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Banks are an important economic link in the structure of any state. Commercial banks, accumulating the money supply through deposits of individuals and legal entities, provide them for the disposal and use of other commercial structures and individuals under various categories of contracts, on various conditions and under different programs. This is necessary both to meet the financial needs of individuals and to ensure the continuous operation of legal entities.

Exist different shapes interaction of banking organizations with clients. Sometimes a client organization needs an influx of capital investment, the need to enter a wider market, or the need to modernize existing production. And in such cases, legal or individuals You need a reliable financial advisor, professional intermediary and deal organizer. And in in this case investment activity of banks is manifested. The study of this type of activity has led to numerous studies and dozens of published scientific works. We tried to combine the most important information for our reader and consider general principles, patterns and features of investment activities of banking organizations.

Today, there are several main models of banks, which include investments as one of the main areas of activity. IN first model a clear separation of the role of an ordinary commercial bank (providing credit and financial services) and tasks aimed at investment is provided. The model was first adopted in the mid-30s in the United States, after the ratification of the Glass-Steagall Act. Also, a similar model is called Saxon (based on the principle of greatest distribution). The gradation was observed until 1999, when the introduction of the Graham-Leach Act into legislation allowed ordinary banks to create structural divisions involved in investing in securities. It was since then that the expression “financial supermarket” appeared in the everyday life of financiers - an organization that deals with all possible financial services.

Second model is called continental (or European) and presupposes the existence of universal commercial organizations, which have separate divisions involved in securities trading, investment, work in the capital market, as well as the provision of standard credit and financial services. Examples include Deutsche Bank in Germany or Paribas Group in France.

Domestic countries are characterized by the presence of a mixed model. Banks are directly involved in investing in industry, and the securities market is developing more and more every year. There are both universal commercial banks with licenses from the Bank of Russia, and specific organizations, whose activities are regulated by the Federal Financial Markets Service. The second category includes brokerage, dealer, depository and management activities.

It should be noted that domestic legislation does not define the concepts of investment activities of banking organizations and there are no legal instruments for regulating this particular branch of activity.

Services and types of investment activities

The investment activity of commercial banks is the most prestigious area, which, moreover, is the most profitable. That is why companies providing financial and credit services strive to become participants in free securities markets and engage in investment projects.

Investment banks existing in foreign countries, are engaged in providing the following services to their clients:

  • Custodial and depository;
  • Consulting activities;
  • Brokerage services;
  • Business restructuring options through M
  • Increasing profits by attracting finance.

In order for banks to be able to invest in these areas, they develop several areas, which are conventionally divided into internal and external.

External types of investment activities

External ones mean performing two types of tasks: attracting third-party capital investments and supporting mergers and acquisitions. In the case of attracting capital investments, most often we are talking about placing and managing deposits (in particular, securities) of their clients, but there are also options for third-party capital investments by launching special methods of investment lending to individuals and legal entities.

  • Consulting clients planning to place securities;
  • Conducting underwriting syndication - syndicate management;
  • Working with clients' papers;
  • Providing servicing of client and own securities in primary and secondary markets.

When a state's market has a thriving financial system, commercial banks whose objectives include investment activities often use the option of mergers and acquisitions as a reliable profit-making scheme.

The vast majority of domestic companies have not reached the level where the need to carry out M&A procedures becomes clear, for which it is necessary to contact investment banks.

In the same case, if a banking organization provides mergers and acquisitions services, there are the following areas of activity:

  • Consulting clients on options and methods of business reorganization;
  • Actual reorganization of the company and its subsequent sale;
  • Development and implementation of effective anti-merger mechanisms;
  • Formation and sale of blocks of shares;
  • Raising finance for a merger or acquisition.

Internal types of investment activities

The main task of the internal investment activities of banking institutions is to ensure the effective functioning of external processes and those departments that deal with investments and generate maximum income. Significant types of internal activities are:

  • Brokerage services;
  • Managing clients' investment portfolios;
  • Personal management;
  • Attracting capital investments.

In the realities of the domestic market, income from such activities can vary from 100% of annual losses to impressive income, which amounts to hundreds of percent per year.

Investment policy of banks and investment planning

The investment policy of banking organizations is a set of measures that are aimed at developing and ultimately implementing ideas for investment management, ensuring the optimal amount of investment for effective operations, as well as increasing the profitability of the bank. The most important condition for the investment policy of a banking institution is the development of an effective and most profitable strategy.

Investment planning involves choosing the optimal placement methods and methods of distributing financial resources for a certain period of time with the possibility of further ensuring greater profitability and increasing the number of possible transactions. Since planning is a complex organizational process, when implementing it, it is necessary to adhere to the following conditions:

  • Availability of objective and necessary information data;
  • Assessment of existing investments, as well as assessment of profitability from investment;
  • Analysis of the costs incurred and the final results of investment projects, as well as the impact of a particular project on the bank’s position;
  • A proven and verified financial plan;

For the investment activities and policies of banks, the key factors are correct definition the ratio of the amount of credit funds and own financial savings, development of a mutually beneficial strategy for the distribution of dividends investment projects, as well as optimization of the existing structure of investment capital. These three indicators are underlying factors for those commercial banks that are engaged in investment activities.

Every year more and more commercial banks appear, which create significant competition. Not only domestic but also foreign financial institutions are becoming involved in it. In conditions of such competition, one of the most important factors is the implementation of investment activities, which are associated with securities transactions. All commercial bank investments have the following distinctive characteristics:

  • Investments require a constant influx of funds over a long period - even before the moment when the amount of investment is fully justified;
  • When investing, the main initiator of the process is the bank itself, which seeks to acquire as many assets as possible on the securities markets;
  • Unlike debt relationships, where a bank works with a lender or borrower, when investing there is no personal contact - this is replaced by securities of enterprises and organizations that are acquired by banking institutions;

An investment portfolio is a collection of all existing bank investments from which profit is made. Banks always strive to earn as much profit as possible, but despite this, a clear relationship between the profitability of projects and their liquidity and financial security must be maintained.

A bank that invests in risky projects that are not liquid may eventually become insolvent. Accordingly, from the above we can draw a conclusion about the functionality of the investment portfolio.

Why do you need an investment portfolio?

The need for an investment portfolio is revealed through its direct functions. These functions include the following:

  1. Stabilization of the financial position of a banking organization, regardless of the situation in the domestic market: even if profits from the number of standard financial services decrease, they are replaced by income from funds invested in securities.
  2. Compensation for credit risks that may arise due to objective circumstances. Banks also take out loans, which can be offset by securities - thus balancing the loan/asset balance.
  3. Diversification of funds received. Securities are not assigned to a specific region, but are transnational in nature - this contributes to highly effective diversification of banking income.
  4. Ensuring bank liquidity. The purchased securities can act as collateral to raise actual funds, or be resold for similar purposes.
  5. Insurance against possible negative changes in legislation, situations caused by a negative geopolitical situation.
  6. Improved balance sheet performance due to holding a certain amount of expensive securities.

To ensure a constant flow of funds, diversify income, and also reduce the possibility of credit risks, securities with different maturities are attracted to investment portfolios.

With a decrease in the number of securities, as well as changes in their value, it is possible to reinvest them in other objects that correspond to the current objectives of the investment policy of banking organizations, and also have better characteristics.

Finally, we note that banks, engaged in investment activities, are inherently participants in organizing and maintaining financial security numerous innovative projects and scientific institutions around the world. This means that investment activity is beneficial not only to its owners, who receive large profits, but also to the persons in whose favor the investment is made.

It is well known that commercial banks are one of the components of the country's economy. They have the opportunity to influence it through investment activities. Relationships with banks occur in various forms, as in simple everyday situations, when an ordinary person enters into a fixed-term deposit agreement. But there are also such special clients when, in the course of developing their business, they want to reach a foreign level, launch new branch production, but often they do not have the funds for these purposes. In such cases, so that plans do not remain just on paper, it is necessary to involve a financial intermediary, whose role is played by.

Investment bank

When talking about banks and their investments, you first need to decide what an investment bank is, this has already been discussed above, and it is also necessary to describe its distinctive features. So, the most important thing hallmark An investment bank is considered to be that all its activities are aimed at expanding clients’ business and improving its quality. Also, an investment bank differs from others in that it itself chooses the organization of client financing, develops special programs aimed at attracting new funds and financing markets. From the above we can conclude that main task An investment bank is committed to qualitatively improving clients' businesses through consulting and financing.

To understand what this very bank is all about, we first need to define what we mean by the phrase investment activity or investment. In the very in a broad sense, these are investments of cash equivalent in various, for example, Agriculture or industry. The economy knows several models of investment activity. The first model for the successful implementation of investment activities is the impossibility of combining investment activities and the activities of an ordinary commercial bank. Economists argue that it is the separation of the activities of attracting and investing deposits and transactions with securities that can lead to high rates. This method was first used in the USA in the 30s of the 20th century. This model is also better known as the Anglo-Saxon deposit model. But time has shown that this model not only has a number of advantages, such as attracting large clients by transforming banks into investment companies, at this time the term appeared. It also became known that this model was practically unable to survive the financial crisis; the banks that merged into “exploded” one after another, drowning each other, because their assets were interconnected. In order to somehow stay afloat, American banks had to turn to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for help. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation provided several long-term loans, which several, today successful, US banks owe to it. The next model is typical for European banks; it is called continental and almost completely contradicts the previous one. The essence of this model is the conduct of investment activities by universal banks, which sell at the request of clients, carry out and attract deposits.

Investment activities in Russian banks

Neither model is suitable for Russia. Successful investment activity for Russian banks lies in the synthesis of the two previous models. This is due to the fact that in Russia it is very developed, which constantly pleases with its growth. Thus, in Russia there are both universal banks and brokerage companies that deal only with investments. Both are legal and have licenses to carry out their activities, so clients have a wide choice when applying for investments and, of course, each bank or brokerage company offers more favorable conditions, thereby developing healthy competition, which has a positive effect on financial Russia. Despite the positive development of this activity, Russian legislation still does not have a clear concept of what investment activity is and what an investment bank is.

IN modern society There are several types of investment. The first and most common type is direct investment. This is the so-called purchase of working assets by a bank in production itself. The second type is portfolio investing. This is the bank's ownership of a certain percentage of shares from total number or attachments Money In statutory proceedings, banks often exert powerful influence in this type of proceeding through their possession of a controlling stake. The third type of investment is very beneficial to small businesses, since it involves the bank issuing subsidies or loans for production development. All these activities are aimed at maximizing both short-term and long-term plans. The maximum effect from such activities is achieved through competent planning of investment policy; these issues are addressed special services jar. Based on the above, we can conclude that in addition to the main three models of the global investment market, this area of ​​the economy is very diverse and continues to develop, giving rise to ever greater innovations. For example, junk cars were an innovation in the middle of the last century, but now they have occupied a free niche in this business and have firmly established themselves.

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The investment infrastructure being created must be understandable and familiar to the investor, and capable of comprehensively serving the investor himself, his investment institution, and investment seekers. It is no longer possible today to consider investment institutions outside of them professional representation in the information market, outside of analytical and expert support for their projects and programs, outside of organizational support for projects. The universalization of investment institutions is an integral feature of the investment market and the main trends in its development.

Currently, there are a number of investment-attractive enterprises operating: these are leading companies in the Russian fuel and energy complex, large telecommunications operators, manufacturers of medical equipment, etc. only a few of them have already used the instrument of issuing securities as a means of obtaining investment. The prospects for the development of the corporate bond market at the level of our region will depend, first of all, on the nature of the economic policy pursued by the leadership of the region, as well as on the investment activity of enterprises in need of additional financing.


The action of market mechanisms of competition, the policy of the Bank of Russia aimed at strengthening banks and increasing capital, led to institutional changes in the banking system, concentration and centralization of bank capital. Meanwhile, Russian banks are significantly inferior in terms of capital and assets to foreign ones.

The resource base is characterized by extremely low amounts of equity capital of most Russian banks, high centralization of banking capital in the central regions and underdevelopment of the regional banking network. Restoring and increasing the resource base of the banking sector are the most important prerequisites for enhancing the participation of banks in the investment process.

Having analyzed the activities of one of the banks in our region - OJSC Investment Commercial Bank Sovcombank, I came to the conclusion that last role An effective investment policy plays a role in the commercial success of its activities.

A large share of the Bank's investment funds in 2012-2014. was aimed at acquiring an investment portfolio. The Bank's managers have created a portfolio that is sufficiently protected from investment risk, and in addition to this, they regularly audit it. Thus, the investment portfolio is always up to date. One of the trends in the development of this portfolio in 2014. there was an increase in the share of corporate shares in it.

also in last years The bank began to develop operations with investment real estate, which is an asset with a constant increase in value.

WITHlist of used literature

1. Banks and banking. Short course: textbook manual / ed. I.T. Balabanova. SPb.: PETER. - 2012. - 257 p.

2. Banking. Management and technology / ed. A.M. Tavasieva. M.: UNITY. - 2011. - 280 pp. Vestnik REO [Electronic resource] / Russian Economic Society.

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4. Zharkovskaya, E.P. Banking: Course of lectures / E.P. Zharkovskaya, I.O. Arends. M.: Omega-L. - 2013. -460 p.

5. Zharkovskaya E.P. Banking: textbook / E.P. Zharkovskaya. Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional M.: Omega. - 2012. - 440 p.

6. Igonina L.L. Investments: tutorial/ L.L. Igonina; edited by V.A. Slepova. M.: Economist, 2011. 478 p.

7. Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 1 “On the procedure for regulating the activities of credit institutions” (with amendments and additions) // Banking legislation / Comp. R.I. Ryabova. M.: Intel-Sintez. - pp. 110-131 // Bulletin of the Bank of Russia. 2013.

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11. Tagirbekova K.D. Organization of activities of a commercial bank / K.D. Tagirbekova. M.: The whole world. - 2013. - 848 p.

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