We get rid of JavaScript in social buttons (Facebook, VK, Twitter, etc.). VKontakte button for a wordpress blog - different methods and the best IGTV plugins for likes and views on videos

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Dear friends, today I will talk about how to add a “Like” button and a friends widget from the popular social network VKontakte to your website. You can also read my articles, and.

Today, the founder of VKontakte, Pavel Durov, published news about innovations in this social network, including the “Like” button and a friends widget.

To configure and receive the button code, follow this link. Fill in the site name, site address and main domain:

I left the width at default - 496 pixels. You can change it if necessary:

To do this, open the file header.php in the folder with your theme (if you have a WordPress blog) and place the selected section of code within the tag . For beginners, I’ll explain - find the closing tag and place this code right before it so it looks like this:

🔥 By the way!

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VKontakte friends widget (communities widget)

The VKontakte communities widget is essentially a block of friends. Visitors to your website will be able to join your VKontakte group using the communities widget with one click.

First you need to create a group for your site on the VKontakte service. I won’t dwell on this in detail, you can read a series of articles by Maxim Shpon Big FAQ on design and promotion of a VKontakte group.

After creating a group to configure and receive the code for the VKontakte communities widget, follow this link.

For the blog site, I created a VKontakte group Website Promotion and Development, by the way, you can join it.

On the page for receiving the code for the VKontakte widget, in the first field “Group”, use the drop-down menu to select your group:

We check the “Show participants” checkbox, with them the widget looks much more interesting:

By width - as I understand it, it is currently impossible to set the widget width to less than 200 pixels. I wanted to display the VKontakte communities widget in the side column of the blog, but this requires a width of 180 pixels. , then there is no need to do this again now.

If you want to place the VKontakte communities widget in the side column of your blog and a width of 200 pixels suits you, then place the code highlighted below in the screenshot in the right place in the file sidebar.php. If you need to place the Vkontakte widget after the articles, then place the highlighted code in the file single.php(in a number of topics this is index.php) after the code