Sergey Khudiev email address. Sergey Khudiev

It hurts my ears when I come across, for example, the word “priest”, and this can even be in texts of an anti-clerical and anti-religious orientation.

It was the priests who elevated their religious idea to the rank of “spiritual teaching”, they shamelessly called themselves priests from the word HOLY, most holy, shepherds, Patriarchs, double names they invent for themselves, etc.

He is supported by Vijayan

Here the problem of the attitude of free thinkers to the language imposed on society is rightly raised religious organizations, in particular, the Russian Orthodox Church. And since behind language are views of the world, the expansion of a religious language expresses the expansion of a particular religion.

And people sincerely believe that clerics are imposing a theophoric language on society, reflecting theistic views of the world. A terrible, chilling picture - a thousand-year-old atheistic civilization, into which clerics fly from Mars and impose their clerical language on it. How to repel such an attack? Come up with your own, non-clerical language. Good idea- because the ordinary Russian language is like others European languages, incorrigibly clerical. You can’t even say “thank you” without calling on the name of God. You can’t even look at a calendar without finding “Sunday” there, and the word “ungodly” has a clearly negative connotation - you can lie godlessly, but you cannot, for example, be godlessly honest. Worse yet, the names that fighters against clericalism bear are - with very rare exceptions - either the names of saints or even biblical characters. That is, to develop a secular language, there is truly “hell work” ahead. What, “hell” is also a religious term? Well, I don’t know, in general, there will be big difficulties. Why will they be so big? Because Orthodoxy does not engage in “expansion”. It's at home here. It created this civilization and the language we speak. It cannot be said, of course, that anti-clerical forces did not enrich the Russian language in any way - many abbreviations, VChK, GPU, NKVD, ChSIR, ChSVN, etc. some new terms - “dispossessed”, “liquidation”, in more humane years - “scarcity”, many terms were enriched with new meanings - “birch”, “thrown away”, “import”, but these linguistic additions turned out to be short-lived even now young people don’t even know that a “birch tree” is a store, not a tree. By speaking Russian, we do not impose anything on anyone - we simply speak our native language


I left him several answers there, and I duplicate them here.

Dear Sergey.
Since, due to some circumstances, I do not always have the opportunity to view in detail the feed of friends, of whom you are one of my friends, I missed this post of yours.
I missed vidjnana's post for the same reason.
Well, I’ll have to answer you briefly and belatedly.
Vidjnana approached the topic of church terms, in my opinion, too seriously.
That post of mine is just, excuse me, (sad) irony over the fact that the priests arbitrarily assigned the highest epithets to themselves and the religious idea: Holy Scriptures, Spiritual Teaching(an absolute and complete usurpation of the term), His Holiness, Patriarch, Shepherd.
You are lying again:
Orthodoxy does not engage in “expansion.” It's at home here.
What does "it's at home" mean?
Is this our religion or what?
This is overseas, imported, imported.
The princes of Kyiv had to introduce monotheism; paganism somehow did not help them build a “vertical of power.”
So they decided, following the example of their neighbors, to introduce a single god for their little people.
Those neighbors found out about this and began to offer their gods - Catholics, Mohammedans, and even a Jewish god was proposed, I don’t know for sure about Buddha.
They almost accepted the Mohammedan, but they rejected it - they had a ban on hawking.
They could have taken a Catholic god out of the dirt - they suggested, but the Byzantine one was more attractive for the splendor of its rituals.
The little people accepted the overseas god with reluctance, in some places that god imposed himself with a sword, in Novgorod the uncle of the Prince of Kyiv Volodymyr Dobrynya killed quite a few people, and in other places the same thing happened.
Well, okay, they forced the people to believe.
And the princes themselves appreciated that with God alone, for sins and disobedience to the punishing authorities, perhaps it would be better to hold the little people in a strong hand.
Power over the mortal body of one’s slave is not all power, but taking his soul is also complete – this will be complete power over him.
But what a strange misfortune happened...
They believed this way for 6.5 centuries, everything seems to be fine, now we have God, people pray to him and pray to him.
So you see, that’s not how they pray!
It turns out you need to be baptized with three fingers!!!
And they are two!
They have been doing the wrong thing for six and a half centuries!!
But how many people were punished for this “wrong” faith... yes, okay, little people - they’ll still give birth... what to do now!?..
And what to do... it’s clear that we will carry out reforms, we will change rituals!
There will be those who disagree again - but we will lock them in log houses, and we will burn them alive!
And which of them are completely fanatics will close themselves and burn themselves alive!

So I’m wondering: this true Orthodoxy, it turns out, is not what Volodymyr the Baptist, Volodimir the Saint, brought to us from overseas 1000 years ago?
What is the right faith?
The one that he forced, for which he was made a saint, and in which they believed for 6.5 centuries?
Or the one that became as a result of Nikon’s reforms, and in which we believe less, for only 3.5 centuries?
Please explain to me, who is illiterate.

It cannot be said, of course, that anti-clerical forces did not enrich the Russian language in any way - many abbreviations, VChK, GPU, NKVD, ChSIR, ChSVN, etc. some new terms - “dispossessed”, “liquidation”, in more humane years - “scarcity”, many terms were enriched with new meanings - “birch”, “thrown away”, “import”, but these linguistic additions turned out to be short-lived even now young people don’t even know that a “birch tree” is a store, not a tree. By speaking Russian, we do not impose anything on anyone - we simply speak our native language.

I know this approach, for example, from communicating with Nicholas the Pacifier ycnokoutellb .
Divide all of humanity into two unequal parts: those who belong to your confession, and everyone else.
And then, for example, like this: pedophile priests are among the Catholics, the Cheka is among the Bolsheviks, etc.
About the Bolsheviks - this is an interesting topic.
About fraternization between the church and “demons” see here
And how can they not become brothers?
The ideologies are similar (some lead to a “bright future”, others to the Kingdom of God), the goals are also the same – the convenience of managing people.
– * –
The Bolsheviks are like that
from the communist idea
created a religious idea
from their leaders - messiahs and saviors,
with the saints with their own,
with their relics in mausoleums,
with the bloody Inquisition,
almost like in the Middle Ages.
With “bibles” - leaders with “works”,
where should everyone get quotes from?
in the dissertation?
in newspaper articles
in slogans on the walls,
at demonstrations and calls.
– * –
When they talk about the Bolsheviks,
that atheists, they say, are -
so this is not true.
The fight against religion for them is
This is just removing a competitor.
– * –
The Bolsheviks are essentially
were the same priests
with the same techniques of “working with the masses”,
with rituals and chants.
Everyone lived according to the Newest Testaments,
well, as it is now - with the Covenants from God.
– * –
Now the whole country is in relics -
in the Bolshevik
and in religious-Christian ones.
We honor both -
competitors among themselves
down to the seas of folk blood
shed for power over the souls of the people.
We bow now
in front of their relics, mummies
like in some Egypt...

It is debatable whether the first place was awarded at Eurovision Ukrainian singer Jamal with a song about deportation Crimean Tatars in 1944, politically motivated or became an objective assessment of her abilities.

As last year, some will say that Tom Neuwirth, better known as Conchita Wurst, received first place because of his outstanding vocal abilities and unsurpassed artistry, while others will argue that the ideology that Western political elites played a role in are being forcefully rammed down the throats of both their fellow citizens and the entire world.

“A person can only be guilty as a result of his personal actions or omissions - and not as a result of belonging to an ethnic group.”

It seems to me that the reaction in our country is more important. Going into social media, I immediately discover detailed stories about how the Crimean Tatars collaborated with the Nazis and what atrocities they committed - so there is no point in reproaching us with deportation.

Well, alas, people are irrational. People in general tend to save mental effort. Most people of any nationality and political affiliation react quickly, emotionally and completely predictably. This makes them extremely convenient objects for manipulation. This is human nature.

To stop reacting automatically and start thinking, calculating options, evaluating your possible words and actions from the point of view of their relevance, justification and expediency, you need to make an effort - which we usually tend to avoid.

But you still need to make such efforts. The fate of people who are easy to manipulate is usually an unenviable one. They, alas, often serve as expendable materials for those who clearly know what they want and how they intend to achieve it.

What are Russia's interests in relation to the Crimean Tatar people? In order for the Crimean Tatars to be satisfied and loyal citizens of the country, they have a good relationship with its other citizens and all lived together in good neighborliness and peace.

What are the interests of Russia's enemies? The point is that these relations should be as bad as possible, so that the Crimean Tatars have as many complaints and grief as possible about their Russian neighbors and Russia as a whole, and so that they can be used all the more conveniently to destabilize the situation in Crimea.

Who are helped in this situation by those who identify the Crimean Tatars with wartime collaborators? Only to opponents of Russia. Why is this simple point so easily overlooked?

For a number of reasons and largely influenced by one extremely poisonous idea which, however, people often tend to take for granted. This is the idea of ​​collective and heritable guilt - and, accordingly, collective and heritable claims.

The monstrous injustice of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars (and it was precisely a monstrous injustice) lies in the collectiveness and indiscriminate nature of punishment.

Justice - and this is its difference from arbitrariness and tyranny - subjects people to persecution only for their personal guilt, established by due process. legal proceedings.

Those who collaborated with Hitler and especially distinguished themselves with atrocities certainly deserved punishment according to the law. Personally. On an individual basis.

It is illegal to punish any person because he belongs to the same ethnic group as the criminals. Well, imagine, you went to Europe, and they grabbed you and tied you up for the crimes of the Russian mafia.

There were collaborators among many peoples of the USSR, including among the Russians, and to blame, for example, the Russians for the actions of the Vlasovites would be more than strange.

A person can only be guilty as a result of his personal actions or omissions - and not as a result of belonging to an ethnic group.

It is even worse when guilt is declared heritable - when it is believed that living neighbors can make claims about their long-dead fellow tribesmen. When people living quietly in the neighborhood begin to be told that between them, it turns out, is not the path that they crossed when visiting each other, but mountains of corpses and rivers of blood, and they are, in fact, eternal enemies with each other from the time of King Pea.

It is precisely this kind of collective and inherited responsibility that is assumed in the exchange of accusations: “The Russians deported us from our native places and seized our homes” - “this is because the Tatars sided with Hitler.”

Blame for historical atrocities is not collective, they were committed specific people, not peoples. It is also not inherited - neither you nor your neighbors were in the world when they happened.

It makes no sense to pay and repent for them, or to present bills for payment. We must live based on the interests of those living today, and not sacrifice the current generation to the past.

And stirring up mutual historical claims is a tool of absolutely cynical and, of course, extremely malicious people. To be drawn into an exchange of “historical accusations” means to be puppets on their strings.

Can a person's nationality be something valuable in the eyes of a Christian? Yes. There are no spherical people in a vacuum; Every person has a father and mother, a native language, a culture in which he grew up, and this is an important part of his personality.

For eternity, real, not abstract people will be resurrected, but real people there is a nationality. In heaven, Reverend Andrei Rublev remains Russian, and Giotto remains Italian.

There are no divisions among the saints in heaven; they are in perfect unity. But this is an organic, not a mechanical unity, into which people enter like organs into a body, and not like grains of sand into a heap of sand.

Therefore, we can talk about a council of Russian Saints who are in a special relationship with us, Russian Christians.

Not because the saints of other nations are less dear to us, but because the Russian saints, by the will of God, have special care for Russia.

Here, on earth, where we are commanded to love our neighbor, who is also not a spherical neighbor in a vacuum - he is a member of our people, a resident of our country, is under the authority of our state, and caring for his welfare presupposes caring for the state of these large communities.

Prosperity, improvement and security individuals depends on the improvement of the country as a whole. Therefore, of course, a Christian has obligations towards his country and his people. Since God’s providence has made us citizens of Russia, it means that God wants us to serve Him and our neighbor here.

National identity is thus part of God's creation, and love and care for one's fellow citizens is a good and commanded deed.

Nationalism initially defines itself as just such love and such care - but very soon it mutates into something else.

It turns out that our people are being prevented from living by evil enemies who are responsible for all our troubles, and loving your people means taking up arms against these enemies. Any creative activity is assumed to be impossible and meaningless until the enemies are completely defeated. Moreover, it soon becomes clear that a significant part of the people of their own nation and even ethnic group are also enemies who sold themselves to the enemy for his dirty handouts.

In Rwanda, where the famous genocide between the Hutus and Tutsis took place in June 1994, national Hutu poet Simon Bikindi composed the song “Nanga Abahutu” (“I Hate Those Hutus”), in which he expresses extreme indignation at those of his fellow Hutus who who do not show due zeal for the massacre of Tutsi.

Let's give a couple of lines in prose translation. “I hate those Hutus, those arrogant Hutus, those arrogant ones who disdain other Hutus, dear comrades! How can you neglect your own?... I hate them and I won’t apologize for it!”

If you love your people, you must go and slaughter your neighbor’s family, because, as the same poet said, “Tutsis are cruel beasts, the most vile hyenas, more cunning than a rhinoceros...”

There is nothing specifically African here - Croats and Serbs, for example, are undoubtedly European peoples with ancient and highly developed cultures. And the Germans were just like that most cultured people in the world.

Nationalism very quickly turns into a religion of hatred and builds an image of the nation in which its main symbols and heroes are not its saints, not poets, not scientists, not artists, but the darkest thugs that can only be found in national history.

Something human, warm, like national traditions Christmas celebrations or folk songs, which girls sing on summer evenings, remains outside the scope of this nationalism, all its pathos - and it is filled with pathos - is the pathos of the fight against vile enemies and vile traitors who do not want to fight them.

Of course, every nationalist will readily agree with the definition of nationalism as a religion of hatred - in relation to the nationalism of a neighbor.

Neighborhood nationalism is a grave, vile madness, the embodiment of the worst national qualities neighbor His heroes are cannibals, his version of history is a collection of absurd inventions, his songs are the vile howls of orcs.

But our nationalism is a completely different matter. This is an expression of the will of our people to live a dignified life, which is hindered by insidious enemies. From the outside, however, it is difficult to see the difference.

On the back it says: “I am Russian.” Although it would be more accurate - “I am a traitor.”

Why is this happening? We humans need community with our neighbors. We are created this way. Sin led to the loss of this community, human race broken and split; but people have a deep need for this unity.

The Book of the Acts of the Apostles describes a glimpse of heaven in the early Christian community: “The multitude of those who believed had one heart and one soul; and no one called anything of his property his own, but they had everything in common” (Acts 4:32).

However, just as marriage is opposed by perversion, just as true joy is opposed by the euphoria of a drug addict, so the unity that the Holy Spirit gives is opposed by the unity that gives a completely different spirit. A person is looking for good things - joy, pleasure, unity - and grabs hold of demonic counterfeits because it seems to him that they are closer, more accessible and cheaper.

Man is a sinner, and hatred works better as a unifying and mobilizing force.

People who stand together against someone, hate someone, experience a euphoric feeling of unity. They are together, they are comrades, they are brothers. This feeling of brotherhood is bought at the price of hatred of enemies - treacherous foreigners, vile foreigners, damned traitors - but it is real.

These are no longer Russians. And they never will again.

In reality, however, brotherhood does not last long - soon comrades in arms may begin to sort things out among themselves - but the rapture of unity works for some time.

Building relationships with people, learning to trust and justify trust is difficult. This is a narrow path of effort and disappointment, in yourself and in people, it takes determination to continue walking along it. Nationalism creates a quick illusion of community - a sense of brotherhood without the labor that would be required to create true brotherhood.

Nationalist processions (of all nations) always gave me the impression of some kind of black mass; then I realized what was going on. The column, responding in chorus to the rhythmic shouts of the leader, really parodies the litany. Only instead of turning to God, here there is an appeal to someone else, and instead of calling on mercy, there is a calling on death against certain enemies.

Of course, not every nationalist is Simon Bikindi; this is a spiritual illness that has its stages in varying degrees affects the organism that receives it. But it leads to exactly what it leads to - in Rwanda, in Yugoslavia, in Nagorno-Karabakh, everywhere.

Hate is a fast, effective and cheap way to mobilize supporters. Those who resort to it win in the short term, but are not interested in the long term.

It is difficult to mobilize people for something good; if people rushed to help their neighbors, or at least to improve the territory, with the same enthusiasm as when fighting enemies, we would almost live in paradise. But this, alas, is not so.

It is very difficult to encourage people to do what you want, to persuade them to stand under your banner, “awakening good feelings.” It is much easier to awaken the most muddy and bestial instincts. Man is a sinner, it is always easy for him to turn into a True Hutu.

The second factor due to which nationalism very quickly mutates from something harmless, like love for national costumes, into a full-fledged religion of hatred is its claim to absolute devotion and obedience. “Nation above all”; she - or rather, on her behalf - demands to kill and die. This is idolatry; and like all idolatry it destroys the soul. What won’t you do for the sake of the nation? What kind of vile thing can you do?

Can a Christian be a nationalist? On early stages, yes - for now the demon does not yet demand human sacrifices, but slowly and carefully instills in the victim a picture of the world in which they will be appropriate and justified.

But sooner or later a moment comes when a person begins to be required to break the commandment, first to silently resign himself to the obvious lawlessness proclaimed and committed in the name of the nation, then to publicly approve of it, then to take part in it.

Then he has to choose between the demands of the word of God and the demands put forward on behalf of the nation. There is a break either with nationalism - no, here this I will not approve and will not do it - either with Christianity.

At the same time, formally, of course, a person can remain a Christian - look, the Croatian Ustasha were extremely devout - but for him the nation is much more important than Christ.

Is there a healthy national feeling? Of course, and entering Orthodox church we join our people in prayer - this is how the Russian people prayed throughout the long centuries of our history, here they found support and consolation, faith and hope, something that filled their lives with meaning.

Moreover, our ancestors in the faith, those who walked the path of Orthodoxy before us, are here with us and pray for us, among the saints glorified by the Church - or known only in Heaven.

But this experience of belonging to the people is alien to hatred of anyone and does not need enemies; we unite not against anyone - but around Christ. We know that people from all nations are gathered around Him - and we rejoice in this, and we prayerfully honor the saints from all corners of the earth.

Then for us, love for the Motherland and our people is manifested in hard work for their good - for the sake of establishing good morals, peace, mutual trust, and most of all - for the sake of the eternal salvation of our fellow citizens.

But it cannot manifest itself in hatred towards anyone - hatred brings nothing but destruction, and most of all it destroys those who indulge in it.

As repeated experience shows, nationalism turns out to be worst enemy precisely the nation on whose behalf he undertakes to speak. These are the inevitable fruits of hatred and idolatry.

The attack by the progressive community on the Church has revived, in reverse, anti-Semitic conversations. I remember how in the democratic 90s, newspapers like “Tushin’s Pulse” and the like were sold on every corner, with brilliant poems like “the heralds of the Zion barn are dragging Russia to crucifixion” and cartoons with images of vile, curly-nosed freaks, directly (and completely literally) reprinted from the National Socialist press of the corresponding era. Heartbreaking articles were published about how Jewish killer doctors, while performing some kind of operation on a gullible Russian man, simultaneously sterilized him. In general, there were Jews all around and it was scary to live - you would gape, and at any moment they would sterilize you.

Then it all subsided - partly, I think, the authorities clamped down during the general curtailment of democratic freedoms, partly the hostility switched to others ethnic groups, the shock from the collapse of the USSR partly went away. Now all this has come back a little, and it’s clear why.

The Orthodox Church is perceived as the core national identity, the only institution that has existed continuously throughout our national history. Yes, Christ created the Church, mainly, not for this. But history has become so intertwined - so that people, not only non-churched people, but even non-believers, tend to perceive Orthodox Church as one’s own, national one, and attacks on it are like a humiliation of one’s national feeling. Moreover, for the attackers themselves, hostility towards the Church is also connected precisely with its role as a marker of the national identity of “this country.” Seeing attacks on their national community, people expect to see a national community on the other side - and here Gelman and Shenderovich helpfully appear, indicating what kind of community this is.

However, this knee-jerk reaction is misguided. First of all, unlike the “progressive public”, which we can designate through a certain set of ideas and antipathies, “Jews” are simply not political community with common beliefs. views, goals and intentions. For every liberal Shenderovich there is an anti-liberal Wasserman. Jews are people with Jewish roots, people who consider themselves Jews, people whom others consider Jews - can be sharply hostile to Orthodoxy, can be zealous Orthodox, can be ardent patriots of Russia, can be supporters of its all kinds of dismemberment and desovereignization, can be fools, can be wise people- in general, like everyone else. To say “the Jews want...” “the Jews are achieving...” “the Jews have arranged...” is simply meaningless.

Jews are not some kind of jointly acting community, especially one controlled from a single center. Not to mention the fact that the World Conspirators could find some less annoying characters with completely Slavic faces and surnames for the positions of Gelman and Shenderovich. And then, you see, they rule the world with the help of the Selling Podzhidki (c) and they can’t find a non-Jewish curator, schmucks. And you still want to say that this is a worldwide conspiracy?

Acute hostility towards the Church and “this country” in general is expressed by a group in which Jews, of course, can be included - just as they can be included in other groups, but this group itself is subcultural, partly ideological, and not ethnic, the absolute majority of its members - ethnic Russians. Attacking Jews in connection with the activities of this group is completely inappropriate.