1878, the practice of combat exercises was introduced into the French army. The soldiers shot at them not from conventional weapons, but from a special pneumatic syringe with paint. Then inventor Postav Reclus replaced it with a model similar to the modern one, with latex projectiles. Inside these “cartridges” there was paint.

Another version takes us to the USA in 1981. Three friends, stockbrokers, seriously interested in war games, purchased markers and set them up to shoot paint. The downside was that the paintball marker contained an oily substance that did not wash off from clothing. Of course, constantly changing shape was problematic, so gelatin balls appeared in 1984. A year later, the gun model for the game was also improved.

Sports or entertainment

Controversy arose around the new invention at the beginning of the 21st century. Paintball - what is it: sport or entertainment? Of course, initially it was a fun way to fill leisure time. However, later the game was elevated to a team sport, which not only unites people with a common idea, but also involves physical activity, the development of coordination, balance, attentiveness, training quick reactions, accuracy, and analytical abilities.

Recently, paintball clubs have been increasingly used for team building and team building.


Paint shooting has fairly simple rules. Participants are divided into two teams, choose a scenario, instructions, and begin a confrontation in a specially equipped area. A fighter who is “wounded” by his own or others with paint in any part of the body or hit by a weapon is eliminated from the game until it ends or until respawn (game rebirth). He must pick up the paintball marker and leave the field.

In case of respawn, the player must carefully wipe the paint off his clothes. If there is a suspicion about the opponent’s cunning, the participants call on the judge for help.

In Russia, paintball sites use two versions of the game: St. Petersburg and Moscow. In the second, paint capsules hitting objects carried in the hands (weapons, props) are not considered a defeat.


Paintball equipment consists of:

  • Protective clothing. Usually it is issued at a specialized base. But if paintball becomes a hobby for a person, he buys himself an individual kit. Clothes should be loose and not restrict movement.
  • Shoes on a textured sole, comfortable and fixes the lower leg.
  • Airguns. In this game it is called a marker and differs in shape and size.
  • Paintball mask. It is necessary to protect the face, since a capsule with paint when fired at any distance can leave a bruise. The mask should fit well and not interfere with movement around the site.
  • Feeders- small bins for paint capsules. They are attached to the marker, which allows for continuous firefight with the enemy.
  • Cylinders with compressed air (carbon dioxide). They are also attached to the marker, and thanks to them the shot is fired.
  • Paintballs- capsules or containers with paint of different colors, which upon impact opens and marks the enemy.

Game scenarios

Today, paintball bases offer a variety of scenarios in which both men and women can participate equally. Combat scenes are designed for any type of site, be it a forest clearing or an abandoned building.

The most popular are:

  1. Kare- the simplest option for developing the game, which is familiar to everyone since childhood. Its second name is “wall to wall”. There is a clash of opponents who shoot for elimination. The player does not enter back.
  2. Capture the Flag. Each team has its own base or fortress with a flag. The task is simple - capture the opponent's flag and deliver it to your defensive point. This provides for player input after being wounded. A variant of the same scenario is to capture the flag in the center of the battlefield and deliver it to the enemy’s headquarters or to your own.
  3. Partisans. This is a role-playing version of the game. One team (partisans) must hold the line in an improvised desert or forest, the other must drive it out of shelter. For this purpose, various military actions called provocations are used.
  4. Duel. This is a classic re-enactment of fights from the 19th century. Only they shoot, of course, not with cartridges, but with paint. Each player has only one paintball marker. The referee commands, two players from different groups approach the barrier and, at the next signal, shoot at each other. The results are calculated based on the last player left alive.
  5. Escort. This is one of the most exciting stories in the game. The group of participants is divided into two unequal teams (ratio 1:2/3). A smaller group is called terrorists. She is first taken out onto the field to organize ambushes. The second team must take the VIP through the site “with a surprise” to the designated point without defeat. As a distinctive feature, a person is marked with a bright bandage or wearing a bright vest. This option is suitable for open areas or large multi-level structures.

Of course, the scenario depends on the age and composition of the participants who decide to play paintball. Prices for each plot are set individually.


Despite the fact that many experts consider paintball to be safe as a sport, it does have certain health risks. From sprains and dislocations to loss of vision. To do this, before each game, the base staff conducts detailed instructions. And this is exactly what paintball equipment was invented for. Let's take a look at the basic safety rules:

  • Even in the so-called “dead zones”, removing the mask is strictly prohibited. When fired at close range, a paintball can cause serious damage.
  • Playing paintball requires a sober mind and clear reactions. Therefore, drinking alcohol or taking strong medications before playing is also a limitation.
  • “Blind” or random shooting during a fight is not encouraged. In this case, the player is simply removed from the field.
  • You can't shoot point blank! This is one of the main rules that every paintball club dictates. Shots are fired from no less than six meters. Otherwise, it threatens with a painful blow and the formation of hematomas.

Where do they play paintball?

Depending on the season and other factors, the game can take place outdoors (natural landscapes, rough terrain) and indoors (with additional decorations). In any case, the paintball club must plan the battlefield and its equipment in advance.

In natural conditions, trees, holes and bushes serve as shelters. On artificial sites these are boards, barrels, large stones, a car body, etc. Also, according to the game scenario, paintball sites are equipped with barriers (inflatable or constructed), which are arranged in a chaotic or mirror order.


Paint shooting has become very popular all over the world today. It's hard to find an active young man or even woman who has never tried paintball. Prices for such activities depend largely on the additional services that the player wants to use. These include ATV rental, weapons rental, a climbing wall, and a visit to the sauna after the game. Participation in the team itself costs no more than a thousand rubles per person. It all depends on the region of residence and the level of the paintball club.

Important points

If a person likes to play “war games,” then you shouldn’t naively think when choosing paintball that such an activity will only give you pleasure and the opportunity to plunge into children’s fun. Paintball is, first and foremost, a team sport. There are strict rules, safety precautions and even the possibility of serious injury. When choosing this game as a form of entertainment, you need to show maximum responsibility, especially if friends, family or work teams become participants.

There are also positive aspects that paintball can boast of. What can such a hobby bring to our lives? Much! As already mentioned, this game develops a person physically and, in addition, it is a team game, which means it can unite, make friends, establish relationships, establish contact, teach responsibility for each other... Sometimes paintball clubs organize fights for national teams. This is a great chance to meet new people and find like-minded people. Even if a person is not a fan of the pastime described, the joy of victory, and the process of the game itself, can radically change his opinion.

All boys love to play war games and shoot imaginary enemies with fake machine guns. When childhood ends, we miss such innocent pranks. You can experience the same emotions and sensations now. Paintball is a great way to relieve accumulated stress and recharge your batteries for a long time.


Paintball is an active and exciting game. It involves two teams fighting by shooting paint balls from air guns.

There are several types of paintball:

  • sports;
  • entertaining;
  • away;
  • corporate;
  • winter.


The battle begins with the teams starting from their bases located at opposite ends of the battlefield. They need to take as many of their opponents out of the game as possible. Other nuances depend on the specific battle scenario.

The rules of paintball are as follows: a player is considered “killed” if there are paint stains the size of a five-ruble coin on him or his equipment. A defeat is also considered if a participant leaves the field boundary. In addition, the judge can remove from the competition any person who violates the rules. The “killed” must also immediately leave the battlefield. The duration of the battle depends on the number of participants, the size of the area and the selected scenario.


There are several basic scenarios in paintball. Of course, in each specific case, players can come up with their own order of competition. The rules of the paintball game allow you to do this.

We present to your attention a list of the most popular scenarios with a description of the process:

  • "Capture the Flag". The idea is to capture the opponents' flag, which is located at their base, as quickly as possible and bring it to your camp.
  • "Attack and Defense". This is a variation of the first scenario. Only in this case, a flag is installed on one of the bases, but not on the other. One team attacks, the other defends. Victory will be counted if you manage to capture the flag. The attacking team must carry it a certain distance from the place where it was installed.

  • "Defeat". The group in which all the shooters are “killed” is considered the loser.
  • "Release the hostage." There is a hostage in the building without a weapon. The attacking team must free him from the terrorists. You cannot shoot a hostage while he is still in the building. If the attackers are able to get their player out of the building, the opponents can immediately start shooting.

Marker selection

Paintball is a very exciting and interesting activity. If you also decide to take part in the competition, you need to stock up on a special marker for shooting.

These weapons can be divided into the following classes:

  • rental;
  • personal;
  • sports.


Of course, paintball is a fairly safe sport. But the participants shoot balls with colored paints at each other, so each fighter must have a special mask on his face that can withstand at least 15 shots per second. Without this equipment you simply will not be allowed to play. The mask must be made of durable plastic. Nowadays they even produce models with thermal glass that does not fog up from human breath.

All necessary ammunition is given out at the clubs. This also applies to special suits designed to protect clothes from paint. But shoes are not issued in clubs. The player will have to bring comfortable sneakers or combat boots.

Places for games

Where can you play paintball? This question is asked by people who have heard something about this game and have at least a little idea about it. The popularity of this shooting has reached such heights in our country that in almost every city you can find a club for fans of this sport. In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are several dozen playgrounds designed for competitions.

Places prohibited for games

Playing paintball is fun! But it is prohibited to hold competitions in all places not intended for this purpose.

These include:

  • Beach.
  • Construction.
  • Suburban area.
  • Playground.

It is prohibited to shoot air guns in all public places. It is not advisable to do this even on your own country plot. For such violations, players may be subject to administrative punishment.

Security measures

Paintball is a very interesting game. In order for the exciting process to bring only pleasure, it is necessary to follow certain safety rules.

  • Shooting should begin and end as soon as the referee gives the signal.
  • You can only be on the site fully equipped. You cannot start fighting without a protective suit and mask.
  • Outside the game, the marker (weapon) should always be kept with the barrel down. It is important to always put it on safety.

Clubs always strictly punish members who violate certain safety rules. For example, during the game it is strictly forbidden to remove a mask or helmet, shoot at the “dead”, or use a personal, own marker. The rules of the game of paintball allow the judge to deal with violators seriously. If he sees that a participant is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, behaves aggressively, or swears, he has the right to remove the troublemaker.

Legends and facts

The history of paintball is shrouded in many legends. Some believe that the game was invented by CIA agents in the 70s of the last century. Others attribute the invention to Israeli intelligence services. And some believe that paintball was intended for Vietnam War veterans.

Most historians are inclined to the following version. At the end of the 19th century in France, guns that shot paint began to be used to train soldiers. Such exercises bore fruit during the Algiers Campaign, as not a single person was killed. It is believed that Russia could also use this method of training soldiers. After all, our attaché was present during these trainings. Several sets of equipment that shoot paint were brought to Russia. However, these unusual paint throwers have not taken root in our country. And in France too.

Even Hitler’s army was involved in the development of paint launchers. It is believed that during the experiments it was possible to obtain a more advanced model.


In conclusion, I would like to say that such a dynamic and extremely exciting game will be an excellent way to spend leisure time and even celebrate a birthday. Paintball will help you shake yourself up and gain new strength. You definitely won’t get bored with this game, because it requires composure, accuracy, self-confidence and endurance. There are many options, so everyone can choose the scenario that suits them best. Choose where to play paintball and enjoy the process!

Answer from Artem Korolev[guru]

Answer from Analostanka[active]
paintball, what do you like?

Answer from I-beam[active]
Paintball. They say it’s very interesting, I haven’t played it myself, I don’t know.

Answer from chromosomes[guru]

Answer from XPOHOC[guru]
In general, this is called paintball.
There is another variety - airsoft. This is a more serious game. Orizhie (copies of modern designs) are used. Instead of gelatin balls, use plastic or metal hollow balls. Quite a serious game. Both in terms of money and in terms of injuries.
For example, a pistol costs about 1000 rubles, and an MP5 costs about 4000. And endless tuning - both in appearance and in combat characteristics

Answer from Olga[guru]

Answer from Ab[master]

Answer from Vova Mikhailov[newbie]

Answer from Ivan Lebedev[newbie]
Balls with paint on a limited field and a small team - paintball. Balls with paint, but the weapon is better than a real one and not a Martian blaster and a large training ground, but the people have multi-tactical paintball. The balls are plastic and the weapon is indistinguishable from the real thing - airsoft. The balls are metal and the players wear hardball armor. There are headbands on the heads that shoot lasers - laser tag.

Answer from Ekaterina Solovyova[guru]

Answer from But Pasaran[guru]

Answer from User deleted[newbie]

Paintball is not just a ball of paint.

Thinking is the hardest job; This is probably why so few people do this.

Henry Ford

The number of people interested in playing paintball is growing every year. Suffice it to say that in 2000 the number of people passionate about this game was more than 7 million people. The figure is quite impressive. Among young people, pentball competes on equal terms with sports such as skateboarding and roller skating.

Today, almost every city in the post-Soviet space has a paintball club. And in large cities there is more than one. The name of the game comes from two English words - paint and ball. It is quite logical, since the main weapon of the game is gelatin balls with paint. The dimensions of the balls - bullets are about 20mm. in diameter. A shot from a marker (the so-called pneumatic guns and pistols that shoot balls) can fly up to 40 m. Food coloring is used to make paint, so this paint cannot cause harm to health. If it gets in, the paint can be wiped off quite easily with a napkin or washed off with water. Many people purchase paintball equipment and uniforms on their own.

Movement in short dashes between shelters. Choosing the optimal position for an attack. Monitoring the surrounding area and instant action in case of danger. All this together develops not only muscles and lungs, but also vision and the vestibular apparatus. The habit of using not only tunnel vision but also peripheral vision is absolutely recommended for people who spend the lion's share of their time in front of a computer monitor. As for shooting skills, any of us sometimes wants to feel like James Bond. Experienced players can shoot with both the right and left hands.

If you decide to go to a paintball club for the day, ninety times out of a hundred, you won't have to take anything with you. Typically, club organizers provide related services. This is water for washing and rinsing clothes, and a nearby cafe for a snack. However, if you're heading out on a hot day, it's a good idea to pack a water bottle in your bag.

When playing in hot, sun-exposed areas, you should avoid overheating, which can lead to heatstroke. In normal weather, you can fully devote yourself to the game without any particular risk to your health.