The history of the romance “The fragrant bunches of white acacia.” Romance “White Acacia”: a song that simultaneously became the unofficial anthem of the “white” and “red” Acacia bunches

There are many versions of the origin of the famous romance “White Acacia Fragrant Clusters.” The first version of this romance was published in 1902 in the collection “Gypsy Nights” without indicating the authors of the words and music.
In the summer of 1903, the St. Petersburg publishing house "Note Printing House of V. Bessel and Co" in the series "Gypsy Songs of N. P. Lyutsenko" appeared the score of the romance "with vocal parts for tenor and soprano." The romance was gaining popularity. The text and notes had the subtitle “a famous gypsy romance as edited by Varya Panina and musically arranged by Zorin,” but there were still no authors. Then there were these words in it

White acacia fragrant clusters
Full of aroma again
The nightingale's song resounds again
In the quiet glow of the wonderful moon!

Do you remember the summer, under the white acacia
Have you listened to the song of the nightingale?..
The wonderful, bright one quietly whispered to me:
“Darling, forever, forever yours.”

The years have long passed, the passions have cooled,
The youth of life has passed,
White acacia with a delicate scent,
I will never forget, I will never forget...

The performance of Yuri Morfessi (1882-1957) gained the greatest popularity after its significant creative processing. The romance began to be called simply “White Acacia”:

White acacia branches fragrant
The delight of spring blows,
The song of the nightingale is quietly heard
In the pale sparkle, the sparkle of the moon.

Do you remember at night among the white acacias
The nightingale trilled,
Gently clinging to me, you whispered to me, languid:
“Believe me, forever, forever I’m yours”?

Time has flown by, and old age is merciless
They sent us years
But the aroma of fragrant acacias
I will never forget, I will never forget.

Gramophone records with recordings of “White Acacia” performed by Panina, Vyaltseva, Sergeeva, Emskaya, Morfessi and the Sadovnikov brothers quickly spread throughout all the cities of the vast country and even went into exile with their owners.

But the transformations of the romance did not end there. The First World War was raging in the country. Based on the popular romance, the people created a patriotic soldier's song, which began with the following words:

Grandfathers, we heard that the war has begun,

The grandfathers sighed, waved their hands,
You know, it’s your will, and the tears are wiped away...

Volunteers from the army of Tsarist General Denikin remade the words of this song and made it the anthem of their Volunteer Army. This song sounded in Kyiv they captured.

It turns out that this song was sung on both sides of the barricades, but each with their own words. Here are the words of the White Guard “Volunteer Song”:

Grandfathers heard - the war has begun,
Stop what you're doing and get ready to go on a hike.
We will boldly go into battle for Holy Rus'
And as one we will shed young blood.

Soon we will finish off the enemy calculations.
We will boldly go into battle for Holy Rus'
And as one we will shed young blood.

The red chains appeared
We will fight them to the death.
We will boldly go into battle for Holy Rus'
And as one we will shed young blood.

And here are the words of the song that the Red Army soldiers sang:

Listen, worker, the war has begun:
Stop what you're doing and get ready for a hike!

Shells are exploding, machine guns are crackling,
But the red companies are not afraid of them.
We will boldly go into battle for Soviet power
And as one we will die fighting for it.

White chains appeared
We will fight them to the death.
We will boldly go into battle for Soviet power
And as one we will die fighting for it.

But this did not end the transformation of the famous romance. The First World War, the Civil War, the Great Patriotic War ended... In the 1970s, it was decided to begin filming a television film based on Bulgakov’s novel “The White Guard”. Director Basov went to Kyiv to get acquainted with the location of the novel.

This is what musicologist E. Biryukov recalls: “When starting to film “The Days of the Turbins,” Vladimir Pavlovich remembered that in those ancient times, when the action of Bulgakov’s play takes place, the romance “The fragrant bunches of white acacia” was in fashion, the melody of which later changed almost to unrecognizable, acquired a marching character and formed the basis of the famous revolutionary song “We will boldly go into battle.”

The director wanted the themes of these two songs to sound in the film as a distant memory of those years, and set such a task for M. Matusovsky and composer V. Basner. This is how two songs appeared in the TV movie. The marching song about the armored train “Proletary” did not go beyond the film and did not gain widespread popularity. But “Romance,” as the poet and composer called the reminiscence song about “White Acacia,” received its rebirth and fame.
And it was the Kiev flowering acacia that inspired the poet M. Matusovsky, and he conveyed his mood to the composer.
And here are the final words of the popular romance.

White acacia fragrant clusters
First published in 1902 in the series “Gypsy Nights” without indicating the name of the author of words and music. Later it was published as a “famous gypsy romance”, edited by Varia Panina and musically arranged by A. M. Zorin, but also unnamed. Nevertheless, it is believed that the text is based on a reworking of Pugachev’s poem. But in some sources the author of the text is called Volin-Volsky (his romance to the music of M. Sharov “A tear clouds my vision” is known), and the author of the music is M. Sharov or A. Lutsenko.
The most stable version remains the authorship of Pugachev, who owns more than three dozen romances to the music of M. K. Steinberg, J. de Botari and other romance composers.
Many of these romances entered the repertoire of the most famous pop performers as “gypsy” songs. The romance “The Fragrant Clusters of White Acacia” gained the greatest popularity when performed by Yuri Morfessi. The tune was used in the revolutionary song “We will boldly go into battle.” Folklore variants were recorded in the 20th century
From here

Nadezhda Obukhova

Alla Bayanova

Boris Shtokolov

Evgeny Shalya and Andrey Shilov (guitar)

Modern variation-stylization
Music by Venimanin Basner, lyrics by Mikhail Matusovsky
Lyudmila Senchina

Oleg Pogudin

From the film "Days of the Turbins"

White acacia. Sung in different versions

White acacia fragrant clusters
Full of aroma again
The nightingale's song resounds again
In the quiet radiance, the radiance of the moon.

Do you remember, in the summer under the white acacia
Have you heard the nightingale's song?
The wonderful, bright one quietly whispered to me:
“Darling, forever, forever yours!”

The years have long passed, the passions have cooled,
The youth of life has passed...
White acacia with a delicate scent
I will not forget, I will never forget!..

Arranged by Yuri Morfessi

White acacia
Fragrant branches
The delight of spring blows,
Quietly spreading
The Nightingale's Song
In a pale sparkle,
Sparkling moon.

Do you remember at night
Among the white acacias
The nightingale trilled,
Gently clinging,
You whispered to me, languid:
"Believe, forever,
I'm yours forever"?

Time has flown by
And old age is merciless
They sent us years
But the aroma
Scented acacias
I won't forget
Never forget.

Mikhail Matusovsky

The nightingale whistled to us all night
The city was silent and the houses were silent
White acacia fragrant clusters

White acacia fragrant clusters
They drove us crazy all night long
The garden was all washed by spring showers
There was water in the dark ravines
God how naive we were
How young we were then
The years have flown by making us gray
Where is the purity of these living branches

Reminds me of them today
Only winter and this white snowstorm
Reminds me of them today
At the hour when the wind is raging furiously
With new strength I feel
White acacia fragrant clusters
Irreversible like my youth
White acacia fragrant clusters
Unique like my youth

The nightingale whistled to us all night long,
The city was silent and the houses were silent.

White acacia fragrant clusters
They drove us crazy all night long.
The garden was all washed by spring showers,
There was water in the dark ravines.
God, how naive we were
How young we were then!
The years have flown by, turning us gray.
Where is the purity of these living branches?
Only winter, and this white blizzard
They are reminded of them today.
At an hour when the wind is raging furiously,
With new strength I feel
White acacia fragrant clusters
Irreversible, like my youth.
White acacia fragrant clusters
Unique, like youth mob.


All night the Nightingale was whistling to us,
The city was silent, and silent house.
The night drove us crazy.
White acacia clusters of fragrant
The night drove us crazy.
The entire garden was washed by spring showers,
In dark ravines, there was water.
God, how naive we were
How young we were then!
The years have passed, making us gray.
Where the purity of these branches alive?
Only winter, but this Blizzard white
Remind them today about.
When the wind rages violently,
With the new power I feel,
White acacia clusters of fragrant
Done, as my youth.
White acacia clusters of fragrant
Unique as the youth mob.

Romance from the film "Days of the Turbins", 1976

Music by V. Basner
Words by M. Matusovsky

The nightingale whistled to us all night long,
The city was silent and the houses were silent...
They drove us crazy all night long.

The garden was all washed by spring showers,
There was water in the dark ravines.
God, how naive we were
How young we were then!

The years have flown by, turning us gray...
Where is the purity of these living branches?
Only winter and this white snowstorm
They are reminded of them today.

At the hour when the wind is raging furiously,
With new strength I feel:
White acacia fragrant clusters
Irreversible, like my youth!
White acacia fragrant clusters
Unique, like my youth...

From the 1990s songbook

Created under the influence of the popular romance of the early 20th century "The fragrant bunches of white acacia"<1902> Whole night NIGHTINGALE U.S. whistling
Romance of k/f "Days of Turbin", 1976

Music V. Basner
Words M. Matusovsky

The whole night we Nightingale whistled
City silent and silent house...
Acacia clusters of fragrant
Night long we demented.

The garden was full Umyt spring rains,
In dark ravines standing water.
God, as we were naive,
As we were young then!

Years have flown, gray us making...
Where is the purity of these branches of the living?
Yes only winter snowstorm this white
Today resemble them.

In the hour when the wind is raging furiously
With renewed power, I feel:
Acacia clusters of fragrant
Unrecoverable, as my youth!
Acacia clusters of fragrant
Unique, as my youth...

Songwriter of the 1990s

Created under the influence of popular romances of the early 20th century "White acacia clusters of fragrant"

Thank you very much for such a detailed and interesting post! We taught this old melody at the music school during musical literature lessons precisely on the topic of “songs of the revolution and civil war,” but with the caveat that it was converted from the “philistine romance” of White Acacia. It is possible that this happened even earlier, in music school. So it stuck in my head as a reworked version of the already revolutionary song “We will boldly go into battle for the power of the Soviets.” But I was delighted with Basner-Matusovsky’s stylization from the very beginning. It is done very subtly and very precisely. And Senchina sang it very well. And I really liked Basov’s entire film (Bulgakov’s books were not available to me at that time, except for “the master” in a magazine version and with banknotes). In general, there were a lot of things based on the principles of the similarity of some popular songs... At our conservatory, my friend once FAILED an entire course, really. Then she herself got screwed for it. Our “wind players” usually entered the conservatory after the army and were especially diligent in everything that did not relate to playing the instrument. were no different and often missed lectures. And my friend, still a young teacher, was a person with both character and humor. In the music history exam, there were a lot of things to guess or sing in different topics.
.And just imagine: the first student comes to answer, not very confident in himself, with cheat sheets, as usual. I answered everything, and the teacher said: well, an additional simple question for you. sing me the beginning of the song "Eaglet". The guy sang... And now, he says, sing the song “Kakhovka.” The guy sings the old melody of the eaglet... with the words of Kakhovka... She: "Go, teach" Two!!!" The next one asks to sing Kakhovka first... He sings. -And now Orlyonka Toth sings the words of the Eaglet to the tune of Kakhovka. .. "Go! Two!" Panic began in the corridor, no one could understand anything anymore... The story spread throughout the conservatory instantly, everyone laughed, except those who had failed... Then the rector's office forced the teacher to correct the deuces into Cs...
Now this musicologist has long been a Doctor of Science and Professor, and then she was a young teacher, but the students were afraid of her and TAUGHT the subject. I loved her very much, although her character was difficult, but since mine was no easier, we were friends
And at the end of the story - the finale. At some skit, a double bass player suddenly jumped out of the hall straight onto the stage and howled, declaring: “Stand behind the door! Whose moan is heard? And there is no end to that moan... We call this moan a SONG, then the students pass Isanbet!” (Isanbet is her last name, she was the daughter of our famous Tatar playwright)
At this howl of his, it was Yuldus herself, my malicious but smart friend and an excellent professional, who laughed the loudest. And smiles and good mood to you!