Stylist Katya Gershuni biography. Katya Gershuni biography: age, what she does, personal life? Height Weight? Gurchenko slept with her eyes open

For 2 years now I have been filming programs for renovating and decorating apartments 🏠🔑. And since I live with my eyes 👀, I really like the design) Do you want me to tell you what beauty I’ve seen with my own eyes 😍? . Today about carpets on the wall 🌇 Now it’s fashionable again) . Previously, this was a demonstration of wealth. Today, carpets are made from different materials and in different price categories. . The main purpose of a carpet on the wall: . . . 🖼 Decorate the room. Nowadays small carpets are framed and hung like a picture. 🔥. Insulate the room. This is especially true if the room is corner. . . 📦 Soundproof. A large and thick carpet in the bedroom will protect you from loud neighbors 🔇 . Scroll through the carousel. Tell us about the design? Or just about style? . . Excerpt from @maltseva program on NTV

I think that not only every time has its own relevance. But also in every place of residence 🏚⛩💒🏘 . I remember when I first came to Israel as a child, I was amazed that everyone wore wrinkled T-shirts 👚. Yes, yes, clean, but not ironed). My mother didn’t allow me to do that then 🤣 . The T-shirts are unironed, but everyone’s hairstyles are very thoughtful. Both women and men are colored and styled. . And when I traveled with master classes to different cities of Russia, I realized that in Moscow we look at fashion a little differently. . Much also depends on lifestyle and environment. . Therefore, I propose to arrange a month. With the hashtag, you now put a photo ❌ and ✅ Write what city you are from. And where are you supposed to go in these images? . And, of course, there will be a winner 🏆🎖 I could give him the “Style + Me” online course, but the winner doesn’t need it). He/she already understands style. Then we can arrange a joint live broadcast. Or my consultation on a career as a stylist. Well, let's agree 😊 . But I will definitely give the most active participant an online course on style. . I’ll give two more 500 rubles per phone 📲 . Go for it! Let's add beauty to this world 🗺 😍 . Write what city/village you live in? I am currently in Moscow. Yes!! Please tag me @katya_gershuni So I can show you off 😊

Marine style though ⛴🚤⚓️. It is traditional; it is not recommended to use it without adaptation to current trends. . I show examples of what is needed today and how boring/unfashionable/outdated. Should I show more examples like this?

Marine style 🚢⚓️ . Queen Victoria introduced fashion for the clothing of sailors and captains. In support of your fleet. . Since then, every royal family has a painting or photograph of a baby in a sailor suit 👶🏻. We love the nautical style because of the association with relaxation, freedom, a yacht and a handsome captain 🛳⛴🚤. Main characteristics of the style: . ⚓️ Blue, white, red ⚓️ Striped ⚓️ Double-breasted jacket. I'll give you a few pictures for inspiration. Later I’ll make a post on how to avoid looking boring and backward in a nautical style). Do you want to go on vacation? I really like it 😆. When and where are you going? Or have you already rested?

Most of the questions I get asked are about Dr. Blokhin. . - Why did he say that? - Does he always talk like that? - How to find Dr. Blokhin? - And why didn’t he choose me? . Now you can ask him personally @s.n.blohin. Although.....we can still gossip about him, right?) 🤣🤣

Remade by wonderful actors Dmitry Miller @dartmill and Julia Dellos @cosmopolitjd. Wonderful people. Star actors 🌟💫✨ Warm, friendly attitude towards the film crew. . It seems like a small thing. But the mood on the set has an impact on the result. . So, our dear heroes and heroines 🦸‍♀️ Stop being capricious, and let's cooperate! ❤️ Not only do you give us points, but we also give you points 😎 . Am I right?) Or not? Explain to me 😊 . --------- See the full version in the program on @ntv Designer @diana_balashova

I'm giving 1000 rubles 💸 for ice cream 🍦. Today is World Ice Cream Day!🍦🍦🍦🍦 . On such sunny days it’s wonderful to invite a friend/girlfriend/husband/mother, etc. take a walk in the park. Eat ice cream and drink a cup of coffee ☕️ This is how my grandmother loves coffee and ice cream 🍧☕️ . Tag the account of the person you'll go get ice cream with 🍨🍧🍦 . Well, like, how to say hello, right?) 🤣 . The draw is tomorrow evening 👍 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNER!! See stories! . WINNER SELECTED! See stories

Yes, it is important to look not only at your body type and color type. We also look at the psychotype of appearance and facial style. . I have an interesting profession) I love it 😊 . The “Fashionable Exit” section runs on Thursdays in the program on the @ntvru channel

Choose a white T-shirt 💟. 🔎 The first thing we look at is the cut. Fold the sleeve into the sleeve, checking the symmetry. Otherwise, after washing it will completely warp. . 🔎 Next, Composition. Your white T-shirt is closer to the body 😊, so the composition is important. Cotton is the most common. Breathable and close to the body. . Polyester varies in quality and price. High-quality and expensive polyester allows heat, air and moisture to pass through☀️🌬💧 Ideal for sports. . Viscose - Hygienic, pleasant to the body, but not very durable. . Linen is good, but wrinkles and is rough in texture. . Silk - The most luxurious option. But difficult to find and expensive. . 🔎 Quality. The very first thing is to look at the processing of the seams. They are smooth and the threads do not stick out. . Next, stretch along, then across. Good fabric will shrink back. . Look through your T-shirt into the light. In a high-quality one, the Light passes evenly. . 🔎 Appearances and passwords)) Rag&Bone - fits well, seam on the back. So expensive that you can wash it by hand. . Benetton are quite good. . Asos - you need to look at the composition (cotton or a mixture of linen and cotton, without viscose). Uniqlo- The women's version is not at all. Therefore, we feel free to buy from the men's department. . Zara-narrow sleeve. Girls with curves are not comfortable. . 🔎 Size. Cheap models shrink, so we try on a larger size. Luxury models are sewn from already treated fabric so that they do not shrink. Online stores sometimes immediately make a size range with shrinkage in mind. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the size range. . Girls, was it useful? If anyone else has useful information, please share💟 . By the way, Jennifer Aniston sews white T-shirts to order 🤘

    Katya Gershuni is a stylist on the project Ten Years Younger on Channel One. Katya Gerushni's age is 28 years.

    Not married, no children.

    5 years ago she was blonde and had a different hairstyle.

    Katya Gershuni hairstyle

    Stylist and TV presenter Ekaterina Gershuni is known to many as the host of projects on MTV, as well as some original programs.

    Katya Gershuni is also a stylist for the Channel One project 10 Years Younger.

    Katya does not have a husband or children.

    Presumably Ekaterina Gershuni is no more than 30 years old. On her pages on social networks she hides her date of birth.

    30-year-old Ekaterina Gershuni has gained particular fame in the world of fashion and style.

    Katya can be found in various television projects, as an expert in the above areas.

    Katya has her own page on Instagram.

    Ekaterina Gershuni is the host of the program 10 Years Younger, which airs on Channel One every Saturday. By education, Ekaterina is a designer and stylist, but mostly works as a presenter on various TV channels. Now Ekaterina is 30 years old and she is at the peak of her popularity. She was born in the city of Tashkent on May 26, 1986, but after the collapse of the USSR, her parents moved to Moscow, where Katya grew up and studied. At the moment, Ekaterina Gershuni is married and has a son, David, who is 12 years old. She dreams of a second child, but so far her career as a presenter is a little hindering this. You can see her photos on her Instagram page.

    Ekaterina Gershuni is a stylist and works productively in this field. As for her biography, only the following information is known: Katya is not married, has no children, is 30 years old, and devotes a lot of time to work.

    New project

    Here are a couple of photos of Catherine:

    This bright girl named Ekaterina Gerushini is a stylist and makeup artist in the television project Ten Years Younger, aired on Channel One. The images she came up with are very unusual and memorable.

    Katya is 30 years old, she is not yet married, has no children, and devotes all her strength to her work and creativity.

    No one can tell about a person better than himself. This is what Katya Gershuni writes in her Instagram profile status:

    Katya is a very active TV presenter who appears on more than one channel, but even appears on the radio. I recently visited Russian Radio:

    In addition, this summer Katya was also on the radio #MoscowSpeaks in the program Profession:

    In general, she is constantly on the move. It will light up here and there. As for her weight, Katya is thin and tries to eat salads and other healthy foods. And her height is average, so Katya often appears in heels.

    In addition, Katya loves to go to the gym:

    Katya Gershuni’s biography usually cites the facts that she is a fashion expert and graduated from the Faculty of Imageology. She also collaborates with foreign and Russian designers, various glossies. She advises how to dress stylishly on Channel One, Domashny, REN TV, Sony int, Disney.

    Stars of show business, cinema, television and politics turn to her for advice.

    Katya Gershuni is about 30 years old, according to some sources, she has a son, she is not married.

    Katya Gershuni is an active fashion expert. She is a graduate of the Fashion styling for professionals course in London, and also graduated from the Faculty of Imageology at the State University of Culture and Art. Ekaterina Gershuni also became a stylist on Channel One in the project 10 Years Younger, where professionals help heroines rejuvenate by changing their image and wardrobe.

    The host of projects on MTV and other channels carefully hides her personal life and age. It is known that Katya Gershuni is unmarried, about 30 years old, and raising a son.

    Katya Gershuni was born in Tashkent in 1989. She studied at the University of the Arts in London, and works in Moscow on Channel One and STS. She has two projects: New Life and Ten Years Younger.

    Katya herself admitted that she buys furniture in regular stores, and sometimes even finds it at flea markets. She loves collecting watches. Married. There is a son Danid, who is 9 years old.

    Katya Gershuni celebrates her 30th birthday this year, she is married and raising a wonderful son who is finishing second grade. She really was a blonde a few years ago, but perseverance in achieving her goal, a career as a style expert and participation in TV projects completely changed her .

    Official website of Katya Gershuni

The fashion expert of the show “Ten Years Younger” on Channel One will start a new life. According to Katya herself, she and her husband have become strangers to each other, and therefore separation is inevitable.

Katya Gershuni
// Photo: Sergey Milansky

Recently, Ekaterina and her husband, restaurateur and psychoanalyst Roman Gershuni, moved out of their shared apartment in the Moscow region. We rented two in neighboring houses near the center of the capital. It turned out that the reason for the change of residence was divorce. At a certain point, the couple realized that nothing connected them anymore, and therefore both should think about life without each other.

“I was the initiator,” the TV presenter shared with StarHit. – We lived together for 12 years, during these years we both changed a lot. Roma and I no longer have the same tastes and views. We no longer go to those places that we both used to like, we no longer watch movies that we loved. The mutual acquaintances we met on weekends faded into the background. Everyone had their own social circle, things to do, and so on... The only thing left in common was our son and housing. For now, we live nearby so that David can more easily cope with his parents’ divorce. He can go to dad at any time. We haven’t submitted an application to the registry office yet, we decided to give each other time. Although it is unlikely that anything will change. My husband and I remained on excellent terms. He still helps me, for example, with car repairs or moving.”

Katya and Roma became strangers to each other

They met at the celebration of Israel's Independence Day at Luzhniki, then Katya was 17 years old and Roman was 27. Sympathy arose between the young people, and later they realized that they simply could not live without each other.

“I came there to perform folk dances,” recalls Gershuni. – Roma is an Israeli citizen, then he worked in Russia under a contract. I didn’t immediately realize that he was my only one, I didn’t expect to meet my fate so early, but it turned out that way. We had everything according to the rules - he asked my father for my hand in marriage, I met his parents. Roma made an unusual proposal: he said that he went to buy bread and returned with a ring.”

The couple has a nine-year-old son
// Photo: Personal archive of Katya Gershuni

Now, recalling the story of meeting her husband, the expert of the “10 Years Younger” program does not hide his smile, but still realizes that this relationship has come to an end. “We got married two years after we met, and at 21 I became a mother,” continues Katya. - Our only son David was born, who is now nine years old. To be honest, it seems to me that Roma and I still love each other, but we can no longer live together.”

Katya Gershuni's profession is to transform people, and she copes with this masterfully. About his own style, the fight against complexes, bold experiments and the talents of his son, the fashion expert of the Channel One project “ Ten years younger" she said in an interview.

— Katya, what should be in every girl’s wardrobe this spring-summer season?

- Trench coat, cropped jeans or trousers, pleated skirt, hoodie, T-shirt with some slogan, oversized top or blouse with flounce, shoes - mules, open-toed shoes, and always high-quality, stylish sunglasses.

— Is it possible for short girls to wear cropped trousers?

- Certainly! Height doesn't matter - what matters is how graceful your ankles are. If this is a problem area, then it is better to choose longer trousers.

— What clothes, in your opinion, make you look younger?

- Firstly, things in light or bright colors. Especially in natural fabrics - silk, satin, cashmere with silk, they reflect light and add freshness to the overall look. Dark clothing, on the contrary, adds age. Secondly, don’t be afraid to experiment - sneakers, sneakers, slip-ons are not only fashionable, but also very comfortable.

— Katya, what time does your day start?

— I wake up without an alarm clock, sometimes even earlier than necessary. My ten-year-old son David is a completely independent guy, he can do everything himself: have breakfast, get ready for school. But I always see him off. Plus, it’s so nice to have breakfast together!

— What do you prefer for breakfast?

— Cottage cheese with berries or avocado and a piece of red fish. And black coffee.

— Apparently, you are a supporter of proper nutrition?

— At some point, I simply forced myself to switch to a healthy lifestyle. Due to the specific nature of my work, I often communicate with nutritionists and try to follow their recommendations. For example, drinking plenty of water and green tea, taking vitamins, and avoiding foods containing gluten and casein are really very effective! When I stopped drinking milk, which, by the way, is not very healthy for an adult body, it immediately affected my skin - it became smoother.

— How do you explain to your son what foods are healthy? After all, all children love sweets, pizza and pasta with sausages...

— Due to my busy schedule, my nanny cooks for my son, but, of course, I watch what he eats. You are right: children love tasty and unhealthy things, and David is no exception. For example, this morning I found two empty candy boxes. My son ate the candy on the sly and put the boxes back... We have a serious conversation ahead of us in the evening!

- The most severe punishment for David is...

— When mom swears. It’s better not to bring me to this state. In addition, I can deprive him of his iPad or phone for a while. But I definitely reward him for good deeds - I take David with me on interesting trips.

— Do you scold your son for bad grades?

- No, he’s a smart boy. I always instilled in David: in order to achieve something in life, you need to study. For example, foreign languages ​​are difficult for him, despite the fact that I am a teacher of English and German by first education, and his dad is fluent in several languages. We had the opportunity to send our son abroad for a while. We settled on London - I was sure that David would like it, since I myself once studied there. The result exceeded all our expectations: our son returned full of impressions and began to intensively cram English. I was happy!

— What else is David interested in?

— He plays the piano and composes his own music. So, perhaps we have a growing composer (smiles).

— Katya, almost a year ago you and your husband separated. Are you ready for a new relationship?

I'm getting acquainted I go on dates and I get a thrill from it.

— You give the impression of a very cheerful person. What can ruin your mood?

— Perhaps, just the number on the scales (smiles). My profession obliges me to look good. It’s no secret that the screen adds kilograms, so often when people see me “live” they are surprised: “Oh, it turns out you’re so thin!” Honestly, I don’t know how to react to this: be happy that I’m slim, or be sad that I look bigger in the frame? (Laughs.) As a child, I was very thin and did ballroom dancing. But in adolescence I suddenly began to gain weight, and this became a problem - for me, for my partner, for my coaches. Since then I have been forced to control my weight.

— How much time do you usually spend in front of the mirror?

— It all depends on your plans for the day. For example, today I didn’t linger in front of the mirror for a minute, because I was on my way to your shoot and knew that my favorite makeup artist Olga Veraksich would do everything in the best possible way! And when Olga, unfortunately, is not around, and there are important meetings ahead, it takes me about an hour to do makeup.

— Do you use luxury cosmetics or do you also have budget products in your arsenal?

— Almost all the cosmetics I have were donated by my makeup artist (smiles). But in fact, the price doesn’t matter to me at all, the main thing is that these products work!

— What things do you think are worth spending money on, and what should you buy in the mass market?

— In the mass market you can buy everything except shoes and bags - it’s better to buy them in good specialized stores. Beautiful and high-quality accessories are also an investment. When it comes to clothing, the basic wardrobe should be well thought out. Invest in something you use regularly. Shoes you wear six times a week should cost more than shoes you wear once a month for a special occasion.

— Katya, you encourage your students in the “Ten Years Younger” project to experiment. Can you remember your most daring experiment?

- Oh, there are so many of them! When I became blonde, it was bold. When I put on a turban and zouaves (oriental trousers), that was also bold. I remember the periods of pink and red totalluks. In general, just go to my Instagram to understand how I feel about experiments (smiles).

— During the existence of the project, you managed to transform more than one hundred women. Which of the heroines do you particularly remember?

Ksenia Strizh. It was great working with her! Ksyusha dressed beautifully even without me, she never had problems with style. What is most important for a woman? Youth of the soul. A happy woman is a woman who is confident in herself, her beauty, her health, and lives in harmony with herself and the world around her!

Video with Katya Gershuni:

For the sake of Svetlana Abramova, her boyfriend Anton left his wife and little daughter

For the sake of Svetlana Abramova, her boyfriend Anton left his wife and little daughter

Last Saturday Channel One has launched a new season of the popular television project “10 Years Younger”. Fans of the show watch with curiosity how eminent dentist, plastic surgeon, beauty stylist and image maker, led by presenter Svetlana ABRAMOVA, help Russian women start a new life. This time, 28-year-old Sveta will be distributing advice in a new status: last spring, the TV presenter introduced her fiancé Anton to the public, and in the summer the couple acquired a family nest and began to talk about marriage and children. " Wonderful news! -you might think. We thought so too, until we found out the details of this love story.

To a stylish, bright, positive and successful Sveta Abramov Not only the audience, but also colleagues are equal. The TV presenter is criticized only for “poking” the elderly participants of the “10 Years Younger” program. Sveta herself believes that communication on equal terms erases age boundaries and helps mature ladies feel like girls.

And indeed, Abramova’s heroines, who are often old enough to be her mother, surprisingly easily find a common language with her and even initiate her into personal secrets. But it turns out that Svetlana herself has more than enough such secrets.

...and the sharp tongue drive SHKURENKO crazy. Photo:

Slavic polygamy

Having graduated from the Faculty of Law in her native St. Petersburg, our heroine realized long ago: all these codes and laws are not for her. In her heart she always gravitated towards publicity and, probably, that’s why in her last year she dared to take part in a university beauty contest. And she won!

Abramova began to be interviewed, in one of which Sveta admitted that she would like to try herself as a TV presenter. Journalists invited her to study the “professional kitchen” from the inside and invited her to the studio. At first, Abramova worked there as an assistant editor, and then she believed in herself so much that she went to Moscow to conquer federal channels.

The first broadcasts of Svetlana, who was hired to replace the suddenly resigned sports news presenter on REN TV, turned out to be extremely unsuccessful. The girl stammered, made mistakes in accents, confused last names and looked scared in the frame. Viewers demanded that the unprofessional be removed from the screen. The criticism upset her so much that Abramova even turned to a psychologist.

On the sidelines of the television center they whispered that an influential patron helped pave the path to fame for the TV presenter. Knowledgeable people claim that Sveta met Nikita at the very beginning of her creative career - right after graduating from television school.

Be that as it may, at one point her career took off sharply: on REN TV, the beauty was entrusted with hosting a program about cultural events in the capital, “Coming Out.”

True, that same Nikita immediately admitted to Abramova that he was hopelessly married, but Abramova was not embarrassed by this. The girl, without any embarrassment, told her friends about breathtaking dates on the roof of a high-rise building, romantic trips abroad and luxurious gifts that her lover showered her with.

Did he promise me that he would get a divorce? Of course yes,” Svetlana once confessed. - But one day Nikita called and asked to pick up a parcel at the station. There were books about the formation of Rus', the strength of Russian women and... the so-called Slavic polygamy. I felt dizzy. I suddenly began to understand what Nikita was driving at, and firmly decided to talk to him.

But Sveta didn’t have time to do this - her patron’s wife called her. Olga sobbed into the phone, talked about her second son, whom she had just given birth to, and begged her young rival to retreat.

I couldn’t understand how he could do this to me, to Olya, to the children. “I didn’t understand how to atone for my guilt before this woman,” Abramova recalled this period of her life. “I dialed Ole and asked her to forgive me, if possible, and promised that I would never appear in her life again.

You say: well, the girl stumbled - who doesn’t? The main thing is that I realized my mistake, I realized that you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune. That's how it is. But very little time passed, and Sveta stepped on the same rake.

Anton with his now ex-wife Valeria. Photo:

Treason as a gift

For almost a year now, Abramova’s Instagram has been replete with photos of her with a handsome guy with a strong chin. But only in March, the TV presenter admitted to one glossy publication that her current boyfriend is 30-year-old physicist Anton and they have been together since the summer of 2013.

According to her, they met by chance in one of the St. Petersburg cafes. Anton came to the Northern capital on business (he himself is a Muscovite), but when he saw Sveta, he could not pass by the table where she was sitting with her friend. Word after word, date after date, and soon their fleeting acquaintance grew into a whirlwind romance. First in two cities, and then the lovers decided to finally reunite and got a cozy apartment on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg.

The guys even shared their plans for the future with reporters: they say that their wedding is just around the corner, which means that the kids will be starting soon. But neither Sveta nor her chosen one said a word about the fact that Anton already has a family and a child.

This Abramova is a pike who has set her sights on someone else’s husband! - indignant Diana Romanova, relative of Anton's wife - Valeria Shkurenko. - Lera and Anton lived together for 12 years, four years ago they had a wonderful daughter. Everything was fine: we traveled often, lived in abundance. Anton is from a wealthy family and graduated from Moscow State University in 2007. He worked as a project coordinator in the electronics field, and then rose to the rank of general director of the representative office of a large European company in Russia. Of course, he is often sent on business trips, including abroad. Lera is also a difficult girl; she now holds a high position in the children's fashion industry. So for a long time she had no idea that her husband was cuckolding her with this TV presenter.

Although, as Diana assures, Anton has already committed a similar sin: when Lera was pregnant, the faithful had an affair on the side, but came to his senses in time. Valeria found the strength to forgive her husband for his first betrayal. Moreover, he literally lay at her feet and swore that he would never betray her again. True, the girl decided to play it safe and agreed to take her husband back on the condition that he signs a marriage contract.

Lera seemed to have a presentiment that Anton would take up his old ways, continues Romanova. “She began to notice something was wrong about a year ago: her husband began to take better care of himself, regularly visited the gym and solarium, and began to go on business trips more often. However, since he, as before, carried his girls in his arms - gave expensive gifts, arranged surprises, Lera did not attach much importance to this. But in vain! Anton pretended that he was leaving on business, and he rushed to Abramova. And so he fooled Lera for a very long time. Until she came across a magazine, on the pages of which her glamorous hubby showed off with a TV presenter. This was exactly before March 8th. Nice gift, isn't it? Just imagine the shock she experienced!

Katya GERSHUNI, Sergey BLOKHIN, Oleg KONNIKOV, Evgeniy ZHUK and Svetlana ABRAMOVA in the program “10 Years Younger” teach women to be beautiful and happy, despite everyday troubles. Photo:

Court and case

Lera did not throw a tantrum and sort things out, but simply filed for divorce. They say, frightened by his wife’s reaction, Anton tried to save the marriage again, but Valeria was adamant.

By the way, Anton’s parents are also horrified by their son’s prank, but, alas, they could not influence him,” Diana sighs. - As a result, the Shkurenkos got divorced in June. The trial lasted several months, as a result of which Lera practically left her husband without pants: according to the marriage contract, he guaranteed full maintenance for his wife and daughter. Now Antosha gives his entire salary to his ex-family, and he lives at the expense of his mistress-host. He also lost his apartment - Anton’s parents gave it to their ex-daughter-in-law and granddaughter, so at the moment Shkurenko lives in St. Petersburg with Abramova. This isn't the first time she's ruined someone else's family. Is it possible to keep such a lady on the main channel of the country, and even in a program where unfortunate women turn for help? What kind of trust in her as a presenter can we talk about now?