What to say at an interview. How to prepare for an interview, how to behave correctly and what else to do to ensure everything goes well

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to behave during an interview - you will learn all the necessary information and even more: how to please a recruiter, what to wear for an interview, why some interviews take place over the phone and what to do if the conversation takes place via Skype, as well as: what you will most likely be asked, what tricky questions HR specialists ask and much more.

How to please and make a good impression

An impression of a person is created within the first 15 seconds after meeting. This is both good and bad news. You must immediately take the bull by the horns, or rather, pull yourself together. It is very important to arrive on time, or better yet, 5-10 minutes before the start of the interview. Appearance is of great importance, but we will talk about this separately.

Now it's important to mention attitude. It depends on him whether the first impression is good or not. Self-confidence is what matters. Not everyone has it, and in a stressful situation it is quite difficult to pull yourself together. Everyone understands this, including the employer, so a small discount is made here, but still, it is in your interests to create the appearance of maximum peace of mind. How to achieve this?

It’s good if you’re into yoga and know how to pull yourself together, but what if you’re not?

Replay in your head that you are as interested in a good job as the HR manager is in a great employee. Don't try to sell yourself. If you have a responsible approach to work and have all the necessary qualities, the employee will definitely notice this.

Remember that before finding a suitable vacancy, a person, according to statistics, attends about 3-5 interviews. This employer may not be lucky enough to get you!

Even if this is your first interview, you have every chance of being liked. Almost every applicant goes looking for a job, having some shortcomings and concerns: is everything in the document in order, and how will they react to the lack of a file or whether they will agree to certain conditions.

For example, one of my friends did not want to work after 18:00, but was ready to come an hour earlier. At first she was very embarrassed by this fact, but then she began to boldly declare her demands. In her position, adjustments to the schedule were possible, and employers, seeing that the employee was really suitable, were ready to make a rapprochement.

Self-confidence is immediately noticeable. You automatically begin to trust a person, you see that he is reliable and responsible. All this happens on a subconscious level. This is why calmness and self-confidence are so important to create a good impression.

Remaining collected in any situation is the best quality of an employee.

If you can’t believe in yourself, sign up for a Skype consultation with me. By doing so, you will make a significant contribution to your future.

Self-confidence provides serious benefits in both your career and personal life. you stop worrying, being nervous and, as they like to call it, selling yourself. They sell themselves to you know who and you know where. It is important for you to present yourself, come, and then the employer will see everything himself.

In addition to confidence and calmness, a positive attitude is also important. Start the morning before your interview as calmly as possible. Wake up early so you're not in a rush. Turn on your favorite music, walk around the house and sing along, try to laugh with your loved ones, drink delicious coffee.

Do you think this is all nonsense? Okay, then you can stand in the hero pose, smile for 20 seconds in front of the mirror and hop on one leg to consolidate your success. Perhaps this method will help someone relieve tension, lift their spirits and make them smile sincerely in order to make a good impression on their future boss.

Your good mood is in your hands.

Unfortunately, there is no secret technique or universal position in which some people immediately begin to like others. I’ll tell you more, HR officers have long known about all the “secrets” from the Internet, and as soon as they see that you are trying to apply them, they immediately draw their own conclusions: “Yeah, this person is very interested in work and is trying to manipulate. Interesting".

The main thing during an interview is to behave naturally, confidently, calmly and have a positive attitude. In this case, you have every chance of being liked. Read also

How to look for an interview

How to look at an interview is a very serious question for many. Today, everyone can afford to dress beautifully and look impressive. You don't need hundreds of thousands for this. If 5 years ago no one paid such serious attention to this point, now the situation has changed dramatically.

What to wear

When creating their image, many people make mistakes and do not get the desired vacancy. Some dress formally where it is not necessary and give the impression of an overly interested employee - this is alarming. Others, on the contrary, prefer the Casual style when it is completely inappropriate.

Don't overdo the seduction; if the recruiter gives in to temptation, what will you do?

What's better to wear to an interview? You need to start from the place of work and the position for which you are applying. You can go to the address where the company is located in advance and see what the employees of this company wear.

If this is a bank, then you must adhere to the dress code already at the interview - an official formal suit and classic flat shoes, a tie is required.

Women should wear a plain shirt or a light-colored business blouse, a pencil skirt just below the knee, and formal low-heeled shoes. With all your appearance you should shout about reliability and integrity.

If the work is creative, then the appearance may indicate the creativity of its “carrier”. You will have to try to work out your image. It is difficult to give any specific instructions here. The only thing is, don’t forget about accessories. In your case, they will be welcome - neckerchiefs, bracelets and other little things that complement, emphasize and complete the image.

If you want to look your best, I advise you to watch some modern films or look through magazines with photographs of successful people from your field. If the company is very cool and the position is top class, it might make sense to talk to a stylist.

What not to wear

I wouldn’t like to write banalities, but apparently I’ll have to, since it’s difficult to describe images and specific things that you shouldn’t wear. It all depends on the position. Some things are inappropriate in some places, but in another position the same outfit will come in very handy.

The rule of what to wear is not the same for everyone: dirty and unironed clothes are inappropriate for an interview.

How to introduce yourself and present yourself correctly

Here I would like to repeat myself, because I think it is very important: do not try to sell yourself. Once upon a time, one very smart person told me: if a product is good, it’s enough to find out about it, but if it’s bad, then no amount of advertising will help.

If you don't want to become a slave, don't sell yourself at the interview.

This is very true. As soon as you start campaigning, your value is lost. The employer just needs to know about your strengths. Talk about them calmly, with dignity.

What to tell about yourself

As a rule, during interviews they are asked to tell you about themselves. What should you tell the interviewer, and what should you keep silent about? There are mandatory regulations: introduce yourself, tell us about your education, name your previous places of work, and you can describe some of the projects you worked on. In general, this requires a history of your professional life.

It will be nice if you mention your goals and what you want to achieve. You shouldn’t run ahead of the locomotive and predict your interlocutor by answering trivial questions that will be asked one way or another.

The personnel officer must ask you something, and if you do not leave trivial questions, you risk running into a large number of tricky ones.

Remember everything you know about deduction. Play Sherlock.

Pay attention to the table and objects that are in front of the interviewer. It's good if you are in his office. If there are no foreign or personal objects nearby, and all things are folded in strict order, most likely the person takes the matter responsibly and demands the same approach from others.

Some people advise using such things to find common interests with a person. For example, you see a photo of a cat and start talking about your Barsik. You know, you have to be very careful with these things. You are not the first in this office, and similar methods have long been known to HR specialists. Draw conclusions, use this information, but I would not recommend voicing it.

Leave humor, irony and everything about professional topics for the time when you already get a position.

How to answer questions

Everyone lies during an interview. You need to know at what point a lie will be useful, and when it is better to tell the truth.

For example, if you left your previous job due to a scandal, it is better to talk about it. If they like you, then perhaps your management or colleagues will call and find out everything. Don’t try to blame the employer or team for all the troubles; find your mistakes, point out them and show how you deal with them.

At my last job, I constantly stole pencils, but I already paid for it with a job and never again!

Information about shortcomings is also not a reason for irony: perfectionism and hypertrophied responsibility are not an original answer to the question. It is important for the employer to know that nothing will interfere with your effectiveness. You can answer that your shortcomings are outside the professional sphere and they do not affect your work, but you would not like to talk about them.

Try to think two steps ahead: why are they asking you this question, what are they trying to find out and whether they can verify the information. Don’t be afraid to inflate the cost of your work at your previous job, lie about your own merits, advantages and positive qualities.

It’s not bad if you can illustrate some facts - use a portfolio, some documents, graphs, as if you accidentally took them with you.

How to prepare for an interview

If it makes you feel safer, you can draw up a questionnaire in advance and have an “interview” with your wife or child. However, this is not necessary; I am afraid that in some cases it will even be harmful. It is quite possible that in this way you will only heat up the situation and worry more, and the main thing in this matter is complete calm and confidence, as you remember.

Better work on your resume and evidence base. Write how great of an employee you are. Do not use ready-made samples. Most likely you have already sent one to your employer. Write something for yourself, in free form. You don't even have to take it with you. As a rule, after this a person begins to believe in himself more.

“I am the most charming and attractive, all employers dream of me.”

Collect various documents that can prove your merits and advantages - remember successful projects, you can ask several clients to write reviews. All this is needed not so much for the interviewer as for you. Self-confidence works wonders.

The better the vacancy, the more difficult it will be to get distracted. Try to come up with a plan in advance for how to occupy your time so as not to walk from corner to corner and not worry. Also, don't eat too much. Excessive bliss and drowsiness will not do any good.

Features of video interviews, online and by phone

As a rule, telephone interviews are conducted in order to weed out those candidates who are clearly not suitable. This kind of interview is not that difficult. The conversation will last no more than half an hour.

During this time, you just need to tell us a little about yourself, answer a few basic questions and ask your own. They don't talk about salary over the phone, nor do they talk about job details. For this they use at least a video.

Online interviews via Skype are a more common and serious event. You have eye contact with the interlocutor and the opportunity to send some important files and documents.

If you are facing such an interview, you need to prepare: convert the necessary documents into electronic form, upload them to Yandex or Google drives, save all the necessary links, and also provide yourself with quick access to them so as not to rummage through folders on your desktop while the interviewer waits .

Even if you are interviewing online, do not forget about your appearance.

Loungewear is not acceptable, pay attention to the background - panties hanging on the dryer will not show you as an excellent worker. Treat this interview as if it is taking place in the reputable office where you are applying.

What questions are most often asked during an interview?

Frequently asked questions

So, what is the most often asked question in an interview?

  1. Your shortcomings.
  2. Tell us about your achievements. (Don't take all the credit for yourself. Don't forget about the team.)
  3. Why do you want to work with us. (Read about the company on the Internet and retell their main advantages)
  4. Why are you leaving your previous job? (No career growth and being far from home are not the worst reasons).
  5. Tell us about your failures. (Here the interviewer wants to hear about how you can correct mistakes that you yourself have made).
  6. Why should we hire you?

Tricky questions

Tricky questions are asked in order to understand how you can get out of a difficult situation, whether you can quickly find your bearings and how stress-resistant you are. Don't be afraid to take a few seconds to think or come up with your own way to buy time in advance if you need it.

There are a lot of options for tricky questions, and as soon as information about them appears somewhere on the Internet, good HR specialists from large companies immediately change them. Here are a few examples that remain the same and are quite common:

  1. What will you do in the first three months working in our company?
  2. What do you think about overtime?
  3. What keeps you up at night?
  4. Would you like to take my position?
  5. If you worked for us for 5 years and didn't get a promotion, would you quit?
  6. Describe your dream job.
  7. Who and where do you see yourself in 10 years?

You have time to practice answering these questions quickly and wisely. I deliberately did not present my options here.

What questions can and should be asked to an employer?

Asking questions after an interview is not only possible, but also necessary in order to consolidate a pleasant impression of yourself. Read information about the company on the Internet and come up with a few questions regarding their work. Take a notepad with you so you don't forget important things. You may want to take some notes during the interview.

In addition, do not forget to ask, if the employer did not talk about such important points as the schedule, the scope of the performer’s responsibilities, whether additional training is expected, clarify information about the probationary period, when you can expect a promotion and what maximum point of success you can achieve in this company.

You can find a lot of information about questions in Ron Fry's book " How to pass an interview at your dream company" The successful author of best-selling books on personal effectiveness believes that you can get any job by learning to ask the right smart questions.

By asking questions to yourself and preparing them for the recruiter, you can easily create a plan for the entire conversation and stop panicking.

What to take with you to an interview

So, what can you use during an interview?

  • Summary.
  • Recommendations from management or reviews from customers.
  • Portfolio.
  • Diplomas, certificates.
  • Notepad and pen.
  • Some employers post questionnaires for applicants on their website. If there is one, it is better to fill it out at home and bring the finished version with you.

The most common mistakes

The most common mistake in an interview is lack of self-confidence. It seems to a person that the employer is less interested in him than he is in this company.

For this reason, various protective mechanisms are triggered - unnecessary fuss, strong excitement, sloppiness, lack of composure, lies, embarrassment. In some cases, aggression, excessive frivolity, talkativeness, inappropriate humor, attempts to manipulate or use some “secret” techniques.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, sign up for a Skype consultation with me before communicating with a recruiter from your dream company.


So, now it's time to briefly summarize:

  1. The most important thing for a candidate for any position is self-confidence, calmness and a positive attitude. I can offer you a publication about.
  2. When going to an interview, dress as if you already work in this company: clean, neat and in accordance with the official or unofficial dress code.
  3. Prepare a short story about your professional life and a resume. Don't forget to bring diplomas, certificates, customer reviews, or other documents that prove your qualifications. If communication takes place via Skype, prepare links.
  4. And most importantly, don’t be afraid or worry about anything. The employer is no less interested in a good employee than you are in a great company.

How to make the best impression and become the main contender for the position you are interested in?

An interview with an employer is a huge chance to show your best side and get a position of interest, even in cases where your experience or professional skills are not as deep as those of other applicants.
So, the first stage of your job search has been completed - your resume has attracted the employer’s interest and you have been invited for an interview.
Definitely, you should prepare well in advance.

Appearance: how to choose the right clothes for an interview

In this case, follow the proverb: “we meet you by your clothes, you see us off by your mind.” This doesn't mean you should wear your brightest skirt, a ton of accessories and look like a Christmas tree. Or, on the contrary, a strict black suit and a very strict hairstyle can alienate your interlocutor.
Do not forget! An interview is a meeting with strangers on whom you need to make a good impression.
  • If you know how to dress in a given company, dress the same way. Otherwise, wear business attire
  • Don't wear clothes that are too bright or very dark. Raspberry, green, red colors are best left for subsequent visits
  • Any clothes should be neat, and shoes should be polished
  • Don't forget to worry about your hairstyle. Ungroomed hair or, even worse, unwashed hair will not increase your chances of getting a job.
  • You should only have a business handbag or purse with you. This is the main event in your life today. No beach bags, backpacks, large bags of groceries or “I’m going straight home for groceries” luggage bags. All this will give your interlocutor the idea that a new job for you is between going to the market, taking a walk, or “yes, I stopped by on the way.”

Important rules for job interviews

  • Take with you the entire package of documents that the employer may need: passport, identification code, diplomas with inserts, other certificates of completion of training, etc.
  • Try not to be late for an interview under any circumstances. Being late for the first time reduces the chances of job success by 95%. Think about the route and how to get to the specified place in advance.
  • If you still cannot avoid being late, be sure to call back, explain the situation and ask to reschedule the meeting for another time.
  • Act confident and at ease. Don't show your excitement. The voice should be calm and even;
  • Try to get enough sleep before going to your employer. It is unlikely that a tired, sleep-deprived person will be able to make a good impression.
  • Don't express your dissatisfaction with anything. You may be asked to wait even though your appointment was scheduled for a specific time. During the interview itself, you may be asked provocative or, at first glance, inappropriate questions - this is a test of stress resistance; react adequately.
  • Find out what the company does in advance. Look through employee reviews on the Internet, notes in the press, and look at the official website. This will help you decide whether you want to work in this company. In addition, appropriately interwoven facts in a conversation with an employer will only increase your chances of success and show your interest in employment.
  • At the end of the conversation, be sure to ask how you can find out about the results of the interview, whether you can call back yourself to get an answer.
  • Be sure to say goodbye graciously, even if you realized you didn't get the job. Just in case, leave a good impression behind you.

What is asked most often during an interview?

At the first interview you may be asked questions:
  • about professional skills, length of service and work experience
  • about autobiographical data
  • personal qualities (communication skills, ability to work in a team, resistance to stress, ability to make quick decisions, etc.)
Remember! At the interview, you may be asked to fill out questionnaires, psychological tests, and perform simple practical tasks to test your professional skills. Don’t get lost, fill out everything you know clearly and legibly. Usually there is nothing difficult in such tasks.
Common Questions
  • Why did you leave your previous job?
  • Don't talk about having an evil tyrant boss or an obnoxious group of gossips. Even if this is true, the employer will think that you are a scandalous person who is difficult to get along with. This definitely won't do you any good. Say better that they paid little, or were not on time, had an inconvenient work schedule, were difficult to get to, etc.
  • Why did you come to our company? Even if you are not interested in anything other than your salary, do not talk about this as a priority. Say that this is a promising company or that you have long dreamed of trying yourself in this industry, that you are attracted by the opportunity for career growth, etc. Just add at the end that the employer offers a good salary.
  • What are your plans for the future? – If your position involves career growth, be sure to emphasize your desire to develop. If you are hired only for a specific position, simply say that you like this type of work.
  • Tell us about your past achievements. – You shouldn’t praise yourself and present yourself as a hero, but you need to modestly name important facts. If you have not achieved anything yet, simply say that you feel ready to solve more complex issues than those you faced at your previous job.
  • What shortcomings do you see in yourself? – You don’t need to tell all the nasty things about yourself. Name one or two, and then with an emphasis on merit. For example, “I consider my shortcomings to be high scrupulousness and multiple checks before submitting the work.”
  • What salary would you like to receive? – if you are a great specialist, don’t sell yourself short. In any case, name the price no lower than the market average for this type of work or 15–20% higher than your previous salary.

How to pass an interview if you have no work experience

Don't worry, work experience may not be as important for the company as an innovative approach, the ability to develop and make innovative decisions. The energy and potential of the younger generation can overcome the conservative views of middle-aged people.
Talk during the interview about your academic achievements or bright aspirations for the future. Be confident in your abilities, but not overconfident.

How to correctly evaluate the result of an interview: did you succeed or not?

It is not always easy to immediately assess whether an interview was successful.
If you were invited to go to the HR department or offered to show your new workplace, the details of the work were discussed, then it is clear that you are a new employee of the company.
If you were asked to wait for a response, it means you are not the brightest candidate and the company will choose from several options. All is not lost, wait a few days and try to call back yourself (if allowed). Perhaps the employer will understand that it is you who are interested in the job and will incline the choice in your favor.
If you were coldly told to wait for a call, then you most likely did not pass. Don't despair, this may not be your “favorite” job. In addition, you always have a chance to find a better job.

Have you changed your mind? How to refuse an employer after an interview

Immediately after the interview, never tell the employer that you have changed your mind and you are not at all attracted to work in this company. Just politely say goodbye at the end of the conversation, thank people for the nice offer, take the number of the contact person and give yourself time to think carefully.
Call the company employee back in a day or two. Politely refuse, citing some personal circumstances that do not allow you to start work at this hour. Even if the job is not at all suitable for you, you should not leave behind an unpleasant impression and cancel out possible further cooperation with these people or company.

Typical interview mistakes: video

It is impossible to avoid mistakes during an interview, since everyone is living people, and a conversation with a future employer is stressful for everyone.

Sooner or later in the life of any person there comes a stage when you have to change jobs, and an interview is an integral part of it. The most important thing at an interview is to present everything you can and to please the HR manager. Applicants try to achieve this in different ways, but it is not always successful. If you don’t know how to behave correctly during an interview, then the tips listed in this article will be very helpful.

1. Appearance

Of course, clothing should be appropriate. For men, a blouse and a formal skirt or trousers are suitable for women. Forget about extravagance, pretentiousness, cosmetics, hairstyle, accessories and even perfume. Only those who do not know how to behave correctly during an interview try to make an impression. Only people of creative professions are allowed to express their own individuality: artists, designers, painters, etc.

2. Arriving for an interview

Don't you dare be late! Punctuality will be an additional trump card. In addition, being late will negatively affect the mood of the interviewer, who knows how to conduct an interview correctly and values ​​both his own and other people’s time. If you don’t have time, call the person waiting for you and warn about it. It will be very useful to arrive half an hour earlier and take a closer look at the environment in the office. This way you will get to know the company you are planning to join better.

3. Turn off your mobile

If you are waiting for important calls, then set up an answering machine. Answering the phone during an interview, much less communicating with other employers, is considered the height of impoliteness.

4. Documents with you

You will usually already have a printed copy of your resume, but bring a couple copies just in case. This will show the interviewer that you are highly organized and know how to behave in an interview. In addition, take educational documents and certificates of trainings you have completed.

5. Question and answer

Try to listen very carefully to the questions asked of you and answer them clearly. Don't go into lengthy discussions. This will only show your lack of professionalism. Answers during the interview should last no more than 2 minutes. Watch for feedback from the interviewer. If he listens without interest, then stop and ask whether you have answered the question posed.

6. Company information

Try to find out as much information as possible about the company you are going to. For example, through its corporate website. Being informed will help you know how to behave during an interview and give you an edge over other applicants.

Be prepared to be asked for recommendations. There are two options here. Either give the telephone number of your recommender (just warn him so that the call from your potential employer is not a surprise), or take care of drafting it in advance and take it with you.

After the interview is over, be sure to thank the hiring manager for his time. Even if you do not pass the competition for a vacancy, the experience gained will be useful to you when meeting with other employers. Good luck with your interview!

Everyone knows that even the greatest career begins with an ordinary interview. However, no one needs to explain how important the first job interview is. It is also unnecessary to explain that due to improper preparation for an interview with an employer, your career in a particular campaign may not begin.

How to behave at the beginning of an interview

To feel comfortable in the process of communicating with the employer, under no circumstances be late for the interview. Better arrive 20 minutes early. This time is enough to get your bearings in an unfamiliar place and tune in to the upcoming conversation.

Before entering the office, knock on the door, and once you enter, introduce yourself loudly and clearly. And no chewing gum - this little thing will completely ruin the whole image of you. Don't be a fool and try to smile more.

Remember that the first impression of yourself can only be made once, so everything is important: how you look, how you behave, how you speak.

It is not enough to show just professional skills. You should leave a generally good impression of yourself. Try to win over the employer from the first minutes of communication. To do this, clearly say why you came and smile.

Wait until the interviewer extends his hand to greet you before shaking his hand, as the employer may not do this, since it is not customary for a prospective employee to shake hands when applying for a job. After graduation, you can thank your employer for taking the time to spend with you.

Important: Find out the name of the interviewer in advance, or clearly remember his name when he introduces himself to you. During the interview process, call the interviewer as he introduced himself to you.

We are all human and most of us experience anxiety. Therefore, there will be nothing wrong if you admit to your employer that you are a little worried. As a rule, after such recognition, some relief comes. This will allow you to relax a little.

However, you shouldn’t focus on your strong anxiety. If you constantly remind you of this, you will be given a “minus”.

After you have introduced yourself, try to find a place that is as comfortable as possible for the conversation. It’s good if this place is not opposite, but next to the interviewer. One of the most common mistakes during an interview is choosing the wrong position in relation to the employer.

Many job seekers sit opposite, subconsciously perceiving the interlocutor as an opponent who is preventing them from getting the desired job. Therefore, it is better to sit next to the employer, then it will be easier for him to perceive you as an ally and like-minded person.

If the only place is opposite the employer, then try to sit down straight, taking a neat and collected position. Try not to cross your arms and legs and be as open as possible.

Your gaze should be sincere and open, you don’t need to look at the floor or glare at your employer. Mentally draw a circle between the employer’s eyebrows and look at its center.
Once you are in the correct position, remember your hands. Excessive gestures will not leave a very good impression of you, especially since excessive hand waving during a conversation is a sign of lying. Try to control yourself.

How to behave during an interview with a manager

If you did everything correctly at the beginning of the interview, now your task is to get the interviewer on the same emotional wavelength as you. The “mirror pose” technique will help you with this.

This does not mean at all that you should behave the same way as your interlocutor; it is enough to unobtrusively copy his posture and, if possible, gestures. Do this carefully. If the employer notices that you are copying him, the interview will fail.

During the communication process:

  • do not use slang words and expressions
  • avoid topics of personal and financial problems
  • You should not talk about politics and religion during an interview.

During the interview process, do not take on the role of leader and do not flaunt your knowledge. This can cause aggression in the employer, and his image of you will be extremely negative.

Speak only the truth during the interview. If the interviewer suspects that you are not telling the truth, he will begin to run you through the same events and facts over and over again, skillfully confusing you until you finally split.

If you carried out some projects privately, then it’s better to say that you did this and that, but this is not reflected in the work book.

During an interview, people often ask about your shortest period of work, in particular, why you quit so quickly. Answer this question honestly, because there is a very specific reason why you left your last job, and you also need to tell your future employer about this.

During the interview, do not focus on your biography. It’s better to structure your story in such a way that it reflects the most important events of your working life.

If during the interview process you made some mistake or misspoke, humbly apologize and move on. You shouldn’t focus your employer’s attention on your mistakes.

What not to say at an interview

  • During the interview process, there is no need to press the interviewer for pity or try to evoke sympathy;
  • You should not mention family problems, illnesses or your difficult financial situation;
  • Don't talk too much in an interview. They don't like talkers. No manager needs you to distract other subordinates with your conversations;
  • Do not overwhelm the interviewer with your knowledge, especially if he is younger than you;
  • Don't speak negatively about your previous job, but don't praise your former boss either. Be neutral about your past.
  • Even if you don’t pass the interview, at least you will gain invaluable experience, and next time you will definitely succeed.

Aug 13, 2013 LittleToxa

An interview is an interview between an employer and a potential employee, during which it becomes clear whether both parties are suitable for each other or not. Applicants are asked many questions to find out how suitable they are for a vacant position. Therefore, it is important for applicants to know how to behave during a job interview.

What do we know about the interview?

Interviews are:

  • free - the applicant talks about himself in free form;
  • biographical - they ask a lot of questions regarding education, work experience, previous place, personal life;
  • stressful - aimed at testing stress resistance, for which the applicant is specifically brought into conflict and asked provocative questions to see how he behaves in a stressful situation;
  • professional - professional skills are tested directly at the workplace.

The interview can be conducted by both the head of the organization and the recruiter.

The interviewer can offer various tests that check the psychological and intellectual components of the personality. Passing the test is not a mandatory part, but refusing it can have the unpleasant consequence of reducing your chances of getting hired.

After the applicant sends his resume to the company he likes, if the response is positive, they will call him, clarify the details written in the resume, and invite him to a personal conversation, having previously told him the date, time, and place.

In order not to miss the necessary information and not to ask again many times, it is worth stocking up with a pen and paper.

It is also possible that they will start asking questions directly over the phone. The HR manager deliberately takes him by surprise with his unexpected call in order to hear truthful answers and look at behavior in a stressful situation. If you are busy or on the street, you should politely ask to reschedule the conversation for another convenient time.

If there are no distractions, then it is better to continue communication in a calm and friendly tone, this will allow the conversation to move in the right direction. The main thing is not to panic.

Recently, online interviews have become especially popular.

Because many people prefer to work remotely or for a company located in another city or country:

  1. The main thing is that there should be no one in the room except you! Ask politely to leave the premises and leave you alone for about an hour.
  2. To ensure that the conversation suits both parties, test the connection in advance. The sound is much more important than the picture, so first of all, take care of good audibility - use a headset or other portable microphone, but not one built into the laptop.
  3. If this is your first time using a video app or Skype, do some research beforehand.

This is important so that during the negotiation process you do not get distracted by such trifles. Be prepared to be asked to send some document during the conversation.

Convert all necessary documents into electronic form.

Copies may be needed:

  • passports;
  • diploma and insert;
  • certificates;
  • as well as the resume itself.

Appearance, as in a live interview, plays an important role. Of course, the home environment is relaxing and you can forget yourself by sitting in a robe or pajamas, but it is categorically not recommended to do so. It is rude to chew gum or drink coffee while talking. Take care of this an hour before the interview.

In general, this type of interview should be approached as seriously as a live one. Be friendly and optimistic. Smile and control your gestures so as not to flash your hands on the screen of your interlocutor.

Before going to a meeting at a company, you should prepare for it in advance. Preparation will allow you to stand out from everyone who wants this position, because genuine confidence will do its job.

In order to shine, you need to try:

In addition to everything listed above, the main point is punctuality! There is no point in being late, so you need to take care of this the day before the meeting in order to plan everything correctly.

And on the “X” day it is better to leave early and wait than to run or be completely late.

Appearance is a very important component for a successful interview. After all, as you know, “you’re greeted by your clothes, but you’re seen off by your mind.” Therefore, in order to make the right impression, you should choose a strict, businesslike, unpretentious style of clothing.

Men should preferably wear:

  • jacket, shirt, trousers and shoes, and if it’s hot, then just a shirt without a jacket;
  • It is better to choose a dull color - the most suitable colors for an interview are black, brown, white, blue;
  • sportswear and shoes are not suitable for this purpose;
  • Accessories include a watch and a belt;
  • If you have tattoos, it is better to hide them under clothes and remove piercings on visible parts of the body so as not to scare your interlocutor.

Women can wear:

  • sheath dress, skirt or trousers with a shirt;
  • For footwear, high-heeled shoes or ballet flats are suitable;
  • sexy and transparent things, miniskirts, deep cuts and slits, sandals, flashy accessories and flashy makeup are unacceptable.

For both men and women, the main thing is to be neat. There should not be a strong smell of perfume or sweat.

If you are applying for a creative job, then a relaxed, comfortable style is also suitable. You can choose bolder colors.

Remember that you should feel comfortable in your clothes, because a comfortable and beautiful appearance will give you confidence.

To make a good and correct impression on the employer and employees of the organization as a whole, you should treat them with respect.

There are several rules for this:

  1. First of all, don't be late. Nobody likes to wait, and the manager doesn’t have time for that. If being late cannot be avoided, please notify us by phone.
  2. It’s also not worth arriving long before your appointment. This early arrival may seem like pressure and a desire to start early.
  3. Friendly approach to everyone. Greet employees, answer questions with a smile, wait patiently for your turn, and avoid interrogations or conflict situations. Such behavior will indicate your good manners, decency and seriousness of intention. After all, to fully understand who you really are, the interviewer can ask others how you behaved during the waiting period.
  4. It is better to put your phone on silent mode so that no calls or SMS distract anyone. It is also not recommended to check SMS and social networks while waiting. Any negative message can negatively affect your overall mood and set you on an unnecessary wave.
  5. If the secretary invites you to the manager's office, knock on the door before entering. When you go inside, say hello, call your interlocutor by name and patronymic and smile - this will instantly endear the person to you.
  6. When meeting an employer for the first time, do not forget about the handshake. Such a gesture can say a lot about you. Too weak can indicate insecurity, too strong - dominance. Therefore, we shake hands confidently. Your palm should be open, thereby showing respect, so you should not cover someone else's hand when shaking hands.
  7. Sit at the side of the table or in another place, but not opposite the interlocutor, so as not to seem aggressive. Sit at the table with your back straight, do not slouch or cross your arms or legs. This posture speaks of closedness and reluctance to make contact. Keep your gaze in the area between the interlocutor's eyebrows. Direct eye-to-eye gaze is often aggressive.
  8. Watch your facial expressions and gestures. Actively waving your arms or making obscene gestures is prohibited. This can frighten your interlocutor and seem nervous and unbalanced. You must speak in an even voice, without shouting or raising your tone.

If, in principle, you are not very good at speaking, then read a lot of literature and attend public speaking courses to develop this skill. Perhaps in the future it will be needed during negotiations.

Be careful. Answer the question posed clearly and to the point. Don’t go in the other direction just to tell more about yourself. It is unacceptable to incorrectly call the interlocutor by name. Remember every detail. Every little thing can be important.

To the question of how to behave when applying for a job, there is only one answer - confidently!

No matter how amazing your education, appearance, or competent speech may be, without self-confidence the chances of success are equal to zero.

Bring your external data to the ideal that you consider to be the highest and, most importantly, achievable.

Your body should represent health and beauty:

  • if you are overweight and you feel stiff and uncomfortable, go in for sports and switch to proper nutrition;
  • If you are concerned about inflammation on your face, take the treatment to a doctor and go to a cosmetologist.

In general, accept or change any exciting thing in your body. After all, it causes negative emotions in you, thereby manifesting dislike for yourself, and hence insecurity.

To achieve what you want, you need to work on yourself:

  1. Be smart and erudite. It’s great if you are going to get a job in a company in your specialty, because you already have basic knowledge and ideas. It also happens that a person goes to get a job in a field where he considers himself an expert, but does not have a suitable diploma. Such awareness gives self-confidence, since it is possible to maintain a conversation on narrowly focused topics.
  2. It is also worth working on your erudition. Educational books, scientific publications, information articles on various topics will never be superfluous in your life. So, the fact that you once learned something, read it a long time ago or accidentally, can come in handy during an interview at the most necessary moment.
  3. Many probably remember that in college, when presenting an essay or dissertation, you feel more confident when you are well prepared. When, in addition to your own report, you have also prepared answers to all sorts of questions, you feel confident and calm. In the same way, you need to prepare before the interview. If this is your first time or you are going to your dream company and are very afraid, ask someone close to you to help you rehearse.

The very first thing you need to know when talking about yourself is not to go into details and not to start the story from distant childhood.

Tell us about your education:

  • why was he chosen;
  • Do you like the specialty you received?
  • mention your successes, skills, achievements;
  • tell the place about your hobby or passion - what you are a master and expert in.

Often the interviewer is interested in your attitude towards sports - whether it is in your life. There is no need to embellish, so tell it like it is. The truth will come out sooner or later. The same goes for bad habits.

On the personal side, if asked, you can talk about your family, love of animals, hobbies.

Explain why you chose and left your previous jobs:

  • do not say bad things about past organizations, because it will not make you look better, and the manager may think that you will say the same thing about his company;
  • If there were any conflicts within your team at your previous place of work, tell us how you managed to resolve them.

Be as natural as possible, but at the same time not too frank. Remember that self-presentation should last no more than 5 minutes.

Anyone who has been interviewed several times already knows that they often ask the same questions.

This example describes how to answer them correctly and how to avoid awkward questions:

  1. What exactly attracted you to our company? This question can be answered in a standard way - the presence of career growth, the company's success in the market, decent wages, stability, company culture, and the availability of international business trips. Or go the other way - talk about your love for the business or the possibility of improving the company with your help.
  2. What salary would you like to receive? This question confuses many. Therefore, first estimate the average salary for your position in other organizations, and then give a figure. You must evaluate yourself adequately - do not overestimate, and even more so, do not underestimate your wages.

Feel free to say good things about yourself, but don’t underestimate your own merits either. Name the qualities that you think are most suitable for this purpose.

Do not speak:

For the same reason, you cannot admit to laziness, stubbornness, or conflict, and even more so, generally say that you have no weaknesses.

Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

This question needs to be answered only regarding growth within the company. You cannot say that you see yourself in another, larger organization or want to become an individual entrepreneur.

This answer may make the person think that their company is an intermediate step and therefore not valuable to you.

Here it would be useful to mention building a family. Many employers prefer employees who have or plan to have a family in the future. This speaks of the stability of a person.

There are secrets to successfully passing an interview:

Love what the company you are going to work for does. Fire in the eyes will help tell a lot. The indifferent attitude is noticeable. The company does not need such a person. Therefore, before sending your resume, think several times - is it interesting to you?

End of the interview

At the end of the negotiations, thank the interlocutor for the opportunity given to you to undergo an interview at this company. If you are interested in the position, ask what the next step is.

Usually the results of the interview are not announced immediately. The decision takes some time to listen to all applicants and discuss with colleagues. If they like you, they will let you know. Just make sure they have contact information to contact you.

If the decision is negative, do not be upset; in any case, be optimistic. After all, next time you will definitely be lucky, because you will already have experience and you will be able to correct the mistakes you have made.