How to draw military equipment with a pencil step by step. How to draw a war with a pencil step by step Drawings on a military patriotic theme

So today, continuing the military theme and ignoring all sorts of fantasy and the like, you and I will draw a really cool dude with a sniper rifle. In anticipation, I’ll tell you a little about snipers: So, a sniper is a specially trained dude who will give odds to any eagle eye, since, aiming at a small peephole, he manages to hit the target and hit that very target. Here are the types of snipers:

  1. Sniper saboteur. This is someone who appears in many computer games. Acts alone or with a partner. He tries in every possible way not to give himself away: quieter than water, lower than the grass, that is. It can kill at a distance of 1.5 - 2 kilometers. The weapon is a first-class, precision rifle with a silencer.
  2. Infantry sniper. Works alongside the infantry. It shoots at important targets with general bang, so it doesn’t really need a silencer. The distance is usually up to 400 meters, there is no time to take special aim.
  3. Police sniper. Well, this one is generally a loser compared to the previous two: it shoots at a distance of no more than two hundred meters. But not everything is so simple, it turns out. Usually the criminal is armed and has already pointed his gun at the helpless victim. So you need to shoot in such a way as to hit your finger and prevent this bastard from shooting.

So, let's get creative.

How to draw military equipment with a pencil step by step

Step one: Draw an oval head at the top of the sheet. From there downwards there is a large body. We will outline other parts of the body with large oval shapes. The man holds military equipment in his hands, but so far it is only an elongated figure.
Step two We gradually transform all the defining details into the human body. Some details of the clothing are already visible. Let's give the rifle the desired shape.
Step Three Draw the clothes: a T-shirt, a cap, rolled-up pants, and shoes. Let's pay more attention to weapons. It is squeezed by strong gloved fingers. By the way, there are folds on the trousers and gloves. Now let's move on to the face. The eyes are covered with dark glasses, and a small ear is clearly drawn. There is a thick beard on his face.
Step Four Everything that we have drawn needs to be strengthened: outline, add lines, and then draw in the missing details. This is how we ended up with a strong man, holding a serious gun in his hands and carefully watching the target.
I also advise you to look at drawing lessons for other types of weapons, for example.

From the title it is already clear what we will talk about. We will study how to draw war with a pencil step by step. It won’t be Star Wars and Darth Vader, or even a shooter game, but a real war! Three soldiers in a trench, with piles of military equipment. In order to draw all this, you will need a lot of knowledge about military affairs. You can, of course, sit down to play WoT, but in the end you won’t draw anything. Who doesn’t know this is such a super action game with the participation of tanks, which has gathered a huge number of gamers in our country. By the way, the yellow-faced Chinese are no less interested in this. It seems that half of their population goes in for sports, judging by the number of Olympic medals in 2012, but the second is mired in the whirlpool of online games. For the fact that half of our population has been staring at the LCD monitor for two years now, at the same time managing to stain the gaming mouse with greasy fingers from dinner and pour coffee on the keyboard... let’s all say “Thank you” to Wargaming! Although God bless him. Now let's take a break from tanks and try to draw military actions with the participation of real ones. There are five steps ahead.

How to draw a war with a pencil step by step

Step one First, let's outline the people in motion. Head, position of the torso, arms, legs.
Step two Now let's think about what will be around our soldiers: this is a fence, stones, logs. Let's show their outlines.
Step three Let's dress our combatants: helmet, pants, boots. Let's equip one of them with a bag. Let’s draw the face profile of the one closest to us. We will surround the fence with barbed wire.
Step Four Let's add details: barbs on the wire, belts on people's clothes, a spatula, etc.
Step five Let's do the shading. There are darker areas on the clothing at the folds. Let's darken the areas on the pillars. Well, here are the soldiers against the backdrop of a military and completely unpicturesque landscape.
See similar military equipment drawing lessons.

Military pencil drawings can be created step by step even for young children. There are a lot of lessons and instructions on the Internet, as well as pictures for sketching, which allow you to independently transfer various types of military equipment onto paper.

Boys will like to draw drawings on a military theme in pencil, but such pictures can also be created by girls, for example, on the eve of a big holiday on May 9 or February 23. On Victory Day, the drawing will be an excellent gift for veterans or relatives who served in the army.

Military aircraft pencil drawing

A military aircraft can look interesting in the form of a simple pencil drawing without coloring with paints or colored pencils. First, you should check if you have the tools necessary to create an art project:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • eraser.

If possible, choose hard and soft pencils, which are convenient for making auxiliary lines or drawing the main ones. The following simple instructions will allow little artists to create their own beautiful military aircraft on paper.

  1. We create the main lines that serve as the basis for placing the plane on the leaf. Using a ruler, draw a long line, which we tilt down slightly. The second will intersect the first, you need to lead it from the lower left corner of the leaf to the upper right, this is the basis for the wings and tail. To make the tail of the plane realistic, add a small short line on the first main line, it should be perpendicular.
  2. If the lines are not a good enough guide for drawing the correct shape of the plane, we create additional points that serve as the edges of the nose, tail and wings of the object. It is recommended to start from the far right point, where the nose will be located.
  3. We draw the airplane cabin with smooth lines. Movements should be smooth; you should not press the pencil on the paper. The cockpit lines should taper slightly as you approach the leftmost point, where the tail of the aircraft is located.
  4. From the main lines of the cockpit, focusing on the second auxiliary lines with the same soft and smooth movements, we draw the wings of the aircraft.
  5. An important step that completes the base is drawing the tail. On military aircraft, the tail can have different shapes, with additional elements, so it is advisable to look at the example drawing and ask the child to copy the finished shape.
  6. The last step is adding important elements to bring the plane to life. A child can add various emblems to the aircraft body; he cannot do without drawing the front glass and side windows.
  7. After the lines are drawn, using an eraser, auxiliary lines and points are removed, unnecessary strokes that were the basis of the sketch.

All drawings of military equipment in pencil are created on this basis: auxiliary lines intersecting in the right places, as a guide for creating basic contours.

Warship pencil drawing

Military pencil drawings allow a child not only to understand the basics of creating complex drawings, but also to study the structure of various vehicles. Many children enjoy creating a warship and a pencil drawing that requires following instructions.

Unlike the previous drawing, children begin the art project by drawing the waves of the sea, which are located at the bottom of the paper. Waves are curved lines that young artists can draw.

On the waves you need to place one horizontal line without tilting. A ruler will come to the rescue with this. The length of the main horizontal line should be of average length, taking into account the fact that additional lines will diverge to the sides, continuing the base of the ship's hull; they are made using a ruler. To do this, the ruler is placed slightly at an angle towards the outer sides of the leaf. You can connect these two lines with one solid line. The ship's base is ready.

Next, you should focus on the example picture, from which the cabin compartments and deck details are copied. The guns must be drawn, and the main “highlight” of such a creation will be the ship’s flag. An important detail of the drawing. Finally, several curved wave lines are added around the ship to create the illusion of military transport moving.

Such military pencil drawings for children may seem simple at first glance, but with the help of shading they decorate the picture, and if desired, they add a little color with the help of paints.

Soldier drawing

A pencil drawing of a military soldier can be made by small children. The main thing is to first practice repeating basic geometric shapes and learn how to make neat lines.
As in the case of drawing a military airplane with a pencil for children, it is worth creating several auxiliary lines with which the proportions of the soldier’s body will be correct.

  1. First, let's work on the markup. The frame of the drawing is the basis of the soldier’s body. On the vertical line at the top we draw an oval, which serves as the base for the head. Just below he draws two trapezoids - the base of the body. From the trapezoid we make lines for the arms and lines below for the legs. An important point is that the drawing is made larger in order to clearly display all the details.
  2. In the oval area, for accuracy, you can create auxiliary lines with thin strokes: one horizontally, just above the center of the oval, the second vertical, clearly in the center, crossing the area of ​​the soldier’s future face. From the oval on the sides we draw ears with neat curved lines. Along the auxiliary horizontal line we add eyes and exactly above them two souls of eyebrows. In the lower part there will be a nose, and between the created details of the face. You can add bangs on top of the oval.
  3. Let's draw the cap. If it is difficult to replicate its shape, you can settle on a small triangle that “sits” exactly on top of the oval.
  4. From the oval down to the trapezoids with smooth lines.
  5. From the neck we move on to drawing the shape of the body, making the trapezoid less angular. At this stage, you can immediately work on such details as a collar, other clothing items in the form of a belt and shoulder straps.
  6. Don't forget about pockets, buttons and a star on the strap.
  7. The lower part is trousers. Kids should help with them, because not all little artists will be able to repeat the lines of the folds of trousers. We finish this part with boots.
  8. Step by step, slowly, we draw the arms and sleeves of the uniform, from which the soldier’s hands can be seen. It is not necessary to draw the hands in detail. Kids can stop at the schematic image.

Children, especially boys, are usually interested in military equipment. Pictures for children depicting its main varieties are therefore always very popular. Using such pictures, you can help children learn the names of different types of military vehicles and learn their key features.

Pictures depicting military vehicles are especially relevant for kindergarten.

In a group, with their help, you can conduct a thematic lesson, timed to coincide with Victory Day or other suitable occasion. All that is needed in this case is to print out pictures according to the number of children and prepare a short explanation about each type of equipment:

Anti-aircraft missile system - helps fight air and space forces. May be of different types.

Warship - during war, shells and fuel are transported on it. Ships that transport soldiers are called landing ships.

Aircraft carrier. This is a warship carrying fighter planes.

Military helicopter - transports soldiers and cargo.

Armored personnel carrier – designed to transport military personnel; if necessary, it can fire from onboard guns.

Armored vehicle - performs the same tasks as an armored personnel carrier.

An infantry fighting vehicle is another means of transporting soldiers.

The nuclear submarine is the main weapon of the navy.

Tank. The main threat to all ground forces.

Strategic missile launcher (missile launcher). Designed for transporting and launching missiles.

The self-propelled gun is the main assistant of tanks and infantry in battle. Fighter picture

Even a superficial acquaintance with different types of military equipment will help broaden the children’s horizons and awaken in them a desire to learn more about military science. Therefore, pictures depicting military vehicles will be very useful for children of different ages.

Military equipment drawings for children

Children may need not only pictures, but also drawings for sketching. We present to your attention a drawing with a tank, a cheerful soldier and a Russian flag.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw the Great Patriotic War (WWII) of 1941-1945 with a pencil step by step. This is the war of the USSR against Germany and its allies. The Second World War itself began on September 1, 1939. If you are interested in how it all began and what were the prerequisites for its development, then read the article on Wikipedia. But let's start drawing.

Draw a horizon - a horizontal line, it is located approximately 1/3 of the top of the sheet. Draw a country road below and place three soldiers, the further away, the smaller the scale. Click on the picture to enlarge.

We draw houses and hills on the horizon, then the farthest soldier, he should not be big. Click on the image to see the details.

We draw the second one with a weapon behind a hillock, its head and body are slightly larger than the previous one, about 1.5 times.

Draw a soldier with a weapon in the foreground.

Apply dark areas on the bodies of the soldiers and on the weapons, draw a little grass.

Use strokes to define the grass, slopes and field.

Now, using a lighter tone, we imitate the smoke from the fires, we shade the steppe part, and in the foreground we highlight the bumpiness of the hillock and trench. This is how you can draw it.