Hunger is not aunt what is the meaning of the meaning. “Hunger is not an aunt”: literary analogies and everyday meaning of the expression

Hunger is not an aunt

Hunger is not a big deal - hunger is a complex problem that significantly affects a person’s character, behavior, and well-being.
But why “aunt” and not mother, grandmother, girl, wife, daughter, spouse, sister, godfather, mother-in-law, godmother? No answer. Although the full saying sounds: “Hunger is not an aunt, she will not slip a pie,” it is not clear why exactly a pie is expected from an aunt, and not from all the listed female relatives. In addition, the insidious Russian language completely sows doubt: who won’t “slip a pie”, the aunt or hunger itself?

Analogues of sayings about hunger, which is not an aunt

  • Hunger is driving the world
  • Hunger is not an aunt, the belly is not a basket
  • Hunger is not an aunt, and the belly is not a basket
  • Hunger is not an aunt, the soul is not a neighbor
  • Hunger is not a neighbor: you can’t escape it
  • Hunger is not an aunt, it will make you talk
  • Hunger is a grumpy godfather: it gnaws until it gets to you
  • Hunger is not an aunt, it will make you work
  • Hunger drives the wolf out of the forest (into the village).
  • Hunger is not an aunt, she won’t put a ball on you
  • Hunger will not run away into the forest
  • Hunger doesn't make your stomach bloat, but it's more fun on an empty stomach
  • Hunger is not my aunt, frost is not my brother
  • The belly will not burst from hunger, it will only shrink
  • They don't die of hunger, they just swell

“Hunger is not an aunt,” says the people, and adds: “The stepmother is fierce, but hunger is fiercer!” (E. A. Salias “On Moscow”)

Application of proverbs in literature

    “They were guarding them, but hunger was no problem - they broke off crusts of bread for themselves, and for future use.”(Daniil Granin “Bison”)
    “I used to think that hunger is not my aunt, but it turns out that my aunt is hunger.”(Vasily Grossman “Life and Fate”)
    “Nothing. Hunger is not a thing. “I see,” the woman did not immediately say and walked away, seemingly losing interest in both the frogs in the hat and both men.”(Vasil Bykov “Wolf Pit”)
    “But if hunger is not your aunt, then cold is also not your uncle, do you agree?”(Vladimir Sanin “Don’t say goodbye to the Arctic”)
    ““It’s enough, isn’t it,” I thought, listening, “for example, isn’t it according to the proverb: “hunger is no help”?”(I. A. Goncharov “Frigate “Pallada”)

Proverbs and sayings, as well as set expressions that have come into the modern language from past generations, play an important role in human life. Thanks to phraseological units, it is easier to express thoughts. Sometimes one phrase can replace 2-3 sentences. What does the proverb “hunger is not an aunt” mean and what is its origin story? What connects the desire to be satisfied with a relative?

Meaning and usage

The feeling of hunger can overtake anyone. What a person is ready to do to satisfy it is an individual question for everyone. In the 17th century, the expression in expanded form sounded like this: “hunger is not an aunt - she won’t slip a pie.” The meaning is obvious: in a difficult period of life, at a time of lack of food, a close relative will definitely help and feed you well, in contrast to the most acute feeling of loneliness, which can lead to inexplicable unwanted actions.

The mention of the proverb in specialized dictionaries dates back to the 19th century. Sayings that have been shortened over time are often found in speech, but the essence cannot always be figured out without the missing part. An example of this is the expression:

  • it was smooth on paper (yes, they forgot about the ravines);
  • don't say gop (until you jump over).

Over the years, the beginning of a stable expression is used more often, and the remaining words are implicitly implied and omitted in speech, assuming that the interlocutor’s inner voice will complete the phrase.

There is an assumption that there is another version: “hunger is not an aunt, but a dear mother.” Understanding the semantic meaning should be approached from an understanding of the benefits of fasting. Linguists are ambiguous about the veracity of this interpretation - it raises doubts. But it should be noted that this feeling sharpens many instincts, and when it reaches a critical point, it overshadows all other desires and needs. In search of food, a person is ready to do a lot.

Literary lines

You can also often see sayings and proverbs in works of art. They add beauty and folk notes to any creation. Thus, in Bykov’s literary work “Wolf Pit”, to enhance understanding of the current situation, it was mentioned: “Hunger is not an aunt. “I see,” the woman did not immediately say and walked away, losing interest in the frogs in the hat and both men.”

Here we can trace the second version of the interpretation of phraseological units, each author introduces a piece of his own subtext depending on his role in the literary work. This proverb can be seen in D. Granin’s “Zubr”, V. Grossman’s “Life and Fate”, V. Sanin’s “Don’t Say Goodbye to the Arctic”, I. Goncharov’s “Frigate “Pallada”.

Expressions with similar meaning

The saying “hunger is not an aunt” has many analogues, the semantic load of which is almost identical. It was said above that the full version has the ending: “he won’t slip the pie.” In other variants the following endings are found:

  • the same structure as “won’t put a ball”;
  • with a comparative aspect, such as “but the belly is not a basket”, “the soul is not a neighbor”, “frost is not a brother”;
  • and another type, like “will make you talk/work”, “will not leak into the forest.”

In addition to the options mentioned, modified versions can often be found in use:

  • hunger doesn’t make your stomach swell, it’s more fun on an empty stomach/ it drives you into the world/ it’s not your neighbor that drives the wolf out of the forest, you can’t get away from it;
  • hunger is a grumpy godfather: he gnaws until he gets it;
  • They don’t die of hunger, they just swell; their belly doesn’t burst, it just shrinks.

Each version of folklore was formed thanks to folk art and is associated with a particular situation. Which option is suitable for enhancing the shade of a sentence or in expressing thoughts is everyone’s choice.

Foreign versions

In English, the following options are provided to express this idea:

  • needs must when the devil drives;
  • hunger stone breaks walls;
  • hunger pierces stone walls;
  • hunger drives the wolf out of the wood;
  • hunger is rather a mean stepmother;
  • hunger is no joke.

The exact translation of which also varies:

  • you won’t get into trouble;
  • a feeling of hunger can break/pierce stone walls;
  • the feeling of hunger drives the gray one out of the forest;
  • hunger, like an evil stepmother;
  • hunger is no joke.

The meaning of all these options comes down to one thing: the feeling of hunger can force a person to do a lot.

Hunger is not a thing

(he won’t slip the pie)

The hungry and the ruler will steal bread.

Wed. If they forcibly take me to the dining room, I still won’t eat!.. “What a scoundrel!” Hunger is not a thing... will eat! Lead me to the dining room!"

Saltykov. Poshekhonskaya antiquity. 19.

Wed. I’ll go into the hut, if the door is not locked, and see if there’s anything to eat! The economy may not be good, but hunger is not my aunt.

Gr. A. Tolstoy. Book Silver.

Wed. Hunger is not a thing, something needs to be done.

Ostrovsky. Poverty is not a vice. 12.

Wed. The family is poor, and hunger, you know,

Not your brother...

Zhukovsky. Mat. Falcone.

Wed. Hunger is Unger.

Hungarian hunger (merciless, like the ancient Hungarian warrior).

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and apt words. A collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. St. Petersburg, type. Ak. Sci..

M. I. Mikhelson.

    1896-1912. See what “hunger is not an aunt” in other dictionaries:

    hunger is not my aunt- joking. about severe hunger, forcing some action. A proverb is part of an extended proverb-type expression written down in the 17th century. and clear in its content: hunger is not an aunt, the pie will not slip you, that is, the aunt (godmother ... Phraseology Guide

    Hunger is not an aunt (she won’t slip a pie). Hungry, and the ruler will steal bread. Wed. If they force me into the dining room, I still won’t eat!... “What a fever!” Hunger is not my auntie... she will eat! Lead me to the dining room!” Saltykov... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Hunger is not an aunt (not mother-in-law, not godfather), and will not slip you a pie. See FOOD...

    Hunger is not an aunt, the belly is not a basket. See FOOD... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    - (you will not leave). See FOOD... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Husband. greed, urge to eat, insatiability, need for food, satiation; natural feeling of urge to eat; | lack of food, need, shortage of food, scarcity of bread. They had a famine then, a time of need and hunger. We endure hunger and cold. Hunger will affect... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Hunger strike, hunger strike, hunger strike; lack of bread, lack of food, shortage of crops, crop failure; need, lack; greed, appetite. Hungry year. From hunger. Hunger is not your aunt, hunger is not your brother. Wed... See what “hunger is not an aunt” in other dictionaries:

    hunger- go/loda and go/lodu, only units, m. 1) A strong feeling of the need for food, for food. Feel hungry. Satisfy your hunger. 2) Long-term malnutrition. Die of hunger. Synonyms: hunger / hunger, hunger / hunger (colloquial) ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    aunt- Hunger is not an aunt (proverb) you cannot live by starving without earning money. Hunger is no big deal, something needs to be done. A. Ostrovsky... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


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Hunger is not a thing!

Semyon was a tall and interesting young man. He immediately caught my eye, as they say. If a candidate for a public position was sought anywhere, all those present invariably and without hesitation proposed and selected Semyon. Despite the fact that Semyon always desperately refused, gave himself various recuses, both at school, and in the pioneer camp, and later at the institute, he was invariably appointed or elected headman, trade unionist or Komsomol organizer, and if Semyon still managed to escape from such positions , then, at worst, he was elected chairman of the meeting, meeting, council or committee.

One day Semyon went on a tourist trip to the Baltic republics. A group of tourists from different cities of the Union, at their first meeting, without saying a word, immediately elected him as their headman. Semyon refused, but could not do anything. Semyon was a committed person and since he was chosen, he tried to fulfill his duties as best as possible. He negotiated with representatives of the travel company, ensured that the group was transported from city to city in a good bus, that the rooms in hotels and camp sites were the best and, in general, that all members of the tourist group were happy and no one had any unsatisfied claims.

The group visited Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn and finally arrived at the final destination of the trip - a camp site, which was located on the shore of a small forest lake. When the bus approached the camp site, all the tourists, enchanted by the beauty of the forest and lake, expressed a desire to live in tents. Semyon, who had all the documents for the group, had to hand them over to the administrator and fill out some paperwork. Having finished with all this, he asked which tent he would live in.

“Yes, choose any one,” they answered him, “we have all of them unoccupied.”

Like, where are all my bandmates?

They preferred places in the wards in the tourist center building.

Well, if everyone is accommodated in the wards, then send me to the ward.

We would love to, but there are no more places there.

No, that won’t work, I won’t live alone in a tent, find me a place in the building.

But we are really busy. But if you insist, we have room in the lodge for one person. An electrician used to live there, and then the camp site was connected to the main power line and since then the lodge has been empty.

As already mentioned, the camp site was located on the shore of a small forest lake. Near the camp site there was a small beach and a boat station. Vacationers could take boats and ride around the lake at any time. The lodge was located on the opposite side of the lake. It was a small wooden house with a bed, a bedside table, a small table and one chair. Semyon liked the lodge and agreed to live in it. He took one of the boats for personal use, which he used to move across the lake from the camp site to his lodge and back.

Semyon was a young, healthy guy; he spent almost the whole day on the lake - swimming, boating. The air was clean, forest air. All this whetted my appetite. On the very first day of his stay at the camp site, it turned out that the food that was given to the vacationers was completely insufficient for Semyon. First, he began to find out if there was any grocery store nearby. But it turned out that for several kilometers around there was only forest. Then Semyon went to the doctor:

I don’t have enough food, please prescribe me an increased diet. If necessary, I am willing to pay for additional food.

Unfortunately, I cannot prescribe such a diet for you. As for purchasing additional food coupons, we do not sell them separately - only together with vouchers to the camp site. So just be patient, in six days your stay here will end, leave, go to a restaurant there and eat your fill.

Semyon was hungry all the time. And he didn’t hide it. Soon the entire tour group sympathized with him. One day a woman told him:

I met this young girl here, she was supposed to come here with her fiance, but he was delayed at work and she thinks that he will not come. But she had two vouchers in her hands and was given two sets of food coupons. One of her sets goes missing. On the other hand, she would really like to ride a boat, but she herself does not know how to row. You would take her for a ride, tell her that you are starving, I think she would be happy to give you extra food stamps.

Semyon was introduced to a girl named Lida. A long boat ride on the lake ended with them stopping at Semyon's lodge, where he replaced her absent groom. As the song says: “Allow me, madam, to replace your husband if your husband is away on business!”

Lida gave Semyon extra food coupons. Arriving at the dining room for lunch, he said to the waitress:

Here are two coupons for you - please give me two snacks, two first, two second and two sweets.

I can't do this. If you want, come and eat first with the first shift, and then with the second shift.

And Semyon had to eat an appetizer, first, second, sweet, and then start all over again - again an appetizer, again first, again second and again sweet. And only after that, for the first time in three days, he felt that he was full, that he was not hungry.

A year later, when Semyon was with a tourist group on a trip to Romania, the food was extremely poor. And again Semyon was practically starving. There was so little local money given to tourists that it was impossible to buy anything edible. But when the group left the next city, the administration of the restaurant where they ate arranged a farewell “banquet” for the tourists. However, they did not realize that the group consists largely of Azerbaijanis, most of whom do not eat pork. In such cases, Semyon already knew how to satisfy his hunger, although not in the same way as on the forest lake in Estonia. He sat at the same table with three Azerbaijani women, who immediately gave him the pork chops they served. Having eaten four chops, Semyon felt that he was full and would somehow make it to the next city, where there would be a pork “banquet” again.

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