Photos of gravity falls in real life. Does the city of Gravity Falls really exist?! Main places of the city

After a break of a whole year, Gravity Falls is finally back for its second season! The brainchild of a prodigy Alexa Hirsha features the supernatural misadventures of twins Dipper and Mabel Pines, who spend their summer vacation with "Uncle" Stan in a fictional town Gravity Falls, Oregon. So far they have encountered many creatures, ranging from hordes of dwarves to elderly ghosts. The cartoon contains parts from The Simpsons, The X-Files and Twin Peaks.

Time caught up with Hirsch and asked about various things related to Gravity Falls. A G4SKY We kindly translated their interview for you.

When did you first realize you wanted to make cartoons?

As far as I know, I've always wanted to make cartoons. When I went to CalArts, I was in a class with other weird, like-minded people, some of whom went on to work on shows, like J.G. Guintel is on Regular Show, and Pen Ward is on Adventure Time. We were great friends, nudging each other and laughing a lot. It was a direct transition from inexperienced children watching Disney cartoons to children at heart creating these same cartoons.

What was your favorite cartoon as a child?

The Simpsons! Well, of course The Simpsons, I loved them because they were not limited in their audience. Many children's shows were insular. There was something about The Simpsons...growing up I could tell it was smarter than me. I could tell where there were layers and moments and hidden jokes that I couldn't understand, but I always understood the characters. Great shows have just such layers, for a wide audience, some of which are interesting to children, and some of which are interesting to adults.

You've talked about wanting to create a show for all ages. How did you go about this?

There's one way to do it, you don't have to think about anyone when you're doing the show. The best way to create a great show is to create a show that you love. Trust yourself. Do I think it's funny? Do I like it? And if you like it and think it's funny, then you just have to trust that others will like it too. I may be a very immature adult. I'm kind of an adult-child, so if I like it, then both kids and adults will like it, because I'm somewhere in the middle.

Alex Hirsch drew himself in the style of Gravity Falls

Your show is darker than most other children's shows. Now that you've moved to Disney XD, will the tone of the film remain the same?

We were told the show would be moving to Disney XD mid-season, so there was no coordinated conversation about changing the tone and direction of the series. Although in the second season we are experimenting much more with the overall style and tone than in the first. The first season introduced us to the characters, introduced us to the mythology, and just tried to be funny and fun as much as possible. In Season 2, we dig much deeper into the mythology and our heroes take many more risks, more intense situations and more menacing villains. As a result, the “conspiracy-something like secret materials-horror stories” line will gain a larger and stronger scope. But we still hope to balance this kind of plot with the traditional Gravity Falls outlandish and funny episodes.

What was the first character you created?

In second grade I drew a face on a paper bag, I gave him a cape and named him Super Paper Bag Man. My creativity was pretty limited at the time. Luckily, the Super Paper Bag Man went to waste, forcing me to come up with other better ideas.

Who is your favorite hero in Gravity Falls?

In the penultimate episode of our first season, we introduced this villainous, mischievous triangle. He's a pyramid with one eye and a bow tie named Bill Cipher. We conceived of him at the beginning of the season, that it could be fun, a similar character that DC has with their Mister Mxyzptlk, a kind of idiot who can just appear and ruin all the plans of the main characters. It's fun for me to create the most sinister, Illuminati-like symbol with Mr. Peanut's hands and throw it into the structure of the show and see how it all fits together. They sent me a lot of letters and photos on Twitter, people are getting tattoos with him! It's hilarious when your favorite character is also liked by the children of America.

Dipper and Mabel are based on you and your sister, are there other characters in the show based on relatives or acquaintances?

Handyman Zus was 100% inspired by a college friend of mine named Jesus. He is friendly, welcoming and very strange. He's the kind of guy who gets stuck in the gravity of college even after graduation, he tries to help everyone. I definitely wanted to add a character like this to my series.

The reason why Mabel has a pet pig named Waddles is because my sister always dreamed of having a pet pig when we were growing up. She wanted to make a pig shrine in her room.

You personally voiced two characters: Zus and Uncle Stan. What was your inspiration for creating these voices?

The inspiration for these voices came primarily from the people we were based on. Great Uncle Stan was based on my grandfather Stan on my father's side, whom I didn't know very well. But he was a big, gruff guy who wore a gold chain and a gold watch and valued every cent. As far as I remember, he spoke in such a rough voice in a lower register. However, while the character was inspired by my Grandpa Stan, his voice was inspired by my other Grandpa Bill. Every time I see him at Thanksgiving he always says, “Roll out the red carpet, Mr. Hollywood has finally decided to pay us a visit.” So I was heavily influenced by his voice and the way he spoke.

Zus was inspired by my friend Jesus. His manner of speech cannot be completely copied correctly. It's hard to describe, but I still copied some elements and used them for Zus.

The ugly truth is that my entire summer vacation was surprisingly boring. Dipper's Adventures is mostly a list of things I've dreamed of doing. When I was a child, I spent those long, long summer holidays at my great-aunt's cabin in the woods. She said: “And so, three hours of reading!” and locked us in a room with a large window. It was so dull that I imagined beating dwarves or fighting aliens or looking for the Loch Ness monster. With this series I have a chance to make my dreams come true, at least on screen.

Do you have advice for people who want to make their own TV series?

It's all about the characters. No matter what your episode looks like, no matter its concept, no matter the famous voice actors, no matter the budget or otherwise, it's all secondary. Your heroes should come first. They're funny? Are their personalities well established? Do they interact with each other? All this must be taken into account. And my main super advice for any series creator is to write what you know and look back at your own life. I think the most successful element in the characters of Gravity Falls is that they are all taken from the images of real people, I write about myself and my sister, about my caricatured grandfather with elements of a large amount of humor. If you can copy the characters from the people around you and put them into a series, then it will be much better than if you focus on “how can I make characters with complex mythologies.” In the end, this is why people love such living heroes with whom they can associate themselves, and this is the most important thing.

Do you have ideas that you would never add to the show?

For each episode, there are at least 10 fully fleshed out development concepts that were rejected and discarded for being too stupid or too serious.

What's the hardest part about running your show?

This is creating consistent quality content over 20 episodes when you are a producer, screenwriter, director, designer and voice actor. All this together. When you're in college, you can create one cartoon a year or even throughout your entire studies, you have a lot of time to dot all the i's and make sure everything is as you need it. When you're on TV, you work more like an assembly line. Not all episodes are A+, but I try to keep track of every detail as much as possible.

Since 2012, the animated series Gravity Falls (or Gravity Falls, which would be more consistent with the original writing) has gained wide popularity among youth and adult audiences. At the moment, the creators have presented two seasons and an official ending, which, although there are hints of a continuation, does not give fans hope for a third season.

In contact with


As you know, this cartoon is famous for its secret messages., codes and references that viewers love to unravel. At the end of each episode, a code is dictated in a whisper, and throughout the cartoon, you can notice the order of numbers in the background or in individual frames. By putting together sentences or words in this way, you can get hints for the next series or give fans the opportunity to fantasize about the secret meaning of Gravity Falls.

Despite the fact that after the creators of Gravity Falls officially revealed all the cards and put out a list of all the codes of the cartoon, fans believe that the cartoon still contains many secrets. Every day appears on the Internet more and more different theories, Easter eggs and other “conspiracy theories” that fans come up with. One of the favorite topics for discussion in narrow circles of fans is the origin and existence of the city of Gravity Falls - a small area that is teeming with various supernatural creatures and monsters.

From the moment the animated series began appearing on TV screens, many began to wonder - does Gravity Falls really exist?

Does the city really exist?

No matter how offensive it may be to realize, but this city is really fictional for the project. Many fans posted false information that the city was in Oregon (as stated in the cartoon) and posted fake photos of supposed items that were featured in the cartoon. At the very least, it is impossible to say that the city lives in the form in which it was presented in the animated series.

But you can consider another interesting fact. In fact, Gravity Falls is a combined image of several little-known and small towns. Some fans have been thinking about this theory for a long time and have come to the conclusion that there are indeed some similarities with Vortex and Boring, which, by the way, are also located in Oregon. The towns are famous for their paranormal incidents and local residents come up with interesting legends about the various creatures that live there.

If you remember the plot of the original cartoon, the city was created as a result of the landing of a spaceship. A UFO has never been observed in the state, so this once again proves the impossibility of Gravity Falls existing in reality. But still, some fans notice interesting places that vaguely or even very openly resemble some of the background areas of the city from the cartoon.

The creators of this project themselves admitted that they came up with the city completely out of their heads and it would not be possible to find exactly the same village in any of the states. Of course, it cannot be completely avoided some coincidences and similarities with other areas, but the real Gravity Falls is unlikely to be found.

Gravity Falls characters in real life

Another mystery for fans of this animated series is the reality of the characters shown in the project. If we talk about the main characters in the cartoon, then these are:

  • Twins Mabel and Dipper Pines.
  • Stanford Pines.
  • Wendy.

Minor characters:

  • Robbie Valentino.
  • Gideon.
  • Feedford McGuckett.
  • Bill Cipher.
  • Thomson Larkins.
  • Jaydan Hicksters Nate.
  • Tambry Fanlis.

Guys often clash with minor characters, who also greatly influenced the development of the plot of the cartoon as a whole. The question of whether these characters are real is controversial. In fact, of course, neither Dipper, nor Mabel, nor Uncle Stan exists in fact, but the creator of Gravity Falls, Alex Hirsch, admitted in an interview that many habits and relationships were taken from real life. For example, he based the twins Mabel and Dipper on himself and his sister.

Also in one of the episodes, you can remember that Dipper has moles in the form of the constellation Ursa Major. Hirsch laughed and replied that back in his school days he had a friend who had a lot of pimples on his face. One day a friend came with the exact location Big Jug on the forehead, which served as a highlight in the image of Dipper.

Secrets and easter eggs of the animated series

As mentioned earlier, in Gravity Falls you can see a lot of interesting and hidden messages that even adults are captivated by. Indeed, if you sit with the cartoon for a while and look closely at the details, you will notice some references to the following episodes.


First of all, the inquisitive viewer notice the code that slips in at the beginning, throughout the series and at the end of the series. By doing simple manipulations with the alphabet, you can get some information about the city or characters. At the end there is always a hidden cipher clue to the next episode, which made fans very happy during the release of the series.


Every person who listened to the popular melody from the animated series noticed a mysterious whisper at the end of the screensaver. When played back slowly, you can clearly hear "I'm Still Here." It occurred to some fans put the entry in the opposite direction, thus getting the sentence “Three letters back.” Caesar used this cipher, using the next third letter instead of the original one. Sometimes the phrase in the screensaver changes and makes it possible to understand which code to use. So, in two seasons it was possible to use the Atbash cipher, the substitution cipher and the Vigenère cipher.

For those who like to search for riddles and secrets and decipher them on their own, it is recommended to watch the cartoon in the original voice acting, since the translation very often lost hidden messages to the audience and it was not always possible to notice the Easter eggs so obviously.

Thus, Gravity Falls and its characters are clearly the invention of the creators of the animated series, but their high-quality reproduction of the project and a responsible approach to work made it possible to create a real masterpiece, which will certainly remain a leader in the list of “best animated series” for a long time.

In this article you will learn:

"Gravity Falls" is an animated television series produced by Disney. The animated series at first glance seems to be for children, but after a few episodes it becomes clear that adults will also find a lot of interesting things here. Inimitable humor, many references to popular culture, high-quality animation and, of course, an incredible amount of riddles and secrets - this is why the animated series is loved by thousands of fans around the world.

The plot of the work revolves around two main characters - children named Dipper and Mabel. The parents send the twins on summer vacation to their great-uncle named , in the town of Gravity Falls in Oregon. The city itself and the surrounding area contain a huge number of anomalous phenomena and creatures, and riddles and secrets accompany the heroes all the time.

The history of the founding of Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls is a small town in the vastness of the United States of America, or more precisely, somewhere in the middle of Oregon.
The settlement is no different from hundreds of similar ones throughout the country, except that it is here that all the anomalous events in the United States (if not the whole world) are concentrated.

The secret of this is shrouded in the fog of the past.

The true founder of Gravity Falls It is reliably known that the city was founded by Quentin Trembley.

Thus, the city of Gravity Falls itself was founded by Trembley at a time when the hapless president was riding a horse. Backwards. Naturally, this style led to a fall - from a rather high hill. He named the place where Quentin Trembley landed Gravity Falls (literally “gravity fall”, “fall from gravity”).

The head of the United States of America was unpleasantly surprised by another prank of the eighth and a half president, so he hid the very fact of the founding of the city. For posterity, Nathaniel Northwest became the founding father of Gravity Falls., who laid the foundation for the Northwest family - the rich people of the city. Nathaniel's descendant is also his great-great-great-granddaughter Pacifica, one of Mabel's main rivals.


Main places of the city

The main attraction of Gravity Falls is the Mystery Shack.- the building in which he lives, to which the main characters came for the summer. The Mystery Shack is a house, a gift shop, and a museum at the same time. It’s paradoxical, but here, in the center of the most mystical town in the USA, fakes and deceptions are collected for curious tourists. Stan makes money from visitors as best he can, while constantly deceiving them and being disingenuous. The Shack store is also run by Wendy and Soos. However, the building itself is fraught with many more mysteries than it might seem at first glance.

Mystery Shack

The forest of Gravity Falls contains the vast majority of the town's wonders. The forest surrounds the settlement on all sides, and the most amazing creatures live in its depths. Among them: gnomes, muzhikotaurs (half men - half taurs), giant spiders, flying skulls and many others!

Lake Gravity Falls is located very close to the city. It is surrounded by high cliffs and has a sandy beach on one side. Many residents relax here or go fishing. According to legend, Zhivogryz lives in the lake. In the center of the reservoir there is an island - Head-shaped Beast Island - on which there is a colony of beavers.

General view of Gravity Falls

Creatures from the series

The animated series shows a huge number of fictional creatures - funny and truly scary, harmless and dangerous. Here are just the most interesting of them:

  • Gnomes. Cheerful dwarfs who want to make Mabel their queen. They are harmless, but can create a giant gnome from their bodies.
  • Man-taurs. An allusion to minotaurs, half-humans, half-bulls obsessed with courage. Aggressive, but ready to help Dipper become more courageous.
  • Zombie. Disgusting, decaying creatures that can be defeated with a triple symphony. Very aggressive and dangerous.
  • Dinosaurs. They were imprisoned in amber in a mine under the city. High temperatures melted the amber, releasing the monsters.
  • Head-shaped island beast. A giant island-shaped head that flies after Dipper and Mabel in the mini-episode. The twins manage to escape.
  • Multi-bear. Two fused bodies with four legs and arms and eight heads. Dipper defeated the bear, proving his courage, but did not kill it.
  • Sheil Shifter. A dangerous monster that can take on any form. Found by heroes in a cave, subsequently frozen and neutralized.
  • Bill Cipher. A powerful demon in the form of a yellow triangle that can subjugate the minds of people. The main antagonist of the story.

Gnome from Gravity Falls

City holidays

Gravity Falls loves to celebrate holidays. The main ones are:

  • Opening day of the fishing season. Almost the entire city flocks to the lake on this day, when fishing season officially opens. In the episode of the series, the heroes try to unravel the mystery of Zhivogryz, supposedly living in the lake.
  • Party at the Mystery Shack. The city's largest disco, which is organized by Stan Pines in order to attract attention to its products. During the party, Dipper clones himself (repeatedly).
  • Return of the Mystery Shack. A meeting to celebrate the opening of the store for the second time after defeating Gideon Gleeful. Zombies appear in the series and are overcome by Dipper, Mabel and Uncle Stan.
  • Summerween. A holiday that townspeople celebrate on June 22 as the summer Halloween. Instead of pumpkins, lanterns are carved from watermelons in the summer. The episode features the creepy Summerween Dodger.

Pioneer Day - another Gravity Falls holiday
  • There is a place in the USA that has a name very similar to Gravity Falls. This is a city named Oregon Vols. It is quite possible that the authors of the series referred to him.
  • The main characters of the animated series, Dipper Pines and Mabel Pines, are twins. They were “copied” from the main author of Gravity Falls, Alex Hirsch, and his twin sister named Ariel.
  • Another connection with Ariel is that the girl dreamed of her own pig as a child. That's why Mabel got a pig in the series.
  • Some characters in the television series are distinguished by having four fingers on each hand. The other heroes are fine - they have five fingers. The creators of the series explain this by aesthetics. It’s just that some characters looked good with four fingers, while others looked good with five.
  • The finale of the series is still far away, but the authors have already made a reservation that the final episode will show the final departure of the twins from Gravity Falls home.
  • At the end of each episode, an incomprehensible set of letters appears. In fact, this is an encrypted message that relates either to the past series or to the next one. You can decipher the phrase by carefully listening to the whisper that sounds at the end of the opening screensaver. By scrolling the whisper backwards, you will get the key to the cipher.
  • In Gravity Falls, literally every frame is a code, a reference, or an Easter egg. There are already quite a few thematic forums on the Internet where participants try to unravel the mysteries of the series and predict the plot.

Princess Who are you from the cartoon "Ralph Breaks the Internet"? Who from The Incredibles are you? Actors for "Aladdin" Find the correct name of the cartoon character How well do you know the cartoon Zootopia?

In this article you will learn:

"Gravity Falls" is an animated television series produced by Disney. The animated series at first glance seems to be for children, but after a few episodes it becomes clear that adults will also find a lot of interesting things here. Inimitable humor, many references to popular culture, high-quality animation and, of course, an incredible amount of riddles and secrets - this is why the animated series is loved by thousands of fans around the world.

The plot of the work revolves around two main characters - children named Dipper and Mabel. The parents send the twins on summer vacation to their great-uncle named , in the town of Gravity Falls in Oregon. The city itself and the surrounding area contain a huge number of anomalous phenomena and creatures, and riddles and secrets accompany the heroes all the time.

The history of the founding of Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls is a small town in the vastness of the United States of America, or more precisely, somewhere in the middle of Oregon.
The settlement is no different from hundreds of similar ones throughout the country, except that it is here that all the anomalous events in the United States (if not the whole world) are concentrated.

The secret of this is shrouded in the fog of the past.

The true founder of Gravity Falls It is reliably known that the city was founded by Quentin Trembley.

Thus, the city of Gravity Falls itself was founded by Trembley at a time when the hapless president was riding a horse. Backwards. Naturally, this style led to a fall - from a rather high hill. He named the place where Quentin Trembley landed Gravity Falls (literally “gravity fall”, “fall from gravity”).

The head of the United States of America was unpleasantly surprised by another prank of the eighth and a half president, so he hid the very fact of the founding of the city. For posterity, Nathaniel Northwest became the founding father of Gravity Falls., who laid the foundation for the Northwest family - the rich people of the city. Nathaniel's descendant is also his great-great-great-granddaughter Pacifica, one of Mabel's main rivals.


Main places of the city

The main attraction of Gravity Falls is the Mystery Shack.- the building in which he lives, to which the main characters came for the summer. The Mystery Shack is a house, a gift shop, and a museum at the same time. It’s paradoxical, but here, in the center of the most mystical town in the USA, fakes and deceptions are collected for curious tourists. Stan makes money from visitors as best he can, while constantly deceiving them and being disingenuous. The Shack store is also run by Wendy and Soos. However, the building itself is fraught with many more mysteries than it might seem at first glance.

Mystery Shack

The forest of Gravity Falls contains the vast majority of the town's wonders. The forest surrounds the settlement on all sides, and the most amazing creatures live in its depths. Among them: gnomes, muzhikotaurs (half men - half taurs), giant spiders, flying skulls and many others!

Lake Gravity Falls is located very close to the city. It is surrounded by high cliffs and has a sandy beach on one side. Many residents relax here or go fishing. According to legend, Zhivogryz lives in the lake. In the center of the reservoir there is an island - Head-shaped Beast Island - on which there is a colony of beavers.

General view of Gravity Falls

Creatures from the series

The animated series shows a huge number of fictional creatures - funny and truly scary, harmless and dangerous. Here are just the most interesting of them:

  • Gnomes. Cheerful dwarfs who want to make Mabel their queen. They are harmless, but can create a giant gnome from their bodies.
  • Man-taurs. An allusion to minotaurs, half-humans, half-bulls obsessed with courage. Aggressive, but ready to help Dipper become more courageous.
  • Zombie. Disgusting, decaying creatures that can be defeated with a triple symphony. Very aggressive and dangerous.
  • Dinosaurs. They were imprisoned in amber in a mine under the city. High temperatures melted the amber, releasing the monsters.
  • Head-shaped island beast. A giant island-shaped head that flies after Dipper and Mabel in the mini-episode. The twins manage to escape.
  • Multi-bear. Two fused bodies with four legs and arms and eight heads. Dipper defeated the bear, proving his courage, but did not kill it.
  • Sheil Shifter. A dangerous monster that can take on any form. Found by heroes in a cave, subsequently frozen and neutralized.
  • Bill Cipher. A powerful demon in the form of a yellow triangle that can subjugate the minds of people. The main antagonist of the story.

Gnome from Gravity Falls

City holidays

Gravity Falls loves to celebrate holidays. The main ones are:

  • Opening day of the fishing season. Almost the entire city flocks to the lake on this day, when fishing season officially opens. In the episode of the series, the heroes try to unravel the mystery of Zhivogryz, supposedly living in the lake.
  • Party at the Mystery Shack. The city's largest disco, which is organized by Stan Pines in order to attract attention to its products. During the party, Dipper clones himself (repeatedly).
  • Return of the Mystery Shack. A meeting to celebrate the opening of the store for the second time after defeating Gideon Gleeful. Zombies appear in the series and are overcome by Dipper, Mabel and Uncle Stan.
  • Summerween. A holiday that townspeople celebrate on June 22 as the summer Halloween. Instead of pumpkins, lanterns are carved from watermelons in the summer. The episode features the creepy Summerween Dodger.

Pioneer Day - another Gravity Falls holiday
  • There is a place in the USA that has a name very similar to Gravity Falls. This is a city named Oregon Vols. It is quite possible that the authors of the series referred to him.
  • The main characters of the animated series, Dipper Pines and Mabel Pines, are twins. They were “copied” from the main author of Gravity Falls, Alex Hirsch, and his twin sister named Ariel.
  • Another connection with Ariel is that the girl dreamed of her own pig as a child. That's why Mabel got a pig in the series.
  • Some characters in the television series are distinguished by having four fingers on each hand. The other heroes are fine - they have five fingers. The creators of the series explain this by aesthetics. It’s just that some characters looked good with four fingers, while others looked good with five.
  • The finale of the series is still far away, but the authors have already made a reservation that the final episode will show the final departure of the twins from Gravity Falls home.
  • At the end of each episode, an incomprehensible set of letters appears. In fact, this is an encrypted message that relates either to the past series or to the next one. You can decipher the phrase by carefully listening to the whisper that sounds at the end of the opening screensaver. By scrolling the whisper backwards, you will get the key to the cipher.
  • In Gravity Falls, literally every frame is a code, a reference, or an Easter egg. There are already quite a few thematic forums on the Internet where participants try to unravel the mysteries of the series and predict the plot.

Princess Who are you from the cartoon "Ralph Breaks the Internet"? Who from The Incredibles are you? Actors for "Aladdin" Find the correct name of the cartoon character How well do you know the cartoon Zootopia?