How much do flight attendants earn at Aeroflot? How much do airline pilots and flight attendants earn?


It seems that being a flight attendant is not a job, but a dream. But how much do flight attendants earn? How much do they get paid? Let's find out what the salary of flight attendants is.

The work of a flight attendant in Russian aviation is exciting and romantic, but quite physically demanding.

However, many girls and boys want to master this profession and get a job at a reputable airline. In this regard, the question “how much do flight attendants earn” is not idle, but relevant and interesting.

At first glance, it seems that this work is simple and does not require any special abilities - deliver lunches, serve drinks, answer questions, and smile. In fact, of course, this is far from the simplest and easiest profession. If only because a flight attendant works under conditions of increased stress.

During the flight, flight attendants are responsible for the life and health of passengers; they are obliged to provide first aid if necessary. They keep the salon clean and tidy while being friendly.

The personal qualities of flight attendants must also be outstanding. They must be able to adequately and clearly navigate and act under extreme circumstances, must be able to find contact with any person, be stress-resistant and sociable. In addition, flight attendants must know foreign languages ​​and be in good health.

How much do flight attendants get paid?

The salary figure for how much a flight attendant receives depends on many components. First of all, it depends on the airline’s personnel policy. Different companies have different levels, different approaches to calculation and bonus incentive systems. The highest salaries are not always in the most famous and largest airlines.

Also, the final amount is influenced by the number of hours spent in flight, the number and level of proficiency in foreign languages, level of education, experience and length of service. Reputation, how well a flight attendant has proven himself in the process of work, can also influence the growth of his income.

How much does a new flight attendant earn?

At first, after completing training, how much flight attendants are paid is not high. But gradually, as you gain experience and the required number of flight hours, your income grows. The monthly allowance for flying hours in Russia is 80 hours. Based on this figure, the salary is calculated and the flight attendant’s work schedule is formed. Ideally, each worker gets flights of different lengths to balance out the workload. Since when performing short flights, it is much more difficult to meet the quota.

Let's see step by step what the salary of flight attendants is in Russia.

Flight attendants of the first, entry-level or third class flight attendants have a minimum required number of flight hours - 30. They gain this experience while being a trainee under the supervision of more experienced colleagues. Once the 30 hour mark is reached, the trainee begins working independently and becomes a full-fledged flight attendant. At this level, the salary of a flight attendant is usually small - 20-30,000 rubles. Experienced workers say that you can gain the necessary experience and increase your salary quite quickly - in 2-3 months.

At the next level, after reaching 2000 flight hours, a second class flight attendant's salary also increases.

How much do professional flight attendants get paid?

The third level is a first class flight attendant with more than 3,000 hours of flight experience. He is fluent in passenger service technology. Further career advancement is possible until you receive the status of senior flight attendant. These employees supervise the rest of the stewards and, accordingly, receive increased salaries.

So how much do flight attendants earn on average? In airlines such as Aeroflot, the average salary at an average workload is approximately 50-80,000 rubles. As you can see, there is still no exact figure and it is impossible to calculate it, since too many factors influence its size. Extensive work experience, excellent recommendations, knowledge of several foreign languages, education - everything is taken into account. Experienced flight attendants can earn 120-140,000 rubles monthly. Also, the ability to service charter commercial flights increases income.

In order for the salary to be good, it is advisable for the flight attendant to undergo advanced training and additional training. In this case, how much flight attendants are paid will depend on the employee himself. After completing training, he can move on to a higher-paying job.

In addition to salary, flight attendants also have various bonuses and benefits. For example, aviation workers are given a good discount on all flights as a passenger, it is 90%. Once a year, flight attendants are given a free flight to any city in the world. There is a compensation system for flight attendants, including food and housing. Some companies provide free housing to their employees.

Now you can figure out how much a flight attendant earns and whether it’s worth choosing this profession.

Work in the sky is considered hard, complex, incredibly responsible and associated with some risks to life. Flight attendants and conductors fly both during the day and at night, are in different time zones and rarely appear at home. That is why many people have a question: how much do flight attendants earn, taking into account their heavy workload? No less pressing is the question of how much passenger aircraft pilots earn, because recently this profession has been in great demand and the salaries of specialists are constantly growing.

What is the average salary of flight attendants working in domestic airlines? Beginning 3rd class flight attendants (often they are just interning) receive approximately 20–25 thousand rubles. A year later, qualifications become higher, the number of flights increases, so the salary is already 50–55 thousand rubles. For first class flight attendants, the monthly salary can reach up to 100–120 thousand rubles.

It is worth taking into account various allowances and bonuses for good performance of work. In popular airlines, a percentage of onboard sales (from 3 to 5%) is added to the basic salary.

On average, a flight attendant flies 80 hours per month.

In addition to a relatively high salary, flight attendants can count on various types of benefits:

  • increased vacation time (40–45 days per year);
  • good discounts (80–90%) on flights as a passenger on your own airline;
  • free flight to any country once a year;
  • salary supplement in case of provision of additional services.

The salary of flight attendants at Aeroflot, for example, is considered the highest in Russia. Even the starting salary for newcomers here is higher than the salary of experienced flight attendants in other airlines. Girls applying for a job at Aeroflot are initially offered a salary of 40 thousand rubles. Over time, after improving qualifications, the salary increases to 100–120 thousand rubles. per month.

The no less popular airline S7 pays its flight attendants from 25 to 70 thousand rubles. per month. The specific figure will depend on the education received, length of service, class of service, etc.

But the management of the airline UTair hires flight attendants without a higher education diploma. The minimum threshold is 11 years of high school or a similar level of education. Training is carried out directly at the airline itself. Salary is 30–45 thousand rubles.

The monthly salary of flight attendants in Pobeda is approximately equal to the salary of flight attendants in UTair - about 50 thousand rubles. per month. The airline offers training in the profession, after which a corresponding diploma is issued.

Above the flight attendant - senior flight attendants, instructors and inspector

In foreign airlines, flight attendants can count on higher earnings. Often, the average income received by employees of American and Australian airlines is 200 thousand rubles. Average income of foreign flight attendants:

  • United Airlines, American Airlines - salary 180 thousand rubles. and higher;
  • Lufthansa (European low-cost airline) - 140–160 thousand rubles;
  • Air France - 160–180 thousand rubles;
  • Air Berlin - 140–160 thousand rubles;
  • Ryanair (European low-cost airline) - 120–140 thousand rubles.

Most flight attendants serving large commercial and private airlines such as US Airways and Southwest Airlines are highly qualified, have model appearance and a salary of 8–10 thousand dollars.

Only those specialists who work on international flights can count on a more or less solid income. To get a job, the applicant must be proficient in English.

Recently, the monthly salary of Russian pilots has begun to grow rapidly. Traditionally, the salaries of pilots carrying out passenger transportation directly depend on the airline:

  • Aeroflot - from 500 thousand rubles;
  • S7 - from 400 thousand rubles;
  • Boeing - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Victory - 350–400 thousand rubles.

In addition to wages, airlines can pay bonuses, the amount of which is 150–200 thousand rubles.

It is difficult for a pilot without sufficient experience to get a job in a prestigious company

Foreign airlines have also significantly increased monthly payments to pilots. Thus, at United Airlines, the salary is calculated at an hourly rate and amounts to $270 for 60 minutes of flight (the result is approximately $27 thousand per month).

The no less popular American Airlines set a rate of $249 per hour ($25 thousand per month) on January 1 and will index it in 2019.

As for Chinese airlines, recently they have been offering not the worst conditions for pilots from different countries; demand is growing exponentially. At China Southern, pilots can expect to earn between $26,000 and $29,000 per month.

The largest European low-cost airline, Lufthansa, can offer pilots an average salary of $240 per hour (about $24 thousand per month). The qualifications and experience of a specialist play an important role in the final salary. If beginners receive $12 thousand monthly, then professionals receive more than $30 thousand.

One day in the life of a flight attendant on video

Thus, the wages of flight attendants and pilots abroad are approximately 2.5–3 times higher than in Russia. At the same time, more and more new airlines are appearing that offer fairly favorable conditions to young professionals, which increases competition and forces large airlines to increase rates for pilots and flight attendants.

The job of a flight attendant may seem quite simple at first glance. But is this really so? All applicants undergo a strict selection process, and here they will need a certain physical fitness, good appearance, secondary or higher education, and knowledge of a foreign language.

The history of flight attendants

The emergence of the profession is associated with the name of the American Helen Church.

The young nurse was able to convince the management of Boeing Air Transport to hire women with medical education to work on the plane. In 1930, eight girls were selected. Helen Church's first flight took place in May 1930.

The duties of the first flight attendants were very difficult.

Their functions included:

  • meeting and seeing off passengers;
  • ticket checking;
  • weighing passengers and their luggage;
  • cabin cleaning before departure;
  • checking the reliability of passenger seats;
  • extermination of flies in the cabin;
  • loading and unloading luggage;
  • distribution of blankets, slippers and chewing gum on the plane;
  • cleaning passenger shoes;
  • cleaning the toilet;
  • carrying buckets of fuel to refuel the aircraft at intermediate points;
  • assistance to ground staff when rolling the aircraft into the hangar after the end of the flight.

The work hours of flight attendants were 100 hours per month. The salary was 125 dollars.

New workers were given a three-month probationary period. The girls did an excellent job. They became full-time employees. Subsequently, management decided to hire only representatives of the fairer sex as flight attendants.

How the training works

The flight attendants are specially trained. The duration of training is approximately three months. Some private schools limit themselves to a two-month course. Recruitment is usually carried out in the autumn and spring periods.

The most convenient way is to train with an airline. It has a number of advantages:

  • you don’t have to pay for studying;
  • trainings will be held on the appropriate equipment on which you will work;
  • the company will provide an internship;
  • she will find a job for you.

At the interview, in addition to general questions, you will also be asked questions of a psychological nature. For example, how you will behave in a particular conflict situation on board. A flight attendant must be balanced and resistant to nervous overload.

Training includes theory and practice. Future flight attendants become familiar with the structure of aircraft and learn to use rescue equipment.

The practical part involves training on simulators that simulate the interior of an aircraft and passengers.

You are required to fly 30 hours for experience. Only after this will you be allowed into this profession.

If you complete a training course with an airline, you are required to work for it for 3 years. An official contract will be concluded with you.

What determines the salary level of a flight attendant?

It is very difficult to answer the question of how much flight attendants earn, since the range of their income is wide, even within the same airline. How then can you compare the salaries of flight attendants from different countries?

The salary level depends on many components:

  • company size;
  • internal management policy regarding the salaries of its employees;
  • the route the flight attendant flies;
  • type of flight;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • work experience.

One of the main roles is played by the flight attendant’s education and knowledge of foreign languages. Many foreign airlines require applicants to know at least two foreign languages.

Salary of flight attendants in Russia

Undoubtedly, very young personnel who do not have experience cannot qualify for a high salary. So how much do flight attendants earn in Russia?

The starting salary in Russian airlines averages 20,000 rubles. But with an increase in experience and the hours that a flight attendant spends on flights, the level of her pay gradually increases and can reach 60,000 rubles. Highly qualified workers receive an average of 100,000 rubles. It should be noted that many companies pay additional monetary incentives for high levels of performance.

Aeroflot flight attendants' wages

Aeroflot is considered the leader of Russian airlines. The salary level there is the highest. Girls with Moscow registration can work. Applicants undergo a rigorous casting process. How much does an Aeroflot flight attendant earn?

The salary level at Aeroflot ranges from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles. Salary is not fixed and depends on many factors:

  • the presence or absence of complaints or gratitude for the work of the flight attendant;
  • level of English, which is tested in exams;
  • number of hours spent on flights.

The best flight attendants can apply for work on foreign flights. In this case, they receive good travel allowances. There is also the opportunity to take the place of honor as a senior flight attendant or instructor.

Charter flight workers speak German and French in addition to English. Aeroflot also teaches its employees Japanese, Korean and Chinese.

Earnings of flight attendants in Belarus

The largest airline in Belarus is Belavia. The company often selects girls who want to become flight attendants. Applicants must be citizens of Belarus, without bad habits, have at least a secondary education, and speak good English. How much do flight attendants earn in Belarus?

On average, the salary of Belarusian flight attendants is the same as that of Russians: from $800 to $1,600. The level of earnings depends on experience and qualifications.

Earnings for flight attendants in Moscow

How much do flight attendants earn in Moscow? The salary level of a flight attendant serving in an airline in the Russian capital ranges from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the work schedule and qualifications.

The salary of an entry-level flight attendant is about 50,000-60,000 rubles. At the Siberia company, salaries are lower - 45,000 rubles.

To get a decent salary at a Moscow airline, a flight attendant must constantly improve.

What is the average monthly salary of a flight attendant?

Answering the question of how much flight attendants in Russia earn per month, experts note the positive dynamics of growth in their wages. From 2014 to 2015, the salary of flight attendants increased by 5,000-7,000 rubles. The average salary is 60,000 rubles.

How much does a flight attendant earn per month in Moscow? The capital's flight attendants are paid the highest. Their average monthly salary varies from 70,000 to 80,000 rubles.

If we look at the statistics for 2015, they show:

  • the average salary of a Russian flight attendant is 82,500 rubles;
  • the highest salary is 120,000 rubles;
  • the smallest - 45,000 rubles.

How much do flight attendants earn abroad? In Australia, the average salary of flight attendants is $4,090, in the USA – $3,500; in England – $3,500; in Germany –$3,000; in Kazakhstan – $250–800.

Data suggests Australian flight attendants are the best paid.

What is the salary of Ukrainian flight attendants?

Only a third of applicants for this profession pass the selection process. The training place is selected depending on which aircraft the flight attendant will serve - domestic or foreign.

The duration of study is 3 months. Particular attention is paid to the psychological training of flight attendants and the ability to behave in emergency situations. Flight attendants are also trained in the ability to avoid conflicts with passengers. They take a short course in English and study international law. How much do flight attendants earn in Ukraine?

For Ukrainian flight attendants, their salary consists of the basic salary, a bonus for flights and travel allowances. On average, Ukrainian flight attendants receive 40,000 hryvnia.

According to statistics, flight attendants in Dnepropetrovsk have the highest level of salaries. Their salary reaches 90,000 hryvnia. Dnepropetrovsk is followed by cities such as Kharkov and Zhitomir.

For example, until May 2015, only 16 vacancies for flight attendants were open in Ukraine. In 43.8% of advertisements, employers indicated a salary level of 35,000-38,000 hryvnia. 31.3% of advertisements indicated a salary of 38,000-72,500 hryvnia. 12.5% ​​promised a salary of 141,500 hryvnia and above.

Salary of flight attendants on international flights

Many people are interested in the question of how much flight attendants on international flights earn. First you need to determine who the flight attendants servicing foreign flights are.

International airlines exist all over the world. They fly not only within their own country, but also to other countries.

In Russia they are represented by Aeroflot. The average salary ranges from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles. The more a flight attendant works, the higher her rank. The higher its level, the higher the wages. If serving in business class, a flight attendant can qualify for a salary from 120,000 to 150,000 rubles. But this work is not easy.

Foreign flight attendants who serve in large international commercial airlines have a high level of training and excellent physical characteristics. Top-level flight attendants earn between $8,000 and $10,000.

Negative sides

The disadvantage of the profession is considered to be a lot of physical activity when flying. The duration of flights has a bad effect on the condition of the leg veins, and going to work early causes hypotension.

It is also worth noting that passengers have changed a lot recently. Some constantly strive to be the center of attention and want to humiliate the flight attendant, considering her a servant. Of course, this has a bad effect on her nervous state.

While working as a flight attendant, a woman quickly gets used to freedom. Therefore, when changing jobs, it is difficult for a flight attendant to adapt to a different daily routine, both on a psychological and physiological level.

Often, flight attendants leave their jobs due to illness, layoffs, or due to family circumstances. Flight attendants retire at the age of 45 (men - at 55). During their work they are provided with long vacations.

But all these nuances do not stop romantically minded girls from wanting to work as a flight attendant. They do not consider this profession difficult or dangerous.

On average in Russia, flight attendants earn 80,000 rubles. per month. The highest average payment was recorded in the Altai Territory – 150,000 rubles. Airlines in the USA, England and Australia are famous for their high salaries - they pay flight attendants more than 200,000 rubles. per month.

The work of a flight attendant is not only dangerous, but also difficult: constant pressure changes, “difficult” passengers, different time zones. You can only dream about relaxation. But there are also advantages: you can meet some celebrity or just a good person, travel around the world for free. The benefits provided by the companies are simply amazing: a free ticket to any country, discounts on ticket purchases, up to 70 days of vacation per year. But how much do they pay for such an interesting but difficult job, how much do flight attendants earn? The average income in Russia is 80,000 rubles. per month.

Period Income
Year 960,000 rub.
Month 80,000 rub.
Day RUB 2,630
Hour 109 rub.
Minute 1.8 rub.
Second 0.03 rub.

Source: visasam

Qualities a flight attendant should have

When hiring a flight attendant, the manager looks not only at education, but also at the person’s qualities:

  • height not higher than 180 cm, but not lower than 165 cm;
  • good appearance, clothing size no more than 46;
  • patience and quick response in emergency situations;
  • accuracy, punctuality, hygiene;
  • good sense of humour;
  • knowledge of the basics of ethics, civility and diplomacy;
  • correct speech and good diction;
  • no tattoos or piercings;
  • ability to swim.

There are many requirements to work as a flight attendant, but there are also a lot of advantages:

  • a great opportunity to meet interesting people;
  • one of the highest paid professions in Russia;
  • beautiful shape;
  • shift work schedule;
  • there is a sufficiently long period of time between flights during which the steward will be able to explore the city and get acquainted with the sights;
  • The airline pays for food and hotel accommodation;
  • purchasing products in duty free;
  • retirement age is 45 years old;
  • a huge number of additional payments and social benefits.

But where there are pros, there are also cons:

  • “air sickness” – the consequences of turbulence;
  • long business trips;
  • physical activity (walking in heels, pressure changes, jet lag);
  • large airlines do not hire people without experience;
  • even if you encounter an unpleasant passenger, the mood should be good;
  • pregnancy may cause problems with work;
  • plane crashes happen less often than trains derail or ships sink, but a person can swim, but not fly;
  • Problems may arise in family life.

Flight attendant salary

Earnings depend on many factors:

  • popularity and demand of the airline;
  • level of personnel education;
  • fluency in foreign languages;
  • hours flown;
  • attitude of management towards workers;
  • time spent en route (the longer the flight, the higher the salary);
  • passenger class;
  • experience;
  • region of residence;
  • flight route;
  • VIP flights (for 1 hour of flight they pay 5,000 rubles);
  • percentage of products sold on board the aircraft.

When working on international flights, you don’t have to worry about your salary - it will always be high. The salary also depends on the class served - when working in business class and above, the amount will be higher.

The main stages of career growth for flight attendants:

  • 3rd grade;
  • 2nd grade;
  • 1 class;
  • senior flight attendant;
  • business class flight attendant.

For long flights, flight attendants receive additional travel and daily allowances.

Table 3. Average salary of flight attendants for 5 years

Source: russia.trud

Steward benefits

The airline provides its employees with a discount of up to 90% on the purchase of tickets to any country with which there are air connections. The discount also applies to relatives of workers.

Reference! The company issues one free ticket for any flight once a year.

The duration of the vacation depends on the company itself. In small companies there are only 42 vacation days, while in large companies it reaches 70 days.

Some large companies provide their employees with free company apartments, free health insurance and partially reimburse the costs of food, kindergarten and utilities.

Salary by region

Moscow flight attendants earn an average of 102,000 rubles. And the highest average earnings were recorded in the Altai Territory - 150,000 rubles.

Table 4. Salaries of flight attendants by region

Source: russia.trud

Salaries in Russian airlines

Each company has its own price tag, some more, some less.


The highest paid company compared to other carriers. Even the minimum salary for flight attendants at Aeroflot is much higher than the salary of flight attendants at other airlines.

When applying to Aeroflot, the minimum wage is 40,000 rubles. per month. After a certain period of time, when the flight attendant accumulates enough flight time, she will be able to improve her qualifications and her salary to $1,800 per month.


As in any other enterprise, the salary is influenced by standard factors: length of service, knowledge of languages, education. S7 cannot boast of colossal sums, but the salary is in the region of 25–70 thousand rubles. satisfied with the majority of workers.


The carrier differs from others in that secondary education is sufficient to be hired. Subsequent training is carried out by the company itself at their own expense.

Utair specifically made hiring easy. Here, aspiring flight attendants can gain experience and move on to a more well-known airline. But, however, because of such easy requirements, you will have to sacrifice your salary - it is only 30,000 rubles. per month.


The company, like Utair, trains its employees. Upon completion of studies, a corresponding certificate is issued with subsequent employment. The salary is not as high as in Aeroflot or S7 - on average they pay 50,000 rubles, but the advantage is free training.


Due to working in difficult conditions, constant changes in atmospheric pressure, different time zones and climates, flight attendants are allowed: women at 45 years old, and men at 50. But provided that they have worked for 15 and 20 years.

The pension itself depends on the amount of insurance contributions and work experience. On average, the amount of pension payments is 20–25 thousand rubles.

How much do flight attendants earn abroad?

When comparing the salaries of domestic flight attendants and foreign ones, Russian ones lose a little.

At the moment, the airlines that pay the highest for flight attendants are located in the USA, Australia and England - $3,000-4,000. per month. They are followed by carriers from Germany - 165,000 rubles. Air Astana and Euro-Asia Air are located in Kazakhstan and can compete with many foreign firms. The average salary of flight attendants is 120,000 rubles.

Unfortunately, airlines from Belarus and Russia can boast an average salary of 80,000 rubles. UIA (Ukraine International Airlines) pays its flight attendants only 40,000 rubles.

Interesting facts about the profession of flight attendants

Every profession has its quirks, and working as a steward also has plenty of them:

  • the time during which passengers get on and off board is not paid;
  • passengers are not informed about the death of a person on an airplane;
  • a person who tries to open the door will be handcuffed and handed over to security;
  • dinner is delayed on purpose, in the hope that people will fall asleep and the food will not need to be delivered;
  • workers have their own special menu;
  • the flight attendant is obliged to come to the pilots and see if they have fallen asleep;
  • It is forbidden to complain about management or passengers on social networks - this will result in a fine.

For more information about the work of flight attendants, watch the video:

Higher education. Orenburg State University (specialization: economics and management of heavy engineering enterprises).
October 4, 2018.

A flight attendant is an extremely attractive, polite, smiling girl who will be a kind of guardian angel for everyone who travels on airplanes. Just as every boy dreamed of becoming a policeman as a child, every girl wanted to be a flight attendant.

What attracts the profession of conquerors of the blue sky? Many girls believe that this job does not cause unnecessary problems, it allows you to see the world, buy a ticket to any country with a huge discount, and meet a man in uniform, a pilot for example.

In fact, it is unlikely that it will be possible to arrange a personal life with such work due to frequent flights. Men, of course, dream of spending time with flight attendants, but only a few will wait for them on flights. You need to spend a lot of time on your feet during the flight and be as helpful as possible, regardless of the contingent of passengers who have been allowing themselves a lot lately. So it’s worth thinking in your spare time how desirable this profession is, what the salaries are for the wonderful representatives of Aeroflot and private companies, and also what the consequences of frequent separation from the land are.

Salary and its components

There are many factors that influence the amount of pay for flight attendants. By the way, it is almost impossible to draw any analogies in terms of salaries, not only between representatives of different companies, but even employees in the same one. In Russia, interest is generated by the salaries of girls who work for Aeroflot, and until recently, Transaero. The amount they receive is influenced by criteria such as:

  • the popularity of the company, which at Aeroflot is simply extremely high;
  • the policy followed by management regarding existing personnel;
  • route;
  • the level of education of the employee;
  • knowledge of several foreign languages;
  • the hours the flight attendant spent in the air.

When a flight attendant flies outside the country, her salary increases significantly. The class the girl serves also affects the amount. In principle, it is already clear that working with business class clients pays much better than economy class.

It is worth paying attention to such a factor as education, or rather, fluency in foreign languages. For foreign flights, it is advisable to know at least two, but there is no limit to perfection, especially if it affects the salary upward.

What you need to know

Since a flight attendant is a service industry worker, the requirements for girls are corresponding, and at the same time multiplied many times over due to the increased danger of working in the air. Beautiful appearance is far from the main criterion, contrary to popular belief. Companies that invite you to work will pay attention to the following advantages and skills of applicants:

  • charm;
  • communication skills and knowledge of foreign languages;
  • patience;
  • fast reaction;
  • diplomacy;
  • adequacy;
  • speed of decision making in non-standard situations.

Girls will have to go through special commissions more than once, which will check them according to these parameters. If we continue the conversation about presentable and pretty appearance, then it will help to be hired for charter flights. But still, the requirements - that the applicant is not taller than 180 cm and that the applicant is thin - cannot be excluded.

The main advantages of a “high” profession include such components as a beautiful and impressive uniform, a fairly flexible schedule and long vacations, communication with a large number of people, and receiving tips.


This is precisely the female profession in which climbing the career ladder is envisaged, with a corresponding increase in salary. There are 5 main stages, each subsequent one allows you to climb the increasing number of hours in the air. For example, those who have been in the sky for at least 1000 hours are assigned 3rd class. Over 2000 - 2nd grade, over 3000 plus a test passed with excellent marks - 3rd grade. You can also become an instructor or shift supervisor. Naturally, each step is marked by an increase in salary, additional incentives and bonuses from the airline.

The average salary increased in 2018 alone, and now instead of 60 thousand rubles they receive around 80 thousand. These are the latest statistical data for Moscow and the region. But if you pay attention to all-Russian statistical data, the picture will look like this:

  • the minimum payment is not lower than 45 thousand rubles, and this is for beginners who do not have the necessary experience;
  • the average is around 80 thousand;
  • the maximum limit is 120 thousand rubles.

The maximum monetary equivalent in salary can be achieved by flight attendants who work on international flights and speak 2-3 foreign languages ​​fluently. It is necessary to take care of your appearance and visit hairdressing salons and gyms on time in order to adequately represent our country at international airports.

In neighboring countries

It is not known what foreign little girls want, but let us assume that their desire to visit and work in the sky is no less than ours. In some countries, flight attendants are much more fortunate with their salaries, for example, in the USA and Australia, Germany and the UK. By the way, even Kazakhstan is ahead of Russia in this indicator. What amounts are paid there?

  • America - more than 200 thousand per month, when converted to rubles;
  • in Australia they get a little less, the difference is an insignificant 5 thousand:
  • Germany and England offer a little more than 150 thousand;
  • neighboring Kazakhstan – 120 thousand.

Nevertheless, there is practically no shortage of flight attendant courses. By the way, you can go to them of your own free will and pay for your studies yourself. The downside will be the lack of training flights, unlike those who came to study from the airline. Let us remind you once again about the commissions that will subsequently evaluate the professional suitability of graduates. A man can become a flight attendant, but most often it is romantic and practical women who apply for vacant positions.

Bottom line

There is no doubt that outgoing girls with excellent appearance, educated and with a penchant for adventure will continue to come and take vacant positions on airplanes. Moreover, the salary of a flight attendant is an additional pleasant bonus. But we advise you to realistically evaluate all the risks and benefits, as well as the health problems that arise if you do not go down to earth for a long time.