Keeping your fingers crossed for someone is mental support. “Keep your fists”: variants of origin, meaning and synonyms What does it mean to keep your fists

Keep your fingers crossed for good luck!

Keep your fingers crossed for good luck!

I will keep my fingers crossed for you - this is how we usually try to set up our family and friends for good luck. Especially if it is supposed to be some important event.

And our family and friends nod their heads to us with gratitude, saying, thank you, this will be very helpful.

But what does this mean? What sacred meaning is hidden in this gesture - two tightly clenched fists?

Maybe this is the same as crossing your fingers for luck?

But crossed fingers for good luck imply helping oneself, while clenched fists of hands mean we are holding for someone.

An acquaintance of mine who fought in hot spots once talked about gestures, which for special forces are a very precise and silent language. So, a clenched fist means “freeze” for everyone. Those. This is the concentration of enormous power of energy in one gesture.

Just remember, if you even jokingly shake your fist at someone, the person freezes for a minute. It is his inner self that encounters the concentrated energy of your inner self. The trick is that he is in his normal state, and you concentrated with one gesture.

Midwives say that almost all babies come into this world with clenched fists. They have such enormous strength for life, such concentration. Just remember how many times you wanted to hold the baby’s hand, and always had to unclench your fingers. So tiny, but so strong.

It turns out that when we hold our fists for someone, we mentally tune into his wavelength and begin to mentally send him this energy collected into one tight lump. This is the same as lending your shoulder at the right moment. This is the transfer of power from one person to another through an energy communication channel.

In this case, your thoughts are very important.

Although psychologists are skeptical that all this is just another ritual that humanity invented to make life seem more mysterious. Be that as it may, our promise to keep our fists in support always sets a person up to the fact that he is not alone. That they are worried about him and this gives new strength.

Whatever, you can check it yourself.

One day, my friend was getting a job, and at that time we were sitting in the park and holding our fists for her. Literally. And she, already getting ready to leave after an unsuccessful conversation, suddenly, as she says, felt something... She had already reached the door, and then turned around and said the phrase:

I am a very good worker, and if you are a competent boss, you will understand this - only in English. And it was accepted. How did it occur to her to say this? She doesn’t know, but we console ourselves with the hope that we are still involved.

This is the power of clenched fists.

If someone needs your help, keep your fingers crossed for them. He will definitely feel it. Maybe it was your strength that he lacked for something very important.

Let's support each other. This is within our power.

And I noticed. The commander clenched his hand into a fist, as if saying - “Stay together”!

Very curious, I need to figure it out.

Personally, I associate this with the following:

to be together like the fingers of one hand,

and also wishes of good luck,

This can be done physically and mentally from a distance.

This is, so to speak, voluntary participation in the affairs of another, support and help, even on a mental level, still works.

And you can keep your fingers crossed for your favorite sports team that is playing now.

I believe that "keep your fingers crossed" means "think hard about someone who needs mental help." And in order not to be distracted and not be able to do anything else, you need to clench your fists (cross your fingers), in general, bring your hands to a non-working position :)

So you sit with clenched fists and send requests on the air like “may he be lucky and pull out the eighth ticket” :)

Keeping your fingers crossed for someone is mental support.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you - this is how we usually try to set up our family and friends for good luck. Especially if it is supposed to be some important event.

And our family and friends nod their heads to us with gratitude, saying, thank you, this will be very helpful.

But what does this mean? What sacred meaning is hidden in this gesture - two tightly clenched fists?

But crossed fingers for good luck imply helping oneself, while clenched fists of hands mean we are holding for someone.

Midwives say that almost all babies come into this world with clenched fists. They have such enormous strength for life, such concentration. Just remember how many times you wanted to hold the baby’s hand, and always had to unclench your fingers. So tiny, but so strong.

It turns out that when we hold our fists for someone, we mentally tune into his wavelength and begin to mentally send him this energy collected into one tight lump. This is the same as lending your shoulder at the right moment. This is the transfer of power from one person to another through an energy communication channel.

In this case, your thoughts are very important.

Although psychologists are skeptical that all this is just another ritual that humanity invented to make life seem more mysterious. Be that as it may, our promise to keep our fists in support always sets a person up to the fact that he is not alone. That they are worried about him and this gives new strength.

Whatever, you can check it yourself.

One day, my friend was getting a job, and at that time we were sitting in the park and holding our fists for her. Literally. And she, already getting ready to leave after an unsuccessful conversation, suddenly, as she says, felt something... She had already reached the door, and then turned around and said the phrase:

I am a very good worker, and if you are a competent boss, you will understand this - only in English. And it was accepted. How did it occur to her to say this? She doesn’t know, but we console ourselves with the hope that we are still involved.

This is the power of clenched fists.

If someone needs your help, keep your fingers crossed for them. He will definitely feel it. Maybe it was your strength that he lacked for something very important.

Let's support each other. This is within our power.

I am always glad to see you on the pages of the site “I want to know everything”

I keep my fingers crossed for you

Pregnancy planning.

Girls, this video really touched me. In such a situation, you need to think first of all with your mind and not be afraid to make a truly correct decision. It's a pity that there are such "Men". who cannot take responsibility for their actions. [link-1]

Figure skating, flow of thoughts.

Stephin Ice Legends is dead. No funding. TAT - 70. Well, she's been senile for a long time, so it doesn't matter. The 2017 World Cup is coming soon. Denis must be acquitted. But. There are no quads. Early. Steph has a loss of energy and motivation. Don't relax! By the way. The European Championship was controversial. The beavers confirmed that they are No. 1 in Russia. The Papadakis were wonderful, as were Lambiel's buddies, the Caramels. But the judges are clearly preparing for Virtue-Moir's return. Well, in vain. Shibs, Caramels, Papadakis - why the hell do they need old VMs. At Denis's European Championships.

fists. Planning a pregnancy

Well, here I am again, impudently, asking for fists! I just woke up after a nap and realized that my throat hurts! and in general it’s somehow not the same. The only good news is the delay. and today my husband is also going fishing, so against the backdrop of everything I feel sad ((((hold your magically healing and encouraging fists for me, otherwise I’m feeling sour.

Revelations of a cancer patient.

Everything I write about below is very personal. And I hid my illness for a long time. Most likely, over time, the blog will be deleted and displayed anonymously. Perhaps my experience will save someone from making mistakes. Well, then I’m shooting back from the disease and I don’t have the right to keep people who give me cartridges in the dark. :) I’ll start from the beginning - how I got sick) there’s a coincidence of circumstances: 1) genetics There were many cancer patients in my family 2) in 2004 I gave birth Arseny, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy due to a birth injury.

37th week of pregnancy! Hooray!.

It’s already the 37th week and 88th day in the hospital. But I was at home for a whole month and managed to prepare for the meeting with the baby. Within a day they promise to remove the stitches from the cervix and you will no longer have to wear a bandage all the time. And what will happen next. I hope that the birth will not take long. But the doctors say that a hundred many girls then continue to walk before their term, and some even overextend. Wait and see. In any case, the wait won't be long!

I can't be silent! Planning a pregnancy

PARTIZAN 05. Pregnancy planning

Girls should get their period on December 10th. Well, like a real woman, I couldn’t wait that long :) I bought a test to determine early pregnancy. I did test 8, at first nothing was visible, then a slightly noticeable pink stripe appeared. I was a little taken aback. I think if it has appeared now, then every day the stripe should become darker. Today I couldn’t bear to take the test, even the control line didn’t show: (Is the test flawed or am I in too much of a hurry to find out? Well.

I think it's worth it. Blog of user Zavada Grigory on

Hello! There is very little left until the New Year. But in Poland, Father Frost (Mikolai) brings gifts to children on December 6th. And for Christmas - a star. Although Christmas is considered more of a family holiday and is spent with those closest to you. Christmas is celebrated on December 24th. And the New Year is usually celebrated among friends at various parties and balls. Before the New Year, various companies and firms hold competitions where you can win various gifts. Information site Globemedium this year.

Help!. Planning a pregnancy

Girls help me please. I have some kind of light brown discharge. I'm about to start getting hysterical. nothing hurts, in theory the month should have started today. What is this.

I keep my fingers crossed for you.

Garbage in the head, or 5 obstacles on the way to learning. Psychology.

So it goes. Planning a pregnancy

Today is simply the day of lost souls :)) Tendress, Klyuchik :)) well, my conscience gnawed at me a little :)) I, too, disappeared for a while, although every day after midnight I came to read you and clasped my fists for everyone to whom they were needed. But I didn’t think to ask for myself 🙁 stupid. But I'll start from the beginning. My cycle was exactly 25 days for the last 4 cycles. And suddenly there was a delay. Until the 30th day, I literally slapped myself on the forehead, chasing away bright thoughts (I was afraid of jinxing it, scaring it away). After the 30th day I started doing it.

Report:(. Pregnancy planning

So that's it. I do not worry! Almost. Wrote to Maria. Again the problem is to get it out today, because... Tomorrow I will most likely be admitted to the hospital. Great hope for Lisena. Sunny, if he answers your email, be kind: send me an SMS, and I’ll call you so you can read the answer to me, okay? Results: There is a heartbeat! Everything else is worse than ever. Multiple detachment of the ovum. From all sides. There is free fluid behind the uterus. The right pipe is somehow damaged. Neck too. They say infection and chronic disease.

what to do - I wrote. to the hospital - NO NEED

Travel plans.

All bus excursions are planned with Alexander Myslenkov, except for Lithuania. November 1-3 Uglich-Myshkin-Rybinsk November 8 Tver November 15 Tula or Rostov or Pskov November 23 Rostov or Pskov, still deciding. November 30, Dunino village, reconstruction [link-1] December Multi-day kopeck piece Tula-Yasnaya Polyana Minsk-Brest to see Grandfather Frost One-day Klin Compound, there are reservations for schools January multi-day Minsk-Brest to visit Grandfather Frost Lithuania-Vilnius-Trakai Ustyug-Vologda something- it's still in my head right now.

I will keep my fingers crossed to go on the November holidays to Myshkin, etc.

Lera, it’s so great to travel with you. Thank you.

News from the fields. Pregnancy and childbirth

I am writing a report to everyone who remembers me and who is interested. I am lying in the hospital with isthmic-cervical insufficiency (cervix is ​​bad). They laid him down to get stitches. But the doctors there took a look and refused to apply it for now. I’m a fool, I was glad that this meant that everything was better than I thought, but they explained to me that they didn’t impose it because everything was so bad there that they were afraid that the stitches themselves would cause an abortion :) It’s still quite traumatic The procedure will be taking into account my particularities.

I found such a wonderful doctor. She, seeing me not only as a patient, but also as a woman, thought that I would like to get ready (wash and do laundry) and tried very hard: I prepared all the documents this afternoon. And they let me sleep at home that night. I'm high!

I read them all. I am VERY pleased with such attention and support.

And good luck and health to you all too!

Six months. GOVARDA user's blog on

There is absolutely no time for the Internet. and, although we are almost 7 months old, I want to show off and immediately fist bump. From the good: - height 72 cm, weight 7800 g - we had a massage, we sit down almost on our own, we can’t crawl, we raise our butt a little - we eat buckwheat porridge and rice, cottage cheese, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, we don’t respect turkey, but we love banana and pumpkin - we love the remote control, mobile phone and computer - smiles, tries to manipulate with tears - only works with dad:))) Cheerful and beautiful Polina Palna)))))) tttchns from the bad: - on.

remote control, mobile phone and computer - this is probably in the first place for all children))

Continue marking and I'll go to the doctor. Planning.

Continue celebrating, and I’ll go to the doctor to get ready, otherwise my husband will come for me, and I haven’t painted or combed my hair yet :). Until the evening

crying. Pregnancy and childbirth

Well, apparently, tomorrow I have a direct path to the pathology of my maternity hospital with my things... I don’t want to. There is only one hope - that tomorrow I will be met by a different doctor than the one who threatened me with pathology, and will say that I can still walk and we will wait for a natural birth. (PDR was on Wednesday) I don’t want to be stimulated! (Castor oil, please, don’t drink suggest :)

Let everything work out well!

I'm nowhere without you! :-). Planning a pregnancy

When your child is a leader. Psychology of schoolchildren

Let’s face it, at first the experience of working with the children we will now discuss turned out to be quite unsuccessful for us. Five-year-old Renat always wanted to be first in everything: without waiting for his turn, he ran to do something; volunteered to answer without coming up with an answer.

Sashka got sick (((. Blog of user Ivolga on

Such a small sore ((((so sorry for him (((for two days the temperature reaches 39, paracetamol does not knock him down for long, he’s so nice, capricious, but my sun still smiles. At a high rate he vomits. And so only snot, we have And Kostya has snot, and Arishka, but without tempo. It would be better if I got sick, then maybe I could protect Sasha. I really hope it’s ARVI, I tested my urine today, it looks normal (Kostya had pyelonephritis, I’m afraid of them yesterday). I didn’t feed, it’s probably better not to.

Our graduates. Help them, God!

My daughter Daria will soon enter into an independent life. Today is the second Unified State Exam. I wrote the first one, we hope it’s good. I’ve had a huge workload at school for so many years. and our children find so much strength and patience in themselves: constantly in textbooks, in writing various tests and essays, presentations. It seems to me that in our time, in those years that I studied, I would not have been able to find so much strength in myself, as it was not so difficult for us then. God, give our children GOOD LUCK for their exams! We keep our fingers crossed for everyone! To all graduates and .

In my photo album, a baby who is looking for mom and dad!

Veronica is a smiling, blue-eyed, active girl who likes to play outdoor games. Loves to communicate and looks forward to the attention of adults. She is inquisitive and keenly interested in everything around her. Veronica looks with hope at every newly emerging adult and is ready to communicate with everyone. She needs a loving mom and dad who will take care of her and give her the love that a little girl really needs to grow and develop. When I saw Veronica in the hospital (she was lying with...

I'm looking forward to the Olympics! User's blog PoLe on

If you are looking forward to the Olympics just like me, and are going to follow the successes of our (and not only 🙂 🙂 athletes, I invite you to the Olympic community! Join the community and share your impressions and photos found on the Internet, write about those you support and keep your fingers crossed . I really want to hope that our team will not let us down :) The opening of the Olympics is already this Friday, there is very little time left Community “Olympiad”

Pregnancy to the rescue. Kno user's blog on

Yesterday the world went from under our feet. One terrible word and everything was divided into two parts. After our long visits to doctors and attempts to find out what Olya was sick with, we were given a diagnosis. Acute leukemia. Yes, yes, my dears, this is not a mistake. How I would like to wake up at home, see my sleepy husband, warm healthy children and kittens. Maybe it's all because I couldn't sleep that night? We are in the oncology and hematology department, Olyusha was given IV drips and blood and platelet transfusions all night.

Ultrasound. Tomorrow. GOVARDA user's blog on

Girls, I ask for fists. I'll report back tomorrow evening.

[blank]. User's blog on

Nothing will work out. Well, write, they will answer you, they won’t be able not to answer this time, this is not an OS where you can disrespect the interlocutor. They will try with dignity. Although there are obvious problems with this if you use your own resources, as I was once again convinced today)).

You lack a sense of purpose and, moreover, its justification; they have a goal, an emotional state, and you are an object that makes you shiver. Although the latter greatly surprises me, you are the best PR of the site in recent years, they are grooming you and you need to be cherished. You are a treasure in monetary terms and which can be disposed of wisely, but they don’t want you. I assume that the reason for this is banally simple.

Py.Sy. I really liked your last messages in the conference. Or rather, their discussion. Sharp and intelligent, despite the costs of raising some Individuals)). You behaved with dignity.

By the way, Alex didn’t break out, this is his usual manner of communication. Olya-Yola likes to joke, she’s a sharp girl. Personally, I like it. You probably take everything too literally. I, however, didn’t read why she deserved to be mentioned here.

Meeting point. Creativity about 7e:o)

Happy because I'm pregnant. Pregnancy: let's share.

He looked at the small strip of cardboard in my hands for a long time, and finally smiled: “It’s crazy. What, I now have one and a half Hare?”

A recipe for waiting. Stories about planning pregnancy

Autumn 2008. My only son is 6.5 years old. His brother's demand becomes more and more insistent on his part. I, in turn, am increasingly driven by the desire to go through “this” (that is, to become a mother) for the second time.

I wish everyone that everything works out for you right away =)

small report. Planning a pregnancy

Well... I'm still waiting for the next ultrasound. I take pills and I’m not nervous.. No pain (ttt), no spotting (ttt), slight nausea and terrible zhel - I’m constantly hungry.. We were at a birthday party on Saturday, I caught myself thinking that I was constantly chewing something - a tomato , cucumber, onion, radish, piece of kebab, muffin, apple, peach, muffin again... and it doesn’t matter in what order. I’ve become more indifferent to meat. I’m waiting for an answer from Maria - an ultrasound either on Thursday or in a week. I went back to work and I like everything so far.

Report and cams for ultrasound. Planning a pregnancy

So I’m telling you what Maria and I decided to do in my situation: Since, by and large, I feel good, we pretend as if nothing is happening, continuing to take the necessary pills. But since the situation is serious, on Monday I’m going for an ultrasound to see if there’s anything left to save. If there is, then I register with myself here, and after 12 weeks (this is at the beginning of July) I go for an in-person consultation at Oparino and there to see Demidov for an ultrasound. I hardly even worry anymore. If.

I'm leaving for childbirth.. Keep your fingers crossed for us.. Pregnancy and childbirth

I’m leaving for the birth.. Keep your fingers crossed for us.. We’re all going together, since there’s no one to leave the eldest with. Throughout the holidays, everything hurt: my stomach, bones and hip joint, but there were no contractions, it just ached constantly.. Maybe the dilatation has increased? I’m scared and very worried, like the first time, honestly))

I report!. Planning a pregnancy

Girls, dear! Remember, I wrote on Monday that an ultrasound scan advised me to terminate the pregnancy due to deformation of the ovum. In general, my husband came to pick me up at work and we went to Diamed Elite...on Shchelkovskaya. Such a sweet woman looked at me. She said that everything was fine, no deviations, and in her photographs this egg was quite round. but she set 3 weeks. and said that a little flatness is still a natural and normal state, she said that a very large yellow one.

I'm back with my fists again. Planning a pregnancy

but for a change I’ll ask for both myself and my friend. My friend has already received a transplant, and now the main thing for her is to lie down, wait, believe and pray. Well, our fists will support her. By the way, she asked everyone to thank them for these very fists. Well, for myself, I’ll also ask for your fists. Why will I tell you later, ok? Your Brand

Here I am with my fists)))). Planning a pregnancy

Tomorrow, finally, I think I’ll see a doctor - for the first time in 26 weeks)))))) Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well. Table, but not for the case, here you have a ffffaYu mine with princess))))))))))

Stimulation. Pregnancy and childbirth

Girls, who knows, tell me, is there any harm or risk during stimulation? I just can’t understand why my doctor is so stubborn, what is he waiting for. Term 41 weeks + 3 days, contractions started the day before yesterday in the morning, I was already happy, the doctor said: well, the process has begun, maybe you’ll give birth today. And they took it. and stopped. Today I come to him - he tells me: are there any contractions? me: there is nothing. He: well, maybe tomorrow. I couldn’t stand it anymore and burst into tears. I say: how long can it be, I’ve been hearing this for two weeks now.

Please keep your fingers crossed! Pregnancy and childbirth

Oh, I'm afraid. Tomorrow we'll have an ultrasound to check what's wrong, otherwise all these screening tests are a little scary, and the previous ultrasound wasn't so great. I’m sitting here, reassuring myself that everything is OK, but I’m still worried.

Everything will be fine.

Fists are with you.

I'm reporting. Planning a pregnancy

The pain does not subside, but does not intensify either. I’m not dizzy.. I can walk, I even washed the dishes, walked the dog.. the discharge doesn’t stop or get worse, I pee often, maybe I have a cold? although I didn’t seem to have a cold.. just below you can read about how I called an ambulance and the doctor whom everyone is terribly advertising as a specialist, to whom I stood in line for 4(!) times to get in.. this clinic is open on weekends, so here I am I called there..Mr. Kornilov in Ava-Peter:/// like this. no news yet.

It’s better to go to your trusted doctor, otherwise I’m afraid that the residential complex will not treat you with due attention.

The girls clenched their fists together.

I hold it on my hands and feet, and I’ll force the cat to go.

and I ask for fists :). Planning a pregnancy

Dear girls, I also ask for fists. Please hold them for me this weekend :)))

Keeping your fists means providing mental support

“I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you” is a very common phrase when we want to set our family and friends up for good luck, especially before an important event.

What is so mysterious hidden in this gesture - two tightly clenched fists?

In some ways, an analogy can be drawn when we cross our fingers for luck, but this is used to help ourselves, while with clenched fists we promise good luck to another.

For example, in special forces there are many gestures that are a very precise and silent language. So, a clenched fist symbolizes “freezing” for everyone - that is, it turns out to be a kind of concentration of great energy in one gesture.

It is known that most babies are born with clenched fists. It is believed that this reflex contains enormous strength for life, serious concentration on this. To hold a baby by the hand, you always have to unclench his fingers - although they are so tiny, they have considerable strength.

As psychologists say, the very promise of holding your fists in support always sets a person up for positivity, as well as the fact that they are worried about him and this, naturally, gives him strength.

So when we hold our fists for someone, we mentally tune into his wavelength and begin to mentally send him our energy in order to achieve a positive result together.

We keep our fingers crossed for you

An acquaintance of mine who fought in hot spots once talked about gestures, which for special forces are a very precise and silent language. So, a clenched fist means “freeze” for everyone. Those. This is the concentration of enormous power of energy in one gesture.

Just remember, if you even jokingly shake your fist at someone, the person freezes for a minute. It is his inner self that encounters the concentrated energy of your inner self. The trick is that he is in his normal state, and you concentrated with one gesture.

Midwives say that almost all babies come into this world with clenched fists. They have such enormous strength for life, such concentration. Remember how many times you wanted to hold the baby's hand, and always had to unclench your fingers. So tiny, but so strong.

It turns out that when we hold our fists for someone, we mentally tune into his wavelength and begin to mentally send him this energy collected into one tight lump. This is the same as lending your shoulder at the right moment. This is the transfer of power from one person to another through an energy communication channel. In this case, your thoughts are very important.

Although psychologists are skeptical that all this is just another ritual that humanity invented to make life seem more mysterious. Be that as it may, our promise to keep our fists in support always sets a person up to the fact that he is not alone. That they are worried about him and this gives new strength.

You can check this yourself. One day, my friend was getting a job, and at that time we were sitting in the park and holding our fists for her. Literally. And she, already getting ready to leave after an unsuccessful conversation, suddenly, as she says, felt something... She had already reached the door, and then turned around and said the phrase: “I am a very good worker, and if you are a competent boss, you will understand this.” – only in English. And it was accepted. How did it dawn on her to say this? She doesn’t know, but we console ourselves with the hope that we are still involved.

This is the power of clenched fists. If someone needs your help, keep your fingers crossed for them. He will definitely feel it. Maybe it was your strength that he lacked for something very important. Let's support each other. It's within our power

Keep your fingers crossed for me. MY DEAR!

And this is my interview in “AIF - Region”, the editor said that on June 22 it will be published either in the Federal or in the Moscow AIF (to be clarified) - another interview.

An interview in Komsomolskaya Pravda is approaching (the editor said that she had already sent it to Moscow!)

AND NOW I ASK YOU VERY MUCH - I am participating in the casting of “FACE-TV” in our city!

I have already completed the first round, tomorrow the second. O-O-O-I ASK YOU - tomorrow, my dear friends, scold me harder - I NEED TO PASS THE AUDITION TOMORROW!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you all.

Thank you for your kind words. Of course you'll come back. Good luck to you and don’t forget to visit the site :)))))))))

It’s better right away with two surprise stripes and a nickname on the main page, there’s nothing to plan))) good luck))

And we keep our fingers crossed for you! Come back quickly!

Thank you so much for such warm words, and you will definitely succeed, right now - we assume, and God has (in my opinion I wrote correctly) we are holding for you too @@@@@@@, we are waiting again, but with // .

Thank you for your support! All the best and don’t forget us! Everything will be fine! Time will put everything in its place.. Health, joy and peace to your whole family!!

Thanks a lot. Good luck, patience and return to us.

I wish you great happiness and come back when you are with your little belly. We are always happy. Thank you for your kind words.

Thank you very much to all of you girls.


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“I will keep my fingers crossed for you,” this is how we usually try to set up our family and friends for good luck. Especially if it is supposed to be some important event.

And our family and friends nod their heads to us with gratitude, saying, thank you, this will be very helpful.

But what does this mean? What sacred meaning is hidden in this gesture - two tightly clenched fists?

But crossed fingers for good luck imply helping oneself, while clenched fists of hands mean we are holding for someone.

An acquaintance of mine who fought in hot spots once talked about gestures, which for special forces are a very precise and silent language. So, a clenched fist means “freeze” for everyone. Those. This is the concentration of enormous power of energy in one gesture.

Just remember, if you even jokingly shake your fist at someone, the person freezes for a minute. It is his inner self that encounters the concentrated energy of your inner self. The trick is that he is in his normal state, and you concentrated with one gesture.

Midwives say that almost all babies come into this world with clenched fists. They have such enormous strength for life, such concentration. Just remember how many times you wanted to hold the baby’s hand, and always had to unclench your fingers. So tiny, but so strong.

It turns out that when we hold our fists for someone, we mentally tune into his wavelength and begin to mentally send him this energy collected into one tight lump. This is the same as lending your shoulder at the right moment. This is the transfer of power from one person to another through an energy communication channel.

In this case, your thoughts are very important.

Although psychologists are skeptical that all this is just another ritual that humanity invented to make life seem more mysterious. Be that as it may, our promise to keep our fists in support always sets a person up to the fact that he is not alone. That they are worried about him and this gives new strength.

Whatever, you can check it yourself.

One day, my friend was getting a job, and at that time we were sitting in the park and holding our fists for her. Literally. And she, already getting ready to leave after an unsuccessful conversation, suddenly, as she says, felt something... She had already reached the door, and then turned around and said the phrase:

- I am a very good worker, and if you are a competent boss, you will understand this - only in English. And it was accepted. How did it occur to her to say this? She doesn’t know, but we console ourselves with the hope that we are still involved.

This is the power of clenched fists.

If someone needs your help, keep your fingers crossed for them. He will definitely feel it. Maybe it was your strength that he lacked for something very important.

Let's support each other. This is within our power.

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Keep your fingers crossed for good luck!
“I will keep my fingers crossed for you,” this is how we usually try to set up our family and friends for good luck. Especially if it is supposed to be some important event. And our family and friends nod their heads to us with gratitude, saying, thank you, this will be very helpful.
But what does this mean? What sacred meaning is hidden in this gesture - two tightly clenched fists? Maybe this is the same as crossing your fingers for luck?
But crossed fingers for good luck imply helping oneself, while clenched fists of hands mean we are holding for someone.

An acquaintance of mine who fought in hot spots once talked about gestures, which for special forces are a very precise and silent language. So, a clenched fist means “freeze” for everyone. Those. This is the concentration of enormous power of energy in one gesture.

Just remember, if you even jokingly shake your fist at someone, the person freezes for a minute. It is his inner self that encounters the concentrated energy of your inner self. The trick is that he is in his normal state, and you concentrated with one gesture.

Midwives say that almost all babies come into this world with clenched fists. They have such enormous strength for life, such concentration. Remember how many times you wanted to hold the baby's hand, and always had to unclench your fingers. So tiny, but so strong.

It turns out that when we hold our fists for someone, we mentally tune into his wavelength and begin to mentally send him this energy collected into one tight lump. This is the same as lending your shoulder at the right moment. This is the transfer of power from one person to another through an energy communication channel. In this case, your thoughts are very important.

Although psychologists are skeptical that all this is just another ritual that humanity invented to make life seem more mysterious. Be that as it may, our promise to keep our fists in support always sets a person up to the fact that he is not alone. That they are worried about him and this gives new strength.

You can check this yourself. One day, my friend was getting a job, and at that time we were sitting in the park and holding our fists for her. Literally. And she, already getting ready to leave after an unsuccessful conversation, suddenly, as she says, felt something... She had already reached the door, and then turned around and said the phrase:
- I am a very good worker, and if you are a competent boss, you will understand this - only in English. And it was accepted. How did it occur to her to say this?
She doesn’t know, but we console ourselves with the hope that we are still involved.

This is the power of clenched fists. If someone needs your help, keep your fingers crossed for them. He will definitely feel it. Maybe it was your strength that he lacked for something very important.
Let's support each other. It's within our power